The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 12, 1910, Image 3

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    . hi FinE?
hjiioI all'ord to take your own
riK ,.rtainst loss by Are. Kemember that
we represent
and will be glad to call on you when you
want Ore Insurance that really protects.
Drop u a rard and we'll do tbo reHt.
We are agents In this county for the
and can furnish aecurlty for County
olllclals, bank olllclals, etc.
Oo to
I The Tionesta i
and nek for
i HeaLddLche
Put up by the pharmacist.
A guaranteod relief.
Also try
a guaranteed relief.
All prescriptions are com- I
pounded with the beet of
Young Men
We can place One Hundred Young Men
In good positions during the next two
One Railroad System has (liven us the
.assurance (hat Ihey will employ all tbe
Klenographers and Hook keepers that we
will recommend to do good work.
Thirty live Students In good positions
from our schools during this year. Write
to us for full particulars.
Wurreu Huslne. College,
C. W. Smith, President. Warren, Pa.
Sheriff's Sale.
Joe Levi. Ad.
lAinmers. Ad.
Penn'a Hy. Ad. ,
Max Jacobs. Ad.
Hoggs it Buhl. Ad.
Wni. B. James. Ad.
Robinson & Son. Ad.
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
hammers. Shoes. Ad.
Smart it Silberberg. Ad.
Phelps Musio Store. Local.
Forest County National Dank. Ad.
Monarch Clothing Co. Ad. and Locals.
Oil market closed at f 1.30.
Is your subscription paid?
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
Oil and gas leases, best form, for sale
at this office. tf
Great sale of Men's aud Women's
Suits aud Raincoata at Monarch Clothing
Store, Oil City. It
-The Monarch Clolhlng Co., Oil City,
are showing a pretty line of Sweater
Coats for Men, Women aud Children.
The prices are all right. It
Rev. J. F. Scherer ol Endeavor will
deliver the sermon at tbe Presbyterian
church next Snnday evening, at 7;30. No
preaching service in the morning.
G. II. Lowe Co., on the Baird lease
In the Dawson Run field, struck the best
well yet the first of tbe week. The hole
has beeu filled up over 6(H) feet and as
soon as the fluid can be bailed off the well
will be shot.
Fob Sm.k Chkai-Ouo now "Vic
trola" in mahoiiaoy cabinet holding l."0
records. Also new aud slightly used up
right Pianos, For prices and discounts
address Phelps' Musio Store, Sugar
Groye, Pa. 2t
Sales Manager wanted for Forest
County. Must be capable of organizing
a sales foi ce to secure subscriptions for
our magazines. References required.
Special Agency, National Sportsman 75
Federal St., Boston, Mass. -It
Charles Anderson has an overstock of
cabbage and turnips, both of tine quality,
and would like to dispose of a lot for cash
The lowest prices possible If taken in
large lots. Come early, as it will not
likely last long at the price. tf
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
become famous for its cures of coughs,
colds, croup and inlluenz. Try it when
in need. It contains no harmful sub'
stance and always gives prompt relief.
Sold by Tiouesta Pharmacy.
An infant son of D. W. and Edith
McCrea, of Eagle Rock, died on Satur
day last, after an Illness of a few hours,
Rev. W. O. Calhoun conducted the fun
eral at the home on Sunday at 3:.'10 p. m,
Burial in the McCrea cemetery.
Mrs. Maggie Hepler, of Tiouesta
township, has purchased a lot from Fred.
Glassner, just south of bis bouse on Vine
street, in this pla"e. Mrs. Hepler has a
dwelling house well under way on her
new purchase and will occupy the same
as soon as it is completed.
Chestnuts, a few of which are finding
their way into this market, are not
abundant, and not of the usual size,
though flavored fairly good. The partial
failure of the crop Is attributable to ex
ceshive drought just when the developing
process was going ou. Butternuts aud
hickory uuts seem almost a total failure
this year.
uvr 4 to
&u avtttugd of unusually warm weather
la expected, with cool weather preceding
and following these dates. Most ralna are
expected the last week of October. The
month will be unusually stormy. Both
the transcontinental and the tropical
storms will be numerous and severe.
Surprised by ana'ysls ot sausage
gathered by agents ol bis division, Dairy
and Food Commissioner James Foust has
ordered an Investigation made into the
ingredients of the sausages sold in the
State. It Is said that tbe results have
shown liberal use of Hour paste Instead
of meal as teqiilred in the food trade.
