1 Buy a return ticket to Oil City, show us the coupon and we pay the fare. Come to Oil City and see what modern progress we are making, ay Such Beautiful Hatts Selling at Lowered Prices. $10, $12.50, 15, 118 and $20 hats now $7.50, $9.50, $12, $14 and $16. , J . , Not so many of them as there was when we first advertised them, but there still remains a handsome assortment. The highest class hats we have had this season will be found now among those we are selling at such radically reduced prices. Bear in mind, please, every one of our early patterns are included. 100 Trimmed Hats for Children, 25 and 50 Cents. Two lots, one at 25c and the other at 50c. All ready for the youngsters to put on nnd wear. If wc were to tell you that these prices asked do not represent one-fourth their worth, you'd hardly believe it, would you? Yet it's a fact. A big lot irom a large wholsaler happened to come our way at a ridicu lously low price. That's why you get such a chance at them. Another Remarkable Ribbon Sale. Many of you will remember the Kibbon Sale we gave a . ' ' . . i .i ic u on- few weeks ago. YV ide sasii riooons worm ioc were uiu Mnt tiio trnnhle was thpre was not near enough to eo around Many of our friends did not get here soon enough and were disannointcd. This sale we mention this morning is fully as attractive as the other was. There are two numbers one at 2oc and the other at 39c. The 25c lot White, Piuk and Light Blue Taffeta, with fmWsPil firnrps. vprv daintv and Drettv widths. 4 to 5 inches. The 39c lot White, Pink and Light Blue Sash Widths, very handsome and ot excellent quality. Both of these lots are from Smith & Kautman, Spring Street and Broadway, New York City, makers of only the finest grades ot ribbon. The Smart & Silberberq Co. OIL CITY. PA. f If You Have Five Hundred Dollars"! Yon cannot do better than buy one of our popular Certtfloatee of D ' posit, because interest begins immediately and ia mailed to you every r six months, nt the rate of 4 per annum, with no trouble whatever on your part. These interest payment will reach you aa regularly a the vii" rolls round, and your nrinoipal is absohite y and unoualifiedly wife, protected by assets of more than SIXTEEN MH.LK)N DpL ' LARS, besides the well known integrity of the offloers and clireotora : of this strone bank. Bhould you need money temporarily, these oer- tifleatea will do accepted at their full value as ool lateral for loans. : Booklets telling vou all about them will be mailed on reoeipt or ' yonr address on a postal card, and the request lor information puts 'you under no obligation to the bank. PITTSBURGH BANK5AVINGS 4ih.AVE and 3MITHFIEZJ) ST. PITTSBURGH PA, ASSETS OVER, 16 MILLION DOLLARS Write for Booklet O O. dr. FOREST COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, TIONE8TA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, 150.000. $100,000. Time Deposits Solicited. Will pay Four Ter Cent, per Annum A. Watnk Cook, President. A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, A. B. Kbi.lt. Cashier. Wat. SM BARBACQH, Vice President DIRECTORS G. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugb, T. F. Rltchev. J. T. Dale. A. B. Kellv. A Free Trip to Oil City and Return Men's Suit, $10 and up to $35. Boys' Suite, f 2 50 to 12 50. "Come in if on ly to look. A Reason.. A Purpose. A Test. The PriDlz Co. have added Oil City to their list of cities and now operate what is considered the most beautiful clolhiog store jo the Uoited Slates. This is not au assumption on our part, but the unanimous opinion of experts in a position to judge. This store is strikingly modern in its construction, and handles high grade Clothing;, Hats and Furnishing Goods for Men, lioys and Childreu. We own and operate six large stores and cater to the trade who appreciate the best goods obtainable AT ONE LOW conservative price. In order that we shall get better acquainted with Tinoesta and its people, we will during the month of May pay the car fare to and from Tionesta on all purchases of S10 and upward. We have beautiful souveuirs for everybody, and values that will make it worth while to call and see us. Oil City, Feu Mon's Hats, 50c to f 5. Men's Shirts, 50o to (3.50. "We areata ays glad to see you." Oil City, Pa. Oil City Trust Co. Oil City, Pa.. Report to the Commissioner of Banking (Condensed) At the Close of Business Ma.y 2, 1910. Time Loans $2,154,879.13 Real estate, iurniture and fixtures 89,000.00 Stocks and bonds $355,461.12 Demand Loans... 542,729.24 Overdrafts 12,(J31.10 Due Irom Banks. 265,920.28 Cash on hand 122,646.75 To'l quick assets, $1,299,388.4!) $3,543,267.62 Capital $ 300,000.00 Surplus and profits 505,795.34 Reserve for interest 3,483.09 Deposits - $2,733,989.19 $3,543,267.62 Trust funds not included in above, $229,530.71. Corporate Trusts, $1,254,000.00. Increase in Deposits Since Last Report, $213,615.26. Moth.r Earth. When Junius lirutu ntul the sons of Taniuln nskttl the fnmotta IMplile or acle who wns to Fitcoced Snperbus on the throne of Koine they received for an answer, "He w ho shall first kiss his mother." As the two princes were has tening home to fulfill what they thought was meant Brutus fell to the earth and cried out, "Thus do I kiss thee, O Earth, the mother of us all!" This Is perhaps the earliest recorded Instance of the use of the term "Moth er Earth." Kxchnnce. