The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 31, 1910, Image 3

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    LI FIRE 7
You oauuot allord to take your own
rlak agalmt loss by Urn, Remember that
wo represent
and will be glad to call on you when you
want ure insurance uiai reaiiy protects.
Drop ua a card and we'll do the reHt.
We are aKenta In this county (or the
and can furniHh security for County
oIllolalH, bank olllelals, elo.
il) to
The Tionesta !
and ask for
D. 6v C.
i Headixche J
I'ut up by the pharmacist. I
A guaranteed relief.
Also try
a guaranteed relief.
All prescriptions are com- t
pounded with the best of f
Of our students in good positions since
last March first, from Kaoe and
Warren Colleges. Business men want
our graduates.
Success is Sure
If yon join us. We lead io our li e.
Fall Opening September 5, l'.IK).
Warren ItulncH College,
C. W. Smith, President, Warren, Pa.
Hhorlfra Sale.
Joe Levi. Ad.
1 .am morn. Ad.
Max Jacob. Ad.
Hogg A Buhl. Ad.
The PrlnlxCo. Ad.
Wm. It. Jamea. Ad.
KobliiHon it Sun. Ad.
Win. Richards. Local.
Kranklln TniHt Co. Ad.
Tionesta Hardware. Ad.
Smart it Hllberbern. Ad.
Clarion Nurmal. Header.
Kdiuboro Normal. Ixxl.
Court Proclamation. Trial List.
Forost County National Hank. Ad.
Oil market closed at fl.HO.
Is your subscription paid?
You can get Hat Hopkins' store, tf
Oil and gas leases, best form, for sale
at this olllce. tf
Landlord Pulton la putting a new
roof of Paroid on the Central House.
You can got lime and phosphate for
your wheat at Lanaon Brotliora' mill.
A. L. Coyle, M. D., eye, ear, nose and
throat. Glasses lilted. Levi Building,
Oil City. tf
A ball team from Sivcrly won a game
here Saturday from a Tionesta team by a
score of 13 to 4.
The Forest Brotherhood ol the M. E.
church will bold a corn roast next Friday
evening, on the lot at the rear of the old
M. E. oburcb. All men are cordially
Invited to attend.
The Christian Endeavor Society will
serve lue cream, cake and coffee In the
basemeut of the Presbyterian church,
this Weduesday evening at 7:30. Every
bodycordlally invited.
Charles Anderson, of Stewart Run,
killed a big rattler on the Hunter Run
road, near Nathaniel Emert's, last Thurs
day. The snake measured about four
and one-half feet and carried thirteen
Fall session of Kdiuboro Normal be
gins Sept. 6, 1!10. A prosperous year is
expected. Free tuition to prospective
teachers. Special circular and catalogue
free. For particulars write John F. Big
ler, Principal. It
The serious drought of a month was
broken in this section by a flue rain last
Thursday night. All sorts of crop were
greatly beneliled but the raiu did not
continue lor a suthciont length of time to
help the streams.
If your liver Is sluggish and out of
tone, aud you fee' dull, bilious, consti
pated, take a dose of Chamberlain's
Sluinauh and Liver Tablets tonight before
retiring and you will feel all right In the
morning- Sold by Dunn A Fulton.
In the ease of lite Forest flas Co,
against J. S. Vail of West Hickory, re
cently tried before Justice C. A. Randall,
Invnlvinga horxedeal between the parties,
Tfcjecision was rendered on Monday, the
verdict being in favor of tlie defendant,
Mr. Vail.
Win. Richards, for many yt ars man
ager of the Cook Oil Lease at Mayburg,
this county, has resigned bia position on
account of failing health. No successor
to Mr. Richards has been named and the
owner of the Inase, T. I. Collins, will
look after the property for the present
Mr. Richards' host of Irlends will hope
that a few months of rest will completely
restore him to health.
ujutiiug his borne
in the vicluity oflhe Fogle Farm, Har
mony township. He baa been seen once
and a week or so ago bla track were
seen where he bad crossed the road near
the White Church, headed toward the
Fogle Farm.
