The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 10, 1910, Image 3

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    l1 FIRE 7
You oaouoi afford to Uks roar own
risk against loss by lire. Keinetnber (bat
we represent
and will be glad to call on you when you
want Ore Insurance that really protects.
urop uh a oara ana we'Jl do the real.
We are aKeula lo tbia county for the
and can furnlah aecurlty for County
olUclala, bank ofllclals, etc.
olUclala, bi
The Tionesta !
and ask for
Tut up by the pharmacist.
A guaranteed relief.
Also try
a guaranteed relief.
All prescriptions are com- I
pounded with the best of
Of our students in good positions since
last March first, from Kane and
Warren Colleges. Business men want
our graduates.
Success is Sure
If you join us. We lead in our Hie.
Warren IIuliies College,
C. W. Smith, President, Warren, Pa.
Ijunmers. Ad.
Max Jacob. Ad.
Boggs A Buhl. Ad.
E. W. Hens. Local.
Wm. It. Jumna. Ad.
H. C. Mapes. Ijocala.
Knblnson A Son. Ail.
Oil City Truat Co. Ad.
I. aiiimra, Klioen. Ad.
Franklin Trust Co. Ad.
Smart Milberberg. Ad.
Clarion Normal. Header.
The l'rinli Co. Two Ada.
Kiliuboro Normal. Local.
Monarch Clothing Co. Ad,
Conatitutional Amendments.
I.ock Haven Normal. Two locals.
- Forest County National Hank. Ad.
Kinsley Twp. School Dint. Annual
Oil market closed at f UO.
Is your subscription paid?
You can get It at Hopkins' store, tf
Oil and gas leases, best form, for sale
at tbis office. tf
Ureal clearance sale on at Monarch
Clothing Store, Oil City. 2t
You can get lime and phosphate for
your wheat at Lanson Brotliors' mill.
The Erie annual conference of the M.
E. Church convenes at Franklin Septem
ber 7th.
. A. L. Coyle, M. D eye, ear, nose and
throat. Glasses lilted. Ievi Building,
Oil City. , tf
Wash Boilers, No. 8, 50 cents each;
No. It, 60 cents each, tbia week, at M apes'
SUnv, Tionesta, Pa. H
The Warren county teachers' institute
will convene lu Warren on tbe2'.Uh Inst.,
for a week's session,
Big values are given In men's and
boys' clothing at Monarch Clothing Com
pany's big sale, Oil City. 2t
Big bargains in women's skirts, coats,
waists aud petticoats at Monarch Cloth
ing Co.'s clearance sale, Oil City. . 2t
O, H. Lowe A Co. finished and ahot a
well on the C. O. llaird tract, on Dawson
run, last Thursday, which is a good pro
ducer. Wantek -Responsible men to handle
veuding machines in Peima. References
required. Progressive Machine Co.,
Lansdale, Pa, 4t
The chestnut crop bids fair to be a
good one thia season, depending on
weather conditions from now on till the
frosts open the burs.
By the application of a few coats of
paint Howard Lusher has very materially
enhanced the appearaure of his home at
the foot of Hilauds street.
WAvrKi:-To buy a good Atlas or
Wall Map of Foreat County. Write,
stating kind, date, condition, publisher,
Ac, to K. W. Hess, Engineer, Clearfield,
Thorough preparation for teaching is
made at Edinboro Stale Normal. Send
for circular and catalogue. Fall session
begins Sept. 0, 1910. John F. Biglor,
Principal. 11
Fob Sai.k. My house and lot In Tio
nesta. two stone cranes, a lot of wire guy
line, a blaukBinith outfit, and all kinds of
stone cutting tools. Call on T. Frauk
Joyce, Tlonesta, Pa. tf
Among the new advertisers in the
Rkpubi.ican this week Is Max Jacobs,
Oil City's up-to-date and reliable clothier
andashoer. See bis ad on the fourth
page of today's paper.
. v . - i. v..t iumily will
hold a reuulou at Kennerdell Thursday,
August 18. Friends and acquaintances
are invitfd to attend.
