The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 03, 1912, Image 3

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    Have You Protection
You tmmiol afford to lake your own
rink HKHliiHt long tiy lire. Kemtimber that
w roprmwnt
ml will lie iiImI to cull on you when you
wnt Are lnu ratios Mint rosily prottkl..
Drop uk a rar-J and we'll do the reel.
We are aunnte In thin county lor the
and eta lurnlHh security for County
olHolala, bank olUoluln, eio,
C. 11 All k SON,
The Tionesta
New Year
to You.
We have had a good year
and a good holiday busi
ness and are thankful for
your - patronage. We
want youc busioess for
the new year and will get
it if fair treatment and
right prices can draw
ynu to this store. Our
Drugs are the purest to
be had and all prescrip
tions are compounded by
an experienced pharma
cist. Id all iines of
staple and fancy goods
we have a big stock.
Every nmduale baa beea provided for
with a position.
We havo the bmt eatahliabed nohool in
Northwestern PnnnNvlvanla. Our atu-
ilrtntu recnlve better Inmruetlnn and prac
tical buxlnexa HI nan far auperlor to other
liiHiltntlnns. Tbla ia due to our long ex
perience lit the bUKlnwa world and aa
buHliifsK tnacliHra. Write for full details.
Student enter at any time.
Warren llulnen College,
. C. W. Smith, Preeldent. Warren, Pa.
Levi A Co. Ad.
Ijktntners. Ad.
H. C. Mape. Ad
Harvov Krlla. Ad.
Tb PrlntiCo. Ad.
Bonn A Hubl. Ad.
J. C. Scowden. Ad.
Hopkina Store. Ad.
Kobinxon A Son. Ad.
Lanaon Bros. Reader.
Oil City Trnat Co. Ad.
Clarion N'rml. Local.
Oram Hlin.ler. Reader.
Smart Silberber. Ad.
Tloneata Phxrmacy. Ad.
Kovard'a Phartnnry. Ad
Tboinaa SimdKraHa. Local.
A. M. Ij'iwonlritt. Rder.
Koront Co. Nat Bank. Ad.
PlttahnrKh Bank for Savings. Ad.
Ci. Coiniiiicalonera Appxal Notice.
Monarch Clxtblnit Co. Ad. and Local.
Oil market closed at 11.3.5.
Is your subscription paid?
1 You can set it at Hopkins' store, tf
Some sood correspondence will be
found on the llrat page.
For Sai.k A good bonae and two
lots In the upper end of Tloneata. In
quire of I bos. Snodgrasa, Tloneata, Pa
The joint Installation of Post and
CorpaolUcera takes place tbla evening at
Corps hall. A special program ot more
than ordinary intereat baa been arranged,
Wanted. Railroad Cross Ties. We
buv all kinds and pay cash. The Berry
Co., Oil City, Pa.
tf L. A. Davis, Agf., Tionesta, Pa.
Oleomargarine always fresh, always
the same price and making new friends
each day, at 20o per pound in nine pound
' lots, aj the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co
.Kellettville, Pa. If
At the last meeting of the old board
of county commissioners Conrad Zuendnl
of Kingsley township, was appointed
mercantile appraiser for the county for
the ensuing year.
When you want a. reliable medicine
for a cough or cold take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It can .always b. de
pended upon and la pleasant and safe to
take. For sale by all dealers.
The alight raise of 5 cents per barrel
for Pennsylvania oil has bappifled the
trailn hereabout perceptibly. But the
price should go to $31)0 the barrel and
never again get a cent below mat ngure,
The WluTer Term of the Clarion Stale
Normal School will open January 24
Write The Principal, Clarion, Pa.,, for
descriptive outline of special courses of
fered during this torni. Tuition "free;
Other ex muses low. It
Following Is the list of loiters lying
uncalled for in the Tiouesta, Pa., post-
office for week ending January 3rd, 112;
Miss Edith Stewart 1 letter 1 card, Miss
NbHIb Stewart card. Mr John McClellan
card. J. W. Jamibson, P. M
Dr. M. W, Eaton, Osteopathic Physl
clan, of Oil City, will visit Tionesta every
Wednesday. See bim at the Central
House. Seeing bones and the treatment
of narvoua and chronic diseases a special
tv. Greatest success In all kinds of
chronic dieeases.
