The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 25, 1909, Image 4

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Summary of the Week's News
of the World.'
No Effort Will Ba Mad to Keep Force
Up to Authorised Strength.
Washington, Aug. 24. Returning
prosperity Is having Its effect on re
cruiting men for the United States
nrmy, making It more difficult to keep
up the standard established during and
following the panic of 1907 when
splendid material was available from
the ranks of the unemployed.
The authorized strength of the army
today Is 84,500 men, exclusive of the
hospital corps, which numbers 3,500
Slayer of Wife Says He Has Nothing
to Live For.
Vllkes Harr Pu Aug. 24. Declur
I ne that when lie Is called for trial he
will plead and ask the court to have
him hanged as soon as possible, (ioorge
I.. .Marlon, the New York theatrical
man who shot mid killed his wife In
the otllce of Chief of Police Long here
on rrlday, said today that he Is fully
decided upen tiie course he will pur-
"1 have nothing to live for now," ho
Hnld. 'I loVCil the wmitiin im.1 n,w
As the terms of enlistment expire I that she ix gone I am willing to go too,
and the sooner the better."
AV -w V YtOT Happenings From All Parts of thi
Jtt v.c VJ-C I G,obe Put lnt ShaPe Fop Eay
Reading What All the World ti
Talking About Cream of the New
TJTV f J l(T"" f (I Culled From Long Dispatches.
O AnKM Jr A Wednesday
. .am am W mmr sa ats, W Ileavv rains have extinguished the
forest fires which have been burning
for days past In the Catskilla and
Shawangunk mountains.
Judge Knapp, chairman of the Inter-
t ii I p"io cuiiiiiu-rco cuiiiiiuHHiun, expects
n event Ol UnnvallCU importance tO economical hOUSC- American railroads to break the rec
keepers. Many stirring values m Blankets ol splendid quality. ords fr business this year.
I his August lilanket Sale is going to be the MT- Aiar,on ,na ,m? 0,ner
and representatives who are to draft a
I new monetary system for the llnllerl
Greatest Vadvie-Giving Event
of the Season
Af tVtlC ctiT Willi Irtftfl -at, ennti ia
" owiK". ' "" " ?woka Juu uc i ...uv An attack on the fortifications of " ' . " ."""6' fT' , 1 .V " V. -1. "
lilankets of the best grades at prices which considering the irb
States are In session at the Hotel
Plaza, New York.
Kight men. Including the captain of
the three-masted schooner Arlington
of Boston, were rescued by Ilfesavers
from their craft when stranded on
Long Beach, L. I.
it is no easy matter to Induce deslra
ble men, to re-enllst.
It will not be a hard matter, there
fore, to reduce the size of the stand
Ing army, in arordiince with President
Taft's wishes. Ostensibly the cause
for this reduction Is the dlfTisculty of
obtaining ood men, but the real rea-
on is one of economy. Every man
reduced meant' a saving of 11,000 a
year, and If this reduction proposed
reaches 8,000 men by July 1 next, the
total saving will amount to $8,000,000
per year,
President Taft has been Insistent on
big reductions In army estimates for
1911 and the army officials have been
Thousand Families Homeless.
Krementchug. Ku.isli, Aug. 24. A
thousand famll'ej in this district have
been hom:lei by a lire
that started yesterday In a local lum
ber mill and raged throughout tho
night. The local appliances were in
adequate to control the (lame and
the mills ii:k n large section of Kient
entchug wire destroyed.
Will Carry on Old Fight.
Altoona, Pa., An;;. SI. Heirs of
Michael .Monkey of Cassindra. who
casting about In every conceivable way nl,,(1 flom wo"'v OVpr losing .l,o;.0 in
to effect a saving. Necessary con- ,,,e defunct bank of Gardner, .Morrov;
p -i .i .i . n ii i -i .i i . I . . j .... . iuiiunru ana wic Hi-uuismon w ome- i '
iuui, mat, me iann on wool nas jusi oeen raisea, are me lowest. .-.u. K..ttm.y ana sue- net,ufuI equipments has been deferred. I',,', 1hn ,h(,v sh continue tho
:i . " . ' " Finally a decision has been reached M ,0 recover the money. It was
u'Mng lorce Deing totally au- fh, ,,,,,. . ,., . twelve years before Morrlsm- rtl.nnv
be effected by reducing the enlisted crea ,ne unk had failed
you may expect lor many days to come.
