The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 12, 1910, Image 4

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    effie Smarts
Semi - AnnueJ
The GreaLt Sale
This Yearly Yield of Bargains
Yokes the Zenith of Values
to the Zero of Cost.
The sale of the season a sweeping sacrifice of prices to
move out Winter Goods without lurther delay:
Greater values have never been known than those we will
offer here. The entire store will be a-throb with interest to
economists. Each department will be a center of money-saving
possibilities. Drastric price-lowering will be the rule from
which there will be no exception.
Terms of SoJe Cash.
In view of the fact that many goods will be sold for less
than actual cost, all goods sold at sale price will be sold tor cash,
any goods charged will be at regular price. It will pay you to
go to your banker and borrow the money. All you need pay
the bank is 6 per cent., while here you can save from 20 to 50
per cent.
The Smart &
Oil City Trust Company,
Oil City, Pa.
Is the natural time for adjusting financial matters and improv
ing your investments. Our Certificates of Deposit make a con
venient investment for any amount, lurnishing absolute 6afety,
together with an opportunity to convert into cash readily if
desired, and pay you
Four Per Cent.
Time Deposits Solicited.
A. Wathb Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, G. W. Robinson, Win, Smearbaugh,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Ritchev. J. T. Dale. A. B. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pild on time
deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
First and best aid to young
business men
Get the right bank
behind you
This institution has tinequalled facilities to render
every aid and assistance necessary to correct financing.
Checking Accounts solicited
!! .J.iJ.L!!llli"ll.,.J'L.!,
Silkdm (&
Sta-rts To-day.
Silberberq Co.
pay Four Per Cent, per Annum
Vice President
4 Per Cent, on Savings
Collctions Foreign and Domestic
Travelers' Checks payable anywhere
Safety Deposit Vaults
Franklin Trust Co.
Filling In Love).
I do uot doubt that as the world got
on a rtoeper sense of moral reRponslbll
lty in the matter of marriage will grot
tip among us. But it will uot take tht
false direction of ignoring these oul
profoundest nnd holiest Instincts. Mar
rhigo for money mny go, marriage foi
rank mny go, mnrrtngo for posltloi
mny go, but marriage for love, I be
lleve and trust, will last forever. Mei
In the future will probably feci that I
union Willi their cousins or myir rela
tions Is positively wicked; that a unloi
with those too like them In person 01
disposition Is nt least undesirable; that
a union based upon considerations ol
wealth or any other consideration sav
considerations of Immediate nntura
Impulse Is base and disgraceful. Bui
to the end of time they will contluue t
feci lu spite of doctrinaires that tin
voice of nature Is better far than th
vole of the lord chancellor or tht
royal society and that the Instluctlv
desire for a particular hclpmnto Is
surer guide for the ultimate happlnesi
both of the race nnd of the individual
thau auy amount of deltlKrate consul
tatlon. It Is not the foolish fancies ol
youth that will have to be got rid of
but the foolish, wicked nnd mischie
vous luterfereuce of parents or out
elders. Uraut Alleu.
Kmw tht Sound of Wood.
There was an argument on a crlckel
field in n village near Nottingham,
England, which Interrupted the gain
for some time. The match was being
played between the local tradesmen
of the village. All went well until
the bowler, who was the village con
stable, n man over six feet tall, sent 8
ball which bumped up from the
ground nnd hit the village butcher,
who whs batting nnd who wns ex
ceedingly fat nnd perspiring freely, on
the head. The wicket keeper, n re
markably thin nnd nglle man, who
wns the village grocer, caught the ball
and yelled. " 'Ow's that?"
"Ilout:" shouted the village baker,
who possessed only one eye.
"Hi say now:" ronred the fat butch
er, who refused to have It so. "But
hit 'it me on the 'end."
"Ill dou't kuow where hit 'It you,"
responded the umpire, who was the
Tillage undertaker, "but III knows tb
sound of wood when III 'ears hit, so
hout you go."
The Tricksters.
"Political tricksters nlwnys glv
themselves away," said n congress
man. "Their methods remind me ol
the two men who wanted to sell their
corpses for dissection. These two men,
miserably clad, called on the dean ol
a medical college In New York.
