The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 27, 1910, Image 3

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    i I.US Bf FIRE?
' yd cauuot aflbrd to take your own
rink Klnt loai by fire. Kemember that
we represent
and will be glad to call on you wben you
want fire InNiirance that really protect.
Drop un a card and we'll do the rent.
We are amenta In tbla county for the
and can fumlxh security fur County
olllclala, bank olllclaU, etc.
C. II. All k SON.
AaAlAiallallAAAliA a. a
Dunn Sc Craig
X . , Go to Dunn & Craig
I Climax Paper
X Saves the expense of pa
X pering. Makes old paper
t look like new. .
Have you tried
X the new hair shampoo and I
tonic Also, Spurmax, I
the new lace lotion
Business College.
Do you'want a good positlouT We
bare reoeutly filled aeveral poaitlona witb
banks, manufacturing ooncerna and other
Institutions that re(iilre capable em
ployees. Business men want our stu
dents. We teach tbe best methods and
business principles. You are sure of a
good position if you complete a course
with ua. We take a personal Interest In
the future welfare of our students. Send
postal for full particulars.
Warren ISuNinew College,
C. W. Smith, President, Warren, Pa.
Joe Levi. Ad.
trammers. Ad.
Jacob Miller. Ad.
Mogga Buhl. Ad.
Wm. B. James, Ad.
Kobinsnn A Son.Ad.
Tbe McCuen Co. Ad.
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
I.ammers. Shoes. Ad.
Smart & Silberberg. Ad.
Moore A Stevenson. Ad.
Monarch Clothing Co. Ad.
H.C. Mapes. Ad. and Headers.
Pittsburg Hank Tor Savings. Ad.
Court Proclamation. Trial List. Con
firmation Notices,
Oil market closed at 91.35.
Is your subscription paldT
You can get It at Hopkins' store, tf
Oil and gas leasos, best form, for sale
at this office. tf
Water Hose, complete with coup
lings, as low as 6c per foot, at Mapes'.
A. L. Coyle, M. D., eye, ear, nose and
throat. Glauses tilted. Levi Building,
Oil City. tf
Heavy and light blackstnitbing and
all manner of machine and boiler work
at Mapes' Shop, Tlonesta, Pa. It
J. A. Lawrenoe started four barges
owned by the Forest Barge Co. for Pitts
burg, Sunday morning.
Garden Seeds that grow. These are
tbe kind you want and you can get them
in bulk at Mapes' Tionesta, Pa. It
Wanted -Responsible men to handle
vending machines in Pennsylvania. Re
ferences required. Box No. 4421, Nice
town, Philadelphia. 4t
One of the finest automobiles seen in
mir town la that of W. D. Shields, of
Clarlnizton. It is a "Pierce- Arrow."
Brookvllle Democrat.
Every driver of an Automobile real
lzes what good oil means. Our high
grade Automobile Oil saves all trouble
along this line. u. C. Mapes, iionesta.
Floyd Eddy, of Onoville, N. Y,
shipped thirty cows last Saturday from
the P. R. R. station here to his home.
The cows were purchased out In tbe edge
of Forest and Clarion counties.
-Following Is the list of letters lying
uncalled for In the Tionesta, Pa., post-
odloefor week ending April U7, 11)10
Theodore Wasburg (2 cards).
J, W. Jamikson, P. M.
-Thousands of Vegetables and Flower
log plauts fur sale at C. A. Anderson's
Greenhouse. Tionesta. Tomato and Aster
nlants now ready for delivery. Cabbage
and Cauliflower plants will be ready
after May 1st. 2t
riiamberlalu's Stomach and Liver
Tablets assist nature in driving all im
purities out of the aysteui, insuring a free
and regular condition and restoring tbe
organs of the body to health aim strengtn
Sold by Dunn A Craig.
ruminations for teachers' certifl'
cates for If 1(1, will be held in: .
Tionesta, Saturday, May 7.
Kellettvllle, Saturday, May 14.
Marlenville, Thursday, May 1!.
