effie Smarts Millinery Styles for Fall and Winter. There is so much to see and admire; so many things wholly out of the ordinary; such a wealth ol creations that you'd hardly expect to see we believe you'll find more than usual interest in our present showing. At no The showing at 5, $7.50 and $10 is alone worth a visit to the department if only to illustrate to you what it is possible to obtain in head-pieces at these Then the scale ascends gradually $15, $18, $25 and on upward to $65 for the most exclusive and beautiful hats that ever came to Oil City. Our assortment ot untrimmed shapes, too, is extraordinary these include the new Beavers and Felts in Colonial, Turban and Dress Styles. acnool liats lor bins, the had, are priced from $1.50 up, Women's Fall Knit Underwear Our underwear department of lall Knit Underwear, undoubtedly the best showing in e nango county. Practically every while is represented, and we have a degree of fairness to you. You'll be interested in our cents each, considerable better figure. New FslII Gloves. You can surely find what you want in our complete stock; moreover you'll find gloves that are dependable. You'll find here the gloves with the best reputations. We want every purchaser to be a satisfied customer; and are theretore more particular about our gloue line, even than we are with any other. You'll find here a full assortment of such makes as Fownes, Reyniers, Ferrines and Bachmo. $1 and up. j The Smart & Silberberq Co. OIL CITY. PA. The Oil City Trust Coropimy solicits your financial business. Four per ceut. paid ou Time De posits. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, Time Deposits Solicited. A. Wayni Cook, President. Will A. B. Kbllt. Cashier. DIRK0T0B8 G. W. Robinson, A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Ritchev. Collections remitted for on day of pnyment ers all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest paid on time deposits. Tour patronage respectfully Help Maintain Prosperity in Your Own Town The man who saves money by depositing his surplus in bank helps to make his own town prosperous. A strong bank supported by the savings of the people is a powerful factor in the development of any town. Are you doing your share is your money at work main taining the prosperity and encouraging the development of our tow n. If not better start to do your part to-day, and, incidentally make your money earn interest compounded semi-annually while deposited here Capital and Surplus Total Assets Over $680,000.00 $3,000,000.00 (The (fompautj iP R A N K L Siikdm & point have we stinted the stock, prices. greatest variety we have ever and everyone is of unusual value. presents its complete selection maker whose product is worth tried to price everything with fleeced vests and drawers at 25 than you usually buy at this NATIONAL BANK, 50.000. $95,000. pay Four Per Cent, per Annum Wm.Smearbaugh, Vice President Wra. Stnearbaugb, J. T. Dale, A. B. Kelly. at low rates. We promise our custom solicited. I N, PA.. FBOCLAXATXOJr OT aXHXBAb ELECTIOW. Whereas, In and by the act of the Gon eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to amend the tenth section of an act, entitled 'An Act to regulate the nomination and elec tion of public otneers, requiring certain expenses Incident thereto to be paid by the several counties and punishing cer tain offenses In regard to such elections," approved the 20th any of June, A. D 1M5. It Is made the duties of the Sheriff of every county within this Common wealth to give public notice of the Gen oral Elections, and in such to I. Enumerate the oftlcers to be elected and give a list of all the nominations made as provided In this act, and to be voted for In such county, and the full text of all constitutional amendments submitted to a voto of the people, but the proclamations posted In each elec tton district need not contain the names of any candidates but those to be voted for In such district. It. Designate the place at which the election Is to be held. III. Ho shall give notice that every person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who Bhall hold any office or appointment or profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city, or Incorporated district, whether a commissioned ollicor or other wise, a subordinate, officer or agent who Is or shall be employed under the legis lative, executive or judiciary depart ments of this State, or of the United States, or of any city, or Incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress nnd of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any Incor porated district, Is by law Incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, In spector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and thnt no Inspector, judge or other officer of any such elec tion shall be eligible to any ofllce to be then voted for, except that of an elec. tion officer. 