The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 30, 1910, Image 2

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1910 1 MARCH 191Q
Sun. I Hon. Tim. Wed. Thu. Frt. 5t.
7TT7TT 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 .. ..
Endkavor. Pa., Nov. 29th, 1000.
My Pkak Kiutob:-Yoh are hereby
Biillmrizeil to announce my iiBme a
candidal for CnnttreiM In Hie Twenty
Kiijhth Congressional District of Penn
svIvrii'R, Riihioot to the rules (tovernlng
the Primaiy to he held Saturday, June
4th, 1!M0. Nklson P. Whkklkr.
Editor Forkst Hkitiujcan: Please
announce that I am a candidate lor Con
gress subject to thedecislnn of theelectois
oftlmTwenly-eluhtb Congressional Il
trlct of Pennsylvania, ai the primary
election to be held Saturday, June 4th,
lillii. Joskph C. Shilky.
Franklin, Pa.. February 21, 1910.
A rt'RK drink bill will be presented t
Harrmburg to tho next legialature with
the hacking of the stale dairy and food
division. It will closely follow the lines
lxid down by the federal government and
will be so drawn as t remove the caurea
of objection to that passed by the session
of 1000. D,iiryud Food Commissioner
James Foiist has outlined the plan In the
following statement: Inasmuch as the
federal government, by the department
of Justice and tne President, has denned
whisky, the Pennsylvania legislature at
its next session should enact law In
harmony with the attitude taken by the
federal government relating to alcliolic
Thk trend of scientific medicine to-day
is the prevention of acute or infections
disca-es, and in its accomplishment reals
to a considerable extent our ability to
prevent many of the chronic conditions
which harass and beset human kind
The first laclor, and the one which con
cerns all, in the invasion of acute or In
fectious diseases, is the lowered resistance
' of the individual. This lowered resistance
is brought about in various preventable
ways, as for example, indiscretions In
diet, over fatigue, Improper dreas, worry
anxiety, exposure to untoward weather
unsuitably clad, while excess of all sorts
weather social or business -always
trends to a lowering of the vital standard
When this happens, the organism cannot
withstsnd the invasion of disease germs.
As these become active, the result is ac
cording to the weakest link of the In
dividual. It may be an influenza, a
bronchitis, a pneumonia, or some other
preventable condition. All people are
not (qually susceptible by reason of a
lowered standard, nor Is it necessardy In
vttnd by any one transgression. What
may be an Indiscretion for one person
may be all riht for another, unless there
be superposed an additional Indiscretion.
"The Prevention of Disease," In The
Ladies' world for April,
Dwelling House Burned.
The home ol Solomon Mealy, who re
sides alone on his farm about a mile from
tba McDonald Siding, in Hickory towu
ship, was totally destroyed by fire about
six o'clock last Thursday evening. Mr.
Mealy bad kindled a fire In the kitchen
stove and gone out to attend to bla bees.
In a short time be dlsooverd the bouse
to be on tire and the fire bad gained such
headway that nothing could be doue to
extingulah It. The bouse and all its con
teuta were destroyed, as well as a wood
shed, work shop and chicken house
standing nearby. The fire Is supposed to
have originated from an overheated stove
pipe, as there was no chimney In the
house. Mr. Mealy'e losa Is total, be hav
log no insurance, but we arenotinformsd
as to how much the loss will be. He also
lost some valuable grafted trees, as he
was quite an expert in that line of work.
Misfortune baa fallen beavily on Mr.
Mealy, as during the past winter be lost
a good team horse. He was hauling logs
and the animal went through a bridge
near Braceville, breaking a leg and hav
ing to be shot.
Word cornea from Washington that
hiw nmot will be visible to uie
naked eye just before dawn on April 8,r
shortly after that date, according to a. v.
Campbell, director of l.iok observatory.
On Slay IS the earth may pas inrougn
the tail of (he cornel," said Director
Campbell, "but there Is no danger lor
terrestrial life, as the tail will beexlreme
ly attenuated."
The Government Pays Railway Mall
Clerks ijtSOO to $1,200, nml Oilier
Employees l to $,500
TTnnU Sum will hold examinations
throughout the oountry for Railway Mail
Clerka, Custom uouse vieras, cHmiuK-
raphers, HooKKeepers, iwiwimiiw
dorks ai'd other Uovefumenl rr.mti'uis.
