The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 24, 1911, Image 4

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S. & II. Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases.
Summer Floor Covering.
Unusual Spring showing of the original Crex Rugs and
Mattings by the yard. Nothing so cool, artistic, sanitary and
comfortable, as Crex, lor the porch, sleeping room, summer
home, or bungalow. An unequaled assortment of styles and
sizes. Rug sizes 54x90 inches, 6x9 feet, 8x10 feet, 9x12.0.
Yard goods to match of plain green color; widths, 27-inch, 36
inch, 72-inch (yard goods.)
Special sizes made to order.
Clean Dyed Cotton Fles.
Extra values in American Flags.
Decorate your home, office or place of business on Decora
tion Day with a new U. S. Flag. These flags are very artistic,
bright in color, and when suspended have the appearance of
wool flags. They have canvas headings, with teeth grummets,
with 43 stars on both sides.
Size 4x6 feet, 90c, value $1.50.
Size 5x9 feet, $1.50, value $2.
Size 6x9 feet, $ 1.75, value $2.50.
Size 8x12 feet, $3, value $5.
A Genuine Imported Woddo
r Wood-web PorchShade.
This Porch Shade is known for the unbreakable fine-made
slats, closely stitched, numerous air spaces which make it the
coolest and most exacting porch
is not affected by dampness, and
will not draw heat. The Waldo Wood-Web is equipped with
China rings, instead of pulleys, proper sized draw cords, and in
hanging no nails or screws are required, For privacy, shade
and coolness on the porch or windows, the Waldo Wood-Web
is the unsurpassed shade. Made
present in sizes 4-0x8-0, 6 - 0x8 -
LoLncatster English Wshble
We take orders for domestic
6ize or color; Let us quote estimate on new shades without
obligation on your part. All work finished promptly and in
cood order. Stock shades in lour colors.
36-inch cloth x6 -0 long, 25c, value 30c. 38-inch cloth x6-0
long, 50c, value 60c. 38-inch cloth x6-0 long, 60c, value 70c.
The Smart &
Oil City Trust Company,
Oil City, Pa.
Busy Since 1871.
This company was organized in 1871 with a capital of
$90,000.00. Capital, Surplus and Profits now exceed
Broken Lot Sale.
500 Pairs Men's High Grade
$4.00 Oxfords $1.95.
Banister Oxfords $3.95.
We have taken out of our regular Block all lines on which aizes are
broken, and marked tbem at prices to clean the shelves in a hurry.
Not all sizes in each kind, but no
Uxiord to please you.
Sizes marked on each Shoe shown in window.
Pick Your Size.
Bargains if You Can.
Palm Beach, Fla.
Absolutely free from carbon. Light in
color. Flow evenly, levet no
Waverly Gas Engine Oils
will protect your engine.. They
made from Pennsylvania Crude
refined to perfection.
Waverly Oil Works Co., Pittsburg,
Independent Refiner
Abe tnakart of W.vcrlr Special Auto OS
W.vcrlr GaioJin.t.
shade made. Furthermore, it
not being varnished or painted
m three colors, in stock at
0, 8-0x8-0.
or foreign shades made in any
Silberberq Co.
doubt you can find your size in some
Oil City, Pa.
Wash Suits for
All the good
kinds at 60o and
If you've been
buying them at
New York or Pitts
burg you're fooling
Oil City, Pa.
School Teacher Tried to Educate Mae
So She Could Marry Him but Failed.
Pittsburg- May 23. Cora B. Lynch,
young, bigh-mlndcd, well manicured,
formerly scl'.ool teacher, but now
wealthy and retired, told a Strang
tale of shattered romantic love Vhen
she appealed to the court for protec
tion against John R. Neeld "here. ' Sh
was endeavoring to educae Neeld Be
that he would be a husband congenial
to her.
It was over Neeld's need of addi
tional schooling that the dream ol
love was Shattered. Soon after Mls
Lynch met him In New York last win
tor she became fascinated. Finally
she told him she would par for nil
education and then marry Dim. ins
young woman had taught school near
McKeesport. but gave that up when
she made enough money In real es
tate and coal lands.
