The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 26, 1911, Image 1

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One Square, one Inch, one week... j 1 00
One Square, one Incb, one month- t 00
One Square, one inch, 8 months...- 6 00
One Square, one Inch, one year .... 10 10
Two Squares, one year IS 00
Quarter Column, one year SO 00
Half Column, one year .. SO 00
One Column, one year . 100 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each Insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash
on delivery.
Published every Wednesday by
ioe in Smoarbaagh & Wenk Building;,
Terns, (1.00 A Year, Strictly U AJvumw.
Entered as sccond-alass matter at the
po8t-olI)e9"Ht Tlonesla.
No subscription received for shorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notice
will be taken of anonymous uoinmunloa
(lons. Always give your name.
VOL. XLIV. NO. 22.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgas. J. D. W. Reck.
Justices of the Ptxce O. A. Randall, D.
W. Clark.
Oouneiimen. J. W, Landers, J. T. Dale,
O, II. Koblnson, Win. Smearbaugh,
It. J. Hopkins, W. O. Calbouo, A. 1).
Constable Charles Clark,
Collector W. H. Hood.
School Director J. O. Scowden, R. M.
Herman, Q. Jainleaon, J. J, Landers, J.
0. Uelat, Joseph Clark.
Member of Congress P. M. Speer.
Member of Senate J. IC. P. Hall.
Assembly W. J. Campbell.
President Judge W. D. 11 Inckley.
Associate Jutlyes-P. C. Hill, Samuel
iV othonolary, Register t Recorder, te.
-J. O. Uelst.
Sheriff S. R. Maxwell.
Treasurer Oeo. W. Holeman.
Commissioners Wm. H. Harrison, J.
M. Zuendel, H. U. MoClellan.
DUfriet Attorney M. A. Carrlnger.
Jury Commissioners Ernest Nibble,
Lewis Wagner.
Coroner Dr. M. C Kerr.
Couniv uditors-Oeorae H. Warden,
A. C. Uregg and J. P. Kelly.
County Surveyor D, W. Clark.
County Superintendent D. W. Morri
son. lleaalur Terns f Caart.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners 1st and 8d Tuesdays of month.
t'karok ass Hakbata 8ohl.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaohlng In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. W. O. Calhoun.
Preaohlng In the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
U. A. Uarrell, Pastor.
Preaching in the Presbyterian churoh
every Sabbath at 11:00 a. ui. and 7:30 p.
m. Bev. H. A. llailey, l'a-tor.
The regular ineetlugs of the W. C. T.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
TJ'.NESTA LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F.
M eets every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge bulldlug.
G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of eauh month at 3 o'clock.
137, W. R. C, meeU first and third
Wednesday evening of each month.
Tlonesta, Pa.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
Office over Forest County National
Dank Building, 'TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Praotioe in Forest Co,
Office In Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sts., Tlonesta, Pa.
Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank,
td w t nnvinn
Physician A Surgeon,
Eves Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Pnyslciau and surgeon,
C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor.
Modern and up-to-date in all Its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
comfort provided for the traveling publio.
W R. A. FU LTON, Proprietor,
Tionsela, Pa. This is the mostcentrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling publio.
Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
on Elm streot. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the tluest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. Fred. Grcttonberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General KliK-ksmithlug prompt
ly done at Iiow Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery givon special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop lu rear of and Just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa,
Your patronage solicited.
WaJl Paper
I have just received Two Thousand
Rolls of 1911
No is the time to get your paper
ing done before the spring rush. Then
it will be almost impossible to get a
Eaperhaoger and that will delay your
Wall Paper, Window
Shades Oil Cloth,
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Sewing Machine
Supplies and Notions.
Next Door to the Fruit Store, Elm
Street, Tionesta, Pa.
It Starts Saturday Morning, July 29th, and
Closes Saturday Night, August 12th.
Our Regular Annual Clearance Sale.
Like all our end-of season Clearance Sales, this is remarkable from the fact that its offerings include every Man's, Boy's and Child's Suit in the store, and that every original price
ticket and mark remains on every article offered at the sale, and we guarantee those prices to be the lowest (quality considered) in the city.
And if for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase we will buy them back at the same price you paid for them, providing they are returned in a reasonable time and
in the same condition as when purchased.
Men's "Wash Vests are Half PriOO. . Manhattan Shirts are cut. Straw Hats Half Price, Panamas
Boys' Double Breasted two pant and single pant Suits at a great saving. In fact every article in our stock with less than
than repay a visit to our store. We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases.