" 'We nre both on the vergo of star
vation, sir,' the spokesman said. 'We
are well on In years, and It is cleat
that we haven't much longer to live.
Would you care to purchase our bodies
for your dissecting room ?
"The denn hesitated.
" 'It Is nn odd proposition,' he mut
" 'But it is occasionally doue,' snld
the spokesman lu nn eager voice.
"Well,' said the dean, 'we might
arrange It. What price do you nsk?'
"'Over In Philadelphia,' snld the
spokesman, 'they gave us $40.' " New
York Tribune.
Not 80 Bad as She Feared.
"George," she whispered as she crept
a little closer and placed her head
against his left hand second story vest
pocket "George, I want to nsk you a
question, a very Important one. Why
do you nllude to papa- as a pirate!
Surely you must have some good rea
son for doing so?"
"I hnve, indeed;" respouded George,
with a dreamy, faraway look In his
eyes. "Pirates board people, you know,
and I expect your father, If my plain
work nil right, to eventually board me."
"Oh, how clever you nre, George!
Do you know, I wns nwfully afraid
you were going to get oft that ancient
chestnut about Ills being such an old
freebooter, and I'm so glad you didn't,
because nil the fellows I've hod have
said that, and I was longing for some
thing new."
A Natural Cross.
One of the most beautiful natural
rock carvings in the world Is the
Southern Cross, on the island of Grand
Mauan, in the bay of Pundy. It
Btauds ut tho head of a ledge of rocks
Jutting into tho bay from the foot of
one of the immense cliffs at the south
ern end of the Grand Mauan. its
shape is that of nn almost perfect
"Though many people think so who
hear me play," said the long haired
amateur, with studied carelessness, "I
have no intention of becoming a pro
fessional musician. I piny merely to
kill time."
"I knew that as soon as 1 heard
you," enigmatically replied one of his
listeners. Kansas City Independent.
Said What She Meant.
"Oh, I nm so awfully ashamed of
myself!" sail Kdlth Jones to her dear
est girl chum. "Wheu Henry proposed
to me last right I Intended to say, 'So
sudden!' but I quite lost my head and
exclaimed, 'At last!' "
An Exception.
"Animals," said the teacher, "fre
quently become attached to people, but
plants never do."
"How about bi:rs, teacher?" queried
the small boy nt the foot of the class.
Chicago News.
Hard to Tell.
Miss01dglrl-I)o you think Mr. Snlf
klus Is sincere wheu ho writes that
he loves me more than tongue can
tell? Miss Peachblow I dare say.
lies tongue tied, you know.
"Is Mike Clancy here?" asked the
visitor to the quarry after the prema
ture explosion.
"No, sir," replied Costlgan. "He!
'Tor good?"
"Well, sor, he wint lu that direction.'
Guwt (linpntiently)-I say, waiter,
how long have you been employed
here? Walter-'Bout a week, sir.
Guest-Oh, is that all? Then I must
have given my order to some other
Too Much of Teat.
Plough and Neighbors were chattlnj
on tbo porch. Mrs. lllough was In the
parlor near the window, lilough knew
she was listening and wanted to tease
"Ilnd a little experience today," he
snld to Neighbors confidentially
"Prettiest little girl you ever saw. She
was sauntering along the street some
feet behind a strolling couple. I wns
walking faster, and as I caught up
with her I couldn't help looking at her,
she was so pretty. She caught my
look nnd smiled! I had no Intention
of flirting, of course, but that smile
was Irresistible. Then our hands
touched accidentally, nnd we let thera
linger a minute. She began walking
faster to keep up with me, and we
passed ' the couple ahead together.
When we got some distance ahead of
them I mustered up nerve enough to
speak. 'Good evening,' I snld, and
she replied the Bame very roguishly.'
There was a swish of skirts In the
parlor, and Itlough turned In time to
see his wife vanishing toward the hnll.
"Thunder!" he exclaimed. "Of course
tho little girl was only about six years
old, but my wife didn't wait to hear
that. She's gone upstairs to cry now,
and even If she nccepts my explana
tion it means flowers and a party
dress. Whnt fools we husbands bel"
St. Ixmls Republic.
