The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 01, 1911, Image 3

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. C. WINK, - Editor a Paopaicroa.
aa()i(i:ji i:ts.
PrlmarleR. Saturday, June 3, mil.
TsRMs.-PrnHldtuit J mine, t-5; Pro
thonotary, $12; ARRoclate Judga, 12i
Treasurer, fl'i; Sheriff, f 10; County
ConimiMioner, 110; Auditor, 5; Jury
Cominixmoner, $4; County Surveyor, 2.
All strictly caab In advance.
We are authorized to announce S. R.
Maxwell, of TloneHta, m a candidate for
Protbnnntary, Ac , auhject to the deciaion
of the Republican voter at the primaries.
We are authorized to announce Asa H.
Slirworth, of Jenks towimhlp, a candi
date for Pnilhonotary, An., auhject to Ibe
decision of tbe Republican voters at the
AiMorlate Judge.
We are authorized to announce Joseph
M, Morgan, of Tioneata borough, as a
candidate for Associate Judge, subject to
the decision of the Republican volera at
tbe primaries.
We are authorized in announce Nelson
G. Cole, of Green township, as a candidate
for Treasurer, subject to tbe decision of
tbe Republican voters at tbe primaries.
We are authorized 10 announce W. H.
Hrazee, of Klngaley township, as a candi
date for Tresmirsr, auhject to the decision
of tbe Republican voters at tbe primaries,
We are authorized to announce Charles
Clark, of Tlonesta, as a candidate for
Slier i If, subject to the decision of Ibe
Republican voters at the primaries.
We are authorized to announce James
H. Butler, of Tlonesta borough, as a can
didate for Sheriff, subject to tbe decision
of tbe Republican voters at tbe primaries.
County rouinitnaionrr.
We are authorized to announce Joseph
C. Scowdeti, 01 1'ionesla, as a candtdttte
fur County Commissioner, subject to I lie
decision ol the Kepublicau volera at tbe
We are authorized to announce James
Flliot, of Harmony townt-bip, as a can
didate for County Comiiit-sioner, subject
to the decision of tbe Republican voters
at the primaries.
We are authorized to announce W, II,
Harrison, of Green township, as a candi
date lor County Commiasioner, subject to
the decision of 1 he Republican voters at
tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce John
M. Zuendel, of Kinxaley township, as a
candidate for County Commissioner,
subject to the decision of the Republicau
voters at tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce Fred L.
Reib, of Tlonesta township, as a candi
date for County Commissioner, subject to
the decision oi tbe Republican voters at
tbe primaries.
We are authorized to announce Conrad
Rurbeon, of Green township, as a candi
date for County Commissioner, suhieel to
the decision of the Republican voters at
the primaries.
( aunty Auditor.
We are authorized to announce Arthur
C. Gregg, of Howe township, as a candi
date for County Auditor, subject to the
decision1 of tbe Republican voters at tbe
We are authorized to announce George
H. Warden, of Hickory township, as a
candidate for County Auditor, subject to
the decision of the Republican voters at
the primaries.
Jury t'oininisalonpr.
We are authorized to announce J. B.
Kden, of Tlonesta township, as a candi
date lor Jury Commis-ioner, subject to
the decision ol tbe Republican voters at
tbe primaries.
County Superintendent.
We are authorized to announce J. O.
Carson as a candidate for Huperintendent
of tbe Public Schools of Korest County,
subject 10 tbe decision of the School Di
rectors in Triennial Couvenllon, May 2,
Philosophers and economists are now
aking themselves tbe question: "Why
is an express company?" Tbey have not
been able to figure it out further than to
reach the conclusion that the function ot
an express company is to rob tbe people
and prevent tbe Post-olllee Department
from becoming self sustaining. Punxy
Tbb house committee on judiciary at
Washington has ordered favorably re
ported tbe Norria resolution instructing
tbe attorney general to send to the bouse
any information he bad regarding tbe al
leged monopoly of tbe coffee trade. With
coflee prices soaring higher and higher
almost daily there Is abundant reason for
a searching investigation of the cause.
