The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 31, 1911, Image 4

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5k Anatfr jjilfldte
S. & II. Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases.
Women's Queen Quality 50c
Lisle Hose
On Sale Here act 25c Pair.
A mighty good quality of gauze lisle to sell at a quarter a
pair, but not as good, by any means, as our standard 50c grade.
In fact this is a grade of hose manufactured expressly for the
so-called cut rate shoe trade to exploit as a 50c hose at 44c. It
is not a 50c hose according to our standard of values, but is a
mighty good illustration of methods employed by a certain class
of storekeepers.
Warm Weather Dresses
OJ Cotton Voile, Marquesette, Batiste and Percale. An at
tractive assortment of light, summer costumes, modest priced.
For warm days a light gown of this sort is almost a ne
cessity; and at the prices we are quoting, it becomes a positive
economy, saving wear and tear on better gowns. These are of
extra quality and style and assure you of being sufficiently well
dressed for any occasion.
Excelling Styles in Millinery.
Hats to suit the face, to match every costume and at prices
that fit the slim as well as the fat purse. Never before has this
store so fully met the demands for excelling styles at all prices.
Yards and Yards qf Foulard
Silks at 39c.
For the purpose of making a clean sweep we have taken
all our 50c and 75c Foulards and price them this morning at
39c. There is not a poor color or pattern in the lot.
Colors are Navy, Alice, Royal, Brown and Black grounds.
Quality is all pure silk. A really remarkable offering, every
thing considered.
The Smart &
Oil Gity Trust Company,
Oil City, Pa.
"The men whom I have seen luceed best in life
hire always been cheerful and hopeful men, who
went about their business with a smile on their faces,
and took their changes and chances of this mortal
life like men." Kingeley.
Be cheerful, but do not forget
to be thrifty.
on your savings.
Young Men's
Snappy Styles,
Short vamp, high toe lasts look small and fit comfortably.
In Tan, Russia, Gunmetal and
Patent Colt Leathers, at
$3.00, $3.50 and $4.00.
Goods Shoes are Cheapest.
Palm Beach, Fla.
Silberberq Co.
Low Shoes.
Oil City, Ta.
are tha products of mar than 30
year' experience. Three brand
76 Special Motor
Power Without Carbon
Warerlv g aaolinei are ad refined, distilled
and treated contain no "natural" gasoline,
which are crude and unrefined and which carry
the maximum of carbon -producing elements
Warerly Oil Works Co.,MtUbarf,Pa.
Independent Refiner
' Makers of Waverly Special Auto Oil
Porous Knit Union
i Suits, Knee Lengths,
' Boys and Men,
' 50o and (1 00 per Suit.
Sua Collars,
" Two for 25c and 25o
Straw Hats for Man,'
, Boy or Child,
' Wash Suits Regatta
I Make,
50o to $6 00.
Oil City, Pa.
There Was No Applause.
Just before tbe uprrailuii began the
operating Burgeon Mid to the students,
"Now. geutlenieu, no applause, If 70a
When be was convalescing the pa
tient declared tuat that warning re
mained his most vivid Impression of
the ordeal.
"I wondered then bow any human
being could hare tbe heart to applaud
an act tbat bad brought another face
to face with death, but later I under
stood. On account of heart trouble
they did not dare administer an anaes
thetic, so I was conscious of every
thing, and In spite of tbe pain I re
alized tbat the surgeon was doing a
mighty skillful piece of work. No
wouder the students wanted to ap
plaud. Tbey were justified In It
"'Some years ago they would have
clapped the bouse down after an ex
hibition of that kind,' an old hospital
attendant told me. 'but nowadays doc
tors discourage any such demonstra
tion.' "New York Sun.
Forgery In Excels!.
The most remarkable literary" for
gery on record was perpetrated In 1870
on Michael Chasles, a French scien
tist of European reputation. ' Chasles,
who was In bis dotage, purchased
within a few years from one Train-
Lucas no fewer than 27,000 auto
graphs. A. M. Broadley tells the story
In his "Chats on Autographs:" "lie
ginning with a supposed correspond'
enee between the youthful Newton
and rascal, Vraln-Lucas proceeded to
fabricate letters of Rabelais, Monies
quleu and La Bruyere. Before be bad
finished M. Chasles became tbe posses.
sor of letters In French, and written on
paper made In France, of Julius Cae
sar, Cleopatra, Mary Magdalene and
even of Lazarus after his resurrec
tlon." Vraln-Lucns was sentenced to
two years' lmprlsimment. and among
other forged manuscripts from his pen
there were produced In court letters
from Alexander tbe Great, Herod.