The foot-walk of the Coleman A
Watson suspension bridge across Tionesta
creek, at their new mill site, was prac
tically wrecked in the wind storm early
last Thursday morning. The walk had
not yet been guyed and could not with
stand the big blow. The supenslon wires
euil toWei s were pot damaged.
A orew of workmen from Warren is
here erecting a 3,000-iiarrel tank for the
WilliurlneOil Co., at their pump station
up toe creek. This give the ooinpany
tankage capacity of 8,000 barrels at this
Mra. Ellen Barr Holeman, wife of
Jobn Holeman, among Pleasan.tvllle'a
oldest residents, died on tbe2M u It .after
an Illness ol three months. Deceased was
an aunt of our townspeople, O. W. Hole
man and Mrs. Alloc Vought.
Edward A. Putnam, aged (12 years,
father of II, M. Putnam, ooo of the rav
ing contractor Id tbla place two years ago
died at his home near Uydetown Monday.
Mr. Putnam worked on the street paving
here with bla son during the first year's
-Mr. Renal, who expects to transfer
the Weaver Hotel to its new owuer this
week, desires that any one who may bave
an account against bim shall present the
aame before Saturday ol the present week
on which day be expects to remove from
The regular meeting of tbe W. C. T,
U. will be beld at their headquarters In
tbe W. It. C. ball, Tuesday afternoon,
January Utb, at 8 o'olock. Owing to tbe
aervlces being beld in the oburcbes, this
change is made. Everybody most cor
dially Invited.
Andrew Weaver, who was oonneoted
wltb tbe Hotel Weaver for some time,
has purchased tbe restaurant In the
Kepler block from Mlsa Maude Ledebur
and will soon take charge of tbe business.
And "Andy" will keep it up to Its for
mer good reputation.
Willard Ilullnga, aged about 60 years,
died yesterday evening at tbe County
Home of wblob lie bad been an iomate
since October last. He waa brought to
tbe Home from Jenks township, but waa
originally from Clarion omnty, where we
understand be bad some children living,
C. E Osborne of Walnut Bend has
purchased the Jobn Cropp property, con
sisting of house and large lot on Elm
street near the cemetery. Tbe sale was
negotiated through tbe Arner agency, the
consideration, we understand, being
11)50 00. Mr. Cropp baa moved to Brad
-The Derrick's oil field report for De
oember shows that 380 wells were oorn
pleted In Ibe Pennsylvania tialda, with
552 rigs op and wells drilling. A decrease
1 35 wells and a decrease of 1,095 barrels
new production, as well as a deorease of
64 In new work Is also shown by tbe re
port In tbe same fields.
Veteran J. B. Eden, who is crowding
tbe four score mark pretty closely, bad a
fair sited jog of wood fall on bim one day
last week Inflicting several severe bruises
one of which was on bis rbeumallo hip
But you can't kill an old vet, who wasn't
born to die that way, with a load of wood,
and so he's around again chipper aa ever.
Mr. and Mra. B. HersbAeld, of
City, are visiting in Philadelphia, where
they expect to reside after March 1st
Mr Hershneld will return borne Friday
and will close out the entire stock of the
Monarch Clothing Co.' store at Oil City
Their Franklin store will be sold a little
later In the month. Tbe sale starts
January Gib and it is boped the entire
store will be sold in ten days.
Often people go into a meat market
and unthinkingly handle Ibe wares of tbe
butcher with their ungloved bands, tin
aware of tbe faot that such acta are con
trary to tbe rules and regulations of tbe
State sanitary board. When you enter a
meat market beieafter keep Ibis restric
tion In mind for you are subject to
severe censure and possible fine if you
handle Ibe meat or any meat products.
