THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WKNK, CDITOS 4 PROPRIETOR. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1911 Thb statement of where ibe money of the MoNsroara defense fund went shows that Altorney Darrnw received $170,000 of the f 104.000 contributed, out of wblcb he was to pay bis assistants. Of course, ll would notberlgbtto insinuate bai Mr. Darrow baa ever bad any otber reason for helping fight the battles of labor tban bla love for the cause. Franklin Newt. Perish the thought! Tkn million dollars' damage has al ready been done In the state of Pennsyl vania by the chestnut bligbt, according to tbe oomuiission appointed on the author ity of tbe legislature by Governor Tener to eradicate tbe disease. In addition to this there baa been damage in other states to the amonnt of about f 15,000,000. Tbis will constitute but a small part cf tbe loss occasioned according to a atatetnent made by the commission today, If tbe blight la not checked aa tbe chestnut timber in Pennsylvania alone is valued at from fo0.000.000 to 170,000.000. If tbe disease is not wiped out K will sweep tbe niagni floent chestnut forests of tbe south. The annual chestnut output of tbe eastern part of tbe United States ia worth $22,000,- 000. A good many people treat tbeir bodies like pieces of machinery. When some thing goes wrong they expect repairs to be made at once. Tbis may be true of a machine. A breakdown can be remedied immediately. Not so with man. Tbe road to health Is a long one. Weeks must pass before tbe ravagea of typhoid fever, diptberia, scarlet fever and similar dis easea disappear. It requires years to cure tbe consumptive. Nevertheless people continue to believe In shortcuts to health. Unscrupulous persons take advantage of this by exploiting medicines that ausrD tee to cure the aick immediately. Be wareol such drug. There is no known medicine that will cure consumption in spite of the many that are recommended. Don't waste or risk your life In trying them. Any medicine that is guaranteed to cure a number of different diseases ia sure to be fraudulent. Leave all aucb lone. There ia no short out to health. Porkey. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week tbe Sheffield and Tionesta Railway changed over on to tbe new grade near Balltown and tbe passenger train was all tbe rolling stock in activity There was a great delay in the work on account of the scarcity ol rails and ties aod it was necessary to take up the old road aod lay Is on tbe new grade. There will be a great freight moving when this lob ia completed which will be about Fri day night. Lafayette Littlefield got singed around the faos and bis nose burned when in the ot of lighting a heater at a tank on tbe Cook Lease while standing at what was thought to be a safe distance. Miss Anna Allaire was a Sheffield vis llor Friday to obtain medicine for her poisoned bands. She came in contact with some poison weed while the school was after chestnuts last fall and it atill bothers her. Mrs. O. E. Rupert and baby went to Sheffield Friday to do her Christ m Shopping and avoid the rush which will soon be on. Mrs. D. W. Downey Is entertaining her brother, James Plunket of Pleasantville, for few days. Rev. F. M. Small, wbo is now at Ouys Mills, passed through here on the train Thursday, and sends greetings to bis many friends wbo did not see hiin. At Fools Creek on Friday we were treated to an old time scene. Uenry Thornton was down from tbe farm with a yoke of oxen bitched to a wagon for groceries. If the vehicle bid only been an old linch pin wagon it would have brought back memories of our grandpap and bis outfit. O. E. Rupert and family entertained with musio and phonograph Friday eve ning Nick Panzoneand three of bis men from Henrys Mills, Clarence Wilson of Warren, Henrietta Kiffer of Beaver Val ley, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Littlefield, Misses Lottie and Bessie Littlefield, Mra. J. W, Littlefield, and Messrs. Maurice Burdick aud Walter Slocum of Kellettvllle. After tbe musio came sweet older which was finer tban tbe proverbial frog's hair. All tbe musicians present had to show their ability and It was a pleasaut evening so pent. Some buniers who were staying at tbe