I i Tliere are a great many people from Tionesta buy lug at this store . at present, because In addition to getting extra value for the money they epend, we pay the car fare, and it an item of some importance. 'The Printz Co. Our June White Sale. Week of Jvine 13th. Dont' Be Like the Man Who Everything White in This Store. Fashion's Favorite Fabrics, Dainty Undermuslins. Exquisite Dresses and Waists, All Present Needs Decisively Discounted. Complete in assortment, superb in quality and lowest in price the great array of white goods offered to the public, in this "White Sale presents a chain of genuine bargains in which every link marks a lower notch on the "price stick" than this or any other store in town has approached within the past year. The character of the merchandise which we've assembled for this event is in cverv respect up to the highest standard at- tainoA Kv the fnrpmnsr. manufacturers of White Goods. Where several grades of a certain goods are shown, The Best QuaJity Produced in each grade is the one we offer in every instance. Our ability to take advantage of the unusual price conces sions offered by the manufacturers brought us the extraordinary savings this sale offers in dainty Undermuslins, the choicest Wash Fabrics, pretty white dresses and aists, aepencaoie Domestics. " SaJe Begins June 13th. The Smart & Silberberq Co, OIL CITY, PA. Increased ASSETS AND DEPOSITS Indicate Satisfied Depositors. You Are Invited to Become One of Them. Oil City Trust Company, Oil City, Pa. -Til iw irw- w IT w y i JSHSWSS i IT " TllMI II - -M Jacob Miller, The Functions of a Trust Company differ in many respects from those of a National or State bank. In some respects the laws governing Trust Companies are more exacting. They do however permit the Trust Company to extend more intimately personal serv ice to the individual in finan cial matters. In a series of notices, we shall explain some of these points. Watch for this series it will prove instructive and inter esting. We do a general hanking business and pay Dealer in 4 ON TIME DEPOSITS Total Awets $3,000,000.00 Franklin 2rusfr (fotnpantj FRAN KLI N, PA, CLOTHING, SHOES of all kinds, and Gentlemen's Furnishings. Swallowed the Dollar. Ho Didn't Know Whether He Was a Dollar In or a Dollar Out. If the Clothing, the Hat, or the other apparel you wear, bears the Printz label, you arc assured that at no time or on any occasion will your attire be the "butt" of ridicule, Rather will your clean cut, dressy clothes create the impression that you are a member of the "particular" class. Our clothes are better and our prices are the lowest named anywhere, qualities considered. Our Suits at $18.00 and $20.00 are wonderfully good. Your Straw Hat? We Have It! Your Under wear ? We Have It ! Oil. CITY, PA. Simply a Man Hunt. "I dwlaiv!" nIhuhc.I U-lllioy In one of I lie Ms downtown hotels ns lie dsislied Into the luliliy. "1 deolntv!" ln sluli Ucd hkhIii, or nt Vsist It Hounded like tlinl. An Irstsclbli' old pntt-m:ui whosa it rdru urn wrre Jnrrod by the shrill :Tnvli wheeled iilioiit nnd glurod at the Imi,v. "1 diThire:" he piped louder thnn before. "Well, whiit's the nnswer?" demand t d the old man lirn Illy. "1 deviate!" eiime the shrill reply. "Oh. you do. ehV" snorted the old fellow. "Well, why the dunce don't you?" The bellboy cast n withering tfnnco at hiui. (sized wiirt-liliiKly about the i-ooin and emitted a shrill "Peclare!" "Say." exclaimed the old chap, col lariiiB the boy. "what the dickens Is wrotnr with you, anyway? Are you fjohiK crazy?" "Naw, 1 ain't roIii crazy," replied the brass buttoned one. "I pot n tele gram fer 'em; that's all. Aw. look for yerself!" exclaimed the boy disgusted ly as lie shoved the yellow envelope under the old fellow's nose. It was addressed "I. I. Clair." "Well. I declare!" pisped the old man weaUly as he sank Into his sent. rittslmr (iaelte. Cheap. Tat Tit! ; I:i a creat counthry, Mnrjr Ann. Ma:1..' Ann And how's that? I'at Pliure, and the paper says yes cnu buy a live dollar money ordher at the posto:nVe t'or only :i chits. O'lm off afther one cow, wld the 3 elnts ye give me fur the soup rnthflt'der. Noriaan E. Mack declares that May or Gaynor of New York has attracted attention everywhere and is one of the strongest candidates for the Dem ocratic prc-idrntlM nomination. Tuesday, Dr. James R. Hay, chancellor of Syracuse, vnivcrslty, expresses fear that the automobile may become a curse. Opponents of a national department of health say the record of the Amer ican Medical association will kill the project. A savage lioness tears Peter Taylor, an animal trainer at a Coney Island show, who is found unconscious in a c.ipe. Dr. Madrlz assures the state de partment William P. 