One of tbe handsomest piece of art
work tbat bas ever been gotten up Is "The
Bride" a beautiful lithograph calendar Mr
1912. It is lithographed in 15 colors aud
is a perfect production of one ol the finest
oil paintings ever produced in tbla conn
trv. The National Stockman and Farmer
of Pittsburg. Penn'a, will send them to
anv one who will send 10 cent in silver
or stamps to cover packing aud poatage,
In the January Woman's Home Com
panion there is what is called "Tbe Ex
change." It is a department of praotical
household news sent In by readers from
various part of tbe oountry , Following
Is a suggestion sent In ' by a mother In
Michigan: "I buy tbe sweatera for my
children tbe same oolor, and when tbe
sleeves bave given out, as tbey always do
long before the body of tbe garment, I
make new sleeves of the whole part 6t one
sweater for the otber one."
Olive Lodge, No. 557, F. A A. M., sat
down to their annual banquet at tbe
Central Houae last Wednesday night,
after a meeting at the lodge room. Tbe
banquet was served In four courses and
lacked nothing In preparation and ser
vice to make it a gaatrouomlo and social
success. - Tulrty one metnoer were
present. Alter tbe banquet J. N. Rank
bead acted aa toastmaster at a social ses
sion and a number of tbe guests respond
ed with felicitous speeches aa their names
were called.
Gpmrade .W. W. Walford, our efficient
health officer, believes tbat a good way to
start the new vear In to observe tbe
Sctennd Commandment, "Love tby
eigbbor as thyself," and then keep in
mind this beautiful sentiment quoted
from an unknown author: "I expect to
pass through this world but once. Any
irood thine, therefore, tbat I can do, or
any kindness' tbat I can show to any fel
low creature, let me do it now; let me
not deiir or neglect it, for I shall not pass
this wav BRain." Paste tbla In your hat
and refer to it often during the year 101
Subscription renewal as follows are
thankfully acknowledged : Clyde Reed,
Clarjon; Fred 8quire, FlUpatrick, W.
Va.j K. O. Lee, Endeavor; E. W. Wbaley,
Tenlno, Wash.; A.J. Fleming, Warren;
Mrs. R. A. Porterfield, Lawrenceville,
III., (new); E. A. McFate, Eagle Rock;
Mrs. Andrew Carr, Fratklln; J. V. Mealy,; J. F. Jones, E.Hickory;
J. A. Sbriver. Wm. Sbelluouse, A. W
Mong, and Ernest Sibble, Tionesta town
ship; Dr. James M. Hess, Fryburg, fa
Joseph Wueriga, Whig Hill, Pa.; B. J
Revnolda. Deoorab. Iowa, (new); H. J,
Hopklne, Buffalo; K. L. Haugb. Nebras
ka. Pa.; R. B. Crawford, C. A. Randall,
J. A. Adams, Tlo-esU.
Automobile Agency.
I want to establish an agency in Forest
Ponntv for "Overland" automobiles. If
I led communicate with
Arthur M. Lowkntritt,
Oil City, V'tfuiia
Gib Hagerty Is home from Bradford
for a few weeka.
Dr. Karl Wenk of Kane spent Christ
mas at bla Tionesta borne
Mlsa Euretta Proper visited Pittsburg
Irienda a part of laat week.
Chaa. Imel came home from State
oollege to eat Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Mra. A. C. Brown spent New
Years day with Oil City friends.
-S. W. Farmer and family, of Tidioute
were Tionesta visitors Christmas.
Roy Yingllng, of Wllklnsburg, vis
ited Tionesta friends over Sunday,
-Perry Berlnger, of Bullion, Pa., Is
visiting bis slater, Mr. II. H. Craig.
Paul Amann waa down from Warren
laat week for a short visit with friends.
George Hunter waa borne from Shef
field to spend Christmas with his parents.
Lew Rodds oame down from James-
town and spont Christinas with bis par
ents, -Thomas Fulton, wltb tbe slate road
engineering crew, spent the holidays In
Miss Bertha Soowden went to Clarion
Monday to become a student at the Nor
mal school.