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby iriven that the follow ing accounts have been filed in my office and will be presented at the next term of Court, beginning on the Third Monday of May, 1010, for confirmation : First and tinai account 01 Mauiaa nio ble and James Howe, executors of the last will and testament of Adam Sibble, ate of Green township, Forest county, Pa., deceased. Fir-it and final account of John W. Jamieson, administrator of the estate ot Jennie M. Coliingwood, late of Kingsley township, Forest county, Fa., deceased. j. u. UB1SI, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesta, Pa., April 18, 1910. Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom ers all tho benefits Consistent with conservative banking. Interest paid on time deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited. The Stone of Infamy. In many Italian cities there formerly existed what was called jiietra d'in fainic," or a stone of Infamy for the punishment of bankrupts, in Venice one stands uear tho Church of St. Murk, and lu Verona and Florence they are near the old markets. On a day lu carnhal week the old time cus tom was to have till traders who had become bankrupt lu the preceding twelve months led to the stone, and one by one each sloo.l on its center to hear the reading of a report of his busi ness failure and to endure the re proaches heaped on liiia by his credi tors. At the end of a certain time each bankrupt was partly undressed, and three oilicers took hold of his shoulders nnd three others of his knees and, raising him as high ns they could, humped him on the stone deliberately twelve times, "In honor of the twelve apostles," the creditors crowing like cocks while the humping proceeded. The Only Difference. Clorlnda was as black as night and of heroic proportions, but in every pos sible way she copied her slender young mistress, for whom she hud a great ad miration. "1 like to look jes' as much like you ns I can," she often said, " 'cause you looks Jes' like a lady orter look. Mis' Hend'son." Clorlnda Intrusted all her shopping to Mrs. Henderson and scorned the bright colors and pronounced styles af fected by her own friends. One day she asked her mistress to buy ber a pair of low shoes. As she made the re- quest she glanced with admiration at the slim little foot showing beneath the edge of a dainty skirt. "An' I want 'ein Jes' exactly like yours. Mis' Hend'son." said Clorlnda. "no diffVnce 'ceplin' dey's gotter be wide nines, so maybe de buckle might 'pear better If 'twas a teenty uilte lar;;er'n yours." Youth's Companion. Jacob Miller, Dealer in PROCLAMATION. Whereas. The Hon. Wm. K. Bice, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has Issued his pre cept for holdingaCourtofCommon Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commence on the Third Monday of Mav, being the 16th day of May, lilio. No tice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices or the Feace and Con stables of said county, that they be then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their oluce appertain to be done. and to those who are bound in recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in thejail of Forest Cou nty, that they may be then and there to prosecute against them aa shall be just. Given un der my band and seal this lata day oi April, A. 1). 1HIU. B. ft. MAAWCLb, IU8.J Mllflrin. Popular Music. Latest Bongs Latest Waltzes Latest Instrumental, Just received, and will be sold at 25o per copy. New musio Received Each Week. Also McKirjley' Celebrated 10c Musio iu stock. For sale at tbe uver News Room. Jos. M. Barer PRACTSCAL BOILER MAKER. Repairs Boilers, Still, Tanks, Agitators. Buys and Hells Second - hand Boilers, Etc. CLOTHING, SHOES of all kinds, and Gentlemen's Furnishings. WoJl Paper I am now in position to meet all rpnuirnments for pond interior deco rating of tbe latest and up-lo date designs. I bave the finest collection of over Two Thousand WALL TAPER Samples to select from. Also a stock Of Wall Paper, Paints and Varnish. New good and prices right. Call and lee. G. F. RODDA, Next Door to the Fruit Store, Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. A new and up to date stock, al ways fresh from the city. I Guarautee Satisfaction. Give us a call aod get nur prices before purchasing. Kellettville, Pa. TRIAL LIST. Tilstof causes set down for trial In the Court of Common Pleasof Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on the Third Monday of May, 1910: 1. T. I). Collins et al. vs. L,. . UIourd et al. No. 6, September term, HK5. Summons in ejectment. 2. Ullie Hillard vs. w. j. luonney. No. 2S, September term, 1908. Appeal from J. P. 8. Thomas E. Slater vs. Samuel Cro. sier. No. 41, September lurm, ivw. Summons in axfiumDsit. 