The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 06, 1909, Image 5

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    The Season's Popular
In All Fashionable New Shades Sizes.
The opportunity to see everything new in Furs is here.
Numerically our stock is stronger than any ever belore shown
here, and a highly important feature of it is the complete show-
ing of those furs that are bound to become scarce when cold
weather sets in. We refer especially to black lynx, pony and
mink in the really choice grades such popular lavorites of
fashion that many manufacturers have urged us to advise the
public that the supply of desirable skins will be exhausted long
before real winter weather arrives. It goes without saying that
these, finer pieces now in stock cannot be duplicated later, and
it is with this in mind that we suggest the advantage of early
.Shapes, sizes, proportions and styles are altogether the
handsomest and most delightful ever seen. In them are em
bodied the very latest and cleverest fashion ideas, each model
having its own individual charm.
Summary of the Week's News
of the World.
It's generally considered to be a difficult feat to pick out the
Becoming Hads.
Sometimes the hats on stands or in cases that are the least
attractive to you assume an entirely different aspect when
placed upon your head, and are transformed by their better
vantage point into graceful and charming models. With a stock
like ours from which to make selections, the difficult feat would
be to pick out a hat that would be unbecoming. Every single
hat in the entire showing has those touches individuality and
refinement that are characteristic ot our millinery and that have
been largely instrumental in securing the enviable reputation
that our millinery enjoys. And these leatures are as plainly
apparent in the hats at low prices as in the high-priced models.
For example, there are
Smart Trimmed Hats lor Women at $5 and 6.
Attractive Hats for Misses and Children at 98c and $1.50.
And Exclusive London-Tailored Hats at from 3 to 7.
The Smart & Silberberq Co.
Happenings From All Parts of the
Globe Put Into Shape For Easy
Reading What All the World Is
Talking About Cream of the News
Culled From Long Dispatches.
Robert E. Peary at Portland, Me.,
outlined his charges against Dr. Fred
erick A. Cook.
Between fifty nnd seventy-five per
sons were Injured In an explosion at
the Columbian Film Exchange in
After long and repeated appeals,
New York has finally withdrawn its
opposition to upstate young men Join
ing the metropolitan police force.
The cornerstone of the Hudson
memorial shaft at Spuyten Duyvil
was laid with Impressive ceremony,
visiting foreign dignitaries and Gov
ernor Hughes taking part.
In a speech at Spokane, Wash.,
President Taft declared he would ask
congress to authorize the issuance of
$10,000,000 In bonds to complete irri
gation projects already begun in the
West and on which work had been
stopped for lack of funds.
Roy Slltor, employed as a lineman
by the Wollsvllle (N. Y. ) Telephone
company, was killed by the falling of
a pole on uhlch he was at work. His
home was at Pcnn Yan.
It is officially announced that the
Spanish troops have occupied Mt.
Guruga, Morocco, which since the be
ginning of the trouble with the Riffs
has been thr stronghold of the enemy.
Ex-Governor Benjamin B. Odell, Jr..
has made known that he Intends to
erect a sanitarium and other neces
sary buildings for the proper care of
tuberculosis patients on property
which he will deed to the city of New-
Wilbur Wright sailed around the
Statue of Liberty In an aeroplane and
Glenn H. Curtlss made a trial fliglTt
around Governor's iBland.
Seattle reported that regular and
state troops would aid secret service
men In guarding President Taft at the
Alaska-Yukon-Seattle exposition.
The Columbia Bank and Trust com
pany of Oklahoha City, Okla., which
failed Tuesday, began paying its de
positors in full by means of the state
bank guaranty funds.
With the flag of the Peary Arctic
club at her masthead, the little steam
er Roosevelt, which bore Commander
Peary on his quest for the North Pole,
entered New York harbor.
The Neptune, Great Britain's eighth
battleship of the Dreadnought class or
her 11th including the three battleship
cruisers represented by the Inflexible,
was launcned at Portsmouth.
The Oil City Trust C'ompauy
eolicita your financial business.
