The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 28, 1910, Image 3

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You otuiuot afford to take vnur own
rlBk against loss by lire. Remember that
we represent
and will be glad to call on you when you
wm urn insurance ujHi really protects,
un a rmra anu wen uo the reHt.
We are agents In tiiia county or the
and can furnish security for County
c j. mn t n
(io to
I The Tionesta I
? X and ask Tor
. Tut up by the pharmacist.
A guaranteed relief. .
Also try
a guaranteed relief.
All prescriptions are xora
pounded with the best of
4iili-i-bAliAlH a Atl-l.t-k-l-l.-.
"tttTTTTTTTTTTT tttttttttt
Young Men
We can place One Hundred Young Men
In good HHltlons during the next two
One Railroad System haa Riven na the
assurance that they will employ all the
Stenographer and Rookkeepera that we
will recommend to do Rood work.
Thirty live Students In Rood positions
from our schools during tbia year. Write
to us for full particulars.
Warren Iliiiiue College,
C. W. Smith, President. Warren. Pa.
Joe Levi. Ad.
Ijunmers. Ad.
Penn'a Ry. Ad.
Max Jacobs. Ad.
Boggs A Buhl. Ad.
The Prima Co. Ad.
J.C. Scowden. Ad.
Win. U. James. Ad.
Stevens Anna Co. Ad.
Smart & SilberberR. Ad.
Tlonesla Millinery Co. Local.
Warren Business College. Ad.
Forest County National Bank. Ad.
Monarch Clothing Co. Ad, aud Locals,
Oil market closed at 1.30.
Ia your subscription paid?
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
Oil and gas leases, best form, for sale
at this office, tf
Ureat Clothing Sale a, the Monarch
Clothing Store now on. It
The Monarch, Oil City, are giving
away lots of Ladies' Coal Sweaters and
Men's Hats to Introduce their new fall
styles more fully. 2t
Your complexion as well as your
temper Is rendered miserable by a dis
ordered liver. By taking Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets you can Im
prove both. Sold by Tiouesta Pharmacy,
The Tionesta Millinery Co, will hold
its annual Fall Opening ou Thursday,
Oct. 6th. All the latest creations la Fall
and Winter Millinery direct from the
large eastern cities. Prices reasonable.
All the ladies are Invited. It
The Monarch Clothing Co. of Oil City
are giving Ladies' pretty Coat Sweaters
free for ten days ouly, so don't fail to
read their ad. aud be sure aud get one.
They come In red, white, aud navy or
Oxford, and are beauties. lit
Class L, of the M. E. Sunday school,
will hold a live cent social in the base
ment of the church next Friday evening,
Sept. 30, beginning at 7:30. All are cor
dially Invited to attend. Proceeds to be
Invested In a girls' library. .
Farmer A. A. Copelaud of Harmony
twp., had some line specimens of water
melon on sale here last week, and II be
Intends raising the same kind io the fu
ture there will be little use for the im
ported variety in this market henceforth.
The Social Committee of the Chris
tian Kudeavor Society will hold a dime
social for all the young children of the
church up to 12 years of age, next
Wednesday aftemoou from 3:30 to 6, in
the basement of the Presbyterian church.
Neighbor Howe Lyons, w ho has 'em
all pretty well beaten as a successful
augler, has our thanks for the nice mess
that found its way to the editorial table
yesterday. His catch of nine uiceones in
a couple of hours just about entitles him
to the bun.
For Sai.k. The Richards property
in Tionesta, near court house, between
the Joyce and Herman properties. 125
feet front, Kid feet deep; two-story house
and barn, concrete walks, fruit trees.
Will be sold reasonable for cash. Ad
dress, Wm. Richards, Mayburg, Pa. it
Owing to the illness of Rev. II. A.
Bailey the communion services set for
next Sabbath at the Presbyterian church
have f cen postponed. Mr. Bailey's
physician has ordered a cessation from
work for four or six weeks on account of
a nervous allection, which he believes
will be overcome by complete rest for a
abort period.
....... . j Suuday
-euuol, will hold a pie social Id the base
uient of the church, this Wednesday
evening. Everybody cordially invited
le oome.