1, S. K. Maxwell, High Sheriff of tne county or f orest, no nercoy make known and give this public notice to the electors of the County of Forest that a General Flection will be held in snld County, on Tuesday, November 2, 11MM, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m., at the several Election Districts. The following are the officers to be elected, and a list of all the nominations made therefor, and which shall be voted for in the form In which they shnll ap pear upon tho ballots: Officers to be elected One person for State Treasurer of the State of Pennsylvania. One person for Auditor General of the Plate of Pennsylvania. One person for Judge of the Supreme Court of the state or Pennsylvania. One person for Associate Judge of the county or f orest. One person for District Attorney or trie county of f orest. One person for Coroner of the County or Forest. At the same time the qualified electors will vote on the question of the adoption or rejection ol ten proposed Amendments to the Constitution or the Slate or Penn sylvania, and the proposed schedule for the said proposed amendments, in sc- rordance with the uianuer and form as lbs same shall appear upon the ballots. List of nominations Ntale Treasurer. J, A. Stober, Republican. Ueorge W. Kipp, Democratic. Frank Fish, Prohibition. Ed. Moore, Socialist. Auditor (Jenrral. A, E, Sisaon, Republican. James Woodward Clark, Democratic. C. W. R. Smith, Prohibition. William Parker, Socialist. Judge of the Supreme Court. Robert von Moscbzisker, Republican. Cyrus LaRue Munson, Democratic Harold L. Robinson, Prohibition. Sydney A. Schwartz. Socialist. Asoorlmte Judge. Samuel Aul, Republican, Democratic. F. E. Allison, Prohibition. District Attorney. M. A. Carringer, Republican, Demo cratic. Coroner. M. C. Kerr, Democratic Uarper McKean, Prohibition. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. Proposed Amendment No. 1. Shall Section Eight of Article Four of the Constituion be amended so as to read a l'ollowi T He shall nominate and, by and with the nilvlre ond consent of two-thirds of all the members of the Senate, appoint Secretary of the Commonwealth and an Attorney General during plensure. a Superintendent of Public Instruction for four years, nnd such other officers of the Commonwealth as he Is or may be au thorized by the Constitution or by law to appoint: he shall have power to fill nil -vacancies that may hnppen, In offices to which he may appoint, during the re cess of the Senate, by granting commis sions which shall expire at the end of their next session: he shall have power to rill any vacancy that may happen, during the recess of the Senate, In the office of Auditor General. State Treas urer. Secretary of Internal Affairs or Superintendent of Public Instruction. In a Judicial ofllce, or In any other elective office which he Is or may be authorized to nil; If the vacancy shnll happen dur ing the session of the Senate, the Gov ernor shall nominate to the Senate, he fore their final adjournment, a proper person to fill said vacancy; but In any such case of vacancy, In an elective of fice, a person shall be chosen to snld of f.ce on the next election day appropriate to such office, according to the provisions of this Constitution, unless the vacancy shnli happen within two calendar months Immediately preceding such election day. In which case the election for said office shnll be held on the second succeeding election day appropriate to such ofllee. In acting on executive nominations the Senate shall sit with open doors, and, In confirming or rejecting the nomlnallons of the Governor, the vote shall be tnken by yeas and nays, and shall be entered on the Inurnal Proposed Amendment No. 2. Shall Section Twenty-one of Article Four of the Constitution be amended ho as to read as follows 7 The terms of the Secretary of Internal Affairs, the Auditor General, and the State Treasurer shall each be four years; and they shall be chnstn by the qualified electors of the State at general elections; but a 8tate Treasurer, elected In the year one thousand nine hundred and nine, shall serve for three years, and his suc cessors shall be elected at the general election In the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and In every fourth year thereafter. No person elected to the office of Auditor General or Stnte Treas urer shall be capable of holding the same ofllce for two consecutive terms. Proposed Amendment No. 3. Shall Section Eleven of Article Five of the Constitution be amended so as to read as follows f Except ns otherwise provided In this Constitution. Justices of the nence or aldermen shall be elected in the several wards, districts, boroughs or townships. by the qualified electors thereof, at tho munlclpnl election, in such manner ns shall be directed by Inw. nnd shall be commissioned by the Governor for a term of six years. No township, ward. district or borough shall elect more than two Justices of