39-41-43 Seneca. Street,
1 IS
Controller Bay Investigation Is
Temperarily Suspended.
Both Democrat and Republicans Ex
press the Belief That Miss W. F.
Abbott, the Newspaper Woman,
Who Claims to Have Seen the "Dick
to Dick" Letter, Will Never Be Put
on the Stand to Tell Her Story Un
der Oath.
Washington, July 25. The Control
ler bay Investigation is at an end for
tho present and the threatened Bensa
tlon growing out of the mysterious
"Dick to Dick letter-' will not be
Riirune for months If nt all. Indeed
there are a good many men around
the Capitol, both Democrats and Re
publicans, who express the belief that
MIps M. F. Abbott, the newspaper
women, who claims to hive seen Uie
"Dick to Dick" letter In the files of
the Interior department, will never be
put on the stand to toll her story un
der oath.
At the room of the house commit
tee on expenditures In the Interior de
partment, which has been conducting
tho Controller bay Inquiry, it was Bald
yesterday that r.o important witnesses
would be called before the middle of
October and possibly not until later.
Then the statement was made thai
the investigation will bo resumed with
all its pristine vigor, but "frith tho
Controller bay proposition as only one
feature of the general probe Into
Alaskan affairs.
Brown and Ryan to Testify.
Asmun Brown, who was private sec
retary to former Secretary of the In
terior flallinger, and who, Miss Abbott
says, showed her the Dick to Dick
letter, and Richard S. Ryan, promoter
of the Controller Bay railroad and re
puted agent of the Cuggenheims, have
been in Washington for days waltln,r
the call of the committee and Brown
and Ryan have been particularly In
sistent that they be called and given
a chance to refute Miss Abbott's state
ments. They have boon afforded no chance
up to date and by the committee's de
cision to drop the inquiry for the pres
ent' will not have an opportunity to be
heard until fall, If then.
Chairman Graham cald today that
when the committee mot in the fall
to continue its inquiry into all the af
fairs of Alaska that Louis D. Brandels
of Boston would be in charge.
Dahlman Faction In Nebraska Will
That Were
$10 00
12 00
is oo
20 oo
22 50
25 00
27 50
LAMM E R S . t0
Fight Resolution Indorsing
the "Peerless Leader."
Fremont, Neb., July 25. "Concilia
tion" is the slogan of the delegates to
the Democratic state convention which
convenes in Fremont this nfternoon.
Alvesdy more than half of the dele
gates are on the scene and all the lead
ing Democrats of the Btate are here ex
cept Mr. Brynr, who is in Kansas on a
speaking tour.
The Dahlman faction will fight any
resolution endorsing Bryan. . The Bry
an faction will fight any resolution
endorsing anyone else and the Shal
leuberger faction will fight both Bryan
and Dahlman if resolutions favoring
either are Introduced.
From indications the convention
will simply ignore Mr. Bryan and it is
believed his friends will not dare risk
a vote of censure by introducing a res
olution favoring Bryan.
Neither the Shallenberger nor Dahl
man factions, it is said, will attempt to
introduce a resolution against Mr.
Bryan unless Bryan's friends force
their ban lis and the Bryan delegates
are in the small minority.
Rain Dispels the Intense Heat That
Has Been Prevailing For Some Time.
Pads, July 23. Paris hailed with a
sigh of relief the rainstorm which
broke yesterday afternoon and dis
pelled somewhat the Intense heat
which has been prevailing.
For Borne weeks the city has suffer
ed from a drought and the tempera
ture in the shade was 96.8, the highest
Paris has suffered in seven years.
Several deaths daily have been re
ported and combined with a partial
breakdown lu the water supply, Pa
risians have put in some unpleasant
The fire at the foreEt of Fontaine
uleau, caused by the diryness of tho
vegetation, seemed to have been con
fined by a back fire started by the
troops who were called out to aid In
the work.
The flames, however, continue to
break out at various points. The not
ed beauty spot, the rairle3 in a pond,
was burned.
Two Aviators Arrive at Edinburgh.
Edinburgh, July 25. Vedrines and
Conneau have arrived here, complet
ing the second stage of the around
England flying race. Vedrines made
the 343 miles In six hour3 55 minutes
and Beaumont in 7 hours 22 minutes
24 seconds.
Preacher Leaps to Death.
Pittsburg. July 25. While delirious
from typhoid fever the Rev. S. K.
Smith, a Lutheran minister, of Vando
grift HelghtB, Pa., leaped from a thlrd
Btory window of a hospital here and
was instantly killed.