Tompey, Judas Iscariot, Sappho, Pun
tius mate and Joan of Arc!
The Llama With a Saddle.
In his native country the llama Is
trained as a beast of burden, and lu
this capacity Is very useful for, hard
and wiry by nature, he can carry as
much as a 100 pounds.' As a mount
too, be. Is quite easy to train. Indeed,
both the llama and the onclko take to
the saddle as to the manner born
when once tbey have assured tbera
selves that their teacher wishes them
well. Their most striking peculiarity
ns saddle animals, however, Is a strong
objection to having their beads In any
way pulled about by their riders. So
long as their mouths are left alone
they will amble along quite contented
ly at a fair rate of speed, but If tbey
are ridden by some one with a heavy
band they show a tendency to stop at
once, whipping round In a manner dis
tinctly disconcerting to those who do
not quite realize what Is going to hap
pen. Wide World Magazine.
Turn About
In a certain southern city the col
ored servants, as a rule, go to tbelt
own homes at night. The cook In tbe
family of a clergyman not only does
this, but of late has arrived at the
rectory too late to cook breakfast.
Ilence her mistress lately told her that
for each breakfast missed there would
be a reduction In her weekly wages.
Dinah passively assented to this, but
next day the mistress beard the maid
next door sny to ber:
"'Penrs to me you get to work
mighty lute."
"1 gets to work when I gets ready,"
was the reply.
"How does you manage about de
"Oh, I pays de missus to cook de
brekfus.' "Housekeeper.
"Do as Rome Does."
The saying "Do ss Home does"
originated with St Ambrose In tbe
fourth century. It arose from a di
versity of the observance of Saturday.
The Milanese made It a feast, tbe Ito
ninns a fast. St. Ambrose, being ask
ed what should be done In such 'a
case, replied: "In matters of little con
sequence It Is better to be guided by
the general usage. When I am at
Milan I do not fnst on Saturday, but
when I am at Rome I do as tbey do la
Rome." '
Not at All Necessary.
"Whnt was the cause of the quarrel
with your husband?"
: "I want you to understand. Judge,
that when we want to fight we don't
have to have a cause." New York
! A sip la the most that mortals are
permitted from any goblet of delight
Alcott .
" Blown Up."
It may not blow up as much as we
would like to see it.
In fact, the papers are predicting a
warm wave coming.
You need not care if you're dressed
1 You can sit back or go ahead and
leave the weather makers do their worst.
Mads Him Doubt His Own Name.
It was tbe quality of x.vnipiitli.v limi.
made Mrs. Cleveliiud's life In the
White House so rich ti memory, write
Dr. W. U. Crook lu the I'hilmlclplilii
Saturday Evening Post. I never kue
ber to make a mlstuke of u nodal mi
ture but once, and then ll was shared
by so many others that I may be par
doned for repeating It In public print
1 know tbe little story Is true, for I
was present at the time and heard ll
all. At one of the president's formal
receptions a man named Decknr up
pen red. and as be drew near the r
celvlng line he told Colonel Wilson In
confidence that bis name was such un
easy one It could not be mistaken or
mispronounced, whereupon Colonel Wil
son presented him.
I "Happy to meet you, Mr. Cracker,"
aaid the president
"Happy to meet you, Mr. Baker,"
said Mrs, Cleveland.
"Mr. Backer," murmured Miss Bny
ard doubtfully.
"Happy to meet you, Mr. Black,"
Mrs. Whitney remarked with confi
dence. It Is said that a few minutes later
Mr. Decker was seen looking at one of
bis visiting cards to see what his name
really was.
Friction Matches.
Friction matches are a comparative
ly modern Invention. They were first
made by John Walker In England In
1S27, but were rather crude affairs.
