..--..lai Uoa BY FIRE 7 Vou oannot afford to take your own risk against loss by lire. Remember that we represent 14 OF THE BEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD, and will be glad to call on you when you want lire Insurance that really protecta. Drop ux a card and we'll do (lie rest. We are agents In tlila county (or the TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO., and can furnlHh security for County U1UUIBIB, UHUK UIJlUlttlH, OlO, G. I! AINIB & SON, TIONK8TA and KELLETTVILLE.PA, -H-4 T i Dunn & Craig f Pharmacy Go to Dunn & Craig for i Climax Paper Cleaner. Saves the expense ol pa- I 4- pering. Makes old paper I look like new. Have you tried Therox and CaLnthrox, X the new hair shampoo and I tonic? Also, Spurmax, 1 the new lace lotion ? I DUNN & CRAIG PHARMACY t FOURTEEN Of our students in good positions lince last March first, from Kaoe and Warren Colleges. Business nieo want our graduates. Success is Sure If you join us. We lead in our lit e. Warren ItiiMinei College, C. W. Smith, President, Warren, Pa. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. NEW AMVKKTIMK.HKNTN. Im mors. Ad. l'onn'a Hv. Ad. Hoggs it Buhl. Ad. The Prints Co. Ad. Wm. 11. James, Ad. Oil City TrtiBt Co. Ad. Franklin Trust Co. Ad. Smart it Sllberberg. Ad. Moore A Slnvensoii, Ad. Titusville Hospital. Local. Robinson A .Son. Two Ads. Grove City College. Header. Hull Business College. Htader. Nickel l'liile Kailroad. Header. Mrs. Maud Watson. Ex. Notice. Forest County National Hank. Ad. Oil market closed at f 1.3.". Is your subscription paid? You can got it at Hopkins' store, tf Oil and gas leases, best form, Tor kale at thia office. tf A. L. Coyle, M. D., eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses lilted. Levi Building, Oil City. tf J. A. Lawrence started four barges for Piltsburg, Saturday evening, for the Forest Barge Co. Portland Cement is an article on which we can make you a very low price. 11. C. Mapes, Tiouesta, Pa. It I)r. Sigglns' second well on the Hoi lister farm, on the west side of the river, about a mile above town, Is due today. Lewis Cook got out Tuesday after noon with a fleet of three barges and seven lint boats, bound for Plllsburg, for Collins, Da r rah A Co., of Nebraska. - We niHke a specialty of Portland Co mmit for Engine and Power blocks. Such work requiros the best goods, and our prices are very low. II. C. Mapes, Tio nesta, Pa. It Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish sick headache, prevent despondenoy and invigorate the whole system. Sold by Dunn A Craig. John G. Hun'er was laid up for a few days the first of the week with a very sore foot, having let a heavy cake of ice tall on his right foot while nt work at theCeutral House, Saturday. People in this section of the country were granted good views of the comet on Wednesdty, Friday and Saturday nights, but the display made by the heavenly wanderer on Friday uight was tho best yet. George Brady, of Starr, lost a good team horse last Thursday. He bail the animal, a mare valued at close to f.100, in the Blum blacksmith shop here to be shod, whon she was taken sick and died In a few hours. Wanted A lew intelligent, educated young women between twenty and thirty-five years of age to entor the Tl . tusville Hospital Training School for Nurses, Write Superintendent of Hos pital for particulars. 2t James Canlleld is moving hisdrilllng machine to the oil leaseof Wm. Lawrence on the McNuttfarm, near Dawson run, Harmony township, where he will drill two new wells and also clean out all the old wolls on the lease, Audrew Weaver, of the Hotel Wea ver, will hardly recognize the rest of the trout fishermen as being in his class since Le went down to Little Tionesta creek one alter noon last week and brought home three fine trout which moasured la the aggregate '1 Inches long. i uu.i ul II. ill. Zu.iiHsur. Henry Martin Znhnlser, an old and most respected citizen of this commuolty for many years, died at bis home In Tio nesta this Wednesday morning at two o'olock, after a long illness. He was horn al North Mills, Pa., April 23, 183(1. His wife, seven sons and two daughters survive him. The funeral services will be held In the M. E. church, Friday, at 2 p. m. A more extended notice of the deceased will be given next week. Chas, Anderson U now well stocked up with a choice lot of lowering plants of various kinds, all In bud and bloom. The variety consist of geraniums, double petunias, onleua, vlucas, fuchsias, pansies, eta. Call early, for they are going fast, Also nice lot of cabbage plants. 