Those districts who have not yet for
warded their aUldavlts under the mini
mum salary law must do so at once in
order to secure the extra appropriation
This la important; the secretary and tires
Ident of each school board should soe to
this matter at once; It Is often necessary
to return these blanks for correction, and
If they are not sent forward till the last
minute they will be thrown out alto
It baa been rumored that a number
of Pittsburg capitalists are negotiating
for the purchase of the old Carter stock
farm at West Hickory, now occupied by
the MoCabe Lumber Co., and will erect a
large glasa plant on the site. There is
good supply of gas in that territory and
One grade glass sand is already produced
In that vicinity. If the deal should go
through, It would be a great boom for
the town.
-The ladles of the W. R. C. will pack
their annua! barrel for the old soldiers of
the Brorkvllle Memorial Home, at Hop
kins' store, on October Blh, 1M0, at two
o'clock p. in., and they earnestly request
the ladies ol Tionesta to contribute lib
erally to the same. Anything eatable, or
cloth to make clothing and bedding for
the Inmates of the Home, will be gladly
accepted. Please send all donations be
fore the date mentioned above.
-Many people from this vicinity who
have heretofore made the Hotel Buyer
their stopping place while in Pittsburg,
will learn with regret of the death of Jcre
miah B. Boyer, which occurred at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Philip S.
Flinn. onlhe Hub Inst. Until about a
year ago he bad been proprietor of the
hotel since 1877, and bis geniality won for
him a host of Iriends throughout the
northwestern section of Pennsylvrnla,
Hon. Peter Berry, the well known
resident of Plumer, lias been doing ex
tenslv building at his line farm house in
that batnlet during the summer, making
mprovemeuta for the comfort and pro.
tection of his live stock aud the care of
the products of the farm. These im
provements Include a fine bank barn,
42x48, with a slate roof, and a modern up-to-date
pig sty aud cow stable combined;
also tool house and graiuery. Derrick.
Autumnal tints are showing on the
hillsides and soon the river bills will be
resplendent in glorious hues, presenting
a picture of beauteous grandeur which no
artist has ever been able to put on canvas.
Of all tbe "good old summer times" there
is none Io compare with the gorgeous
autumn time provided you don't get It
associated with those measly melancbolly
days you've beard about, "the saddest of
the year, when its a little too hot for
whiskey and a little too cool for beer."
Apparently the long drouth has been
broken by the ushering In of the autum
nal equinox, which was a trifle late in
arriving this fall, but which never fails
entirely. Since Friday night tbe weather
has been of the wet order, and sufficient
rain has fallen in tbe meantime to put
more or less water Into the springs aud
small streams, which bad about dried up.
Pastures will be greatly benefited by tbe
rains, and the How of milk, if not of
honey, In tbe laud will be materially aug
mented. An experienced teacher says that
pupils who have access to newspapera at
home, when compared with those who do
not, are better readers, better grammar-
ans, better spellers, better punctuators,
and read more understanding and ob
tain a practical knowledge of geography
n almost halfthe time it requires others.
'The newspaper is decidedly an impor
tant factor In modern life," she said.
'This will not be disputed by any who
have taken the trouble to Investigate tbe
After a day spent on the buxom
bosom of the beautilul old Allegheny, in
au endeavor to tempt the wary to "take a
bite," Editor Bowen of the Oil City Bliz
zard has come to this sane conclusion:
'Fish always bite better after there have
been a few frosts. This Is because the
cold destroys the flies and bugs, creating
a shortage in their food supply and con
sequent Increase in the cost of living.
Fish like men, must bustle, when the
provender is scarce, and when tbey go
alter the bait tbey have to take more
Oil City Blizzard of last Wednesday:
This afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the
Kraeer home on West First street, Rev.
A. C. Ellis, D. D , pastor of Trinity M. E.
church, officiated at the marriage of Miss
Pearl Mealy, of Tionesta, and De mer
McElhaney, a well known young man of
this city. Tbe attendants were Miss
Esther McElhaney and Olenn McEl
haney, sister and brother ot tbe groom.
The bride'g gown was of white messaline
and she carried a shower bouquet of lilies
of tbe valley and white roses. Tbe brides
maid wore a gown of sea green messaline
and her bouquet was of piuk roses. Fol
lowing a wedding trip the young couple
will reside in their home on Front
The Free Methodist conference of this
district will begin its annual session at
Bradford today, Wednesday. Rev. E. L.
Monroe, who has so acceptably filled tbe
pulpits of this charge for the past three
years, does not expect to return, having
completed the limit of his appointment.
