The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 08, 1911, Image 2

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i. C. WINK,
24 25
a.woi x i:ti exts.
Primaries Saturday, June 3, 1911.
Tkkms. President Judge, fia; Pro
thonotary, 112; Associate Judge, fI2;
Treasurer, $12; Sheriff, $10; County
Commissioner, 110; Auditor, S; Jury
Commissioner, 4; County Surveyor, 2.
All strictly cash in advance.
We are authorized to announce S. R.
Maiwell, of Tionesta, as a candidate for
Jrrotbonotary, Ac , subject to lire decision
of lire Republican voters at the primaries.
We are authorized to announce Asa H.
Sigwnrth, of Jenka township, as a candi
date for Prothonotary, Ao.. subject to the
decision of tbe Republican voters at the
Associate Jufltfp,
We are authorized to announce Joseph
M. Morgan, of Tionesta borough, as a
candidate for Associate Judge, subject to
the decision of the Republican voters at
tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce Fred
Ledebnr, of Ttnueata township, as a can.
didate for Associate Judge, subject to the
decision of tbe Republican voters at tbe
We are authorized to announce Nelson
G. Cole.of (ireeo township, as a candidate
for Treasurer, subject to the decision of
tbe Republican voters at tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce W. H.
Brazee, of Kingnley township, as a candi
date for Treasurer, subject to the decision
of tbe Republican voters at tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce Charles
Clark, of Tionesta, as a candidate for
Sheriff, subject to tbe decision of tbe
Republican voters at the primaries.
We are authorized to announce James
H. Butler, of Tionesta borough, as a can
didate for Sheriff, subject to the decision
of tbe Republican voters at the primaries,
('unty foMiniisiilnner.
We are authorized to announce Joseph
C Scowden, of Tionesta, as a candidate
for County Commissioner, subject to the
decision ol Ibe Republican voters at tbe
We are sutborized to announce James
Klliot, of Harmony township, as a can
didate for County Commissioner, subject
to the decision of tbe Republican voters
at tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce W, H.
Harrison, of Green township, as a candi
date lor County Commissioner, subject to
the decision of i be Republican voters at
tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce John
M. Zuendel, of Kingsley township, as a
candidate for County Commissioner,
subject to the decision of tbe Republican
voters at tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce Fred L.
Reib, of Tionesta township, as a candl
date for County Commissioner, subject to
tbe decision of the Republican voters at
tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce Conrad
Bnrbenn, of Green township, as a candi
date lor County Comuiissiouer, subject to
the decision of the Republican voters at
tbe primaries.
County Auditor.
We are authorized to announce Arthur
C. Gregg, of Howe township, as a candi
date for County Auditor, subject to the
decision of the Republican voters at Ibe
We are authorized to announce George
H. Warden, of Hickory tow r ship, as a
candidate for County Auditor, subject to
tbe decision of the Republican voters at
the primaries.
Jury t'oiiiniiaaionrr.
We are authorized to announce J. B.
Kden, of Tionesta township, as a candi
date lor Jury Commissioner, subject to
the decision ot tbe Republican voters at
tbe primaries.
County Superintendent.
We are authorized to announce J. O.
Carson as a candidate for Superintendent
of the Public Schools of Forest County,
subject to the decision of tbe School Di
rectors in Triennial Convention, May 2,
With doubtless meagre acquaintance
witb either game, Br'or Sinltb of Puuzy
ventures to aay: "So far as our own ob
servation Is concerned we cannot see
wherein the average euchre parly, where
tbe guests play for a prize, is a bit worse
than tbe average poker game."
Senator Root is adding to bis pop
ularity. He not only voted for tbe pop
ular election of senators, but be also de
fended, with all tbe oratory of which he
Is past master, the settled policy of tbe
government in iis relation to forestry.