Bennett borne at Minister got a tine wild cat there and left for tbeir homes on Fri day. One was a brother and tbe otber a cousin of Mrs, John Bennett. Albert Burdick, Sr., of Hastings, killed bis second bear this season on Thursday last. Two of tbe longest freight trains that ever went op the 8. A T. ran past here Saturday. We were unable to count tbe cars but any one who wishes to know can ask tbe management of that road. A man named Brenneman, wbo lived sear the Jefferson county gas plant, on Arner run, and who lost all bis posses ions by fire last week, has moved into tbe bouse on Minister known aa tbe Scowden residence. His neighbors at Mayburg gave him several articles to belp set up housekeeping again, which la good evidence that there are some good people along this much abused creek. F. F. Spencer and E. T, Downey were Marlenville visitors Thursday evening, attending a lodge meeting. While the Rupert hoys were in the woods Sunday morning the oldest one fell off a log aud struck his head ou an otber log. Tbe blow "put bim to sleep' for a time, but be woke up in a few ruin Utea and is feeling as good as ever again Our children are begiuning to expect Old Santa aud are planniug on Christmas and its great presents for them. We are boplng that none will be disappointed and hope our people will render all in their power to give a little pleasure to those they know will not . have very much. We think this is the best kind ot missionary work. Tbe Kinney residences are still unoc cupled as tbe owner is in Maricopa, Cal nd tbe places are in the bands of hi agent. Kepalra are necessary to make them good for any one to live In. There was meeting of tbe Knights of the Maccabees at this place Saturday evening, when officers were elected for the couiiug year. Marburg. We are having some very fine weatter here these daye, with plenty of sunshine. Tbe bills have been fine for ooastlng and the children have been enjoying them selves immensely, but about one more sunshiny day will spoil their coasting fun, unless there come another snowfall. Mrs. Howard Donley baa been quite sick for aom - time wiib cold wbirb set tled in ber limbs and made It impossible for ber to be around for lime. Sbe Is alowly recovering now. Hugh, tbe young son of Charles Don ley, fell on the railroad and struck bla right arm In such a way that one bone was broken just above tbe wrist. Frank Kranking has been qulto sick with la grippe and congestion of the liver but Is getting better again. Mra. Charlea Donley is visiting ber mother. Mra. Uarttnan, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mra. Wm. Richards Is visiting old friends at Franklin and Oil City for a few days. Misa Myra Horner, who is staying at Charles Donley's, visited her parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Horner, at Barnes, last Friday. Thejoung ladies, and old ones too, are busily engaged Id making Christmas presents these days. Tue family that bad tbeir goods and clothing burned a week ago, are very comfortably supplied with clothing again. Tbe ladies got their beads together, and as everybody was liberal In assisting, they were soon delighted to find tbattbey bad gathered in and made enough to sup ply Ibe needs of mother aod five chil dren, ao far as clothing la concerned. The children range in age from three months to thirteen years. The men are also around with tbeir paper aud bave quite a sum of money raised to start tbe family going in lite again. Ueorge Paul of Salmon creek baa late ly moved to thla place and is engaged In building logging can for Mr, Brown at present. F. K. Brown has been Oiling Mr. Kranklng's place In tbe office aince tbe latter baa been aick. Miss Hennie Kiffer of Beaver Valley, wbo has been visiting friends and rela tives in thla place for some time, left Thursday for Porkey, where sbe expects to stay until Saturday and then return to her borne. Mrs. Wuitehill of Truemans made an extended visit bere with ber two daugh ters, Mrs. Jobn Fitzgerald and Mra. Clarence Brewster. On account of tbe absence of Rev. aud and Mrs. F. N. Fox, and by request of Mr. Fox, John Killer went Sunday to fill tbeir appointments in the F. M churches at Town Line and Beaver Val' ley. Earl Mealy went borne with bis