2t The Ladles' Aid Society of the Pres byterian church will serve strawberry shortcake, Ice cream, cake and coffee In the basement of the church next Saturday evening, June 4lh, beginning at 7 o'clock everybody invited. Make Ibis room your headquarters while waiting for the election returns, The ball game Monday afternoon be' tween the Pleasantyllle high school team and the Tionesta juniors, on the Tionesta grounds, was stopped after the third in nlng by rain, with the visitors leading by a score of to 3. The batteries were: Tio uesta, Clark and Childs; Pleaaantville, Hoblnsnn and Slroup. A thousand barrel gusher was brought In Tuesday morning of last week on the Dvld Scott farm near Bakers- town, Butler county, The well is holding up and Is the best strike in the Butler oil Held In five yoars. The well is the tlftb on the Scott farm. The four other wells started oil' at over 100 barrels per day. Attention Is called to the new adver tisement ol tho Forest County National Bank In this Issue, which Is a new plan of advertising In thia section. But this solid and progressive finanoial institution recognizes the value of live advertslng and is now reaching out for more busi ness. A new advertisement will appear each week. O. H. Lowe and R. A. Welch have se cured a lease of the Couuty farm from the County Commissioners and expect to be gin operations on the same within two months for either oil or ga. The Com missioners are hoping that gas may be struck in paying quantities as it is wanted and needed at the county home for beat and lights. Last Thursday the parsonage ol the Catholic church waa entered by the breaking of a window glass and the throwing of a sah-,;atcb. The house was thoroughly ransacked and some of Father Wlershiuski's clothing carried off. The burglars went off leaving a door open. Asia known Father Wiersbinskl is in Europe, so the parsonage is locked up. Tidloute News. Alton V. Hoover, who murdered bis young wife at Atlantic, Crawford county, in November, 11)08, was convicted of murder in the lirst degree In court at Erie, last Saturday, This is the second time such a verdict has been rendered. The lirst time was in the Crawford county oourts, but the supreme court reversed the decision and a change ofvtnue to Erie couuty was granted. The 20 horse power boiler at the Si mon Korb saw mill near Venus, Venango county, blew out Its crownsheet shortly after 7 o'clock Tuesday morning of last week. There were a balfdozen employes in the vicinity but none was seriously In lured. Three of the men were bruised by Hying boards. The mill was not badly damaged, although the boiler went into the air a height estimated at fully 25 feet. After considerable discussion in the newspapers and otherwise, County Su perintendent L. M. Jones, of Jefferson county, has decided to bold the annual teachers' institute In Reynoldsvllle this year, Sept. 19 23. In a published state ment the superintendent says the lime honored custom of holding the Institute in Brookville Is changed for the reason tlt a suitable ball could not be secured in that town. The ne time card on the Pennsyl vania Kailroad. which tooic en eel last Sunday, made only two changes bere, adding the Sunday afternoon train and making the up-river train In the alter noon a half hour later. Following is the oorre'-ted time of the trains: North No. 31, 7:48 a. m., No. 33, 4:48 p. m., daily. South, No. 32, 11:01 a. in., No. 81, 8:58 p. in , daily. North, No. 933, 2:48 p. m., Sunday only. South, No. 032, 5:30 p. m., Sunday only, The third quarterly meeting for this conference year will be held in the M. E. church at Nebraska, beginning Friday of this week. Hev. D. A. Piatt, District Superintendent, will preach Friday eve ning and bold the quarterly conference. Ou Saturday evening at 8 o'clock the sermon will be preached by Her. K. J. Montgomery. Sunday at 10 a. m. Love Feast. Sermon at 11 a. in. by Hev. H. J. Montgomery, followed by the Holy Com munion. The sermon Sunday evening at 7:30 will be preached by Rev. D. A, Piatt. The deep well being drilled at Barnes by L. Kraeer Is down over 4500 feet. At that depth a nice sand waa found, but there was little oil in It. W. W. Kribbs, former