He declared that the appropriation should
be Increased Instead of lessened. Bliz
zard. Local Option was defeated In tbe
House at liarrishurg Monday night,
when a resolution to place the measure
upon the calendar lacked the necessary
104 votes, The count stood 76 for to 121
against. Representative Campbell of
ForeBt county was among those who
voted against placing tbe bill on the cal
endar. Thk Senators who thought tbe Presi
dent was exhaling hot air when be warned
that bedy of an extra session to come if
certain matters vital to tbe welfare of tbe
nation were uot disposed of bave nrw
another think coming. They can think
it over while the sweltering breezes of the
Potomac are waited through their whis
kers in the good old summer time.
A niLt. has been introduced In the
Legislature at Harrishurg providing that
all railroads must install safety gates at
grade crossings iu cities and towns in the
State, The penally for failure to provide
these appliances is $500. These must
cover the full width of the roadway and
be closed when trains approach within
100 feet of tbe crossing. For failure to
operate them properly the bill provides
for a One of $50. A law of this sort rigidly
enforced would be a very proper enact
ment, but in dsys of yore such a hill was
called a "piucber," and after tbe progen
ator bad been "seen," the proposition was
drooped from tbe calendar.
Last Pars of Congress.
Out of the turmoil of tbe parlltnentary
storm tbat raged at Ibe national eapitol
during Ibe dying days or the sixty-first
congress the following results were at
tained: WHAT IT MD DO,
Provision of $3,000,000 for the fortifica
tion of tbe Panama canal.
Provision for two new battleships.
Recodification of tbe judicial code re
garded as most important for tbe amelior
ation of the law's delays.
Creation of forest preserves in tbe
southern Appalachian and White Moun
tains. Providing for tbe construction of em
bassy and legation buildings abroad.
Requiring the inspection of locomotive
Failure of the Canadian Reciprocity
Failure of tbe permanent tariff board
bill, which passed tbe senate but was
killed by tiltbustT in tbe bouse.
Failure or the resolution to admit to
statehood Arizona and New Mtxlco,
killed by filibuster in tbe senate.
Failure of the proposal to increase the
rate of postage on tbe adverthingsections
of the latge magazines but s commis
sion is provided for to investigate tbesub
iect. Failure of resolution providing for tbe
direct election of United Statea senators.
Failure to act on Rallinger-Pincbot in
vestigation reports.
Failure of tbe effort to unseat Senator
Lorluier by the na-row margin of one
What ridiculous thing it is when you
tbink it over tbat tbe United Statea Sen
ate, justly etteemed and greatest legisla
tive body in the world, not even except
ing the Pennsylvania Legislature, should
at the very close of tbe session, when It is
literally Jammed witb business of tbe
greatest public Importance, should tie
itself up on tbe question of whether
notoriously rotten politician should retain
a purchased seat in tbat body! Such
things would be laughaole were they not
tragical. Punxsutawney Spirit.
Thk general impression, that tbe bill
regulating the salaries of couuty officiate
now before tbe legislature at Harrisburg,
Is for the purpose of increasing the com
pensation of these officials, is erroneous.
Should the bill be passed the effect would
be precisely tbe opposite of tbat, provid
lug, as it does, tbat when tbe lees received
by any oiDcial do not reach tbe amount of
salary fixed by tbe bill, tben the aaid
official shall receive Just the amount of
tbe fees. But in case tbe fees overrun
tbe stated salary iben tbe officer's com
pensation shall be no more than that
named In Ibe salary bill. By this method,
as will be seen, the compensation Is apt
to be diminished ratber then increased.
It is one of those rules that doesn't seem
to work both ways.
A BILL regulating barber shops in the
interest ol health was introduced along
with a uumber of other bills which are to
b3 included in the new health code. No
barber shop shall be used as a sleeping
apartment. All mugs, brushes, combs,
razors and strops must be sterlized after
each separa e use, No towel used to dry
one customer's face may be used on any
other one's neck. Alum or any other
styptic must be in powder or liquid form.
