THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, . IOITOH 4 PROPRIITO. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1909 Announcements. CONORKSW. Endkavor, Pa., Nov. 29tb, 1909. Mr Pkar Kpitor: You are hereby authorized (o announce my name as a candidate for Co or res Id the Twenty Kichlh Congressional District of Penn sylvania, subject to tbe rules governing the Primal y to be held Saturday, June 4th, 1910. N. P. Wueklkk. Coal mining is a hazardous occupation. 30,000 miners lost their lives In tbe coal uiiues of this country in the last 20 years. NkwJkrskv ban discontinued bond ing macadam roads, claiming tbey ate not durable and two expensive to main tain. Thk revenue from whiskey fell off Ave aud a half million dollars the past year, and the revenue from tobacco Increased over two million dollars. Thk Secretary of Agriculture has been studying the toad and announcea that Id a single season he eats (19.40 worth of Hies and bad insects. Wbo put tbe valuation on tlio bug? Kaiser William, of Germany, is do ing more to encourage big famlioa than Roosevelt did. lie offers to educate at his own expense every eighth child In a German family. That being something substantial, tbe stork is likely to get busy right away. In an editorial published last week It was stated that tbe speed limit for auto mobiles in Pennsylvania goes into effect January 1, 1910. This is wrong, for the provision went into effect last June. It fixes tbe maximum speed at twenty-four miles in the country and twelve in tbe towna. Tbe provlsiou relating to tags lioes into effect in January. A Washington dispatch of Saturday Bays that Secretary Dickinson of the War department baa IsBiied an order that no government contract shall be entered into by the United Statea for any oil or other product with tbe Standard Oil company, giving as a reason for aucb action that the corporation has been pronounced an 11 legal one by the United States court. Unlks8 your gift conveys something above and beyond itself; unless It carries love and affection and sympathy and kindness from you to your friend, it would be better left to tbe cobwebs of the shop where it is purchased. Tbe gift of itself is nothing; for what It means, what silent message from heart to heart, It alone is worth your while. -Titusville Herald. One result of the increasing price of butter is the encouragement of the use of oleomargarine, which is now extensively sold, even in tbe greatest butter district. Tbe use of oleomargarine, in itself, is not reprehensible, provided it is not sold as butter, or is not colored In imitation of butter, which is forbidden by law. It contains nothing harmful, and if properly made should be clean and wholesome. A correspondent sinuing himself "A Crabbed Married man," has written us protesting against the proposed putting of the bead of a woman on the two-cent stamp, on the unique ground that he finds it uecessary to lick a womon often enough as things are at present, without being compelled to dn it every time be mails a letter. The complaint is respectfully re ferred to the Postoihce Department. Brookville Republican. Tbe state game commission will appeal to tbe higher courts from tbe decision of Judge Telford, of Indiana county, in which the judge decided tbe law prohibit ing unnaturalized foreigners from carry ing firearms is unconstitutional. Decis ions have been rendered for and against tbe constitutionality of the law which went into effect but recently and the game commission is desirous of knowing where it is at and will take an appeal In order that the new law may be finally ad judicated at the earliest possible moment. Thkrk are a few people in the world wbo make the mistake ot being too trust ful in tbe honesty of others, Tbey con stitute the "easy marks" of the come-on man and theswlndler whotakeadvantage ol the ignorance of others. But if the over trustful people suffer from one ex treme they at least escape the other, They are not auspicious. Tbey have not enough crookedness in their own make ups to imagine crookedness In others. The trustful person is invariably an honest, upright person. He judges others simply by himself. And tbe sus picious person does tbe same. The Comptroller of the Currency a few days ago issued an order to the eflect that all national banks in tbe United States which now bold board meetings at irreg ular and infrequent intervals, must bave monthly meetings of their boards of directors, must appoint examining and discouut