merchant of Marienville and Kelleltville, has purchased a home in Los Angeles, Cal., aud la now located with hia family in that place. E. B. Catlin has purchased a Dew Hupmobile runabout, and Sunday with bis wife and son gave it a trial trip to Kelleltville. The machine worked all right, but they got caught in the storm on the return trip. ShetHeld Observer, The effort of County Superintendent of Schools, Burdett S, Bayle, to raise $1,000 to offer as a reward for any Infor mation relating to the missing Steffan boy at Ludlow, is not meeting with the response that it should. This is a most worthy object and one that every one should feel a deep interest in. We be lieve that II our school obildren were to make an effort in this direction that they would be able to raise a goodly sum for this purpose. Kane Republican. Fol lowing is a description of the boy as given by his parents: Between six and seven years of age. Average size for his age. Light hair, blue eyes with a slight squint. Has a scar about an inch long on the back of one leg above the knee. When last seen he wore a gray cap, waist of blue with a small white flower in it, black aud white checked duck trousers and coat of mixed dark gray color. The plowing In of potatoes Is beoom Ing a general feature of farming in Craw ford county, The tubers are planted in the furrow close to the side where the sod Is turned. Every third furrow is planted and the next furrow covers the seed. The ground may be harrowed a few days after plowing. Cultivation follows the same as for kurface planted potatoes, but no shovel plow Is used, as the sod keeps the potatoes covered and no additional dirt is necessary. This plan, which has been adopted by many farmers, yields good results. A black bear held up the passenger train on the Punxsutawney-Bellwood Division of the Pennsylvania railroad Mouday afternoon. The train bad just left Lloydsville when the engineer was surprised to see a half grown black bear sitting on Its haunches in the middle of the track. A succession of screams from the whistle failed to move bruin and the engineer was compelled to slow down. When the train bad approached to within a few yards of the bear, the black fellow look to bis beels, keeping betweeu the rails for a distance of about three miles before he bled himself into the thicket. Punxy Spirit. The County Executive Committee of the W. C. T. U. met In the Presbyterian church, Tionesta, Tuesday, May 24, The following members oflhecotnuiittee were present: Couuty President, Mrs 8. M Sharpe; Rec. Secretary. Mrs. Ellen Cat lin; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Myrta Iluling; Treasurer, Mrs. A. B. Kelly; Superin tendents, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Small, Miss Augusta Cook, Nebraska; Mrs, Jones, Newtown; Mrs. Warden, Mrs. Lynch, Endeavor; Mrs. Dericksnn, Mr;. Wenk, Mrs. Agnew, Mrs. Carson, and Mrs. Adams, Tionesta. Luncheon was served In the pleasant dining room ofthe church, after which the business session was ailed. Press Supt. - -O. II. Lowe A Co, have a fine pro ducer in a well completed last Wednes day morning on the C. O. Baird tract, oa Dawson run, Harmony township. The pay streak was struck in the third sand at a little over 800 feet and after only a part of the pay was tapped the bole filled up 500 feet with oil. Drilling was sus pended for fear of encountering a vein of salt water under the sand. The well will not be shot at present. It has been pumped only at Intervals, but from the showing made at these times the well is certain to be better than a 25-barrel pro ducer. This strike baa awakened the In terest of the oil men hereabouts and there la a promise of renewed activity In all fields. Several railroad officials of the Balti more A Ohio, and the B., H. & P. railroad were here yesterday and were met by our representative men of the town, and rail road matters discussed, the chief proposi tion being that of standardizing the Balti more A Ohio narrow gauge between Kane aud Foxburg. No definite agreement was reached with either company, put it looks as though the widening of the Bal timore A Ohio road would be a sure go. As to the Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts burg extending its lines to Kane, as yet that la only a rumor. Kane Republican, May 24. In this connection Brother Pickens, of the Marienville Express, let out a