Since Joe Soowden and Jim Dayis
have each caught a fish within the past
week we will say that they (the fish) are
getting to be a comparatively easy propo
sition, James Elliot and family, of Stewart
Run, desire to publicly thank the friends
and neighbors who gave them much
kindly aid and sympathy lu the last Ill
ness aud after the death of wife and
mother. C. are re
quested to be present at their regular
meeting Auguat 17th, as the delegate to
the convention has prepared a line report
of the same, which will be read at the
next meeting.
If your liver is sluggish and out of
tone, aud you Tee dull, bilious, consti
pated, take a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before
retiriug aud you will reel all right In the
morning. Sold by Dunn & Fulton,
A, F. Ledebur & Co, finished and
shot another good well on their lease on
German Hill, last week. Tbis well is
located on the Enterprise Transit tract
aud will make a producer nearly equal
to the first oue drilled on the Ledebur
The Clarington Sawmill Company
has taken the contract to saw all the tim
ber remaining on Millcreek, for A. Cook
Sona Co., and the mill Is now beininoved
from Clarington to Millcreek. It will
lake about two years to cut cut this lum
ber. Cooks' mill was burned recently.
Clarion Republican.
"Our reports from all over the state
show that there will be only about a half
orop of apples in Pennsylvania this year,"
said Doctor Surface, Stale Economic
Zoologist, In Harrisburg yesterday.
Frosts last spring injured the trees lu the
western aud northwestern counties and
the yield will be larger In the eastern
Tlonesta Lodge, No. 300, 1. O. O. F.,
will observe Its sixty first anniversary
by holding a big baivest home picnic on
the court house lawn, Saturday, Sept. 10,
to which a general iuvltation is extended.
Prominent speakers will be on hand a d
a program of popular amusements is
being worked out, the details of which
will be announced later.
Fred Anderson, a teamster employed
on the street paving ob, got his left
thumb caught In the cogs of i dump
wagon last Friday, with the result that
the end of the thumb was about severed.
Dr. Ho yard sewed the piece on agaio aud
thinks ibe member will be as good as
new, Mr, Anderson showed bis pluck
by sticking to bis Job and never losing
an hour's time.
-The Library of the Lock Haven State
Normal School is well selected, accurate
ly cataloguod and the books are easily
accesible. The library rooms are said to
be handsomer than those of any other
school library la the stale. The remarka
ble success of the school's debating team
in the inter-Normal debates is due, in a
large measure, to the library. Write for
the school's handsome catalogue. It
Thomas Shaffer, of Meadville, waa
arrested at that place Saturday by Sheriff
Maxwell, on the charge of obtaining
mouey under false pretenses. He was
brought here aud at a hearing Monday
before Squire Randall waa held for court
under f 200 b 11. He Is now In Jail. He
was employed as a finisher of curbing
on the Btreet paving Job here and sold a
set or tools to contractor Harry Putnam,
aud afterwards vamoosed with the tools.
The work of the Lock Haven State
Normal School is, primarily, to prepare
teachers for the public schools. Iu this
work, It baa been eminently aucceaaful.
Its graduates to-day are college profes
sors, Normal school teachers, county
superintendents, high school and grade
teachers. It also maintains a college
preparatory department, and departments
of Music, Elocution, Art, aud Busiuess,
The fall term opens September 6th. Send
for Illustrated catalogue. It
After killing bis faithful dog, shaving
otfbia moustache and beard, which he
bad worn for many years, taking a bath
and kissing bis wife in a most affectionate
mauner, Elwin White, aged 60 years,
Saturday afternoon walked nine miles
from his home at Town vllle, near Titus-
ville Pa., to Sugar Lake. There he hired
a boat, rowed out luto the middle of the
lake and Jumped overboard. His body
has not been recovered. Nothing that
would explaiu the man's suicide or his
strange acts during the afternoon has yet
come to light.
Samuel Felton, for several years past
located at Tulsa, Okla., sent his mother,
Mrs. Wm. Felton, a basket or peaches
gathered from bis own orchard that beat
anything yet seen in this latitude. The
editor of the Republican was remem
bered In the divide by Mrs. Felton, and
the specimen was something away out of
the ordinaiy in lusciousness and flavor,
and weighed Just one-half pound. Sam
my has disposed of more than $300 worth
ol this fine fruit from bis orchard tbis
season, yet the crop was not above the
ordinary for that section.