the peace or aldermen without the consent of a majority of the qualllied electors within such township, ward or borough; no person shnll be elected to such office unless he shnll have resided within the township, borough, ward or district for one year next pre ceding his election. In cities containing over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not more than one alderman shnll be elected In each ward or district. Proposed Amendment No. 4. . Shall Section Twelve of Artiole Five of tbe Constitution be amended so as to read as follows? In Philadelphia there shall be estab lished, for each thirty thousand inhabit ants, one court, not of record, of police and civil causes, with jurisdiction not exceeding one hundred dollars: such courts shall bo held by magistrates whose term of office shall lie six years, nnd they Shall be elected on general ticket at the munlclpnl election, by the qualllied Voters at large; nnd In the election of the snld .magistrates no voter shnll vote for more than two-thirds of the number of persons to Im elected when more than one are to be chosen; they shall be com pensated only by fixed salaries, to be paid by said county: and shall exercise such jurisdiction, civil nnd criminal, ex cept ns herein provided, ns Is now ex ercised by aldermen, subject to such chnnges, not Involving an Increase of civil Jurisdiction or conferring political duties, as may be made by law. In 1'hlla delphla the office of alderman is nuol Ished. Proposed Amendment No. ". Shall Section Two of Article Eight of tne constitution te amended so as to read aa lollowaT The general election shnll be held bl ennlally on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November in each even-numbered year, but the General As sembly may by Inw fix a different day two-thirds of all the members of each House consenting thereto: Provided, That such election shall always be hold In an even-numbered year. Proposed Amendment No, 6. Shall Section Three of Article Eight o the Constitution be amended ao as to read aa follows 7 All Judges elected hy the electors of the State at large may be elected at either a general or munlclpnl election, ns clr cumstanccs may require. All elections for Judges of the courts for the several Judicial districts, and for county, city, wnrd. homii-Th, nnd township officers for regular terms of service, shall be held on tho munlclpnl election day: nnmely the Tuesday next following the first Mon day of November In each odd-numbered year, but the General Assembly may by Inw fix a different day. two-thirds of all the members of each House consenting thereto: Provided. That such election shall always be held In an odd-numbered year. Pro osed Amendment No, 7. Shall Section Fourteen of Article Eight of the Constitution be amended so as. to read as follows 7 District election boards shall consist nf a judge and two Inspectors, who shall be chosen biennially, by the cltltens at the municipal election; but the General As sembly may require snld boards to be appointed In such manner aa it may by law provide. Laws regulating the ap pointment of said boards may be' enacted t) apply to cities only: Provided. Thnt such laws be uniform for cities of the same class. Kach elector shall have the right to vote for the Judge and one In, spector. and each Inspector shnll appoint one clerk. The first election hoard for any new district shall be selected, nnd vacancies in election boards filled. shall be provided by law. Klection offi cers shall be privileged from arrest upon days of election, and while engaged In making up and transmitting returns, ex cept upon warrant of a court of record or Judge thereof, for an election fraud for felony, or for wanton breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemp tion from Jury duty during their terms of service. Proposed Amendment No. 8. Shall Section One of Article Twelve of tbe Constitution be amended so as to read as follows t All officers, whose selection Is not pro vided for In this Constitution, shall be elected or appointed as may he dlrwted by law: Provided. That elections of 8iate officers shall he held on a general election day. and elections of local officers shall be held on a municipal election day, ex cept when, in either case, special elections may be required to fill unexpired terms. ' Proposed Amendment No. 9. Shall Section Two of Article Fourteen or the Constitution be amended so as to read as follows? County officers shnll be elected at th municipal elections and shall hold their o...ces for th" term of four years, be ginning on the first Monday of January next after their election, nnd until their successors shall be duly qualllied; all vacancies not otherwise provided for. shall be filled In such mnnner as may he provided hy law. Proposed Amendment No. 10. Shall Section Seven of Article Fourteen of the Constitution be ameuded so as to read as follows 7 'three county commissioners and