The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 19, 1911, Image 1

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One Square, one Inch, one week... 1 00
One Square, one Inch, one month. 8 00
Published every Wednesday by
One Square, one Inch, 8 months....
One Square, one lnoh, one year
6 00
15 00
80 00
60 00
100 00
in Bmearbangh & Wen Building,
Two Squares, one year ......
Quarter Column, one year
Half Column, one year ....
Toms, tl.OO A Ymt, Btrlcllr la AJvaaea,
. Entered ai aeoond-olass matter at the
post-office at Tloneela.
No subscription received for a aborter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notice
will be taken of anonymous ooramuni na
tions. Always give your name.
One Column, one year
Legal advertisements ten cent per Una
each insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, bat it's cash
on delivery.
VOL. XLIV. NO. 21.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgess. J. D. W. Reck.
Justices of the Peace O. A. Randall, D.
W. Clark.
CoHncumen.J. W. landers, J. T. Dale,
O. It. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugh,
K. J. Hopkins, w. u, Calhoun, A. 11
Cbnataok Cbarle Clark.
i. ii iir u it
School Directors J. O. Hoowden. R. M
' Herman, Q. Jamieson, J. J, Landers, J,
U. Uelst, Joaepu Ulark.
Member of Congress V. M. Speer,
Member of Senate J. K. P. Hall.
. Assembly Vi. J. Campbell.
President Judge W. I). H Inekley.
Associate Judges P. C. Hill, Samuel
Pro thonotary, Register & Recorder, ,
. J. C. Gelst.
Ar7T-S. R. Maxwell.
7VMrer Geo. W. Uoleman.
Commissioners V m . H. Harrison, J.
M. Zuendel, II. H. MoClellan.
District Attorney M. A. Carrlmrer.
Jury Commissioners Ernest nibble,
Lewis Wagner.
CbronerDr. M. O Kerr.
County Auditors George H. Warden,
A. C. Gregg and J. P. Kelly.
Oountu Purveyor D. W. Clark.
County Superintendent D. W. Morri
son, Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners 1st and 8d Taesdays or month.
Ckarck aa Sakbalk Rekul.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. i M. B. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. W. O. Calhoun.
Preaching In the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
U. A. Garrett, PaHtor.
Preaohlng in the Presbyterian church
every Sabbath at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pastor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
TI'.NESTA LODGE, No. 869,I.O.O. F.
Meota every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of each month at 3 o'clock.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month.
Tlonesla, Pa.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Office over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
Office In Arner Building, Oor. Elm
and Bridge Sts., Tloneeta, Pa.
Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank,
Physician A Surgeon,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Physician and
II C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor.
Modern aud up-to-date in all its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
onmfort provided for the traveling public
R. A. FU LTON, Proprietor,
Tlonseta, Pa. This Is the most centrally
located hotel In the plaoe, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public
Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
on El in street. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
?;lve perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
ion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. Fred. Grottonborger
All work pertaining to Machinery, Engines,-Oil
Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General iilacksmithiug prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop In rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
WeJl Paper
I have just received Two Thousand
Kolls of 1911
Now is the time to get your paper
ing done before the spring rush. Then
it will be almost impossible to get a
Caperbanger and that will delay jour
Wall Paper, Window
Shades, OH Cloth,
Taints, Oil, Varnish, Sewing Machine
Supplies and Notions.
Next Door to the Fruit Store, Elm
Street, Tionesta, Pa.
jLz ujuuJ U Ls
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Jily 20, 21 and 22.
No Bingle feature of the James Store Merchandizing System met with greater or more popular "la vor, Twice a year only were these Remnant Sales held
and so extraordinary were the values offered that women who knew ot their tar-reaching economy waited for them each year, TllO Kintcr Com
pany Will COatiaUQ .tllOSO nomnant Solos. The method ol conducting them will be similar to that followed by the James Store.