Postmaster Jamieson, the Presbyter
Ian parsonage, aud J. B. Hagerty are
fronting their properties with new fiag
atone and cement walks. Wllh the com
pletion of these improvements Elm
street, from James Landers' property to
the upper eud of Riverside cemetery,
will be practically supplied on either side
with substautial stone or cement side
walks, a distance of more than a mile.
Wooden walks are a thing of the past iu
Tiouesta, and so are muddy streets since
the completion ' of paving operations.
Thus is there an eud ol our troubles in
that reaped.
Three boys, Leo Rapp, aged 13, Emile
Jacobs, aged 11, Walter Sloan, aged 9,
were Instantly killed at Em Ion ton, Mon
day, when a light wagon In which they
were riding was struck by a fast passen
ger traiu on tho P. R, R. Two other boys,
Elgy Weller and Harold Porterlield,
jumped from the wagon and escaped.
The Rapp boy was the son of Andrew
Rapp, the well known oil producer, and
was a cousiu of Andrew Weaver, of this
place. About a mouth ago the Kapp
barn was struck by lightning and burned.
Leo was in th3 barn at the time aud oue
or his shoes was torn oil' by the bolt. He
waa uninjured. The horse, which was
also killed in the accident Monday, was
rescued with difficulty from the burniug
The Republican desires to acknowl
edge receipt of the 1010-11 catalogue of the
Northwestern Slate Normal School,
Edinboro, Pa. The catalogue Is finely
Illustrated, and gives the Information
which young people wbo want lo prepare
to teach need to know. The fall term
opens Soptemher 6. The catalogue gives
very clear explanation of the work of
preparing teachers. It will prove help
ful to any person interested In teaching,
or who wishes to prepare to teach. The
Slate pays the tuition at Normal Schools.
Tbis assistance affords special opportunity
for young people, particularly for those
who must econoini.e In getting an educa
tion. A copy of the catalogue will be
sent to any reader of this paper who
wishes it. Send to tho school for It.
When you hear a man running down
his home paper or any other local indus
try, take a good look at him. Ten to oue
he will have a chin as long as a rail, an
eye as restless as a horse thief, and be
will hitch around In his chair as though
he had a touch of St. Anthony's dance.
Talk with blm awhile and you will dis
cover that he has made a failure of every
thing he ever tried (except being dis
agreeable), and nine times out of ten be
Is dependent on the public for fnvors or
support; you will find him or a meddle
some, peevish, Jealous, baleful, unrelia
ble nature; a man who is always com
plaining, aud although be has but little,
if anythiug, of his own, one would im
agine to hear hi in talk that he had a quit
claim deed to the earth and a first mort
gage on heayen. He knows everybody's
business, and why shouldn't be? He has
none of bis own to take up bis time.
Such people, like mosquitoes, were not
created in vain, perhaps, but oue fact re
mains staple, they do not add materially
to the pleasure of conducting legitimate
business. Lewisburg Saturday News.
Assessment Appeals Withdrawn.
The appeals from the assessment of
certain limber lands In Forest county,
which were begun by the Central Penn
sylvania Lumber Co., T. D. Collins and
L. S. Clougb, have been withdrawn by
the appellants, notices to this effect hav
ing been filed at the Prolhonotary's office
last week. Much preparation bad been
made by the County Commissioners In
defence of the assessments aa they stand
on the assessors' returns, and the county
bad placed Itself In good position to re
sist any lowering of the levy, a corps of
experienced men having gone over the
timber lots lu question' and made a
thorough and careful estimate of the lim
ber on each tract. After repeated post
ponements or the dates fixed for the trial
of the cases, aud alter several efforts bad
been made looking toward a settlement
of the disputed questions, the appellants
withdrew their cases unconditionally,
and the court costs will be. placed upon
The Commissioners are commended on
all sides for the firm stand they have
taken in defence of the assessors' returns,
which Btand aa at first made, and the
expense Incurred in making an estimate
of the timber tracts is not wasted as the
figures obtained will serve admirably for
future guidance in making assessments.