-Learning that Al. 0. Whltehill had
recently undergone a serious operation at
tbe Oil City hospital, and that he would
likely be confined to tbat institution for
some time, his good friends and former
neighbors at Nebraska raised a nice
purse of money and sent it to him last
week, as a token of their regard for him.
Mr. and Mrs. Whltehill sre very grateful
lor this kind remembrance, and desire in
this way to express their heartfelt thanks
for the same, hoping soon to be able to
thank their friends In person for their
thoughtfulness and generosity.
Many towns In this latitude are ad
vocating, and will bave, no doubt, a safe
and sane Hallowe'en this year, which
means, In other words, one devoid of
vandalism or rudeness of any kind, but
rather of the funny, grotesque sort. It
is hoped Tiouesta will adopt something of
this nature, as it has done in the last year
or two back. There Is real enjoyment to
both spectator and participant In a night
of such rfyelry. Will someone take the
Initiative and organize a parade, as woll
as adopt other features tbat have only fun
and laughter in themf Who'll take the
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cbilds, re
siding on the Henry Blum farm, Tubbs
Run, are called upon to mourn the death
of their little sou, Lewis William, which
occurred Monday evening, from cholera
infantum, alter an illness of twenty-four
hours. The babe was aged Ave months,
a bright, winsome little fellow, and the
stricken parents have the sympathy of
the whole neighborhood In tills allliotion.
Tbe funeral takes place today, Wednes
day, at 10 o'clock, at Mt. Zion Lutheran
church, and tbe interment will be in tbe
cemetery connected with the church,
Rev. W. O. Calhoun officiating.
The schools of Mayburg this county,
have been closed Indetinitely on account
of a diphtheria scare in that town. Myrl
Killer, a boy aged 11 years, who bad been
111 with tonsilitis, developed a very
serious case of diphtheria the last of tbe
week, and as a number of other children
had been with him and exposed to the
disease, the schools were closed as a pre
cautionary measure. Dr. W. W. Serrill,
of Kellettville, has charge of the case.
The boy was reported to he somewhat
Improved yesterday. A rigid quarantine
has been established and it is hoped to
stamp out the disease before It has a
chance to spread.
Mrs. Maggie Hepler will hold a pub
lic sale on the Win. Hepler farm In Tio
uesta township, one mile north of Stro-
blelon, beginning at oue o'clock p. m.,on
Saturday, October 22d, when the follow
ing property will be disposed of: One
Conklln wagon, a one-horse wagon, pair
bob sleds, sleigh, 3 buggies, plow, shovel
plow, 2 cultivators, fanning mill, mowing
machine, set double work harness, 2 sets
buggy harness, horse blankets, 0 tons
straw, potatoes, oats, grind stone, boring
machine, 3 ladders, 1 wood and 2 coal
heating stoves, large range cook stove, 2
bedsteads, carpets, and other articles.
Terms made known on day of sale.
The local newspaper is really a tire
less lettoi writer if nothing more. Week
after week, year after year it goes on,
telling of marriages, births, deaths, tbe
coming and going of people, of business
successes or failures, accidents, crops,
improvements, meetings, socials well,
In fact events of all kinds. All is grist
tbat comes to the hopper'of a good local
newspaper. If you should undertake to
write a letter each week to an absent
friend and tell half tbe news found in
your local newspaper you would give up
In despair. People In a live town recog
nize this aud take pleasure in giving
items you would not learn otborwise.
Charles McUuire, who was arrested
July Win, charged with being implicated
in the murder of II or ton Craig, was re
leased from tbe Kittauningjail Saturday
afternoon. He is to appear in court on
tbe third Monday of December at which
time be will undoubtedly obtain a full
discharge. All of the evidence so far
gathered by tbe detectives employed on
tbe case has shown McGuire to be inno
cent, and when his attorney asked for his
release from custody, tbe Judge granted
tbe petition. No opposition waa offered
on tbe part of the d islrict attorney and be
admitted tbat they bad been unable to
secure sufficient evidence to warraut an
Indictment. Clarion Republican.
Alton V. Hoover, twice convicted of
murdering his young wife a year ago, at
Atlantic, Crawford county, was sentenced
by Judge Emery A. Walling of Erie
county Thursday afternoon to pe banged.