Those who come will note this difference There is iully a third more remnants those that have accumulated since James last February Sale and those
from The Kinter Company's $10,000 Sale of the James Stock. The fact that there's so many more Remnants will necessitate greater reductions in price
and we predict the lowest prices of any Remnant Sale ever held in this city.
Remnant SaJe Prices in the Millinery. Cloak and Suit Department.
This is in the nature of a distinct departure lrom the former methods of conducting Remnant Sales, Then the principal effort was put forth to sell
Remnants. Now the Remnant Sale prices in the Millinery and Cloak and Suit Departments will be as effective and as forcible as though the article
to be sold was a Remnant of Calico or Gingham. Read about Remnant Sale prices in the Millinery, Cloak and Suit Department. Every day since
July 1 the salespeople have been busily engaged in measuring, ticketing and sewing Remnants, a task justified only by the important results attained.
. The Remnants.
REMNANTS of Silks, Dress Ciods, Damask, Crash,
Flannelette, Outing, Canton Flannel, Curtain Swiss, Curtain
Madras, Denims, Cretones, Dress Linings, Persian Lawn, India
Linen. Longcloth, Cambric, Nainsook, Sheetings, Pillow Mus
lins, White Waitings, Swisses, Percales, Ginghams, Prints,
Colored Lawns, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Dress Trim
mings, Elastic, Table Oilcloth, Eto.
Every Side Counter, Center Aise Table, clear back to the
Corset Department, piled high with remnants.
NOTE To relieve th9 congestion in the front of the
store, remnants Lace, Embroidery, Ribbon and) Dress Trim
mings have been brought back to the tables in the Corset
Remnant Sale Prices in the Millinery, Cloak and Siit Department.
The Red Ink Remnnant Sale Price on Articles of Merchandise Up Stairs Marks the Absolute and Final Limit of Price Reduction. Any Article Up Stairs
the Red Ink Remnant Sale Price Fails to Move is Sent Out Gratis to One ot the Local Charitable Institutions. "
Tailored Suits.
3.00 ' T1,e Remnant Sale Price of a $22,150 Tan Serge Suit.
$8 75 T,le Remnant Sale Trice for four $20.00 and 22.50 suits. A
black suit with thread of white A suit of navy blue storm
serge A navy blue broadcloth suit A nuvy blue storm serge.
S 9 75 T,ie Re"1118'!1 SaIe rrice for threo $25.00 and $27.00 suits. A
suit of brown serge A suit of black storm serge A shadow
stripe navy blue cheviot suit.
$12 75 T,ie Rcmnant Sale Trice for two $27.50 and $.!2.50 suits. A suit
of shadow stripe black serge and a cream serge suit with black
hair line stripe.
. 75 The Remnant Sale Price for two
3.25 Tl!e R0'nIlallt Sale Trice for a
Silk Coats.
$5 00 The Remnant Sale Trice ofa $10.50 silk lined tan brusscls net
. jacket elaborately braided.
$5.75 T1' Re1""81'1 s"'e Rr'oe ofa $10.00 52-inch black silk cont.
$5.00 Tlie Kenmuiit Sule Trice ofa $12.50 black silk not jacket.
$7.75 T1' Remnant Sale Trice ofa $14.50 52-inch black silk coat.
Ladies' One Piece Wash
$200 The Remnant Palo Trice for two $1.50 dresses, white, laco and
' embroidery trimmed.
$2.50' The Remnant Sale Trice for a JU.50 light blue batiste dress
' trimmed with lace.
$2.50 The Rl'""",nt s,",le rril'e ' 'wo $5.00 white 'bHtisto dresses,
luce and embroidery trimmed.
$275 The Remnant Sale Trice for two $5.00 chambray dresses, light
' blue and pink. .
$3 50 The Remnant Sale Trice for two $8.50 dresses of light blue
cotton bengaline.
The Kinter Company,
Thirty-two Passengers Drowned.