three county auditors shall lie elected In each county where such officers are chosen. In the year one thousand nlna hundred and eleven and every fourth year there after; and In the election of said officers pach qualified elentor shall vote for no more than two persons, nnd the three persons having the highest number of votes shall be elected: any casual vacancy In the office of county commlssoner or county auditor shnll be filled by the court it common pleas of the county In which inch vacancy shall occur, by the appoint ment of an elector of the proper county who shall have voted for the rommis loner or nudltor whose place Is to be Ailed. PROPOSED SCHF.DULE FOR THE FOREGOING PROPOSED AMEND MENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. Shall tbe foregoing Proposed Amend ments be carried Into operation under tbe following schedule? That no inoonvenlence mav arise from the obangea in tbe Constitution of the Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into complete operation, It is hereby declared that In the case of officers elected by the people, all terms of office fixed by net of Assembly at an odd number of years shall each be lengthened one year, but the legislature may change the length of the term, provided the terms for which inch officers are elected shall always be for an even number of years. The above extension of official terms "hall not affect officers elected at the genernl election of one thousand nine hundred nnd eight; nor any city, ward, borough, township, or election division officers, whose terms of office, under ex isting law, end In the year one thousand nine hundred nnd ten. In the year one thousand nine hundred and ten the municipal election shall be held on the third Tuesday of February, s heretofore; hut all officers chosen at that election to an ofllce the regular term of which Is two years, and also all elec tion officers and assessors chosen at that election, shall serve until the first Mon day of December In the year one thou sand nine hundred and eleven. All offi cers chosen at that election to offices the term of which Is now four years, or Is hdo four years by the operation of these amendments or this schedule, shall serve until the first Monday of December In the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. All Justices of the peace, magistrates, and aldermen, chosen at that election, shall serve until the first Mon day of December In the year one thou sand nine hundred nnd fifteen. After the year nineteen hundred and ten, and until the Legislature shall otherwise provide, nil terms of city, ward, borough, town- snip, ana election division officers shnll begin on the first Monday of December in nn odd-numbered year. All city, ward, borough, and township officers holding office nt the date of the approval of these amendments, whose terms of office may end In the year one thousand nine hundred nnd eleven, shall continue to hold their offices until the first Monday of December of that year. All Judges of the courts for the sev eral Judicial districts, and also all county officers, holding office nt the date of the npproval of these amendments, whose terms of office may end In the year one thousand nine hundred nnd eleven, shall continue to hold their offices until tho first Monday of January, one thousand nine hundred and twelve. PLACES OF HOLDING ELECTIONS. Tho Electors of Harnett Township as follows: Thoso residing in tho Cooks burg Klection District, to-wlt: Those embraced In tho following boundary, viz: Iteglnnlng nt a point nn tho Tylersburg and Clarlngton rond where the Bald road crosses or Intersects with the west line of Bnrnott Twp., thence in a southeast rly direction by the various courses and distances of said road to a point whore the said rond crosses tho East branch of Coleman Run; thenco down the said run by Its various courses and mcnndorlngs to tho Clarion River; thenco down tho said river by the various courses and distances thereof to the southwest cor ner of Bnrnott Twp., thence northerly by tho west line of snld Township to tho plnce of beginning, shall vote at Cooka burg Hall. The Klectors of Harnett Township aa follows: Those residing in the Kcdulyffe Election District, to-wlt: Those em braced In the following boundary, vis: Beginning at a point on tho said Tylers burg and Clarlngton rood where tho same Intersects with the northern line of warrant No. 3305; thence by the north ern line of anid warrant 8305, easterly to the west lino of warrant No. 3148; thence py tne west line of snld warrant north erly to the northwest corner of snld war rant No. 3148, thence easterly by the northern lino of snld warrant No. 3148 and the north line of warrant No. 3146 to the enstern lino of Harnett Twp.j thence northerly by the east line of said Township to tho northeast corner of Ilnr nett Township; thenco westerly by the northern line of said township to the northwest corner of