The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 23, 1910, Image 4

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    effig Smart" S'dkdm &)
S. & II. Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases.
Carpets, Rugs & Draperies.
(Second Floor.)
Whittall, the Mark of Quality.
This name, AVhittall, woven in the back of a Rug or Car
pet is a guarantee of quality, perfection of design, exquisite col
oring and reasonable pricing.
Quality is the watchword at the Whittall Mills. Quality
of material, of the doing and of planning. Their beauty inspires
enthusiasm and we like many others are enthusiasts about these
Hugs, as day by day in actual use they seem to grow better and
better. Is it not a satislaction to possess such Hugs!
Whittall Anglo-IVrsian Hugs, 9x12 feet, 55.
Whittall Arabic Rugs, 9x12 feet, $50.
Whittall Anglo-Indian Rugs, 9x12 foet, $47.50.
Whittall Royal Worcester Rugs, 9x12 feet, $40.
Whittall Cblidema Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, $30.
Whittall Peerless Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, $27.50.
Each of these grades at its price is the best Rug we know
each quality is made in 25 stock sizes and are supplied in
special order sizes. All work executed promptly in best work
manlike manner.
Foreign and American
Having a perfect kuoweldge of the various grades of Lino
leums we select only perfect goods such as reiain their flexibility.
This combined with experienced upholsterers to fit and lay
them and a reputation of furnishing Linoleum for the largest
and most particular buildings in the city, we ask your inspection.
Thomas Potter's Straight Line (Domestic) Inlaid Linoleum.
Nairn A Quality (Domestic) Inlaid Linoleum.
Scotch Walton A Quality (Foreign) Inlain Linoleum.
Staine's First, Second and Third Gauge (Foreign) Inlaid
Government Standard jinch Plain Brown and Green
Battleship Linoleum.
Famous Lancaster English Linoleum in Printed Patterns.
hOr. to 70c souare vard in Printed. SI to
$1.75 in Inlaid, tacked or cemented to the floor in workmanlike
The Smart &
Oil City Trust Company,
Oil City, Pa.
Time Lords J1.8J7.7"! 50
Real estate, furniture aed fix
tures 8!i,0O0.00
Stocks and bonds ...I4A7.945 17
Demand Loans 7J,..7JT !.r
Overdralts 1.SIW72
Due from Banks 56'i.874 8:1
Caebon band 111.0J7.17
Total quick Assets
?:i,8.-!U)78 M
Trust Funds not included in above J240.045 77 Corporate Trusts $1,254,000.00
Increase In Deposits Bince
lowest and the quality they produce is
beyond comparison. Note also that
when you select from the Tayior line
you get nothing but pare ool
. H. Blum, Tionesta, Pa.
Silberberq Co.
Surplus and profits ..
Reserve for interest..
,. 300,000 00
,. 541,7!U 00
4.282 09
1,01 3.00
$:l,85fl,078 34
last Report $278,0o8 83
Get a perfect fit
and make your own
selection of Style
and Fabric.
Have all your
clothes made by
J. L. Taylor 6r Co.,
of New York and
Chicago and get
wise to what fine
tailoring really
means. Their prices
are by long odds the
In Any Game of Poker
Will dress you as
good as the best
dressed man you
ever saw.
Oil City's Most Modem
Principles ad Policies of Re
publican Party Sustained
the Voters
Mushroom Parties Have Come and
Gone With Great Regularity to Sat
Isfy Personal Greed and Grievances
Senator Oliver Announces For Re
election. John K. Tener wa3 elected Governor
of Pennsylvania by a plurality of 33,
4S4 votes. John M. Reynolds, the Re
publican lieutenant governor-elect, had
a plurality of 122,018, and Henry
Houck was re-elected secretary of In
ternal affairs by a plurality of 175,-
892 votes. The mendacious raid niadt
upon Mr. Tener at the wind-up of the
contest reduced his plurality consider
ably, but the votes given to the othei
candidates on the Republican Sta!
ticket established beyond question that
the fight was personal and in no sense
political. The principles and policies
of the regular Republican organization
In Pennsylvania was approved In a
substantial way. The leadership ol
the Republican party In the State wa
given a clear bill of health and In the
reduced plurality given to Mr. Tenet
the voters were given an exhibition
of what threatens when the self-seekers
unlimber their mud batteries tc
clear the way for their own advance
ment. In the entire State the of
ficial figures show that Mr. Tener re
ceived 415,611 votes. Edwin S. Stu
art, four years ago received 506,415
votes, or 90,807 votes more than were
cast for Mr. Tener. Four years age
Lewis Emery, Jr., a frantic reformet
and the accepted leader of the politi
cal discontents of the State, polled
458,0.14 votes, or 75,927 more votes
than were polled for W. H. Berry at
the recent State contest. John M
Reynolds, the lieutenant governor-
elect, received a total of 429,874 votes,
while D. Clarence Gibbony, the per
petual place-hunter who has been
whipped for every place from ward
constable to the office to which he last
aspired, received 307,856 votes, or a
difference of 122,018 in favor of Mr
Reynolds. Hardly sufficient margin oi
Justification for the wrecking of the
Democracy of the State.