committees, and all the loans and discotinis of each bank must be ap proved by the directorate board at tbe monthly meeting, such approval to be recorded in permanent form. He also requests that tbe by-laws of all banks be amended accordingly, and a copy of the amended by-laws be sent to his office. The following from the Brookville Re publican is to the poiut: "The beginning of the holiday season is with us again, and tbe word Christmas looms large in the public prints. Right now we want to drop our annual suggestion tn you that In preparing copy for tills paper, either news or adveriisements, you will confer lnHting favor upon us by refraining from t lie lazy abbreviation "Xmas." This may be an "old maid" notion with us, hut we consider Hit word Christmas one of the finest in the English language, and its vulgar declination into the ugly Xmas hits a jarring note in our make-up. You wouldn't deliberately jam your fist through a painting by a master, nor plow up a garden of flowers because you were two lazy to walk around them. For tbe sake of all that is sacred, tben, write the name of the Christ, whose love made Christmas what it is, and don't use alge braic signs to save remote fraction or a second's time." LARGE GAS STRIKE Ohio Well of 1,000,000 Feet a Day It ' brought In. Pittsburg, Dec. 14. Steubenvllle, 0. , is takiug a big share of the lime light in the production of natural gas Just now, due to the bringing in ot a well at Brilliant, a few miles from that ofty, which greatly exceeded ex pectations from the start, and is con stantly becoming better. Pittsburg g",Us some reflected luster from the Btrlke, for much of the stock of the successful company is held here. The well was brought in last Friday by the 1. D. Owens Oil and Gas company of Steubenvllle, showed 1,000,000 feet of gas the first day and is Improving with rach succeeding day. The strike is a lucky one from many ingles. The principal piece of luck Is the fact that the well is but 800 feet !rom the pipeline of the La Belle Iron ;ompany. Negotiations have already been roncluded to sell the production, not the well, or even a lease upon It, to the iron company at a pretty price per thousand and for all time. The Iron company will pipe the gas to its plants at Steubenvllle and Wheeling nd will use the whole production for Its own purposes. Other wells may soon be drilled in the viciinty. CURIOUS CROWD AT FUNERAL Young Seybold, Wfia Killed Girl and Himself, Burled Sunday, Washington, Pa., Dec. 14. The runeral of Walter W. Seybold, 18 rears old, who committed suicide aft )r killing 16-year-old Laura Braden !ast Friday, was held at the home of Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Seybold. in East Chestnut street. Sun lay afternoon. Rev. E. C. Paxton, pastor of the Third United Presby terian church, conducted the services. Several hundred curious people tried to gain entrance to the home and many stood In the yard and street. The Interment was in the Washing ton cemetery. At tbe Sunday school ot the First Methodist Episcopal church, of which Miss Braden was a member, her va cant chair Sunday was draped with white ribbon. Her funeral was held yesterday morning at the home of her parents. Attorney and Mrs. Alfred G. Braden. All high school sessions were suspended throughout the day out of respect to her memory. SHORT LINE TO PITTSBURG Central and Erie Said to Be Behind Shawmut Extension. Pittsburg, Dec. 14. How the New York Central lines and the Erie Rail road company are to get a short route Into Pittsburg was shown through an announcement that the Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern railroad that road of mystery would within a few months be ready to operate trains from Brockwayville, Pa., where It has direct connections with the Erie railroad, to Mahoning, Pa., on the Al legheny river and by its own lines In Center county, with the New York Central lines from the east. Contractors with 4,000 men are building this new extension, which is 39 miles long and running southwest On the line ate 17 tunnels varying from 900 to 3,200 feet in length and some heavy cuts and fills. Mahoning is in Armstrong county and some miles from Pittsburg. To cover this distance the same road has secured money to build with Its own forces a stretch of 21 miles along the Alle gheny river to Freeport a bridge be ing planned over the Allegheny river at Mahoning. FIRE DESTROYS CHURCH Loss of $25,000 to Polish Congrega tion Near Uniontown. Unlontown, Pa., Dec. 