The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 22, 1910, Image 4

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Children's Hats, 25c.
Some untrimmed shapes, others all trimmed, ready to wear.
A remarkable lot of hats to sell at such a small price. A last
clean up price.
Embroideries, To Clean Up, 7
Cents a Yard.
The phenomenal selling of embroideries during the first
week of the White.Sale has left us with many odd widths,
short lengths and broken sets. Compared with the number of
yards sold last week the quantity is insignificant and yet there
is still enough left to make the offer interesting. Seven cents
is but a fractional part of what many of the pieces cost.
Motors Diagonal Silks, were
$1.50, now 95c.
Twenty-seven inches wide, heavy rough pure silk fabric.
Colors navy, champagne, natural, navy, Alice, Copenhagen,
green and black.
Foulard Silks Newly Priced.
All that we have left in Foulard Silks will be newly price
marked. The 24-inch $1 Silks will be 65c. The $1.25 ones
will be 85c. . The 42-inch double width Lyons ones will be $1
for the $1.50 and $1.25 for the $1.75 quality. No reserva
tions, First comers will have first choice.
Serpentine Crepes, 15c.
Tell us where else do you find the genuine printed Serpen
tine Crepes sold at less than 18c. Some stores as high as 20c,
but we give you a choice of twenty or more patterns at but
13c. Quite a difference, you'll say.
45-inch Colored Dress Linens,
were 65c, now 39c.
Most of these are the rough heavy Ramie Linen now so
popular, but there are included several pieces of the finer weave
or French Linens. All are 45-inch, all colors.
Yoi Auto
Buy Yovir Auto
Wearables Here.
Oil City, Pa., June 22, 1910.
To Whom It May Concern
It affords us a great deal of ploasure to announce a completely equipped
Automobile Departmeont. A department that is always kept up to tbe high
est standard and every article sold representing the maximum of quality.
Worthy of special mention are our
Chauffeurs' Suits, Chauffeurs' Trouters, Chauffeurs' Caps,
Chauffeurs' Gloves, Linen Dusters, Kbaki Dusters,
Water Proof Dusters, Leather Coats, Auto Robes and Accessories.
Oil City, Pa.
Oil City, Ta.
This store's
Semi-Annual Clearance
Starts Fridav morning June X
24. ends Saturday. July 2. An
extraordinary merchandising J
opportunity that occurs out ;
twice a year, in June and Jan- :
The Smart & Silberberq Co.
Judge Says Pretsnt Methods of Pre
senting Cases Are Unfair to Poor.
Kansas City, June 21. '"The Btate
should employ public defenders the
same as It employes public prosecu
tors. It Is not, or should not be, the
aim of the prosecuting attorney's of
fice, to convict a man. Courts of law
should be as much concerned In find
ing a man Innocent as in finding him
The foregoing statement was made
by Judge alph S. Latsliaw, before
whom Dr. B. C. Hyde was tried.
'If I had my say about It," Juris?
I.atshaw said, "I would divide the
prosecuting attorney's office into two
divisions, one to collect the evidence
of a man's guilt, the other the evi
dence of his. innocence. The time
wil come when no man can come Into
a criminal court and employ counsel
hut that time Is far off.
"What I am arguing for now is the
right of every man to have his case
put before the court In a fair manner,
lawyers largely determine the de
cision of this court, as they do of
every court. That is not Just, for the
rich man can employ attorneys; the
poor cano'l. So long as the present
antiquated method of presenting
cases In court remains. Justice will
be a thing bought and sold.
"I believe In civil cases the state
should employ a public counselor.
Lawyers now gobble up the larger
part of the judgments in those cases.
It Is the business of private lawyers
to thwart Justice, prejudice courts
and misrepresent facts."
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing,
wind braces up, snow is exhilarating; there is
really no such thing as bad weather, only differ
ent kind of good weather. John lluskin.
Absorb this sentiment, apply it in business
and bank with us.
4 Per Cent, on Your Savings.
Oil City Trust Company,
Oil City, Pa.
Knights Templar at Buffalo,
Buffalo, June 21. The visiting
Knights Templar of the Grand Com
mandry of the state of New York,
holding their annual conclave in this
city today and tomorrow, held a pa
rade this morning of eight divisions,
all the participants being in full
Templar uniform. The line of march
particularly along Main street and
Delaware avenue. Is profusely dec-
oraed with flags and bunting In honor
of the city's guests. The principal
friitnre of the big procession was the
mussing Pl bands.