Tbe popular old household beverage is
getting out o' reach of tbe most of ns.
Governor Tfnkh lu an address de
levered at Harrlsburg last Thursday
night at the annual banquet of Group 5 of
tbe Pennsylvania State Bankers' As
sociation spoke emphatically In favor of
a sta'e bond Issue of $"0.000,000 for a
system of good roads to make Penusyl
vania'a highways tbe best In the country.
TI10 Governor's declaration followed
tbe lines of his inaugural and Is signifi
cant in view of recent dlscussloD of ways
of financing Ibe project embraced in the
Sproul good roads bill. In addition Ui
favoring this view, the Governor said
that be desired to see tbe bonds sold as
The solicitude or the railroads for tbe
country's welfare would be sublime if it
were'nt so blamed ridiculous. Since the
Interstate commerce coram iasion decided
against the raising of freight rates most
of tbe big presidents of the big railroads
have been shedding great salt tears lest
the country might go to sticks, and Wall
Street is doing its "utmost" to avert a pan
ic. Sotue of the big city newspapers are
likewise "frightened" at the audacity of
the commerce commission, and are pre
dicting all sorts of dire calamities to come.
Meanwhile tbe common people are calmly
pursuing the noiseless tenor of their way,
acting as though tbey rather enjoyed the
situation as It now stands.
It is our delibeiate intention, provid
ing we are permitted to hang around on
til next spring, to have the lineal veneta
ble garden lu town. Our purpose is not
so inucti to excite tne envy or our neigh
bors, some of whom imagine they know
something about gardening, ss to get a
little wholesome exercWn and at the same
lime raise enough "truck" to keep us
through ma summer. Punxy spirit.
Just what we've been counting on do
ing lo a "1" In fact, bave been doing for
tbe last Ave or six years back. Yes sir,
Br'er Smith, we can give you some good
pointers op bow it's done: When tbe
blue birds chirp again "set tbe boy to
work." The exercixe is mighty whole-
some, and If you keep a good eye on the
boy your truck patch will last you all
Hoover Expiates Crime on the Gallows.
Walking erect, and with eyes looking
straight before bitn, Alton V. Hoover
went to his death In the county Jail at
Erie last Thursday morning.
Hoover bad broken down the day be
fore because of tbe sound of workmen, as
they erected ibe scaffold, but by midnight
he bad recovered hia composure, and
slept until the death watch called him at
He ate a hearty breakfast and spent
much of the remaining bouts with his
spiritual adviser, Rev. Dr. Bailey, of the
Presbyterian church, who accompanied
bitn to the gallows.
When all was in readiness, as soon after
the legal hour for the banging as possible,
the olllcers of tbe prison eutered Hoover's
cell, and in a few minutes tbe march to
tbe gallows commenced.
Hoover walked between Sheriff Br tiff.
of Allegheny county, and Sheriff H. W.
Moomy, of Erie county, without a (alter
ing stop. He mounted the gallows and
stood alone when Slier I If lirull pinioned
bis arms and tbe black csp and noose
were adjusted, lie did Dot say a word,
and at 10:23 the trap waa sprung. The
body shot downward, but it was 11 min
utes belore Hoover was pronounced dead.
Tbe body was turned over to relatives
for burial.
Hoover's crime, committed on tbe
night of November 28, 1908, at Atlantic,
Crawford county, was a most brutal one.
He murdered tbe woman to whom he
bad been married fur less than two years,
and who bad borne bitn a son. He called
tbe woman to tbe door of the bouse in
which she was visiting and fired three
shots into ber body. Sbe was removed to
the Spencer hospital, Meadville, for
treatment, and later taken lo Lakeside
hospital, Cleveland, where Blie received
surgical attentiou from the most skilful
physicians In the city. She died Decem
ber 27 lo tbe hospital.