14. St. Thom as' Polish Catholic church at Foote dale, one of the largest in the Klon dike coke region, was destroyed by fire Sunday evening, with all its con tents, including a fine pipe organ and costly altar Bervice. Whether the blaze was started by incendiaries or was the result of a defective electric wire haa not been determined. The congregation for years wor shipped in the basement of the edifice, but three yearB ago the superstructure was built at a cost ot $18,000. The building and its furnishings were val ued at $25,000. The loss is partially insured. Rev. John Popers is rector of the parish. Labor Leader Found Dead In Bed. Cincinnati, Dec. 14. Thomas Fish er of Montreal, sixth vice president of the International Brotherhood ot Painters, Paperhangers and Decorat ors, was found dead In his room at a hotel here. Fisher came a week ago to attend the centennial convention of the Painters' Brotherhood. Oldest Legislator Dead. Easton, Pa., Dec. 14. John Horn, who was the oldest living ex-member of the Pennsylvania legislature, died here Sunday, aged 90. Elected on the Democratic ticket, he served two years as a member of the general as sembly from Schuylkill count In lS.r2fj3. One of the things wecannot understand ia bow, with butter, cheese and beef so high, cows rau be so low. Good cows bave been bought in this vicinity tbe past week as low as twenty-five dollars. Of course, feed is high, but It isn't in it with the price of butter. Conneautville Courier. A sprained ankle will usually disable the injured person for three or fou weeks. This Is due to Isck of proper treatment. When Chamberlain's Lini ment la applied a cure may be affected it three or four days. This iiniinent is oni of the best and most remarkable prepara tiona In use. Sold by all dealers. RECEM DEATHS. VOUNO. Mrs. Young, wife of J. J. Young, of Marienville, died at their 'homo Friday morning, December 10, 1909, of kidney trouble, alter about a year's illness. She was aged about 03 years. With ber hus band she bad resided at Marienville for tbe past eight years, where they con ducted tbe New Marien Hotel. Besides ber husband she ia survived by throe daughters and one son, as lollows: Mrs. E. N. Wehrleand Mrs. Dick Saokey, of Punxsutawney, Pa.,; Mrs. P. J. Allgler, of Brookville, Pa., and George C. Young, at borne. The family formerly resided at Punxsutawney, where tbe remains were taken for interment, the funeral aervioes being held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, at tbe home of her daughter, Mrs. Webrle. BROCK WAY, A lonzo F. Brock way, aged SO years, a decendant of one of the early settlers of Jenkt Towoshlp, this Couuty, died at Lo leta, Elk county, Tuesday Dec. 7, 1909. Mr. Brockway bad been in poor health since last may, but was able to be around until about three weeks ago, wLen bla health became so poor tbat he was com pelled to give up all outdoor exercise. He ia survived by bis wife and seven children, also by two brothers and two sisters, II. 8. Brockway, Esq., of Marienville, Foreat county, Newton W. Brockway, of Tn Mile Bottom, Venango Co., Mrs. Louisa Heath of Gilfoyle, and Mrs. Clara A. Dean of Braddock, Pa. Tbe deceased was born in Jenka town ship, on the farm now owned by Alex Bell, aud was a son of the late Aaron and Kezlah Brockway, who died some six years ago, He was a steady industrious man, and respected by all who knew bliu Funeral services were held at bis late home at Lolela, Friday, 2 o'clock p. m. Interment at Rose cemetery. Wilis Hill. Fall plowing has stopped and farmers are busy getting wood and fixing for a good old-fashioned winter, which no doubt would gladden the hearts of some of our lumbermen, as a great many of last year's logs are lying in tbe woods. The young nimrods of this place are improving the snow, shooting and bag ging tbe little cotton tails, while a few others are enjoying the fox bunt. Rab bits are plenty, while tbe ioxea are scarce and very shy, Tboa. Rudolph has moved from the old Gillespie farm over to Otter Camp. Mr, Ligbtner will probably move on the farm in the spring. Rev. A, J. Horner filled the F. M. pul pit Sunday. There will be quarterly meeting over tbe coming Sabbath, commencing this week In connection with tbe revival meeting now being held at Kelletlville, Tbe Presiding Elder, M. B. Miller, of Franklin, expects to be tbere. A good old-fashioned time Is expected. Every body is invited. Our school bas again started up at a 2:30 clip, after being hampered by a few scholars