Miss Mabel Slier, of Warren, was a
guest of Misses Elva and Olive Lanson
over Sunday,
Paul Hullng was borne from Iloff
Business College, Warren, for tbe boll-
day vacation.
Prof. F. W. Gill spent tbe holiday
vacation with bis brother and slater at
Marietta, Ohio.
Mrs. Stephen King of near Franklin
SDent holiday week visiting old frlenda
In this vicinity,
Boy Bovard and John Rltchey came
up from fittahurg to enjoy wnrisimas
wltb tbelr parents.
Mlsa Marie Dunn was borne from her
school work at Freedom. Pa., for tbe
Cbrlatmas vacation.
Miss Jane Moore of Wllklnsburg was
truest of tbe Misses Smesrbaugh from
Friday till Monday.
Mlsa Clare Henry and Florence Max
well were borne Iroin Clarion Normal for
the holiday vacation.
Aura Foreman, a P. R. R. brakeman,
was up Iroui Oil City to spend tbe holi
day with bia parents.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White, of Titus
yllle, spent Christmas with tbelr daugb
ter, Mrs. J. J. Landers.
Will H. Clark came borne from
8chnectady. N. Y . to spend the holidays
wltb bis parents and friends.
K. L. Haugb of Nebraska wis a
pleasant caller yesterday morning while
transacting business In towo.
-Miases Ethel Clark and Essie Scow-
den came borne from Meadvllle to spend
Christmas with tbelr pareuts.
Mr. and Mra. Henry Dove of Warren
spent tbe holiday season with the letter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Butler,
Mis Sarah Carson was home from
her school work at Marlaavllle. Pa., to
spend the holidays with ber parents.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sharp, of En
terprlae, spent Christmas week with the
latter' Darenta. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K
Harvey G. Klser waa up from Ta
rentuiu to spend Christmas with bis wife,
who was visiting her parents at the Rural
Mia Bessie Sigworth teacher at
Cberrygrove, Warren county, school,
anent the holiday vacation with ber
A. J. Fleming, who Is employed with
the Warren Refining company, mingled
lib old friends In tbia community
Mr. and Mrs. George Joy of Kinz.ia,
are guests at tbe home of tbeir daughter,
Mrs. Isaac McCoy, expecting to remain a
month or two.
Miss Maud Canfleld, teaching at Cur
wensville, Pa., enjoyed her Christmas
vacation at borne and also made a abort
visit in Kittanniug.
Miss Florence Fulton, teaching in the
Parker City schools, spent tbe holiday
vacation in Tionesta. a guest of Miss
Helen Smearbaugb
Charles Flick of town, and Win. and
Charles Dolterer, of Gultonvllle, students
at Allegheny college, were borne to spend
the holiday vacation.
W. W. Hopkins of Kellettville was
the guest of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Cark,
while attending to business mattera here
a day or two laat week.
E. A. McFate, who spent the past
year at Sultan, Wash., where be was em
ployed at lumbering, recently returned
and will reside at Eagle Rook.
Postmaster J. W. Jamieson and
William Wolcnlt bave been notified tbat
thev are wanted as Jurors at the U. S.
Circuit Court at Erie, on the 8th Inst,
Fred Squire came home from Barry-
vllle, N. Y., for the Christmas holidays.
and baa gone to West Virginia, where be
expects to be employed at a large lumber
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Gaston went to
Eaat Palestine, Ohio, to spend Christmas
wltb Rev. and Mrs. Hollister, and visited
otber relatives and friend In Meadvllle
and vicinity during tbe past week.
-Mrs. Elmer Mealy, of the tiwnsblp,
nd frieud. Miss Rachel Albaugb, ol East
Hickory, bave returned borne from a ten
days' visit with tbe former's daughter,
Mrs. J. D. Zeigler, at Bradford, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Connelly of Pitts
burg spent the Christmas holidays In Tio
nesta, guests at the borne of tbe latter's
father, George W. Robinson. Mrs. Con
nelly remaiued here for a more extended
-Tbe family of Bert Black of Durbln,
W. Va., Is rejoicing over tbe arrival of
7-pound boy at tbeir domicile recently.
