:t v (P) S, & H. Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases. 1 small token of esteem, given with love, is more to be desired than a sixty horse power automobile given with careless condescension Scarcely Four Weeks of Christmas Shopping Are ahead of you. This store is ands and thousands ot Christmas ways and early selections, as you know, are the best. Come today. A Practical Corset Demonstra tion by an Expert Cor setierre. . Beautify the figure perfect the lines. Every woman should be fitted in a corset that conforms to her lines, accents her good points and builds beauty where it is deficient. The La Vida Corset is constructed to fulfill just this mis sion. Mrs Hose, an exnert corsetierre. will be with us all this week demonstrating the many superior advantages oi these cor sets. We would like to have you meet her. Some Women's Hats Have Stayed Too Long. Therefore we are sacrificing them and hurrying them out while they are wanted. Style and trimming are the kind that have found favor all season, and choosing is wide enough to gratify all tastes. One of the features of the sale is a number of copies of French model hats that were marked at half their original prices. The others are marked as follows : Up to $15 Trimmed Hats at $10 for choice. Up to $12 Trimmed Hats at $7.50 for choice. Up to $10 Trimmed Hats at $6.50 for choice. A lot of $5 to $6.50 Trimmed Hats at $2.50. The Smart & OIL CITY. PA. Oil City Trust Company, Oil City, Pa. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $841,000.00 This represents the actual cash invested by our stockholders. Four Fer Cent, on Time Deposits. Your busftiess solicited. J vi made-to-measure clothes. I Vyoii'are not ptmed With this GARMENT l do not tete it flare it made right before you WEAR IT. J J J.L.TAYLOR A (o H. Blum, ready to serve you in thous Silberberq Co. TAYLOR tai loring can stand the test, so, for this rea son you are earnestly invited to compare their quali ty and pop ular prices with other So certain are they of superiority and of giv ing you absolute satis faction that they attach this tag to every garment. Tionesta, Pa. Use is something combining the elements of practical service and sensible selection. To the people of Tionesta and elsewhere we extend an invitation to call and examine the beau tiful display of common sense gifts that any one would appreciate getting and which are bound to afford satisfaction to the giver. Our store is going to be a revelation of completeness for the Holidays. Come in and make yourself "at home." Oil City, Pa. SPEAKER CANNON Will Take Part In Mark Twain'. Memorial In New York. hoto by American Press Association. CANNON AND CLARK Both Will Take Part In the Mark Twain Memorial Exercises In New York. Washington, Nov. 29. Uncle .Toe Cannon and Champ Clark will Jmirnev to New York together tomorrow. They have accepted invitations to take part in the Mark Twain memorial exercises to be held at Carnegie hall. Uncle Joe was munching his lunch In the house restaurant when Mr. Clark ap proached. "How are you. Uncle Joe. Glad to see you, said Mr. Clark with a smile. "Glad to see yon. Champ. What are yoi smilins; about?" "Oh, I dunno," replied the Mis- sourian. "I was Just thinking, that s all." Then there was some talk nhout the November elections. It was then ar ranged that the speaker and the pros pects e speaker should go to New York together. "They will have a chance to talk over the house rules," said a friend of Uncle Joe's. "He will tell Champ Just what the office of speaker will amount to without Jhe power to name committees. Champ Is wavering ou the proposition now, although the chances are he will be able to run away from his record. FOURTEEN MINERS ARE KILLED IN EXPLOSION Five Slain Outright and Nine Are Burled Aiive In Mine, Paris, Texas. Nov. 29. Fourteen men. mostly married, lost their lives in the Jmnbo mine pits, owned by the Choctaw Mining company of St. IxhiIs and located pear Antlers, Okl.i. After nine men had gone down Into the mine there was an explosion near the foot of