Tionesta, Saturday, August 20.
On Sunday evening in the M. E,
church, at 7:30 o'clock, the I. 0. 0. F,
anniversary sermon will be delivered by
Rev. W. 0. Calhoun. All Odd Fellows
will meet in the Ieague room of the
church at 7:15. A cordial invitation is
extended to all.
. r...,o iiiller, who has recently
..vttoed a Dew store at Kellettvllle, baa a
new advertisement In tbla Issue. lie In
vites all the people In that vicinity to ca 1
and Inspect a bright new stock of clothing,
hoes and gentlemen's furnishings, and
guarantees satisfaction witb bis prices
and qualities.
Tbe two month! old iofant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers, of
Rocky Orove, Pa., died last Sunday, Tbe
child was a granddaughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Slbble, of German Hill, who
with their son went down to attend the
funeral, which was held Monday after
noon at three o'clock.
Tbe Tionesta High School Alumni
Association reception will be held In
Bovard'a Hall, Wednesday evening, May
4th. Ail dues must be paid to Miss Flor
ence Hagerty on or before Saturday,
April With. Reception at 10 o'clock.
Tickets on Bale at Dunn A Cralg'a drug
store, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
The County Commissioners are hav
ing a new flagstone walk laid from Elm
street to the front entrance of tbe court
and a new walk of tbe same material will
also be laid along tbe Elm Street front of
tbe grounds. The cement walk which
was laid some years ago was rapidly go
ing to pieces and was In a very bad con
dition. Cul this out for future reference. The
dales of tbe popular excursions of the
Pennsylvania railroad during tbe com
ing summer are a follows: To Oil City
and Tltusville, May 29, July 3, Sept. 18
and Oct. 16. To Olean and Bradford, May
IS, June 12, Sept. i and October 2. The
tickets will be good only on above dates
as heretofore.
Ricker, Wiles A. Co.'a No. 3 well on
the Jacob Smearbaugh farm, across Tio
nesta creek, was finished and shot Mon
day afternoon. The well made a good
showing of oil In the Red Valley sand at
about 817 feet and It la thought will make
a fair producer. The company will in
stall a pumping power as soon as possible
and will drill more wells,
Lewis Henna, employed at Smith
Bros. tannery in West Hickory, was
caught in a crushing machine Monday
and so badly Injured that he will be un
able to work for several weeks. Tbe sole
of his right shoe was caught by a set screw
In the machine and bis knee cap was
badly hurt. Hia home Is at Gilfoyle,
Jeoks township, and he was taken there.
Dr. M. C. Kerr attended blm.
Wanted. Saw mill men for piling,
loading and running lumber. Also men
lor Indoor work. Address applications to
A. W, Vantassnl, Superintendent, Shef
field, A. H. Brush, Superintendent, Lo
leta, W. W. Lowell, Superintendent,
Mina, or P. E. Shoemaker, Superintend
ent Manufacturing and Shipping, Will-
lamaporl, Pa., care of Central Pennsyl
vania Lumber Company. 3-30 8t
R. W. Ledebur recently sold bis farm
of sixty acres on German Hill, Green
township, to John R. Thompson, who
now resides on the old Klser farm, on
German Hill. Mr. Thompson will not
remove to bis new purchase until the com
ing tall, but will farm tbe place, as well
as tbe Kisev larm. Mr. ueaeuur win
moye his family into a vacant house on
the farm of Herman Blum and will be
employed at tool dressing during tbe
J. C. Miller, of Kellettvllle, has fa
vored ui with three good post card views
of tbe disastrous fire wblcb destroyed tbe
lumberyard of tbe Salmou Creek Lum
ber Co. at Kellettvllle in tbe morning of
Sunday, April 17th. The views were
taken before daylight wben the fire was
at Its worst and show huge plies of fine
lumber being licked up by the remorse
less flames. Tbe cards are the work of
artist John Brennan and make good
souvenirs of the big fire.
