The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 18, 1909, Image 4

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    5 k $mut
Clearance SaJe
in Suit Department.
We are closing out Suits at half price to make room for fall
arrivals, which will soon be crowding out the summer offerings,
notwithstanding there are many happy days yet to be spent in
cool comfortable and beautiful summer suits.
All our Anderson Ginghams and our piece dresses; all our
Coat Suits in Linen or Linene, in white, pink, blue or lavender;
also an attractive line of Organdies, Dimities and Lawns.
Everything Now HaJf Price.
The Go-Cacrt We Recommend.
Of all the go-carts, and we have investigated the field
pretty thoroughly, we would recommend "The Lloyd." "With
a single motion, which may be accomplished with one hand, the
"Lloyd" can be folded and will stand up without any support.
The opening is just as simple. The prices of these go-carts run
from $5 to 15.
The New Rengo Belt Corset.
Have you seen it I Conforming to all the latest require
ments of lashion, it is especially designed for stout figures. It
has no superior as an abdomen reducer. Pay us a visit and we
will be pleased to show you its exceptional qualities.
Itengo Corsets are made of fine heavy white coutil, with
high or medium bust and fine white batiste with high bust, long
extension hips and sides, boned throughout with double watch
spring steels, guaranteed rustproof, 4 fine plain elastic garters
in front, abdominal section, reinforced with cross belt, trimmed
with lace and ribbon.
AH sizes of styles 41, 43, 46, 47 at our special price, $2.
Style 49 Best corset that can be made at any price, $3.
Our Special Prices for August
Are the centre of attraction for thrifty buyers from near and far.
The Smart & Silberberq Co.
Oil City Trust Company.
Vice President,
Fluctuate in value, at times dividends are reduced and sometimes are not
paid at all. You are also obliged to pay commissions when you purchase
or sell thera. Not so with our
Certificates of Deposit.
They always pay you FOUR PER CENT., and can readily be turned into
cash without commissions.
Capital & Surplus, $750,000.00
Time Deposits Solicited.
A. Watnjs Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, Q. W. Robinson, Wm. Hmearbaugb,
N.P.Wheeler, T. F.Ritchev. J.T.Dale. A. B.Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of payment
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully
-Where Did That Money Go?
Yes, Where? try as you may you will still wonder
how it all went so quickly.
A Checking Account
will eliminate the question mark cancelled checks will give you
a permanent record of expenditures and provide a legal receipt
which bars all disputes.
Remove all doubt by becoming businesslike open a
checking account with this bank.
Small and growing accounts solicited.
Capital and Surplus
Franklin 2rusfr
pay Four Per Cent, per Annum
Wk, Shbarbauoh,
Vice President
at low rates. We promise our custom
Total Assets Over
Pithy ParagraphsThatChronlole
the Week's Doings.
Long Dispatches From Various Parta
of the World Shorn of Their Padding
and Only Fact Given In as Few
Words as Possible For tha Benefit
of the Hurried Reader.
Mrs. Sutton's letters, In which she
declares her sun was beaten to death
as part of a plot, were read publicly
at Annapolis.
President Taft gave full authority
to Secretary Knox to organize the new
Far Kast Dureau and directed him to
proceed with the work.
The Duke of the Abruzzl has estab
lished another record In mountain
climbing. He ascended Mount Godwin-Austen
In India, to a height of
24,600 feet.
Rush of wine and other Imports to
escape Increased duties, Washington
reported, would reduce greatly the es
timated receipts under th Payne
Aldrlch tariff.
By telegraphic order from Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury Reynolds
500.000 Philippine cigars were released
from bond In San Francisco and will
be admitted free of duty under the
new tariff law.
Notice was given foreign countries
that trade agreements under the Ding
ley law would be terminated.
Mrs. Rose Sutton Parker testified
that Lieutenant Adams told her his
life would not be safe If Lieutenant
Sutton had lived.
Practically the entire business por
tion of Montlcello, a summer resort
village, in the mountains of Sullivan
county, New York, Is In ashes.