4. Boyd t Winans vs. Lon waison, A. L. Weller. No. 2. November term, 1909. Summons in ejectment, fi. Amos Sbotts vs. R. W. Beers. No, 21, February term, 1910. Appeal from J. r. Attest, J. C. OEIST, Prothouotar, Tionesta, Pa., April 18, 1910. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN PS. ilUGVSF Mqsck Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End of Suspension Bridge, Third ward, OIL CITY, PA. OFTICIAIT. Office I fc 7f National Bank Building-, Ulli tin, r, R!vm mt am in A1 frAA. Exclusively optical The Trust Company or the Individual bs Trustee. The service of the trust company is always available, (of it takes on vacations and is never absent from the city something that cannot be said of the individual Another point which must be properly considered in this connec tion is that an individual trustee may die during the period of trust and quite possibly leave his affairs in such shape as to require a great deal of expense to the estate be fore they can be properly readjust ed and his duties performed by someone else. The Franklin Trust Company, if named in your will as executor, guardian or trustee, assures faithful attention to the provisions which you make therein for the future comfort and welfare of your family or heirs. Total Assets $3,000,000.00 OTompantj 'RAN KUI N, PA Lingerie Exposition. Sometime during May of each year wo bold a Liogerie Exposi tion. I-asts one week. At this time all the center aisle tables and fixtures are utilized for display of tbe new uudermuslins. The most important Underwear Bale of the year occurs during this exposition. Every drawer, skirt gown and corset box is gone thiough care fullly. Each garment is closely examined aod any of them not in per fect condition is thrown out to be sold at a reduced prico. Some are a trifle disoolored, some ever so slightly stained, while others bave been hurt from constant handling or show the effects of having been displayed. In some instances tbey are quite badly soiled, while in others the imperfection is very slight. The reduction is graded accordingly. For example: Some 50o Drawers only slightly soiled are marked 40c; others iu worse condition are marked 33c. A $1 25 gown hurt nuly a little is marked 81.05, another not lu as good condition is marked 85c. . Several hundred garments, Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts and Chemise and the introducti iu of a little soap and water will restore any of tbem to perfect condition. WILLIAM B. JAMES. OIL CITY, PA. OABLON'S Yovi Cn Get the style of Oxford, Pump or Sandal You are looking for at our store. AU the new things lor season 1910. Largest assortment. Prices reasonable. CARLON & COS, Oil City, Pa. Palm Beach, Fla. J. L. Heplcr LIVERY Stable Fine carriages for all oocasions. with first class equipment. We can fit vnn nut at nv time for either a pleasure or business trip, and always at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Come and see us. Rear of Hotel Weaver TIOITBSTA, !F-A.. Telephone No. 20. Fred. Grottenborgor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All mnrlr Iiartill tl i I1IT tr Mri'Ii 1 11 Of V. Fll- Rinea, Oil Well Toola, Gas or Water Fit- ungaand uenerai BiacKsiimuiiig pruinm ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery given apeclal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Rhnn In rear of and lust west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER Mi- No Danger tf von uae th. rlsht ffa.olin. Mnrn .iin trmihlea can be traced to inferior suoline than from alt othrr eauaee. Whtf not enjoy your machine, confident that the power la there ju.t when you need it most. Waverly Gasolines are manufactured expreaaty for automo bile use. Try he Wvrlr brands. 70 Motor Stove Vou imy be auurf A ot instantaneous, pow. enui clean eipiosnm. m-cnum ippiii i. Ucpmmon murk imik'ior in cyiinucr.. (JuhK Ignition. JlK your gum. Waverly Oil WorKs C Isaeptntuat jMiinwv Fittsbars. ra. ri..l...1.i'. Colic Cholera and tnamOerlatn S iiiarrhtira Remedy. Never fails, lluy it now. It may save life. Moore & Stevenson Stores SvibstaoitiaJi Economizers xxd Special Vadues. Ladlea Coats at $1.30 auil $2.00. A little lot of Ladies' and Mines' Coals left from last fall just tbe correct weight for tbis season. Practical coats of tan covert and gray worsted at prices a small part of first cost. 86 50 and $7 50 Coats at $1 50. 810 to $15 Coats at $2. These coats will be sold on the main floor. Comfort In Men's Musi In Night Shirts, . With emphasis on comfort. For it is most unusual to find Night Shirts cut over as generous dimensions. Made of muslin and cambric, cool, but exceptional qualities at each price, 50c, 75o.aud $1. Curtain Scrims of Especial Interest. Time when new summer curtains are in demandscrims have proven tbe popular material thia season and we show: Plain Scrims, white, ecru and cream, yard wide, at 15c, 20o and 25o yard. Barred aod Stripe Scrims at 25o, 35c and 40o. Colonial Serims, ecru aod white, with colored figure bordered efl'ects, 15c, 20c and 25c yard. MOORE & STEVENSON Oil City, Pa.