Those who expect lo attend the Oa
good family reunion at East Hickory
next Saturday are requested to bring
their own knives, forks and spoons, but
need - ot bring platea and cups, as these
will be supplied. A good turnout and an
enjoyable meeting are anticipated.
For Sai.k. The Richards property
in Tionesta, near court house, between
the Joyce and Herman properties. 125
feet front, 100 feet deep; two-story house
and barn, concrete walks, fruit trees,
Will be sold reasonable for cash. Ad
dress, Wm. Richards, Mayburg, Pa. 4t
Thla section of country was visited by
a hard frost last Friday night, aud early
risers Saturday morning In the hill
country found the roofs, fences, etc,
covered with the ominous white coaling,
but noue of the farmers have reported
any great damage to crops, and it is pro
bable most ol them have escaped serious
Escalloped potatoes: Peal and slice
small potatoes. Wash and place layer in
baking dish, season with aalt, and put
small bits of butter on the top. Continue
these layera until the dish Is full. Then
pour in enough milk to almost cover the
potatoes, put in oven and bake three
quarters of an hour. From September
Physical Culture.
At a bedside while taking the tem
perature of a patient, Dr. Samuel C.
Johnson dropped dea I Sunday, at Sharon.
Angina peoloria was the cause of death,
He was 67 years old and one of Sharon's
leading physicians and surgeons. He ia
survived by'hiw widow and live children.
Dr. Johnson was born and reared toman
hood at Slrattonville, Clarion county.
The oonteuts of the American Review
of Reviews for September cover the usual
wide rangeof subjects and events of cur
rent Interest, and all by the best writers
aud authors ol the day, while the portraits
and Illustrations were never more attract
ive. No desk, centre table or library is
complete without this splendid magazine.
Published at 13 Astor Place, New York
The Erie annual conference ol the
Methodist Episcopal church will bold its
7 lib annual session In the Methodist
church of Franklin, Rev. Robert E.
Brown, pastor. The openiug session will
be held Wednesday morning, September
7, and the pres iding oflicer will be Bishop
Thomas U. Neely. The conference num
bers about li'W ministers, aud many oth
ers representing the various boards and
societies of the church will be in attend
ance. John Weant, of Tionesta township,
lost a line yearling bull last week, pre
sumably from snake poisoning. The
auluial had been' missing for about a
week when it was found dead in the
brush in the pasture Held, last Thursday.
Its hind-quarters were swollen to twice
their normal size and the lleah bad
sloughed oil from a spot on one leg, there
being every evidence that the animal had
been bitten by a rattlesnake or some
other species of poisonous reptile.
The Lad lea' World for September has
an unusual number of good stories and
interesting special articles, and Its depart
ments are tilled with just such matter as
the housekeeper wants. Mrs, Robert B.
Mantel! (Marie Booth Russell) tells very
charmingly how she and her husband
have converted an old farm which they
bought near New York Into a paying
property. Conserving the Child Crip is
the subject of a very timely paper by
Mary Hampton Tallbott, and Laura A.
Smith writes of The Woman Agent and
How She Succeeds. The fiction is, as
The date for the audit of the expense
account of Mr. Sibley In the late Con
gressiouabcampaign has been changed to
the 13th of September, one week from
next Tuesday. The postponement was
granted by Judge Criswell at Franklin
last Saturday at the request of Mr. Sib
ley's attorneys, who represented that it
would be impossible to make proper
preparation for the audit on the 20th lust.,
the date originally set, A great many
witnesses have been subpoenaed in all
parts ol the district, aud it is thought that
a week or more will be consumed in the
work of the audit it ail these witnesses
are to be beard.
This olllce is In receipt of the annual
catalogue and premium list of the Brook
yllle Fair, from the press of the Brook
ville Republican. As usual, the Brook
ville fair promises to be a big amusement
event, and the society is making big pre
parations tosurpass ptevious exhibitions.
The fair Ibis year will be an all day a Hair,
base ball games being played within the
grounds in the morning, while Capt,
Winston's trained seals, the special at
traction, will also give exhibitions in the
forenoon. The race premiums are ex
ceptionally heavy, and the usual high
class premiums for stock aud farm ex
hibits are offered. The dates are Septem
ber 13, 14, 15 and 16.