From the best manufacturers we have secured
obtain Turkish franchises Involving
expenditure of millions.
German Interests In Haytl are vlo-
Blankets of Every Sort,
Light-weight cottons for the early Fall days and heavy woolen
ones for the days when the snow man comes whistling round.
And when we say wool we mean wool, long finely woven wool !en,Iy PiM,slnR the p'n of American
ol the softest texture, not rough shoddy which picks and irrU
This sale is the outcome of an endeavor to make nn other-
wise dull month in this department one of the busiest of the
whole store year. The result is that you can secure bed-cover
ings during this sale at practically wholesale cost.
Washington reported that American AUTO RAN nnWN RY FWfilUtT I
KinlUllol. ,.. II . v . I . . w " . I. U I kliuillk
,n,nniiDia iia.u r Aid I fll L 1 IIHIICH J I
FaJl Will be Here
In a very little while. When it comes you will be needing
new blankets. 1 he time to make ready is now when prices are
at their summer level lor such phenomenal values will not pre
vail once the snow flies.
The prices are convincing proof of the stupendous money
savings, Who Needs Blankets?
The Smart & Silberberq Co.
bankers to secure a concession to
build a railroad system in the Black
Heavy manufacturing companies re
port Increase In output, larger pay
rolls and erection of new plants as ev
idence of extensive Improvement in
the Industrial situation.
Twenty casks and nine cases con
taining specimens, trophies of the
hunt, collected by the Roosevelt ex
pedition in South Africa, were brought
to Now York on the steamer Provlncla
from Marseilles.
Oil City Trust Company. :
The Gloucester fishing schooner Or
inoco capsized near Lunenberg, X. S.,
and elevent men, all Xova Scotlans,
were drowned.
A Marlenbad dispatch describes the
brilliant celebration, King Edward
VII. taking part, of the seventy-ninth
birthday of the Emperor of Austria.
A dispatch from Beverly stated that
Secretary MacVeagh was unable to
find tariff experts to fill new offices
who are up to the standard set by Mr.
Ten persons were Injured seriously
and twenty others narrowly escaped
when 230 feet of the Twelfth street
bridge over the Chicago river col
The Red army of Invasion in the war
game In Massachusetts continued to
advance toward Boston despite re-
Istance on the part of the weakened
and scattered Blue army of defence.
Two of the Occupants Were Instantly
Killed and Five Others Injured.
Kankakee, III., Aug. J4. Mrs.
George Granger, wife of a retired Kan
kakee merchant, and Miss Genevieve
Rabfg, an elocution teacher of Chi
cago, were Instantly killed and Ave
other occupants of a touring car were
seriously Injured when the machine
was run over by a Big Four locomotive
and caboose In Kankakee.
The party was on the way to Mound
Grove cemetery at the time of the ac
cident A string of cars on a side
track obstructed the view of the chauf
feur and of the engineer.
The Injured are: George Granger,
hue-band of the woman killed; .Miss
Amelia Kortin, clster of .Mrs. Granger;
Miss Jeanette Granger, a daughter;
Paul Granger, a son, and Ira Cole,
chauffeur. All were severely hurt ex
cept the chauffeur. Miss Jeanette
Granger was found between the bodies
of ber mother and Miss Rabig. She
was rescued 30 minutes after the ac
cident by Jacking up the caboose.
Portuguese Youth Slashed Cap
tain and Mate of Steamer.
Vice President,
Mailed in Tinnesta, addressed to us, will be delivered in a few hours, and as
promptly answered. Write us in regard to any financial business you may
Four Per Cent.
Paid on Time Deposits.
Tim Deposits Solicited.
A.Watnk Cook,
Will pay Four I'er Cent, per Annum
A. B. KlLLT.
Vice President
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
G. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugb,
T. F. Ritchev. J. T. Dale, A. B. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pld on time
deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
Pennsylvania Railroad ii
Sunday, September 5, 1909
Oil City
Tionesia ...
Hickory ...