John Licht and Bert Moore, two
young men of Leeper, Pa., hired a horse
and buggy from liveryman W. B. Wright
of that place, last Saturday night and
drove toCrown to visit friends While
making their call the young men tied tbe
horse to a telegraph pole, with a good
strong rope about the animal'a neck.
Tbey neglected to pass the rope through
Ibe bit of tbe bridle and wben tbey came
from tbe house found the horse dead, it
having become entangled and banged.
Tbe borough authorities bad the town
calaboose removed last week from its lo
cation near the old skating rink to the
river bank near tbe old willow tree. The
lockup and grounds were In such a filthy
condition aa to be almost a publlo nul
sance and tbe residents in that neighbor
hood will send up a prayer of thankful
ness tbat It nas ueen removed, ine
swamp In which the building stood will
be filled up at once, thus removing a
niace which might have been a disease
At a regular meeting of Tionesta
Lodge, No. 369, 1. 0. 0. F at their hall
Tuesday evening, April 26, tbe first de
gree was conferred on two candidates
The full form of tbe ritualistic work was
carried out by the Tionesta team in the
presenoe of a large number of the mem
bers of this and visiting lodges. Yoko-
noma, Eden, Emlenton and Dayton, N.
Y., were represented. After the degree
work was completed refreshments were
served bv members of the lodge. This
was followed by an hour spent in a most
social manner.
The most disastrous fire tbat has o&
curred in this section in recent years was
sustained by Ridgway early Saturday
morning, which began with an explosion
in tbe boiler room of immense wood
working plant of tbe Hyde-Murphy Co.,
which was completely destroyed wi'.h a
loss of 1250,000. Insurauce of $100,000,
The fire then jumped to Main and Race
streets, where many business blocks and
private residences were destroyed, bring
Ins the total loss up to 1150.000. Tbe fire
departments of DuBois, JohnBonburg and
St. Marys responded to calls for help
"The Singing School" aa presented
by the Choral Union of the Presbyterian
church, drew a large and appreciative
audience lo the court bouse last Friday
evenlnor. tbe oroceeds amounting to
175.00. There were forty-four persons in
tbe cast and every part was carried out
with a perfection tbat merited tbe un
stinted applause bestowed upon the pro
duction. Many striking and original
costumes were presented. While it was
not so classical as tbe "Haymakers,'
given last spring, It was replete with
good, wholesome fun, and was an artistio
success. Those who had the affair in
charge, as well as all who took part in the
production, are to be congratulated upon
tbe suoceas of their enorts.
Mrs. G. W. Osgood has returned to
her home here after a visit of a month or
more with Mrs. W. F. Jones, at New
town Mills. These two ladles, In com
pany with Misses Anna Haslet and
Pearl Clay, while enjoying a day'a re
creation and fishing on the 15th Inst.,
caught 163 fish (mostly suckers and shin
ers) while fishing with book and line just
below tbe Newtown dam. This Isn't in
tended as a fish story but merely to show
what the ladles can do when they set out
to have a good time.
Three men named Uessley, Hildman
and Stinger were arrested at Sbefileld
several days ago by Fish Warden J. P.
Alberts for dynamiting fish in Tionesta
Creek. The trio appeared before Juatice
Borden of Sheffield yesterday after
noon and plead guilty to the charge for
which tbey were assessed $100 and costs
of prosecution. There are a number of
other residents of Sheffield and vicinity
against whom information has been made
for tbe same offense and their arrest will
follow within a few days. Warren
Times, 23d.
Edward Drlpps, aged 22 years, an
employe of the Doversplke lumber mill,
at Rock mere, was drowned In tbe Alle
gheny river, near tbe mouth of Panther
run, late Saturday afternoon. He was
riding a float ol logs wben tbe logs part
ed, throwing blm Into the water. He
oould not swim and drowned before help
could reach him. Tbe deceased was sin
gle and was a native of Hoboken, N, J.
He had been at workahouta week. Three
brothers, Albert and Lawson, of Haw
thorn, Clarion county, and Carl, In Ibe
navy, survive blm. Although diligent
search was made, hia body bad not been
found up to Tuesday nigbt.