wbo unwisely undertook to run the school and teacher. The directors were called and took their stand for the right and the teacher. We have a fine teacher but she is in a bard place when parents will not uphold her. A prescrip tion of rubber bose or oil of birch would be good In many such cases as this, Tbe correspondent will close by wish ing the editor and readers of his paper a Merry Christmas. Porkey. (Too late for last week.) Mrs. O. E. Rupert was shopping Id Sheffield, Friday. Wm. Kerr, of Truemaus, visited friends In town Saturday, He ia in quite poor health again. Mrs, J. A. Lore visited at tbe home of Mr, and Mrs. Lett Spencer, at Clarendon, last week. Tbe Spencer family formerly resided here. James aud Claude Littlefield completed their job of carpenter work at tbe Shef field tannery tbe past week. James Welsh received word Thursday that bis brother, Jerry Welsh, was ill and In a very critical condition. Tbe home missionary box which was sent to the widow and her six children, at Lynch, Thanksgiving day, was very much appreciated by her. She wishes to thank everyone wbo so kindly remem bered ber and ber little ones. Samuel Mills has purchased tbe Lett Spencer residence on Main street. Mr. Mills expects to occupy the same this week. Mrs, James Littletleld'a sister, of Shef field, visited ber over Sunday, Already there ia talk of amending tbe game laws at tbe next session ol tbe Legislature, It is always tbat way. Tbe bulge-browed law-makers must do some thing, and so tbey monkey with the game laws, which are so frequently twisted and turned about tbat a man wbo would like to put In a day or so hunting or fishing must devote an equal amount of time to studying up on the laws in order to keep out of jail. There are imperfections in the present law, but every time an at tempt ia made to remedy them the result is something worse than before. Spear ing or gigging fih should be prohibited, and the open season for grouse and rab bits should be the same. The way it stands now the law simply encourages breaking or disregarding it. Tbe law prohibiting Inreiguers from carrying rifles or shotguns is preposterous, in a country where equal riuhts are guaran teed to all. Several Judges have declared It unconstitutional. utl City blizzard. Drafnemi Cannot He Cured by local applications, as tbey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imported hearing, ana when it is enure ly closed dealness is the result, and tin less the in Mmnation can be taken out anil this lube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ol ton are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an innameu condl lion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case ot Dealness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. .Send tor circulars, tree. F. J. CHENEY t CO., Toledo, O Hold by Druggists, 75. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Christmas and New Year Holiday Rates via Nickel Plate Road. Tickets on sale December 24, 25, 81 and January 1. Good returning January 3. Fare and a balf for round trip. Ask Agent or write J, C. Melenbacker. J), P, A., Erie, Pa. 48 3112-22 Mrs. Anderson Acquitted. Mrs. Anna Anderson, on trial In the Warren county court for the murder of ber husband, F. O. Anderaon, at their borne la Glade township, near Warren, October 21st, was acquitted laat Wednes day afternoon, tbe jury deliberating only an hour and a quarter. Tbe case went on trial Monday afternoon. All the evidence tended to prove that Anderson waaa very brutal man and abused bis wife and fam ily in a shameful manner. A verdict of acquittal was expected and Is satisfactory to all who knew tbe circumstances. It will be remembered that tbe body of Anderson waa found lying acros a bed In the house and tbat be bad been shot twice through the body and once in the fingers of his left band. Mrs. Anderson testified that her hus band had quarreled with ber during tbe day and when they started to retire that night he ordered ber to kneel and pray, and said when she came to "Amen" be would kill ber. 8he kneeled and prayed a long time, until be ordered her to bed. He put a big revolver under bia pillow and another on the floor. She waited un til she thought be waa asleep and tried to draw the pistol from under his pillow, He awoke and grabbed for tbe pistol on tbe floor and she jumped to tbe floor and began shooting at him. She does not re member bow long she fired but kept tbe revolver levelled at ber husband until she fell fainting