Train Lesves,
.... 7.40 a. in.
.... 8.0.i "
... 8.25 "
... .( "
0.13 "
Rate to Warren Rate to Olesn or
and return. Brad lord and return
I. on
1 50
1 50
Bradford 8.00
TIdioute 9.20
Olenn Ar. 12.10 Noon
Bradford Ar. 12.10 "
RETURNING, Special Train will leave Olean 8.00 p. m.,
I' u.., Tiniivu ju.uu y, ui.
In consideration of Iberoduced fare at which TICKETS are sold, tbev
will be accepted for passage GOING and RKTURNING only on SPECIAL
IKAINouday of KxuurBion as advrtined above. Baggage will not be
Children between Five and Twelve years of Age, Half Fares
Passenger Tratlio Manager General Passenger Agent
The oyster net In Xarragansett bay
this year Is said to be a failure, and
many of the oyster growers will sus-
tl heavy losses as a result.
Soven West Point cadets involved
in the hazing of Roland Sutton of Ore-
gan were dismissed from the Mili
tary academy by President Taft.
Ten thousand strikers who went out
early in the month at Stockholm, ac
cording to officlil figures, have resuni-
New York, Aug. 24. The captain.
the mate and a shipyard gang of fifty I
men at work on the steamer Harry
Luckenbach were helpless for half an
hour against Salvatore Farina, a Port
uguese youth of 18, who ran amuck
with a sheath knife. John Dalton, the
mate, was so badly cut across the ab
domen that he will probably die and
his brother Joseph, the captain, was
less seriously wounded.
The fight began when the mate cuff
ed Farina for an Impudent reply and
ended with the two wounded men on
the deck, Farina backed up against
the foremast, an 8-Inch blade In his
ed work during the past day or two.
Vachrls and Crowley, New York po- hand, and the crew ringed around at
licenien, returned from Italy, where they a respectful distarce. He surrender
bud spent four months and a half In- ed to the police
vestigating the mystery of the asassln
ation of 1'f-troslno and the records of
Italian criminals now In this country.
Put a Lock
on Your
Pocket Book
by opening a bank account
and paying all bills by check.
Stop the loose change habit
it leads to extravagance, You
will not be so ready to let your
eyes be your financial guide
when you have to make out a
check to pay your bill. Keep
your money in bank and your
hands will be less liable to be
in your pocket.
We encourage small Checking
accounts, they have a habit of
Let us talk the matter over
Capital and Surplus
Total Assets over
f ranhliu 2rusl
Women's Tailored
FaJl Season, 1909.
This is the first reference we've made to the New Suits for Fall.
They've been coming in most every day since the first of August, but
we wanted a good assortment here before we mentioned thoni in the
paper. Now the assortment is good and includes everv prominent
color and the price rango is from (14 50, $16.50, $18 50," 820 to 835.
These Suit, in every essential of Tailored Suit Perfection, will
be found fully up to the high suit standard attained by this storo's
Department of "Ready To Wear." These first duita have this ad-
vantage over "re-ordera," or those Suits arriving later in the season
I if there ia any difference iu workmanship or the many details that
T euter into perfect Suit construction it's in their favor.
mores a price advantage that a quite apparent every Suit
buyer will find lint atatement absolutely true.
1 1 !
MOur 36th year open September 14th, 1909.
Send fM- mi n.uf f ln... 1 i-'f - li -ii . .1 r it
. j : ' "" vu'"suc ucauuiuny iiiusiralea tun
, ,1 . rrP,r t""""! tor life in it broadest wme. Ideal location,
i-w oore in. sea. rerrect modern equipment. Scholarly, Christian
influence. Dr. JAMES E, AMENT, Principal, Indiana, Pa.
Dlspatclies from Mexico reported
that President Diaz would not be able
to meet President Taft at El Paso as
City Councils Asks Governor to Recall
State Constabulary.
Pittsburgh Auk. 24. The McKees
Rock city council late last night at a
special meeting called for the purpose
...vr. ,,-,,, ,,u,Qr expeumon ( Hjrrlshnrt In aok r.nvornnr C.a-t
. MuurmeaD? an accment to ms to rall tno state constabulary from the
". "'"6 i u.Bjmua irom plant of tne pressp(i ste.el Car com
Spitsbergen. ,, , . . ,. .
