The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 24, 1909, Image 4

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    5 k jhnatt Silkikty 0$
Exceptional Sale of Fine
No less important than the turkey and the trimmings for
jour 1 lianksgiving table is the linen you 11 use. And, because
of this, there is no other period of the year when we make it so
interesting lor you to buy good linens and economize on them,
fortunately, just at this time, we own an unusual collection o:
excellent linens at considerable under prevailing market values
This sale which is in progress this week will demonstrate
G5-inch All Linen Damask at 45c the yard.
German manufacture, handsome patterns, open borders,
silver bleached. Fully one-quarter under price.
72-inch Linen Damask at (59c the yard.
Comes full two yards wide; superior satin finish; ten pat
terns; single and open borders; extra neavy quality of Scotch
make and is regularly priced boc.
The Best Damask in Oil City at $1 yard.
Full two yards wide, handsome set patterns with open bor
ders, lull satin bleached, extra heavy, napkins to match.
$1.50 Double Satin Damask $1.25, and
$2.00 Quality $1.65.
Two lines ot the handsomest linen we have ever imported,
both as to quality and patterns.
Damask Tray Cloths at 15c.
All linen; oval shaped, with hand tied innge. hen we
tell you these are usually sold at a half dollar each we are not
stretching facts. AVe bought them at a "job" price. "That's
3G-inch Lunch Cloths at 45c.
A ridiculous price for these double damask cloths. They
were ordered out for a large New York hotel man, whose fail
ure occurred before the cloths landed. That's why they're sold
now at half value.
The Smart & Silberberq Co.
Increase since last report,
This Speaks of Satisfied Depositors and "We Want You to
Become One ot them.
Oil City Trust Company,
Oil City, Pa.
Cannibal Jap.
Young Lieutenant Murllnsplke's
bathing "ult revealed on Ills right arm
an uncle flum nnd on his left a pe
cock, while around his neck a gleam'
lng serpent was colled, the mouth
holding Its tail.
"This Is Japanese tattooing," the
lieutenant mild proudly, "Nngasnk
work. I was under the needle nine
teen hours In nil. My two tnttooers
drank quite a pint ot my blood.
"Jap tnttooers nro nil Wood drinkers,
They like It. They get to like It In
the end ns you or I like tobacco.
"You see, ns they work the blood
wells forth. It flows over the design,
and then, very carefully, without
stnenrlng the wet Ink, they lick tho
blood up delicately with the tongue,
Every Jap tattooer ns he picks nn'
picks nwny nt you bends down every
few minutes and licks the little rising
tide of blood nwny.
"If he Is a seasoned tnttoer he swat
lows the blood. lie likes It, he says
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Time Deposits Solicited.
Will pay Four I'er Cent, per Annum
A. Watnb Cook,
Wm. Smearbauoh,
Vice President
A. B. Kelly.
A. Wayne Cook, G. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugb,
N.P.Wheeler, T. F.Rltchev. J.T.Dale, A. B. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Any favor or service
relating to banking
is cheerfully offered
you here
It is not generally un
derstood that this institution serves depos
itors of small amounts just as faithfully and willingly
as those who carry larger balances
Every convenience and facility is offered you here for the
transaction of any
matter Dertainins to
rrankhn 1 rust Co.
banking large or
The Proptr Adjtetlvt.
At the close of n revival service In
Philadelphia the minister of the church
went down the nlsle, according to bis
custom, to greet the strangers lit the
congregation. "I don't tlilnk you nre
a member of our church," snld he to
one ns he wnnnly shook his hand,
"No, sir," replied the stranger. "Well,
you will not think me unduly curious If
I ask to what denomlnntlon you be
long?" asked the minister. "I sup
pose, responded the other, l in really
what you might call a submerged Pres
byterian." "A submerged Presbyte
rian?" exclaimed the minister. '
should be glad If you would explain
Well, I was brought up a Presbyte
rian, my wife Is a Methodist, my eldest
daughter Is n Baptist, my son is the or
ganist nt 11 Liiitarian church, my sec
ond daughter sings In an Kplscopal
choir, nml my youngest goes to u Con
gregational Sunday school." "Hut,"
said the miuister, ughast, "you con
tribute doubtless to some church?"
"les; I contribute to nil of them," was
the answer. "That's whut submerges
Crows and Strings.