Eight young men of this place, G, B,
Robinson, Dr. F. J. Bovard, A. U. Kelly,
J. N. Bankbead, M. A. Carringer, Harry
Craig, G. H. Herman and J. A. Lawrence,
have formed an outing olub, not yet
named, and are having a club bouse built
at the harbor, Just above the mouth of
Little Tionesta creek. Carpenters Wal
lace Mealy and Harry Wertz began work
on the house Tuesday, which is lo be
18x24 feet, with an 8-foot porch. Tbe
club has certaiuly chosen an ideal spot,
far from the maddiug crowd, for Its camp,
and tbe boys are anticipating many
pleasant days to be spent there during
tbe hot weather of the coming summer.
The Tionesta Summer School will
open Tuesday, May 10th, and continue
for a period of eight weeks. Tbe direct
ors have been fortunate In securing tbe
services of Prof. G. W. Mitchell, super
visory principal of the Jobnsoobarg, Pa.,
schools, as one of tbe instructors. Mr.
Mitchell needs no introduction to any
one in Forest county wbo Is interested In
educational matters. Those who remem
ber tbe success which he attained as tbe
bead of tbe summer school here In tbe
years 1007-8 will be glad to learn tbat be
Is to be witb ns again. Prof. O, L. Moore,
assistant principal of the Tionesta high
school, will also be an instructor in tbe
summer school for a part of tbe term. A
teachers' examination for summer school
students only will be held at the close of
Earl Albaugh, of West Hickory, waa
arrested this morning for trying to pass a
forged check on the O' Dell Clothing Com
panv. The check waa drawn on the
Citizens National Bank ol Tionesta and
signed by T. D. Collins. The clerk to
whom tbe check was given In payment
for gioda which Albaugh purchased was
suspicious and the paper waa sent to the
Warren Savings Bank, where it was pro
nounced a forgery. Geo. E. O'Dell re
fused to push tbe charge of forgery and
tbe matter was then taken up by the
bank and the man was arraigned before
Justice Perry and be pleaded not guilty
to the charge. In default of bail, which
was fixed at $300 be was sent to jail. Al
baugh is a pumper at Hickory and bis
reputation has always been good hereto
fore. Warren Times, 3d.
Edwin Adams, the 9-year-old son of
C. H. Adams, of Latnont Station, near
Kane, was lost in the woods Saturday,
April 16th, and although thousands of
men bave scoured the woods since tbat
time, no trace of tbe lad bas been found.
With three other lads, all older tban him
self, he was trout fishing along a private
stream when they saw a man approach
ing whom they thought was a game war
den. Tbe boys all ran In different direc
tions and young Adams bas not been
seen since. On the same day Mike Stef-
fan, the 6-year-old son of George Stettan,
of Ludlow, got lost in the woods while
fishing with a number of other boys, and
no trace of him can be found. There is
talk of kidnapping, but tbe parents of
tbe lads are poor, and therefore this is
not generally believed. Harry Arrow
smith, a demented young man of Cory
don, who disappeared about tbe same
time, bas returned home and could give
no account of bis wanderings.
The semi-annual meeting of the
Clarion Presbytery was heluVIo tbe
Second Presbyterian church, Oil City,
Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.
About 75 ministers and elders were
present from the 90 churches in tbe
Presbvterv. Rev. J. B. Eakins, of
Punxsutawney, was elected moderator
for tbe ensuing term, Tbe following
delegates were elected to attend tbe Gen
eral Assembly, which convenes in At
lantioCityon May 19th: Rev. E, L. Mc
Uvaine, Ridgway; Rev. H. A. Bailey,
Tionesta; Elder James Owen, Rahoberta,
and Elder 11. L. Biery, Ayers. Rev. P.