There are Indications, however, that
the Democracy will refuse to stay
wrecked. That ancient organization
really fattens on defeat and political
parties have come and gone with great
regularity ever since the voters of the
State refused to send John Wan.i
maker to the United States Senate
With Mr! Wanamaker In the United
States Senate the now discontents
would have been the regular organiza
tion and until that wonderful feat is
In some way accomplished political
parties must be expected to come and
go just so long as the voters are will
ing to be fooled and tricked Into fol
lowing the false pretenders. The
floating of new political parties In
Pennsylvania became a fine art away
back In 1898. Before that time there
had been the Greenback party, the
Prohibition party and the Republican
and Democratic parties. The Green
backers retired that year and In their
stead came the Peoples party, the Lib
erty party, the Honest Government
party and the Socialist-Labor party.
The several new parties died during
the next four years and In their stead
came the Anti-Machine party, the Citi
zens party, the Ballot Reform party
and the Socialists party without the
Labor contingent. During the next
four yeari a majority of these mush
room parties gave up the ghost and
were followed by the Commonwealth
party, the Lincoln party, the Referen
dum party and the Union Labor party
And now, at the present moment, or
at least at the recent State contest.
we find that several of the political
Isms have passed to eternal rest and
In their stead we have the Keystone
party, the Industrialists party and the
Worklngmen's League party with tli
Republican party, the Democratic
party, the Prohibition party and the
Socialists still alive and kicking and
likely to be In that position after the
organized discontents have shifted
(iliont for some name which may ap
ueal with more force to the voters
You are liable to go against a stronger hand than you've got and
When you buy clothing from a dealer who "takes a chance,"
you're liable to lose also.
When you buy anything at this store your satisfaction is just as
positive as if you held a "ltoyal Flush" in a poker game and the sky
was the limit. We are in business to stay. We intend that our bus
iness relations with the public shall at all times be free from the taint
of dissatisfaction. We want to know you as a satisfied friend, rather
than a displeased enemy. We know our clothing will make us
friends. We know our prices will bind that friendship closer and
Suits and Overcoats, $7.50 to $40.00
For the time, however, the Democrats
must lake their place with the also
rans. Humbled and beaten they have
been the victims of ambitions which
have been dangerous to their organlza
Former Professor Says His Office at
U. of P. Was Broken Open.
Philadelphia. Nov. 22. Dr. Herman
V. Hilprecht, who tes'gned two days
ago as head of the department of as
syriology and Semitic philology and
archaeology at the University of Petin-
sllvanla, in his letter of resisnatlou,
openly charges that, while he was
away on his vacation, last summer, hU
office was broken Into, his desk wa!
ransacked and many valuable papers
were stolen.
Tho hardest blow of all, he declared,
was that he discovered that tho an
cient tablets he had excavated from
the mounds at Babylon and deposited
la the university museum, the tablets
with the inscriptions upon which he
had based his most famous theories,
had been mutilated, defaced and In
some cases stolen.
The charges of Dr. Hilprecht havo
mused a furore among the university
trustees. They have taken ides, and
Samuel F. Houston, one of the most in
fluential members of that body, has re
signed. In sympathy with Dr. Hil
precht. Dr. Houston, who Is a member
of the class of '87, has always taken
a keen Interest In archaeological mat
ters, and the splendid building at the
university devoted to the collections
possessed by this department was
erected largely through his eiforts and
Scranton Man Finds Mother In Stam
ford, Conn.
Stamford, Conn.. Nov. 22. Mrs.
William Bowie disappeared from
Scranton, Pa., forty years ago, leaving
behind her four children, three boys
and a girl, the eldtst about eight years
old. For more than 20 years she has
been living In Stamford with her third
husband, Samuel Totter, and her son,
John C. jJowle of 611 Adams avenue,
Scranton, found her here. A desire Ui
atone for the wrong she was led to
do 40 years ago Is behind yesterday's
Of the children, the only one to re
tain the name Bowie was the son
John. He became a blacksmith, estab
lished a business of bis own and pros
pered. A month or to ago his mother
became ill. Fearing that fcbe was about
to die she wrote a letter to John
Bowie, Scranton, Pa., told him who
the was and asked him to come to see
In the course of time the letter was
delivered to John C. l-owle. He wrote
to the mayor of Stamford, and learned
that there was a Mrs. Pamuil Potter
at the address g.ven. After further
investigation he and Ms wife cama
Forty Cents a Pound Asked For Choice
Fovis at Reading.