"I wanted to bring Mr. Neeld to the
standard of education to which I was
accustomed," she naively explained.
According to Miss Lynch, Neeia
look umbrage at her plans. He be
came cold and distant. Miss L.yncn
wanted to break off the singular en
gagement but to this the man would
not agree. According to the testi
mony, the young man threatened to
nour vitriol In Miss Lynch's face. She
then got out' the peace warrant. The
magistrate severely lectured Neeld
and made hlra promise that he would
leave the city.
"I mess I will never marry now,
Miss Lynch told the Judge.
Normal Institute Will Give Instruc
tion For a Week.
Ijincaster. Pa.. May 23. The an
nual snrlne meeting of the Farmers'
Normal Institute of the state board of
Agriculture will be Tield In this city
from Mar 22 to 26. and wilt be the
most Important agricultural gathering
ever held in Lancaster county.
Agricultural experts- will discuss
mnny subjects relating to the farm,
among those on the program being
Professor. H. D. Fergheny, University
of Pennsylvania: Mrs. Jean Kane,
West Chester, to talk on butter mak
ing; T. D. Harmon of the National
Stockman and Farmer; Chester A. Ty
son, Floradale. Pa., apple expert; Pro
fessor James E. Rice, Cornell universi
ty, In a talk on poultry raising; Pro
fessor D. A. Brodle of the national de
partment of agriculture; Miss Sara
Phillips Thomas, Philadelphia; Profes
sor Thomas A. Malrs, State college,
arnt Dr. J. C. Marshall, state veterin
His Action Impelled by Scenes at a
Moving Picture 8how.
Scranton, Pa., May 23. Eight-yea.
old Leroy Hlttls of Sanderson avenue,
who had been to a moving picture
show and saw a holdup depicted, ob
tained his father's revolver last night
and proceeoVding to the street in
front of his home, held up the crew
of a Green Ridge street car.
After clever maneuvering the youth
was captured and the revolver taken
from him. He was given Into the
custody of his father and the revolv
er confiscated.
Up-to-Date Funeral.
Philadelphia, May 23. The first
auto funeral carriage made Ms ap
pearance here. It Is quite a striking
vehicle end Is fitted up with all con
veniences. Thero Is a separate niche
for the coffin and plenty of roomy
goats for the nearest relatives. It Is
expected that this Innovation will con
siderably lessen the expense of fu
nerals. Women's Big Missionary Gift
Greeley. Colo., May 23. Fifty worn
en delegates to the convention of the
"SVomeo General Missionary society of
the United Presbyterian church of the
United States, In session here, con
trlbntcd $53,810, which Is the largest
thank offering ever made since the
department was organized 23 yea's
ago. Monongahsla, Pa., led with IS,
Boy Drowns on Birthday.
Selln Grove, Ta., May 23. Glen,
the 14-yer-oId son of Mr. and! Mrs.
Charles Erdley, residing on a farm liu
mediately north of Selln's Grove, was
drowned while bathing In Penn's
creek, In the vicinity of his home, yes
terday. the anniversary of bis birth,
The body was recovered.
This Store Has No "Competitors."
Our standard of value-giving, open and above board
business methods, and money back without qoibble or quar
rel principles, puts this store beyond the pile of even the
slightest comparison by any one else. Business with us is
wonderfully good. Every day, every week and every month
we are doing more busioess than the same time a year ago.
We are too busy to even think for a minute of the imaginary
"bard times" that others are talking about. WE KNOW
that times are good. We feel that the people are alive to
opportunities. On Saturday we offered a hundred
Fanoy Blue Serge Suits for men at f 18. We were busy all
day and sold a great many of these Suits. We sold some
Suits to men who had all the clothes they ne ded, but for
$18 well, it was too good to "pass up." These Suits are
wonderfully good, f 18 is remarkably low. We eould never
give them at this price but J. Cohen Sons & Co. needed
money and we bad it. The offer we made was accepted.
Hence, (18 gets you a Fancy Blue Serge Suit that should
bring at least $22.50. All sizes.