It was proved centuries ago that a
crow can count up to three and no
more. I met a fanner once who said
that bis coru crop had not failed In
wenty years owing to his habit of
stringing his Held. He explained
'No crow will enter an angle formed
by two strings stretched on poles. I
Illustrated this to some friends sev
eral years ngo by sowing a small field
In corn for fodder, protecting It by a
zigzag string running from one end to
the other. Within the angles formed
iy the string not a blade of the young
crop wns touched, but close without
them, nt ench end, the whole crop was
demolished. A crow Is a very wise
fool, nnd this Is nn effective nnd chenp
way of clrcuinvcutlug him." New
York Tress.
Sign Language on the Curb.
Any one would imagine nil the curb
brokers In Broad street were mutes.
They use the sign language down
there now to convey quotations and
snles to their office boys nnd clerks
who sit In the windows of the ollices
to catch the quotations. As a matter
of fact, some of the brokers use the
deaf nnd dumb alphabet; others use a
distinct signaling code of their own.
known only to the one single house
nd Its representative. Even this.
however, has to 1 changed now and
then. The brokers possess a nimble
wit, nnd they soon learn the secret
signs of their competitors. New York
Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch.
The Safest Way.
"My friends dragged me Into this
wretched affair," shlverlngly said the
first duelist to his adversary as the
seconds approached with the deadly
wenpons. "I never pulled the trigger
of a pistol In my life, so If I hit you It
will be nn accident."
"Nor Is this awful duel to my liking,"
whined the challenger, white to the
gills. "Like you, a pistol is u strange
nrtlcle to my hands, and If I shoot you
It will be with a stray shot."
"Then, for heaven's snke," exclaimed
the first duelist, with a ray of hope,
"let's aim carefully at each other or
one of us may get hit:" Kansas City
flavoring Tobaeco.
Nearly all tobaccos are doctored In
various ways In order to suit the tastes
or different consumers. Each mnuu
faeturer even In Havana has his own
secret methods, handed down from fa
ther to son, which are regarded as per
fectly legitimate and necessary In tho
preparation of the soothing weed. Salt
peter Is added to the tobacco to make
It burn well, licorice, honey, molasses
nnd maple sugar to give sweetness to
It for the scclul Ivenellt of chewera
nnd rum to make It keep well and pre
serve Its properties. Nearly every
plant which will afford a perfume Is
used in the preparation of what are
known as "fancy" tobaccos. Hut It Is
not true, as some suppose, that opium
and deleterious drugs nre employed,
snve In a few brands of Imported
Turkish nnd Egyptian cigarettes.
Among the flavors used are coffee, tea,
valerian, lemon, orange, geranium,
sassafras, thyme, anise, mint nnd cin
namon. Gum nnd glycerin nre occa
sionally employed to bind the tolmevo
particles so that they shall not crumble
Into dust. The various Ingredients are
made Into a klud of sauce, Into which
the tobacco leaves are dipped or with
w hlch they are sprinkled. Loudon
The Beit Machines.
The Idea that pence could be the
normal relatlou of the nations never
entered Napoleon's head or tho head
of any nmu about him, declares A.
L. Klellnnd In "Napoleon's Men and
Methods." Iu his mind pence could
only mean a pause between two wars.
He had no Idea to give to the world.
Sis thoughts did not go beyond his
own life. He shrinks at once In com
parlson with a man of science, who ex
ponds his life to create n thought that
will nourish and elevate posterity.
If Napoleon reached the highest sum
mlt of a prince and a commander, he
was also the last who succeeded In
gathering about his person all the
glamour that had leen wont to accom
pany nnd ndorn tho bloody business
of wnr. There wns no more of It after
his fall. War became afterward an
ncademlc study. Military affairs came
to resemble Industrial Interests, in
which It Is the best machines thatgoln
the victory.
We now strip our armies of their
gold cords and wnvlng plumes. The
admiral, who used to stand on the
bridge In his gnln uniform, with his
decorations and sash, now sits In a
steel box and presses buttons like a
telephone girl. When the glamour goes
from n thing It Is near Its end.
The Greatest General.
All things duly considered, the great
est general of whom we have any
knowledge was In nil probability the
Carthaginian. Hannibal. All the In
formation we have of Hannibal comes
from his enemies, and yet what
achievements they were forced to cred
it htm with: The second runic war
the most brilliant in history wns prac
tically one man n gainst a whole na
tion, and that the strongest then
known. With the nnny that he had
molded out of raw and bnrbnrous
levies Hannibal had to fight a nation
of the stoutest and best trained war
riors of ancient times, and he had to
do this without nny assistance from
home. It has lxcu well said thnt there
Is nowhere else nn example of whnt a
single man of genius may ncbleve
gainst the most tremendous odds.