Pennsylvania Railroad
Restful, delightful, interesting, and instructive, there is no trip
like that on the Great Lakes, those iulaud seas which form the bor
der liue between the United States and Canada. And June is one
of the most charming months in the year in which to take the trip.
For comfort the fine passenger steamships of the Anchor Line
have no superiors. As well appointed as the palatial ocean grey
hounds which plow the Atlantic, their schedule allows euffi ient
lime at all stopping places to eQftble tbe traveler to see something
of the great lake cities and to view In daylight the most distinctive
sights of the lakes, and the scenery which frames them.
Tbe trip through the Detroit Kiver, aud through Lake St.
Clair, with its great ship caual in the middle of tbe lake, tbence
through Lake Huron, the locking of ibe steamer through the great
locks at tbe Boo, and the passage of the Portage Eolry, lake and
canal, across the upper end of Michigan are novel and interesting
The voyage from Buffalo to Duluth covers over eleven hundred
miles In the five days' journey. Leaving Buffalo, the steamships Ju
niata, Tionesta and Octorara, make stops at Erie, Cleveland, De
troit, Mackinao Island, the Hoo, Marquette, Houghton and linn
rock, and Duluth.
The 1910 season opened on May 31, when tbe Steamer Tio
nesta made her first sailing from Buffalo.
The Anchor Line is the Great Lake Annex of the Pennsylva
nia Railroad, and tbe service measures up to the high standard Bet
by tbe ".Standard Railroad of America."
Ad illustrated folder, giving sailing dates of steamers, rates of
fare, and ot'uer information is in course of preparation, and may
be obtained when ready from any Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket
Agent, who is also prepared to book passengers who may desire to
take this trip through the Great Lakes and back.
No Word from United States,
Ixmdon. June 21. Replying to a
question in the house of commons T.
McKlnnon Wood, parliamentary sec
retary for the foreign office stated
that the Right Hon. James Dryce, the
British ambassador to the United
Elates, had been authorized to sign
the pecuniary claims treaty between
that country a,nd Great Britain. He
added that the Jlritjsh government
had received no comnuiniatin. frora
the United States la regard to the
publication of the treaty.
By VIRTUE of a writ or Fieri
Facias, itiHueri out of the Con it of
Common Pleas of Forest County, Penn
sylvania, and to mo directed, there will
be ex nosed to slo tiv iniwto vendue or
outcry, at tho Court House, in the Bor
ough "of Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., on
FRIDAV, JULY IS, A. D. l!lu,
at 1:00 o'clock p. in. the following de
scribed real astute, to-wit:
of Tionesta, Pa., va. W. J. MOHNEY.
F. WEAVER. Fi. Fa., No. 7, Septem
ber Term, 1910. (Waivers.) A. C.
Brown, Attorney.
.11 - i ..... !..!. IIiIa In.
aii ui iu. uDiriiunuw nui. wuu, in
terest and claim of. in and to ail that tract
of land situate in Gieen Township, For
est County, Pa., bounded aou described
as follows: Beginning at a post ou Una
of tract No. EWti, at the northwest corner
of Jobo Wbilton's land; thsuoe by said
Wbittoo'a I ami south ti4 degrees east 1X1
rods to a white oak stump; tbence by
lands of Darrsh A Co. north 26 degrees
east t7) rods to a atone at road; tbence by
land ol D. J. Mohney north 6i degrees
west 10:tJ perches to a post and atones oo
line of No. 55Ut; thence along said line
of No. 6a08 south 4S degrees west 7t rods
to place ol beginning, containing 50 acres,
more or less. Tweuly-live acres under
cultivation and the balance in young,
growing timber. Having erected thereon
one house USxZi feet with ell 16x13 feet
attached, and barn 30x30 feet. A Iho con
tain Inn growing orchard of Ik) apple trees
and 102 peach trees, and a good spring of
water. Convenient to scnnoi.
Also. A part of lot known aa No. 6,
situate in the town of Marienville, Jenka
Township, Forest County, Pa., dHscribed
as follows: Beginning at the southwest
corner of lot No. 6, on Cherry Street;
from thence 'M leet northeast along said
street; from thence northwest 75 feet;
thnnce southwest 24 feet: thence south
east 75 feet to place of beginning, Hav
ing erected thnreoo ne two-story house
24x48 feet, with outbuildings.