His departure will be regretted not only
by his congregations, but by all our peo
ple as well, as be has greatly endeared
himself to them. Mr. Monroe's pastorate
on this circuit has been a rather strenuous
one as the following data will show:
During the three years be has traveled
over 3,000 miles each year, or a total of
0,000 in his pastoral work. He preached
222 sermons the first year, the same num
ber tbe second year, and tbe last year 102.
His pastoral calls totaled 3,700, as follows:
"3 the first year, 1222 the second, and
225 the last year. The worthy pastor has
been blessed with good health and
strength to do all Ibis work for which he
doubtless feels duly thankful. The cir
cuit delegate to the Bradford conference
from this circuit will be John Brewster,
of Newmansville.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy Is today the best known
medicine in use for the relief and cure of
bowel complaints. It cures griping,
diarrhoea, dysentery, and should be taken
at the tirst unnatural looseness of the
bowels. It is equally valuable for child
ren and adults. It always cures. Sold
by Tionesta Pharmacy.
T. A. Warden, of Endeavor, Forest
county, spent a portion of tbe day visiting
friends in tbe city. He was enroute to
Doty, Wash., where be expects to visit
for a number of weeks Blizzard.
-A. O. Wbltehlll of Siverly, whose
serious illness for the past three months
lias been noted In these columns, was re
moved to tbe Oil City hospital Monday,
where he will be operated upon for gall
stones by Drs. Slggins and Sellew.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flick and
daughter, Helen, returned to their home
at West Hickory, Forestcounty, Wednes
day. They were here to attend the fun
eral of Mrs. Flick's mother, Mrs. Barbara
Yaggy,- who died on Sunday morning
last. Ridgway Advocate.
Rev. Forest F. Shoup, for the past
several years located at Baltimore, Md
bas beeu elected district elder of the New
York district of the Free Methodist
church, the conference which elected him
having closed last week at Gravity, I'a.
The territory over which be will have
supervision embraces New York City,
Brooklyn, Newark, N. J., with other
points down as far as Allentown, Pa.
His address will be 265 17th St., Brook
lyn, N. Y., where the family will reside.
Among the relatives and friends who
were here Monday to attend tbe funeral
of the late Charles 'A. Zahuiser, were
these: Mrs. J. M. VanDerlin, of Bakers
town; Itev, A. D. Xabnlser, of Blairs
ville; Rev, and Mrs. J. J. Zabniser, of
Port Allegheny; Rev. E. S. Zabniser, of
Meadvllle; Rev. R. A. Zabniser, of New
Brighton; 11. M. Zabniser, of Bradford;
Rev. and Mrs. A. II. M. Zabniser, of
Youngsville; Mrs. R. N. Randlett, of
Zellenople; Mrs. II. M. Zabniser, of Ri
merabtirg; Mrs. Newton Zabniser, of
of Uartlord City, Iod.; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Canlleld, of West Hickory; Miss
Caroline Matba, of Jamestown, N. Y.,
and Mr. aud Mrs. John Reck, of Bradford.
Cropp Family Reunion.
A reunion of tbe Cropp family was held
Sept. 20i h, at the borne of C, F. Cropp, on
Cropp Hill, it being also the seventy
eighth birthday of Wm. Cropp. The
following families were well represented:
C. F. Cropp, Wm. Cropp, Mrs. A. Rhodes,
A. Cropp, C. A. Cropp, D. J. Cropp, of
Cropp Hill; J, R. Cropp, A. W. Heath,
F. W. Dreyer, of Tionesta. Chas. Shaffer,
of East Hickory; Adam Cropp, A. Rapp,
of Venus; Henry Bush, of Starr. Also
tbe following visitors: Mrs. C. Burbenn,
of Starr, and Ellas Albaugb, of East
Hickory. A well laden table was spread
at one o'clock, which fairly groaned with
the weight of tbe good things thereon.
It was decided to continue these gath
erings each year aud the following offi
cers were elected: J, A. Cropp, presi
dent; F. W. Dreyer, secretary; Mrs. Adda
Shatter, treasurer. The next reunion is
to be held the first Saturday in Septem
ber, l'Jll, at the home of William Cropp.
Midnight Marriage.
Wheu the alarm sounded at tbe outer
door of the residence of Alderman
Henry McCresdy, on Seneca street, at a
late hour Wednesday night, that piouii
nent official of tbe Second ward did not
make a grab for bis trusty Smith Wes
son shooting iron and start a bombard
ment, thereby marring up tbe woodwork
and furniture. Instead bis honor, as be
hustled out of bed said to bis wife, "Well,
here is where we rake in enough of the
filthy lucre to keep that gas meter in a
good humor for a couple or more months."