New York state banks are reducing
Interest on deposits In a campaign
gainst excessive rates, according to
Clark Williams, superintendent of
Reports have been received of tha
discovery In the Aboycorn district of
British Central Africa of gold deposits
Imllar to the Rand formation which
re said to extend over an area of six
Fire did $100,000 damage In the plant
of Jacob Hold Packing company at
Fillmore avenue and William street,
President Taft began looking Into
conditions in New Mexico and Arizona
puparatory to making statehood the
next great fight in congress.
Jack Johnson signed articles In Chi
cago, agreeing to fight James J. Jeffries
for the heavyweight championship
Ithin the next eight months.
Justice Isaac N. Mills decided that
the slayer of Stanford White Is still In
sane and sent him back to the crimin
al Insane asylum at Matteawan. Not
one of the many contentions made by
Thaw during the recent hearing was
Beverly, Mass., reported that Mr.
Taft had not yet decided to offer the
ambassadorship to great Britain to Dr.
Seth Low of New York.
Leslie Call, a bachelor farmer liv
ing alone near Wellsville, N. Y., was
killed by an ugly bull near his barn.
He was mutilated beyond recognition.
Striking dock laborers at Fort Will
iam, Ont.. engaged in pitched battle
with the police, drove them to cover
and town was placed under martial
Too much attention to social duties
and too little to class work resulted
in dropping of almost 100 young men
from the ranks of the University of
The Kllpatrlck with 900 men on
board left New York to participate in
the army maneuvers along the At
lantic coast In the vicinity of New
Bedford next week.
Canadian Pacific strikebreakers be
gan work at Fort William, Ont, guard
ed by 600 soldiers.
President Taft, with Secretary Na-
gcl and Postmaster General Hitchcock,
made selections for census supervisor-
According to a dispatch from Hong
Kong, Leon, suspected of having slain
Elsie Slgel In New York, Is reported
to have reached that city.
The Blue army, defending Boston In
the $.r00,000 war game, went Into
camp to protect the city. The Red
army disembarked at New Bedford.
Washington reported that ths
friends of Glfford Plnchot in the con
servation controversy Insisted that Mr.
Balllnger, secretary of the Interior,
would be asked to resign.
President Taft gave out a list of cen
sus supervisors whose commissions
had been signed, Including eight for
New York state.
No trace has yet been found of Mag'
lstrate Henry J. Furlong of Brooklyn,
who disappeared a we!, ago and whose
wife lies dead in their home.
The Evening Chronicle, a four-page
pink sheet, devoted to sports and the.
ntrlcals. appeared In New York this
week, the only Sunday evening paper
In the city.
Seven men and three women, two
of whom may not recover, were In
Jured when an explosion of natural
gas wrecked the four-story brick build
ing of the Wtrlck Moving and Storage
tompany of Cleveland.
The Genius.
Mark Twain Kt.hl of genius at
New York banquet:
"A genius, as nu old lady In Hniinl
1ml once explained to me, Is a man
what knows inore'n he can find out
and spills vlttels on his clothes."
To Simplify English.
It N the vowels which nre the great
difficulty of English pronunciation.
We want our vowel sounds standard
ized for us nil the pronunciations,
with the correct Intonations, set down
for us In some Intelligible and easily
understood form. Country Life.
Speaks Highly of Seattle's Exposition
and of New York's ...hlblts.
Saranac Inn, Aug. 17. Oovernor
Hughes returned to hla summer camp
last night after his trip to Seattle ex
position, and announced that he will
leave for Alhnny this afternoon to
take up official matters before him.
His family will remain here until Inte
In September and the governor will
make week-end trips from Albany. To
meet her husband lust evening Mrs.
Hughes took; a sixteen mile carriage
drive on the wet mountain roads.
The governor spoke of the Seattle
exposition, Its management and the re
ception accorded him. In highest
terms. Of the exposition he Bald:
"It Is compact and well arranged
and It very easily seen to advantage.
To me Its conspicuous features are
the Alaskan exhibit and the forestry
exhibition. I was very much gratified
to find what New York state had done.
The managers cannot apeak too highly
of New York'a representation."
"We do not realize the possibilities
of the Northwestern country." he con
tinued, "and the beauty Is that while
It Is rapidly developing on either aide
of the line, there la no unfriendliness
attending Its advancement."