The barber is required to wash bis bands
after polishing off a customer: Lather
brushes must be perfectly cleansed be
fore being again soaped up tor another
operation. There is naturally some
curiosity to know how a law of this kind
would affect tbe fellow who uses a safety
razor and lets bis wife cut bis hair.
Whig Hill.
Charley Berlin, wife and two children,
of Kiuzua, Pa., are on tbe bill visiting
their brother, K. E. Berlin, and other
relatives. We understand tbat Charley
is expecting to depart for California in a
few weeks, to make that state bis future
borne. We wish him pleasant Journey
and abundant prosperity.
We learn with pleasure tbat W, F,
Weingard, of Tionesta, is moving back
to his farm here and to stay.
Rev. O. A. Barnard, of West Hickory,
was ou tbe bill last week making pastoral
Elva D. KirTer, wife and son visited
Mr. K.'s parents on Kiffer bill, Sunday.
Dorothy Shunk and Rosa Hulings
drove over from Muzette on Friday for
visa witb friends on tbe bill, returning
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Eugene Berlin is spending this
week al Oil City st the home of ber
cousin, Mrs. George Steiger.
Tbe physical condition of Dr. E. W,
Smith, of our bill, re.nains about tbe
We are having real old fashioned March
another correspondent.
Master Delbert Decker and his friend
Thomas Ritcbey, of Tionesta, were at bis
borne here over Sunday.
Everything seems to be quiet on our
bill at present. Tbe court is over and tbe
jurymen bave returned to their homes.
No doubt this will be a quiet summer to
a great many, especially those who were
lucky enough to atteud oou rt. No doubt
many people learned a great many tech
nical points they nevor dreamed of be
fore. It Is too bad tbat some things bave
to be maue known in court.
Tbe roads are in splendid shape at
present. People are beginning to stir
around. We are looking for an early
spring. The woodebuck bas come out
of his bole and no doubt be will bave bis
eye on early vegetation.
One of the greatest works of modern
limes was tbe construction of tbe concrete-lined
steel tubes under tbe Hudson
and East Rivers, the tunnelling of Man
hattan Island, and tbe erection of tbe
magnificent Pennsylvania Station at
Seventh Avenue and Thirty-second
Street, New York, bringing the through
trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad into
the heart of New York City.
An Illustrated booklet describing this
great work, and telling w hat It means to
the New York passenger, has been issued
by the Pennsylvania Railroad and will be
sent postpaid to any address by George
W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa.,
on receipt of a two-cent stamp. Send for
It. 38 2t
Authorities of All Big Cities Notified
of Robbery of Bancroft' Bonds,
New York. March 7. Negotiable se
curities to the value of about JS5.000
at yesterday's prices were stolen last
Thursday in this city. The fact did
not become known until an envelope
supposed to contain them was taken
from the vaults of the Produce Ex
change Safe Deposit company and
opened at the office of George Bancroft
& Co., brokers, where It was discov
ered that the envelope contained noth
ing but copies of an evening news
paper. The case was reported to the police
ani the Plnkertons. From the story
that was told by Aaron Bancroft, the
senior member of the firm and now In
his 86th year, it would appear that the
robbery was committed In a corridor
leading to the Safe Deposit vaults to
which the older Bancroft took the se
curities last Thursday.
Mr. Bancroft says that he remem
bered meeting two men In the corri
dor, one of whom bumped Into him,
causing him to drop the package and
his hat. The two men helped him to
his feet, he says, and one of them pick
ed up the package. In that brief mo
ment, he believes, the substitution was
The Plnkertons were busy pretty
nearly all day notifying the authori
ties in every hlg city about the loss
and warning people against accepting
securities as collateral.
fr. Bancroft Is a cousin of George
Bancroft, the historian.