Inquiry from a window on the second
floor brought tbe intelligence to the al
derman that John E. Moriarty, of the
Oklahoma oil field, and Miss Flora P.
Carriuger, of Tionesta, who expected Io
depart for tbe west on the early morning
train, wished to be married. They bad
the necessary license and it was but a
few minutes until Mr. McCready, at
tired iu his Irock coat and conventional
white tie and satin vest, was right on tbe
ob. Tbe city clock was just pealing
forth tbe midnight hour when tbe knot
waa firmly tied and tbe couple departed
with the blessing of tbe grand old man
who will get out of his warm bed any
hour of the night to serve tbe wants of bis
lellow man. Oil City Blizzard, 22d.
Mr. and Mrs. Moriarty arrived here
Thursday for a few days' visit with the
bride's mother; Mrs. M. C. Carringer,
and after a short visit with relatives In
other towns in this vicinity will go to
Ogles by, Oklahoma, to make their future
borne, where Mr. Moriarty is employed
as a driller by the Praiiie Oil and Gas
Co. The best wishes of many friends
will go with them to their new home.
Miss Kate Guenther, of Brookston,
spent Saturday with her Bister, Mrs, A.
L. Weller.
Forest Wolfe, of Blasdell, N. Y., Is
visiting relatives in towa.
Mabel Walker, of Marlenville, was tbe
guest of Mrs. Robert Watson over Sun
day. Mrs, W. E. Carbaugb and Mrs. J. P.
Smith spent Wednesday at Newmans
ville, visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
. C, McKenzie.
Quite a number of the ladies of our
town spent Friday afternoon visiting
Rev. A. J. Horner And family at May
Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Hendricks and
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hark less attended
the Clarion fair, Thursday.
Edith Spencer left for Jamestown, N.
Y., Tuesday, where she will spend tbe
We are very sorry to loam that John
Robbins, son of F. It. Robbius, who bas
been attending college at Albany, N. Y.,
Is Buffering from au attack of diphtheria.
Geo. Zuendel aud Frauk Hark loss were
Marlenville visitors Friday.
Johu Peterson moved from Maybuigto
our town last week.
Clara Jenkins, who Is teaching school
at Pigeon, and Inez Daubenspeck, teacher
at Yankee Camp, urar Hastings, spent
Sunday with their parents here.
Margaret Detar, little daughter of Dr.
nd Mrs. C. Y, Detar, is suffering from a
severe attack of pneumonia, Dolly Bean
is also quite sick with pneumonia.
Mrs. Ella Wilson and daughter Ruth,
nd Kathleen and Paul Daubeuspock
were Warren visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Steel and little son
Francis, of Mayburg, spent Sunday witb
Mrs. Steel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
The Monarch Clothing Co. of Oil City
re giving Men's and Young Men's Hals
ree for the next ten days. Read their ad.
today and be sure and got a new hat, eith
er soft or derby style. 2t
II. C. Parker of Golinza had business
in Tionesta Friday,
-Miss VlrgiuiaSiggins, of Oil City, Is
a guest of M iss Editb Hopkins.
A son was born yesterday morning to
Mr, aud Mrs. Curtis Jones, of Nebraska,
Mertou Mealy was up from Oil City
and spent Sunday with Tionesta friends.
Miss Margaret Yelter of Kane is
visiting at the borne of her aunt, Mrs. J.
E. Wenk.
T. D. Collins, of Nebraska, Ion last
Saturday for a two weeks' business trip
to California.
Mrs. E. T. Beck of Warren was a
guest oer Sunday of Mrs. R. A. Fulton
at the Central hotel,
-Mrs J. F. Neill, of Oil City, was a
guest at tbe borne of her brother, S. T.
Carson, last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Swisher, of Oil
City, were guests over tbe Sabbath of Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Holeman.
W. E. Morgau Is home from a two
weeks' vacation spent with tbe family of
Frank Morgan at Dravosburg, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dunkle and son
Willard, of Oil City, were guests of Mr.
nd Mrs. G. II. Killmer, Tuesday.
Mrs. Clara C. Haydeu and Jobu
Brutou, ol Siverly, were guests at the
home of J. II. Fones over Suuday.