Thousands of appolntmeuls will be made.
Any man or woman over IN, In City or
Country can gel Instruction and free In
formation by writing bv m- niu
Buren of Instruction, 03 namiiu uuuu-
Ing, Rochester, N. Y.
WeJl Paper
I am now in position to meet all
requirements for good interior deco
rating of the latest and up-to-date
designs. I have the finest collection
oi over Two Thousand
WALL ivirisii
Samples to select from. Also a stock
Of Wall Paper, Paints and
Yarn tali
New goods aod prices right. Call
and toe.
Next Door to the Fruit Store, Elm
Street, Tionests, Pa.
: Clean Up
After removing the accum
ulated dirt of Winder, bright
en up your home.
Your Walls
Homesookers Kales West
Xiikel Plate Uoatl.
John Anderson 1ms been very ill for the
ya-t week,
Evelyn llichard. the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Clins. Richard, fell down the
steps on Thursday evening and broke her
arm just below the elbow. 1'r. Serrill was
summoned and rendered medical aid.
liluir Craft, the small son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Craft, has been very ill with in
flammation of the stomach for the past
Mrs. Win. Deshner was a Warren visitor
on Tuesday.
Kay Whitehill, who has been employed
as stenographer in the Watson Lands
Lumber oll'u e for the pa-t two months, re
signed his position here and returned to
his home at .Sliippenville on Wednesday.
Frank Kranking attended services ill the
New Catholic Church at Kellettville on
Sunday last.
Mrs. Leonard Fitzgerald lias been quite
ill for the pa-t few days.
Mrs. Geo. Copeland and son Will are
spending a few days with relatives in town.
Mr. uml Mrs. Win. Ilartman, son Itoy,
and daughter, Zora, spent Easter Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs Stephen Steele, in town.
Miss Gwendolyn Hill spent Saturday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Donelly.
Victor Hendrikson and Maud Watson
spent a few hours in town on Sunday.
A Wonderful Gusher.
O. W. Mong, a former resident of Tio
nesta township, sends us a copy of tne
Maricopa (California) Oil News of Satur
day, March 10th, containing a graphio
description, as well as a picture, of the
world's biggest oil well. Mr. Mong bad
the honor of being one of the tool dressers
on the well. In a note be says the paper
rates the well too low and that it was good
for 50,000 barrels a day. From a three
column write-up we gather the following
interesting facts:
At7:30n'clock Tuesday morning, March
15, 1010, the Lskeview Oil Company on
fractional section 25, 12-24, one mile north
of Maricopa, under a royalty lease to the
Union Oil Company, brought in their No.
1 well at 2285 lee', that gushed a six inch
stream of 24 gravity oil at the rate of 24,-
800 barrels a day for a period of twelve
and one-half hours, Standard measure
ment. After being sanded up for lesa
than one and one-half hours It again
broke loose harder than ever and for the
next twenty-lour hours produced fully
40,000 barrels, flowing incessautly at a
terrific rate, throwing a huge volume of
oil from fifty to one hundred and fifty
feet above the derrick and spraying the
ground for rods around. Thursday and
Friday saw a repetition of Wednesday's
performances and the well is still in
action this morning as the News goes to
press. The oil was saved by building
dams in a deep gulch nearby. The Lake
view Co. is composed on Lob Angeles
men. A good pay s:reak was also struck
at 1 ISO feet. Although the well is located
one and a half miles north of town a fine
mist of oil sprayed the town all day
Thursday until buildings and the white
clothing worn by our townspeople pre
sented a checkered appearance. The
drillers who brought in the well were
Fred Phelps and It. W. MrMabon, and
the toolles, Tom Uaslett and G. W. Mong.