Mrs. Black I remembered here as the
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Robert Mealy
of Tionesta township.
Homer Ball, the well known livery
man who runs a back and carries the
mails between Endeavor and West Hick
ory station, la swelling wltb pride and
joy over tbe arrival of another young son
at his borne last Friday morning.
John Joyce and daughter, of Buffalo,
N. Y., visited bis brother. Frank Joyce,
Tuesday of last week He was on his
way borne from Franklin, where bo bad
been called to attend tbe funeral of bis
brother-in-law, Edward Rooney, who
died Deo. 23d. of typhoid fever. He also
reported bis Wife recovering nicely from
an operation' wblcb she recently under
went at tbe Kane hospital, wbere sue bas
been a patient lor a number of weeks.
-Rev. and Mrs. Paul D. Scblllinger, of
Greenville, Ohio, were the recipients of a
Christmas girt worth while, tbe same be
ing no less than tbe arrival of a handsome
little daughter at tbelr domicile on tbat
morning Tbeir many frleuds in iuis
community extend congratulations and
good wishes.
Last Friday morning while the school
directors were in session there waa a
loud noise all over tbe court bouse. In
veatlgattion revealed tbat Squire W. II,
Sloau bad Just married Robert McClellan,
of Marlenvllle. and Matilda Shall, of I
Leeper, and the noise was tbe result of a
serensde by tbe court bouse employees.
Clarion Republican.
Miss Bertha Lawrence entertained
ten of her young ladv frienda at a six
o'olock dinner at ber home Monday eve
ning, during which ber engagement to
Mr. William II. Clark, of Schenectady, N.
Y,, waa announced. The dinner was a
four-course function, nicely planned and
exquisitely carried out, the announce
ment coming as a complete surprise to
the guests and being made known at tbe
the beirinnins of tbe dinner when the
guests found band painteJ carda con
cealed beneath tbe favors, which were
Killarnev rosea. The color scheme of I
the dinner and decorations was pink.
The wedding will be an event of the
coming summer.
Marriage Uellx.
Married, at the M. E. parsonage, Tio
nesta, Deo. 23, 1011, Rev. W. S. Burton
officiating, Truman Bingman, ol Ne
braska, and Mi s Edna Slbble.of German
Ralph F. Gesln, of Tionesta township,
and Miss Belva Hoover, of Green town
ship, were united in marriage at tbe
Free Methodist parsonage, Tloneata, Deo.
23, 1911, Rev. G. A. Garrett officiating.
Miss Hoover was one of. tbe popular
teachers of ber borne township and re
signed tbe Klser school to becomes bride.
Tbe groom Is a well known driller.
Only Immediate relatives and a few
intimate friends witnessed tbe ceremony
which united in marriage. Miss Edith
Hopkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Hopkins, and George Bonner Robinson
Tbe wedding took place last Wednesday,
Deo 27. 1011. at 0;30 a. m., In the home of
the bride's pareuts, the Rev. H. A. Bailey,
of the Presbyterian church, officiating
Tbe bride was unattended. She wore I
traveling suit of blue with bat to match
Followlug tbe ceremony a wedding
break fsst was served. After an eastern
trio Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will be at
home In Tionesta.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Walter,
Leeper, Pa., was the scene of a pretty
edding, Christmas evening, Deo. 25,
1911, when tbeir daughter, Maud Walter
Harriirer. of Beaverdale. lormerly of
Mayburg, Pa., was united in marriage to
Jobn H. Seaman, a prominent Cambria
countv farmer. Tbe nuptial knot was
tied by tbe Rev. Mr. Walker of tbe M. E
church. Tvlersbnrc In the presence ol
about forty guests and relatives. Imme
diately after tbe ceremony the guests
were invited to the diuing room, where a
delicious dinner was served. The bride
waa tbe recipient of a number of beauti
ful and useful gilts. All present enjoyed
themselves aud d-Darted wishing the
hrida and a room a very happy wedded
lite. A guest.