At Erie Friday there was given out for
publication what purported to be the final
statement of Alton V. Hoover, given be
fore death to his spiritual adviser, Rev.
George Bailey. In this Hoover bad little
lo say, further Ibau that he always loved
bis wife and Ibal be could not account for
tbe shooting. He pointed out some dis
crepancies In tbe testimony under which
be was convicted. According to tbe
minister Hoover made a profession of
Neighborhood News.
President Tall has nominated Hon. R
P. Habgood for postmaster at Bradford
after a bard fought scramble by other
applicants. -
Mayor Glenn is again enforcing tbe
"blue laws" sgalnst Sunday business
people of Franklin. His order covers all
sorts of stores, confectionaeiea and soft
drink concerns.
Rev. William F. Fleming, who has
been pastor of tbe Presbyterian church of
Clarion for tbe past eight years, has re
signed to accept a call to tbe pastorate of
tbe First Presbyterian cburcb of Taren
turn. Hon. N. P. Minard a former judge of
Cameron county and a pioneer lumber
man, whose operations were along tbe
beadwatersof the Allegheny river, died
at his home in Emporium, Pa., Monday
afternoon sged 08 years.
Tbe Buffalo health authorities profess
to b dieve that tbe typhoid epidemic at
Erie has been caused by dead tish, tons
of decaying ones being annually dumped
into Lake Erie. Similar epidemics are
predicted for Dunkirk and Buffalo.
Erie's typhoid epidemic la still increas
ing. Since the first of the year there have
been 726 cases and 71 deaths. The prob
ability Is that the 1000 mark will be
reached belore the upward tendency ends
with perhaps 100 deaths. Seven deaths
occurred last Sunday, tbe highest record
since tbe disease became epidemic
Anthrax which is commonly called
"black leg," or "bloody quarter," which
affects all kinds of livestock and which
may be even contracted by humana, has
made its appearance near the Conetnaugb
river, just across the Indiana County line
in Westmoreland County. This is One
of the most deadly and contagious dis
eases that attacks livestock.
A prominent teacher of tbe idea that
tuberculosis could be avoided, or cured
by living out of doors and eating only
raw foods, has Just died of that disease.
We can not always depend upon theories
and usually tbe best protection against
disease for one person is dangerous to
some others.
What is tbe matter with Farmer
Creasy? He has heretofore been a lead
ing tariff reform Democrat, an antl-blgh
protectionist, and yet he appears belore
the renate finance committee, introduced
by Senator Penrose, a confirmed pro
tectionist, now supporting tbe Canadian
reciprocity treaty, and makes a plea for
the defeat of that pact. Farmer Creasy is
lame in his political economy and does
not read tbe signs of the times aright.
He Is making a grevious mistake and
causing his friends much distress. Ti
tusville Courier.
If lamp cbimneya are robbed over
with salt after washing, a more brilliant
light is tbe result. Various kitchen ap
pointments and utensils also derive bene
fit from the application of salt. The sink
and pipes connected with it can be kept
fragrant and free from grease by being
flushed twice a week with hot brine; to
rub over the inside of a dish pari daily
with dry salt achieves tbe same end, and
aaucepans will always smell sweet II,
alter scouring inside and out, they are
riused first with hot salted water, then
with plain cold, carolullv dried and put
away. Discolored crockery should be
rubbed with dry salt, enameled cooking
vessels with a flannel, or if much stained
with a leinon-SK In dipped in tbe same;
copper utensils respond to tbe latter
treatment, while milkpans should be
given an occasional scouring with dry
salt, being afterwards scalded, rinsed and
dried in tbe usual way. If when clean
ing silver or plated spoons which have
been stained by being used for eggs, a
little salt Is rubbed on the bowl, tbe stain
will be at once removed. Cut Dowers
will keep longer if a piiioli is added to Ibe
water lu whlcn tbey are kept. Dropping
(lowers, slier traveling may be revived
by warm salt ami water, lo which has
been added a fe drops of ammonia.