to tbe floor. When she awakened in the morning she found him dead across tbe bed. Sbe wrote a letter to ber son telling of the deed, and fled, buying a ticket at Sheffield for New York oity. Upon reaching a large city sbe be came homesick aud returned to give her self up. Her sons were In court and cor roborated ber stories of their father's cruelty. Amos dinger, of Tidioute, was one of thejury which tried the case. The Romance of Buried Pictures. A romantic story of a picture pur chased at a London n not Ion which on expert examination proved to lc paint ed over n Rembrandt worth S,tXK Is curiously reminiscent of the discovery of a Corrcgglo tinder similar circum stances. A good many years ago two picture restorers, Lovera and Hunter spergh, bought at an art sale in Rome a number of old pictures in order to provide themselves with canvases for repainting. In the division of the spoils nuntcrsiHTglt received an indif ferent picture of flowers, on which he painted a study of a head. This pic ture he offered to Ivera, who on close examination found that the new ground scaled off and that underneath were traces of a figure painted in a style that denoted the hand of a mas ter. Replacing the scales and conceal ing his discovery, he purchased the picture for little more than the value of the canvas. Removing the two grounds, he disclosed an exceedingly clover painting ly Corregglo, which he sold to the Karl of Bristol for f 1,500. Dundee Advertiser. A True Patriot. "Johnny, what's a patriot?" "A boy who'd radder miss seeln' de game dan go in on n ball knocked over de fence by de vlsltln' team." Iouls vlllc Courier-Journal. Not Entirely On. "And so tbey were made one." "Oh, I don't know. I believe she still has a mind of ber own." To Ministers and Others. I have stopped tbe manufacture of Richards' Remedy for sore throat and loss of voice, on account of tbe death of my wife, who was my manager, anil on ac count of old age. I wish to sell tbe re cipe to the ministers, singers and others wbo have used or heard of my throat remedy, or any person who wishes to en gage in its msnulacture. I am willing to sell it tn many persons at a very small cost. Full particulars of this rare chance to get this wonderful recipe can be ob tained by addressing William Richards, Mayburg, forest county, fa, Knciose two one cent stamps. 8t If you are suffering from biliousness, constipation, indigestion, chronic bead ache, invest one cent in a postal card, send to Cbamberland Medicine Co., Dee Moines, Iowa, with your name and ad dress plainly on tbe back, and tbey will forward you a Ireo sample of Chamber lain's Stomscb and Liver Tablets. Sold by all dealers. STANDS for tbe BEST in BUSINESS EDUCATION Young People With R. B. I. Training Always In Demand. During the last four years, Nov. 1, 1905 to Nov. 1, 1909, including the period of severe business depression, 4-ia calls for graduates to fill good positions were re ceived, 1013 more than tbe entire student enrolment during that lime. Attendance much larger this year than ever before. Next monthly registration dates, Jan. 3 and 4. Send for catalogue. ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE J. L. Heplor LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, with first class equipment. We can fit you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, and always at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Come and see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOUBSTA, Telephone No. 20. las. M. H&vmf9 PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Repairs Boilers, Stills Tanks, Agitators. Ilnys and Nells Second - hand Boilers, Etc. Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End of Suspension Bridge, Third ward, Oil. CITlf, IA. Gifts for Men. Wo mention below a f.-w articles that will please any man, and keep on pleasing him after Christmas is past. Neckwear Latest style Four in-IIaod Ties in attractive holiday boxes, 50o. Silk Muillers, 50 o to $150. Koit Mufflers, plain and fancy, 50o. i Kid loves - Guaranteed Gloves, in grey, tan and gun metal; $1, f 1 25, 11.60. X Combination Nets Consisting ot one pair each Suspeuders, Garters, and Arm bands, 50c, 75c aud fl per set. Half Hose- Tbe well known "Inter woven" brand, four pairs as sorted colors in attractive box, SI per box. 