Harnett Twp.j thence by tho west llnsi of said Town ship southerly to tho Intersection of said Township line with the Tylersburg and Clarlngton rond; thence southeasterly by the various courses and distances of snld road to the place of beginning, shnll voto nt Joseph Hall's Carpenter Shop. The Electors of Harnett Township aa follows: Those residing In the Clarlng ton Klection District, to-wlt: Those em braced In the following boundary, vis Beginning at a point on the snld Tvlors burg and Clarlngton road where the said road intersects with the northern line of warrant No. 3305; thence southeasterly aiong said road toy the various courses and distances thereof to a point where the snld road crosses the eastern branch of Coleman Run; thence down the snld run by Its various coursea and distances thereof to the Clarion River; thence up tho snld Klvt.r by Its various coursea and distances to the southeast corner of Bar- ntt Township; thence by the east line or said Township northerly to the north east corner of warrant No. 3145; thence westerly by the north line of said war rant No. 3145 and the north line of war rant No. 3148 to the northwest corner of said warrant No. 3148; thence southerly by the west line of said warrant No. 3148 to the northeast corner of warrant No. 3306; thence by the north line of aald warrant No. 3305 westerly to tbe place of beginning, shall voto In the County and iownsnip House. Tho Klectors of Green township as fol lows: Those residing In the Klection Dis trict of Uultonvllle. to-wlt: those cm- braced In the following boundary, viz Beginning at a post, the north corner of Warrant No. 8133, thonce south forty-five degrees west three hundred and twenty reus to tne west corner or snld trnct, thence south forty-five degreea east ulona the dividing Hue between tracts Nos, 6133 and Moo to the north corner of tract No. 5ju1, thence by the northwest line of trnct Kt)l and tho southeast line of tracts Nos. S505 and 6504 to the smith corner of tract ro. 5.1O4, thence southwesterly to the northwest corner of tract No. 3330, and southeast corner of tract 5002 on the Clarion county line, thence by the same east to the northeast corner of Clarion county, thence north by tho Jenks town ship line to where the snld Jenks town ship line crosses the northeast line of tract 5500, thence northwesterly by the northeast line of Green township to the ptaco or beginning, shnll voto at the County House at Uultonvlllo. The Electors of Green township resid ing outside of the territory embraced in the above described Klection District of Gultonville, shall vote at the Township nouse, in ivenrnska village. The Electors of Harmony townshln as follows: Those residing In the election district of Upper Harmony, to-wlt: those embraced In the following boundary, vis Beginning on the Allegheny River at the Tionesta township line; thonce northerly by aald line to the back line of the river tracts; thence along the bnck line of the river tracts to West Hickory Creek; thence up snld West Hickory Creek to the Warren County line: thence enst olong said Warren county line to the Al legheny Ktver; thence down said river to the plnce of beginning, nt O. W. King's Man, west Hickory. 1 he Electors of Harmony township re siding outside of the territory embraced In the above described Upper Harmony snnn vote at tho Township Election Mouse on the Fogle Farm. The Electors of Hickory townshln at the Township House. The Klectors of Howe townshln aa fol lows: Thoso residing In the Klection Die trict of Middle Howe, to-wlt: those em braced In the following boundary, viz Beginning at a point where the west line of Warrant No. 319S Intersects the line of Warren nnd Forest counties: thence south by the west lines of Warrants 31!. 3193, 31S9. 3187 and 31R5 to a point where the west line of Warrant 31S5 ln- tersocta with the Jenks townshln line. thence by Jenks township line east to a point whore the eastern line of said war rant 3185 Intersects said Jenks townshiD line; tnence north along the eastern boundary lines of warrant 3185. 3187 and 3189 to the northwest corner of sub division No. 69 of warrant No. 2993; thenco east along the north line of sub divisions Nos. 69. OS, 65, 61 and 61 to the northwest corner of wnrrant No. 2736; thence north nlong the enst lines of war rants No. 299,1, the Fox Estate. 