Mrs. David Edwards and two chil
dren, of Sharon, are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clark.
Leo F. Keating, of Marlenville, was
a juror at court this week and dropped a
dollar on cur desk for the paper for a
Miss Beulah Ben inger, of Franklin,
and R. D. Shelley, of Bullion, Pa., were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Craig over
Mrs. H. E. Daugberty and daughters,
Miss Maude aud Violet Daugberty, of Oil
City, are guests at tbe home of Mrs. G.
W. Bovard.
Miss Anna Anderson was home from
Polk during the past week and also vis
ited friends in Warren, North Warreu
and Youngsville. '
D. W. Clark went to Lancaster Satur
day to spend Suuday with tbe children,
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Stahr, returning
home Monday even lug.
J. C. McKenzie of Newmansville, and
Chas. H. Van Giesen of President, are
two more of the old vets from this section
who took in the Gettysburg trip.
Mrs. W. U. Cropp of Starr, Pa., called
at this office Monday to renew ber sub
scription. Mrs. Cropp expects soon to
take up ber residence in Clarion county.
Mrs. C. F. Hunt of Marienviile spent
a day or two of this week in Tiouesta
with ber husband, who is one of the im
portant witnesses in the Collins-dough
land suit.
-Mrs. G. W. Burt and daughter Katb
erine, of Oswego, N. Y., and Mrs. J. W.
Adams of Chatanooga, Tenn., sisters of
W, G. Wyman, are paying bim a visit
this week.
Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Peirce and Mrs.
A. J. Davis, of Warren, motored down in
the Doctor's car Friday and spent tbe day
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Davis, coming
and going by the delightful Tionesta
creek route.
B. H. Sutley of West Hickory was i
caller at the Repuiilican office Wednes
day. Having been laid up with stomach
trouble Bert bas not been able to follow
his usual avocation of drilling for the
past six weeks.
Dr. W. F, Ledebur returned to his
medical studies at Baltimore Friday, after
spending his vacation among friends in
this community. Wilbur will finish tbe
four year course In the spring entitliug
bim to the M. D. degree.
Mrs. M. Andrews, who left Kellett
ville last week to spend a few weeks with
her son Dr. Charles Andrews, at Collin
wood, Ohio, expects to spend the winter
iu Biiurjy Colifornia, and will leave for
there on tbe 2d of October.
County Commissioner A. F. Reitz, of
Brookville, Is a visitor In Tionesta this
wfek, having brought over some of the
records of JefTerson county for use In the
tbe ejectment suit of Collins vs. Clougb,
which is on trial this week.
Miss Jennie Wolfe and her niece,
Mies Mary Wolfe, of Tionesta township,
are visiting at the borne of tbe former's
Bister, Mrs. Frank Gillespie, at Spring
boro, Pa. Tbey will also visit relatives
and friends at Erie and Union City, Pa.,
before returning.
W. II. Rodgers of Louisville, came
up Wednesday to spend the week witb
his wife aud young sou Thomas, who have
been guests of Mrs. Rodgers' parents, Mr,
and Mrs. A. B. Kelly the past two
months. Tbey returned to their south
ern home yesterday.
Mrs.J.F. Overlander and daughter
Beatrice, . of Pittsburg, were guests of
Tionesta relatives during the past week,
returning home yesterday, Mrs( C. M.
Overlauder and sou Charles, of Pittsburg,
who have been here for the past month,
will remain for several weeks.
Clyde C. Foreman, whose marriage
and arrival here for a short visit we
chronicled last week, is suffering from
typhoid fever at his father's home. He
had not been feeling well for several days
prior to his departure for Tionesta, but
little suspected he was developing a case
of fever.
Chas. Melz, for many years superin
tendent of the Reck, Cooper A Co., oil
lease on Tubbs Run, Is moving to Eagle
Rock to take charge of a lease there iu
which he has an interest. As ono of the
jolly good follows of the community
Charlie will be much missed by a lot of
-Kx-Judge R. B. Crawford had not
sufficiently recuperated from a stubborn
case of bowel trouble Monday to permit
him Io join bis comrades who loll for
Gettysburg on tbst day, and so was great
ly disappointed In not being able to again
Visit the field on which the greatest battle
of the civil war was fought and in which
be had a hand.