The Easter service held in the M. E.
church Sunday at 11 was in every way a
success. Those who took part deserve
great credit, as well as those who assisted
in training and practicing the little ones
for the occasion. There was a fairly good
attendance, notwithstanding the fact that
nianv of the men went down the river this
morning. Following is the program ren
dered: Opening song, "Hail Happy
Springtime;" the Lord's prayer in concert;
scripture reading, Matthew 28:1-10; song,
"Christ the Lord is Risen To-day; recita
tion, "Alive Again," Inez Van Horn; rec
itation, "What I Mean to Do," Pelinore
McAbov: recitation, "God wants us to be
niii.l." Surah Rover: motion song, "0 Sun
Heams Bright; recitation, "Easter Sunday
Eugene Cook; recitation, "Easter Lilies,"
Stella Heasley; song, "Strains of Victory;"
recitation. "The Risen King," Hculah
ltrenneniaii; exercise, "The Gardeners,
Infant Class: recitation, "Easter Ronnets,
Laura Coon; recitation, "Two Offerings,"
Don Kahle; recitation, "The Reason Why
Ilraden Cook; duet, "Rluc Birds Bring to
l' Again;" recitation, "Spring bong,
Ruth, Wiluia and Delia; recitation, "Side
I.iirhts." Sonhia Meehling; song, "Flowers
Awake;" recitation, "My Easter Flowers,'
Edith Vanllorn; recitation, "Mary", Mar
ion Cassatt; exercise. Class of Girls; S. S,
iirixcs to be given; address by the Pastor:
snnc. "Praise His Name Forever;" an
nouncciiients and benediction.
The writer attended an entertainment at
Cooksburg, Friday night, which was given
bv home talent. All went nicely,
splendid program being arranged and
splendidly executed.
A. R. Slaughenliaiipt went to Tionesta
this week and brought back with him Mrs.
Win. Slaugenhaupt, his daughter-in-law.
Rev. Ja. F. McAhoy preached at the
Free Methodist church Monday night for
Rev. S. Stinier, who is conducting revival
services at that place.
The people at Blue Ridge M. E. church
have lately papered the church and arc
talking of starting a cemetery at that place.
These people do not always talk, but do
it now.
Rev. J. Bell Neff w ill preach at Blue
Ridge, Saturday, April 10, at 3 T. M., and
at Redely fle, Saturday and Sunday, April
16 and 17. He w ill hold the third quarterly
conference at Redclyffe, Saturday at 8 V. M.
He will also preach Sunday morning at 11
and administer the Sacrament of the Lord's
Slipper. All are invited to all these services.
Leo Braden has been tearing down the
rig at Greenwood preparatory to drilling
again. May the good work go on. Success
The Fitzgerald school closed last Mon
day, after a most successful term. The
teacher, Mr. Terrill, has the friendship of
the entire community, and the writer has
heard several express the desire to have
lii in return for another year. Since closing
school Mr. Terrill has been visiting among
his scholars.
Mrs. A. R. Meehling has been sick for a
tew days, but is better.
Rev. and Mrs. J. F. McAbny were at
Squire Cook's for dinner Thursday.
Alex Caughey and Robert Henderson
were at Cooksburg attending the enter
tainment Friday night.
The friends of R. W. Brenncinnn will be
pained to hear of his serious illness. He is
not expected to survive the night (Sunday
night). His children arc at his bedside
and nothing is being left undone that will
in any measure alleviate his suffering. He
took suddenly sick Wednesday in the store
and was helped home and soon after be
came unconscious. He has been a Meth
odist for many years and w ill be missed by
many when called to his reward. He is
reconciled to his fate, telling tho writer
that all was settled and he was ready to
meet his Maker any time. The family
have the sympathy of their many friends,
Rev. J. Straver closed his meeting at
Eddyburn with very gratifying results.
The high school finishes its work for this
term Monday, the 28th, after a very success
ful year.
Next Sunday is the regular preaching
day at Greenwood. Subject, "The Risen
Lord." All arc invited to this and all other
Fred Miller of Blue Ridge has gone to
West Virginia and is working on a saw
mill. His wife expects to move there in
the near future.
Anrll 6th and 10th. Liberal return limit
ami inn over nrivileaes. One ay t o-
onist Kates West daily to April 15th.
Full information or Agent or write J. i ,
Melenbacker, D. P. A., Frle, Pa. 4(0
eases of
Poll v nine nut of every ten
rheumatism is simply rheumatism of the
muscles due to cold or damp, or citron in
rheumatism, neither of which require
anv Internal treatment. All that Is need
ed 'to afford relief is the free application
of Chamberlaiu's Liniment. Give it a
trial. You are certain to lie piasea wuu
nnlck relief which llatlords. Sold
by Dunn A Craig.