In the blackness of a tropical storm
at night, 32 passengers and neveral
mombers of her crew sank with the
small Bteamship Irma wien It was
i-truck by the Diamante. New of the
disaster just reached Tort Limon,
Cofta Rica, Friday from liluefleld3.
Only eight passengers of the Irma es
caped. Golf Player Killed by Lightning.
While playing golf on nn open
stretch ot the Chevy Chase links at
Washington on Sunday afternoon,
Trlstam B. Johnson, former Re
publican alderman ot the Twenty-fifth
district, New fork city, and recently
appointed solicitor for the navy de
partment, was struck dead by a bolt
of lightning. He was fully S.I yards
from the nearest tree. '
$.12.00 ami $37.50 suit. A
$4, - .00 navy blue broadcloth
Going to South Africa.
Rev. Herbert S. Harris, pastor ol
tho Presbyterian church, left Mt. Mor
ris Wednesday evening for New York,
on his way to South America in the in
terests of the World's Sunday School
association. Ho sailed - from Now
York city Thursday on the Carmanln
for London, K.ngland, whore he will
spend several days before leaving for
nrazll on the Aragon.
Head of "Absolute Life" Cult Guilty.
Evelyn Arthur See, head of tho
"Absolute Life" cult, who has been
on trial for threo w;'ks in Chiciipo.
on the general charge of contributing
to the delinquency of Mildred Dridgos
and more specifically for the abduc
tion of his youthful follower, was
found guilty last week on evei-y count.
Tho verdict renders the defendant lia
ble to a long term. In the penitentiary.
Every remnant has been carefully measured and the yards
are carefully marked on each ticket.
The regular yard price of each remnant appears on the
ticket and the price for the entire remnant is marked in RED
That's a distinct feature of these sales all remnants and
remnant sale merchandise is marked in red ink.
Make your comparison between the red ink remnant sale
price and the regular price.
500 Lace and Embroidery
. Remember these are back in the Corset Section.
$3,65 Tll Remnant Sale Trice for a $7.50 lace trimmed white dress.
One Piece Dresses of Marqui
sette, Silk and Wool. '
The Remnant Sule Trice of a $12.50 black and white shepherds
check dress.
The Remnant Sule Trice for an $8.50 dress of white Marquisette,
trimmed in light blue iiiessalinw
Tho Remnant Sale Trice for a $12.50 dress of dark maroon
The Remnant Salo Trice for a $14.50 dress of tan silk.
The Remnant Sule Trice for an $18.50 dress of navy blue silk
The Remnant Sulo Trice for a $20.00 Muck taffeta dress.
Ladies' Jacket Suits.
The Remnant Sule Trice of $1.50 linen jacket suits ping and
light blue.
The Remnant Sulo Trice of $5.00 linen jacket suits white roso
and light green.
Tho Remnant Sale Trice of $0.50 jacket suits of white poplin.
Tho Remnant Sule Trice of $8.-50 white linen suits.
The Remnant Salo Trice of an $18.50 natural color silk poplin
The Remnant Sulo Trice for two $27.50 silk jacket suits or
nuturul color pongee.
Silk Petticoats.
The Remnant Sulo Trice for $-1.75 tatl'ota silk pctticouts hluck
uud rose.
Tho Reinnunt Sule Trice for $.3.50 tuflola silk petticoats brown,
pink, grey and cerise.
The Remnant Sule Trice of $0.00 black taffeta silk petticoats.
Election Law Favored by Democratic
State Organization Becomes Law.
Governor Dix has placed his alipia
ture of Assemblyman Aaron J. Levy's
bill embracing the election law amend
ments favored by the Democratic
state organization. Hereafter ivstead
of thore being a single superintendent
of elections operating in the Metro
politan election districts, thore will be
three superintendents of election to
be appointed by Governor Dix at a
salary of $5,000 each. Apparently one
superintendent will operate in the
Nhw York city district, one in the up
state cities and in the upstate rural
Twenty-five additional deputies are
provided for by the law at $1,000 each.
It la anticipated that the operation of
Zo 0z' L3 a
Remnants of Silk up to 16 yards.