Hoover took tbe sentence stoically, re
turning to his cell without an apparent
trace of emotion. He is tbe sou of a
prominent merchant at Atlantic He
shot his wile during a domestic quarrel
and following the death of tbe youug
woman later in a Cleveland hospital he
was tried aud convicted in Meadville
His counsel obtained a change of venue
on the ground that a fair trial was not re
ceived in Crawford county on account of
popular prejudice ami a second trial in
Erie county attain convicted Hoover. A
third trial was asked for but tbe court re
fused to entertain tbe petition.
Quite a number of tbe residents of
Kellettville bave lormed a company for
the purpose of drilling a number of test
wells for oil or gas near that place. The
first well drilled by this company is on
toe Jacob Wolf farm, a short distance
above town, and on Tuesday tho well
was drilled through the Balltown sand,
making a good showing of oil. At 1272
feet twelve feet of sand was found and
Judged by the showing oil men are esti
mating that tbe well would be good for
anywhere from Ave to twenty-tlve bar
rels per day. It Is tbe purpose of the
company to give the territory a thorough
test and tbe well Is therefore being
drilled to the Cooper sand, which they
expect to find at 1100 feet. If it should
not be a paying oue tbe well will be
plugged aud shot In the Balltown saud
The company has 380 acres under lease.
-W. W. Walford was called to Ken
nerdell, Pa., on. receipt of a letter from
bis daughter, Mrs. Nettle Vandermark,
who resides near there, stating tbat Ed
ward Metcalf, whose marriage to Mrs,
Vandermark's daughter, Mabel, occurred
on tbe 3d Inst., bad died from Injuries
received by his automobile turning tur
tle. The letter gave no particulars be
yond saying thai tbe accident occurred
while Mr. Metcalf was returning to bis
Former State Senntor Bolard.ofCam
bridge Springs, pleaded guilty before
Alderman James Kepler In Meadville on
Monday ol last week and paid a line of
f 100 for turning tbe contents of bis tan
nery vats at Cambridge Springs Into
French creek. The tannery was de
stroyed by nre a lew weeks ago and
about a w-ek ago Mr. Boiard opened the
vats Into the creek. Tbe water was dis
colored for ten miles down stream and
hundreds of game Hsu were killed.
Monday Judge E. A. Walling of Erie
county sentenced Eugene Tallman, con
victed of second degree murder for the
killing of John May near tiirard, to not
more than twenty years nor less than
five years in the Western penitentiary at
Allegheny. Judge Walling refused the
request of District Attorney W. Pitt Glf
ford that Tallman should be sentenced
under the habitual criminal act to thirty
years In prison. In a longlby opinion he
set forth his reasons and then imposed
sentence. Tallman protested his inno
cence when asked whether he bad any
thing more to say. He Is the man who
helped to steal a valuable team of horses
from Amos Shotts, of Tylersburg, a few
years ago.
William F. Archer, aged 14 years, son
of William II. Archer, of Truemans, this
county, died in the Warren Emergency
Hospital at three o'clock last Wednesday
morning, October 6tb, following an Ill
ness of typhoid fever. He bad been in
the hospital for a week. Tbe family had
formerly resided at Fagundus, removing
to Truomans last spring, where tbe father
is the foreman on tbe oil lease of F. C.
Proper, Besides the father, four sisters
and one brother survive, the mother hav
ing died about two years ago. Tbe re
mains were taken to Fagundus, where
the funeral services were held lu the M.
E. church, Thursday atternoon, conducted
by Rev. E. O. Minigb, of Tidioute. In
terment was made in the cemetery there.
Tbe Rldgway Advocate says: Forest
Hoff. of Warren, Pa., and A. R. Mech-
ling, of Clarington, and several other
capitalists who are interested with them
are in town Wednesday, completing tbe
purchase of tbe property of the Ridgway
Bedding Company for the purpose of es
tablishing in this place a new oil refining
plant. Tbe Ridgway Bedding Company
being a corporation, some red tape was
necessary before the sale of the property
could be made. It took some time to
give each of tbe stockholders notice of tbe
proposed sale, and also for the board of
directors to go through the formality of
passing a resolution to sell the property.