Her Evldtno.
"! bad a colored wouiim before me
as a complulnlng wliut." nald a
criminal court Judge. "Slit- bad a man
held for trial by a city mnKtHtrate on
the charge that lie had attacked ber
with a pair of scissors. 'He luout' near
gouge mab eye out, Jedge,' she said to
me. 'Jes' come at me lak a lion, be
did, a-roarlu", sub. lie poke me in de
face wlv dem scissors. Jedge. not once,
but for four or Ovc times. He Jes'
cut up my face lak It wns a yahd of
ribbon, Jedge. The magistrate what
held him to dls beah court says he
nevab did bear tell of no more dang'
ous man.'
"Well, I looked her over. She had
a wide, smooth, yellow face that didn't
have a mark on It. I told her to re
peat her story, and she went all over
It again, telling bow the man had
slashed her face with that pair of
"But, madam,' I said, 'there Isn't a
mark on your face.'
"'Marks!' said sbe indignantly.
'Marks! What I care for marks, leni
me ask you dat? I got witnesses, I
tell you.' "New York Cor. Cincinnati
8he Had Courage.
A self possessed young woman who
knew no French strolled Into one of
the larger downtown enfes. She spoke
to the waiter In that decisive tone
which distinguishes the Initiated and
glanced over the French bill of fare
with the nonchalaut air of a Pa
rlslenne. "I'll tinve,' she began firmly as she
plunged Into the sea of French dishes
"I'll have let me see. Oh, yes, I'll
have some bisque tortonl, a sultana
roll, pomiues de terre and a little of
that frontage. And. gnrcon, you might
as well bring me a cup of coffee."
The waiter gasped He started to
speak, but the young woman froze him
with one of those icy stares peculiar
to the thoroughly sophisticated.
And the order arrived two kinds of
Ices, boiled potatoes and a piece of
cbeese. But she ate It as If she had
been used to that sort of diet all her
lifejpjfcleveland Plain Dealer.
Stories on Doctors.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle told several
good stories of old fashioned practi
tioners he knew. There was one man,
be said, who never used to wash out
the half emptied bottles returned to
him, but emptied tbem Into one huge
ti r, from which he dispeused this mix
ture of medicines to bis more obscure
patients. "It Is like grnpesbot," he
said; "one of them Is sure to hit."
There was another man who used to
say, "When my patients are alive I
don't know whnt Is the matter with
tbem and when they die I don't know
whether they are dead." That was
like the medical man who said to a
lady whose husband be had been at
tending, "Madam, I have a very strong
belief that your husband Is dead, but
if It Is your wish I have no objection
to a consultation."
Cute Little Girl,
One day while Kntherlno's mother
was ill a cup of beef tea was prepared
for ber, but Katberlne fancied It and
drank almost all of It Her father
was about to scold ber when her moth
er said:
"Never mind; It does me Just as
much good to see ber drink It."
Shortly after this a dose of castor
oil was prepared for Katberlne, and
she poured It luto ber doll's mouth.
"Why Katherlne." said her aston
ished mother, "whnt did you do that
"That's all right." Katherlne replied,
"It will do me Just as much good if
she drinks it" Boston Herald.
The Danger of Criticism,
If you simply cannot help criticising
at least be carei'ul lu selecting your
A magazine editor to whom O. Hen
ry had promised a story many times
without delivering It sat down one day
and wrote hiiu thus:
"My Dear O. Henry if I do not re
ceive that story from you by noon to
day I niu going to put on tny No. 11
shoes nud come dowu and kick you
down your own Btnlrs. I never fall to
keep my promises."
Whereupon O. Henry replied:
"I, too. would keep my promises If
I could do nil my work with my feet."
Chicago Tribune.
First rnssenger That Is Conductor
Puucbem. He is one of the most ex
perleneed men on the rond. Second
Passenger I knew It before you told
we. First Passenger How so? Sec
ond Passenger Because lie slums the
door nt the precise insinut that he
calls the station's uuwe.-Juilge.
Straw Hats for
Man, Boy or
Every known
good style is here
in ample quanti
ties to please the
hardest to please
person, 50j to $8.