Taken In execution and to be sold as
tbe property of W. J. Mohney, David
Mime. N. F. Hoover, C. F. Weaver, at
the suit of The Citiaens National Bank
of Tionesta, Pa.
TERMS OF SALE. The following
must be strictly complied with when the
nrnnnrtv is stricken down !
1. When the plaintiff orother lein cred
itors become tho purchaser, the costs on
the writs must bo paid, and a list of liens
including mortgage searches on the prop,
eitvsold. together with such lion credit
or's receipt for tho amount of tho pro
ceeds of the salo or such portion thoroof as
he may claim, must be furnished the
2. All liiris must be nald in full.
S. All sales not settled immediately will
be continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of the
next day, at which time all property not
settled lot will again ie pin up anu aoiu
at the exppnse and risk of the person to
whom first sold.
Scp purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 44tl and Smith's Forms, page 384.
S. R. MAXWELL, Sheriff.
ShorifTs omoe, Tionesta, Pa., June 20,
l'JIO. tutor's Police.
School Fonda of Tionesta township
for tbe year ending June fl, 11H0:
Jacob Smearbaugh, Treas.
Balance from last settlement $
Keo'd from Green twp. tuition ...
" State appropriation 1,544 07
" Wm. Nicol, Col. school tsx 1,075 00
' building tax 613 00
" ' M gross lead peuolls
" Co. Treas. unsealed land...
" cos I from Shriver school ...
" " Dsn Wiles
" Roro tuition
" Wm. Nicol .'.
K 07
45 (10
1 50
S00 00
21 42
426 40
$5,552 36
By orders drawn $1,831 21
2 per oent. o-nnmission 06 62
Halanoe in treasury on w
$5,552 36
Wm. Nicol. Collector. Dr.
To amount of duplicate 2,078 49 I
5 per cent, added to balauce 21 37
2,Di9 86 I
Bv 5 ner cent, abate, on tl.087.36. t 00 37
2 per cent. com. on $1,926.63 38 53
Amount paid treasurer l.iws v i
5 per cent. com. on $421.05 21 05
Amount psid treasurer sou uo
Land returns oi
Exonerations 26 40
Amount paid tieasurer 426 40
5 per oent. oom, on $148.84 22 44
$2,009 86
Statement of Expenditures.
Amount paid teachers, salaries.. .$2,040 00
Teachers, Institute 90 00
Auditois ou
Printing auditors' report 10 00
Room rent and care of supplies... 16 00
Secretary's salary 35 00
Cleaning school houses 21 00
Cleaning school yards 9 00
For fuel it i
Directors attending convention... 25 44
Insurance II 24
Postage ' 33
Text books 23 12
Tuition 315 35
Transportation 22 40
Building new school bouse and
furnishing 1,003 Iti
Attorney fees 10 00
For School Journal 7(H)
Freight and drayage 4 05
Dinners 1 00
Rig hire 1 50
Stone steps, Blum school 7 00
Other repairs 29 40
J. C. Soowden, ralscel. supplies .. 18 35
S. S. Sigworth, " " ... 15 50
L.J. Hopkins, " ... 7 75
Other expenses 137 78
This is the kind of Footwear you will find haudled
in cur store. Satisfactory in fit. SalisMjmy In
quality, and every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory
For Men, Women and Children in all the late
novelties, as well as tbe conservative staples. t
Prices Always
Oil City, Pa. Palm Beach, Fla.
$4,831 21
We, tbe undersigned auditors, do here
by certi I v lust the above aor-ount is cor
rect, to the best ol our knowledge and
belief. Orion Allio. )
A. L. Thomson, Auditors.
W. A. Kobii, J
The German emperor's physicians
deny that an operation was perform
ed on his knee, says a Berlin cable
legislators assemble for extra ses
sion at Albany, ready to fipht to a
finish on direct nominations, issue.