He Improved them somewhat In 1S33
by using phosphorus. The first really
practical friction match was made In
tbe United States In 1830 by L. C. Al
len of Sprlugfleld, Mass. Before this
time n clumsy form of match was Im
ported from France, which had to be
dipped Into a bottle of sulphuric acid
before It could be lighted. This took a
great deal of time and trouble, and
Allen, seeing the necessity for friction
matches, set about to make them and
succeeded. He neglected to patent
them, however, and on finally apply
ing for letters patent found tbat a
man named Alonzo Phillips, who was
a peddler, had discovered through a
third person the secret of making tbe
mutches and had already obtained a
patent Thus Allen, though the real
Inventor, was forced to become a mere
manufacturer undor another man's pat
ent Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
The Kidnaped Brides,
In tbe year 002. according to old cus
tom, all tbe brides for the year at
Venice assembled on St. Mary's eve at
tbe cathedral, taking with them tbelr
dowries in small chests. There they
awaited their bridegrooms, who fol
lowed them, and after mass tbey were
married and received tbe bishop's
blessing. In this year the sea rovers
of Trlest burst In upon tbe expectant
maidens, who were ull dressed In
white, with hair loosely flowing and
Interwoven with threads of gold, car
ried them off to their barks and hoisted
sail. Tbe doge of Venice summoned
bis men to arms, pursued the rovers,
overtook them In a creek still known
as the Port of tbe Damsels and brought
tbe brides back In triumph. In mem
ory of tbls event a solemn procession
of twelve young women took place
yearly, and tbe Marian games were ob
served with great splendor until tbe
year 1370, when they were discontin
ued in a time of disastrous war.
How They Fight Fire In Turkey.
Tbls Is tho met hod of fighting fire In
Turkey. In t lie center of Constanti
nople n high watchtower has been
erected. When the man In the tower
boos 11 blaze the alarm Is sounded and
the firemen are called to their posts.
If they have horses they proceed very
leisurely to bitch them to the engines
or carts and trot to the fire, but lu
most cases they have no horses, and
tbe men drag tbe engines through the
streets at a walk. They do not hurry
to attach the hose to tbe hydrant. Tbe
captain first finds tbe owner of the
building that Is lu danger of destruc
tion and finds out bow much be will
pity to have the tire put out. If the
blaze is beyond control thu captain ap
proaches tbe owners of surrounding
property and bargains with them for
their protection, and of course they
pay him liberally. New York Post.
A Schoolboy's Story of Jonah.
A school board boy, competing for
one of tho Peek prizes, evolved tills
confusion of widely dinYrent events.
He bad to write a short biography of
Jonah, and he produced the follow
ing: "He was the father of Lot and
bud two wives. One was called Ish
male and the other Hnglier. He kept
one at home and turned tbe other Into
the dessert, when she been me n pillow
of salt In the daytime and a pillow of
Ore at tilKlit."-Front Wheatley's "Lit
erary Blunders."
Khaki Trousers, Men's
and Boys,'
50c, $1.00 and 11.50.
Tennis Sleeveless Shirts,
Athletio Underwear
Armless and Legless,
60o and $1.00.
Beautiful summery cool,
perfeotly made Clothing for
Men, Boys aod Children.
Automobile Caps and
Dusters, Men's Linen Suits,
Ladies' Uauntlet Gloves.
Oil City, Pa.
Under the Orator's 8pell.
. Justice Brewer was once speaking of
tbe oratory of John B. Uougu. "I
would go homo after hearing bis elo
quence thoroughly elated, but wbeu
my father or mother asked me what
Gough bad said I could not tell tbetn
for the life of me. I remember once at
a Yale commencement along In the
fifties, about the time that I was gradu
ated there, an Incident Illustrating tbo
force of personal magnetism. Gough
was to deliver an oration. He spoko,
of course, on temperance. There was
a distinguished audience. On tbe stnge
were many of tbe venerable, notable
men In New Haven of that day. A
large space was clear about tbe table,
for Gough liked to walk back and
forth as be talked. lie described bow
a drunkard bad beaten bis wife and
came to his climax with, 'Any man
who would klck-a woman ought to be
kicked out of tbe uulvcrseP
"He emphasized bis words with a
vigorous thrust of oue foot whereat
every person on tbe stage, Intensely
wrought up by the orator, likewise
kicked outward as did Gough." Kan
sas City Journal '
When Tabby Raises Hsr Battle Cry.