Mrs. J. C. MuKensie wbo has been
visiting relatives and Iriends in town, re
turned to her home at Newmansville
Mr. and Mrs. W U. Brnzee and
daughters, Mildred and Pearle, returned
from Eldred, Pa., where they have been
visiting relatives for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe of Marietta,
Ohio, are visiting relatives here.
Mrs. F. II. Robbins is visiting at James,
town.N. Y.
Mrs. E. J. Spragne, returned lo her
home at Buffalo, N. Y. Monday, after a
few weeks' visit with Mrs. M. Andrews.
Misses Verna Miller and Lauretta Dun
kle, wbo have been attending school at
Grove City College, returned home.
Miss Nellie Carbaugh of Pittsburg is
the guest of her uncle, W. E. Carhaugb.
Rev. .Montgomery, who has been quite
sick the past week, is slowly improving.
He was not able to fill bis appointments
Mrs. H, B. Ensign of Corydon is visit
ing ber husband here.
Miss Estella Day of Stanton, was tbe
guest of Miss Blanche Hendricks a few
days last week.
Mrs. George Silzle and children, of
Venus, who have been visiting relatives
here the past week, returned home Sun
day. Mrs. E. E, Daubenspeck and son and
daughter, Trueman and Inez, are visit
ing at Bradford.
Cbas, Huft, of Mayburg spent Sunday
with friends in town.
Miss Alta Jensen is visiting friends at
Mrs. Frank Hendorson and son Rex
are visiting relatives at Meadville Pa.,
and Cleveland. O.
. Mrs. J, F. Ray and son Willard were
guests of ber sister, Mrs. Shriver, at Tlo
nesta over Sunday.
Ira Dodge or Marienville spent Sunday
with friends In town.
Mrs. Scott Smith and children are visit
ing at Tylersburg.
Mrs. O. Dounell of Clarendon is the
guest of ber sister, Mra, Geo, Porter.
Cbaa. Dotterrer of Muzette spent Sun
day with his grandmother, Mrs, W, II
II. Dotterrer,
Peter Young and Mrs. I. II. Allison
spent Sunday at East Hickory.
Misses Ruth Cook, lleba Cole, A una
Blauser and Nelle DeWoody returned
Friday from Grove City.
Miss Ida Sliker, or Newmansville, is
staying at F. R. Klinestiver's at the pres
ent writing.
Merlon Klinestiver spout Friday eve
ning In Tiouesta.
Isaac Bean, wbo baa been on the sick
list for the past week, is able to be about
Dysentery is a dangerous disease but
ran be cured. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been
successfully used in nine epidemics of
dysentery. It has never been known to
fail. It is equally valuable for children
and adults, aud when reduced with water
and sweetened, it is pleasant lo take.
Sold by Dunn A Craig.
Wash Boilers, No. 8, 50 cents each;
No. 0, 60 cents each, this week, at Mapes'
Store, Tiouesta, Pa. It
In buying a cough medicine, don't be
afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. There is no danger from it and re
lief is sure to follow. Especially recom
mended for coughs, colds and whooping
cough. Hold by Dunn A Craig.
Earl Maxwell la visiting relatives In
Clarion for a few weeks.
Charles Weaver is spending Old
Home Week in Frauklin.
C. F. Felt returned home from Grove
City College last Thursday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Flick, of
West Hickory, August 7, a daughter,
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mra,
Jesse Graham, of Tiouesta, ou July 30th.
Miss Janet Ueivley, of Oil City, was
a guest ol Miss Genavieve Doutt oyer
Mrs. James Conuelly of Pittsburg la
a guest at tbe home of ber father, G. W,
Miss Sarah Carringer,of Rimersburg,
is here for a visit with her mother, Mrs.
M, C. Carringer.
Rev. J, P. Burns, of Youngsville,
was a guest at the home of D. W. Morri
son over Sunday.
Miss Edith Hopkins returned home
Monday evening from a week's visit at
Chautauqua Lake,
Misses Coral Natban and Marguerite
Meyer, of Warren, are guests of tbe
Mlssos Dunn this week.
Mrs. Harry Hafer and daughtei
Ruth, of Reno, were guests of Mrs. James
Haslet, Friday aud Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Saudrock aud
two children, of Oil City, are guests of
Mrs. J. N, Sandrock for a few days.