few extra whoops last week and says they have been assured that the road will be standardized thia summer. We hope the information is correct. Wm. Richards, of Mayburg, and T. D. Collins, of Nebraska, are making preparations to drill a deep test well for gas on the Cook lease, about a half mile north of Mayburg, in Kingsley township. The well will be No, 134 on the lease and will be located on warrant 5235. The contractor la Edward Christy and be ex pects to begin drilling in about three weeks. The well will be drilled to a depth of 6,000 feet unless gas In paying quantity la found before that depth. In order to do thia they are providing them selves with a heavy drilliug rig, every portion being made in the moat substan tial and lasting mauner. The derrick Is 102 feet in height and an extra heavy ca ble will be used for the work. A similar test for gas was started in that neighbor hood sixteen years ago, when a well was drilled to a depth of 4,000 feet and aban doned, because the rig would not stand the strain. The length of time required cannot be estimated, as it depends alto gether upon the luck attending the drill ing. This venture will be watched with interest by oil and gas men in all fields. Tionesta Will Celebrate the Fourth. At a well attended meeting of the citi zens of Tionesta In the Council Room last Friday evening, to consider the matter of celebrating the Glorious Fourth this year, J. B. Muse was elected chairman and L. L. Zuver waa elected secretary. Aftor discussing the question it was on motion decided as the sense of the meet ing that a celebration should be held and the following committees were appointed: Committee of Arrangements, R. M. Her man, Geo. W. Holeman, George Hen shaw, J. W. Landers, Frank Joyce and Frank Auisler; Finance Commitlee.Chas. Carlson, Robert A. Fulton, ChaB. Clark and Dayid Blum. The committee of ar rangements has full power to appoint all sub committees. The extent of the cele bration will of course be governed by the amount of funds which the finance com mittee may be able to secure, so you are expected to be ready to "loosen" when the committee calls on you. Help the boys along In their efforts to liveu up. Uratluutcs Well Spokcu Of, Mr. John Thelin of Lander, recently graduated from the Hoff Business College has been placed through the assistance of the Underwood Typewriter Company In a stenographic positiou at Crystal Beach, Ont. L. J. Holmes, manager of the Hoff Business College received a letter from the Remington Typewriter Company of Buffalo a short time since stating that the Hoff Business College graduates that came to them were better prepared than the average business college graduate that applied to their employment department. Warren Mirror, May 24. It "It cured me," or "It saved the life of my child," are the expressions you hear every day about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world over where this valuable remedy bus been introduced. No other medicine in use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such general approval. The secret of the suc cess of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy is that It cures. Sold by Dunn & Craig. PERSONAL Rev. H, A. Bailey returned from Atlantic City, Monday evening. -Mrs. II. O. McKnlght, of Oil City was a guest of relatives here Saturday. Mrs. P. K. George and Mrs. J. B. Muse visited friends In Franklin, Friday and Saturday. -Philip Emert went to Buffalo, N. Y last Thursday for a week's visit with his daughter, Miss Iva Emert. Miss Fern Bowman has been re-elect ed as a teacher In the Titusville publio schools for the coming year. Mrs. J, E. Wenk went to Marienville Friday morning for a week's vlalt with her mother, Mrs. S. M, Wbitebill. . Mrs. Wilbur McKeeu and children, of Nebraska, spent Memorial Day with Mrs. Mary Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Boyd and son, of Wsrren, were down to spend Sunday with Tionesta relatives. Miss Marie Sherman, of Pittsburg, was a guest of Miss Essie Scowden over Sunday aud Memorial Day. Dr. J. C. Dunn returned Tuesday from a lew days' visit with friends in Freedom, Pa, and Pittsburg. Hainuet farmer and family were down from Tidioute to spend Sunday and Memorial Day with relatives. P. A, Anderson was down from War ren to spend Sunday with his obildren, snd also met many old friends. Miss Sarah Williams, of Grove City, Pa