Reading, Pa., Nov. 22. Unless there
Is a big drop In the price of turkeys,
the fowl will bo missing from many
tables on Thanksgiving day. Turkeys
are quoted at 40 cents a pound dressed
for the choicest and the live ones
bring from 2S to 30 cents a pound.
In the larger cities they are much
cheaper, and yet Reading 1r In the
heart of tho rural district whore thous
ands of the turkeys are raised annual
ly. Housekeepers here are satisfied
that the Berks farmers have formed a
"trust," and will use every enort to
make them come down In their prices.
Several enterprising dealers have ar
ranged for large shipments from other
states, which they tay they will sell
at 20 cents a pound. In this event tho
"trust" will be broken and farmers
will be glad to get rid of their birds
it any fair price.
Snowball Injury Serious.
Port Clinton, Pa., Nov. 22. Miss
Kllcn Nolan s In a dying condition ut
her home In Port Clinton. About a
week ago a snowball, thrown by a
mischievous urchin, struck Miss Nolan
in the side, and although nothing seri
ous was apprehended from the blow,
Inflammation set in and there is a
grave probability cf the young woman
losing her life.
A Mighty Good Store to
Trade At.
i. -ub'.!cs Trus.
A tc;i tier :.i a i'lli'iiiiiigliam school
was -;i(!i':i oi ini: to x j I ; l in tho term
"liooUiiiK" us applied to our railway
N.vstem. s;iys London Tit-Itlt.s.
"Now." lie was Niiylng, "inn any of
you tell i:ir the inline of the olllce at
which railway tickets nre sold't"
"The hoi king cfliro." replied one of
the bids.
"Ulylit." responded the toucher. "
At Ibis moment Ills eye fell on a
siiimII ut the i-inl of the class who
was evidently puylni,' very little atten
tion to what was said.
"IMd you hear that. Spry?' be de
manded. "Wot. KlrV" asked tint t youth Inno
cently. "As I thought you were not listen
In;?. We will suppose your father de
cided to have n day's holiday mid visit
tl;e seaside. What would ho have to
do before he could lake his sent In the
Without a moment's thought the
youngster elect titled his teacher by
'Pawn bis tools!"
Arsenic Is mined In Japan. Italy.
Portugal. Spain, (iermiiny. Knglmid
and. within n limited iireu. In the
United States. Its uses nre many. As
n poison it has been known from very
early times. The peasant women of
Austria consume large iuintities of it,
having faith In its virtues as a lien u ti
ller, n tul the men of the saiiie region
nre addicted to Its use In the mistaken
belief that It Increases their bodily
strength ami endurance.
J. L. Hoplor
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipmout. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Come and see us.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
The Number 520, Six-Shot
Repeating Shotgun at $25.00
Is a hiimmcrles.s gun with n solid
frame, l'jisicr to operate (pork
er and smoother act ion than any
other. It never balks ami Is
perfectly balanced.
IVtiiilt-d tU-trriptiim nf any of our
(runs is in our Ilk) I'nirp Free C'iitiilo(r.
Srmtnr if TO-DAY
11 you riinimt olitnhi STKVKNS
UII-I.I'.N, MIOMil ,,s.
tliniuirli ynur ilcuW-r, we
will liip direct, rxprcsN
iilxHi re
ceipt of
P. O. llox hm
Office ) A 7X National Bank Building,
Ryes examined free.
RznliiHlvnly optical.
Trade Marks
Copyrights An.
An rone sending a flkefoh and rinn-irnnn mil t
qnlrkly lufwtnln nur optnlwi free whether nn
invomimi in prumioiy jHUL-nitiuio. i nnimtiinrrv
tlmiMtrictlymuiflitHnttftl. Handbook on 1'atenU
ent frft. Oldftnt nufincv for Homirlnu iattntH.
!ritfiit tiiken through Mmm A Co. receive
tjMTtVit fwicf, without tfhnme, In the
Scientific Hmcrican.
A handsomely Ulnstrnted weekly. Lnrnest rlr
nlnttm (tf hut pHi'iititio Jourim). Terms, f:t i
; rmir nmnitis, i. worn mrun newmlenlcr.
Cn36iBro.dw.,,NpW Ynrt
ilreucti Olllce. m F Ht., Wuliiuvion, 1). C.
f asaaa
Everything in Underwear, f
A rather comprehensive statement, hut we inako it with absolute
assurance of our ability in supply anything and everything wilted -
in underwear Ladies', Misses', 11 jya' aud lofauts. We'll nut include
The assortment of Men's Underwear is not Urge what's here is
good and less prire thau such Undeiwear is usually sold lor.