Are Now
$ 6 75
8 75
10 75
12 00
14 50
15 00
17 50
20 00
Omaha's Ex-Cowboy Mayor to Op
pose Bryan In State Convention.
Measure Goes Through Senate by a
Vote of 53 to 27.
The reciprocal trade agreement
between the United Suites and Can
ada, which is embodied In the
reciprocity measure that proved a
storm center In two ses-siona of con
gress, passed the senate without
amendment Saturday by a vote of f3
to 27. A majority of Republicans vot
ed against it. Of 53 votei for It, 32
wore Democratic and 2' Republican;
of the 27 against, 24 wera Republican
and three Democratic.
This action settled V whole Cana
dian reciprocity question as far as
congress Is conerned, en.l save for ex
ecutive approval and tho Canadian
parliament's ratification, vrtually
made the pact the law it the land.
Congress rules will delay the affix
ing of the prexident's signature until
next Wednesday, whon tho house is
again in session. The reciprocity bill,
having originated in the house, must
be relumed there for engrossment and
for the signature of Speaker Clark
while the house is Hit tint;.
Her Fourth Child Was About to En
ter the World.
Mrs. Alive Hnrtman, wife of a Van
dalla railroad fireman, drowned her
self in Kel river, at Logansport, Ind.
She awoke her husband to tell him
her fourth child was about to be horn,
tnd. while he was hunting a physician,
ran two blocks in her night garments
and threw herself into the river. Her
body was recovered.
Saturday afternoon William Pettit.
w y
Young Men's Suits,
That Were
f 10 00 .
13 50 .
15 00
is oo
20 oo . .
25 00
ople went to Warren to personally
asent our claims to (be Commissioner,
ie report of bis visit seems not to bave
en well founded, as he was not In War-
n. However, the help of prominent
lidents of Warren was secured, so the
Flit was not altogether fruitless. A
itlition to Commissioner Bigelow is be
PX circulated in the Boro aud everybody
hlgning, This petition is addressed to
fe. Bigelow and presents Tidioute's
Wims for the building of the road.
'1 be law prescribes that when a road
is through a Boro the municipality
at bear half the expense. If the an
anrilie8 refuse to pay, the Commissioner
5(i go ahead and build the section and
cnnpel the Boro to meet its half. (This
reu't occur in Tidioute, however, as our
R1ple want the road.) The third con
nigency provided in the law is that the
tUimissioner may diverge the route,
a itiug the Boro out entirely, Aud here's
wiere the 'meat in the cocoa nut' lies.
uere are other ways to Warren from
,,)nesta, and sucb action would be dis
0,rous to Tidioute. So It stands our
wple to get busy, keep busy, and let no
afortunity escape by which route 93 can
5( positively assured."
-The Print Co. Mid-Season Sale
mnences Aug. Int. Wonderful bar
ns for everybody. Oil City, Pa.
Piano at Auction !
"toners new Upright Piano, just re
Wed from the factory, at auction. Come
d see it. Come and hear it. Come and
i on it. It's going to be sold to soine
"e. The highest bidder gets it at my
'Ve on Saturday, August 6tn, 1!U1.
Thb Terms cash; or if pur
: a8er prefers, can pay one third down,
''e-third in six mouths note and one
rd in 12 months note. The notes to
"ar Interest, with approved security,
ing your sealed bids and place In
-ked box in my store any day before
turday, August 5tb, as all bids will be
nened on that date by three citizens of
ofinesta, at 7:00 p. in. The Piano, with
cr0 and scarf, will be delivered to the
r';liest bidder at bis home free of charge,
thwitbin ten miles of Tionesta. Here is
tl'hance to get a piano at your own price,
tl'io will be the lucky one? Come in
it-1 see it. The person buying this piano
f! have his niouey back In one year,
ri 15.00 for use of it, if lie wishes to
jupose of the instrument. For lurtliur
irmatlon call on
ri. J. N. Sandkock MillinkhyStoiik,
Agent, lionesla, Pa.
offer a bid of Dollars
the Piano advertised, with stool
Yf, delivered to my address.
with the seaSCP B"CTp:
a number of hoirs perished
Is $8,000, partly covered
ance .
The loss
by insur-
His Injuries Fatal.
V. A. Rovnolds, a Seneca county
thresher, who was picked up along
side the Lehigh Valley tracks at Gen
eva will) his left leg and right hand
covered Sunday, died late in the aft
ernoon. He made no utatemont as to
whether be was struck by a train or
fell off one.
Are Now
$ 6 75
8 50
10 75
12 00
15 50
. 17 50
included. Children's Suits are greatly reduced in price.
a half dozen exceptions are cut in price enough to more
tity, Penrvsylvescnie.
titlsh Government Fully Alive to Im
portance of Germany's Action
at Moroccan Port.