'Pittman, Aireri can rapured while aiding Nicaraguan rebels, will conic to no harm. The Nanking industrial exposition is Inaugurated without the predicted revolutionary outbreak, says a cable dispatch from Pekln. A new and up to date stock, al ways fresh from the city. I Guarantee Satisfaction. Give us a call and get nur prices betore purchasing. Kellettville, Pa. PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER Repairs Holler, Stills Tanks, Agitators. Rut and Nells (Second - hand Rollers, Etc. WAVERLY GASOLINES never fail guaranteed best for all Auto purposes. Three brands: 76-MOTOR-STOVE Made from Pennsylvania Crude Oil. Cost no mora than the ordinary kind. Your dealer knows ask bun. Waverly Oil WorKs Co., itf SffiJS? Pittsburg, Pa. Way HOUSEWIVES Do you want to know about a wonderful new time, health and money-saving kitchen convenience? Then you should see the complete line of "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Cooking Utensib now on exhibition at your dealers. This ware is guaranteed by the makers for 25 years. It is absolutely pure, wholesome and thoroughly hygienic, will not crack, scale, peel, break, rust, tarnish, scorch or burn. i Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End of Suspension Bridge, Third ward, Oil, CITY, PA. Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Kcnifily. .lever failf. Buy it now. It may save life. It is light weight, easy to handle and easy to clean ; makes kitchen work a delight instead of drudgery ; saves your money, time, fuel; protects your health against metal poisoning and serious troubles resulting from chip ping of small particles into the food, which is one of the dangers from the use of the old style enameled wares. You buy patent carpet sweepers, egg-beaters, dish washer, clothes-wrinpers and many other time and labor savintr conveniences, but there is nothing that will prove 3 a greater practical household blessing than the "1892" rure bpun Aluminum Ware. Lose no time in seeing for yourself what it will do. Your money back if this ware fails to do what is claimed forit- G. W. Robinson & Son NEWSY PARAGRAPHS Summary of the Week's News of the World. Happening From All Parti of the Glob Put Into Shape For Eaty Reading What All th World I Talking About Cream of th Nws Culled From Long Dispatches. Wednesday. The torrid weather that prevailed In San Francisco Monday caused four prostration and one death. The body of Alma Kellner, elRht years of age, niece of a wealthy tauls ille brewer, who disappeared Dec. 8, 1909, is found In basement of a church In that city. Charles Henry Treat, until a few months ago treasurer of tho United States, to which position he was ap pointed by President Roosevelt, died from apoplexy in his apartments at the Hotel Victoria. New York city. John D. Henderson, who represent ed Herkimer county in the New York slate assembly in 1894, died of heart disease at hla home In Herkimer, N. T. He was 8.". years of atse and a grad uate of Hamilton college In 1865. Thuraday. Secretary Knox forbids the Madrli government to collect customs duties from American vessels entering Blue- fields. Governor of Illinois declares his be lief that the legislative bribery scan dal disclosures to date only form an entering wedge and that a majority of the members will be affected be fore the case is ended. Aerial treaty with Canada may fol low that projected with Mexico. The Lehigh Valley railroad In creases Its rates In suburban territory. The bord of supervisors of San Francisco have issued a permit for the holding of the Jim Jeffries-Jack Johnson right. Friday. President Madrli' forces are routed and flee from niueficlds. Mr. Roosevelt is the guest of the Irish members of parliament, says a cable dispatch from London. Columbia confers 1.251 degrees on Its graduates and ten on honorary recipient!, Cantaln Scott departs on his expedi tion to the Sotith pole, says a I-ondon cable dispatch. Ten Yale students are arrested and fined for a "rough house" scrlmmace at Savin Rock resort, New York. Pictures of Martin J. Walsh are Identified at the trial of "Big Bill Kelliher In Boston as those or the mysterlot'S "Jack" who helped to fleece George W. Coleman of his bank stealings, Saturday. Gcoree Morgan of New York city, wealthy and well known in society. kills himself. Sixteen prominent men are arrested In the Schenectady county graft scan dal. John A. Plx ia elected to succeed W J. Conners as chairman of the Democratic state committee. President Madrlz denies govern ment renulse at Blueflelds and Invites American intervention by threat to blockade the port. President Taft announces that he will chooe Mr. Roosevelt as head of the proposed congressional cominls sion in the interests of International