the shaft. Five other men were at the time or the explosion on their way down Into the pits and they were hurled out ot the shaft, their bodies going high Into the air above ground. The shaft was b'own to pices and all entrance '.Into the mine was cut off. The other nine miners wcra burled alive In the mine. The only cause giv en of the accident. Is that it was tho result of nn uceumulation of gas. GROOMING THE CANDIDATES Vice President Sherman's Brother Mentioned For Supei-interdent of Public Works. Utiea, N. Y., Nov. 23. According tj the local political gOFnip, former Mayor Uichard Sherman of this city, the Itemocnlic brother of the Republican vice president, James S. Shaman, is being groomed by his frieniU for ap polntment as state superintendent of public works, n position now held by Frederick W. Stevens. Because of Mr. Slienii'in's experi ence in general contiact work It is -'id tev usine has been received with A Present for Fvitvire much favor among prominent Demo crats in various quarters of the stato. Mr. Shenran was once a candidate for state ennlncer and surveyor. . (ieorge C. Dichl of Buffalo, at one time employed as an engineer' on the canals In this city and now the county engineer In Krie county, is a candidate for state highway commissioner In place of Robert Karl of Herkimer, whose term expires soon. It Is said that Paul I.onla Schulte. Oneida county engineer, will becamo an active camlldnte for apiolntment as division ;ngineer of the canals, Middle dhlslon, a position now held by Guy Mouiton of Syracuse. Chamberlain For Parliament. London, Ncv. 29. Joseph Chamber lain will be one of the first membors of the new parliament. He h is again been chosen by the Unionists, despite his Ill-health, to represent West Bir mingham and he will not be opposed. Mr, Chnrnbeililn has represented this constituency since 1S76. FOOTBALL PLAYER KILLED When Yoi-th Fell His Head Struck a Rock, Fracturing His Skull. While trying to make an end run Harry I.ee, 17 years of age a student In the Gilbert school, was killed at Wlnsted, Conn., early Thursday aft ernoon in a football game. The game was between a team from the Tlerney cadets and eleven youths, most of whom came from the Gilbert school. The boys were playing under the old rules and as tho second hnlf began the score stocd 6 to 6. Lee was given the ball and as h started arou'-.d the left end was tack led and thrown. As he fell and the ethers pllrd on top of him his head hit a stone. He was unconscious when picked up and it was found that his skull had been fractured. He was dead before a physician reached the Held. UNKNOWN DIES IN ASYLUM Identity of Man In Bloomingdale Kept from Public by His Nephew. A man whose name could not be learned either at Bloomingdale asy lum, where he died, or from the regis ter of vital statistics of White Plains, died Thursday and -.vas buried In Greenwood cemetery. The man was 74 years old and had been in the nivlum forty-eight, years nnd five months. During all that time he has been surrounded with every comfort, Including the services of at tendants night and day. It Is said thit his only relit ive, a nephew, has talt?t every precaution to prevent his name from becoming public. JOHNSTONE'S RECOi.D STAYS Official Test Showed J. A. Drexel DH Not Reach an Altitude of 9,937 Feet. New York, Nov. 2!). Clifford B. Har mon, chairman of tho natlon.il council of the Aero Club of America, sa!d that an official test of the barograph car ried by J. Armstrong Diexi) In bU altitude flight in Philadelphia showed that Ralph Johnstone's record of 9, 714 feet, established at the Belmont Park meet still holds premier place. At first examination of tho bara graph Indicated that Mr. Drexel had reached a height of 9,907 feet, but the sealed Instrument was taken to Schnei der brothers, who have reported that Its actual register was 9,4."0 feet. 1 !s believed, however, that Mr. Drexel exceeded this elevation. Democrat Declared Elected, Auburn, N. Y., Nov. 29. The bitter fight that has been waged since elec tion day by Republican candidate