Ibe Ladies' World tor March.
The most common ratise of insomnia
Is disorders of the stomach. Chamber
Iain's Stomach ard Liver Tablets correct
these disorders and enable you to sleep.
For sale by all dealers.
Whig Hill.
There Is nothing like being brief and
to the point. So thought the herald of
last week's letter from this place. A
small place in this world certainly Justi
fies us in a larger In the hereafter, so we
rest assured of being la the front ranks,
A number of tbe male population of
our bill are spending tbe week al tbe
county seat as jurors.
We fear the farmers' Institutes were
not represented very largely from this
vicinity. Now if the crops for this season
are a complete failure, bow about It?
Mrs. Emma Ward, ol Pittsburg, Pa,
visited with her father's people here and
also ber son Thomas, returning to her
borne Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Einert are again
located in their home here for few
Melvin Galbreath spent the Sabbath
with friends at East Hickory.
L. E. Beck attended tbe rvival meet
ings at Mayburg over the Sabbath.
- A number ol farms are for sale or rent
near by us. Seems some would dearly
love to hie away to town or elsewhere
and take up their abode, but for so in e
Iblng or various reaaona they are unable
to get away from our bill aud with
rural route forthcoming our way and all
things going smoothly, we wonder who
says we are not "going some."
K. Jones, of West Hickory, was on tbe
hill on business Saturday last.
Earl Berlin lias concluded that the
poultry business would be a paying in
vestment and is putting bis Ideas Into
practice. We all join In wishing him
Rev. G. A. Barnard held communion
services In tbe M. E. church Sabbath
A. Colby, of Titusville waa on tbe
bill Monday last, looking lo tbe Interest
of his farm aod other matters of import
ance. Robert Grove spent Saturday and Sun
day with friends at Mayburg.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stover, of En
deavor, are guests of the L. R. Brennsn
family at Minister. Mr. Stover has lately
had an attack of bilious fever and is sot
yet very strong.
K. A. Littlelleld is improving bis house
with a new roof of rubberold which will
be some different in tbe future.
Johu Brennau, of Kellettville, was tbe
guest of O. E. Rupert on Saturday last,
and as be is quite welt informed in tbe
art of photography, he gave Rupert some
lips lo this line.
Mrs. U.H. Blum was a business visitor
at Kellettville on Saturday last.
Miss Roxsnna Rifer spent Saturday
and Sunday with her mother at Beaver
Valley, their home.
Messrs. McMillen, Rayhorn and Fitz
gerald, of Mayburg, spent Sunday with
the Rupert family.
Miss Mabel Baughman visited relatives
in Sheffield, Saturday.
Bird Lindsey, of Wellers, cut his knee
joint quite severely Friday morning, but
was able to get tbe first traiu to Sheffield
and bad it dressed. Five stitches closed
the wound.
George Welsh, of Balltown, spent Sun
day with his mother and sisters at Shef
field aud returned to tbe farm tbe first of
tbe week.
The Misses Harkison, of Buck Mills,
spent Sunday with tbe Bradybaugh fam
ily at Balltown, and attended the Sunday
School at Minister.
Mr. McKeuzie and Victor Hendrlck
son, of Kellettville, came up Sunday and
held a prayer meeting. Rev. Mr. Framp
ton is eucaged in a great revival at Kel
lettville and was unable lo come. This
meeting wa well attended by our people.
Tbere was communion service at Yan
kee Camp od Sunday morning, and we
are pleased to hear that a revival has
been in progress tbere with some success.
Clarence Eakin will be through here
Tuesday next aud Rupert will have to
get into tbe harness again.
Tri-County Gas Company.