J. M. Wyaut and Miss Olive Blauser,
of Nobraska, were united in marriage
Monday, September l!Hh, In Jamestown,
N. Y, Mr. Wyant holds a good position
as baggage master with the. S. & T. rail
way, while the bride has been a popular
teacher In (lie Green township schools.
Both have many friends there who will
wish them happiness and prosperity.
They will make their home io Nebraska.
September Court Minutes.
The regular term of September court
convened Monday morning with Presl
dent Judge W. D. Hinckley and Asso
ciates P. C. Hill and Samuel Aul on the
There was a good attendance of Petit
Jurors and witnesses, but the Grand
Jury bad been uotilied last week not to
appear as there were no cases requiring
their attention.
The constables' returns showed that
there were no offenses against the criroi
nal law. Constable A. M. Andrews, of
Hickory township, reported tbe bridge
ou Hickory creek, at the mouth of Otter
creek, as having been down for tbe past
two years; also that all index boards were
down; and also a bad crossing on the
railroad on the ferry road, above the
Hickory river bridge. The court direct
ed that the attention of the District At
torney should be called to (bene matters.
Tbe case of tbe Commonwealth vs.
Thomas Shaffer, charged witb obtaining
money under false pretenses, was not.
prossed on payment of costs. A like dis
position was also made of tbe following
cases: John Harmon, charged with as
sault and battery; Harry York, charged
witb false pretense and absconding from
a hotel; J. E. MuCauley, charged with
furnish ng liquor to a minor. In the
latter case the commonwealth costs were
placed on the county.
The case of tbe Com. vs. J. K, Beck,
charged with assault and battery, was
contiuued to November term.
In the case of the Com. vs. Bart Ewlng,
charged with larceny In taking a watch,
cornet, ring and money from T. E.
Martin, ol Endeavor, on July 5th, the
defendant plead guilty to receiving stolen
goods. Alter giving him some good
advice, Judge Hinckley sentenced him
to pay a fine of f5, costs of prosecution,
to restore the property, and undergo an
Imprisonment of 60 days In Jail. Tbe
oourt was disposed to be lenient with tbe
prisoner on account of extenuating cir
cumstances connected with tbe affair.
L. J. Hopkina was appointed guardian
of Liuus G. Cropp, minor child of W. II.
Cropp, late of Green township, deceased.
Edgar F. Dodge was appointed guar
dian of Mabel B. Dodge, Ira C. Dodge
and Francis E. Dodge, minor children of
Frank Dodge, late of Jenks township,
A rule to show cause was granted in
tbe case of Leota Hoover vs. John Hoover,
ou a petition of the plaintiff for attach
ment for non payment of alimony.
Tbe report of the viewers to lay out and
change a public road In Barnelt township
was confirmed nisi.
Tbe widows' Inventory and appraise
ment in the estates of T. J. Bowqkiu aud
John L. Metzgar, late of Hickory town
ship, deceased, were confirmed nisi.
David II. Henderson and G. W. Van
Horn, executors of the estate of J. J.
Henderson, late of Barnett township, de
ceased, were granted permission to ex
tend time for sale of real estate to No
vember court, 1H10, and also allowed to
bid at Bale.
The bond or R0o0 of Chas. A. Black,
tax collector of Barnett township, was
County Treasurer G. W. Holeman
acknowledged seventy-eight treasurer's
deeds in open court.
A motion for judgment In a foreclosure
of mortgage was granted In the case of A,
R. Braden vs. Lillie Hillard and A. B.
On petition of citizens of Jenks town
ship, Z. S. II lines was appointed consta
ble or Jenks township, to fill a vacancy
caused by tbe resignation of W. J,
Of the four cases Bet down for trial on
the civil list, that of A, R. Braden vs
Leonard Agnew was continued to No
vein ber term. The case of U. O. Putnam
vs, McCabe Lumber Co. was erroneously
on tbe list. The case of B. F. Winans
vs. Leon Watson aud A. L, Weller was
also continued to November term.
The big ejectmeut suit of T. D. Collins
et al. vs. L. S. Clougb et al. went on trial
Tuesday nioruiug at !) o'clock, when tbe
following jurors were selected to hear tbe
case: Lewis Behrens, of Kingsley town
ship; D. S. Nellis, of Tionesta township;
P. A. Woll, of Green township; C. U.
Horner, of Howe township; E. F. Dodge,
of Jenks towuship; August Wagner, of
Tionesta township; C. J. Nelson, of Howe
township; Lawrence Emert, of Tionesta
townahip; Daniel Burns, of Jenks town
ship; Charles Emick, of Harmony town
ship; D. J. Beck, of Kingsley towuship;
Sam. Swanson, of Howe township. This
case is being heard before Judge John
W. Reed, of JefTerson county, Judge
Hinckley being ineligible to sit in the
case on account of having been one of the
attorneys for tbe defendants. There is a
formidable array of legal talent engaged
and present, tbe plaintiffs being repre
sented by T. F. Ritchey, of Tionesta,
Thomas U. Murray, of Clearfield, and A.