Governor Hughes said that he would
take up m once the consideration of
the case of IiOiila A. Haffen, president
of the Bronx, whose removal on
charges i special commissioner has
Not Believed to Have Given Much In
formation to Authorities.
Rochester, Aug. 17. Among those
who were examined at the session of
the Inquest Into the murder of Anna
Schumacher was Rev. Dr. James Jo
seph Hartley, pro-rector of St. Bern
ard's seminary, the principal residing
officer at the seminary.
Because of Its being a vacation, he
said, there were but five students at
the seminary. He testified to the high
character of the students and the
strictness of the discipline at the sem
inary. He especially spoke of the Fil
ipino students at the seminary, who
were of those remaining at the insti
tution during vacation, describing
them as accomplished and educated
gentlemen and members of disting
uished Filipino families.
Mrs. Theesa Schlel, who was at the
cemetery the day Anna Schumacher
was murdered and spoke to her, told
of having been addressed by a man at
the cemetery (hat day, but this man
will not be brought Into the case until
he Is given a chance to tell his own
story. What he has to say Is not re
garded as necessarily Incriminating.
The tannest Is not believed to have
added much of value to the Informa
tion possessed by the county authori
ties. The arrest and examination of
suspects In and about the country goes
on. but none has yet been closely con
nected with the crime.
Question of Putting Lines Under
Charge of Public Service Commission.
New York, Aug. 17. To organize
for Its work of Investigating the feasi
bility of placing telephone and tele
graph lines under the jurisdiction of
the public service commission, the
Davis committee named Jointly by the
two houses at the last session of the
legislature, held Its first formal meet
ing In the Murray Hill hotel here to
day. The selection of counsel will be
among the first Important matters set
tled. Judge E. B. Brown of Water
town, a Republican, has been mention
ed In this connection. Members of the
committee are Senators George A.
Davis of Buffalo, chairman; John KIs
8ell of Brooklyn and James J. Fraw
ley of New York; Assemblymen Ed
win A. Merrltt, Jr.. of St. Lawrence.
vice chairman; John Yale of Putnam
Artemas Ward. Jr., of New York, .1. H
Walters of Onondnga and Thomas B
Caughlan of New York.
Prince Albert Advlaes Belgians to Ge
Out to That Country.
Antwerp, Aug. 17. Prince Albert ol
Flanders, heir to the Belgian throne
arrived heie today on his return from
the Congo and was given an ovation
He spoke In praise of what King Leo
pold has accomplished In the Congo,
and said the resources and posslblll
ties of development of the country had
exceeded his expectations.
Belgium, he declared, would work fot
the moral and material welfare of the
natives In lessening their burdens,
combatting the sleeping sickness and
increasing means of communication
In conclusion the prince recommended
that Belgians go out to the Congo.
Elected Members of the Aero Club.
New York, Aug. 17. Theodore Roos
evelt, Jr., Lloyd G. Grlscom, former
American ambassador to Italy, and
James Peering, the harvest machinery
manufacturer, were elected members
of the Aero club of America today,
Young Roosevelt will make a balloon
ascension shortly with A. Holland
Aero Detachment of National Guard.
Jefferson City, Mo., Aug. 17. Adjut
ant General Frenk M. Rumbold of the
National Guard of Missouri today Is
sued an order directing the organiza
tion of an aero detachment, which will
be a part of the signal corps, located
at St. Louis. Fifteen aeronauts will
be enlisted.
Burning Wood.
Wood crackles when It Is Ignited be
cause the nlr expanded by heat forces
Its way through the pores of the wood
with a crnckllug noise. Oreen wood
mnkes less snapping than dry liecause
the pores contain less air, being filled
with sap and moisture, which extin
guish the flume, whereas the pores of
dry wood nre filli! with air, which
supports combustion.
There are two ways of meeting a
trouble either give It no attention at
ail or give It n great deal of attention
promptly. Atchison Globe.
Lelbaugh of Chicago May Be Relative
to Man at Poor Farm.