A Pittsburg dispatch under dateof Feb,
2f, says: Tbe Tri-County Natural Gas
company ot Pittsburg has awarded a con
tract for forty miles of pipe line covering
Clarion, Forest and Elk counties in
Pennsylvania, which will connect up the
wells of that company And afford abund
ant facilities for distributing natural gas
to consumers. The order for pipe is quite
extensive, requiring over 4,000 tons of
various sizes, ranging from two to six
inches in diameter for Held lines and from
eight to ten inches in diameter for main
pipe lines. Tbe new work will cost about
The order was secured by tbe Hope
Engineering and supply company of
Pittsburg, which will also erect a gas
compressor station on the lines of tbe new
company. Tbe Tri-County Gascompany
was organized last April and has leases
on 20.000 acres of gas territory in tbe three
counties mentioned. Since Its incorpora
tion it has sunk eigbty-hve wells with a
daily production or 80,000,000 feet. The
markets reached by Ibe company Include
Oil City, Franklin, Warren, Kane and
Mt. Jewett and several manufacturing
points where tbere is a large consump
tlon of gas. These towns will be recelv
ing gas, it is expected, witbin ninety
The equipment for tbe big compressor
station for the company has been ordered
and consists of seven gas engiues of 300'
horsepower each, and will have many
novel features connected with them. Tbe
Tri-County Gas company has a capital of
f 1.200,000 and a bond Issue offOmOOO. It
is owned and controlled mainly by Pitts
burg men, with H. P. Taylor as presl
dent, James Scott, vice president, and
Charles A. Lawrence, secretary.
8100 REWARD, 810O.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to loni 11 that mere Is at leant one
dreaded disease that science lias been
able to cure in nil its stages, and that i
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure known to tne medical Ira
ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly apon the blood
and mucous surface of the system, there
by destro ing the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient, strength by
building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers that they olfor One Hundred
Dollars for any ease that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CH EN E Y A CO., '
Toledo, Ohio.
Hold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are thebeHt,
Jherlffa Potse Prevents Lynching,
Following Fatal Quarrel.
Bcllefontnlne, Ohio, Fob. 2S. John
Beers, a farmer, 40 years old, and his
son, Gibson Beers, 21 years old, were
saved from a mob of would-be lynch
ers this afternoon by a Sheriff's posse
after tho younger mnn had shot dead
Burr Kerns, a neighbor.
Kerns, accompanied by his brother,
Daniel, and two friends, had gone to the
Beers home, where they accused Beers
of stealing corn. According to the
elder Beers, during the altercation one
of the men struck him with a shovel,
knocking him down. He say that an
other man attacked his wife, and that
Burr Kerns was rushing at him when
young Peers fired.
After the shooting Kerns's friends
assembled with the avowed Intention
of lynching the Hearses. The latter
barricaded themselves Inside their
home and held the mob off with rifles
until the Sheriff arrived with a posse,
to whom they surrendered. Daniel
Kerns was also arrested.
Overturned Lamp Is Supposed to Have
Caused the Disaster.
Hazleton Pa., Feb. 23. Supposed to
have been caused by the explosion of
a lamp, fire during the night burned
two houses at Oneida, near here, occu
pied by Gabriel Gcrotsky and Michael
Slovak, Hungarians, and five members
of the Gerotsky family lost their lives
in the flames.
Mrs. G?roUky and John, a crippled
son, escaped.
The crippled boy was awakened
from his sleep by the crackling of the
flames. He and his mother went down
stairs to investigate, but could Bee no
fire and returned to the second floor
to go back to bed.
When they reached the top of the
stairs the flames had eaten their way
through to their home and shut off
the sleeping members of the family,
and they could not be reached. The
Slovak family was awnkened In time
and escaped from their home safely.
No Quorum Present In Ballot for
United States Senator.
Albany, Feb. 28. The withdrawal of
Edward M. Shepard from the sena
torial ontest resulted in a scattering
of Insurgent votes and the appeuaneo
of three new candidates In yesterday's
perfunctory Joint ballot.
John D. Kernan received ten of the
25 insurgent votes, while Wil.lam F.