J, Slnnaker, of Brockwayville, was dis
missed to the Butler Presbytery, having
accepted the pastorate of the church at
Parker. Rev. 8. D. Waldrop, of Falls
Creek, was dismissed to the Presbytery
of Abilene. Texss. having accepted a call
to a church in that state. Rev, R. A. Mc
Kinlev. of Cottonwood Falls Ka .. was
admitted to the presbytery, having a call
to tbe church at Reynoldaville.
School Exhibition.
On Tuesday afternoon, May 3d, from
2:00 to 4:00 p. in., all tbe citizens of Tio
nesta. and surrounding towns, wbo are
Interested In school work, are most cor
dially Invited to attend tbe exhibition of
the Tionesta public schools. Work done
by the different departments during the
year will be on exblbition. Tbe teachers
will be present to explain the work, and
will be glad to welcome everyone.
Good Oils.
Buy our high grade Automobile, Sep,
arator, Gas Engine, Steam Cylinder and
Farm Machinery Lubricating Oils, and
save all trouble from the use of poor oil.
It H. C. Mapes, Tionesta, Pa
Charles Imel was borne Saturday
from Woodlawn, Pa., for a short visit.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Hobart
Billiard, of Endeavor, April 20th, a sou.
Miss Goldie Maya went to Johns
town, Pa., Friday, for a visit with her
sister, Mrs. George II. Coe.
William Felt or Franklin, bas been
visiting bis parents, Rev, and Mrs. B. F,
Felt, here during tbe past week,
-Mr. and Mrs. William Wblte, of Tl
tusville, were guests ol their daughter,
Mrs. J. J. Landers, oyer Sunday.
Mrs. Sadie Whitton, who spent the
past winter with friends In Klttanning
and Pittsburg, Is visiting friends in Tio
nesta. Mrs. Bailie Jackson la down from
Warren for a visit with her daughters,
Mrs. L. J. Hopkins and Mrs. J. F.
Mrs. Thomas Snodgrasa entertained
a party of her lady friends in a one
o'clock dinner at ber home Saturday af
ternoon. Mrs. Ida Small and Misses Ruth and
Augusta Cook, of Nebraska, were down
to attend "Tbe Singing School" on Fri
day evening.
Mrs. John Roth returned lo ber home
at West Hickory after spending a few
days in town the guest of friends. War
ren Times, 21st.
W. H. Shaffer, of German Hill, was
one of our pleasant callers Thursday and
had bis name enrolled on our growing
subscription list,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hendricks, of
Kellettvllle, were visitors In Tionesta
Monday and we are Indebted to the for
mer for a pleasant call.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cook, of Kit
tanning, accompanied by tbetr son and
daughter, are guests at the home of Ly
man Cook, in Nebraska.
W. M. Guncbeon, of East Hickory,
passed through tbe city to day enroute to
Nowata, Kas., where be expects to lo-cate.-Oll
City Blizzard, 20th.
Married, at the M. E. parsonage, Tio
nesta, April 20, 1910, by Rev. W. O. Cal
houn, Elmer A. Sparks, of Eagle Rock,
and Miss Hatte Fox, of Tionesta.
Mrs. Geo. R. Johnson, of Kellettvllle,
Pa., wishes to tbank ber many friends
for the delightful post card shower ten
dered ber April 20, 1910, in honor of her
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph D. Dewees and
three sons, Harry, Dale and Howard, of
Salem, Ohio, were guests at tbe borne ol
the former's grandmother, Mrs, J. G.
Dale, over Sunday. -
Mrs. W. H. Stiles, of Endeavor, and
Mrs. M. E. Abbjtt, of East Hickory,
were guests of Mrs. J. F. Proper over
Friday nigbt, oomlng down to attend
"Tbe Singing School."
Rev. W. O. Calhoun shipped ten good
cows Irom this place to his farm at Sher
man, N. Y., last Thursday. George
Hunter went with him to see tbat the
stock was safely delivered.
J. M. Cbnrcb, of East Hickory, will
leave next Wednesday for tbe west. He
expects to locate permanently in tbe
state of Washington, after looking over
the country, and bis family will follow
blm later.