Mrs. J. E. Agnew returned on Mon
day of last week, from Washington, D. C.
where she bad goue to be present at tbe
marriage of bei daughter, Miss Christine
N Agnew, to Mr. V. H. Barnett, on Deo
23 d, 1911. The cere nony waa performed
by Rev. Carl U. Barnett, of New Haven,
Connecticut, a brother of the groom, in
the presence of a Binall circle of relatives
and friends of the bride and gr xim. Mr.
and Mrs. Barnett will reside iu Washing
ton, D C. And thus do we lose another
of our splendid young girls. Three or
faur veara airo Miss Agnew accepted a
position as teacher in tbe publio schools
of Washington, and so well was her worn
appreciated that she waa repeatedly re
tained. Her large circle of Tlouesta
friends offer best wishes for oomplete
haoDiness In her new relation. Tbe
groom Is a worthy young man, holding
an luioortanl position as chief of a de
partmeut In tbe Geological Survey.
J. C. Williams of West Virginia is
home for a abort visit with bis children
aud parents. He also spent a few days at
Kane visiting Irienda. Jas. Ishman 18
home from Claysvllle, weatmoreiana
county. The Greenwood Oil and Gas
Co. brought In a nice gas well on tue
Wrv lot. Tbev have devel ped a nice
gas field and bave a market for all tbey
can produce. Part of our teachers had
school last week and tbey are all on hand
and ready for businesa this week. They
report a very interesting and good lime
at institute. Our sobool board was well
represented at the directors' convention
at Tionesta and tbey report a good time.
-Our . basket ball team Is being ooacbed
by Prof. Braden and tbey are getting In
fine trim, ready for action and iu shape to
meet all comers. W. M. Coon came
home for tbe holidays and leaves on
Tuesday for bia job near Emlenton.
Joseph Mecbling of Butler county, fatb
er of our townsman, A. R. Mecbling, 1b
here and expects to spend ibe winter.
The Union Sundav school gave an enter
tainment and treat in tbe U. B. church
on last Saturday ulght. It waa well at
tended and all were well pleased with the
exercises. Mr. aud Mrs. 'Jentley of
Sheffield visited Mrs. B.'s parents, Dr
and Mra. Brewer, a few daya. Robert
Henderson spent bis vacation at heme,
The students that are attending school
awav were all home for their vacation
Oussie Brewer of Warren Business Col
lege, Floaale Braden and Twila Daniels of
Clarion Normal; Etfie Slaughenhaupt of
Pittsburgh High School, and Dean Mecb
ling of .stale College. Clyde Royer and
family of Brookvllle are visiting In town.
Chaa. Coon and John Hottel spent
Christmas at home. lUrry Cooui came
home from Pittsbnrgh and visited a fe
daya with hla parenta and Irienda.
If your children are subject toattaeks
ofcroun. watch for the first sym' loin,
hoarseness. Give l nainneriain s i ougu
Remedy aa aoon aa the child beenmea
hoarse and tbe attack may be warded off.
Fur sale by all dealers.
Resume of the Teachers' Institute.
Wednesday morning Prof. Howard 1.
Painter, of Butler, was introduced to the
institute and opened his talk by quoting
Baxter's words, "No one should ever at
tempt to teach who does not love God and
little children." He then gave a very in
teresting and comprehensive address on the
new School Code.
County 8uperiiitendentCarson introduced
as the last speaker of the morning Dr. C.
D. Higby, the author of "Stute and lo
tion," and now a prominent lawyer In
Erie. Dr. Higby choso "What People
Have Fought For" as his subject and in a
very delightful manner entertained his au
dience for more than an hour. His talks
on Civil Government during the balance of
the week were very helpful and instructive.