broth' er Oliver a week ago and intended to spend tbe week with bla father and broth er bunting bear, bat was aeized with la grippe. Being much disappointed in bis bunt, be returned to Ibis place Sunday and brought bla "grippe" with bim. Miss Patterson of Hastings spent Sun day with her alster Mabel, wbo Is staying atCbaa. Desbner'a. Mra. Paris McCul lougb also spent Sunday with Mm. Mae Deebner. Cbas. Desbner and little son Stanley called on the former'a sister, Mrs. Jobn Paul, Sunday. Leslie Paul, wbo lives with bia grand ma, Mrs. Annie Desbner, at Cberry Ojove, drove down Sunday to visit bis parents. Mr. Charles Desbner expects to accompany bim borne to stay for a few days. Paris McCullougu spent Suuday at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Deshner. Steve Steele la having a new back porch added to his residence and W. T. Sbepard is aiso getting a new kltcben added to bla bouse, but if ever a man in Mayburg de served a pew kitchen "Tinie" is ttie man Say, milk in Mayburg ia almost as scarce as "ben'a teeth," and if any one has more than tbey can use, just drive In here with a load and see bow quickly you can dispose of It at a good price, provid ing It is good milk. Tbe prayer meeting held at tbe F. M church Sunday evening was well attend' ed. All you wbo were there come again and bring all your Iriends with you. Yellow Hammer. O. L. Mealy and another man came np from Franklin last Saturday to spend week with tbe former'a parents, Mr. and Mm. Ed. Mealy, and hunt. Suppose tbey will sbow the rabbits and bears a good time. Mr. Mealy and brother Dura oiled on tbeir sisters at M-iyburg Sun day. Earl Mealy thought be couldn't see them bunt all alone so be got off for tbe week, brought bia dog and gun and came home for tbe occasion. It's just a new dog he has purchased but tbink he can tree a chipmunk. A. M. Pettigrew bas moved bia family from R. B. MoMilleo'a house into their own home at Otter Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Elva Kiffer were over to Whig Hill Thanksgiving day and ate turkey with the latter'a parents. Mrs. W. J. Carpenter bas been on. tbe sick list with la grippe and a bad case of tonsilitls but Is able to be about again. Some of tbe boys were out Saturday evening for a moonlight chase aud killed one jack rabbit. W. J. Carpenter spent Saturday and Sunday witb bis wife at ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mealy, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Kiffer and family took dinner with Cbas, Bean, Thanks giving day. Mrs. W. J. Carpenter was up and visit ed Mrs. Elmer Berlin, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pettigrew were down aud stayed over night with the former'a uncle, Alex. Pettigrew, at East Hickory, Wednesday, going on to Ti dioute Thursday. Tbey left the two children with the latter's parents. Clyde Beatty and Miss Ethel Tracey returned home Thursday, after a two weeks' visit with tbe former's sister, Mrs. John McCullougu. They were ao companied by Mrs. McCullough and son, who intend to spend tbe balance of the winter with ber parents at Franklin Poor John will have to keep old maid's lonesome again. Miss Roxey Kiffer made short calls on Mrs. Martin Littlefield and Mrs. Edward Mealy, Wednesday. Sbe expects to go to Jamestown Monday, where she will again be employed. Sorry to see ber go, as sbe is a special friend to everybody When you bave a bilious attack give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They are excellent, l or sale by all dealers. Sunday School Institute. Following Is the program of the Suu day School Institute, to be held in Ibe Tionesta M. E. church, Thursday and Fiiday, Deo Hth and 15lb. and conducted by tbe Board of Sunday Schools of tbe Methodist Episcopal Church, David O. Downey, Corresponding Secretary, and Edward Blake, Assistant Secretary. Everybody interested in Sunday School work ia invited to all these meetings and each school in tbe county should send delegates. A rare opportunity to bear three great specialists. moo RAM.' Thursday Morning, December 14, T. F. Rltchey, Preslding.