New York America..
The Color of Jade.
The Idea of Jade possessing the vir
tue of bringing the wearer food for
tune arose In China, where the stone
Is so valued that the finding of n par
ticularly line piece causes the state to
take possession of the land where it
was found. The lest specimens rep-
resent all the hues nnd effects of sea
foam, but these are eagerly snapped
up by collectors nnd seldom come Into
the public market. There is nnother
cause for the popularity of Jade. Its
peculiar green tinge has the effect of
ninktug the hiimnn skin look very
white. In this connection the quality
of the stone Is of no nccount so long
ns the color Is there. Indeed, many
of the less expensive jade ornaments
nre made from chips of the stone
which contain noticeable flaws. rear-son's.
Hie Was Hers.
"I heard him behind tho door plead
ing for Just one. They must be en
piged." "Nnw. they're married. It was a
dollar he was pleading for." Louis
ville Courler-Journnl.
Tho Baby Will Get Even,
newltt Hoes your bnby keep you
awake? Jewett No, I fooled him. As
soon ns he wns born I got a Job work
ing nights. New York rress.
Before you set your heart on any
thing maturely consider whether It will
add to vnnr ultimate fvinnlnps
for any kind of a
lamp or lantern is
Trlnta refined from Pennsylvania Credo
Oil the beat In the world.
Dora away with all mum" and trouble.
Will not char wick or "froet" chimney.
Rrma muimI and full with a clear, white
light 1 can and dry without readjuatmentof
No more tank waion olt. Oct "Family Fa.
vorlta" out of the original barrel from out
Your dealer knows.
Ak him.
Waverly Oil Works Co.
Independent Refiners
Pittsburg, Pa.
Aleo maker, ot Wererlr Special
OU and Wererlj- OatoUa
1 Ji
L Game M;
The great thing in
big game rifles is aureness
to work under all conditionc ?a6'jt
rifles are built with this idea foremost.
The mechanlim le tlmpl., etrong, per
fectly .dju.tcd.quick and ca.y In opuatlon.
The 77?arin eolld top and aide elector
keep a protetmg wull of metal between
your head and the cartridge, prevent
powder and miee blowing buck, throw the
hell, amy from you and allow inetant,
accurate, effective repeat ehota.
The Specie Smoaefo.e Sreel barrel,
are hard and atrnng, apeclatly made for
high power cartridge. Qd to real.t the
wear of jacketed bullets. They ar. rifled
deep on the fi.erd ay.tem for greateat
accuracy and killing power.
Made In Model. Wand
M5, calibre. M to .45,
and fully dricrlned
and llluatreted (with
all other 27Iurut re
peater.) In our IT6 catalog. Free
for J .tamp, pelage.
7e Tflarftn firearms Cax
42 Wlllw Street HEW HAVEN, CONN.
Send your friend's
with the drug or
drink habit to the
Keeley Institute. 30 years
of successful cures.
Write for particulars
Only Keeley Institute In Western Fenna.
4Z4e ritth Ave, fittiburgh, Pa.
l.atlltml Artk your irpncarUi f.if .
hlM'htNMrr's IHumnn JTtrndV
I'llls In Krd tn,l 44 old mrulhcV
ti.rt, sealed with fllue KIMh. V
TaLa ns mihvr. Ituy f vmp V
llrtatrarUt. Ask 1r Ml I.I' IT H-TF a
DIAMOND ItUANU 11 1,1., a
ytxn known as Best. Safest, Always kejiil t
Electric OU. Guaranteed for
Rheumatism, Sprains, Sore
Kect. Painx, An. At all dealer.
A New Delight
Foods Shot from Guns
There are myriads of homes where
these foods are not new these deli
cious Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice.
The people who know them are
already serving seventeen million
dishes per month.
But to millions of others these foods
remain a new and unknown delight.
And to those this appeal is addressed.
The appeal is to try one package
just for the children's sake.
Serve it tomorrow morning. Listen
to what they say. Then ask them
what food they want next.
Wheat and rice are common foods,
prepared in numerous ways. See if
this way is best.
We make all sorts of cereal foods,
so it matters little to us which kind
you prefer.
But it means much to you to get
the food that you like best. See if
Puffed Wheat is that food.
Puffed Wheat-lOc Puffed Rice-15c
These are the foods invented by Prof. An
derson, and this is his curious process:
The whole wheat or rice kernels are put into
scaled guns. Then the guns are revolved for
sixty minutes in a heat of 550 degrees.