These formalities baying been completed t
tbe directors of the company are In shape
to sell, and hence the buyers are here to
close the deal and get ready to start their
new industry for Ridgway, Tbler pur
pose Is, as we understand it, to manu
facture lubricating oils and they will
employ quite a number of men. Though
tbe Industry will not be nearly so large
as some of our others, yet it is one that
ought to be steadily prosperous and quite
a help to tho town. We are glad to ex
tend a cordial welcome to tbe gentlemen
at the bead of this position and wish them
the best of success in this new undertak
ing in Ridgway.
Leon Watson and Dr. Wm. Serrill at
tended the Masonio banquet at Erie last
Gold la Hill spent Sunday with her par
ents near Tionesta.
J.B Beck, cf Marienville, spent Sun
day with his uncle, Wm. Silzle, Sr.
R. W. Dunn aud daughter Treva vis
ited relatives at Oil City, Sunday.
Fred Kurtz, of Clarion, is visiting at
the borne of W. A. Kribbs.
Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Simmons were
Warren visitors Saturday.
Mrs. John Watson, who has been very
sick, is slowly Improving.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. 3. Hendricks and
daughters, Blanche and Roberta, spent
Sunday visiting friends at Marienville.
Edna Zuendel and Maude Berlin spent
Sunday with their parents at Starr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Catlin visited their
son, Clair Catlin, at Marienville, a lew
days last week.
Miss Anna Baptie, of Grand Valley, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. George
0 Ulcers of Nigh Grade Oil Company.
At a meeting of the directors of tbe
High Grade Oil Refining Company held
iu the Oliver building, Pittsburg, Pa.,
Wednesday evening last, tbe following
officers were elected: Joseph A. Scho
fleld, of Warren, Pa., President! George
C. Priestley, of Bartlesville, Okla , Vice
President; M. V. Eversoo, of Pittsburg,
Pa., Secoud Vice President; N. A.Suttou,
of Stuebenville, O., Secretary aud W. M.
Boggs, of the Guardian Trust Company,
of Pittsburg, Pa., Treasurer. Dr. J. B.
Showalter of Butler, George Eaton, of Oil
City, and George Sheasley, of Franklin,
were also added to the Board of Directors.
A meeting was held at Cbicora, Butler
County, Thursday evening and was at
tended by over one hundred and fifty oil
producers of Butler oounty. The expla
nation of the purposes and aims of the
company were explained by Joseph A.
Schotleld, Esquire, and over two-thirds
of those present agreed to deliver thoir
oil to the new refinery and subscribe for
preferred Block, The plan is to either
make an arrangement with the Producers
and Refiners company to transport the
oil from the field to the location for the
contemplated refinery, or to build a pipe
line to take care of the oil and to either
buy a refinery, or to build one or more,
to be located at some advantageous place.
Two refi-'erios now doing a large busi
ness have been oflered to tbe company,
Tbe movement is assured of success,
and it is expected tbat they will he ready
for business within three months,
--Hoarseness iu a child subject to croup
is aBiire indication of the approach of the
disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is given at once or even after the
croupy cough has appeared, it will pre
vent tbe attack. Coutalus no puiauii
Hold by Tionesta Pharmacy.
Mrs. J. C. Geist is paying a two
weeks' visit to friends at Bradford.
Born, to Mr. aud Mrs. Matt, Cun
ningham, of Tionesta, October 6th, a son.
Earl Maxwell went to Pittsburg last
week for a three weeks' visit with rela
tives. Mrs, J. D. W. Reck spent last week
in Bradford visiting ber sister, Mrs.
Elmer Mealy, of the Township, has
gone to Bradford to visit his daughter,
Mrs. J. D. Zeigler.
Mrs. Helen Arthur visited at her old
home at Sugar Ruu, Pa., a few days dur
ing the past week.
Miss Goldie Mays visited her sister,
Mrs. Chas. Kenniston, In Oil City, a few
days tbe first of tbe week.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Blum, and
Harrison Blum, of Oil City, spent Sun
day at the parental home here.
Burgess J. D. W. Reck and W. J.
Campbell were In Erie last Thursday
night to attend a meeting of (he Shrlners.
Mrs. Chas, Keniston and children, of
Oil City, wbo were visiting relatives here
last week, returned home Saturday eve
ning. H. R. Weaver and Roy Grublis, of
Nebraska, were visitors in Tionesta
Tuesday evening and gave this office a
pleasaut call.
Capt. J. M. Kepler, of Pine Grove
Mills, Pa., arrived here this morning for
a visit at the home of bis daughter, Mrs.