2991 and 2735 to where tho cast lino of 2735 Inter sects the Warren and Forest County line; thence by snld Warren and Forest coun ty line west to the northwest corner of Warrant 3198, the plnce of beginning. shall vote in A. D. Goal's office, at Lynch. The Electors of Howe townshln resid ing In the Election District of East Howe, to-wlt: Those residing within the territory embraced by the following boundary lines, to-wlt: Beginning at a point In the Warren and Forest county line where the same Is Intersected by the ast line or warrant Zi35; thence south dong the enstern boundary lines of war rants 2735, 2991, the Fox Estate, and wnr rant 2993 to the northwest corner of sub- llvlsion No. 61 In warrant 2736; thence east along the northern boundary llnea of warrants 2736, 2S08 and 2464, to the Elk county line; thence north along the Elk nd Forest county line to where the same Is intersected by tho Warren and Forest county line; thence west along snld War ren and Forest county line to tho north east corner of warrant 2735, the place of beginning, shall vote at Brookston In Brookston Library Hall. The Electors of Howe township resid ing In the Election District of Frost's, to-wlt: Those residing within the terri tory embraced by the following boundary lines: Commencing at the northeast cor ner of warrant 2464, and In tho line di viding Elk and Forest counties: thence south along said dividing line to the line between Howe and Jenks townshiD: thonco west along said last mentioned line to the southwest corner of K. L. Blood's subdivision; thence north along tho west line of tho K. L. Blood sub division and warrants 3803, 4545, 2878, 2980 10 nortnwest corner of subdivision No. in warrant 2993; thence east along the north line of subdivisions 69, 68, 65, 64 and hi or warrant 2993 and subdivisions 61, 62, 63, 64 nnd 65 of wnrrant 2736, and sub divisions 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 of warrant 2808 and the north line of warrant 2464 to the Elk county line, the place of begin ning, shall vote at Nobllt's Hall, Frost's Station. Tho Electors of Howe township resid ing in the Election District of West Howe, to-wlt: Those residing west of the above described Middlo Howe, at the Porkey School House, at Porkey. Tho Electors of Howe township resid ing In the Clough's Election District, to wlt: Those embraced in the territory re rocently cut off from the Balltown Dis trict, viz: Beginning nt a point on the east line of the Balltown Election Dis trict where the north line of warrant SI1S9 Intersects the same; thence west nlong the north line of warrants 3189, 31S8 and 4790 to tho northeast line of wnr rant 62S2; thence nlong tho southeast line or lines of warrant 62S2 to warrant 5101; thenco along tho northeast lino of war rant 6101 to wnrrant 6266; thenco nlong the northwest line of warrants 5101 nnd 5104 to the Klngsley township lino, shnl' vote at F. M. Best Building, Clough's Mills. Tho electors of Jenks township resld- The Millinery. Two new Girls' Hats "Dr. Cook" and "Lieut. Peary." There's navy blue, brown aud black in both styles. The price is $1.75. $5.00, 0.80 mill $7.50 Trim mod Hal. The bats trimmed up here in our own work loom aud placed 00 sale Saturday at these prices are extremely good values sod are ar tistic modtols of correct millinery fashion. Hats, Caps and Iloiiiiela For liTrrrAildron. The assortment of the proper headwear for lit tle folks is large aud prices moderate. Down stairs there's every thing iu silk, felt aud bear skin bonnets for infants. WILLIAM B. JAMES, 44444444444)44444 CARLO I'S I LADIES' Cloth Top Shoes For Fall Wear. We show a large assortment of Cloth Top Boots for Ladies, in all leathers, such as Gunmetal Calf, Dull Mat Kid, Finished Kid, and Patent Colt, in the newest lasts and patterns. All sizes and widths, at prices to suit all pocket books. $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4. Try a pair of of our shoes and be satisfied. CARLON & CO., 1 11C Centre St., Oil City, Pa. j lug In the Election District of Byrom, shnll vote In Bergs Hall, at Duhring In snld township. The Electors of Jeoks township resid ing in tbe Klection District of Marion villa; also thoso residing lu wlmt was formerly the Election District or Lamona the two districts havlnir linen cuiixnll. (isted-sball voie in tbe Election and Township House at Marienville. The Klectors of Kingslcy townshln ro- sldlng In the Election District of Kellett vllle. to-wlt: Those embraced In tho fol lowing boundary, vis: Iteglnnlng nt tho common corner of warrants W17, 6:'18, 6223 aim mh, snld corner being on tho line di viding Hickory nnd Kingslcy townships, thence southensterly along the line di viding wnrrnnts 6217 nnd 6234, 6216 and 1235, 5215 and 62:16, 62ti7 and 52C6, to tho lino dividing Klngsley nnd Howe townships; tnence south along snld township line to a post where the snmo Intersects or crosses the southeast line of warrant 5180; thence southwestwnrdly along tho line dividing warrants 6108 and 6110, 6109 nnd 5110, 6123 nnd 6129 nnd 513f, to the southwest corner of warrant 612S; thence along the southwest line of warrant 6128 to the northwest corner thereof; thence northeasterly along the northwest line of warrant 6128 to a point where the northwest line of whnt la known ns the 1'ctree & Co. land entered tho line be tween wnrrnnts 5128 and 6169; thence nlong snld Potree & Co. southwest lino to the line dividing warrants 62'9 and 5196; thenco from said line to a point in the publio road known as the Tionesta creek and