Family of Late Architect Carre re Will
Receive $116,000 on Hit Accident
New York, March 7. The family of
the late John M. Carrere, the archi
tect, who died last week as a result of
a collision between a taxicab, in which
he was riding, and a Madison avenue
surface car, will receive from the
Travelers Insurance company, a check
.for $116,000 on an accident policy
which Mr. Carrere held, with the com
pany. J. 0. Batterson, resident direc
tor of the Travelers, said that the
check would be mailed on Saturday,
Mr. Carrere took out the policy
three years ago for $50,000. Owing
o provisions for a certain kind of ac
cident, the amount was doubled. The
accumulations for three year came
to $3,000 and the remaining $1,000 was
allowed for hospital expenses.
Champ Clark Is Going to Leave For
Parts Unknown For a Little Rest.
Washington, March 7. Speaker-to-be
Champ Clark does not intend to
hang around the Capitol thinking up
schemes to put the Republicans In a
hole at the special congress session.
He went to the White House yesterday
to say goodbye to the president and
intends to depart for parts unknown
shortly, to get a little rest.
"I'm going to sleep for two weeks,"
said Mr. Clark. "1 could not sleep two
minutes here, and I'm going away
Antonio Fogazzara Hopelessly III.
Rome, March 7. The doctors have
abandoned hope for the recovery of
Antonio Fogazzara, the author of "The
Saint," who was recently opetated on
at St. Vicenza for gall stones.
New York Provision Market
New York, March 6.
WHEAT N. 2 red, f. o. b., 95c;
No. 1 northern spring, $1.08 '4c.
CORN No. 2, f. o. b., 52c.
OATS Standard, 35c.
PORK Mess $22.75 If? 23.00.
BUTTER Creamery, specials,
26c; do extras, 24c; state finest, 24c;
packing stock, held, 14 15c.
CHEESE State specials, 14&lGc.
EGGS State and Pennsylvania, 24
POTATOES Long Island, per bag,
$1.601.75; state, in bulk, $1.251.50.
Buffalo Provision Market
Buffalo, March 6.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, carloads,
$1.04; No. 2 red, 92c.
CORN No. 2 yellow, 50c f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 3 yellow, 4914c.
OATS No. white, 34c f. o. b.,
afloat. No. 3 white, 33'c.
FLOUR Fancy blended patent,
per bbl., $3.7B6.50; winter family,
patent, $5.005.75.
BUTTER Creamery, Western tubs,
extra, 2626c; creamery state fair to
good, 23R24c.
CHEESE Statu Thole milk spec
ials, 14ValCc.
EGGS State sebJcivJ white, 23
POTATOES White, choice t3 fan
cy, per bit., 4647c.
East Buffalo Livestock Market.
CATTLE Prime steers, $6.50
8.60; ,200l,400 lb., steers, $5.76 ifji
6.00; choice fat cows, $5.005.2i;
choice heifers, $5.75 6.00; common
hulls, $3.754.25; choice veals, $10.50
1 0.75; fair to good; $9.75 10.25.
$5.155.75; mixed sheep, $4.004.65.
HOGS Light Yorkers, $7.807.85;
heavy hogs, $7.50fff7.60; pigs, $7.85
Buffalo Hay Market.
Timothy. No. J, ou track, $17.00; No.
2, timothy, $16.00; straw wheat and
oats $6.507.00.
The Frlend-Your wife doesn't ap
pear to be In very good humor. Hus
bandNo. She thinks I've Invited you
to dlnner.-Jean Qui Rlt
Bad laws are the worst of tyranny.
Low It a ten to tlie West.
Pennsylvania Railroad. Tickets to
Rocky Mountains, Paalfio Coast, Western
Canada, Mexico and Southwestern points
on sale dally March 10 to April 10 Inclu
sive at reduced fares. Consult nearest
Ticket Agent, or B. P. Fraser, D. P. A.,
307 Main St., liuUalo. 38-2t
Squire II. Cook, who Is superintendent
for Wayne Cook on a large timber tract
in Maryland bad bis shoulder broken tbe
fore part of the week, lie was able to
come home Saturday. Hia son "Joe,"
wbe la also employed by tbe same firm,
came with him. We understand they
will not return to (heir work for some
Inez a"d Vinnie Smathers Mabel Boyd,
Jsy Custer, Johu Cook and William Mo
Donald attend, d the play entitled "The
Spinsters' Club," at Clarington, Satur
day evening. They say it was fine.