Sheehan's vote totalled nine. Lieuten
ant Governor Thomas F. Conway, for
merly attorney general; Simon D.
Rosendale of Albany and Edward M.
Grout, ex-comptroller of New York
ultv, were the new candidates. The
vote follows:
Democrats Shcehan, 9; Kernan, 10;
Littleton. 4; Sulzer, 2; O'Brien, 2;
Glynn, 1; Hopper, 1; Dougherty, 1;
Carlisle, 1; Simon W. Rosendale, 1;
Thomas F. Conway, 1; Edward M.
Groat, 1.
Republican Depew 4.
Arson Admitted by Pupils.
Columbus, O . Feb. 28. Fourteen
students of Hiram college In Portage
county have confessed they caused
the two mysterious fires in that col
lege town during the closing days of
the football season.
New York Provision Ma-ket
New York, Feb. 27.
WHEAT No. 2 red, f. o. b.,
No. 1 Northern spring $1.07.
CORN No. 2, f. o. b., 51 c.
OATS Standard, 35c.
FORK Mess $22.7523.00.
BUTTER Creamery, specials,
27c; do extras, 25c; state tubs,
finest, 2526c; packing Btock, held,
CHEESE State specials, 15V417c.
EGGS State and Pennsylvania, 24
POTATOES Long Island, per bag,
1.501.75; state, in bulk, T1.251.G0.
Buffalo Provision Market.
Buffalo, Feb. 27.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, carloads,
$1.04 ; No. 2 red, 92c.
CORN No. 2 yellow, 49c. f. o. b.
afloat, No. 3 yellow, 48c.
OATS No. 2 white, 34',4fr35c. f.
o. b., afloat, No. 3 white, 34 034 Vic.
FLOUR Fancy blended patent,
per bbl., $5.756.50; winter family,
patent, $5.005.75.
BUTTER Creamery, Western .tubs,
extra, 28c; creamery state, fair to
good, 24 2 5c.
CHEESE Good to choice, I213c.
EGGS State selected while, 23c.
POTATOES White, choice to fan
cy, per bit., 47 48c.
East Buffalo Livestock Market.
CATTLE Prime steers, $6
fi.60; 1,200(9)1,400 lb., steers, $5.76f?
6.00; choice fat cows, $5.005.i5;
choice heifers, $5.75ffi6.00; common
bulls. $3.754.25; choice veals, $10.25
10.75; fair to good, $9.50(9)10.00.
$5.OO5.r0; mixed sheep, $4.004.'.
HOGS Light Yorkers, $7.C07.65;
heavy hogs, $:.007.10; pigs, $7.65(5'
Buffalo Hay Market.
Timothy, No. 1, on track, $15.50; No.
2. timothy, $14.0015.00; straw,
wheat and oats, $7.50 8.00.
The Thief of Time.
Teacher Johnny, w hat la the mean
ing of the word "procrastinate?" Pu-pIl-To
put off. Teacher Right. Use it
In an orlglual sentence. Pupil The
brakeman procrastinated the tramp
from the train. Cleveland Leader.
Joh n W. Sickelstn i th, Greenborn, Pa.,
bas three children, and like most chil
dren, they fiequently take cold. "We
bave tried several kinds of cough medi
cine," be says, "but have never ioand
any yet that did them as much good as
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," For
sale by all dealers.
Any of
I These Money I
Lace Curtains
. About 2 dozen nairs. slitrhtlv T
- 1 , o m
I soiled, were 75c, now 60o pair, i
lsetter grades, one pair only I
of each pattern, reduced to
lied Comforters
Several ol the better grades
telling at $1.50 to S3, were dam
aged by the light iu window.
Trices cut to more than cover
Flannelettes and
pieces of each.
lb cent grades at i cents.
10 cent grades at 7 cents.