H. E. Kelly, of Philadelphia, was
here Tuesday for a short visit with bis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Kelly.
All the Forest county students at the
Grove City summer school finished their
work last week and returned home.
Mrs, J. P. Grove is entertaining ber
sister, Mrs. Emeliue Hamilton and
daughter, Mrs. John Alderdice, of Pitts
Misses Glenua Weaver and Berlba
Soowden are spending Old Home Week
in Franklin as guests of Mian Pauline
Joe W, Landers is passing around the
smokes In honor or the pretty young lady
that the stork brought to his domicile on
the 21 Inst.
Mrs, J. J. Landers is visiting her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. William White, In
Titusville. Mr. Landers also spent Sun
day with them there.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rubendall and
daughter Marion, or Williamsport, Pa.,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jam
ieson during the past week.
Miss Mary Everett, Miss Delia Sand-
rock, George Hunter and Harry Jamie-
son spent last Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Ludwig, in Titusville.
W. J. Campbell, Geo. Uoleman, Har
old Herman and Harry Craig took In
"old borne week" at Franklin yesterday,
going down In Mr. Campbell's auto.
Mrs. Geo. Beers of Titusville, and ber
daughter, Mra. Ella Brennan, of Nevada,
are visiting the former's sister, Mrs.
Eliza Paup, and other relatives in Tlo
Mrs. T, T. Reddiugton, of Philadel
phia, wbo is best remembered here as
Miss Agnes Sihbald, Is paying a visit to
her old home and friends in this com
-Mrs. Joseph Dale entertained her
sister, Mrs. M. M. Maze of Hottelvllle,
aud ber two granddaughters, the Misses
Ethel and Bertha Ma'.e of Kane, a part of
last week,
Miss Irene Morrison returned home
Saturday from a five weeks' visit in
SMaron, Mrs, Morrison and daughters
Agnes and Katharine going to Oil City
to meet her,
Mrs. Matilda Maxwell, of Clarion,
Pa., and D. G. Maxwell, of Bartlesville,
Oklahoma, mother aud brother or Sheriff
S. R. Maxwell, were guests at bis borne
over Suuday.
-Rey. A. O. Stone, wbo was pastor or
tbe M. E. Cburcb in Tlonesta thirty-one
years ago, will preach iu the M. E. Church
in Nebraska next Sunday at 11 A. M. and
In Tionesta at 7:45 P. M.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Slocum of Erie are
guests or her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, F.
Watson, Mrs, Slocum having reached
home a rew days ago from a visit with
friends at Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. Edward Kircharlz and daugh
ter Frances, of Beaver Falls, Pa., and
Miss Julia Giering, of Youngstown, O.,
returned borne Saturday after a week's
visit at tbe home or Mrs. L. V. Bigony.
J. P. Kahle, some years ago a resi
dent or this county, but now residing on
his farm near Mechaniaville, Clarion
couuty, is reported as lying very low
with bowel complaint, with little hope of
Will H. Clark is borne for a two
weeks' visit with parents. He has been
located at Schenectady, N. Y., where, he
has held a responsible clerical position
for several years with the American Lo
comotive works.
Rev. It. J. Reimaun of Oil City, and
Rev. Mr. Brecbt of Butler, spent yester
day on tbe Allogheny In tbis vicinity aud
iu tbe evening took home with them a
string of eight nice bass as a result of
their pleasant outing.
Martha, the twiu baby of Mr. and
Mrs. L. G. Stoyer of Siverly, has been
quite sick with summer complaint for
several days past, but tbo fond parents
hope for its ultimate recovery. The
child's mate died in March last,
-Mrs. 8. M. Whitehill and grand
daughter, Miss Jane Leech, returning to
their borne in Marienville from a two
months' visit with frieuds iu .M uncle,
Ind., are guests at the borne of tbe for
mer's daughter, Mrs. J. E. Weuk.
A German Hill correspondent says:
Asa Swift was the guest or Mr. aud Mrs.
J. D. Wert a few days last week. J. D.
Wert was on the sick list a few days last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dlckrager
and daughter Muriel were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. I). Wert last Sunday.