Four per cent, paid ou Time Deposits.
Time Deposits Solicited.
A. Watnk Cook,
Will pay Four Per Cent, per Annum
A. B. Ebllt.
Vice President
A. Wayne Cook, O. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugb,
N.P.Wheeler, T. F.Ritchev. J.T.Dale. A. B. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
for any kind of a
lamp or lantern is
mi . r. I MM ftmntvlvMili fVafta
inrie rennet "h . ......
Oil the best in the world.
Does away with all "mm"1 and trouble.
n;il ,nf .h.r mifV nr "front" chimney.
f Burns round ana iuii wim w.m.w
liirht clean and dry without readjustment of
wick. ...
Nn mure tank wagon oil. OCT ramiiy !
vorlte" out of the oriainal barrel from out
Ynur dealer knows.
Ask him.
Waverly Oil Works Co.
Pittsburg, Pa. I
Also roakere of Waverly Special into
oil U..H tt'uarlr auaolioet. A
. m
New York Leads In Number of Ap
pointments, With Pennsylvania a
Close Second.
Washington. Oct. a. New York,
with Pennsylvania followint; a close
second, lenils all other states in the
miiiiber of chief and assistant special
:mcnts who will bo a ssigned to gather
statistics relative' to manufactures.
mines and quarries for the next cen
sus. It whs announced by thi census
bureau today.
The total number of such employes
will be slightly in excess of 1.000. To
New York i'50 chief and assistant spe
clul agents ,vill be assigned, Pennsyl
vanla, 221), .las-achii.seits 70, Con
neclicut '.'0 and Vermont 10.
Hearing of Haskell Case Postponed.
Ardniore, Okln., Oct. 5. On motion
of the defendants In the federal court
here, the hearing or Governor Charles
N. Haskell and tiie live other promi
nent Oklaliomans. under indictments
chained with fraud in the .Muskogee
town lot eHSes, which was set for to
day, was postponed to Oct. 13.
Twenty-five thousand fighting men
of seven nations marched through
New York streets before 1,400,000
The secretary of war declared that
Major General Grant was within his
rights when he wore his uniform in a
Chicago "cold water" parade.
President Taft at Seattle paid trib
ute to Japan as one of the most rapid
ly developing countries in the world
and declared In favor of a Bhip subsidy.
Dr. Armln Brun of South Wood
stock, Conn., died as the result of the
wound inflicted by his brother, Con
stantino, who killed his sister and
Governor Draper and Lieutenant
Governor Frothingham were renomin
ated by tho Republicans of Massachu
Arthur G. Wright of Lowell Center,
Mass., was arrested in Portland, Ore.,
while heavily armed and mingling in
the throng near President Taft.
Herbert Parsons charged that Tam
many had entered into a "deal" 'with
Speaker Cannon to defeat legislation
at Albany directed against election
Out of 500 soidlers ot the Second in
fantry only 50 completed a 43-mlle
march from Fort Perry, O., to Fort
Thomas, Ky. Many had to be taken
to hospitals.
Virgil O. Strickler, first reader in
the First Church -ot Christ, Scientist,
in New York, said all members of the
faith would stand by the directors of
the Mother church, in Boston, in oust
In? Mrs. A. E. Stetson as teacher.
Governor Wilson of Kentucky ad
vised independent growers of tobacco
to organize liberty leagues and kill
night riders.
When l."),000 persons at St. Louis
attempted to aboard four tiny tor
pedo boats, were pushed Into the
Mississippi river.
Republican leaders Indignantly de
nied the charge of Herbert Parsons
that they entered Into a "deal" with
Tammany during the recent session of
Deputy Revenue Collector Henry B.
Lawson of Newburgh unearthed an il
licit distilling plant In the town of
Clarkstown, Rockland county, and has
dismantled It.
Ray Lantphere, who was convicted
as an accomplice of the arch murderess
Mrs. Ounness, has but a few days
more to live, according to prison phy
sicians at I.aporte, Ind.
Many Settlers, Mostly From the Unit
ed States, Lost All Their Property.