London. July 25. Thomas McKln-
n Wood, the under secretary for the
breign office, in reply to a question
the house of commons yesterday,
Bid that the government was fully
ive to the Importance of the Herman
rupation of Agadir, the Moroccan
a port.
Germany's orcupailon of the port
is caused a Kerious situation and'
r. Wood, In his reply, slated that the
ivernment would not low any op
irtunity to urge Its views upon the
avers signatory to the Algcclras ecu
ntlon. In reply to another question he stat-
11 that the government nt present did
)t contemplate sepiilng a warship to
ayti to protect lirltlsh Interests lu
Jio revolution prevailing there. If
rlhe situation required a vessel
Jihr protection, the government, said
inTr. Wood, would Immediately dis-
atch a vessel to one of the Haytlan
nitcd States, Great Britain,
Japan and Russia Signers.
Washington. July 2". The senate
roinptly ratified the fur seal treaty
sterday. The convention was sign-
1 on July 7 at Washington on behalf
r tho United States, Great Britain,
i pa n and Russia. The treaty wa3
ruisidered In the senate foreign rola
ons committee In the morning and
(ported without opposition.
Under the terms of the treaty, a
trol of the North Pncillc sea fre
ented by the seal herd is to be nialu-
ined and thorn l In lin n riivtulrin
D(iecn the signatory powers of tho
fotlii8 of the seals taken at the rook
ies under warrant of law.
lty the treaty the United States sur
renders 13 per cent of Its killed seals
to Japan and n like percentage to
Great Britain for Canada in cousidora
lion of the surrender by thoso powers
of their right to kill seals in the open
The United States also is obligated
by the trcity to pay to; Japan and Can
ada each the sum of $200,0(10 for tho
skins these countries now have on
hund and for which the United States
f-h.ill sell the skins in tpie.stion and
taKo me proceeds.
The llf? of the treaty is fixed at 13
years and It Is the expectation of the
powers interested that It will operate
to enlarge the seal herds.
Man Is Ground to Death In Presence
of Hundreds tt Depot.
Paris, Ky., July 23. In the pres
ence of hundreds of women and chil
dren waiting to greet friends ami rela
tlvef arriving on the afternoon L. &
N. passenger from Knoxvllle yester
day, Charles Lemons, waiting for rela
tives was ground to pieces by an out
going train.
Lemons stepped out of tho way of
ono train and did not see the other
He leaves a wife and two small
New York Provision Market.
New York, July 24.
WIIKAT No. 2 red; 91 Vic, tlevator.
CORN No. 2, f. o. b. afloat, 70c.
OATS Stan 1ard, 47c.
PORK Mesa, $1 7.50 18.00.
BUTT t"R Creamery specials,
2'ic; extras, 2.'c; factory, current
make, firsts, UMic
KGOS State and Pennsylvania, 23
l'OTATOKS Long Island, new,
per bl)l., ?;!.7o4.00; state, in bulk,
Buffalo Provision Market.
Buffalo, July 24.
WIIKAT No. 1 northern, carloads,
tl.04;h,: No. 2 red, SSc.
CORN No. 2 yellow, ti8c; No. 3
yellow, t7V4c.
OATS No. 2 white, I4ic; No. 3,
KLOUR Fancy blended patent,
ler bhl., '$5.fi0fi B 25; winter family,
patent, $t.75f'5.50.
BUTTLIlt.roainery. western tubs,
extra, 20c; creamery, do., fair to good,
KGGS State, selected white, 210
CHKKSli Good to choice, new,
13Tj 12"jO.
POTATOES Home grown, per bu.,
$1.oor(i i.2". j
East Buffalo Livestock Mi'ket.
CATTLK Prime steers, i6.73(?j)
(i.HU; 1,200 to 1.400 lb. steers-, Jo.COrtj1
COO; choice fat cows, $5. 1005.25;
choice heifers, $5.6'i'?'6.00; common
hulls, $3.2.'M-ir.; choice veals, S.2t
8.50; fair to good, $7 50(fi S.00.
UOCS Light Yorkers. $7.007.05;
heavy hot;s, $ti.90(! 7.00; pigs, .75
hpring lambs, $0.90''y;7.OO; mixed
bheep, $3.75 tr 4.50.
Buffalo Hay Market.
Timothy. No. 1, on track, $30.00;
No. 2 timothy, do. $18.00 18.60; straw,
wheat and oat, $7.00O7.60.