Dr. Samuel B. Baylc, an ex-County Su
perintendent of Erie county, was the first
speaker Wednesday afternoon. He han
dled his subject, EHective Teaching, in a
masterly manner. He said that effective
teaching Is not always along the planned
lilies. It is doing something each duy that
uplifts humanity. The real teaching is the
individual and to individuals. Do your
best every day that the oncoming genera
tions live true to the mottoes of our stute
and nation.
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Dr. L.
B. Wickersham highly entertained a large
audiense with his lecture "Day Dreams."
Dr. Wickersham surely made good with his
Tionesta audience and can "come back" at
any time.
Thursday morning Dr. 1 nomas gavo a
talk on Ethical Culture. He showed thut
the people of the United States are morally
inefficient, that it is due to bad homes,
street life, low play houses, horse races,
cigarettes, gambling, yellow back novels,
and Hie treatment of first offenses. The
attitude of the people toward this condi
tion is lethargic, so the teachers have a
great problem before them.
Dr. Baylo in Ins talk on tlio School ot tlie
Future plead with the teachers to use an
hour every day for self-advancement. In
the future the state will provide training in
athletics and the teaching of agriculture,
Let us strive to make the school system
better, to help the .hoys and girls lilt the
flag higher than ever before.
Dr. Uurnham gave two fine lectures on
Elizabethan Scekines and the Battle of
Gettysburg. The doctor is a very pleasing
speaker and were history taught according
to his methods it would prove a pleasure to
both pupils and teachers alike.
On Thursday evening at 8 o clock
pleasing entertainment was given by the
Aylesworth Sisters.
Friday morning furewell addresses were
given by the instructors and reports were
read. The hour of 10:30 marked the dos
ing of the forty-fifth annual session of the
Forest County Teachers' Institute the best
ever held in the county.
Prof. J. O. Carson has proven himself a
very capable superintendent. He is popu
lar with the teachers, the directors and all
those interested in the advancement of our
schools. Blanche Mae Tease, Secretary.
Enrollment fees $1M 00
Entertainment fund 00 00
From Countv 15- S3
To balance 6 '
$441 05
Entertainments $225 00
Instructors i "
Printinir 20 7.
Musir hooka 7 00
Freight and dray age on piano 0 50
Himnlinir instructors 21 00
Pianist fiW
Janitor o Ol
Seating manager 5 00
l'ostagc anu telegrapu
incidentals w
$441 (So
S. M. Henky, Au(Ut0W
Pakker Flick, J
Resolved. That we extend our thanks to
Superintendent Carson for the earnest ef
fort he has put forth in making this iusti
tute a complete success.
Resolved, That we express our gratitude
to him for the interest he has shown.
Resolved, That we extend our thanks to
the instructors for their honest efforts
niaking this institute very interesting and
Resolved, That we thank the commission
crs of Forest county for allowing us to use
the court house.
Resolved, That we extend our thanks to
the citizens of Tionesta for the kind hospi
talitv thev have shown us.
Resolved, That we thank William
Cahill, of Oil City, for tho use of the piuno,
Warren M. Cook. )
Eriiie Woite, Committee
Juke Herman, J
The School Directors' Couveiitlou.
The annual convention of the school
directors ol Forest county wbs held
Wedneaday and Thuraday, Dec. 20 and
21, and twenty of the lorty-five dlrectora
ot tbe county were present. Hon. A. R.
Mecbling, of Clarlngton, was cbosen as
temporary chairman and the eleotion of
nfUoera for the year resulted as follows:
President. Hon. A. R. Mecbling; vice
presidents, A. W. Albaugb, of East Hick
ory, aud a. M. tienry, oi iionesia; seore'
tary, George L. King, of West Hickory
treasurer. R. M. Urmson, of Marlenvllle
auditor, S. M. Henry. Tbe speakers at
tbe first day's session were Dr. C. M
Thomas on "The Common School Prob
letn." Prof. Howard I. Painter on tbe
"School Code," and Dr. C. D. Uluby on
the "Needs of the Rural Schools." At
tbe second day's session Dr. S. B. Hay I
spoke on "The Teacher's Qu-llfleations,
Dr. Smith Burubaiu on "Tbe Rural
School," and Dr. F. J. Bovard gave
good talk aud instruction on medical In
sneclion as required by the new school
Retail Prices ou Flour and Feed
Lausott Bros.' Mill.