The Bc-liool vacation season closes
this week, and on Monday the bell will
call the pupils to work again on their
studies for the ensuing term. There ia
every indication lhat the approaching
term will be one of the most successlul
ever held in this borough. A number of
new residents has been added to our town
solely for the purpose of reaping the
benelit of the advantages offered by our
high school, besides many applications
lor admission have reached the board of
directors from the surrounding town
ship, and It is a question if the capacity of
the building is not somewhat taxed. This
speaka well for the management and
faculty of the school,
S. P. Whitman, of Tionesta town
ship, was a visitor at this olllce Saturday
and gave us the particulars of a snake
story which go to prove that a rattlesnake
can climb a tree. While going through
his pasture field on Friday Simon just
about shoved his lace against a black
rattier which was lying on the top rail
of a pole feuce and fully six feet from the
ground. It was uot an ordinary rail
fence, but one of the kiud In which the
poles were eighteen Inches apart and
nailed to trees. The snake was partly
coiled, with its head extended over the
edge of the rail. Simon seized a club
and knocked the reptile's head oil' with
one blow. It measured three and one
half feet long and ita buzzer attachment
was torn oil and lost when It was hit.
The annual reunion of the old 83d
Pennsylvania Regiment, which was to
have been bold in Meadville, has been
changed to Gettysburg, Sept. 27th or 28th,
on the occasion of the dedication of the
state monument, Co. O, of this famous
regiment was recruited here by the late
Capt. Knox, and there are still a number
of the surviving veterana residents of
this community.
The A. Cook Sons Co. have been very
busily engaged the past several weeks in
stalling a new mill at the mouth of Mill
creek, where their old mill burned, aud
il is expected tbat in a very few weeks at
most the new mill will be ready for oper
ation. The mill now being erected was
bought from Wm. D. Shields, of Clarlug
ton and Is a number one mill, When
completed and running It will be first
class in every particular. Clarion Demo
crat. Squire G. K. Tyson, of Big Run, Jef
ferson county, was presented with a
fountain pen by the late Rev. C. C. Rum
berger, on bis birthday three years ago,
and shortly after be received it he was
uufortunate enough to lose it. Recently
Martin Muth fouud the pen in the tear of
the squire's residence, aud returned it to
the owner. The latter was agreeably
surprised to fiod on cleaning and attempt
ing to use it that both pen and ink were
In as good condition as when lost, the
three-year exposure to the elements hav
ing no ill effect upon either.
The jury In the case of Mrs. Emma
Strail, charged with the murder of her
husband, Harry Strail, of Rouseville, on
July 2, 1910, rendered a verdict of ac
quittal at Franklin on Tuesday last, after
being out but two hours. It is evident
the Jury believed the woman's story that
she fired the shot In self-dofense that
killed her husband. She testified to the
events of the day of the murder in a cool
aud collected manner and betrayed no
emotion when she told of the discharge of
(be revolver. She said she believed
when she saw her buBband coming to
ward her that he meant to kill her. Mrs,
Strail also testified to her belief lhat her
husband bad attempted to poison her a
few weeks previous by putting poison in
her coffee, and recited other attempts on
her life.
The Butler, Warren and Forest coun
ty oil producers who are engaged in (he
effort to organize a refining company
which Bball put up (be price of crude oil
to tl a barrel, held a lengthy meeting in
Pittsburg last week and announced that
they bad succeeded In selecting four of
the directors of their proposed company,
although they will not be formally elected
for some weeks. They announced as di
rectors the namea of Homer Elliott, of
Wellsville, N. Y.j M. W. Everson, or
Pittsburg, Joseph Scholield, of Warren,
and A. N. Sutton, of Steubenville, O.,
none of whom except Mr. Scbofield was
present at the meeting. The information
was made public that the company is to
be called the High Grade Oil Refilling
company, and that it has a charter obtain
ed in Arizona.