was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Bovard, a few days the first of the week. Rev. H. J. Montgomery, of Kellett- ville, will preach in the Tionosta M. E. church next Suuday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Helen Arthur aud granddaugh ter, Miss Helen Imel, are spending a few weeks at the old borne of the former at Sugar Run, Pa. DeWItt Zibnlser went to New York City last Wednesday where be baa a good position with the Western Electrical Engineering Works. Rev. H. J. Wbalen, the popular pas tor of the First Baptist church of New Castle, Pa, was a visitor in Tionesta, Thursday, and we are indebted to him for a peeasant call. Miss Mary DeFrance, of Grove City, Pa., was a guest of Miss Blanche Pease from Saturday until Wednesday and also visited ber cousin, Mrs. Harry 8. Can- Held, at West Hickory. Miss Florence Fulton, having com pleted a successful term of school at Par ker, Pa., arrived here Friday afternoon for a visit with her brother Robert A. Fulton, and other friends. Among those from Tionesta who go to Marienville today to attend the County Sunday School Convention are Rev. W. Calhoun, C. F. Feit, D. W. Morrison, Mr. aud Mrs. T. F. Ritchey. Charles Imol came home Saturday from Woodlawn, Pa., and- left Monday for New Castle, Pa., where he will be em ployed In the engineering department of the Pennsylvania lines west. D. W, Morrison aud S. R. Maxwell were elected by the M. E. Sunday school of Tionesta as delegates to the Forest County Sunday School Convention, to be held In Marienville this week. Mrs. C. A. Lanson and son Aitbur leave today for Tulare, California, where they will spend the summer with the former's mother. They will go by way of Portland and San Francisco. Rev. R. A. Zthniser, of Greensburg, Rev. E. 8. Zahniser, of Meadville, and Rev. A. II. M. Zihnlser, of Youngsville, were with their lather, the late H. M. Zahniser, during the past week, Mrs. G. W. Arner and daughter Hutb of Himeraburg, Pa., are visiting the for mer's mother, Mrs. H. M. Zahniser. Mrs. Arner was taken seriously ill Tues day morning bnt Is improving now. Allen, the three-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. Win. Ball, fell while at play Sunday and cut a bad gash across the bridge of bis nose. It tequired the ser vices of a surgeon to close the wound. Rev. J. F. Scherer, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Eudeavor, Forest county, the home of Congressman Wheel er, was circulating among bis friends in thia place on Thursday and Friday. Emlenton News. Prof. G. W. Mitchell, of Johnson burg, Pa , arrived here last evening, com ing as an instructor in the Tionesta Sum mer School. Mrs. Mitchell will join him here later. During their stay they will make their borne with Mrs. Ada Clark, Mrs, George Burhenn, of Starr, was called home last Thursday on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Mong, of Tionesta township, who has been ailing for some time past. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. The many friends of. Mrs, Sarah Mong, of Tionesta township, remembered ber by a post card shower on her sixty second birthday, May 28lh. She received a large number of cards and desires in this way to thank her friends for their kindness. Mrs. Wm. F. Blum was called to Duquesne, Pa., Monday evening by the news of the serious illness of ber grand son, Harry Carr, tbe year-old son of Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Carr. About a week ago the little fellow pulled a vessel of boiling water over himself aud was severely scalded. Curtis Proper came home from the University of Pittsburg, Suuday, to spend the summer vacation. Curtis is carrying a Hue gold medal which he won by coming in lirst iu the 120 yard high hurdle race at the University of Pitta burg's fifth annual track aud Held meet, held May 21, 1910. Curtis won in a field of seven entries from different colleges aud his time was 17 seconds Hat, (rove City College. The Summer term at Grove City Col lege for teachers and college students will begiu June 21st, aud the School of Peda gogy June 28th. It will be the most largely attended session In the history of the College. Address fur full informa tion the President, Isaac C. Keller, Grove City. . i!t If you are not satisfied after using ac cording to directions two-thirds of a bot tle of Chamherlaiu'a Stomach and Liver Tablets, you