J. B. Slocum and John Dahle have been
staying up nights doctoring burses. Both
are good horsemen.
A young man without auy stockings on
arrived at the borne ol Mr. and Mrs.Cbas
Rapp last Thursday, and asked for a
boarding place. He la still there, aud we
think all parties are suited.
Mrs. Milton Albaugb, who Is spending
tbe winter witb ber mother at Ibis place,
is very ill at present. We hope to report
an improvement by next writing.
Tbe W. C. T. U. of Clarington presented
our school with a handsome portrait of
Frances Willard. It la appreciated byall
Interested in tbe school, and we hope tbat
all may profit by the study of tbe life of
the "noblest of Americau women,"
We are glad to say tbat Frauk Small
bas returned from bis vacation, aud
donned bla working clothes once more.
Mrs, truest Wilson su tiered Irom
severe attack of bronchitis last week.
Under skillful nuising she Improved
Mrs, J. E. Cbitister and daughter Daisy
aud Mra. J. Brown, who bave been living
lu W, Vs., for tbe past four years, bave
returned to their old botne near Green
wood. Mr. Cbitister aud Mr. Brown will
Join them later. We are glad to bave
them back.
Miss Hattle Cook baa been assisting
Miss Llna Smith with her spring bouse
Robert Cook and Jay Custer bave been
putting the mill in running order. We
bear tbat tbe mill will start running soon
aud business will be very brisk.
IOO imVAKI), 100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to lent n that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure known to the medical fra
ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly apon tbe blood
and mucous surface of the system, there
by destro ititr the foundation of tint dis
ease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors bave so much faith in its cura
tive powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it tails to cure.
Send for list o"f testimonial!.
Address, F. J. CH EN EY A CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are thehest.
Great Criminal Mystery Solved.
It is an almost startling development
that in delving for tbe facts of a great
mystery thesolution of It should be found.
Such is the striking feature of work un
dertaken In preparing lor publication the
story of "The Lone Bandit ol Lewlstown
Narrows," which will appear in tbe
Magazine Section of next Sunday's North
Two years ago a lone aud unknown
bandit startled the country by holding
up and robbing one of the fastest express
trains on Ibe Pennsylvania Railroad in
"Tbe Narrows," near Lewistown. The
very audacity of tbe performance stamped
the robbery as one ol the unique crimes
of tbe sge. From tbe day it was com
mitted ibe criminal was a mystery until
after the original manuscript story of the
ciimn was prepared for publication In Tbe
North American. It was in checking up
tbe incidents tbat inquiries were inspired
tbe ausweriug of wiiizh furnished tbe
Tbe story of tbe robbery is retold in
fascinating style in the Sunday North
American's article, and the solution that
goes witb It Is also furnished.
Hecause of the stale-wide and country
wide interest in tbe solution of tbe great
crime mystery, the demand for The
North American will undoubtedly be
enormous. Those who desire to read It
should order the paper well in advance of
Doyoukuow tbat of all the minor
ailmouts colds are by far the most danger
ous? It is not tbe cold Itself Ibat you
need to fear, but tbe serious disease that
It often leads lo. Most of these are known
as germ diseases. Pneumonia and con
sumption are among them. Why uot
take Chamberlain s Cough Kemeuy and
cure your cold while you cau? For sale
by all dealeis.
The Prohibitionists of Forest County
will meet at Ibe Court House, on Satur
day, March 11, 1011, al 1 p. m., lor tbe
purpose of nominating county officers
lor the primary ol June 3, It'll.
11. M. Mckean, Couuty Chairman.
John W. Sickelsmith, Greenhorn, Pa.,
bas three children, and like most chil
dren, they fiequently take cold. "We
have tried several kinds of cough medi
cine," be says, "but hare never found
any yet that did them as much good as
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," For
Bale by all dealers.