Despite the cat's softness, laziness,
flutUness and purring amiability, ber
piercing warcry In the ulght startles
and exasperates us beyoud all bearing
not by Its loudness, but by a certain
vicious, weird, balf terrifying, half in
furiating note In It that makes us
spring to arms with the bootjack or
other substitute for tbe boomerang, as
the warwhoop of our tribal enemies
did a century or centuries ago, says
Dr. Woods Hutchinson In Success Mag
azine. Oue of Mark Twalu's wise old fron
tiersman bad caught this note when
be explained to the tenderfoot Unit an
imal speech bad rules of composition
and gra miner, Just like human speech,
and tbat "tbe reasou a cat riles ye so
ain't on account of tbe noise she
makes, but on account of the elckeniu'
bad grammar she uses." And be was
right, for the grammar of scalp lifting
and the whole alphabet of battle, mur
der and sudden death tingles and
screams In tbe rasping cry.
Two Can Play.
"Walter," called the Irate diner,
"there seems to be a dollar on tbls
bill I can't account for."
"Oh, that's Just a Joke, sir," apolo
gized tbe waiter, "Just a bet tbe cash
ier and I have. I'll have It fixed right
away, sir."
"What do you mean about a bet?"
asked the diner, detaining him.
"Well, sir, I bet the cashier 00 cents
you would see the mistake, and be bet
you wouldn't so I win, sir."
"Suppose I hadn't noticed it?"
"He'd have got the dollar, sir."
"Ob, 1 see. Give me your pencil."
And be wrote a few lines on tbe back
of tbe bill, folded It up and handed It
to tbe waiter. "Take that to tbe cash
ier." Tbe waiter leaned over tbe cashier's
shoulder as be unfolded the paper. It
read: '
"I'll bet you $5 that when you send
tbls back you don't find me."
And tbey didn't Llppincott's.
Practical Help,
"Mister," whined the mendicant with
the wooden leg, "can't you help a poor
old sailor wot bas bad bis leg bitten
off by a shark?"
"Dear me!" exclaimed the kind
hearted professor. "I believe I can, my
poor man. Como around to the col
lege." After hobbling along for ten blocks
tbe professor led tbe way through an
Iron gate and up to bis study.
"Here you are, my poor man. Now,
don't say I never gave you anything."
Tbe beggar almost toppled over with
"W-what's that, sir?"
"Why, that's my latest book on
'Sharks and Their Ways.' If you have
tbat book wltb you wbeu you fall over
board next time you won't lose tbo
other leg. You'll know Just bow to
dodge them. Good day." Chicago
Blighted Affections.
Now the ashes of my heart are en
tombed In my breast, as In a sepul
cher of Ice, yet once that heart was
formed of fire and burned and raged
until It perished, self consumed. From
"Tho Fnrrlclde."
' Mean.
First Fair One-How dreadful It Is
to have a skeleton in the famllyl Sec
ond Fair One I know, dear. Have
you ever tried exercise?
Avoid popularity; It bas many snares
and no real benefit Penn.
Every latest neckwear fad is reflected in this neckwear showing.
25o and 50o each brings to you a most complete assortment
from which even late shoppers may find pleasiDg and most satisfac
tory selection. ,
Every member of the househeld man, woman, child or intanl
may be outfitted in a hosiery way at this department. There is per
haDs no more coranlete hoiierr stock in this section of the state.
There is hardly any hosiery
Boniest or embroidered silk tbat we cannot supply.
The women's 25o hosiery assortment is particularly large.
Long or short. ' White, black and colors.
Short Gloves, 25c to $1.
. Long Black Lisle Gloves, C5o pair.
Long Silk Gloves, colors and black aod white, $!, $1.50 and $2.
You Can't lake a Mistake
in Trading Here.
You can't make a purchase here that will not satisfy you perfectly. For
your money's waiting for yoo it' anvthing goes wrong. We believe, how
ever, there s little chance of that. For we handle only dependable quality
the Boys' and Children's Clothes of the beat makers. You can trade very
economically here.
And Our Prices Are Lower Than
We carry a complete line of Boys' and Children's Soils.
Of Boys' and Children's Single Trousers.
Of Boys' and Children's Wash Suits.
Of B iys' and Children's Waists and Shirts.
Ot Boys' and Children's Felt Hats and Straw Hats.