Winnipeg, Mr.n.. Oct. 5. Hans Ya
gerson was burned to death, his niece,
Mary Segelstad, is dying in the hos
pital at Calgary, and property snld to
be valued at $2,000,000 has been de
stroyed by the prairie fire which swept
the Hutton-Alberta district last week.
The fire Is still burlng fiercely. Many
settlers, mostly from the United States,
lost all their property.
BY VIRTU R of a writ of Levari Facias,
issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania,
and to me directed, there will be exposed
to salo by public vendue or outcry at tho
Court House in the Borough of lionestn.
Pa., on
THURSDAY', OCT. 21, A. D. 1909,
at 9:30 o'clock a. in., the following des
cribed real estate, to-wit I
Effa Walters, Assignee of H. T. Parker,
, who was Assignee of T. N. Barusdall
and Wm. Barnsdall, Jr., Executors of
the last will of Wm. Barnsdall, de
cerned, versus 1). A. Chi Ida, Adm'r ol
the Kstate of Lucy A. Jocolyn, Mary
K. Brill, Chan. E. Swasey, Florenne L.
Swasey, A. H. Jocelyn. Jr., Dr. Swasey,
children and heirs of Ella Jooelyn, de-.
ceased, (laughter of Lucy A. Jocelyn,
except Dr. Swasey, wiio was husband
of said Ella Jocelyn, deceased, Kd.
Trombley, E. L. Gorman and D. W.
Brlnton, as Leasees, Lev. Fa., No. 31,
May Term, 1!K)9.-Trax A Parker, At
torneys. All nf defendants' right, title, Interest
and claim or, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land lying, situate and
being In the Township of Harmony,
County of Forest, (formerly Allegheny
Township, Venango County,) State of
Pennsylvania, and Douuaeu ana oe
scribed as follows, Tlx: Beginning at the
northwest corner of "Secliou C, Lot 247,"
aa laid down and described in a certain
map of the lands of the late Jocelyn Oil
Land Association, recorded In the othce
of the Recorder of Deeds of Venango
County, Pennaylyania, in "Map Book
A," page thence south one hundred
and forty rods, more or leas, down tbe
western boundary line nf and Including
lots Nos. 247, 24(1, 24.r. 243, 242, 241, 240,
23U, 238, 2)7, 23d, V, 234, across the publio
highway to lot No. 233; thence northeast
erly sixty-four rods, more or less, along
the south aide of the publio highway to
the eastern end of lot No. 184; thence
north one hundred and twenty-live rods,
more or less, up the eastern line of and
from that point. Including lots Nod. 184,
183, m, 181, ISO, 171), 178, 177, 1711, 175, 174,
173, 172, to tbe north boundary line there
of; thence west sixty-four rods, more or
less, along the said boundary line of and
Including lots Nos. 172, 209, 210, 247, to
the place of beginning and containing
rift) -four acres of land, more or less, and
being tbe same laud conveyed by W. H.
Wood and wife to Lucy A. Jocelyn, by
deed dated December IHh, 18!H), and re
corded In tbe ollice of the Recorder ot
Deeds of Forest County, in Deed Book
No. 2!, pge 47.
The above premises will be sold sub
ject to a certain lease for oil and gas pur
poses thereon, granted ny uucy a. joce
lyn to J. F. Proper and L. J. Hopkins,
dated Aug. , 1901, and recorded la tbe
Recorder's Oftiee of Forest County, in
Lease Book No. 1, page 197, on the 5th
day of May, 1908.
Also, all that certain other piece or
parcel of land situate in tbe township,
counlv and state aforesaid and also being
part of tbe lands ol the late Jocelyn Oil
Laud Association aforesaid, and bounded
and describtd aa follows, viz: Beginning
at the northeast corner of "Section B,
Lot 79," on map described as aforesaid;
thence south twentv rods, more or less,
along the eastern boundary line ol and
including lota Nos. 79, 08; tnence west
ninetv-six rods, more or less, along the
southern line of and including Iota Nos.
tiS, 09, 70, 71, 72, 73, to the western end of
"Section B;" thence north twenty rods,
more or less, up the western line ot and
iucluding lots Nos. 73, 74, "Section B." to
the northwest corner of "Section B;"
thence east along the north boundary line
of and including lots Nos. 74, 7o, 70, 77,
78, 79, to tbe place of beginning, and con
taining twelve acres of land, more or less,
and being the same land conveyed by W.