Administrator' Notice.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of Cassle Hartman, late of Kingsley
Township, Forest County, Pa., deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons indebted to said estate are
hereby nntitied to make payment without
delay, and those having claims or de
mands will present them, duly authenti
cated, for settlement,
W. H. Harrison, Adm'r,
A. C. Brown, Attorney. Tionesta, Pa.
Orphans' Court Hale.
In re the estate of Geo, B. Armstrong,
deceased. In O. C. of Forest County,
O. O. D. No. 6, Nov. Term, l'.UO.
By virtue of an order and alias order of
said Orphans' Court to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House, in the Borough of Tionesta,
Pennsylvania, on
Mondny, April 10, It) 1 1, at 1 o'clock P. ill.,
the following described real estate, late
the property of said decedent:
All that certain piece of land situate in
the Township of Tionesta, County of
Forest, Pennsylvania, described as fol
lows, viz: Bi ginning at a post being the
northwest corner of the within described
land, tin nee south 160 perches lo a post
and stones; thence east &0 perches to a
red oak sapling; thence north 160 perches
to a chestnut; thence west 50 perches to
the place of beginning and containing
fifty acres ot land, more or less, and being
same land of which said George B, Arm
strong died seized and possessed.
Tkkms op Sale. -One-half cash, paya
ble on confirmation of the Bale, and the
balance in one year from date of sale,
with Interest, to be secured by bond and
mortgage on the premises.
Maroahkt L. Armstrong,
Samukl D. Irwin, Attorney.
Royal jj
Stamped Linens
Each piece in envelope, fith X
full instructions and enough J
noss to complete me uesigu.
25 cents and higher.
Embroidery Floss Z
In white aud til the moat
desirable colors.
2 for 5 cents.
Look for this trade mark :
Administratrix's Notice
Letters of Administration on the estate
orw. B. Osgood, late of Kingsley town
ship, Forest County, Pa .deceased, baying
ueeu grained to me undersigned, all per
sons Indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make payment without delay,
aud those having claims or demands will
preseut them, duly authenticated, for
settlement. Lvdia Osgood Ailm'x,
Starr, Pa.
A. C. Brown, Tionesta, Pa., Attorney.
Mercantile Appraiser's List
for Forest County, for
Year A. D. 1911.
The Wholesale and Retail Venders or
Foreign and Domestic Merchandise,
Eating House, Billiard Rooms, Brok
ers, and Opera Houses in Forest Coun
ty, Pennsylvania, are as follows, lo-wili
Atchison, A. P., harness, Tionesta.
Adams, J. A., butcher, Tionesta.
Atlantic Refining Co., oils. West Hickory.
Atlantic Refining Co., oils, Tionesta.
Booth, W. A., merchant, Watson Farm.
Bovard, F. J., druggist, Tionesta.
Baxter, J. W., merchant, Uilfoyle.
Baugbuian, J. M. aud U. A., butchers,
Buhl, U. W., cigars, Marienville.
Borlzer Bros., merchants, Marienville.
Bnuder, R. P., cigars, West Hickory.
Bowman, T. J., feed, East Hickory.
Behrena, Lewis, merchant, Starr.
Carson, A. A Son, Jewelers, Tionesta,
Collins A Kreitler, merchants, Nebraska,
Cook, A , Sons Co., merchants, Cooks
burg. Cook, J. T., cigars, Clarington.
Croasmun, W. A., merchant. Redclyffe.
Crouch A Zitbuisnr, merchants, East
Clark, Charles, machinery, Tionesta.
Carson, John T., broker, Tionesta.
Cantield, Harry S., cigars, West Hickory,
Carson, F. C, cigars. West Hickory,
Craig, Hurry II., druggist, Tionesta,
Detar W. J., cigars, Kelleltvllle.
Eminger, U. F., merchant, Trunmans.
Eisermsn, Mrs. Elizabeth, millinery,
Fools Creek Store Co., merchants, True-
Fulton, Charles, merchant, Duhrlng.