James D. Davis.
Archie Wolfe, ol Tionesta township,
went to Pittsburg last Saturday for a
v sit with his brothers, Charles, Harry
and Milton Wolfe.
Wm, Smearbaugh is in Pittsburg on
business connected with tbe Forest Barge
Co., which has placed forty of the big
coal boats on the market this season.
Mrs. Wm. Sboup, of Muzette, on her
way to visit her daughter at New Castle
last week, stopped a few hours at Siverly
with ber daughter, Mrs. L. G, Stover,
C. M. Overlander came up from
Pittsburg last week to accompany his
wife and young son home, they having
been here on a visit for the past month.
-Rev. A. R. Rich, D. D., of New Cas
tle, tbe newly appointed district superin
tendent of the Franklin district, was tbe
guest of Rev, W, O. Calhoun on Monday,
Fred. E. Dick, a former well known
tailor of Tionesta, but now conducting a
similar flourishing establishment at New
Castle, Pa., spent a few days of last week
visiting old frltinds in this community.
After a few days' visit in Chicago
with Mrs. J. C. Little, who was formeily
Miss HattieTobey, Mrs. M. Andrews of
Kellettville left on the 7th lust, for Cali
fornia, where she will spend the winter,
-Mrs. W, S. Ravenscroft, of East street,
and ber guests went to West Hickory,
Forest county, Saturday last to yisit a
few days with Mrs. Ravenscroft's daugh
ter, Mrs. Harry H. Smith. -Ridgway
Mrs. W. H. Cropp and son Linus
leave today for Sligo, Clarion oounty, ber
former borne, where they expect to re
side in tbe future, and where the good
wishes of a large cirole of friends in this
community follow them.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Klinestiver and
son Gerould, of Nebraska, went to East
Smithfield, Bradford county, Pa., Tues
day, to attend tbe wedding of Mrs, Kline
sliver's sister, Miss Caroline Ballentine
aud Mr. Richard Bird, which lakes place
this evening at 8 o'clock, at tbe home of
tbe bride.
A Tidioute correspondent sends us
this account of a delightful musical event:
"Tbe Tidioute Mendelssohn Club and
a few Invited guests were accorded a rare
musical treat on Wednesday evening,
October 5th, at Miss Sbugert's studio, by
Miss Olive Lanson, of Tionesta. This
program was tbe opening of tbe club year
for 1010 and 1911. The piano recital by
Miss Lanson was preceded by a reception.
It was a very appreciative audience wbicb
listened to tbe recital. Miss Lanson Is a
musician of great ability and the ease
with which she played the different
numbers showed ber consummate skill
as a pianist. She responded to several
encores. After a social time, light re
freshments were served."
Itl ii in James.
A modest wedding that has much In
terest for the many friends of tbe bride
and groom took place at tbe parsonage of
the Good Hope Lutheran church at 11
o'clock Wednesday morning, wbon Rev.
II, J. Reimann, tbe pastor, united in
marriage Miss Loretta James and Adolph
A. Blum, both of Oil City. The bride is
a daughter of Police Odlcer George James
of East Second street, and the groom Is a
coremaker, employed at tbe Oil City
The attendants were Miss Mary Hill
and Charles James, a brother of the bride.
Immediately following tbe ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. Blum left for a wedding trip in
the east and returning, will make their
borne at No. 1112 East Second street. Oil
City Derrick, 6th.
Married at liiill'alo.
Thomas B. Gavin and Miss Kather
ine Tobey, both well known young peo
ple of this city, left this morning for
Buffalo, where they will be united in
marriage this evening. The bride is a
daughter of Rev. D. B. Tobey, aud lias a
large circle of friends who will extend
congratulations. Mr. (iaviu is employed
at the Colbtiru Machine Tool Company
aud has made many friends during his
residence here. They will spend their
honeymoon on a trip up the lakes and
will be "at home" to their friends after
Oct. 15th at the corner of Buffalo and 5th
streets, where the bridegroom has a home
already furnished. Franklin News, 5lh.
How's This t
We nfl'er One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo.
F. J. CH knky A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, havo known F.J.
Chonoy for tho lasi 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable iu all business
transactions and linancially nlilo to carry
out any obligations made hy their firm.