Pittsburg, Aug. 17. Relatives ol
Peter LelbaucU, the Northslde raiser
who was aent to the Allegheny City
poor farm last Wednesday after it was
discovered that his house In Madison
avenue was literally lined with money,
are beginning to show up. Last night
a letter directed to Police Superinten
dent Thomas McQualde arrived at Cen
tral police station. It reads:
Dear Sir Peter Lelbauch, I think, Ib
my fathers brother. My father had
two brothers living In Pittsburg, Alle
gheny, but we have lost all trace of
them since about 18C8.
Would you please ask Peter Lel
bauch If he had a brother by the name
of Carl F. Lelbaugh, which la my
father's name. My father came to
this country In 1S53. Kindly investi
gate the matter and let me know at
your earliest convenience.
ISfiS Claybourne avenue.
Inasmuch as passports found In Lei-
bauch's hovel showed that his parents
came from Germany In 18.ri3, the po
lice are Inclined to believe that the
Chicago man is really the miser's
nephew. An Investigation will be
made by Northslde detectives.
Old Grievance Said to Have Been
Cause of the Attack.
rnnnnlmrir Pa Ane. 17. After ar
resting 20 persons, two charged with
conducting speikeasles, the others for
drunkenness and disorderly conduct,
Constable James P. Ritson shot John
Vasltls of Westland, who gave bond
for the prisoners. Ritson was taken
to the Washington county jail,
pitunn it U snlri. hnd a erlevance
against Vasltls, since the latter re
fused longer to hold the constables
VnaltU wna Klttltt? in the vard at
the home of James Rein last night
w ith Justice Wilkinson and two others
when Ritson approached and Is said to
have drawn a revolver and fired. The
bullet struck Vasltls In the loft side,
penetrating his lung and going through
his back.
Pennsylvania Trains to Use New York
Tunnels Next Summer.
Philadelphia. Aug. 17. The New-
York tunnels of the Pennsylvania will
be completed and ready for operation
next summer, as scheduled, probably
by July 1, unless the progress of the
work permits earlier opening. The
work Is going forward as planned, and
most of It Is somewhat ahead of the
time allotted.
The cost of the tunnel work has so
far been over $00.000,00.0, and the ap
proximate estimate of a total exendl-
ture of $100,000,000 may be slightly exceeded.-
Actually $41,000,000 has been
paid out of Income and profit and loss.
So far no lien or mortgage haa been
put on the property, and there Is not
likely to be, as the company now sees
Its way clear, as the money for the
gross expenditures has been provided;
and after this year but a small amount,
compared with previous annual ex
penditures, will be required.
Bore Into Doors of Steubenvllle Busi
ness Houses.
8teubenvllle, O., Aug. 17. "Auger-
hole" burglaries of business houses
have baffled the police during the last
two weeks. The burglar, equipped
with a brace and bit, bores Into rear
door panels and breaks the panel
bar around the locks and lifts them
out and then ransacks the place. Near
ly n dozen stores have been entered In
this manner. Bits are left behind aft
er nearly every job, but even with
these as a clue, the police are unable
to run down the thief.
Hat Lived a Century.
Flnrllav. O.. Aug. 17. Anthony
Brown vesterday celebrated his one
hundredth birthday anniversary. He
was born In Fayettevllle, Ont. Ho
came here many years ago, residing
wlh his daughter, Mrs. C. E. NUea.
Mr. Browu'a health la comparatively
eood and he needs no one to wait on
him. His father was born In 1776.
Mr. Brown was twice married. Both
wlfes are dead.
Pastor Works With Builders.
Altoona. Pa.. Aug. 17. Rev. Rich
ord Sawtelle, pastor of the First
Church of Christ, has donned over
alls to assist In building the congrega
tlon's new edifice here. He helped In
the construction of the foundation. By
his work and supervision he expects
to help rush the work to completion.
Uses Saw In Fight.
Unlontown, Pa., Aug. 17. During a
riot at Lelsenrlng No. 2 near Connells
vllle John Hudock, It Is said, attacked
John Robinskl with a saw and before
the latter could be rescued by friends
his right arm was nearly backed off,
Roblntikl Is In the hospital and Hu
dock Is In jail,
How Frozen Insects Revive.
Experiments In reviving frozen In
sects by a mitnrullst show some sur
prising results. A large cccroplu moth,
frozen lu the center of n snowball
until It wns perfectly brittle, revived
in twenty seconds when held near
stove. Several newly hatched lo moth:
revived In it similar manner after being
frozen stiff and then thawed out. Sim
liar experiments with nnts. butterflle
and house tiles gave the same results.