Mrs, Horshfield, who mauages the
ladles' department at the Monarch Cloth
ing Store, Oil City, went to Atlantic City,
Thursday. She will visit with relatives
for several weeks, when Mr. Hershlield
goes east, and with his wife will select
their fall wear in all their departments.
Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon of Siverly
were called upon to mourn the death ol
their 7-month-old twin baby last Satur
day. The mother, Mrs. Jessie McCutch
eon, is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A, U,
Whitehill, former resldeuts or Keilett-
vllle, but now reside at Siverly. Mrs,
Wm, Sboup of Muzette attended the
fuueral which was held Monday, Miss
Florence Stover will accompany ber
grandmother, Mrs. Sboup, for a two
week's visit when she returns.
An enjoyable picoio was held on the
lawn at Mrs. Bovard's home last Friday
afternoon, by Mr. Rltobey'a Sunday
school class of the Presbyterian church,
at which twenty-eight ladies were pres
ent, there being a number of out-of-town
visitors In tbe party as guests of tbe clasai
Rev. Anthony Wiersblnski, pastor of
the Catholic churches at Tidloute and Tio
nesta, arrived last week from Rome,
where he spent a number of weeks, and
was received by the pope. The young
man will visit several days with bis par
ents In Oil City, before resuming his pas
toral work.
Mrs. Alexander Gordon and son Al
bert of Elkhart, and her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs, B. O.HcbaefTerof
Goshen, Ind., are guests at the borne or
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gordon. Tbey came
overland in their touring car, and ex
pect to return In the same way, a distance
or nearly 500 miles, Mrs. Gordon Is di
viding her visit here with ber sister, Mrs,
Wm. Lawrence.
Mrs. D, W, Downey I? making her
mother, Mrs. Plunkett, or Pleasant ville,
a visit for a few days and we wish ber a
pleasant visit. Her mother Is getting up
in years and her health Is not of tbe best.
The Sheffield & Tionesta Railroad Co.
have again rebuilt their depot at tbis
point, aud we are of tbe opinion that they
are some relation to Job of Bible times.
They surely have patience. We hope the
destructive ones of tbis vicinity will think
or the women and children waiting for
trains there tbis winter and allow tbe
depot to stand.
Thos. J. McKinuey, of Warren, super
intendent of tbe Warren and Bradford
districts of tbe South Penn Oil Co., was a
visitor in the village on Sunday last. It
is some time since this gentleman was
here before. He drove bis large car In
this trip. We are glad our roads are so
fine for these machines, and those wbo
come our way can only speak well of our
Miss Florence McMichael Is visiting at
tbe Welsh home at Balltown and James
came in to spend Sunday with bis wife
and sister, Mr, Welsh is away on a bus!
ness trip at the present.
The Amos Fredricks family returned to
their home at Clarendon on Saturday last,
and Mr, Fredricks will probably complete
his work here the coming week. This
family has lived here almost all summer.
Lafe Litlltfield bas a contract with the
South Penn Oil Co. lo build rigs and Is
assisted by bis father, who is an expert
with tools of carpentry, and tbe work
tbey are turning out will bear inspection
by tbe most fastidious.
We try to give tbe news as it is in our
village lor the benefit of our absent
friends wbo take the papers, and do not
wish to injure any one's feelings, but if
we do (that Is if you think we do) talk
about us as ugly as you can. It does uot
hurt us. We have no reelings.
Two or our neighbors had an alterca
tion on Saturday evening and one
"hoofed" the other beside tbe eye causing
the ruddy to flow freely. Tbis was not a
pleasing view to tbe spectators but en
tirely tbe opposite. We are sorry these
things must be.
Wm. Ledebur, of Mayburg, spent Sun
day in town the guest of the Geo. Blum
family, Mr, Ledebur is working on tbe
deep well at Mayburg that is being drilled
by the Cook Oil Lease near that place.
Missionary Festival on Friday, August
liMli, at Herman Hill.
The Mt. Zion's congregation, of Oer
man Hill, will hold Its Missionary Festi
val on Friday, August 10th, in tbe church
grove, just opposite the church. We have
been successful in securing some very
able speakers for the occasion. Tbe fore
noon will be devoted to singing and be
coming acquainted. In tbe afternoon
Rev.. H. J. RelmannJ of Oil City, will
deliver tbe first address. Mr. W. J.