Irvin F. Mong and John B. Mong, of
Ashland township, Clarion county, were
business visitors in Tionesta last Wednes
day for a few houra. The former gentle
man Is the Republican nominee for As
sembly in his county, and we are pleased
to learn, not from him, however, that bis
chances for overcoming the Democratic
lead In that county at the November
election are mighty good, and with a
united party back of him he will swing
the county Into the Republican column
ou the Assembly question. Mr. Mong is
very highly spoken of, even by those on
the opposite side of the political feuce, as
a man of good, clean record in every re
Bpect, and who would represent his coun
ty In the legislature with credit to him
self aud his constituents. And if be
measures up with bis brother, John B.,
who was one of Clarion county's most
efficient census enumerators, he's all
right, and we can conscientiously recom
mend him as the right man for the place.
Tionesta Lodge, No. 36!, I. O. O. F.,
will celebrate its sixty-first anniversary
by holding a harvest home basket picnic
in the Court House grove, Tionesta, Sat
urday, Sept. 10, 11)10. Elmer E. C'rau
mer, of Pittsburg, Grand Master of Penn
sylvania, has been especially invited to
be present, and other good speakers have
been secured. In addition to this there
will be amusements to suit all tastes, the
chief feature of which will be a grand
froe balloon ascension and parachute
leap by Prof. Robert Jewell, of Philadel
phia, There w'M also be a ball game and
other events. The I. O. O. F. Band, of
Youngsville, Pa., will furnish music all
day. Parade at 11 o'clock, picnic at 12.
There will be no fakes. The committee
does not want your money but desires to
show a good time to Odd Fellows and
their friends. The committee desires us
to state that everybody, whether an Odd
Fellow or not, is invited to this picnic.
Odd Fellows are urged to meot the secre
tary at C. M. Arner's olllce, register and
receive a souvenir badge. Baskets will
be checked free of cost and cared for un
til called for on the grounds. Come.
-On August 17tb the W. C. T. U. of
Nebraska and a number of other auests
met by invitation at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Hinderer, uear Newmans
ville. The occasion being the birthday
of Mrs. Hinderer, also of her friend, Mrs.
Reed Weaver, many of the neighbors
from nearby farms were there to help
them celebrate. Both ladies received the
hearty congratulations of their friends
and also several nice gifts. The picnic
dinner was spread on loug tables placed
in the orchard aud fully one hundred en-
Joyed the elegant repast. After visiting
some time and watching a ball game in
whlcli the fair sex seemed to be the cham
pions, the party was Invited to visit our
hosts' other farm, as they are the fortu
nate posessors of two fine farms situated
about one-half mile apart. Here arrange
ments had been made for some temper
ance addresses, but as no ready speakers
were present, we contented ourselves by
singing a few songs and soon all were
homeward bound. Mr. Hinderer had
provided transportation for quite a num
ber and everyone present was pleased
with the outing thus afforded by the
kindness of Mr. and Mrs, Hinderer and
sons Howard and Wesley.
Must lie Vaccinated.
The Tionesta Borough schools will open
for the term on Monday, September 5th.
It is the intention to enforce the vaccina
tion law and therefore children who have
not been successfully vaccinated will be
excluded train the schools until a proper
certificate is presonted. By order of the
Board. J. J. Landkhs, President.
J. C. Ukist, Secretary.
Miss Marie Dunn la visiting relatives
In Coopers town, Pa.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Allio,
of Green township, August 27th, a son.
Messrs. S. L. Vail and Joseph Green,
of West Hickory, were business visitors
In Tionesta Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. McGraw have
gone to housekeeping In the Graham
house, on May street.
Mrs. Jennie Agnew has moved into
the Robinson house next door north of
Judge Irwin's property.
Miss Ethel Clark left Monday for a
two weeks' visit at the borne of her uncle,
Charles F. Thomson, at Braduer. Ohio.
Miss Delia Sandrock went to Cleve
land, Ohio, Monday, to purchase new
goods for the Sandrock millinery store.
Miss Leola Thomson of Jamiosou
Station returned home Monday alter a
week's visit with friends at Youngsville,
Misses Marie and Muriel Dunn were
guests at a reception given by the Misses
Reed in Oil City, last Wednesday after
Harold Saul, of Wilkinsburg, re
turned home Tuesday after a week's visit
with his friend, John Thomson, at Jamie
sou Station.
Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Weaver and Clitus
are taking a vacation trip through York
State, and will visit Toronto, Canada he
fore returning.