" Dress floods
Ten pieces that sold at 25
I cents to 81 per yard, now re- X
f duced one third.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of Cassia Hartman, late of Kingsley
Township, Forest County, Pa., deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons indebted to ssid estate are
hereby nntilied lo make payment without
delay, and those having claims or de
mand will present them, duly authenti
cated, for settlement.
W. H. Hahrison, Adm'r,
A. C. Brown, Attorney. Tlonesta, Pa.
Jimmy's Recitation.
Jimmy Is one of the most enthusias
tic member of his Sunday school. He
Is usually very tUicl. but when, soon
after he joined, a storm prevented
iuauy nieiiilieis of his class from com
ing to inke their parts lu a long
pin lined entertainment Jimmy could
not endure in silence the distress of bis
"Hi can speak a piece," bo said bash
fully. "Oh, can yon? What is It about?"
" 'Bout the beasts that wcut with
"Well, said the distracted teacher, "I
haven't time lo hear It uow, but 1
think It oiijrht to help Gil up. Thank
you. Jimmy."
When Jimmy's nauio was called the
small man mounted the platform, put
his hands in his pockets and proudly
and loudly spouted the following;
The helk and the helophant hentered the
When the helophant hopened the ball.
The hll hashed the helcphant, "What's
to heat?"
Said the helcphant, "'Ay Is hall."
The helk nml the helophnnt hate tha 'ay;
Said the helk, with a heloquent sigh,
"ill 'ope you are 'appy this 'orrlble day."
And the helcphant hnnswered, "Ilaye."
-London Tit-Cits.
Coyote and Jack Rabbit.
The speed of the Jack rabbit has al
ways been proverbial among western
men, like tae speed of a coyote. In a
straightaway race It is claimed that
the Jack rabbit can distance the coyote,
but he usually falls a victim to the
coyote's superior intelligence. The fa
vorite coyote method for catching Jack
rabbits U for one of the animals lo
start a Jack and attend to the work of
keeping the victim on the run. while
the other coyote sits down, patiently
awaiting the arrival of his dinner
The Jack rabbit when he has a free
range will run in circles, and the
coyotes cleverly count on this habit.
Before loujr the rabbit will arrive at
the place from which he started, and
there coyote No. 2. fresh and ready
for a short sprint, will swoop down
upon him iind then divide the meal
with the coyote that has done the ac
tual chasing. New York Press.
Hunting Truffles aa Sport.
Quite apari from the Interest of
fungi to the naturalist the temptation
cannot here be resisted to refer lo a
method of procuring one kind of fun
gus, which .nlyht take rank nun UK fie
minor spo-ts. This is the fashion,
original ing ,u France, of procuring the
ti'tillle by tbe aid of swine and hounds.
More 111 assorted sporting companions
can hardly be Imagined. The truflle
grows underground. Pigs are partic
ularly font' of these delicacies ntid.
gulileil by tho scent, will discover
them by rooting In the earth. After
the discovery of the truffles tbe dogs
are employed to beat back the pigs
and prevent them from devouring the
spoil. And every quality dear to the
sportsman of skill and Judgment Is
needed lo control and obtain the C
sired result from the efforts of a herd
of swine and a pack of hounds. Lon
don Outlook.
Habits of Seals.
Tho habits of seals are very Interest
ing. Tho very young seal is helpless
In the wntcr until he is taught by his
mother to swim. She takes him Into
the water dally on her flu and dumps
lilin In and when he gets tired of
auuiidering about places him on her
llu again and returns to her camp.
When the '"oung seals are well grown
they suddenly disappear with theli
mothers and the bull seals. No one
knows where they go, and their return
Is equally ns sudden as their departure.
The bulls ire the first to put in nn
appearance tit the camping ground.
When they nrrire they commence at
once to prepare a camp for their males
which they stake off and for which
they fteht until they tile. In the mean
time Hie female seals remain quite 0
distance from liinil, limiting la.ily "ti
the water ami pccuiiiifciy having a
good lime
Do you know that of all Ibe minor
ailments colds are by far the most danger-out-?