Feme, or Butler, Pa., and a middleman
or the Theological Seminary, Columbus,
Ohio, will speak on tbe words of Isaiah
60:1-0, bis theme being: "ion, the
Cburcb of Christ, Among Her Children.'
The third speaker will be Otto A. Hein
zelraan, of Baltimore, Md. His discourse
will be based on Matthew 5:13 10, theme
being: "Christ's Estimate of Believers."
Mr. Heinzelman is a senior of tbe Luth
eran Theological Seminary and a grad
uate of the classical department ol Capi
tal University, Columbus, Ohio. He is
also a classmate of C. L. Rush, who is
supplying the Mt. ion's congregation
for tbe summer. There will also besome
special music rendered by a mixed quar
tette from the Mt. ion's congregation.
The principal feature of the afternoon
will be tbe speaking. The services will
be conducted by C. L. Rush, senior or the
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Colum
bus, Ohio, who is the pastor in charge.
Everybody is invited to come and spend
the day with us. A cordial invitation is
hereby extended to all these who desire
to be iu our midst Aug. lOlh. Come aud
stay all day, bringing well filled baskets.
C. L. liUHii,
Pastor iu charge of Mt. Zion's congrega
tion, German Hill.
There la more Catarrh iu thia section
of the country than all other diseases put
toguthor, ami until tne lust lew years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a local
discaso, and proscribed local remedies,
and by constantly tailing to euro witli
local treatment, pronounced it incurablo,
.Science has proven catarrh to bo a con
stitutional disease, and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manul'octurod by F. J. Cheney A
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only constitu
tional cure on tho market, it is taken
intornally iu doses from 1(1 drops to a
teaspoonlul. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the systom. Thev
oiler ono hundred dollars for any caso it
fails to euro. Send for circulars and tes
timonials. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat.
Young Men anil Women.
Are you interested in making the mostJ
and best of your life? If so, let tbe Clar
ion State Normal School open correspond
ence with you with the view to helping
you to got a good educational equipment.
It has helped hundreds to enlarge their
spheres ol usefulness; it can and will
help you. Write for illustrated catalogue
to J. George Becht, Principal, Clarion,
Pa. It
Sun Proof
Has a great covering
capacity and stands all
the government tests of
quality and quantity.
Cheap Paints Are
at any price.
Patton's Una Proof
Taint gives a 5 year
guarantee that means
Gallons, $1.75
Bovard's Pharmacy.
"JEVP Siring and Suj
nter styles on sale -Now!
If anything a little lit smart
er and more exclusive than
usual. The hind you see
on Paris loulevards - Fifth
Avenue too. Every last and
leather that a woman could
fossilly want at any time.
L. J. Hopkins,
Tionesta, Pa.
This is the
of All Washers,
And just what you have been
looking for.
Saves Clothes,
Labor and the
and lasts a generation.
Buy On Your Judgment, Not On
Price. Sold on Trial.
Full supply of Mower .Actions, Binder Twine, Forks, Kakes, Screen
Doors and Windows.
Tionesta Hardware.
Of saving a handfull of dollars on the finest Buits it is possible to make! at
this very timo when you are in need of thin, cool clothes, either on your va
cation or at home. Saving tnouey on ordinary qualities is not much of a
feat, but on clothes selected as ours are, with the keenest and most discrimi
nating care that's something worth while.
Here's the Price Program.
12 00 Men's Suits reduced to $ 8 50
15 00 " " 11.50
1H50 " " 11.50
20 00 " " 14.35
'25 00 " " 17 50
27.50 " " 20 00
30 00 " " 20.00
Manhattan Shirts Reduced.
1.15 for the 1.50 Manhattan
125 " 1G5
1.45 " 2 00 "
l.'.lj " 2 50 and $:i 00 Mauhattau
None reserved all included in this reduction.
fjOAJ g. PR
The Latest
Are shown in this store
at all limes. If it's
stmething Dew you will
find it at this, the best
Jewelry Store in North
western Pennsylvania.
A Complete New
Has just been received.
When you are in the
city come in and
Let Us Show You
The Leading Jeweler,
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