-9;30, Devotions, Rev. II. A. Bailey; 10:00, Address, "Tbe Graded Lessons in Principle and Prac tice," Mra, J. Wood bridge Barues; 10:45, "The Art of Teaching," Rev. L. O. Hart- man, Ph. D.j 11:30, Conlerenoe, "The Graded Lessona," Mra. Barnes. Thursday Afternoon, F. X. Kreltler, Presiding. -2:00 Devotions, Rev. J. F. Scberer; 2:30, Address, "The Teacher Come from God," Rev. Wade Crawford Barclay, D, D j 3:15, Address, "Interme diates and Seniors," Mrs. J. Woodbrldge Barnes; 4:00, Conference, Teachera, Mra. Barnea, Paatora and Superintendents, Dra. Hartman and Barclay. Thursday Evening, Hon. N. P. Wheel er, Presld'ng. -7:30 Devotlona, Rev. W. W. Dale; Addresa. "What tbe Church Owes to tbe Child," Rev. Wade Crawford Barclay; Friday Morning. December 15th, H. T, Klinestiver, Presiding. 0:30, Devotions, Rev. G. A. Garret; 10:00, Address, "Con structive Evangelism. " Rev. L. O. Hart- man. Ph. D.: 10:45, Address. "Tbe Bible in tbe Life of Today," Rev. Wsde Craw ford Barclay, D. D ; 11:30, Conference, Adult Class Work, Drs. Hartman and Barclay. Friday Afternoon, S. R. Maxwell, Pre- sldlng.-2:00, Devotions, Rev. H. E. Pblpps; 2:30, Address, "Tescher Train ing," Rev. Wade Crawford Barolay, D. D.; 3:15, Address, "Tbe Age of Specializa tion," Rev. L. O. Hartman, Ph. D.; 4:00, Conference on Teacher Training, Tbe Class Method, Dr. Hartman, Tbe Cor respondence Method, Dr. Barclay; Friday Evening, T. D. Collins, Presid ing -7:30, Devotions, Rev. W. S. Burton; Address, "Methodism's New Move ment," Rev. L O. Hartman, Ph. D. Clicrry tirore. Tbe birthday olub met at the home of Mrs. Louis Johnson Saturday, Supper was aerved at 7 o'clock and in spite of tbe rain there was a good orowd present. Tbe party was for Mrs. Johnson and Miss Lillian Shaw. G. W. Gilford went to Jamestown Fri day. Cbaa. McNeal was a business visitor In town Monday. Mrs. Wm. Hanson la atill in town visit ing. Tbeir household goods bave been removed to Warren from Hemlock, and Warren will be tbeir borne In tbe future. A Sweet.who with bia two sons bas been visiting hia brother Harry Sweet, baa with one son returned to his home at Erie, The second son is still bere. Evidently be likes our town. Mr. Hulquist of Kellettvllle was in our town Friday selling oil paintings. He is deaf and uses a letter as a means of intro ducing bis pictures. Mis. Jaa. Murphy went to Sheffield Friday to meet her two sisters, Misses Anna and Elizabeth Allaire, who are teacblng on "Tbe Creek," and took tbe train to Sheffield to do Christmas shop ping. Congratulations to Rev. and Mra. A. H, M. Zahniser on that fine boy. Word received by bis wife from J as. Murphy, who Is in Coalinga, Cal., says be Is in fine health aud hopea she may be witb bim for tbe Christmas feast. Mrs. Henry Johnson is able to be out again after a severe attack of neuralgia. The Garfield and Farnswortb schools are preparing a Christmas tree and the pupils are practicing regularly. Miss Bailey of tbe Vaudergrift Corners school is also preparing for a small tree for ber school alone. WliiS Hill. Some spring weather thla. Tbe wood chuck will begin to think it is time to sit up and take notice, David Beck, wbo Is employed at Brown's Camp, was at home witb bis family over Sunday. Misses Agness Shunk and Beulab Hall were Kellettvllle callers Saturday. Jobn Berlin called on bis daughter, Mrs. R. J. Flynn, at Newtown Mills, one day last week. Mrs. D.I Beck and Mrs. J. H. Shunk called at Flynn's also. Ellas Emert, who Uvea in Venango county, was called borne last week on ac count of the serious illness of his moth er, Mrs. Adam Emert. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilbur Johnson are visiting at the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Emert. Mary Alice Zuendel accompanied her teacher, Miss Dorothy Shunk, borne last Friday, staying over Sunday. Both re turned Monday morning to Starr. Smoky Hill. Mrs. Harry Osgood and two children visited her mother, Mrs. Robert Mealy, Ed. Kagle'a baby has been very Bick for the past week. Mr. aod Mrs. Charlie Frederick were called home on account of the Illness of tbeir mother, and they also visited their sister, Mrs. Charlie Walter. Mr, aud Mrs. James Thomas spent Sunday with tbeir brothers, sisters, and father, W. W. Thomas. Misses Bessie and A Itia Walter visited their grandmother at Pltbolo and their aunt, Mrs, Alice Itarr, returued with them for a two weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. James Wiles spent Sun day witb bis mother. Quite a number of young people were down to church at Tiouesta Sunday night. t'nlnrrh Cannot lie t urcil with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as tliey cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional diseaso, and in order to cure it you must take in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phvs icians in this country for vears. and is a regular prescription. It is composed of me nest tonics Known, combined with the best blood purifiers acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perl'ectcombi nation of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. K J. CHENEY A Co., Piops., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 7.rc. Hall's Family Pills are thobo:t. Newtown Mills. Mrs. Ed. Gillespie of Kellettvllle visit ed Mra. R. J. Klynn Tuesday. . Mra. Ella Wilson of Kellettvllle enter tained Mrs. W, F. Jonos at dinner Satur day evening. Mrs. Clarence Jonea was a Kellettvllle visitor Friday. Hart Albaush spent Sunday with his cousin, Wm. Blauser. Several of our people attended tbe concert given by the Royal Hungarian Orchestra In Kellettvllle, Saturday night. Mra. W. O. Blauser was entertained at dinner Wednesday by Mrs. W. F. Jones. December 10th was the anniversary of W, F. Jones' birthday. A number of people wished bim many happy returns of tbe day and he received several nice presents. The World's Most Valuable Picture. A auperb photogravure reproduction of the"Mona Lisa," by I-eonardoda Vinci, will be given to any North American reader tor 5 cents in rash and a coupon from tbe Sunday North American of De cember 10. This great North American offer comes at the holiday season, add it expresses, in a measure, tbe good will of Tbe North American toward its readers. Tbe un earned photogravure will be sent by mall to all readers wbo forward tbe coupon and 10 cents to cover postage and packing. Truly, tbe opportunity to obtain a repro duction of thia great masterpiaoe was never before given by any newspaper, Tbe photogravure Is 14x20 inches, on fine art paper. Tbe art store price of tbis photogravure would be2. $5,000,000 was refused for tbe original. Agents of Tbe North American In every locality are authorized to accept coupons and cash In exchange for plotures. For Sale. Nice home in Clarion county at a bar gain. Two acres of land; 7-room bouse, nicely finished; plenty of water, with pipe connections; good barn and large storage building, 36x50 feet; boiler and engine; all buildings have pipe connec tions for water; buildings spouted and in first class condition; X mile to school and church; fine location for poultry farm and garden. Cost 13,000.0; wl" sell for less tban one-tblrd. Address Lock Box 43, Tionesta, Pa. tf Notice Stockholders' Meeting. Tbe annual meeting of tbe stockholders of the Tionesta Water Supply Co. will be held at tbe company's office In the Bor ough of Tionesta, Pa., on Monday, Jan, 1, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., for tbe purpose of electing directors for the year and the transaction of such otber business as may properly come before tbe meeting. G. W. Robinson, President, Attest. Samukl D. Irwin, Secretaiy. We wish to call your attention to tbe fact that most infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen tbe danger of contracting these diseases, This remedy is famous for its cures of colds. It contains no opium or otber narcotic and may be given to a child witb implicit confidence. Sold by all dealers. Bank Statement No. 6038. REPORT OF THK CONDITION OF THE FOREST COUNTY NATION AL BANK AT TIONESTA, in the State of Pennsylvania, at tbe close of business December o, mil. RESOURCES : Loans and discounts $410,083 37 Overdratls, secured and un secured 62 30 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 50,000 00 Bonds, securities, tc, 67,491 30 Banking-house, lurniture, and fixtures 17,214 35 Due from National Banks t not reserve agents) 43,001 38 Due trom approved reserve agents 78,807 82 Checks and other cash items .... 145 32 Fractional paper currency. nickels, and cents 613 87 Lawful money reserve In bank, viz: Specie $27,365 06 Legal tender notes. 