Of Boys' and Children's Caps.
Of Boys' and Children's Underwear and Bathing Suits.
Of Boys' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords.
We also have the American Boy Scout Suits. Eolire outfit costs only
$3.26. Ask to see them. A trial is all we ask. We know it will convince
Max Jacobs,
One Price Store, Clothier and Shoer,
233 Seneca Street, - Oil City, Pa.
The Ruling Passion.
Among the well known figures of
tbe Tarls Balons mentioned In "An
Eighteenth Century Marquise" was
Bossut, mathematician and abbe, who
had translated Maria Agnftri's work on
tbe Infinitesimal calculus. "When bo
was dying Maupertlus was by bis bed
side. No one knew whether tbe agony
was euded. Twelve times twelve?"
asked Maupertlus lu a distinct voice.
One hundred and forty-four.' come the
automatic answer as Bossut breathed
bis last."
Appearances. ' '
It Is the appearances that fill the
scene, and we pause not to ask of
what realities tbey are the proxies.
When the actor of Athens moved all
hearts as be clasped the burial urn
nud burst Into broken sohs how few
theu knew that It held tho ashes of
his sou! Bulwer-Lytton.
Ouida Out of Sorts.
Oulda In a ' decidedly pessimistic
mood appears In Lady Dorothy NevlU'a
reminiscences. In 1887 Oulda sent to
Lady Dorothy a card bearing the fol
lowing "Jubilee epitaph:"
Full half a century of measures small.
Weak wits, weak words, weak wars, and
that Is all.
It Is amazing that Oulda could
even for a moment have lapsed Into
such dull snappisbness. Lady Doro
thy's ascription of the foolish couplet
to "feelings of depression" is doubt
less Just New York Tribune.
Defining the Difference,
"Madam," said one French gentle
mnn Introducing another, "this Is the
Marquis de Blank, and I assure you
he is not such a fool as he looks."
"Madam," quietly remarked the
marquis, with a bow, "my friend has
Just stated the exact difference be
tween himself and me."
Earliest Theater. '
What was probably oue of the earli
est theaters built Was the theater of
Dionysus, which was begun five centu
ries before Christ Tbe seating capac
ity of this remarkable building Is said
to have been 30,000, nearly four times
that of our largest amusement palace.
The theater of Dionysus was erected
when Greek art and literature were In
their prime. Ilere were presented to
appreciative spectators the wonderful
works of Aeschylus. Sophocles and
A Sickly Diary.
"Look here, old chap, I'll give you a
valuable' tip," said tho experienced
married man to the prospective bride
groom. "Don't let your wife keep a
diary on the honeymoon. My wife did
that, and now whenever we quarrel
she brings It out and rends some of
tbe idiotic things I said to her then."
A Serious Joko.
"What bas happened to Mr. White,
who used to be such u Joker?"
"Well, he proposed to his present
wife as a Joke. She accepted blni, and
he has glveu up making Jokes ever
since." Dorfbarbier. '
demand from 10o cotton to hand- t
Because we want you to know of the
clans of work turned out la our estab
lishment. Because we rater to the intelligent class
and they read tbe papers.
Because we can talk to more people
through the newspaper, at a greater dis
tance, Id lesa time and at a more reasona
ble price than In any other way.
Because newspaper advertising brings
tbe best results when placed in a first
class medium.
Because we know It la eeen and read
by almost everyone In the bouse where
tbe paper goes.
Morck Optical Co.,
First Natloual Bank Lenses for the Eyes
Building. Exclusively.
Fire Fire Fire
Insurance at Living Rates.
Real Etate Bought aod Sold on
W. M. WOLCOTT, Agent.
Office north of Bridge Street and
Killmer Block on Elm Street.
Furniture Dealer,
.ainrai A. ti jour vrunlut for a
Mill in lied Uolii mrtalllcWy, iralc.1 vita nine KHJioa. Vx
Take no other, lluy of roar V
.'ji.ii" HHKnil flM.R, fur Mb
Promptly obtained, or Fl RETURNED.
TNI LOWEST. Send nuxlt'l, photo or ketch for
eipert wwrvh and free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT auita conducted before all
coorta. Patent obtained thnmirh n, ADVER
SIONS and COPVRIQHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8. Patent Offloe,