But the naturalist noticed that recent
ly hutched insects resist cold better
than older ones.
What would
Regular $5.50
for $4.25 ?
A Skirt that has beon iu the store for loss than ten days-a
Skirt cut in the very latest style a Skirt made of the best of ma
terials and best of tailoring T
These Skirts are made for ladies and misses.
Plaiu colors blue, brown, green and black.
Button trimmed, with cluster of side pleats from the hip down;
pleated back; eleven gore skirt.
These skirts are admittedly one ol the best value ever at $o 50,
but today it is our intention to offer them to you for $4 25 each.
Going away on a little trip you'll want one.
MOur 36th year opens
Send for mir nw rntalncue
in detail. Proper training for life
1 300 feet above tha sea. Perfect modern equipment. Scholarly, Christian
influence. Dr. JAMES E. AMENT,
The Ideal Oil tat either slr-
Cooled or water-cooled Ma
chtnee. Distilled from Penn.
eylvanla Crude Oil lieht la
color, which means absolute
freedom from carbon.
thinnlK feeds freelr thrnuirh
enr strlelnbrlcatnr. and will nut
conceal to lue coldest w earner.
New York Provision Market.
New York, Aug. lfi.
WHEAT No 2 red, new, $1.1 1V4 f.
o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Dulutb, old,
$1.1! V
CORN No. 2 old mixed, iSc f. o. b.
afloat ; ""Vic cleva'or.
OATS Mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs.,
4Sr; dipped white, A to 42 lbs.,
;".2 7i r.SUc
POHK Mens, J21.75fi22.2."; family,
$21 .50'-! 22.00.
HAY (liiod 'o colce. D.icgi 11.05.
Bt'TTKR Creamery, specials,
27ffi 2",if; extra. 20 Vfcfi 2fir; process,
22fi2IVjc; west-i ll factory, 2t 4c
CM rftSK State, full cream, funey,
K.tiOS State and Pennsylvania.
POTATOES Jersey, per bbl.,
1.2r.((i2.2r; Lo-ig Island, fl.7G'?i 2.25.
Buffalo Provision Market.
Huffalo, Aug. lfi
WHEAT No. 1 northern carloads,
$1.o'2:',4; No. 2 red, new, $1.10.
COIIX No. 2 yellow, Tti'ic f. o. b.
alloi't: No. 3 yellow, 7t;o.
OATS No. 2 white, 42c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 3 white, 41c.
I1U 1TKH 1'i'ean.ery, prints, lancy,
2Nc; state creamery, 2(Vilt 2"c; dairy,
choice to fancy, 2f.(il2Gc.
CHEESE Choice to fancy, full
cream, 1 5-Ti l.V.ic; fair to good. WIS
KHOS Selected white, 2Sfi2!1c.
POTATOES Jersey, fancy, per bb".
$2.35; home Brown, per bu., 65fi S.c.
East Buffalo Live Stock Marxet.
CATTLE Prime export sleers, $0.75
di 7.00; good to choice butcher steers,
$.)7'((!i fi.'i.i; choice cows, $l.25Tf 4.t5;
choice heifers, $'.00fff ii.SO; common
to fair heifers, $3.75(fi 4.S0; common to
fair bulls, if 3.004.00; choice veals,
$!t.2"(fiu.u0; fair to socd, $S.7.r(fi !).0i).
spring lambs. $7.00fi 7.2j; yearlings.
f.Y2"ifrf "i.."ii; mixed she?p, $4..V) if 5.00.
HOUS Light oikeis, $S.00; mil
ium nnd heavy hogs, 8.2(K( 8.2.1 ;
pigs, $7.8.V'"i 7.A0.
tuffalo Hay Market.
Timothy, No. 1 on track. $t.'i.00fj
17.00; No. 2 timothy. I l l!5.o,..
straw, wheat and oat, $7."0ii S.00.
Utica Dairy M;
I'tica, Aug. Hi. On the Utica dairy
united of tend? tndny sales of c!i'?st
were reported of 42 lots 3,112 bo:;er
II at 1 1 cnt.i.