Hickory rond, where tho sumo Intersects what Is known as the Hnll- lown road; thence nlong tho snld Tio nesta creek and Hickory road northwest wardly to a point whore the same crosses the Hickory and Kingslcy township lino; thence nlong snld Hickory nnd Klngsloy township line northeastwardly to the place of beginning, shnll vote In An drews Hall, at Kellettvllle. The Electors of Klngsley Township re siding In the Mayburg District, to-wit: Those embrnced In the territory lying to the northeast of tho above described Election District of Kellettvllle, shnll vote at the County House In said dis trict. Tho Electors of Klngsley Township re siding In the Newtown District, to-wit: Those embraced In the territory lying to the southwest of tho nbovo described Election District nf Kellettvllle, shall vote at the Township House, near the northwest end of Newtown bridge. The electors of Tionesta township at the Township House, near the southeast nd of the Tionesta creek bridge, at the mouth of said creek. Th electors of Tionesta borough at the Court House in said borough. I also make known the following pro visions of the new Constitution of Penn sylvania. ARTICLE VIII. SUFFRAGE AND ELECTION. Sec. 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, possessing tho following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: First He shall have been a citizen of tho United States at least one month. Second He shall have resided In the Stnte one year, (or. If having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the Stato he shnll hnvo re moved therefrom and returned, then six months,) immediately preceding tho elec tion. Third He shnll have resided In the election district where he offers to vote at lenst two months Immediately preced ing the election. Fourth If twenty-two yenrs of ago or upwards, he shall havo paid within two yeors a State or county tax which shnll have been assessed at least two months end paid at least one month boforo elec tion. Sec. 2. The general election shall bo held annually on the Tuesdny next fol lowing the first Monday of November, but the General Assembly may, by law, hx a different day, two-thirds of all the members of each house consenting there to. Notlco Is hereby given, Thnt uny per OIL CITY, PA. 4444444444K4tt444444444)4 4 44444444444444444444444 son excepting Justices of tho Pence who shall hold any ofllce or appointment of profit or trust under tho United States, or this State, or any city or Incorporated district whether commissioned officer or otherwise, 11 subordinate officer or ngent who Is or shall bo employed under tho legislative, executive or judiciary depart ment of this State, or in nny city, or of any incorporated district, and nlso that every member of Congnws and of the State Leclsleture. or of tho selivt or common council of any city, or commis sioners of any incorporated district, is by law Incapable of holding or exercis ing nt tho time, tho olllco or appoint ment of jiulgts Inspector or clerk of any election in tills Commonwealth, nnd that no Inspector, judge or other officer of such election shall be eligible to bo then voted for. The Judges of tho aforesaid districts shall representatively take chnrgc of the certificates of return of the election of their respective districts, and produce them nt the Prnthonotnry's office In the Horough of Tionesta, ns follows: "All judges living within twelve miles of tho Prothnnntnry's ofllce, rr within twenty four miles If their residence be In a town, vlllugo, or city upon the line of a, rail rond lending to tho county sent, shnll before 2 o'clock p. m., on WEDNESDAY, November 3d. Well, nud all other Judges shall, before 12 o'cIock m., 011 THURS DAY, November 4th. 190!), deli ver said re. turns, together with the return sheets, to the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, which said re turn shall bo filed, nnd tho day nnd hour of filing marked therein, and shall bo preserved by the Prothonotnry for pub lic Inspection. Given under my hand at mv ollice in Tionesta, Ph., this lllih day of October, in the year ol our Lord nineteen hun dred and nine, and in the one hundred and tblrty-fonrtli year of the Jndo peudence of the United States. 8. K. MAXWELL. Sheriff. No smoke, no soot, no flicker. No "I routed" chimneys, nocbarred wicks. linrns out clean with a bin, round, stmdr, white Same to tlielaat drop without readjust. luK wick. "Family Favorite" LAMP OIL Best light for the eyes. Dues away with eyrrj lump tmnble. Costs no ninre umn inierittr tans watron oil. Almost every dealer baa It. Inquire. wivroi v mi UfABiia m independent nenners PITTSBURG, PA. Also makers of Waverly Special AotO OU and Waverly Gasolines, KEELEY CURE , The cure that has been continuously successful for more tlinn 30 vears is worth investigating. For the drug or drink huhit. Writ for particular, (inly Keeley Institute in Western Fcnna. 4246 Fifth Ave., Pituburih, Pa. X : ! ! I f