Mrs. D. A. Cbilds and son, of Tio
nesta, Pa., who bave been tbe guests of
her sister, Mrs. E. M. Boyd, prospect
street, for the past week, have departed
for a short visit with Mrs. Fred Jeffords,
Barnes, Pa. Warren Mirror.
James Teed, of Ithaca, Michigan, was
a guest at tbe borne ol bis cousin, W, M.
Wolcott, a few days the last or tbe week.
Mr. Teed was called to Tidioute by tbe
serious Illness of his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Brown, wbo Is not expected to recover.
William Lawrence returned Sunday
morning from his trip to Texas. His son
C. H. Lawrence, who went with him, re
mains at Texas City, Texas, where he bas
a good position In tbe office of tbe Texas
City Refining Co. an oil refinery in which
tbe former holds an interest.
Mrs. Ray Birtcil and Mrs. A. H,
Gordon entertained about thirty-five of
their lady friends last Friday afternoon
at their home. Tbe time was very
pleasantly spent with games and various
other amusements, after which dainty re
freshments were served, the time to de
part coming all too soon.
Henry Slverling, of Nebraska, who
bas been in the Oil City hospital for a
week or more, underwent a very serious
operation Monday, bis trouble being a
diseased pancreas. He rallied very well
from the shock and will recover, should
no complications sot In. His many friends
will wish for him a speedy recovery, Dr.
Slgglos was the operating surgeon.
I, J. Kunselman, of Endeavor, was a
business visitor In Tionesta, Thursday,
being on bis way to Lickingville, where
his son Neil, finished a very successful
term of Bchool on that day. Mr. Kunsel
man will shortly remove bis family from
Endeavor to Pine Grove Camp, In tbe
big woods above Endeavor, where be
will conduot a boarding bouse for tbe
firm of Wheeler A Dusenbury.
Miss Evelyn Grove, teacher of the
Klser school, In Green township, closed sj
very successful term on Friday, tbe 15th
Inst. At noon the parents and visitors
came with well filled baskets and a
sumptuous luncheon was served. The
afternoon was spent in recitations and
music. A fine collection of work done
by tbe pupils was on exhibition. All re
turned to tbeir homes saying it was good
to be there.
E. B. Catlin, accmpanied by A. C.
Klabbatz, drove to Kellettvllle In bis
automobile Sunday to take a look at tbe
fire. Joe Selleni bas gone to Hickory
to work In the tannery. He will move
bis family to tbat place about tbe first of
tbe month. Forest fires last week
burned cbemicBl wood for B. F. Mo
Michael that was cut and ready for ship
ment, entailing a loss of about $1,000.
Sheffield Observer.
One of tbe members of this year's
graduating class of the Tionesta high
school, J. Paul Uullng, bas a record fur
school attendance tbat .is an exceptional
one, and of which be may well be proud,
During the ten years tbat be bas attended
school he bas never been tardy or missed
a day. He Is also to be congratulated be'
cause be completed twelve years' work in
ten years. Would that there were more
boys possessed of Paul's energy and am
bitlon to succeed.
Commencement Events Tionesta High
School, May 1st to May 4th.
Baccalaureate sermon, Presbyterian
church, Sunday, May 1st, 11:00 a. m.,
Rev. II. A. Bailey.
Annual exhibition, school building,
Tuesday, May 3d, 2:00 to 4:00 p. m.
Commencement exercises, Court House
Wednesday, May 4th, 8 o'clock p. m.
Alumni reception, Bovard'a Hall,
Wednesday, May 4th, 10 o'clock p. m.
Tbe Tionesta public schools will close
an exceedingly profitable and successful
year's work on Tuesday, May 3d. Tbe
senior class of tbe High School numbers
eight, as follows: Clara E. Head, Bertba
Elizabeth Scowden, Bess Lorraine Sig-
worth, Mary Josephine Wolcott, Donald
C. Grove, J. Paul Hullng, Ralph M,
Sigglns, and Charles P. Weaver. The
class haa adopted blue and gold aa its
colors, and elected tbe following officer:
Ralph Sigglns, President; Bertba Scow
den, Vice President; Charles Weaver,
Secretary, and Donald Grove, Treasurer.