Sterne's Destitution.
Lnuromv Sterne, the writer, was the
victim of the In tensest poverty. A lit
tle time before his dentil, being In a
stnte of destitution, he went one even
ing to borrow 5 from his friend Gar
rick. T'pon arriving he heard music
nnd knew that n party wns going on.
He heard the merry laughter nnd, gen
tly replacing the uplifted knocker, re
traced his steps.
We never feel our miseries so keenly
as when contrasted with the Joys of
others, and It Is only then that we real
ize Wordsworth's picture:
And homeless near a thousand homes I
And near a thousand tables pined for food.
Another t.ory of this writer does not
evoke so much sympathy. It was
known that Sterne used his wife very
111, nnd In talking with Garrlck one
day lu line sentimental style of conju
gal love nnd fidelity he said, "The hus
band who behaves unkindly to his
wife deserves to have his house burn
down over his head."
"If you think so," said Garrlck quiet
ly, "I hope yours Is well Insured."
Political "Pome."
The fight is drawing to Us close.
The noise will soon be gone. There
but remains the last appeal that's due
from More Anon, n few brief words
from You Know Who as friend speaks
unto frleud, Justltla throws a final fit,
nnd then we have the eud. A "Note
of Warning" there may be from Old
Subscriber's pen, and Constant Head
er may emerge one moment from bis
den. Vox TopuII mny raise a wall
that pierces heaven's vault, insisting
that the time has come when we
should call a halt, nnd Ouo Who
Knows may yet, perchuuee, his stormy
voice uplift and usk of all the uni
verse, "Ah, whither do we drift?"
But all tho lighting has been done.
There Is no longer strife. So let us
cut out politics nnd lend the higher
life. Emporln (Kan.) Gazette.
Most Important Wars.
Terhnps the most important wars,
from the standpoint of civilization and
progress, were, first, the Greek-rer-slau
war of 4'J0 B. C, lu which the
oriental wave was prevented from
deluging Eurojie; second, the struggle
between the Franks nnd Moors,
which ended nt the battle of Tours
with the defeat of the Moors, thus sav
ing Europe from Mohammedanism and
its stagnation; third, the Napoleonic
wars, which shook up Euroie, destroy
ing the remnants of feudalism and
paving the wny for modern democracy,
and the American war of 1801-65,
which preserved the Integrity of the
great republic nnd so made It possl
ble for the United States to work out
its splendid destiny nmoug the nations
of the enrth. New York American,
Motion Denied.
A man arrested for murder was as
signed a couusel whose crude nppear
ance caused the unfortunate prisoner
to ask the Judge:
"Is this my lawyer?"
"Yes," replied tho Judge.
"Is ho going to defend me?"
"If he should die, could I have an
other?" "Yes."
"Can I see him alone lu the back
room for n few minutes?" PIck-Me-Up.
A Dull Letter.
"The only news I have to tell you,"
wrote tho Bllhillo'cltlzen, "Is that tho
river has riz an' drowned all yer cattle,
an' yer uncle has broke Jail; likewise
the wldder womuu you wuz golu ter
marry has ruuued off with a book
agent. Outside of these beer things we
air nil n-doln' well." Atlnntn Consti
tution. His Preference.
"You say this man stole your cont?"
said the magistrate. "Do I understand
that you prefer charges against him?"
"Well, no, your honor," replied tho
plaintiff. "I prefer the cont, if It's all
the same to you, sir." Philadelphia
A Shock.
Mrs. Youngwlfe Now, tell ine, Al
fonso, what papa said to you when
you asked him for my hand. Alfonse
He said "Thank goodness! At last!"
nnd went on writing.
Fraud lurks In loose generalities.
Law Maxim.
Hippocrates, the "father of medi
cine," wrote a treatise on the veterina
ry art, but Its true founder was Vege
tlus, who wrote "De Arte Veterlnaria,"
300 A. I). But tho first attempt to ele
vate the practice into a science was as
late ns 1701, when France set tho ex
ample of establishing the llrst veteri
nary college at Lyons. Exchange.
There Is a saying that people nre as
"homely as a mud fence." Did any
one ever see n mud fence or know If
there Is such a thing? Atchison Globe.