H. wood and wife to Liiicy a. jocelyn,
by deed dated December 9th, 1890, and
recorded in the office of tbe Recorder of
Deeds of Forest County, in Deed Book
No. 2!), page 43.
Tbe above premises will be sold sub
ject to a certain lease for oil and gas pur
poses (hereon, granted oy LUcv a, joce
lyn to O. B. Scott, dated tbe 25th day of
October. 1900. and recorded in the Re
corder's Oftiee of Forest County, in Lease
and Agreement Book No, 1, page 34.
Also the undivided one-half interest of.
in and to all that certain other piece or par
cel of land situate in tbe township, county
and state aforesaid, and also being part of
the landa of tbe late Jocelyn Oil Land As
sociation aforesaid, and bounded and des
cribed as follows, viz: Beginning at the
southeast corner of "Section A Lot No. 43"
on map described as aforesaid; thence west
ninety-six rods, more or less, along the
south boundary line of and Including lota
Nos. 4-1, 42, 41, 40, 59, A8 to the western end
of "Section A"; thence continuing west in
to "Section C" forty-eight rods, more or
less, along the southern boundary line of and
including lota Nos. 1, 38, 39 to the western
end thereof; thence north seventy-five rods,
moro or less, up the west line of and includ
ing lots Nos. 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 to
the south side of the Publio Highway;
thence west thirty-two rods, more or less,
along the south line of and including lots
Nos. 08, and the Public Highway to me
northeast corner of lot 107; thence south
westerly along the south aide of tbe Public
Highway sixty-four rods, more or less,
across lots Nos. 167, 122, 14", 14ti, l."9 in
cluding tbe Public Highway to tba western
end of lot No. 159; thence north one hun
dred and twenty-five rods, more or leM, up
the western line ot and Including irotn mat
point, lots Nos. l'9. UK), 161, K2, 16:1, 164,
l(i., li6, 167, li;8, 169, 170, 171 to the north
boundary thereof; thence east one bnndred
and forty rods, more or less, from tbe north
west corner ot lot No. 171 along the north
ern line of and including lots Nos. 171, 134,
133, 90, 9.", r8, r7, 20, 19 to the northeastern
corner of "Section "'; thence south twenty
rods, more or less, down the eastern line of
and including lots Nos. 19, 18 to the south
west corner of "lot 73 Section B ; thence
east in "Section B" ninety six rods, more
or less, along the northern line of and in
cluding lots Nos. (12, 63, 64, 6.), 6'i, 67 to tbe
eastern boundary thereof; thence south one
hundred and sixty rods, more or less, from
the northeast corner of lot No. 67 down tbe
eastern boundary line of and iucluding lots
Nos. 67 , 66, 55, 44, 43, 32, 31, 20, 1!), 18, 1 in
"Section B" and lots Nos. 1, 1 19, 20, 31,
32, 43 to tbe place of beginning, and contain
ing iu all two hundred and thirty and seventy-five
one hundredths acres of land, more
or less, and being the same undivided one
half interest conveyed by W. H. Wood and
wife to Lucy A. Jocelyn by deed dated De
cember 9th, 1890 and recorded In the office
of the Recorder of Deeds of Forest County,
In Deed Book No. 29, page 4-". Reserving
from this piece one acre of ground on which
W. 11. Wood has ouo oil well.
Improvements: A two story frame
dwelling house and a frame barn.
The above premises will be sold subject
to the following leases for oil aud gas pur
poses thereon: First, a lease given by W.