Following is the program for the com
mencement exercises:
Invocation, Rev. W. O. Calhoun
An American Queen, Clara E. Head
Forestry, Donald C. Grove
Tbe Mysterious City of Honduras,
Bertba Elizabeth Scowden
Twentieth Century Travel,
J. Paul Huling
American Women in Literature
Bess LorrslneSigworth
Tbe Wizard, Ralph M. Siggioa
Tbe Passion Play,
Mary Josepnine woicou
A Celestial Wonder,. ..Charles P. Weaver
Class Address Dr. J. George Bechl
Presentation or Diplomas
Principal F. W.Gill
Benediction Rev. E. L. Monroe
Pretty Home Wedding.
A pretty home wedding was celebrated
Wednesday, April 20, 1910, at high noon,
at the home ol tbe bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred. Harmon, near Newmans-
ville, Pa., wben tbeir daughter, Miss Iva
Elnora, was united in marriage with Mr.
Milton A. Wolle, of Newmaosvllle. The
marriage took place in the presence of
about sixty friends and relatives, tbe
ceremony being performed by the Rev.
Mr. Tlmmis, of Lickingville, Pa. Miss
Freda Slgwortb, of Lickingville, presided
at tbe piano and played tbe wedding
march. The bride was attended by Miss
Mary Wolfe aod tbe groom by Mr. Lester
Mealy, sister and friend of tbe groom,
both of Newmaosvllle. Tbe bride was
dressed in light blue, elegant and taste
ful, and tbe groom in black. A four
course wedding dinner was served im
mediately after the ceremony. The bouse
was decorated witb evergreens and
flowers. Tbe bride was tbe recipient of
many nseful and valuable presents, testi
monials or tbe esteem in which she is
held by many friends. Tbe groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, of Tlo
nesta township, and baa been a successful
school teacher In this oonoty for a num
ber of years. The wedding party left for
Pittsburg on Thursday, where Mr. and
Mrs. Wolfe expect to make their future
home. Tbe best wishes of many friends
are extended to them on this happy oc
casion. On Tuesday evening a miscellaneous
shower was given at tbe home of tbe
bride. It was attended by seventy
friends, wbo brought with tbem a great
variety of gifts as remembrances of the
occasion. Tbe evening was very pleas
antly spent with muslo and closed with
the serving or delicious refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray, of Spartans-
burg, are visiting their daughter, Mrs,
John Pochey.
Geo. Zuendel spent several days visit
ing bis mother at Starr last week.
Mrs. Orcutt and daughter, Mrs. Hills,
or Custer City, are visiting the former's
son E. L. Orcutt.
Anna Haslet and Pearle Clay, of New
town Mills, were tbe guests of Edna
Johnson, Saturday,
Goldia Hill visited ber parents, Mr,
and Mrs. T. L. Hill, of near Tionesta,
over Sunday. She was accompanied by
Kathleen Daubeuspeck.
Mrs. Fannie Lamont and grand daugh
ter, Miss Minnie Beers, of Johnsouburg,
are the guests of the former's daughter,
Mrs, Geo. R. Johnson.
Mrs. Lewis Jay, of Pueblo, Cal., was
the guest or Mrs. F. J, Henderson, Fri
Maud Berlin spent Sunday with her
parents at Starr. She was accompanied
by Edith Gayley, or Mayburg.
The examination for admission to the
township High School was held here last
Saturday. Fifteen applicants were pres
ent. Fourteen were successful. Tbe
averages secured by the fortunate pupils
are as follows; Clara Lease 93, Cbas, Wat'
son 89, Anna Bobanlo 91, Holland Car
baugb 92, Mabel Wataon 90, Orle Kincb
87, Teresia Hendrickson 86, Esther Bauer
82, Cecelia Sheppard 83, Reed Detar 83,
Alvin Johnson 80, Warren Jones, Jr. 84,
Edward Barrett 80, Hazel Carpenter 77,
G. R. Johnson bas annexed to the Elk
Tanning property a large triangular piece
of ground located near (he office or the
above company, partly on the west or tbe
publlo road and partly on the above said
road. Jos. Cunningham will farm tbe
above said tract this summer.