Fulton, Robert, clirars, Tionesta.
Uildersleeve, John, merchant, Brookston.
Uerow, J. N , billiards, Tionesta.
Uerow, J. N., restaurant, Tionesta.
Haslet, James, furniture, Tionesta,
Herman, R. M , merchant, Tionesta.
Hopkins, I,. J., merchant, Tionesta.
Haslet, R, L , merchant, 'I ionesta.
Hoyt, Mrs. O., merchant, Cooper Tract.
Hunter, A. M., merchant. Pigeon.
Hartman, Win. A., merchant, Kellelt
vllle. Harkless, Frank, druggist, Kelleltvllle.
Hendricks. W.S., butcher, Kelleltvllle.
Harp, H. H., cigars, Marienville.
H imes A Ani, butchers, Marienville,
Ingersoll, J, E., merchant, Lynch.
JohnsonpUen. R.. merchant, Kellettville.
Killmer Bros., merchants, Tionesta.
Kiler, D. C, merchant, Marienville.
Kelly, J. W., billiards Marienville.
Lanson, F. h., merchant, Tionesta.
Lanson Bros., feed, Tionesta.
Laresnn, John E , merchant, Brookston.
Morgan, J. R., merchant, Tionesta.
McKown, U. B , cigars, Nebraska.
Miller, W. J., cigars, Kellettville.
Mintz, David, merchant, Marienville.
Marienville Variety Store, merchants,
Mensch, 8. C, hardware, Marienville.
Miller, Jacob, merchant, Kellettville.
Mecbliog A London, merchants, Claring
ton. Myers, E, L., cigars. Endeavor.
Miller, W. J billiards, Kelleltvllle.
Mapes, H. C, merchant, Tionesta.
May burg Store Co , merchants, Mayburg,
Morrow, W. U., druggist. West Hickory.
Nye, C, W , merchant, Marienville.
Neil I, A. D., A Co., merchants, Marien
ville. Putnam, Mrs. R, R., cigars, West Hick
ory. Robinson, G, W., A Son, merchants, Tio
nesta. Rsndall, C A., cigars, Tionesta.
Keytier, T. J., merchant, Marienville.
Reyner, Mrs. Ellen, cigara, Marienville,
Koehrlg, John, harness, Marienville.
Reyner, Mrs, Ellen, restaurant, Marien
ville. Rosen, L. A., merchant, Endeavor.
Rose, James T., broker. Marienville.
Boss Bros , merchants, Tionesta.
rlodda, (i. t ., merchant, Tionesta.
Scowden, J. C, hardware, Tionesta.
HandrocK, Mrs. J. IN., millinery, Tionesta.
Sigworth, S. 8., hardware, Tionesta,
Slump, Wm., merchant, Muzette.
Shaw, J. H., cigars, Kellettville.
Silzle, Wm., Jewelry, Kellettville.
salmon ureek Mercantile Co., merchants,
Shaw, J. H billiards, Kellettville.
Sigworth A Keating, merchants, Marien
Stiles A Evans, merchants, Endeavor.
Schweitzer, 11. A., cigars, Endeavor,
Shipe, II. A., broker, Marienville.
Smith, 11. H A Co., merchants, West
U Ickory.
Tionesta Uas Co., hardware, Tionesta,
van Horn, A. M., merchant, Pigeon,
vail, J. ., merchant. West Hickory.
Weaver, C. F., cigars, Tionesta.
Wilson, Geo., butcher, Tionesta,
Wolfe, A., merchant, Tionesta R. D,
Wilson, Mrs. Ella, millinery, Kellettville.
Walsou A Co., merchants, kellettville.
Walters, C. L cigars. West Hickory.
Walters, C. L , billiards, West Hickory.
Young, J, J., cigars, Marienville.
.over A Son, cigars, Tionesta.