Remnants of Dress Goods up to 8 yards.
Remnants of Damask up to 3 yards.
Remnants of Wash Goods up to 15 yards.
REMNANTS OF SILKS-Never so many at any pre
vious remnant sale and among them many Waist and Suit
DRESS GOODS REMNANTS One entire counter with
nothing but Dress Goods remnants.
; And those women looking for Skirt or entire Suit lengths
will find choicest things among tbem.
. DRESS TRIMMINGS Remnants of these will be back
with embroidery and lace remuants. Fancy Applique Bands,
Braids and Allovers.
50 Tlie Remnant Sule
Remnant Sale Prices on Mil
linery and Trimmed Hats.
$1.75 T,ie Remnant Sule Trice for $3.75 trimmed huts.
$1.85 T1,e Remnant Sulo Trice for $4.00 trimmed huts.
$2.00 ' The Remnant Sulo Trice for $5.00 trimmed hats.
$2.75 Tho Ru""'a"t Sule Trice for $0.00 trimmed huts.
$2.90 TIie Remnant Sulo Trice for $7.00 trimmed hats.
$3.50 Tlie Remnant Sulo Trice for $ trimmed hats.
$3.85 T,ie Remnant Sulo Trice for $9.00 trimmed huts.
$4.00 Tl' Remnant Sulo Trice for $10.00 trimmed huts.
$4.50 Tlie Remnant Sule Trice for 11.50 trimmed huts.
$5.00 Th. Remnant Sulo Trice for 12.50 trimmed huts.
$6.00 Tlie Remnant Sule Trice for 14.5U trimmed hats.
Untrimmed Shapes.
50c Tho RemnantSulo Trice of niitriniined shn'pes up to 2.110.
75c Tho Remnant Sule Trico for imtriiumed shapes 2.00 to 3.00.
$1.00 The Reinnunt Sulo Trico of unlriiiimi'd shupes 3.i0 to 4.0".
Misses' and Children's Hats
And Infants' Bonnets ut a half. The Reuinuiit Sulo Trico for uny of
Oil City, Pac.
the new law will phico an expense of
an additional $150,000 upon tho sUte
(.nd $140,000 upon the 61 counties of
tho state oi an Increased total ex
pense of $290,000.
Thore Is n board of elections now
for New York city and hereuf tor each
county will have a bi-partisan board of
All restrictions heretofora placed
upon the voter In New York regarding
his identification on registry and elec
tion day are made to apply to the tip
ftato voter, including tho blgnature
Where Time Doesn't Count.
A party of Kant Indian native were
found sitting hi a row on the plat
form of n station after the train had
left, and, being nsked the reason, oue
of the men replied, "uh, sahib, we.nre
waiting till the tickets are chenperftj
Trice of $9.50 black silk petticoats.
Milk Is Drink and Food.
Milk ls not only drink, but
food. It should bo taken slowly
and ls bo nourishing that only a
strong stoinnch enn assimilate
'milk and meat together.
No Necessity.
Terdlda (at the caudy pulling)
Where do we wash our hands? Myr
tllla Oh, we don't hflve to do that
Pulling the candy makes them beauti
fully white and clean.-Chlcago Trib
une. Make not thy friends too cheap to
thee nor thyself to thy friends.-Ful-ler.
Struck by Eastbound Passen
ger Train on Lake Shore.
Steps From Tracks to Permit the Fly
er to Pass, but Fail to Get Far
Enough Away From Rails and the
Pilot of the Locomotive Hit Him.
Fracturing His Skull Other News
of General Interest to Readers.
Fernando Klrkendorf, 19 years eld,
who was employed on the J. P. Hall
farm at Van Buren, was instantly Will
ed, wlille walking on the Lake Shore
track, two miles west of Dunkirk, at
an early hour Sunday morning. Kick-.
endorf end two companions rame to
Dunkirk to attend the Eagles' carnl
tsl Saturday night, and were return
ing home when the accident occurred.