Mrs. Helen Arthur and granddaugh
ter, Miss Helen Imel, visited the former's
sons at Sugar Run and Ackley, Pa., dur
ing tLe past week.
Mrs. C. A. Randall left Saturday for
a two weeks' visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Harvey Riser at Tarentuin, and
will visit the Pittsburg exposition before
Mrs. S. A. Lyle and Mrs. George
Paul, of Kellettville, were visitors in
Tionesta last Wednesday and the Repub
lican acknowledges a very pleasant call
from the ladies.
Married, at the Rural House, Tio
nesta, August 21, 1!H0, by C. A. Randall,
J. P.. H. C. Rogers, of Walnut Bend.
Venango county, and Miss Ethel Bean, of
Endeavor, Pa.
Mrs. Minnie Davis, of Winchester,
Ky., was a guest of Miss Genavleve
Doutt during the past week, and Miss
Ruth Meals, of Oil City, was Miss
Doutl's guest over Sunday.
Mrs. J. J. Landers returned last
Wednesday from a visit In Titusville.
She was accompanied by ber sister, Mrs.
Mark White and daughter, Martha, of
Hydetown, who were her guests for the
-Miss Jennie Rhodes sustained a
stroke of apoplexy at the County Home
last Friday night and is In a critical con
dition. She is aged about 55 years and is
a sister of the late Augustus Rhodes, of
German Hill.
Peter Stubler, Jr., of Oil City, is the
guest of Charles Weaver this week, and
the young men are thoroughly enjoying
the bass fishing. Monday they brought
in a string of thirteen bass, weighing
fifteen pounds.
Miss Essie Soowden has gone to
Pittsburg where she will take a com
mercial course of study at Park Institute.
Her place as one of the clerical force in
the postolllce here has not yet been filled
by Postmaster Jatnieson.
Mrs. W. A. Shewman entertained
Mrs. Leonard Agnew and daughter, Miss
Alice, of Portland, and Mrs. Ross Char
man of this city In compliment of Miss
Edna Agnew of Tionesta, Pa., Saturday.
Courier, Oregon City, Ore., lUib.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hunter and sons,
Fred and Chester, of Penn Station, Pa ,
returned to their home last Friday, hav
ing spent a couple of weeks very pleasant
ly among relatives and old friends of
their childhood days in Kingsley town
ship. Mr. W. A. Lowman, of Marienville,
and Mrs. Eva Vasbiuder, ol Port Rarnett,
were united in marriage by Rev, T. W.
Evans, at bis borne, on Wednesday of
this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lowman will
make their borne in Marienville. Brook
ville Republican.
W. S. Beers, for several years jobbing
in the lumber woods on the headwaters of
Queen oreek for Wheeler A Dusenbury,
has moved bis family to Tionesta, occupy
ing the Wm. Killmer house on Vine
street. He makes this move on account
of the school advantages to be bad here,
Mrs. F. F. Whittekin was overcome
by an attack of heart failure while sitting
in her pew at the Presbyterian church,
during the morning service last Sunday.
For some time her condition appeared to
be extremely critical, but ber friends will
be pleased to learn that she has rallied
from the attack and is able to be about
Mr. aud Mrs. A. B. Kelly are expect
ed home tomorrow from their visit t
"Killcare," near Niles, Michigan, the
summer borne of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Bouuer. When tbey arrived at the above
place, two weeks ago, Mrs. Kelly was
taken seriously ill, but she had sufficient
ly recovered when last beard from to per
mit her return to her home.
Rev. H. A. Bailey was summoned to
the bedside of his mother, near Emlenton
who had sulT- red a stroke of paralysis on
Friday evening last ust as she was in the
aut of retiring fur the night. The ageu
mother, now past 78 years, Insufficient
ly revived by Saturday evening to con
verse freely with the family, aud ordered
her son to return to his people here and
serve them as usual on the Sabbath. Al
though her condition was no more sur ions
at last accounts, little hope for her re
covery is held out Ly the physicians.