Zshniser, Mrs. Florence, millinery, East
NOTICE is hereby given to all porsons
concerned that an appeal from the fore
going appraisement will be beld at the
oiilce ot the County Treasurer, In Tiones
ta, Pa., on Tuesday, April 4. 1011, when
and where they mav attend if they see
proper. FRED L REIB,
Mercantile Appraiser.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colda, Croup aud WUoo'ptilg Cough.
behin ft I
"Little girlie with no dolly,
lias a heart that's melancholy."
Open a bank account now for each oue of your children. They'll help
you make it grow. This will teach them the best life leosou they can learu
aDd you too. Teaob your children tbe value of money by letting them
see their interest grow.
CAPITAL STOCK, - - - 150.000.
SURPLUS, .... $100,000.
We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent.
Forest County NaLtionad Bank,
Buy a
Champion Gas
Anil we give you a Coal and
Wood lUoge Free.
How can we do it? Come in
and let us show you these won
derful Interchangeable Ranges.
Can be changed from gas to
wood or cnal in an instant and
at no extra expense This is
guaranteed to be one of the best
Ranges on the market today
and our price is
Only $35.00
The most essential qualities
of any cooking stove or range
must of necessity be:
First The ease and rapidity with which food ran be conked.
Second Economy in the use of fuel while food is being cooked.
Third Durability of the stove or range.
Fourth Heating qualities of the stove or range iu order that
the room may be properly warmed in winter; likewise, the ability to
properly and quickly conk the foot) in the summer time and yet bave
the Btove not beat the kitchen. The above points of superiority
can be demonstrated to your satisfaction if you will visit our store.
Every Kind of Hardware,
Having taken over the Jia G Bromley Agency in Tionesta, I am pre
pared tt furnish tbe people ol Forest Couuty anything and everything in
the line of Agricultural Machinery and Implements. I have the
J. I. Case Traction Engines and
And cao furnish anything in tbe line of Machinery and Implements of the
Johnston Harvester Co. Make.
Agent for the celebrated
Kramer Wagons,
And keep in stuck a nice line of
The Best Buggies.
Phosphate and Burnt Land Lime always on hand.
Charles Clark,
Tionesta, Pa.
AVe are manufacturers of
All Kinds of dranite and
9Iurble for Monumen
tal Purposes
at a saving of 20 to 30 per cent.
Xo Agents.
Oil Cily Granite & Marble Works
J. S. Kerr, Proprietor.
Established 1883.
J. L. Hoplcr
Fine carriatres for all nnonninna
witb first class eauinment. W'h ran
i i - -
fit you nut at any time for either a
i .
uieaaure or ouBiueag trip, aDd always
at reasonable rates. Promnt service
and courteous treatment.
Come aud see us..
Hear or Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
a -- w . S t
if . "-v. i
i ,it i
fcJ;S', i!xs?- 'W. l
f If ml
' ill I V II V "v t I SI
Exeeiilor's Notice.
letters Testamentary' on the estate of
William Khlera, late of Kinusley Town
ship, Forest County, Pa., deceased, ba
Inx been granted to the underHlnned, all
persona itidehtpd toaaiil palate are hereby
notified to make payment without delay,
and thoae having uluitna or demanda will
present them, duly authenticated, lor aet
tlement. Kdna L. Ehlkhs, Kxeoutrix,
A. C. Brown, Attorney. Starr, Pa.
Furniture Dealer,
vfcM4 60 YEARS'
.S Trade Marks
ntnv "IG,i8.
Anyone nonrtlnif n nketrti and nVwrlntlnn mar
fl J T ar,ln ir opinion free wUilim an
Invpntlim imt.MitHl.lB. Comniunl "a.
i :!S",",,rtc,,l.s! ""'""""'I- It'indbook on 1-anmS
I atmin taken thrnm-h Munn ft Co. receive
iprruu nrtice, without clinn;e. In the
Scientific American.
i.u'.V ""0,5elT '""'r""1 e.klr. Lament dr.
MUNN & Co.36iB.-, New YorR