4,000 00 81,365 06 Redemption fund witb U. 8. Treaa'r(5perct. of circulation) 2,500 00 $712,265 76 liabilities: Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 100,000 00 Undivided protits.less expenses and taxes paid 17,621 37 National bank notes outstand ing 60,000 00 Dividends unpaid 105 00 Individual deposits subject to check 215,063 13 Time certificates ot deposit 249,476 26 $712,265 76 State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest, as: I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ol my knowledge ana better. A. B. KELLY. Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me tbis 0th day of December. 1011. C. M. Arner, Notary Public correct Attest: T. V. RlTCHEY, G. W. Robinson, Wm, Smkarbauoh, Directors. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on tbe estate of Frederika Mary Klinestiver, late of ureen Township, Forest County, Pa., deceased, naving been granied to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make pay ment without delay, and those having olaims or demands will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. F. R. Klinestivkr, Adm'r Nebraska, Pa, M. A. Carrinoer, Attorney. Deposit Number One with which you open an account for a young relative in tbis solid Bank, as a Christmas present, may be the starling point of a fortune. You thus confer a benefit far more Important tban ibe amount of money you give, and much more valuable tban it you bad spent the money for a toy. Particulars of tbis method of making Christmas presents will be forwarded anywhere on request. It Is admirably adapted to gilt givers wbo live remote from towns, as ibe entire business can ue done bv mail. PITTSBURGH MM FOR SAYINGS Fourth Are. and HiiilthtlHd Hi. J'lllHbnrgha Pennaylvanfn. EALPACKERCHlfn i MAnuar.Hi.niLr j it Handkerchiefs are a sensible welcome and acceptable gift. 5EALPACKERCHIEF brands being in sealed packages of holiday design area " pttsonal" gift, not the case with those bought "loose" from a box.' Clean, freih.inowy-white, and of splendid quality, thry can be sent to both MEN AND WOMtN with equal satufaction. G. W. ROBINSON &S0N a a L5 TV black fox furs The great demand for Black Fox Furs is being met here in a manner most satis factory to purchasers. Or, two and thrcc-skin Col lars and Novelty Shape Neck pieces some with head and brushes; sonic with heads and small tails,' and still others with tails and lep;s all Satin lined, $10.00, li50. $15.00 to $05.00. I'.lack Fox M u ft" s Pillow, Half T.arrd, and Novelty styles some finisht with shinvd satin ends, ome with satin pocket ends and others with heads and brushes, $12.50, $15.00, $18.50 to $72.50. Splendid Kid (Moves for Men or Women, $1.00. More irill not he open any evening for Christmas butii ness. Closing hour, during Decem ber, G '. 31. D0GG5 & BUSSL, NORTH SIDE. PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT Furniture Dealer. AND UNDERTAKER. TIONESTA. PENN Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cure Cold. Croup and Whooping Cough. Monarch Clothing Co. Men's $16.50 Presto Overcoats Now On Sale for $9.98. We are selling more Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats than all the other stores put together and more. Tremendous selling of Girls' and Women's Coats. All are reduced in price. Women's Stylish Caracul Cloth Coats. A very sty Hub new full length model of exceptionally nice qualily, raracul clotb, luairoua and wavy. Have novelty effect back, deep rolling shawl collar, and deep turned cutis on plain sleeves, lined throughout with padded Venetian aatteen; worth 16.5(1. Male at D.9H Women's Double Fared Coats. Handsome stylea for ladies, misses or juoiois, lined with blue, brown or coro nation; large rolling miliar; cutis turned up; trimmed witb self trimming; a dab of tue ooutraating lining to show tbe beauty of tbe coai; large bullous; worth 16 50. Sale at U.'J8 Women's Stylish Reversi ble Coats. Made of grey or brownish all wool mixtures; reversed side in blue, brown or coronation; all coats to tbe heel top; a moat remarkable and beautiful cnat to he worn on either side; valiifs $15.00 to $10,50. Sale at 9 98 Women's Black and rUylisb Clotb Coats of all description!. ; Hue zibilene coat lo brown and grey, trimmed witb brown and blue, aud other stylish ooats; worth f 10.50 to fiO.00. Sale at f:).l8 MONARCH CLOTHING CO., Oil City and Franklin, Pa. SOLID AS A ROCK 1UD liailUUHl unuaiug " v -j - - t examination, insure depositors iu uaiional banks absolute security, uur bank also, has behind it the big IbrtunrS aud good names and good business brains of many of our well known citizens. Our bauk is as solid as a rock. CAPITAL STOCK, - - - I5O.00O. SURPLUS, - - - $100,000. Make OUR Bank YOUR BANK. W'n nav lihnral interest consistent with safety. 