HUTTKR '.!" lehs a 27'c; S7 tubs
iit 2:t and i2 crates of peinls at 2S
ecu is.
Too Many Tromboner.
The following iinecdnle concerning
Donizetti ami the score of Uosslul'i
"Otello" Is told by the Musical World:
Doni.eltl had asked Siglsmniidi, tin
director of the Naples Conservatorle
to look vcr the score with Mini, nuc
the two sat down at u table with the
work In front of them. Presently SI
;lsmiiiill began to rave about its "imni
strous orchestration." Terrible was
his indignation when he found thai
clarinets, bassoons and trombones hail
been employed In one place to swell fl
crescendo, but when the fortissimo
was reached he uttered a cry of de
spalr, struck the score violently wltb
his list, upset the table and rushed
from the room, exclaiming: "A hundred
and twenty-threo trombones! A hun
dred and twenty-threo trombones!"
Donizetti lu vain tried to call him
back, shouting after him, "Not 123
trombones, but first, second and third
trombones." Sigismoiidl would uol
listen and when last seen was still
repeating, "A hundred and twenty
three trombones!"
you think of a
Walking Skirt J
September 14th, 1909.
beautifully illustrated full
in its broadest sense. Ideal location,
Principal, Indiana, Pa.
If you have any difficulty in
Waverly Special
from your dealer or garage, com
municate with us at once and we
will eee that you are eupplled.
Perfect Ubrlcatlaa with
eat carbea aesosil."
Waverly Oil WorR Co.
Wpmmdmmt eier
k . Flttubur. r.
Indian Burials.
The Indian method of liurlnl wns t
fasten n corpse upon cross sticks sup
ported by poles In the ground or lu th
IhiiiiiIis of the I reel ops. Here tlm all
anil the elements silently disposed ol
the lifeless day until In n year or sc
hut little remained to bear evidence ol
a tomb, perhaps some broken stlcki
lu the top and a few scattered bends
or hiimn.ll Ihiiich beneath the burhl!
plii'-c. I cannot conceive of anything
mure pitifully prewsome than an In
dian burtitl ground of this type. I
have seen them In the fall of tlx
year, when the winds were shaking
nml swaybiR the platforms mid wring
lug the lea Hess trees, flaunting the
burial rai;s like signal of distress from
the dend and whistling through mid
over the whitening bones nnd neglect
ed remains of those who had many a
time withstood the tempest nnd storm
when the breath of life stirred within
them. Army and Navy Life.
11 i!te Fun fur Neighbor.
Virgil I'. Kline, lawyer of Cleveland,
In an address upon "Ambition," said:
"Ambition Is an excellent thlnff.
Without it the world would not
progress, l'.nt there are worthy and
unworthy ambitions, silly nnd wls(
"Then there are the p.... r, the ili
tlnctlve ambitious, such as we see In
"Thus I once knew n little boy whe
had an ambition to be a letter carrier,
nnd, finding in n cedar chest in the
attic a great bundle of love letters that
his mother had been preserving since
the days of her courtship, he packed
them In a leather school satchel and
distributed them from bouse to house
throughout the neighborhood.
Posted Him.
Ho (vainly) See that sweet little girl
Iu pink? I was engaged to her tl:o
whole of last summer. Stranger (eager
ly) Very glad to bear It. I inn the
lawyer she's commissioned to sue you
for breach of promise.
Kind words nre benedictions. They
nre not only Instruments of power, but
of benevolence and courtesy, blessings
both tV the speaker nnd hearer of
them. I Voderl -l SaiU'iVr
Fire Escapes
Largest Manufacturer
' h the United States
la Brats or Iroa for Every
Purpose '
Writa lor Muttratfd Catalog,
staling kind of work wanted.
Vv TUB 1(1 A MONK llltANU, jT
l.aU-t AhI. your Dma-cUt f
1 HI in Hid tnc iiolti nirtalljA
ill II
j"'r, eaieu who time Rll.bon.
Take no othrr. Itur nr ta...
"riiKlnt. A.kforrilM IIKN-TFIHI
IMAillUie tlltAftl) I'llJ.M, fur a&