A. D. r. Adams, a broker of Boston. Rtrik WiihPr Dip r mmnnnv nm-
indicted In the Helnze copper share the gtrlkers were criticised at th-J
Bwiuaie. was locKeu in the Tombs in council mpetln. th, hotn.r
umumi u. uuii. b mn v to nrnlp.-t tho oltl,pn. nf -.
Miss Virginia Paul of Swarthmore. Kees Rocks and Sfhoenvllle
t a., tost tier lire In futile effort to save I The death list resulting from Sun
NY. Brooke Lesalg. son of George Les- day night's wild rioting was swelled
sig, weaimy coal mine owner, in the when Mike Dezoskl, one of the strlk-
surr at MUiwood, N. J. ing men, living in McKees Rocks, died
Diamonds for which New York Jew- at Mercy hospital from gun wounds in
elers had been looking since June 29, the lungs and abdomen. This brings
wnen they were lost, were found In the death list up to seven.
Jersey City, where a baby was using
mem as playthings.
Joseph Cada dived Into Lake Ontar
io at Sea Breeze, thinking the water
was depp, but only a foot covered a
rock. He shattered his spine and is
paralyzed from his shoulders down.
By the courage of a watchman, who
was grievously wounded, an attempt
to rob the well known London jewelry
firm of Mappln & Webb, was foiled J
and six of the robbers were captured.
Charges against the management of
AK for Krafrlil ft .
;;hl-rkM.rrs JM.m JTlndA
1'IIU In KrJ nd ilol4 mcUlllcvV
hnirt, lealnl villi Blu RiMm, V
Take .Ikrp. 1-T t V
llrlt. A. k fa4'li.irvkt n a
.I.L A. k frwtf'lll.
1IAUIM IIRANIt IMt.l.a. r si
yein known u Beit. Saint. Alwlvi Rellal la
James B. Hammond Asks Injunction
to Prevent Distribution of Stock.
New York, Aug. 24. An attempt by
James 1!. Hammond, head of the Ham
mond Typewriter company, to revoke
a trust agreement by which hp virtual
ly gnve 520 shares of stock of that
compi'.ny to th. employes of the com
pany wag argued in court.
Mr. Hammond's counsel Informed
the court t tint in February last, believ
ing that he was atvuit to die, Mr. Ham
mond appointed ti listers to distribute
the stock anions; those of his employes
whose lennth of service warranted It.
A few months Inter an attempt was
made to show that Mr. Hammond was
mentally unsound, but he was twice
adjudged sane.
Li June he visited Europe and re
covered his health, but while absent
learned that the stock was being dis
tributed. Mr. Hammond then return
ed to Ann rlca and recovered most of
the stocks. The courts are now asked
to enjoin fjie benellclr.ries of Mr.
Hammond's gift from appropriating
the entire stock of the company.
Mr. Hammond's counsel said that
the stock In question was worth $1,
OOO.iiOO and that the agreement under
whlih Mr. Hammond had made It over
to his omploycs Included a provision
that the rompanv should pay $S0.n)0 a
year for live y.ns. He now desires
to hold the gift n abyeyancp. Deci
sion was reserved by the court.
Clean Food.
It 1m a good deal mure Import, itu' that
food shall not carry the germs of ills
ease than that It shall ln chemically
pure. Tnlile salt, for example, may
contain some salts other than the
chloride and still be perfectly healthful.-
Corn bread s less henltlifnl when
made from pure conimenl than when It
hns some admixture of wheat flour.
But food that Is not clenn may lie
more dangerous than any adulterated
food product sold today, provided the
adulterated article rarrios no disease
germs.-Boston Advertiser.
Fire Escapes
PAjr Larfeit Mtaofictsms of
XyTp h tat United States
Is Brai or Iroa for Ertry
sQr ' PsrpoM "v-
Write lor Huttim) Calais.
JI etaoss aiad ol trark waMnL
No Danger
if VOU Uaa tha rioht a-aaollna.
More auto troublea can be traced
to interior gasoline than from all
other causes. Why not enjoy your
machine, confident that the power is
there just when you Deed it most.