When near the Prlgham road, Kick
endorf and his two companions step
ped from the track out of the path of
a fat east bound passengor train, but
the former did not get far enough away
and the projecting end of the pilot
struck him In the head, fracturing his
bkull and hurling the body several feet
In the air.
Coroner Blood was notified and took
charge of the remains He Is survived'
by four half brothers, Emery Phillips
of Bnffalo, Harry Kickendorf of Fro
donla, Christopher Kickendorf of Van
Buren and Ray Phllltppa of James
Gas Explosion In Cascade Mine at Du
bois Cause of Disaster.
Twenty-one miners perished as tho
result of an explosion of gas In the
Sykersvllle jhaft of the Cascade Coal
and Coke company mine at Dubois,
Pa., Saturday night. Eve.ry miner In
the southern portion of the workings
Few of the men were killed by the
explosion itself and from the position
of the bodies found by rescuing par
lies It war evident that following the
flash many of the men gathered up
their belongings and were endeavor
ing to reach an outlet when overcome
Hnd suffocated by tho fatal afterdamp
that Invariably follows an explosion
of a gaseous nature.
Andrews Seeks a New Trial.
Counsel for John M. Andrews, for
mer superintendent Qf the Warren
Water companv, who was co.ivlcted
of murdering Einil Amann, an Inspec
tor of the .company, which conviction
was followed by a confession by Mrs.
Arthur R. Drake, or Stella Hodge at
Atlantic City that she had accidental
ly killed Amann, asked for a now trial.
The attorneys filed I!) reasons, charg
ing errors on the part of the trinl
Judge, suppression of evidence by the
district attorney and recite the alleged
confession of the woman.
Boy Badly Hurt by Baseball,
Warner Holmes, a young lad, who
lives nt South Loon Lake, N. Y., is in
a very serious condition as the result
of belr.T struck In the head with a
baseball. He was participating In a
game with some companions and a
batted liner struck him Just over the
left temple. He was In an uncon
scious condition for some time am ls
not yet out of danger and may die.
Fire at Perry, N. Y.
Fire destroyed tho grandstand and
other buildings located on the fair
grounds of Silver Lake Agricultural
Mechanical afisoelntlon at Perry, N.
N., Saturday afternoon. The fire start
ed shoi'ly after tho close of a ball
game played on the grounds between
the Roliesons and the Buffalo Colored
Glanls, probably due to the careless
ness of a smoker.
Mars Will Recover.
J. C. Mars, the aviator, hurt in a
fall wlih his aeroplane Friday at Eric,
Pa., will be to loave the hospital
in about 10 , r Ills injuries are not
nearly so Ffcen
first reported,
e of the skull,
but no other
eyond a slight
s, there are no
Me has a slight
which Is not s
bones are broken
hemorrhage of th
Internal Injuries
Miss Gould Gives Reservoir.
Miss Helen M. Gould has given to
the town of Roxhury, Delaware coun-
tv, N. Y., where she ha a summer
homo, a natural reservoir. Last spring
she bought Dales Lake, which has an
area of ten acres. The purchase has
Just become known. The lake will
le connected with the Roxbury water
system, fiirnlvhlng excellent fire pro
tection and1 a good water supply.
Charged With Firing Oil Tanks.
A 2'0.barrel tank and a 100-barrel
tank, both containing about 300 bar
rels of crude oil. owned by Mallery,
Rathbun & Co., Wellsvllle and Brad
ford parties, was destroyed by (Ire on
the Charles Rathbun farm at Cone
villo, Pa., 12 miles south of here.
Moyd Wilson, 21 years old, has been
placed under arrest, charged with set
ting tho fire.
Little Falls Pastor Dies In Ireland.
Cable advices from Ireland an
nounced the dvith there of the Rev.
M. A. Mathlgan, pastor of the Dolge
vllle IN. Y.) Catholic cjinrch. Has
visiting his m it her, who ls luears