Low Kates to the West
pu,,vlcnl Railioad. Tickets to
Rnektr M n t hi ii . Pacitic Coast, western
Canada, MeKico and Southwestern points
on sale daily until April 15 at reduced
fares. Consult nearest iicaei Agem or
R. P. Fraser. D. P. A.. ao aiain tireei,
Low One Way Colonist Kates to Points
In the West via Nickel Plato
Tickets on sale daily from March 1st to
April loth, inclusive. Ask agent or write
J. C. Melenbacker, D. P. A., hne, Pa.
n.ttmhnrlaiu's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are sale, sure and reliable, and
i ho.ii nraiaed bv thousands of women
who have been restored to health through
their gentle aid and curative properties.
Sold by uunn . iraig.
20 Years' Experience.
F.jetilglit ItcNtored.
Eves, examined by scicntifio tests.
Glasses correctly fitted for all errors
of refraction. Astigmatism cases a
aneciallv. Headaches and nervous-
. . . .. .. wi
tless cured by the proper adjusting 01
lenses. Satisfaction is the best guar
an lee. Free examinations.
. lMIOLL, . It.,
Eye Sight Specialist aod Refracting
At the
Central Hold, Tionesta,
every two weeks on Thursday.
Xext Dale, March 31st.
Permanent Address, 426 Holland St.,
Erie, la.
Executor-s Xollce.
Letters Testamentary on the estate of
V. Overlander. late of Tionesta
Township. Forest County, Pa , deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned,
II nersnns indebted to said estate are
hereby notified to make payment without
rin kv. inn tnose naviug i-inims 'i
uiau'ds will preseut them, duly authentic
i mi lor settlement.
17. M. UVKRI.AJil'Mi. r.IKUlui,
111 Morrison Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
A. C. Brows, Attorney, 1 lonesta ra
Popular Music.
Latest Songs Latest Waltzes
Latest Instrumental,
Just received, and will be sold at
!25c per copy. New tuusio
Received Each Week.
Also McKinlev' Celebrated 10c
Music in stock. Fur sale at the
uver Xcws Room.
License Applications.
Notice Is herebv given that the follow
ing applications for license have been
tiled in my ollk-e and will be presented
Anril 19. 1910. at the Court of quarter
Sessions of Forest County. Pa,:
1. K. A. Fulton, Central uouse, 1 10-
fiMln Horoiltth. Fa.
Tharles F. Weayer, Hotel weaver,
Tionesta Borough. Pa.
3. George W. liuul, iloiei Keystone,
Marienville, Pa.
4. .lose oh J. young, rsew oiarien no-
tel Murinnvllle. Pa.
5. Harry is. cannelil, uiooe uoiei,
West Hickory, Pa.
Certified Iroin the reeoru.
J. C. Ukist, Cleris.
March 2H, 1910.
Aotice to Contractors.
Save the expense of that
equal to the best human bands
Skating Rinks, Moving Picture
Shows and all Amusement
199 Thompson St., N. Tonawanda, N. Y.
I do all kinds of
The Commissioners of Forest County
will receive sealed bids for tightening
loose bolts, removing rust and scales and
nainili'ir the following bridges:
Krintn nt mourn 01 llli'Korv ireeK.
East Hickory, and bridne near Nebraska, IJoflmcViSno- f'nViinpf. Wnrlf . &C
" " """" ,, , . TI.. ..1
.Leave an oruers ai xiusiei i
Furniture Store, Tionesta.
76 Main Street, Oil City, Pa
Petroleum Phoce 325 H
Description of bridges can lie seen at
tbe Commissioners' olhce in the Court
House. Contractor to furnish paint,
which must be of good quality, llids
will be opened on the first Tuesday ol
Mav. 1910. Coiutnibsionera reserve tne
right to reject any or all bids.
vv . ri . n AKRisojf ,
J. M. Zl'KMlKL,
Commissioners of Forest Couuty.
Attest, S. M. Hknry, Clerk,
Tionesta, Pa., March 1, 1910.
Administrator'. Notice.