That fierce heat turns the moisture in the
grain to steam, and the pressure becomes tremendous.
Then the guns are unsealed, and the steam
explodes. Instantly every starch granule is
blasted into a myriad particles.
The kernels of grain are expanded eight
times. Yet the coats are unbroken, the shapes
are unaltered. We have simply the magnified
One package will tell you why people de
light in them. Order it now.
Made only by The Quaker Oats Company
There are several very good reasons why this suit stock is entitled to
the consideration of suit buyers. There's the very im
portant fact that we're conducting a
1 November Siit Sale, !
Which, to date, has been the mnst aucceaaful suit rale of the year.
Upward of 50 8iiii.-tllt.50, 118,50, 820 and 822.60, priced 814.50,
814.75, 816 60, 816 75, 818 50 and 818 75. But those fifty odd suits
are a small part of the suit assortment this store has to oiler.
There's a suit maker on upper Fifth Avenue, New York, who
makes a specialty of reproducing high priced imported Paris models
for retail at 825. This woik, originally, was done exclusively for
certain New York retail stores Then as his business grew and ex
panded and he was able to make more suits than his New York cus
tomers could use he extended his territory. The handsomest 825
Suits we have come from this suit maker.
He employs the highest skilled tailors, There's a very apparent
superiority io the materials he uses. Each suit seems to have a
certain distinct tone and character. The lioes are cut over perfect
models and you're conscious of that fact the moment you put one of
these suits nn. Lastly there's an air of exclusive tailoring ab ut
I these 825 Suits that immediately attr-.cta your attention. Much of J
T this department's suit prestige is due to these 825 .Suits. X
A Men and
His Shoes.
Provided a man wears comfortable Shoes
he's a cheerful sort of follow to carve that
Thanksgiving Turkey.
Just give him a hint that Goodyear Welt
Shoos are the recipe for comfort and a happy
Thanksgiving at home.
Toll him and he will thank you for doing
so that the "Carlon" Shoe is a comfortable
Goodyear Welt that costs
Only $4.00 a Padr,
and that this shoe is sold at
11G Centre St., Oil City, Pa.
The Choicest Fish
That Come Out of the Sea
The whole world knows that fish is one
of the most nourishing and strengthening
foods in existence.
And of all the fish that come out of the
sea, the cod is the richest in nutriment.
And cod, as you get it in Beardsley's
Shredded Codfish, is also one of the. choic
est foods ever put on the table.
Yet wonderfully economical. And sur
prisingly easy to cook.
Only the Sweetest Meat
The cod we nse nre the finest flavor
ed fish nil the world's waters produce.
They nre caught off the New Kng
land Const. Cod which come from
other regions can't compare in quality
and taste with these.
And of these fine fish wc select only
the fattest nnd plumpest. Each fish
is examined three times.
Then we tnke only the best part of
each fish. Only the sweetest, most
delicate meat
Ready to Cook
We prepare Beardsley's Shredded
Codfish in a way that saves you all
bother nnd trouble.
We take out the lxnes. Then our
wonderful Shredding 1'rocess makes
the meat fine and fluffy nnd dainty.
not eit fyf
Lined with wttx-papr. No prHerv
atlv whnte-ver ntiv llitt purnt nnl llni'Ht
en-Halt. AIko iiuckvd In I In ami
It is ready to cook the instant yon
open the package. No washing no
soaking no boiling.
Cheaper Than Meat
A package of Beardsley's Shredded
Codfish costs only 10 cents.
Yet it goes farther than two or
three pounds of meat, or n dozen eggs.
It makes n full meal for five.
Think of the vast economy in serv
ing this fine food often, instead of
meat or eggs. It makes a better
breakfast or lunch than either.
And there nre so many tempting
ways to serve it, that your family will
never tire of it
You can have it nt least once a week
the whole winter through nnd never
serve it twice alike.
Let your family try this dclicioui
nnd new kind of meal tomorrow. ( Irder
Beardsley's Shredded Codfish today.
And please see that your grocer
gives you Ileardsley's the package
with the red band. That is the kind
you will like. For Ileardsley's is the
only Shredded Codfish. Our shred
ding process is patented.
Free Book of Recipes
Ask your grocer for our lxxik of
tempting new recipes. It means pleas
ing variety in meals. Or write us.
Ve will send you the book, and with
it a generous sample of Beardsley's
Shredded Codfish.
J. W. Beardsley's Sons
474-478 Greenwich St., New York
liudlul of our dependence upon UIh ' tleud he will be doltgutea to see me!" i ""J ""' '" '