H. Wood et al. to John Bright, dated April
30, 1903, and recorded in tbe Recorder's
othce of Forest County, in D. B. 35, page
11"), on the 2nd day of Nov. 1903. Second,
a lease granted by Lucy A. Jocelyn et al.
to J. F. Proper et al. dated May 13, 1904,
which ratified, extended aud eularged the
lease last above recited so as to cover there
by the entire tract hist aliove described.
Third, a certain lease for ten acres of the
above described tract, granted by Jocelyn
& Wood to Gorman and others, dated the
day of 19 and not yet
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of D. A. Childs, Adm'r of the
estate nf Lucy A. Jocelyn, Mary E. Brill,
('has. E. Swasey, Florence L. Swasey, A.
H. Jocelyn, Jr., Dr. Swasey. children and
heirs of Ella Jocelyn, deceased, daughter of
Lucy A. Jocelyn, except Dr. Swasey, who
was the hushand of said Ella Jocelyn, de
ceased. Ed. Trombley, E, L. Gorman and
D. W. Brinton, as lessees, at the suit of Etta
Walters, assignee of H. T. Parker, who
was assignee of T. N. Barusdall and Wil
liam Karnsdall, Jr., executors of the last
will of Wm, Barusdall, deceased.
TEK&.3 OF SALE. The following
must be strictly complied with when the
property is stricken down :
1. When the plaintill'or other lein cred
itors become the purchaser, the costs on
the writs must be paid, and a list of lions
including mortgage searches on the prop
el ty Bold, together with such linn credit
or's receipt for the amount of tho- pro
ceeds of tlio sale or such portion thereof as
he may claim, must be furnlshod the
Short II.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
bo continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of the
next day, at which lime all property not
settled f'oi will again bo put up and sold
at the expenso and risk of tho person to
whom first sold,
See Ptirdon'a Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 446 and Smith's Forms, pago 384.
H. K. M AXWKLIj, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Ollice, Tionesta, Pa., Septem
ber 28, 1909.
A Rare Chance to
Make Some Money
We hnve Just secured a thirty-years'
lease on a section of land in Flat
Creek, Montgomery County, N. Y.,
about one nnd one-half miles nbove
Sprnkers Bason, n station on the West
Shore Railroad. This '. property con
tains n large and vnlunble deposit of
.corf, showing by assays over 80 pure
galena (within 5 of the richest speci
men known). Five business men of
Buffalo, N. Y., hnve organized a com
pnny, The Montgomery Mining nnd
Reduction Co., with a capitalization of
six hundred thousand dollars, pur value
of shnres one dollar ench. I Fully paid
non-assessable, incorporated under
the laws of Arlzonn).
We want to sell Just enoiiRti of these
Bhnres to furnish funds to equip nnd
work one of the five true fissure veins
contained In this property. It will not
require much money to equip for work
ing, as there la plenty of timber on
the property for erecting buildings,
mine nnd milling purposes. We shall
not attempt to build Binelter now, but
ship our ore In car lots to a smelter
from which we can get cash returns
within a few days from dates of ship
ments. Do you realize what a chance
this offering presents for a profitable
You do not have to go so fnr afield
aa the Western States or thousands of
miles away, but ao near that you can
visit the property nt little expense or
loss of time.
There Is an increasing demand for
lend, which now exceeds in value the
production of silver in the United
States. The smelting companies stand
ready to pny us cash for every ton of
ore we ran ship to them.
This is simply a business proposition
where yon are sure to make some
money on t.e shnres you will buy.
Not a mining scheme, as usually pre
sented, and if you have a few dollars
that are not nt present working here
Is the opportunity that you want.
Let us give you full information.
202 D S. Morgan Bldg.. . . BUFFALO, N. Y.
The nine that has bn continuously
successful for more than 30 yrar is
worth invfstigatiiiir. For the lni or
drink hahlt, Writ for partieulara.
Only Klfy Institute In Western
Penna. 4246 Fifth At... Pitubnrih. Pa.