Jacob Miller,
Dealer in
Letters Testamentary on the ostsle of
Henry Siverliug, late ol Green Township,
Forest County, Pa , deceased, having
been granted to tbe undersigned, all per
sons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make payment without delay,
and those having claims or demands will
present them, duly authenticated, for
Maud Siveblinq Watson, Executrix,
A. C. Brown, Attorney, TioneBta, Pa.
Furniture Dealer,
of all kinds, and
A new and up-to-date stock, hi
ways fresh from the city.
I Guarantee Satisfaction.
Give us a call and get our prices
before purcuasi
J. L. Hoplor
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipment. We can
fit you out at any time tor eitner a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
and courteous treatment. r
Come and see us.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 90.
Dg. I
Kellettville, Pa.
No Danger
If van use the right gasoline.
More auto trouble, can be traced
to inferior eaaoltna than from all
other eausea. Why not enjoy your
machine, confident that the power la
there )uniicn you need it moat.
Wftverlr Gasoline
are manufactured expraealy for sutomo.
bile use. Try the vyvriy prens.
70 - Motor - Stpvo
You may be aurrd ol Injlununtnul. P"-
crlul cleftn explosion, ircenoni inni lmfuum ,
avjwisuion spurs yn'KS or hi tyi'i in,.,
(juk'K itfmuon. a.s your ec.
Waverly Oil WerK Co.
KDunas8t aeansfff
Fitubarf, fa.
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Never fails. Buy it uow. U may save life.
Pa. tlvGust Moqck
Office ) A 7H NatioBt Bank Building,
Ryes examined free.
KxninaiTaiv npnrai.
The Trust Company
-L. t,t.!. Colic, Cholera and
InaiyDeriain S Diarrhoea Remedy,
ever fail. Buy it now. It may aave life.
Wa.ll Paper
I am now in position to meet all
requirements for good interior deco
raliog of tbe latest aud up-to date
designs. I have the finest collection
of over Two Thousand
' w .w.i. pa run
Samples to select from. Also a stock
Or Wall Paper, Paintr and
New goods and prices riglj Call
and see. Suppfus fur all makes of
Sewing lcliioei.
bret Door to the Fruit Store, Kim
Streot, Tionesta, I'a.
Fred. Grottonbergor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well TooIh, Gas or Wator Kit
tings and General Blauksmithitg prompt
ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given apeptal atlentlou, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop ip rear of ami just west of the
8haw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited. '
Your wm. Moore & Stevenson Stores
The Tru Cpmpapy pfr
hceri will paly adviw 'you ir-.
garding the law applying on youf
This Company will take charge of
your will after it it drawn, keep it
under seal, issue a receipt therefor,
and, as previously explained, at
tend to its proper execution.
It is not necessary that the Frank
lin Trust Company be named as
sole executor it is often called
upon to act in the capacity of co
executor. For example, your wife
cart pe named as one of the execu
tors of yur eitaje and this Com
pany the other. bh Wftulq tper,
be relieved of the irksome details.
yet have avoice in all matters and
t all tirnrhe ai'tence of ex
perienced bulne men.
Total AmU
PranMiu Srust
F R K U I N. PA.
2,000 Yds. Unbleached Muslin.
8c value at 6o yard by the piece. An overstocked jobber closed out bis
surplus of a god quality 8o yard-wide Unbleaahed Mualiu at a price con
cession. We oiler it by toe piece (.lengths, 40 to W yards) at bo yard, which
is lers than we woulday if bought in the ordinary way. A firm quality
fur sheets, elo.
RoyaJ Shirt Waists.
None better, few as good. The unprecedented selling of Royal Waists
continues to grow. Many customers have selected a half dozen styles at one
lime. Many pretty styles have everything every aist needs. You should
choose today from greater variety fl. 50 to 87.50.
Summer Underwear aid Ho
siery for Ladies and Chil
dren, Special Values.
For every Summer requirem nt we have, from the best mills in the
country, dozens of styles, weights and qualities in Hosiery and Underwear.
, "iMerode Underwear, with "Dynx and "Quaker Maid .Hosiery, gives
assured quality at lowest cost. See these special values:
Children's Mercerized Lisle Hose, black, white, tan and sky blue, 25o
Infanta and Children a Socks, in pretty color combination, 'Ino pair.
Ladies' Black (Lpamer Lisle Hose, 25, 50 and 75 pair.
Lad in' MerodHTarments. in all styles, 25 and 50c: Union Suits, 50c
and f 1.
Oil City, Pa.