Wemt it Tkaux, wholesale druggists, To
ledo, ()., Wai.iuno, Rinnan it Marvin,
wholesale druugNt, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon tho blood aud mu
cous surfaces of tho system. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall s Family Pills are the best.
William J. Campbell.
The Rkpu iilican takes pleasure today
In presentiug to the people of Forest
county a good likeness of the good-looking
candidate of the Republican party for
Assembly, with the assurance tbat they
will find Mr. Campbell just tbe clean,
atraighlforward, business-like person ege
that bis likeness portrays him to be.
Republican Nominee In Forest County
for Assembly.
Mr, Campbell was born in Clarion
county In 1870, just forty years ago. He
attended tbe public schools of bis com
munity until old enough to dig for him
self, when he began work in the lumber
woods and on the sawmills of his neigh
borhood, aud before he reached his ma
jority was able to take hold of any part of
the work and carry it through success
fully, becoming an expert sawyer. He
first came to Forest county In 1887, re
maining several years. Shortly after bis
marriage with Miss Elsie A. Buzard, of
Knox, Clarion county, in 1803, be moved
to Youogsvllle, Warren county, where
be remained four years. While there he
became engaged in tbe wholesale lumber
business, with headquarters at New Cas
tle, Pa. In 18H0 be removed to Tionesta,
where be purchased a house and lot on
May street, which has since been his
home. He has never relinquished bis
affection for tbe lumber business, in
which be has been signally successful.
Mr. Campbell is today one of our wide
awake, progressive citizens, having
served with credit on the borough coun
cil, and has always pulled tbe right way
when any project for the betterment and
upbuilding of the town was proposed.
Two years ago he was a candidate for
tbe nomination, and while unsuccessful
at that time, be didn't get sore, but took
bis defeat gracefully, and now tbat the
Republicans have nominated him he asks
in all fairness that they stand by and
elect him as the representative in the
Assembly. And there Is not a question
but that they will do that very thing.
Whig Hill.
Mrs. George Steiger, of Oil City, Is
visiting for a lew days on Ibe bill, with
Mrs. Eugene Berlin.
The school children, with tbelr teacher
as chaperon, went for an atternoon hunt
for chestnuts on Friday last. They bad
a prolonged walk, no doubt, and oceans
of fun, but the chestnuts sre still to he
Mrs. S. J. Rayen and Miss Beulab Hall
are visiting for a few days with friends In
Miss Lulu Crouch, of East Hickory,
accompanied by ber uncle, Mr. Merriam,
of Now York state, were guests of Mrs.
H. Berlin last Thursday.
We are experiencing a very cool wave
at present, but hope for a warm up soon.
The missionary meeting this week was
held Thursday afternoon at tbe home of
Mrs. M. Rudolph.
Mrs. L. Steinaker, of Rocky Grove,
and aunt, Mrs. M. Reynolds, of Franklin,
were callers on the bill on Monday of this
Melvin Sihble spent Sunday with
friends at Porkey.
Mrs, Ross Kerr and son James were
visitors in Tionests, Monday.
Russell Wiant returned borne Sunday,
after a week's visit his brother at Crown,
Miss Ethel Clark, of Tionesta, spent
Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. 8. II. Secor visited rela
lives in Ridgway over Sunday.
Roy Reed, Harold McKeen and Albert
Delo were visitors in Tionesta, Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walter and Mrs.
W'a. mother, aud Miss Ethel Cooper, of
Butler county spent Sunday al Harry
Sovell's, on Cropp Hill.
Leon Ayers, of Spring Creek, made a
short visit in our town last week,
E. A. Wolf, of Howe township, was
electioneering In town a couple days last
The school board met on Saturday
afternoon and rented tbe K. O. T. M. Hall
for the purpose of starting a third room
and they expect (o have It ready by No
yember 1st.
$25,000 Prize Contest.
The Pittsburg Dispatch's great voting
contest. In which that publication Is giv
ing $25,000 in prizes to the people of
Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia,
is attracting widespread attention and in
teresting many people in this section.
Leading the list of 78 prizes are three
splendid touring cars. They are a $2,750
Columbia, a $'2,2IK) White gusoliuecarand
a $1,700 Oakland car. These prizes are to
be awarded to the contestants having the
first, second and third highest number of
votes in the entire contest, regardless of
where they live.