peace. Air. Roosevelt's speech attacking Great Britain for her attitude In Egypt Is called imncrtinent by the la bor organ of Iondon, bays a cable dts pal ch. Monday. Grave disorder Is feared In Nan king, says a cable dispatch from Pe- kin. The United States demands fair and humane treatment for William P Pitt ham. Boston man, captured by Nic araguan troops while he was aiding rebels. W. C. Ilrown, president of the New York Central, confirms rumors that $15,000,000 In Improvements on his system have been postponed on ac count of the government rate Btilts. Federal officials in conference in New York consider plan to stop smuggling. Theodore Roosevelt. Jr., and his bride to go to City hall in New York and obtain their marriage license A Petticoat .Designed for service and wear. We're very W6ll pleated with a petticoat we ourselves designed. The idea it only partly original. We have known of women bujiog a percaline fur the body of the skirt and adding a silk rulllo, ao we had our skirt manufacturer make a similar skirt. The top is made of "spun glas," liniched with a 12 inch tucked taffeta silk rullle. A durable and nightly skirt. Imported Fans. The handsomest collection of Fans ever brought to tbU city and the best values Beautiful Fa us at 3'Jo, 50o and Gilo. From that the price ranges to S3 50. Early in the year we placed a large order with au AuBtrian manufacturer. WILLIAM B. JAMES. OIL CITY, PA. CARLON'S Satisfactory Footwear. This it the kind of Footwear you will find handled in our store. Satisfactory in fit. Satisfactory in quality, and every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory service. For Men, Women and Children in all the late novelties, at well at the conservative staples. Prices Always Reasonable. CARLON & CO.'S, Oil City, Pa. Palm Beach, Fla. J. L. Hcplcr LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions. with first class equipment. We can fit you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, and always at reasonable ratea. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Come and see ut. Rear of Hotel Weaver TIOlsTESTJL, J?J. Telephone No. 20. Fred. Grettenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work nerUinimr to Machinery. En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Blacksm I thing prompt ly done at Law Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop In rear of and lust west of the Sbaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Tour patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBKRGER WaJl Paper I am now in position to meet all requirements for good interior deco rating of the latest and op-to date desigus. I have the finest collection oi over Two Thousand WALL PAPKIt Samples to select from. Also a stock Of Wall Paper, Paints and Vurnili. New goods and prices right. Call and see. G. F. RODDA, Next Door to the Fruit vStore, Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. P8. &UGVSFMOQCK jr at? j jri vi c. ' iiii OFTIOIA1T. Office fc 7M National Rank Building, OIL CITY, PA. Eyes examined free. Exclusively optical. Chamberlain's f."nlrr'hhaRiry. Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life. Moore & Stevenson Stores Carpet end Rug Facets. lSest prices of the season on thoroughly reliable makes. We ask your consideration and investigation of this store's splendid stock of Carpets and Hugs on cold facts, merit and money saving prices. iivvery yard and every Uug from reliable makers ot years standing and prices we've figured on a very close profit sharing basis. At $1 yard are extra heavy Wool Velvet Carpels sold regularly at $1.25 At 85o yard are best Tapestry Brussels Carpets told regularly at $1 and 11.10 yard. At 75o yard are good Tapestry Brussels Carpets sold regularly at 85o and 90o yard. At 65o yard are extra Two-Fly All-Wool Iograin Carpets no heavier made of this grade sold regularly at 75o yard. At 50o yard are Half-Wool Extra Super Ingrain Carpets Bold regularly at 60o yard. At 39o yard are part wool good serviceable Part Wool Ingrain Carpets told regularly at 50o yard. At 25o yard are extra heavy Cotton Chain Ingrains sold regularly at 35a and 40o yard. At $33 each are floe Wilton Velvet Rugs, 9x12 feet, sold regularly at $38 and $40. At $25 each are best Five-Frame Body Brussels and fine Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet, sold regularly at $28. At $19 each are Wool' Velvet Rugs and Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, sold.' regu arly at $22 50 and $25. At $14 50 each are Brussels Rugs, 9x12, sold regularly at $17 50. At $11.90 each are good Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, sold regularly at $15 each. Carpets and Rugs held for later delivery on part payment. MOORE & STEVENSON OH City, Pa.