L. Cole, of DuBois, and tbe defendants by
A. C. Brown, of Tionesta, ex-Judge
Frank Gunnison aud H. E. Fish, of Erie,
D. I. Ball and W. E. Rice, of Warreu.
The question iu dispute is the location
of the line between Warrant 526H, owned
by tbe plaintiffs, and Warrants 0282, C101
and 5104, owned by tbe defendauts, all
lying in Howe township. About 500
acres, heavily timbered with bemlock
and various hardwoods, are Involved.
The value of the property In dispute is
said to exceed 1 100,000. The case was
tried before Judge Frank J. Thomas, of
Crawford county, in the Forest county
court, iu September, 1007, when a verdict
lor the defendants waa given. An appli
cation for a new trial was made and re
fused. The case was then appealed and
argued before IheSupreme Court tu Pitts
burg iu October, 1!)08, which reversed the
decision of the lower court aud sent the
case back fur retrial.
All jurors, excepting those engaged In
the above case, were then discharged from
further service at tills court.
I wish to thank the Ladies of the Mac
cabees of the World for the promptness
with which the death claim of my late
wile, Margaret J. Elliot, was paid, the
check baying been received thirty days
alter death. Jamks Elliot,
Tionesta, Pa.
Great Clothing Sale at
Clothing Store now on.
Not a minute should be lost when a
child shows symptoms of croup. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croopy cough appears, will prevent
the attack. Sold by Tiouesta Pharmacy.
Rubber Goods
just arrived.
We can supply you with anything
in the line of
of all kinds,
Hot Water Bot
tles, Atomizers,
or anything in rubber thai might be
found in a drug store.
BovardV Pharmacy.
EVC Spring and Sum
mer styles on sale -Now!
If anything a little lit smart
er and more exclusive than
usual. The hind you see
on Paris loulevards - Fifth
Avenue too. Every last and
leather that a woman could
fiossihly want at any time.
L. J. Hopkins,
Tionesta, Pa.
Cool morning and evening season has
arrived, aud we would call your
attention to the
Gas Heater
Price. Material and Workmanship
consideted. A Gas Heater should
have these cardinal points of virtue:
Perfect CombtiBtion, Efficiency of
Heating, Economy of Gas, Health
fulness, Distribution of Heat, Clean
liness. Keznor contains all those
$2.00 to $9.00.
Order now while the line is complete. You will have a better selection,
Also Wood and Coal Heaters.
Tionesta Hardware.
We (jive ".H. V II.' Careen Trading Ntaiii.s.
The All
Goes away hack to the cradle of the human roce. You cannot talk it out or
breed it out of mankind. Wholher rich or poor, men never have and never
will be satisfied with garmeuts made of anything except tbe fleece ot the
It's e'sy enough to make all-wool
or $.'10 for a ready to-wenr suit.
ut there a never beeu a time in the history of the clothing industry
when it is so diflicult to produce absolutely pure wool, dopeudable and satis
factory clothing for the man who wishes
and get his money's worth.
The ClothcraJt
Line, which we control in this city, eliminates all doubts as to whether a
garment is all wool or not, as every piece ol cloth before being made up and
tho Clothcraf'l label attached, is ucid tested, and every garment bearing tbe
Clothcraft label is guaranteed both by the manufacturers and us to be abso
lutely all-wool, and to give satisfactory wear.
Clothcraft full styles uow on sale
lHZf rQAigi price- -clothier
The Latest
Are shown in this atom
at all times. If it 'a
something new you will
find it at this, the beBt
Jewelry Store in North
western Pennsylvania.
A Complete New
Has just been received.
When you are in the
city come in and
Let Us Show You
The Leading Jeweler,
THE ONLY HEATING stoves sold with
I 1
Wool Idea
clothes for tbe niau who will nav 25
to pay from 10 to $15 for a suit
$10, $12, Slo and 816.50.