. But io Ladies', Misses', Hoys' and Infants' there's every wanted
Underwear item.
Cotton, Cotton Fleeced, All Wool, Silk and Wool and Silk' and
Lisle, Separate (lUinent or Union Suit, tho product of two of Atner-
ioa'a most famous mills "Forest M.lls" and "Mentor Mills."
i Dress Goods Sale Continued
A forcible example of how this
twice a year.
The Toy Store.
"The biggest and best Toy Department you ever had."
More than oue enthusiastic Toy buyer has so expressed his or
her opinion of our 11)10 Toy exhibit.
We give Rogers Silver Trading Coupons.
If Yoi Like a.
That covers you all
up and down, with
a bijr enough collar
to turn up snugly or
to button in mili
tary stylo, or to Ho
down, try one of our
lino ot coats with a
You ean't appreciate this improvement in coati without examining
them. We regard this as one of the
handled. Let us show you.
Hart, Schafluer & Man Overcoats, 818 00 to $ 27.50.
Other Good Union Made, $10.00 to 820.00.
Max Jacobs,
One Price Store, Clothier and Slioer,
233 Seneca Street,
Srf!, Comfort and
pend laivvly upon
Waverly Gaiolinet three grades
7AO Qnrinl AJf ritnt Inatuntiiiwomi, powrfii!, Hon explosion niick tfrnllton
5 .:, . ' " no cnrWn d.-pcitn-thene nre Kui.ra.iteol All Mined
Power Without Carbon pruJutu. No nturl iilmre wt-J.
Trtia R
Vuluet K
a B
makes of known reli
ability Oneida Com
munity, 1847; Alvin; E.
H. H. Smith; Rogers
Brothers, etc. Patterns
Vintage, Holly, Charter
Oak, Lily, Brides Bou
quet, Rose, Troy and
others equally acceptable.
Medium Kulvos, $3.50 to $11.00
Desert Knives, 7.50 to 10.09 dozen.
Medium Forks, i2.25 to $7 50 dozen.
Dessert Forks, $2.00 to $7.00 dozen
Table Spoons, $2.25 to $7.50, dozen,
Dessert Spoons, $2.00 to i;.50 dozen
Tea Spoons, $1-23 to $3.00 dozen,
Soup Spoons, $3.50 to $7.60 dozen.
Bouillon Spoons, $3.00 to $G.5Q
Orange Spoons, $3.00 to $3.00 dozf-n
Butter Spreaders, $3.00 to $a,5l
Salad Forks, $4.00 to $7.00 dozen,
Oyster Forks, $2,75 to $5.00 dozen.
Cold Meat Forks, f.0o to $1.50.
Berry Spoons, 85c to $2 25.
Soup Ladles, $2.00 to $3.50 dozen.
Tie Servers, $1.50 to $2.50 doz ju.
Butter Knives, 25o to $1.50 each.
BOGGS & bUriL.
The cure that has been continuously
successful for more than 81 years is
worth investigating. For the druf? or
drink habit. Write fur imrticulurK,
Only Keetey Institute in Western
Peuua. 4240 Fifth Ave., 1'it ImUui -li, Ta,
ltriiinrut. Asi fr hi. lii s-TFR
IMAAIONI I tit AMI I'll.l.H, fr lift
years known as Best, Safest. Always K tllnH
I.adU'st Ank ymir Druutflnt for A
riil--icfl.trr's JNnmoti JTlruiidjr
I'ltlsin Kid ami UM nntilliAV
ti', icaled with ltluo RiMton. V
TnL nn nth-. It... .f V
store clear Dresi Uoodi shelves 4
Long, Roomy
Cnllsxr '
most important specialties we have ever
Oil City, Pa.
SnMy In Aatomohilm do-
lining the riQht Uuolino.
InJcptndtnt Refinmr; PITTSBURG. PA.
You Probably
Asked yourself many times
where can I buy my Rub
bers to get the beet value
for my money ?
Duy the
Seal Rubbers,
The best Rubbers in the
world. We offer our trade
nothing but the beet quality
Rubbers Rubbers that give
We are the exclusive
agents for the Gold Seal
Cor. Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Promptly obtained, or FCC RETURNCD.
THE LOWEST. Send moj.-l, photo or skoti-h (or
eipt'rt mwrt-h nd free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT lulu conducted before .11
court, l'atentfl obtained through 11. ADVER
IONS and COPYRIOHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8. Pntent Office,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Wliuuping Cough.