Waverly Gasolines
re manufactured expressly for automo
bile use. Try tha YVverly brands.
70 Motor Stove
You m-iy he aMiirrd of instantaneous, pow.
enm ticm exinosiun. irtrt-dom 1mm carbon
uciKixiiaon ipaik pluira or in cylinders,
tjuirk igniuon. Aak your dealer.
Wayerly Oil Works C.
Indrpetadeni ftflnrf
A New Delight
Foods Shot from Guns
Spanish Convoy Attacked.
Slelilla, Aug. 24. A Spanish convoy
was attacked by the Moors at a point
near Sidlniusa. After severe fighting
in which seven Spaniards were wound
ed the convoy was extricated Irom Its
position. The Moors are receiving re
inforcements in large numbers.
Open Air 8uffrage Meeting.
isewport, r. i. Aug. 24 Rev. Dr.
Anna Howard Shaw, president of the
National Woman's Suffrage associa
te House of Refuge, Randall'B Island, Hon, arlrved In this city today as the
investigated by the state board ot gust of Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont at
charities, resulted In criticism of the whose marble house w 111 be held a
There arc myriads of homes where
these foods are not new these deli
cious Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice.
The people who know them are
already serving seventeen million
dishes per month.
But to millions of others these foods
remain a new and unknown delight.
And to those this appeal is addressed.
The appeal is to try one package
just for the children's sake.
Serve it tomorrow morning. Listen
to what they say. Then ask them
what food they want next.
Wheat and rice are common foods,
prepared in numerous ways. See if
this way is best.
We make all sorts of cereal foods,
so it matters little to us which kind
you prefer.
But it means much to you to get
the food that you like best. See if
Puffed Wheat is that food.
officials for cruelty toward Inmatjs
and of the managers for neglect ot
Harry K. Thaw's Bell Recast.
Klttannlng, Pa., Aug. 24. Recast
and ready to he placed In the belfry
of the new Manor Presbyterian
church, the bell which Harry K. Thaw
gave in 18!I2 for the edifice that waa
destroyed by lightning last summer
has arrived and will be placed in posi
tion for the dedication next month.
Paymaster Murdered and Robbed.
Bluefleld, W. Va., Aug. 24. News
reached here rrom Rock, W. Va., that
W. II. Oakley, paymaster of the Frank
lln Construction company, had been
shot by an unknown man and robbed
of f2,0u0.
large open air meeting In the interest
or woman suffrage. Mayor P. J. Boyle
of this city will preside at the meet
ing and Dr. Shaw Is to be the sneaker.
Eaot Buffalo Live Stock MaiKet.
CATTI.K Prime export steers. $6.75
C7.00; good to choice butcher steers,
$D.7o'tfC.75; choice cow.-i, $4.25414.65;
choice heifeis, Jfi.lMKi 5.50; common
to fair helfurs, $.).75iii 4 .80; common to
fair bulls. $3,UU(Li'4.00; choice veals,
$9.75ft 10.00; fair to good, $9.25W.).50.
spring lambs, $7,504)7.75; yearling,
$5,254(5.50; mixed sheep, $4.504j;4.75.
HOUS Light Yorkers, $8,301?.) 8.35,
medium and heavy hogs, $8.504; 8.85:
pigs, $8.25(3' 8.50.
Puffed Wheat-lOc Puffed Rice-I5c
Buffalo Hay Market.
Timothy, No. 1 on track, $15.003
15.50; No. 2 timothy, $14.0014.60;
straw, wheat and oat. $7.504J8.00.
These arc the foods invented by Prof. An
derson, and this is his curious process:
The whole wheat or rice kernels are put into
sealed guns. Then the guns are revolved for
sixty minutes in a heat of 550 degrees.
That fierce heat turns the moisture in the
grain to steam, and the pressure becomes tremendous.
Then the guns are unsealed, and the steam
explodes. Instantly every starch granule is
blasted into a myriad particles.
The kernels of grain are expanded eight
times. Yet the coats are unbroken, the shapes
are unaltered. Wc have simply the magnified
One package will tell you why people de
light in them. Order it now.
Made only by The Quaker Oats Company