Earl Yetter returned to bis home In
Kane last Saturday from a two years'
stay in the oil fields at Coalinga, Cali
fornia, which be reports in a flourishing
coudition. He lost no time while there,
haying been idle but four days in twenty
two months, Including Sundays and
holidays, and 12-hour tours at lhat. Coa
linga has grown in the past five or six
years from nothing to a population of
8,000 or more, and lias all the elements of
the typical eastern oil town of 30 years
ago, and then some. Il 1b four years siuce
Earl first landed there, this being his
second visit home in the meautime. After
a month or two of rest he will return to
the land where the themometer usually
shows up for 115 degrees in the shade,
and where a tuft of grass would be treas
ured as a bouquet of rarest beauty. The
last well upon which Karl drilled came
in as a paying proposition, being a 10,000
barrel spooler.
Frank Ynnelli Comes From Sunny
Italy to Avenge Ills Sister's
A shooting scrape between Italians oc
curred at an early hour yesterday morn
ing up on the Hickory Valley railroad,
owned by Wheeler A Dusenbury. The
encounter took place near the end of the
mad, about 11 miles above Endeavor, In
Warren county. The victim is named
Fortunato Cbiriano, and the- assailant ia
Frank Vnnelli, both sons of Italy. Cbir
iano has been employed as a trackwalker
on the road for several months, and yes
terday morning shortly after six o'clock
was walking up the track, accompanied
by two countrymen whose names we
could not learn. When near the end of
tbelr route a man stepped from ambush
and, alter ordering 'he others to stand
aside, addressed hlmslf to Cbiriano,
whom be said he had come lo kill, ac
cusing him of deserting his wife In the
old country and leaving her destitute, the
wife being a sister of Vonelli. He opine 1
fire on his victim with a 38 calibre re
volver, putting a bullet through each
forearm and two in the back, and then
attacked him with a dirk or stiletto, in
flicting several wounds, the most serious
being a deep gash in the bip. Believing
be bad fixed bis man, Vonelli took to the
woods and Boon disappeared in the dent-e
forest. Nothing has been beard from bim
since, and probably no elfort will be
made to apprehend him. One of the
other two men got In the track of the
fusillade and a bullet jusl grazed the end
of his nose.
Cbiriano was brought to the station at
West Hickory and taken to the Oil Cify
hospital, where an examination ot bis
wounds disclosed the fact that none was
serious, and probably three or four weeks
will see bim out again.
It appears that the Cbiriano has four or
five brothers, and these drew lota to de
termine which should go on the bloody
errand of revenge, the lot falling to
Frank. He said be had been bunting his
victim for about three months.
Marjory Nash visited ber grandmother,
at Pigeon, a few days last week.
Olive Wolfe of Blasdell, N. Y., is visit
ing relatives in town.
Marguretta Townsend of Long Run Is
the guest of Julia Lohmeyer.
Mrs. Jos. Albaugb aud children of En
deavor are visiting ber mother, Mrs.
Maggie Wilson.
Blanche Hendricks returned from
Kane, Friday, after a few days' visit with
friends there.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hendrickson spent
Sunday with the former's parents at
Mr. aud Mrs. Leon Watson and daugh
ter Alda, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Car
baugh attended the harvest borne plcnio
at Venus, Thursday,
Margaret Cunningham ia visiting rela
tives at Oil City.
Mrs. Wm. Stover and daughter oi En
deavor, are visiting relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. McNaugbton of
Golinza spent Sunday with Mrs. Mo
Naugbton'a mother Mrs. W. H. H.
Edna Johnson entertained ber Sunday
School class, of boys and girls, at ber
home Thursday afternoon. The after
noon was spent In playing games .and
swinging. At 4:30 o'clock an elaborate
dinner was served. The afternoon was
very much enjoyed by all present.
Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Simmons returned
from Allegany county, Thursday, after
two months' visit with relatives. Prof.
Simmons will have charge of our scboo'a
which beguu Monday.
Dr. and Mrs. II. L. Davis and sm
Kenneth are visiting bis parents at Tio
nesta. Kate Guenlher left Saturday for
Brookslon, where she will teach school
the coming winter.
Miss Foreman of Tionesta is the guest
of Zora Hartman.
Meda Deter ia visiting relatives at
Lickingville and Fryburg.
Rudolph Family Reunion.