It is not the cold Itself that you
need to fear, but the serious disease that
It often leads to. Most of these are known
as germ diseases. Pneumonia and con
sumption are among them. Why not
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
cure your cold while you can? For sale
by all dealers.
f Can You Use t
Whtt Will
With it P k-
You get ahead on what you save, Dot on what you earn. When you've
worked hard for your money is it uot folly lo rquauder it?
Bank your money aud this will give you more pleasure than fooling it
away. Besides when the "rainy day" comes you'll have shelter.
We will help you save, as we pay iuteresl, and the money that you've
worked for will work for you la oar bauk.
CAPITAL STOCK, - - - 150.000.
SURPLUS, ... - $100,000.
We pay liberal intereH consistent with safety, 4 per cent.
Forest County NadionaJ Bank,
Buy a
Champion Gas
we cue you a lnal
Wood llange Free.
How can we do it? Come in
and let us show you these won
derful Interchangeable Kanges.
Can be changed from gas to
wood or coal in an instant and
at do extra expense This is
guaranteed to be one of the beet
Kanges nn the market today
and our price is
Only $35.00
The most essential qualities
of any cookiog stove or range
must of necessity be:
First The ease aud rapidity wilb which food can be cooked.
Second Economy in the use of fuel while food is being cooked.
Third Durability of the stove or range.
Fourth Keating qualities of the stove or range in order that
the room may be properly wsrined in winter; likewise, the ability lo
properly aud quickly cook the food io the summer time aud yet have
the stove not heat the kitchen. The above points of superiority
csn be demonstrated lo your satislaci ion if you will visit our store.
J. 0. SC0WDEN,
Every Kind of Hardware,
Haviug taken over the Jus G Bromley Agency iu TioDesla, I am pre
pared to furnish the people ol Forest County anything and everything io
the line of Agricultural Machiuery and Implements. I have the
J. I. Case Traction Engines and
Separators, And can furnish anything iu the line of Machiuery and Implements of the
Johnston Harvester Co. Make.
Agent for tbe celebrated
Kramer Wagons,
And keep in stuck a nice line of . .
The Best Buggies.
Phosphate aud Burnt Land Lime always on haDd.
Charles Clark,
Tionesta, Pa.
We arn manufacturers of
All Kinds or ftrauile aud
Marble for 9Ioiiuiiieu
tal Purposes
at a saviDg of 20 to 30 per eeot.
No Agents.
Oil City Granile & Marble Works
J. S. Kerr, Proprietor.
Established 1883.
J. L. Heplcr "
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipmeut. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Come and see us.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone IVo. 20.
Executor's Notice.
Letters Testamentary' on the ealate of
William Khlera, late of Kinsley Town
ship, Forest County, Pa., deceased, bav
liitf been granted to the undHraiKned, all
persona indebted to Raid estate are harehy
notilled In make payment without delay,
and thoHe having ulnimn or demands will
present them, duly authenticated, lor aet
tlemetit. Kdna L. Khi.kbs, Exnnutrlx,
A. C. Bbown, Attorney. KtBrr, Pa.
Furniture Dealer,
Trade Marks
Copyrights &p.
Anyone sotnltnu r akctrh Rnd description mar
milrkly asnartnln mir npliilim froe who! her an
Invention Is prohnttlT imtentatile. roninmnlrn.
tlniuMrlutlycnnaitniitliil. Handbook on I'ntnnt
loin free. OMent fluency for nit'iiruiK patents.
I'atentfl taken thrmurh Alunn Co. reoulve
jxrfuf nWlcf, without elmri'o. iu the
Scientific American,
A handnnmely UliiKtratiMt weekly. Lnnrext elr.
filiation of any niicnlille Ion nml. Tcrinn, t:i
. m"mllH. foin nyull nowinlcalvrn.
&C0.36'Bro.dwa,,NpW YnrS
UruDth OfBue. iBj t iU Washintiiuu, U. U
i DrMm