'Thoenix" all Silk Hose, in black, blue and Ian, 50o per pair. Initial Handkerchiefs Good quality, 15j each, 75o for box containing six. Sweaters Umbrella Suit Cases A fine Afumrtmant. G. W. ROBINSON &S0N j Useful Holiday Gifts For prudent people who appreciate values, our assortment of gifts will appeal strongly. The McCuen Company name on an article is like the sterling mark on silver. Name on Umbrellas make a very unique gift they are here and no place else in town. Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases, Au tomobile Tire Trucks and Ladies' Shopping Bags A very fine assort ment at moderate prices. Men's House Coats, Stuy Gowns and Balb Kobes Priced attractively, a very complete assortment. Perrio' Unequalled Gloves for Men in all the desirable styles, cape, kid or mocha, silk wool or fur lined. kaiser's Neckwear, 50c, f 1, 1.50. Exquisi'e Mufllers, 50o to SI. New holiday styles iu Soft and Stiff" Hats. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST. , OIL CITY. PA. Christmas Gifts. Men's Opera Slippers, Nul lifies, Everett Felt Slippers, Ac. A great variety of leathers. Every Slipper ttyle a man can ask for. Women's Dress or Party Slippers. (Fur Trimmed Juliets. Bath Slippers, Crochet Slippers, &c. This Way for the Newest And best creations in House Footwear. JOE LEVI, Cor. Center, Seneca and Syca more Streets, OIL, CITY, 1A. CHICAGO NLEEl'IlVfl l ilt (PltOiH Oil. CITY) Leave Oil City, daily except Sun day, 6:20 p. tn., Kastern Time, arrive Chicago 7:30 a. in., connecting for all western points. Returning leave Chicago 10:30 p. tn., Central Time, daily except Sat urday, arrive Oil City 2:35 p, in., Eastern Time. Lake Shore's station in Chicago best located of any line, in the heart of business district. For information address W. S. McCuen, Agent, Oil City, Pa. fLake Shore! & Michigan Southern R7. WINTER IS HERiii And you should prepare fur it by purchasing ono of our Ciok or Heating STOVES! . We have several well known makes and cau please yon in styles ami prices. Either gas or wood. Come aud see them before you buy. Some Fine Sleighs, Kobes, Blaukets, Harness and Bells. Our prices are always right aud the assortment the best. A General Line of Hardware Full assortment of Granite and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Varnish. Savory Seamless It ouster, only Finest thing of the kind on the market. Buy one for your wife and soe her smile. J. C. Scowdon, Monarch Clothing Co. Christmas SeJe of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Santa Claus under his old timo Christ mas tree visits our store till Christinas and will bo pleased to welcomo the children and hear their wants. Big Vadues for Christmas Shoppers. Men's Suits and Overcoats. tl'2 to 115 overcoat and suit val ues, Sale at 810 !8 $10 to S12 men's suits, overcoats and raincoats. Rale at f H 93 S16 60 to $25 men's suits overcoats and raincoats, Sale at 812 !8 Boys' Suits. $4 boys' suits now $1 98. 85 boys' suits now 2 98, 86 boys' suits now 3 98. Overcoats or Reefers. 84 overcoats or reefers for boys or children, Sale at $2 98 $(j overcoats or reefers for boys, Sale at 83 98 Christmas Gift, Free! Free! A beautiful sled free with all suits or overoats to boys, till Christmas ouly. These sleds given to the boys Santa Claus himself. Sweater Coats. Regular !)8o quality sweater coats fur men or boys Sale at 4 'Jo MONARCH CLOTHING CO. OIL CITY, PA. Oil Exchange Block, near Derrick Office. We Buy Our Blanket sand Bells Direct and Save All Middle Men's Profits, and Sell the Best Goods for the Money. Sleighs and Sleds Stoves and Skates. Keen Kutter Goods, And Everything in Hardware. Tionesta Tioncsta, Pa. Regular 83 pure wool sweater coats for men or women, come in black, while, oxford or colors, Sale at 81 !3 Holiday Neck wear. Neckwear of regular 50o quality in single boxes fir tub holidays, Sale at 25o Regular 75c neckwear iu single holiday boxes, Sale at 50a President and other styles beauti ful suspenders in 6iogle boxes, worth 81, Sale at 50c Fur Sale. Ten per cent, discount on all women's furs in muffs, pieces, scarfs, etc. Holiday Gifts. Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Girls' Coals, Dresse9, Fur, Sweater Coats, Women's Suits, Skirls, Waists, Um brellas, Sweater Coats. &c , pretty I'etticoats, Silk and Lice Waists, Fascioators, and everything your heart desires to keep you comfortable and stylishly dreand for little m ney. Be sure and see Santa Claus. FRANKLIN, PA. Mattern Block, 13th aud Buffalo Street. Hardware. Horse Owners j 1 are Interested Jn 5A Blan- fl 9 kets, because they are f f long of wear. II H When you buy, insist tj 9 on the famous 5A. 1 &Um We. Sell Them to 5