Com Mesl Jl SO ow
Corn aud Oats Chop 1 M cw
Wbeat Bran.... l oa cw
Wheat Middlings 1 75 cw
Buckwheat Middlings 1.55 cw
Cotton Seed Meal 1 cw
('racked Corn l0cwt
Shelled Corn S0u per bu
Oat 60c per bu
Golden Blend Flour H5 per sk
Horses for Sale and Trade.
Brood mares and Holsteln cattle. I am
staying at Commercial Hotel llveiy barn
Brookvllle. Pa., this week. Dou't miss
this great opportunity to gel yourself
borae wnue tney are cneap.
P 8. I will also sell at auction sale
car load of Holsteln cetlle -fresh cows
and springers, heifer springera and youn
bu ia and newer calves, mm i miss in
greatest opportunity of your life to buy
Holsteln cauls.
Also offer two of tbe best stallions in
the country and souie other borses. Hale
beginning Friday, January 6, 1012, at
12:30 p. m. Terms made known ou day
of sale. Oram 3utTKit.
all lines. True, bona fide redac
tions, amounting id many cases to
ore than the full profit loss.
25 Per Cent. Off
All China, Leather Goods, l aocy
Bixes, Christmas 15 x Stationery,
Framed Pictures, Jewelry, Leather
Bonks and Books in Boxes, Per
fumes, &o.
20 Per Cent. Off
Books. Alger, Ilenly, Optio and
Meade B mks, 20c. All tbe Reprints
and 50c Books at 40o.
Also New EditioDs.
Bovard's Pharmacy.
for the
Now the Holidays are Past
It is time to plan lor the manifold activities of the
new year. When you begin planning for
anything requiring
General Hardware or Build
ers' Supplies,
Let us help you with your plans. We can supply al
most anything needed in these lines and you
will find our prices right every time.
H. O. Mapes,
Kepler Block, Tionesta, Pa.
We CJIve "N. fc II.
What Size Overcoat Do
You Wear ?
We have a small lot of small size Men's and Young Men's Overcoats
33, 34 ami 35 only.
Not a coat in the lot but sold for double our price and if they will (It
you uot a coat but is worth double our prio6 right uow, but tbe sizes are tbe
cause of the price.
Most of them are dark Kerseys with a velvet collar and knee length,
tbe youuger in nil's coats are cut longer aud are in mixtures.
The price we name corresponds with tbe sizes small SYOO.
Men's Sweaters 89c.
Iu the popular shades of greys, heavy weight cotton, but more days'
wear in them for hard service than the finest sweater made.
Men's Shirts With Collars $1.
One of the new things in Men's Shirts th 8 fall was a Negligee Shirt
with separate collar to match the shirt that's what these are as good ft
dollar shirt as we ever sold and collar to match the shirt thrown in all for
a dollar.
fv ".if f
ontL price -clothier!
We Thank
As well as many other friends, for
geDerous patronage throughout tbe
past year aod the holiday season.
We hope we have merited your pat
ronage by good service, fair treatment
and reasonable prices.
We have now and shall continue
to carry during the whole year tbe
Largest Stock of
To be found in any store in North
western Pennsylvania. That's a
broad statement hut we'd like you to
investigate it by inspecting the stock.
If it's a new fad or fancy, you do not
need to send to the large cities for it.
We bave them and are always up to
dale. You are always welcome.
The Leading Jeweler,
Take great pleasure in as
suring their patrons of their
sincere appreciation of tbe
business with which tbey
have been favored during
the past year, and extend to
their customers and friends
greetings and best wiabes for
A Happy
New Year.
Cor. Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Urcen Trading Stamps.