Can be improved wonderfully
by one of our exclusive pat
terns oi
Wall Paper,
or a coat of
the sanitary wall covering.
Your Floors
Will need a new Rug, Carpet,
Matting, or coat of Floor
Paiot. Call on us.
For a brisk "before Easter" season.
"A little bit of all riehl" is wbat
the Enelishraau would call these new
. . . -, ... l ! e
ideas in custom tailoring naumgiroiu
his native land, the most radtca
features of which are the total ab
seoce of all padding, tbe soft jaunty
roll of the front and the attractive
nlaiuoess of the ensemble. Got
few specially ordered fcotcn ciotns to
make them up in o0 to i0.
A mitrhtv crood thine to nave on
your mind is a new Knox Soft Hat
unusually attractive this spring, $3
84 and $5.
Kaiser s come through with more
attractive patterns and colors
neckwear than you ever dreamed of,
50o to S2
Some new Shirts here that l.-k
good to us nsw socks too.
Aod lastly, better bring iu your
Panama to be! roblocked. Takes
time to do it right.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. .
An interesting side IlKbt 1b thrown on
tbe current hlh prices of foodstuffs in
"Tbe Case Against Meat as a Staple
Food," by Milo Hastings, In Physical
Culture for April. In this discussion of
the virtues of various forms of food, the
respective values of all the meats and
vegetables in common use are compared
In an Interesting manner. "Tbe Jungle's
Aftermath," Upton Sinclair's sequel to
bis famous expose of Packingtown, also
begins in this number. Ilernar Mac-
fadden, tbe editor of Physical Culture,
has contributed to the April Issue much
that is readable and thought-compelling
ou many aspects to health building.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of Sarah Walters, late of Tionesta Bur-
ouirli. Korest County. Pa., deceased, hav
ing been granted to the uuiiersiuneii, an
persons Indebted to said estate are hereby
notllied to mnke payment without delay.
and those having claims or de'iiands will
present thein. du.v authenticated, for
settlement. W, H. Hoon, Adm'r,
Tionesta, Pa.
T. F. Ritchey, Attorney.
Fred. Grottcnborgor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, lias or Water fit
tings and General Hlacksmi thing prompt
ly done at Low Kates. Kepairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satislacuon guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and lust west of the
Shaw Uouse, Tidioute, Pa,
Your patronage solicited.
Jas. If Btimr
Repairs Holler, Still,
Tanks). Agitators. Ituys
and Nells Necond hand
Hollers, lUe.
Harrows & Farm
It's time to be thinking of these
implements and we want to show you
our stock before you buy. We have the
best makes and can save you money.
Huskies and Wagons.
We have a
Complete Stock
OfG.rden Tools and Seeds, Fence Wire
and Poultry Netting, Paints, Oils and
Varnishes, Stoves, Graniteware add Tin
ware. Come in any time. Always glad
to show you the goods. You'll find our
prices right, also.
J. C. Scowdon,
Tionesta, Pa.
Monarch Clothing Co.
The bouse that seta the pace both iu quality aod price.
Grsrvd Display
of Women's New Suits,
Skirts, Jackets,
Waists, &c.
Our storo is being remodeled and wo
will soon bo our usual selves again.
Phoenix-liko wo will arise from tho
ashes a greater institution than over be
fore. Wo aro offering our entire stock of
this season's goods at sale prices in view
of the many disadvantages in making tho
usual disnlav during: our remodeling of tl.
It Is Not Too Late to
Get Bargains
Women's Suits
Handsome nastelle shades includ
ing black, blue and grey or shepherd
plaids; all the newest models for la
dies and mi6es; perfect fitting and
we will make all alterations free.
Va'.uoi $15 to $30, now
$7.98,81)8, 1198
Misses' and Jun
ior Suits.
Pretty suits for misses aod juniors.
Come iu all the new ihades, including
shephord plaids; some very pretty
tan?, green and blues in these lots.
Values $12 and $18, now
$5 98, 7 98, 9 98
Boys' Suits, Hats and Men's Cloth
ing at sale prices.