The Gypsy Life.
"Just ns soon ns my husband nnd I
hnve $.iO saved up besides our fare
we nre going buck to England," Bald
a woman player. "Then we nre go
ing to buy one of those gypsy wagons
they have over there. They nre too
awfully Jolly for words, don't you
kuow. They are quite wide, hnve
bunks, a cunning little kitchen and
sitting room. You wander through
the country all day; then at ulght you
stop, cook your supper, sit under the
trees nnd sleep out lu the open or In
the wagon, Just ns you choose. Many
of my artist nnd theatrical friends
have them and Just wander from
place to place. It Is nn Ideal wny to
live; bents houseboats or bungalows,
if you have ever slept out lu the open
and watched the stars over your head
you feel smothered lu a bedroom. I
played through Australia, nud we
went from place to place In a big
wagon, sleeping out of doors at ulght."
New York Times,
Ballooning Among the Clouds.
It has been my lot to see lu nrctlc
regions some hundreds of thousands
of Icebergs close nt hand, nnd I have
always Udlevcd them to be the most
benutlful objects on earth, but the
clouds of the sky, close at hand, nre
almost ns beautiful. If you mount
above one of these majestic things,
swiftly overtopping ouo by one Its
folds mill wreaths, nud If remembering
how high It Is you look down nud see
only small green patches of enrth
through holes In the cloud carpet be
low, you have a Utile thrill of con
ception of how lonely n man would
feel falling away down there nnd uot
being able to sec the spot where lie
must nllght. It Is n safe little thrill,
however. You know that you nro not
going to fall. Such dizziness us some
persons feel In standing near great
heights on the earth is almost un
known lu ballooning. Albert White
Vorse lu Success Magazine.
Six His Limit.
To the man who has n horse to sell
considerable leeway Is allowed In the
natter of setting forth the animal's
merits. "I've got the very horso you
want," said Gideoii Lane, the Bushby
livery stable keeper, to one of the
summer residents.
"He has 110 bad tricks?" queried the
gentleman. "Safe for the family?"
"Lttuzoo, yes," returned Mr. Lnne
heartily. "Any lady cnu drive him,
and half a dozen children could get oil
his buck nud he'd never notice 'em.
Not a trick to his mime."
"Ah," said the summer resident, "I
don't wish a horse without any spirit."
'Spirit!" echoed Mr. Uao. "Well,
you just ought to see him ou circus
day, that's all. And I'll tell you con
fidentially 'I wouldn't be well for too
many people (o get on that horse at
once." Yout h's Companion.
A Lesson In Thrift.
A lesson In thrift Is found In tho ad
vice given by Congressman John E.
ndriis to a young man for whom bo
had secured a minor appointment In
the capitol nt Washington. Meeting
the young fellow lu tho capitol, ho
placed a band ou his shoulder nnd re
"William, you are Just beginning
your life. Let me give you a bit of
sound advice: When you leave your
boarding house In the morning never
take more than 30 cents In your po. ':-
ets, enough perhaps for your limcbor.:
nud for car fare. You will then net
be tempted to spend more thau you c;ki
ultord." Yonkers Statesman.
The pious old lady who, returning
from a visit to the zoo, announced that
she "always did enjoy n visit to the
theological giiilens" and the servant
who, describing her master's last Ill
ness, explained that the "doctors held
n conFola'.iou and found that It wns
something eternal" hive found a re
cent equal In the Wy who observed
that when t-'ho wis In Italy she "saw
so many people lu the garbage of
monks with tonsils on their heads."
Pa. sJtvcvsr Mqbck
Office ) 7X National Bank Building,
Ryes eismiaed free.
Exclusively optical.
7 1 Send your friends
IVpplpV with the drag or
UttltJ drink habit to the
Keeley Institute. 30 years,
1.1 11 P of successful cures.
Write for particulars
Only Krelcv Institute In Western Penna,
4Zis rittn at , rmDurn, ra.
The ffreat thin? In
Klrt ommm JR.. J....rn..a
to wornunaer Biiconmtlonc iualin
rifles are built with this idea foremost.