4 per cent. Forest County TIOXI.STl, FA. Cold Winter Will Soon Be Here. Are You Prepared? When you get ready to invest in a new Stove, reniembor we can supply you with the best in any line he it (Jus, Wood or Coal. We have Gas, Wood or C ial Ranges and Heaters, but tbe real champion of them all is the Champion Gas Kange. This range can be quickly converted to use Wood or dial. It's a fuel saver and that means good money. Very reasonable, in price, also. Come in and let us demonstrate its good qualities. Hunters, Attention! When you want a Gun or any kiud of Ammunition come in and let us fit you out. Protect Your Horse Against the wiotry blasts by investing in some of otr Stable or Wool Blankets. We have a big supply aud prices are right. j." o. scowdbm;" Every Kind of Hardware, TIONKSTA, PA. KEELEY CURE I The cure that hnstx-cn con Hminusly sue- I ctKfiful for mure than 3- years is worth in- I vrslitatintr. For the ill uk or drink, habit, I Writ for partkaUrt.iinrv Krelry Institute n R Western IVntn 4246 Filth Ar,, Pitttbwnrk, Pa. I CHICHESTER S PILLS , THK III A MONK IIItAM. A I'rua-ffUt. AnHM I1M 1IKH-TFR ( lIAMNI HKASU ril.l.A,f,yi, en known M Het, Safest, Alwtyt KeliaMo SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Women's and Junior Coats In mixtures or plain broadcloths, green, blue, grey and fancies, for Juniors; coats worth 17.50 to $10.00. Sale at It (18 CJIrls' Caracul Cloth Coats. Black caracul coats for girls, ag-d 6 to 14, respectively, on sale; padded lined; large sailor or rolling collar; full length; worth $7.50 to $10.00. Sale at $1 !8 Girls' Cloth Coats. Lot girls' stylish Cloth Coats, In plain or fancy colors, novel effects In a variety of styles; worth $5 00 and $0 00. Sale at $2 08 Women's Suits 1'riees Cut Xcarly in Half. $20 to $25 Suits now $'.l OS $14.50 to $18 Suits now ,. 8 tW PUS to $12 08 Suits now 7.98 Sweater Coats, Petticoats, and Waists Reduced. Come quickly and get a good choice as we mean business. We are selling goods less tban cost Men's Overcoat Sale. 200 nobby grey Presto Collar Overcoats, the greatest $15 00 oonts on the market; several shades of grey; pretty Venetian lining; Collar Presto Changes. Sale at $9 98 I.BdlrAl Arm your itrnHUt for a 4 il.rht-trr'B IMamoml "nindV rill in Ki d mt i.ia nirtaliiAV liri, ftMiett with Hit KtUmn. V TsiLs n other. Rut of vamp V it e Hftmmul fmiuHDt and thorough bank NattionoJ Bank, Proiui-tlir oMmnwl, or FEt RETURNED. to viana1 ixrtaiiNOC. uurcHANcta arc THE LOWEST. 8? ml iikmU'1, photo or k4-h (or eilfrt n'urrh nd In tvporl on lialcnuiUlity. INFRINGEMENT "! eoixliK'U! all rviurtH. t'atrtit obtAincd Ihmiiifh no. ADVER TISID anil aOLD. t-w. TRADE-MARK. PEN SIONS and COPYRIGHTS'kljr obulnwl. Opposite U, S. Potent Officio, WASHINGTON, D. C. Nobby Men's Black Kersey Overcoats as follows; $15 00 to $i 00 values, sale at $9.98 10 00 to 15 00 values, sale at 8 98 8 90 to 10 00 values, sale at 5 98 Lot O'-erooats, all styles 5,00 One lot Fancy Overcoats, worth $15, aalH at 7 p Men's I2 to $15 Raincoats, sale at 6 98 Men's Slip On Coats, sale at 2 98 Boys' Overcoats ns Follows: Lot nobby Coats for boys, ages 7 to Ifl, worth $! 00 to $0 00; only one or two of a kind; some worth much more and some extra fine coats in the lot. .Sale al $2 98 Iliff Sal on Hoys' Suits. 200 all wool cheviot suits, for ages 7 to 17; come in serges and cheviots; all wool materials; blouse pants, stvlish coats; worth $5.00. sale at $2 9S Underwear. 50o Fleece ji)0 :t"o Boys' Fleece $1.60 Union Suits " 1, 2 60 Uuion Suits 1.00 S westers 4'!u 1 50 Sweaters 3.00 Sweaters $1 98 Sale on Hosiery, Neckwear and'Hmok. lug Jackets. Hat Sale Today. All $2 50 am) $:! 00 Soft or Stiff lists today only ' HNW 8tyi, Including uew" Howard