for member of assembly, D. R. Lewis, to prevent the Cayuga board of supervis ors from certifying the Democratic candidate, Nelson R. Drummond, as legally elected member of assembly, was decided In supreme court by Jus tice Olnrk in favor of tho Democrat who won out by six plurality. Lata David B. Hill's Estate. Those who have charge of the af fairs of the late David B. Hill, stated that tho will Is not to be probated un til the latter part of this week, and no Intimation will be given of the amount of the estate left by the late senator. It Is certain that his kite residence In Albany, known a Wolferts Roost, Is unencumbered and that this Is all the real estate left by him. The personal estate Is small and Is said to be less th;m $25,(100. Oil City, Pa. Auctlom Off Wife For $25. Peter Bedlskl of Swoyersvllle, near Wllkes-Barre. Pa., sold his wife for $25 to Michael Krokoss a boarder In his house. Mis. Bedelskl listened to the tale with nn amused smile and when Krokoss attempted to assumo the part of her lord and master she knocked him senseless with tho handle of a mine pin. Then she went to Justice Hayden and had her hus band arrested on the charge of deser tion. Hnydct: fined him $2 and costs, made him apologize to his wife, return the :r.3icv to the boarder, Krokoss, and declared the sale off. MacKinnon Company's Assets. The Ribert MacKinnon company of Little Fal's. N. Y., which recently failed, with liabilities approaching $2, Ono.non, according to a report filed by the appraisers in UnltVd States dis trict court at Utiea. The appraisal covers In detfll all the property owned by Robe, t MacKinnon Co., nnd Rob ert and Belle MacKinnon, and which will In time form the substance of div idends to tho creditors of the bank rupt concern. New Age Limit on Erie. It Is said at Mlddletown, N.' Y.. that the Krie railroad hiu adopt ed a new rule whereby only youn1? men will be taken Into Its employ hereafter. Up to the present time there has been nn.age limit for those Pecking employment with the Krie, be ing from 16 to 50. J. L. Hcplcr LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, with first class equipmeut. We can fit you out at any lime for either a pleasure or business trip, am) always at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Come and see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOISTESTJL, 3P.A.. Telephone No. 20. The ST EVE US JVo. 33S Double "Barrel Hammerless S hot gun is itrongcxt where other guns nrc veuketl. The bar rels nml lugs are drop-forged in one piece of high pressure steel, choke bored fr nitro jwwdrr with matted rib. rick up thin (run nnd feel the hnlnnrc of it examine tho working Mrts closely nml we the line cure mid finish .of detail you will any it's a irinner. It lists nt only $20.00 nml will be expressed prepaid direct from the factory in ce fou ennnof erre if through a aealrr. Send f"f new Art Catalog ana " now to Minut Well & TOOL COMPANY r,u. box tna CUnew Fab MaM. OFTIOIAN, Office ) fc 7W National Bauk Building, OIL CITY, PA. Ryes examined free. Exclusively optical, vaMJ1 bo years - , 4 experience y, ,-.,a- - A Trade Marks mmmV DESIGNS r ff 111 Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description maf quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an lnvontton in pn.hf.M7 ptentnh)e. Coninmnlctv tionnnlrtotlr owitideiitlril. Handbook on I'ateuti sunt free, OldflM tteenoy for ntH iirlut; pulcuttt. Hrittmta taken through Munn A Co. receive tprriVit nrtlce, without ch write, In the Scientific American. A hnndsomelT Hlutrntf1 wpeklr. I -n most cir culation nf ant weicntitlo Journal. Terms, 9ii n your: four months, $1. 80IU by all newsdealer MUNN Co.36,Broadw'- New York l!ranc) Offlcc. 