Oil City, Pa.
To Automobile Owners.
We can save you one-half the price
charged you by automobile manufactur
ers on Automobile Springs, and many
other Items that are subject to breakage
on your oar. - Comet Brake Lining, Hleel
Ball, Lock Nuts, Colter Pins, Taper
Pino, Carbide, Gasoline, Spotxoff, Oils
and Grease.
The No. 6 Igoltor Battery at 2oo is Just
what yon need.
Tires 32x3) at $18.00 each. All other
sices in proportion.
loner Tube, Inner Shoes and rein
forcements at lowest prioex.
Tlonesta, Pa. 11. C. Mapks.
.Notice to Consumers.
Notice Is hereby given that on and after
July 1st, 1911, the price of Gas to those
burning by meter will be 27 cents per M.,
with a discount of 2 cents per M. If paid
on or before the 10th of each month, and
tbe-price of Gas to those not using through
meter will be Increased accordingly,
Tionksta Uas Company.
Is there anything In all this world
that Is of more Importance to you than
good digestion? Food must be eaten to
sustain life and must be digested and con
verted Into blood. When the digestion
fails the whole body suffer. Chamber
lain's Tablets are a rational and reliable
cure for Indigestion. They Increase the
flow of bile, purify the blood, stiengthen
the stomach, and tone up the whole di
gestive apparatus to a natural and healthy
action. For sale by all dealers.
B & B
night gowns may sale
. .Women's Night Gowns, 50c
to $50 00.
Twenty-five styles at $1.00.
Nainsook, Cambric and Ba
tiste, trimd with laces and em
broideries. One of the new models is
Kimono style extra nice' Nain
sook neck and sleeves trimd
val insertion ; another is fine
Nainsook Empire style low
neck and sleeves trimd linen lace
and fancy ribbon at waist line.
Still another style, Sheer Ba
tiste low round neck and short
sleeves trimd with daintiest
embroideries. V ,
All three styles merely ex
amples of what we offer at $1.00.
Twenty-two other styles at
same price.
' Another attractive offering is
a Kimono Gown made of Crepe
Cloth, trimd with narrow em
broidery and ribbon, $1.50.
Very fine Nainsook Gown
low neck and fancy sleeves trimd
embroidery insertion and linen
lace, $1.50.
Fifteen other styles, $1.50.
A novel trimming for Night Gown
of very sheer Batiste is embroidery
worked right on the cloth fine scal
lopt edge dainty floral design, em
broidered on the front, $2.00.
Fire Fire Fire
Insurance at Living Rates.
Ileal Estate Bought and Bold on
W. M. WOLCOTT, Agent.
Office north of Bridge Street and
Kulmer Block on Elm btreet
Because we want you to know of the
ciass or worK turned out In our estab
lishment. Because we eater to the Intelligent class
and they read tbe papers.
Because we can talk to more people
through the newspapers, at a greater dis
tance, in lees time and at a more reasona
ble price than In any other way.
Because newspaper advertising brings
me Deal results wnen placed la a flrnt
class medium.
Because we know It is seen and read
by almost everyone in tbe house where
tne paper goes.
Hoick Optical Co.,
First Natloual Bank Lenses for the Byee
Lingerie Exposition.
During this week w will bold our Annual Lingerie Exposition.
Display fixtures, windowi and center aisle tables to be employed
for a most elaborate and complete display of Undermuslins
Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemise, Skirts, Combination Suits
nd Princess Slips. . ,
This immense stock laid out so you can glanoe at every single
garment. We have tried bard to assemble tbe handsomest assort
ment nf lingerie this atore or any other store ever brought to this
lection.' Not alone have we striven to excel all former showings in
point of beauty and appearance, but we have been able to secure
va'-jes in our opinion superior to any shown ou former occasions,
Your inspection is respectfully solicited and your docision
awaited with interest.
This is the day of specializing along every line of manufactur
ing eodeavor, Formerly a maker of -underwear made every separate
item of ondermuslioi, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Gowns, Draw
ers, Skirts, Chemise and Corset Covers. Now we buy these from
manufacturers who maki a specialty of each separate item, and con
sequently this exposition will reveal better garments at less cost.