Women's Co
Hundreds of pretty shepherd
coverts aud black thibet coats
lone or short, in all the neweo
and styles. m, 4
Girls' Jack
Hundreds of girls' prelty
all new styles for ages lw
teen. Very late styles
flannel and ditl'erfDt mater
$1 GO, $
Dress Skirl
Voile, Sicillian aod Panan
skirt), women's tilk aud laws
handsome Petticoats iu silk!
erbloom, cambric, etc. f
At the Closing-Out Sale of the -Racket
Store, Tionesta, Pa.
Oil Exchange Block, near
Derrick Office.
Mattero Block, 13tf
Buffalo Street.)
B & B
Wire or letter unlets promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension Bi nitre,
Third ward, Oil, CITY. IA.
How's This J
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for-Miy pane of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the unilnrHiKned, have known V.J.
Cheney for the lant 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable iu all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their tirm.
West Tkaux, wholesale driittfrists, To
ledo, O., Waldino, Kinnan A Marvin,
wholesale druirKiMts, Teiedo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c
per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall'a Family Pills are the best.
J. L. Kepler
tine carriages tor all occasions,
with first class equipment. We can
fat you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Come aud see us.
tear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
All the lines of goods which wo are
to discontinue tho sale of, must go at some lace curtains
rwn 1.. lit kI ThlnUlnr of Lace Curtain BtOCk !
nrico. i leso are iroous vuu uiu uucmug lar -lv -hollM lmDre.. you h0w
and buying every day. Why pay more lor
the same goods, as long as tins siock iast&:
Among the more important items in
our new stock will be
Garden and Field Seeds in Bulk
All seeds are sold by weight or meas
ure, in which, you get double the amount
of seeds for vour money, that you get any
other way. We test every variety for vi-
talitv and know they will grow.
Choicest varieties Sweet Peas, 5c peroz.
Our own mixture of Lawn Grass is just
right for seeding and keeping up a beauti
ful lawn.
Tvoon vmip fivp. on onr new store and
stock. It will do you good.
Tionesta, Pa.
much, better prepared we are to meet
your Lace Curtain needs Individually
Laoe Curtalna of all lst types ana
kinds BOc to 1"5.00 a pair.
!M0 atylea Nottingham Curtains-
full length 86c to 8.50 a pall.
148 stvlea Nottlnrliam Curtains
till length 50c to $6.50 a pair.
35 atylea Nottingham WlnBow Pan
els, ffOc to $4.00 a pair.
88 styles Ruffled Swiss Curtains,
(Oc to $7.50 a pair.
71 styles Swiss Newport Curtains,
Cnc to $2.75 a pair.
25 styles Colored Newport Curtains,
fl.OO to $3.00 a pair.
55 styles Tambour Swiss Curtains,
$1.00 to $8.50 a pair.
135 styles Scrim Curtalna, $1.25 to
$22.50 a pair.
1C2 styles Cluny .Curtains, $1.85 to
$40.00 a pair.
271 styles Renaissance, Battcnberg
and Marie Antoinette Sill Curtains,
$1.50 to $20:00 a pair.
21 styles full length Renaissance
Curtains, $6.50 to $45.00 a pair.
23 Btyles Princess Curtains, $10.00
to $30.00 a pair.
55 styles Panel Curtalna, $1.00 to
$15.00 a pair.
94 styles Irish Polute Curtains, $4.00
to $25.00 a pair.
15 style C'anterlxfd Venlse and An
tique Madeira Curtains, (8.00 to 125.00
a pair.
4 4 iylfn lrlxh Point Sill Curtains,
$3 50 to $16.50 a iiair.
45 styles I.acel Arabian Curtains,
$3 60 to (45.00 a pair.
9 ityl.a n-Rl Kilet Ii.llenne Curtains,
$40.00 to 1175.00 a pair.
Kepler Block,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Wbuopinsr Ccugo.
Tbe womau desiring---
la new footwear can fill ber
eye right here.
Were showing tbe seasons
choicest creations iu Shoes, Ox
Ribbon Ties, Pumps, Aokle t
aod Two Straps. ' J
Many uew demgns.
Cor. Center. Seneca ant
more Streets,
Olli CITY,
Ladirtit Auk your lrtt
t'hl-cbiiter' IHaiitiont:,
Mill In Itt-d ati.l Oold 1
limn, calr.l with liltte V
TLi no oilier. Ititjr of
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years known as Unt. Safest. Alv