5 F St. Washington, I), c. f tt .s-J. STEVENS ARMS ear 'Wtf'fl r vk .r Christmas Shopping Started Monday Morning. Aa elaborate ryetem nf store decoration has liren completed", transforming the store into a veritable Cliridlmaa bazaar lull of gift articles widely varied io character. Many stores have already beguu urging early shopping. Early shopping lias many aud great advantages alike to the buyer and seller, Assortments are complete you get exactly what you waDt and are not disappointed in a size, a number, a quality or a color at the last moment and avoid the confusion incident to the Christinas rush. So we recommend early shopping more plcanant in the morn-,' ing if convenient. Your pleasure, however, is to rocelve fir at consideration, so come when it suits you best. Rogers Silver Trading Coupons with all cash purchases and ou all book accounts paid In lull within thirty days. WILLIAM B. JAMES, Vigor, Nplrll, Snap, In Clothes for Young Men. You often hear it said ot a smart appear ing fellow, "What a splendid personality!" If you've ever slopped to observe you know that such a man is al ways well dressed. This fact attributes largely to his personality. - The requirements of you, young men, in the way ot clothes are different than the needs of your fathers. This fact is the basis of the designing aud making of our Ederheiruer, Stein and Trump make clothes. Let us show you the new browns, plaids and stripes. In two or three button coats, with medium or long roll lapels. Max Jacobs, One Price Store, Clothier and Shoer, 233 Seneca Street, 5V 5- Bums white, clear an3 steady to the last diop. For the sake of everyone in the fam ily insist upon having Family Favoriio Lamp CsS Smokclcu Sootleu Odarlen Costs no morn thnn Inferior tank-wagon kinds. Savta eyea-aavea money. Your dealer haa it in barre'.i direct from our refineries. Waveriy Oil Works Co. inaendmnt rw Pittsburg, Pa. Alto mtktru of Wtvorly Upoolml Auto Oil and Waveriy Oracllno: wles B & B Christmas People who live convenient tc a large store like this are ant tc delay Christmas Shopping until the last, knowing there will be ample assortments. People living farther awaj necessarily plan to do Christmas Shopping earlier and they reap a double benefit avoid the ks Christmas rush and have bettci assortments to select from. Those who shop by Mail should be especially prompt will: Christmas Orders, as sometimes specially desirable stocks arc sold out and cannot be duplicated ex actly. Understand, we want you to do Christmas Shopping Here whether in person or by mail we also want to serve you tc your own best advantage which means Shop Mow, Elgin Watch 7 jewels hand some plain or engraved Gold Filled Case (Case guaranteed for twenty years) movement toe well known to require a guaran tee Men's size, $8.50; Women' size, $10.00. BOGGS & BUHL NORTH 8IOE, PITTSBURGH, P KEELEYCUR The cure that has been continuously successful for more than ttl years is worth investigating. For the drujr or drinlc habit. Write for partltHhirn. Only Keeley In.titute in Western Penna. 4X40 Fifth Ave., I'lttslMirgh, 1'a, CHICHESTER S PILLS r7v . TIIK lIAMONl linNI. a !rasa-lnt. Ask W4'lll. IIKs.TrR )' MJi.utm. llKAP.il ril.l.H, for l!5 years known as Ilesl.Sal.st. Alw.vs krlial.l. SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE l.atllf.l A.k your llmsg-Ul for a A M-4'he..ler'. Iltamutid TtratidAX rill. In K,d ami Uula ni,iillicV OIL CITY, PA. F.dcrheimcr V: Stein & Co. -;j M . M A lk I II J Oil City, Pa. 4f mm You Probably Have Asked yourself many times where can I buy my Rub bers to get tho best value for my money ? Buy the Gold Seal Rubbers, The best Rubbers in the world. We offer our trade nolhiug but the beet quality Kubbers Jyubbers that give service. We are the exclusive agents for the Gold Heal Uubbers. JOE LEVI, Cor. Center, Seneca and Syca more Streets, OH, CITY, VA. frwmptlr oljtHlnwl, or FE RETURNED. tO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. OurCHARCES ARC THE LOWEST. Bond mixli'l, photo or akeU'h for expert .earrh and free report on )NUentahlliti'. INFRINGEMENT lulu conducted before all oourta. l'atent. obtained throuirh ns, ADVER TISED and SOLO, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN. IONS and COPYRIGHTS (julekly ouuiined. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office. WASHINGTON, O. O. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough, '1 I