can havtfyour money back. The tablets cleanse and invigorate the stomach, improve the digeatlon, regulate the bowels. Give them a trial and get well. Sold by Dunn A Craig. JUniites of Adjourned Court. An adjourned session of May court waa held Tuesday with President Judge W, E. Rice and Associates P, C. Hill and Samuel Aul in attendance. In tbe case of the Commonwealth vs. Dr. M. C. Kerr, of West Hickory, con victed of selling intoxicating liquor with out a license, the defeudant withdrew his petition asking for a new trial and ap peared for sentence. Tbe sentence of tbe court was, 500 fine, costs of prosecution, and three months' imprisonment In the couuty jail. In the case of tbe Commonwealth vs. J. E. McCauley, convicted of lurni-hina intoxicating liquor to a minor, applica tion for new trial, the defendant gave bail for bis appearance at June argument court. In tbe case of tbe Commonwealth vs. Plumer Kahle, convicted of malicious mischief under the livery stable act, ap plication for new trial, the court arrested judgment on the ground that the horse was killed In Elk county and out of the jurisdiction of this court. Defendant dis charged. The petition of 8. H. Maxwell, Sheriff, for the appointment of a Jail Keeper was approved by tbe court and George W, Sawyer was appointed, with a compensa tor of 25 per month. Memorial Day Observance. Memorial Day, Monday, May 30th, was fittingly observed, practically the entire community uniting with the veterans of Capt. Geo. Stow Post, No. 274, G. A, R., in honoring the memory of their patriot ic dead. The memorial sermon delivered by Rev. W. O. Calhoun in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning was a most excellent discourse and the services were largely attended. The reverend gentle man chose a his text 2 Kings 6:17: "And Ellsba prayed, and said, Lord, I pray theeopeu bis eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man: and be saw: and, behold, tbe moun tain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Klisba." In eloquent words be pleaded for the opening of the eyes of tbe people of this generation to tbe debt of gratitude tbey owe to these saviours of the nation, and to the prob lems yet to be met. On Monday, after an elegant and satis fying banquet served at noon by the ladies at the Relief Corps ball, tbe Post formed in line and escorted by tbe Sun day school children, Woman's Relief Corps and citizens, marched to the river bridge, where flowers were strewn on the waters. Tbe march was then re sumed to Riverside cemetery, where the full ritual service of the order was car ried out and the graves of the departed heroes were decorated. Immediately after these exercises tbe set speech ol tbe day was delivered at the Court House, the speaker being Curtis M. Sbawkey, of Warren, and a former citizen of Tionesta. Mr. Sbawkey w ta in a reminiscent mood and revived ten der memories in the hearts of all his bearers as he called by name and spoke reverently of a long list of patriots who have gone before. He spoke eloquently of tbe part played by the soldiers in tbe salvation of our country, and we cannot do better than to quote here one sentence from bis speech: "A search In the pages of human history from it's earliest dawn to present's twilight will not discover anything so sublimo, bo true and so won derful as the story of the American vol unteer soldier except the old old story In tbe book of our God." Nebraska. Gilpin Small, of Oil City, visited bis parents, Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Small, i couple of days last week. Peter Young spent Sunday and Mon day at East Hickory. H. W, Ledebur, of German Hill was in town Friday and Saturday to receive the tax for 1010. Anion Carson, of West Hickory made a short visit in our town Sunday, ou bis motorcycle. Mrs. Walter Scott is visiting friends and relatives in Piltsburg. Chas. Buckley, who for the past two years has been employed by the Ne braska Box Co , Is moving bis family to Grove City this week, where ho has a position with the gas engiue plant. Thia young couple has made many Iriends in their stay bere and will be greatly missed by all. Josoph Noble.'of Oil City, visited bis sister, Mrs. Ernest Fitzgerald, on Mon day, Harold McKeen and Charles Reed at tended an icecream social at Licklngvllle, Monday night. Kcllcttville. Mrs. O. L. Johnson aud daughter, of Sheffield, visited friends and relatives in town over Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. Kirts and Mr. and Mrs. Shanner, of Clarion, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kribbs. Hulh Watsou spent Tuesday In Shef field. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Carbaugh and sons Ivan, Holland and Earl, visited relatives at Venus, over Sunday, Zora Hartman spent a few days at May burg last week. Mame Merchant, of Truemaim, la visit ing relatives here. Leo Judge, of Erie, Pa., is the guest of Meda Detar. Hex Henderson was a Sbellield visitor Friday. Mrs. W. W. Miller, of Elkins, W. Va , died at the home of Herman Iilum, at Newtown Mills, Thursday, May SJ, after an illness of over two months. Inter ment at West Hickory, Saturday. Mrs. A. F. Pochey and children, of Cherry Grove, are visiting at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. John Pochey at this place. Thomas aud May Cunningham, of Oil City, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cunningham. Arthur Holiday, of Marienville, is the gueet of bis cousin, Walter Wilson. Quite a number from here attended Memorial Services at Sheffield, Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weaver, and sou Cletus, of Tionesta, viaited friends in town over Suuday. Mrs. H. J. Montgomery, who has been visitiugat Hidgway for several weeks, returned home Friday. Thirty-six pupils are enrolled in our summer school. This is surprising, when we remember no advertising or solicting was done. Mrs. Jos. Ault and children, are visit ing her mother, Mrs. Julia Hudy, iu hast Hickory. Special Sale, One-Third Off on All China. Bovard's Pharmacy. Hopkins' Store. Now is the time to get the Spring Sewing Done. White Goods. Laces, Flouncings, All Over Laces, Fancy White Goods, Nainsooks, India Linens, Indianhead, Gowns. We Invite Your Inspection and Solicit Your Patronage. L. J. HOPKINS. If you Garden Tools, Farming Implements or Repairs, Fertilizer, Cement, or a New Roof, We can save you money. Our stock and variety of Wire Cloth, Screen Doors and Windows is complete and we can suit you in style, size and price. Fencing for All Purposes. Tionesta Hardware. S. S. SIGWORTH. Dress Well at Good tast9 In dress does not carry for clothes. You have seen men who street, at home and on social oo -asious, and tho cost of thor clothes has little to do with the trick. A $00 Made to Order Suit on you may not look es good as a $20 ready-to-wear, hand tailored Lam mors Suit on your neigh bor. That's became your neighbor kiuws what to wear and how to wear it. Pricta for our good kind of clothes aro not extravagant, duality consid ered, and that is the test of wear. $10, $12, $15, 818, $21) and $25. Strew See onr window display. Shapes to suit young aud old. You may hunt tbe town over, but which to select a becoming Btrnw. Our styles than any other shop. It's up to you to find out if we can "make good." Of this we're sure, that no man need worry about getting just the right shape, style aud right price here. $1.00 to rQAi"g. PR AMMERS 41 &43 SENfcCA SI Important AUCTION Previous to making important changes and remodeling tbe store, commencing last Friday afternoon, we will offer our entire stock at auc tion, every afternoon from 2:35 till 5 p. m. Evenings sale will start at 7:30 and continue daily until stock is sold. It is not necessary to stale, that the stock of all kinds of Jewelry carried by this store is the best in northwestern Pennsylvania, chosen from the best manufactories in the country. All to Be Sold And you set tbe price. Never before has a stock oi this quality and repu tation been offered to tbe people of this vicinity in this way, and the wise person will take advantage of it. Remember, nothing from this large and valuable stock will be reserved. Call for any article and it will be offered at auction. You pick the goods aDd set tbe price. Everything guaranteed as represented by tbe auctioneer, with the Harvey Fritz personal guarautee back of it. HARVEY 1UITZ, The Leading Jeweler, 32 SENECA St.. OIL CITY, PA. Embroideries, Waist Patterns, Handkerchiefs, Persian Lawn, Long Cloth, Butcher Linen, Muslin Underwear, Skirts. need Moderate Cost with it the outlay of a lot of tnooev always look spick and spaa on the H.ts. you won't find creator choice from aim has been aud is to show more $6.00. ICE" CLOTHIER! OIL CITY. PA J if