LdleI AmU ymur Urmmmt foe a
Mhr-irr. IHanond TlraadA
rill In Hrl nd Uoltj nirulltcV
boirt, M)et wit Illi RtUwa. V
Tk tltr. Ituy of T4nr " .
yrt known U Best, Sft, Always KelUhl
The Most Progressive
Retail Dry Goods
Io Northwostem Pennsylvania extends cordial welcome to visiting
firemen and tbuir fiienda. If it is within tho power of this store to
contribute to your comfort or assist in auy way to make this most
pleasant aud enjoyable week we shall be glad to do ao.
It is our put pose to make it a most profitable week to those of
the buudreda who expect to do any dry gonda buying, and who will,
because of its splendid equipment, select this as tho best store io
which to do their buying.
Price cards everywhere attest the fact that certain merchandise
has been priced special lor Fircinou's Convention Week.
'200 Women's Strictly Man-Tailored Suits have beeu priced for
this occasion, Sit! 50, S18 50 and $20
Hut whether or not you have any buying to do, this store wel
comes vou.
Classy Footwear
I New Lasts. Distinctive Styles t
If you want Shoes that are different from tho
ordinary Shoes sold at must stores, you rhould try
a pair of "Carlon's Shoes "
All the new leathers, including the
New Winter Tans,
Which are very popular this season at popular
$3.50, $4.00 and $5.00.
X 11G Centre St.,
Oil City, Pa. :
How to Serve
Foods Shot from Guns
Serve them with cream, like other
cereals. Or serve them with fruit.
Serve them, like crackers, in a
bowl of milk. Or serve them as they
are in the package.
However you serve them, you'll
find them the most enticing foods
that you know.
Think of whole wheat or rice ker
nels puffed to eight times natural size.
Made four times as porous as bread.
Unbroken kernels, crisp and nut
like, ready to melt in the mouth.
Digestible kernels, with every starch
granule literally blasted to pieces.
Do you wonder that such foods
have jumped into such popularity?
Can you wonder that seventeen
million dishes were consumed by
people last month?
See if your folks like them.
Puffed Wheat-10c Puffed Rice-1 5c
These are the foods invented by Prof. An
derson, and this is his curious process:
The whole wheat or rice kernels are put into
sealed guns. Then the guns are revolved for
aixty minutes in a heat of 550 degrees.
That fierce heat turns the moisture in the
grain to steam, and the pressure becomes tremendous.
Then the guns are unsealed, and the steam
explodes. Instantly every starch granule is
blasted into a myriad particles.
The kernels of grain arc expanded eight
times. Yet the coats arc unbroken, the shapes
are unaltered. We have simply the magnified
One package will tell you why people de
light in them. Order it now.
Made only by The Quaker Oats Company
Wedding Celebrated In Paris In Pres
ence of a Distinguished Audience.
Pdrw, Oct. 6. .Miss Fernanda Wan
amaker, (IniiRhtur of Rodman Wana
iiink'T and KnnililuuKhtor of John
Waiiamaki'i, was married to Count Ar
thur De Heereu, son ot Count lleerun
of Paris and Diur.'itz. The wedding was
celebrated In the presence of a dU
tliiKuished mid fashionable audience.
There were two ceremonies. Tho
first was tarried out In the Catholic
church of St. I'hllllpe Uu Houlo, with
full orchestral accompaniment. This
was followed by a Protestant marriage
service at the home of the bride, in
the Avenue Des Champes Elysees,
where the Rev. Alfred C. Mortimer of
Philadelphia ofliclated. Henry White,
the American ambassador, and the
Marquis Del Muni, the Spanish am
bassador, acted us witnesses
Fire Escapes
jfW Largest Manufacturer of
Mjrii In the Uaited States
ft f W1RE w0RK
Vftg la Bran or Iroa for Every
Vfj'' Purpose
jJ . Write lor Dlurtnltd Catalog.
JJ Matini kind of work wanted.
J. L. Heplcr
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipmeut. We can
fit yon out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Come aud see us.
Two Stable,
Hear of Hotel Weaver
and Itridge Street,
Telephone No. 20.