Tbe examination for teachers will
lively be postponed until a date later than
may 14.
Tbe High School will graduate its
second class May 13. Rev. W. O. Cal
houn will preach tbe baccalaureate ser
mon tbe preceding Sunday.
Mrs, James Welsh, or Balltown, visited
her sister, Mrs. E. A. Babcock, Sunday,
G. W. Bachman, or MaltB, N. Y., who
has been visiting C. P. Cloak, returned
borne Monday,
The Right Kind of Fertilizer.
Everyone wbo had heard of Armour A
Co., knows that this great packing bouse
bas tbe greatest facilities for furnishing
the Ingredients that make up good Fertil
izer, or any concern in tbe World. We
sell Armour's Fertilizers and they will
please you.
It H. C. Mapes, Tionesta, Pa,
Every family and especially those
who reside in the country should be pro
vided at all times with a bottle of Ciiatu
berlalu's Liniment. There is no tolling
when It may be wauted lu case of an acci
dent or emergency. It Is most excellout
In all cases or rheumatism, sprains and
bruises. Sold by Dunu A Craig.
Come In
Aod look over our line
of framing material.
We have
To frame any photo or
picture of any descrip
tion. See display of
framing done, io win
dow. Bovard's Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
Now is the time to get the
Spring Sewing Done.
White Goods.
All Over Laces,
Fancy White Goods,
India Linens,
We Invite Your Inspection
and Solicit Your Patronage.
Nice, Neact,
Harness for
all Classes.
The best in tbe market for the money. Seeiug it is agreeing with us.
All parts of harness in stock.
HLve at Set of Double Harness
at a Bargain.
Can please you aod save you money by ordering your Harness from
us Try us.
See Our High Quality Lawn
At a price low enough for anyone.
That because we have such strict quality standards that we have only high
prices. It is our aim to supply every man with reliublo merchandise at the
price be wants to pay. Whether, fur instauce, your price for a suit is $10
or (30, you'll get here the greatest amount of real clothing value possible
for the money iovoetod.
When the shape of a garment goes, that's the eud of it as far as the
woll dressed man is concerned; Adler Houboster clothes have solid stability
and hold shape porfecily until tbe suit is worn out.
These spring models are the work of the most skilled designers; and the
clothes combine dignity and clean-cut, smart stylo tliut appeals strongly to
young men and older.
The tailoriog is the finest possible grade. Every garment is out and
made by band, by experts.
The fabrics are tested and their reliability is absolutely certain.
Priced at $18, $20, $22.50 to $30.
Cloth Craft
All wool suits, (uot so much (pout on hand tailoring and trimming), at
$10, $12, $15 and I1H.50.
Previous to making important
changes and remodeling the store,
commencing last Friday afternoon,
we will offer our entire stock at auc
tion, every afternoon from 2:35 till 5
p. m. Eveniogs sale will start at
7:30 and continue daily until stock is
sold. It is not necessary to state,
tbat the stock of all kinds of Jewelry
carried by this store is the best io
northwestern Pennsylvania, chosen
from the best manufactories in the
All to Be Sold
And you set the price. Never before
bas a stock of this quality and repu
tation been offered to tbe people of
th:s vicinity in this way, and tbe wise
person will take advantage of it.
Remember, nothing from this large
and valuable stock will be reserved.
Call for any article and it will be
offered at auction. You pick the
goods and set tbe price. Everything
guaranteed aa represented by tbe
auctioneer, with the Harvey Frilz
personal guarantee back of it.
The Leading Jeweler,
Waist Patterns,
Persian Lawn,
Long Cloth,
Uutcher Linen,
Muslin Underwear,
... , ,11,1 I .11.111. I .