The third annual reunion of the Ru
dolph family was held at the home of
Mrs. R. Rudolph, at Newtown Mills,
Saturday, Aug. 20, 1010. Aa it was a
lovely day, the tables were set out in the
yard and were soon heavily loaded with
all good thlugs to eat. There were forty
one of the family connections present, as
follows: Mrs. R. Rudolph, John Welter
and family 4, Harry Rudolph and family
5; Henry Rudolph and family 3, Miss
Emma Rudolph, of Newtown Mills; W,
J. Hunter and family 4, ol Penn Station,
Pa.; Ed. Rudolph and lamily 4, Will
Watson and family 3, Fred Rudolph, all
ol Whig Hill; Arthur Rudolph and fam
ily 4, grandchild David Storer and family
3, all of Endeavor. This reunion was a
grand success and all will look forward
to another reunion next year.
Fine Prospect.
The Clarion Stale Normal School will
open Its twenty-fourth annual session ou
Tuesday, September l.'lth. The attend
ance promises to be the largest in the
history of the institution. During the
past five years the growth has been unus
ual. It hsa an Ideal location and a fine
equipment, A tine spirit characterizes
the student body. If you have not al
ready engaged a room belter do so at
once. J. George Bocht, Principal, Clar
ion, Pa. It
Two daughters of George C. Priestly,
Miss Hazel and Miss Bessie, were ser
iously injured in au accident which hap
pened to Mr. Priestly 'b fiO-horse power
Fierce-Arrow auto, while driving near
the city limits of Ilullulo last Friday
afternoon. The car, in charge ot a
chauffeur, aud occupied by the owner's
son Willis and the two daughters men
tioned, was en route from Wairen to
Bartlesville, Okla., the home of the fami
ly, and in passing a wagon the front
wheels went into a ditch and the car
turned turtle. The chauffeur, Otto Macon
aud Willis Priestly escaped injury, but
I tie girls were not so fortunate, their in
juries being quite serious, although it is
thought both will recover, neither being
internally lojured. Miss Bessie had
three ribs broken. The family were for
mer residents ol Warren couuty, where
Mr. Priestly h well aud very lavurably
In buying a cough medicine, don't be
afraid to gel Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. There is no danger from il and re
lief is sure to lollow. Especially recom
mended for coughs, colds and whooping
cough. Sold by Dunn A Craig.
Sun Proof
Has a great covering
capacity and btaDds all
the government tests of
quality and quantity.
Cheap Paints Are
at any price.
I'atton's Bud Proof
Taint gives a 5 year
guarantee that means
Gallons, $1.75
Bovard's Pharmacy.
EVP Spring and Sum
mer styles on sale -Now!
If anything a little hit smart
er and more exclusive than
usual. The h'nd you see
on Paris loulevards - Fifth
Avenue too. Every last and
leather that a woman could
fiosst'Uy want at any time.
L. J. Hopkins,
Tionesta, Pa.
TakeoiJijourHattoHiceMrLet Us Show
We Repair and
The style pump best adapted to the
location aud guarantee satisfaction.
It is one thing to get a pump, but
the most important is (o get the right
pump for the right place.
Come in and let us reason
Tionesta Hardware.
Here We Are,
At the end of one season and the beginning of another! And we are
"speeding the parting guest" with a offer of 15, $16 50 and 20 Suits at
And wo are "speeding tho parting guest" with an oiler of Men's aud
Young Meu's Suits in all sizes from 31 to 44, but uot all sizes in all lots,
worth from ?15 to 20, for
livery Suit offered is worth every penny of the original price, whioh
still remains on every garment.
As every Suit is made from absolutely all-wool cloths, trimmed with the
best of linings, and this season's best sellers. Medium and light colors.
For any SI 50 or 82 00 Straw
I.... '" f cOAle. PR
The Latest
Are shown in this store
at all limes. If it's
something new you will
find it at this, the best
Jewelry Store in North
western Pennsylvania.
A Complete New
lias just been received.
When you are in the
city come in and
Let Us Show You
The Leading Jeweler,
ejeja." .
How easy it is to pump the
water from a spring into the
house and save endless amount
of steps. Kveryoue admits that
Myers Pump
Is superior in durability and
ease of operation.
For any 82 50 or higher priced Straw
Hat in stock.