Any respectable person, no mailer
whether a subscriber to The Dispatch or
not, may enter the content. It costs noth
ing to make the effort to win one of The
Dispatch's 78 prizes; there are no obliga
tions of any kind attached to entering.
All that is necessary to enter the con
test Is to clip out and fill in the nomina
tion ballot published daily in The Pitts
burg Dispatcl and send it to the Contest
Managor of The Pittsburg Dispatch,
The Monarch Clothing Co., Oil City,
are showing a pretty line of Sweater
Coats for Men, Women aud Children.
The prices are all right. It
The pleasant purgative effect exper
ienced by all who use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the
healthy condition of the body and mind
which they create, makes oue feel oyful.
Sold by Tiouesta Pharmacy.
Rubber Goods
juet arrived.
We can supply you with anything
in the line of
of all kinds,
Hot Water Bot
tles, Atomizers,
or anything in rubber that might be
fuuud in a drug store.
Bovard's Plhirmacy.
It Is a Pleasure
To invite our friends and patrons to see such fine
Autumn Merchandise
Right from the factories, as is displayed in our store at the present time.
Ladle' Xcw (Style (Sweater
Ranging in price from 60o to tl 00. And
we didu't forget tbe misses and little tots.
A Sweater will not only keep them warm,
but will make them look just as they
should look.
Shoe Department.
We bave given this department a little
more attention this season than ever be
fore, livery day adds somethng new and
attractive in Shoes. Button, Vesting
Tops, with plain toe, all widths. Patent
Leather, u tin metal or plain Kiu. uuDan
Heels, Common Sense Heels, Hubber
Heels, Cushion Soles.
Our Ladles' Shoe Department la ahead
of any line of Shoes ever shown in the
town. If you look them over you will
be convinced.
Come and see us. It will pay.
Cool morning and evening season has
arrived, aud we would call your
attention to tbe
Gas Heater
Price. Material aud Workmanship
considered. A (las Heater should
bave these cardinal points of virtue:
Perfect Combustion, Efficiency of
Heating, Economy of Gas, Health
fulness, Distribution of Heat, Clean
liness. K?zoor contains all those
$2.00 to $9.00.
Order now while the line is complete.
Also Wood aud Coal Heaters.
Tionesta Hardware.
We iilve "H. V II."
One Thing We Do
is to provide only reliable qualities
We serve you with clothe that will serve you well.
This policy is sufficiently illustrated by our uew Fall Suits and Over
coats for men and young men. In their
belter produced. We consider it u:i achievement to bo regarded as dealers
iu THE BEST ONLY -as we are.
The Suits, $10 to $30.
The Overcoats, $10 to $30.
A lien Suit without a new Hat? Of course not! Especially after a
look at our interesting exposition of ho-.dwoar stylus. Stetson's, (4 to 80;
Stetson "Special," 5; Ke eington, $3; and Our Own $'J Surprise. Sole
agents for Stetson aud Keusingtoti.
The SutiK of the Shirt is a beautiful one when inspired by "Manhattan"
excellence! 50 to s:j,50. Nothing unmusical about our dollar values,
A Rain Coat
Will be a uecessity most any time this fall, and we are prepared with almost
everything in tbat line from a guaranteed rubber garmeut made with tbe
military collar to the light weight rubberized garments. I rices, f ) to pl.
(rOTg- PR
4! &43 SENECA ST.
The Latest
Are shown in this store
at all times. If il'a
something new you will
find it at this, the best
Jewelry Store in North
western Pennsylvania.
A Complete New
lias just beeo received.
When you are in the
city come in and
Let Us Show You
The Leading Jeweler,
men's) Shoe Department.
In this department Is where we think
we bave the front seat. Such shoes aa tbe
Keath, Koyal Itl lie, Menzles and Douglas
are the kinds that bring tbe customer
back for another pair.
Noon He Time lor Rubber
When in need come in and see us. We
have anything you can waut. Our prices
will be the lowest.
Our Coat, Clothing;,
Warm Coats, Kaiu Coats, and Underwear
all in and ready for your inspection.
Ladles' llalu Coats.
Itlack, bine, slate or brown, in tbe lat
est style. Regular $10 00 coats for 17 50,
and f 12 00 coals for 'J,50. Why go away.
tut oniy heating stoves soid with
the positive Guarantee thai if not
You will bave a better selection.
Ureeu Trading (Stamp).
respective grades there is nothing
I 1