You Can Take Your Ease
-. -I .
So far as your clothes are concerned, if
to get tbe best clothes possible.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Make that kind of clothes; and we sell them; clothes made to satisfy the
most fastidious dressers; stylish clothes made iu the latest and most approved
fashions; made of all wool fabrics; tailored in the best manner; made to fit.
We want to show you tome of the
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits, $18
Our line of Straw Hats was never
and they are reasonably priced, too.
Max Jacobs,
One Trice Store, Clothier and Shoer,
233 Seneca Street,
Pennsylvania Railroad
Sunday,-May 28, 1011.
Fare to Oil City
Train Leaves. or Tltusville.
Warren it. 68 am ft 00
Irvlneton 10 05 " 1 00
West Hickory
Oil City -
Tltusville Ar. pm
Returning, Special Train leaves Titnsville 8 00 p. m., Oil City 8:40 p. m.
Tickets will be aocepted for pasMKe going and returning only on Special Train on
day of Excursion. Baggage will not be checked.
.Children between 6 and 12 yeara years of age, half fare.
Exploding Oil Tanks Shake Town.
Cairo, III., Miy 23. Two huge oil
tanks of the Southern Independent Oil
company exploded yesterdHV, ehaklng
the entire town. Thousands of gal
lons of kerosene and gasolenj were
burned. The tanks were locatoil a
Quarter of a mile south of Cairo.
Drought Threatens Berries.
Delmar, Del., May 3. Lower Sus
sex county has had no rain for five
weeks. The strawberry crop will be a
complete failure unless rain Is ro
coived In a few days and at presert.
with the aid of rain, there will not
be over half a crop.
Six Burned as Bolt Kills
Chicago, May 83. During a severe
electrical storm yesterday afternoon
Mrs. VV. S. Cadweli was sirurk by
lightning end Instantly killed a she sat
reading a book In her homo. Six oth
ers were burned and shocked three
being thrown violently from chairs.
Fielding at Lisbon.
Lisbon contains the grave of Henry
Fielding. It was on Oct 4, 1754, that
Fielding died in the rortugucse cap
ital, and It was In 1S30 that his tomb
wns erected lu the English cemetery.
And Fielding didn't like LIsbou. "As
the houses, convents, churches, etc.,
are large," he wrote, "and all built
with white stone, they look beautiful
at a distance, but as you approach
nearer and And them to want every
kind of ornament all Idea of beauty
vanishes at once." At that time a
voyage to Lisbon was on undertaking
not lightly to bo contemplated. It
took Fielding exactly fifty days of
foul weather. St. James' Oazette.
Shot at Shakstpsare.
"Shakespeare was a smart man,"
said Si Simlln, "but there was times
when he didn't hit it right"
"For Instance?"
"That remark about 'rather bear the
Ills we have than By to others that we
know not of.' If that was the case
there wouldn't be no hoss trades."
Washington Star.
: - , OIL CITY, PA.
you takes some pains in buying them
new weaves and models.
and up.
larger or better tbau it is this season,
Oil City, Pa.
10.S0 " IS
10.4(1 " 75
10.5(1 " 75
Ar. 11.32 "
Furniture Dealer,
J. L. Hoplor
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipment. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Come and see us.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
Pruvartat. Avlr frw-f'll I.f 'llVu-TPR
r tai
years known as Best, Safest. Always Kellabla
Promptly obutfnM, or FCC RETURNED.
THC LOWIST. Send model, phcto or .ketch for
exprrt Man-h and free report on patentability.
INPSINGIMENT iulu conducted before all
oourta 1-atenU obtained through tlft, ADVIAV
SIOHS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8. Patent OfTtoe,
rauiml Ak your UmuUi for fx
4 h1.rbt.terB I Man on I TlrmdA
1'IIU in Krd an-l Hold mmlllAVJ
bmrs, ieikl with Itlue RlM-on. V
Take ma ofhrr. Itnw f tans V