The mechsnlsm Is simple, strong, per
fectly adjusted, quick and easy In operation.
The Marin solid top and side ejector
keep a rrotecinif wall of metal between
your head and the cartridge, prevent
powder and gnaes blowing back, throw the
hells V from you end allow instant,
accurate, effective repeat shots.
The Special Smekeleta Steel barrels
sre hard and strong, specially made for
high power oartrldurs and 10 resist the
wear of jacketed bullets. Thoy are rifled
deep on the Battard system for greatest
mKuincr ion fining power.
Madetn Models "91 and
95, calibres .23 to AS,
and fully described
and Illustrated (with
11 other Mooi re
pesters) In our 138
page catalog. Free
for S stamps postage.
7Ze 772arin firearms Co.,
42 Willow Street NEW HAVEN, CONN.
"Repeat infWk
Tb'fles y-w
New Embroideries for I
Spring Season.
It is with a feeling of mingled pridu and satisfaction that we
preBent these new embroideries to tho women of Oil City.
Pride in our ability to bring direot from St. Gall, Switzerland,
to the embroidery buyers of this ciiy the many new and exquisite
novelties that that world-renowned embroidery city is famous for.
Satisfaction id the knowledge that this embroidery showing is ex
clusive in character aud that do store anywhere will price them more
With reference to assortment this showing surpasses any pre
viously made by this store, for this l.ilO spring order for embroid
ery reached a figure nut nearly equalled by any former order. We're
overly critical; exacting to tho point of being bard to pleate, aud
yet wo consider this much the handsomest assortment we have shown.
Every embroidery want has received at our bauds the exact
consideration that want merited.
Just as carefully provided for the lOo Embroidery demand as
we did for that at 11 yard.
Men's $3.50 and $4.00
At these prices we show an unusual
variety of styles in all the popular leathers.
Our 3.50 and 4.00 Shoes are differ
ent from ordinary shoes at these prices.
Every one made ot good solid leather, by
workmen who know how, and, in addition,
Our Personal Guarantee,
Which "means something," is back of every
1 1G Centre St., Oil City, Pa.
The Finest Food
The Sea Produces
There's a world of difference in codfish.
Some are coarse-fibred. Their meat is strong-tasting.
They are not the kind you will like.
A few are fine-grained and choice. Their meat is
sweet-flavored. The flesh of these fish is the finest food
the sea produces.
These are the cod and the only kind which we use
in making Beardsley's Shredded Codfish.
The Sweet-Flavored Fish
All the seas in the universe can sup
ply but a limited quantity of the
choice cod we demand.
So the price is naturally high. But
we gladly pay it l'or we want to give
you a food you will relish.
Our coil are the product of Northern
waters. The fish which feed here are
the finest that come out of the deep.
And of these prime fish we select
only the fattest and plumpest Each
fish is examined three times.
Then we take only the best part of
each fish the sweetest, most delicate
Ready to Cook
We prepare this dainty meat all
ready for you to cook.
I.lLlfHl With VUI-iULn... X" 1 1 nniunk
tlve w hutKmr, snve tliu piiri-Ht hikI llneat
sen-suit. Also puckml lu tin unit sl.
Some ot Our Other
Acme Sliced Oticon; Acme Peanut
Our process is the invention of
Major licardsley. Our wonderful
Shredding Machines are patented.
They take out all the lxines. And they
separate all the fibres mnke the meat
fine aud fluffy aud dainty easy to
This choice fish meat is sealed air
tight i.i packages lined with wax
paper. We use no preservative what
ever, save the purest and finest se
We go to infinite pains in making
Beardsley's Shredded Codfish.
We do it to give you a food you will
want again and again.
Yet our cbstly care doesn't add to
the price you pay.
A package makes a full meal for five.
And the cost is only 10 cents.
Your Grocer Will Give You
Our Book
Your grocer will give you our lxxk
of new recipes with the first package
yon order.
Please see that you get Beardslry'a
the package with the red band.
There is other codfish in packages.
But Heardsley's iB the only Shredded
Codfish, This is the kind you will
J. W. Beardsley's Sons
474-478 Greenwich St., New York
Pure Food Products :
Button Star Brand Boneless Herring