The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 12, 1909, Image 4

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    Time to Consider
Your Graduating Dress.
No need to fuss and worry over getting your costume made
this season. You can come right in here, select any style you
like best and the worry and trouble is all over. If any altera
tions are necessary we have a large corps of competent dress
makers to take charge. You can find any style of gown your
heart may crave in this selection of ours, and the price is sure
to suit you.
Embroidery Models.
Dresses oi fine quality lingerie in white, blue, pink and
lavender, beautifully trimmed with embroidery and Yal. laces,
at-.5, 7.50 and $10.
Low Neck Dresses.
Made of good lingerie, elaborately trimmed with Val.
and Venice medallions, at 15, 18 and $20.
Long Line Effect Dresses.
Of fine quality lingerie, elaborately trimmed with Val. Jace
and Venice insertions in white and lavender, at fcu ana
Dutch or High Neck Dresses.
Fine lingerie and Swiss in white only, very elaborately
trimmed with lace and embroidery with satin ribbon rosettes at
waist line, at 20, $25 and $3o.
Stylish Foulard Silks Reduced,
Wp onnnnt. rpmemher a single season when Foulard Silks
were so tavorably accepted by Fashion. Everywhere you go,
every city in the land tells the story ot these popular silks. The
wonder of it is that we are enabled to offer such a choice lot at
so low a price. If the patterns were not so desirable, the colors
so fashionable and the quality so excellent, this offering would
not nnmsinn sr mnrh comment 1 values at 69c a yard. Over
50 dress patterns to select from.
The Smart & Silberberq Co.
Oil City Trust Company,
Oil City, Pa.
Report to the Commissioner of Hanking
At the Close of Business April 28, 1900.
Time loons
Real estate, furniture
Stocks and bonds ...$I79.935.t
Demand loans 420,218 37
Overdrafts 3.0K7 2!t
Due from banks 345,219.08
Cash on baud 11:1.570.20
89,000 00
Total quick assets,
Capital f 300,000.00
Surplus and profits 433,603 85
Reserve for interest, eto 7,437.42
Deposits, 2,197,678.99
Trust funds not included in above - $ 215,061.14
Corporate Trusts 1,155,000.00
Time Deposits Solicited,
Will pay Four Per Cent, per Annum
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
G. W. Robinson,
T. F. Ritchev. J. T,
W M . 8 M E ABB A.TJO H ,
Vice President
Wo, Smearbaugh,
Dale, A. B. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pild on ti me
deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
i Pennsylvania Railroad i;
Sunday, May 16, 1909
Rate to Warren Rate to 01 nan or
Train Leaves. and return. Bradford and return
TitusvUle 7.30 a.m. $1.00 fl.50
Rouseville 7.!V " 100 l.M)
Oil City 8.15 " 1 00 1.50
Tionesta 8 52 " 1.00 1 50
Hickory 9 " 1.00 150
Tiiiioule 9.19 " , .75 1.23
Olean Ar. 12 "0 Noon
Bradford A r. 12.00 "
RETURNING, Special Train will leave Olean 8.00 p. m., Bradford 8.00
p. m., Warren 10.00 p. m.
In consideration of the red uoed fare at which TICKETS are sold, they
will be accepted for paKsaire OOINU and RETURNING only on SPECIAL
TRAIN on day of Excursion as advertised above. Baggage will not be
Children between Five and Twelve years of Age, Half Fare
Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent
Review of Business Conditions
Shows Uncertainty as to Pas
sage of Measure Is Ob
stacleto Recovery
Senator Cummins Indulget In Radical
Language and Threaten! Other
Speeches Vote on Lead Amend
ment Shows Pasoage of Bill Before
July Is Possible.
There Is every reason for believing
that with the prompt enactment of a
new tariff bill there would at once fol
low a full restoration of normal Indus
trial and mercantile activity. One of
the country's big commercial agencle
In its review of the situation as pre
sented during the week ending Satur
day, May 8. states positively and
squarely that tariff revision Is liter
ally the last obstacle to the accom
plishing of such a condition.
In support of this optimistic claim
significant figures are quoted: Bank
clearings outside of New York are
15.9 por cent, better than they were
during the same period last year and
24.5 per cent better than in 1906, and
in New York they are 24.1 per cent
larger than In 1908 and 1.3 per cent
larger thnu in 1906. Railroad earn
ings for April show a gain of 13.9 per
cent over 1H08, and only 10.3 per cent
decrease, as compared with the ban
ner year, 1907. Immigration is 212.
000 larger than last year. Import
are much greater than they were in
1908 and nearly equal to hose of
1907. In the Iron and steel trado
there Is a distinct gnln both in orders
and In prices, and in copper there is
a hardening tendency. New works ot
construction are going rapidly for
ward and in almost all other fields fa
vorable developments are reported.
Meanwhile the effect of the long
wait on the completion of the new
tariff bill and its submission for the
signature of the President is to pro
duce uncertainty and a suspension of
activity In the lines of trade which
are the most affected by the pending
legislation. High or low duties mako
hir.h or low prices, and until It is
known what the duties shall be, it la
obviously out of the question to place
large orders. It is evident, however,
that no matter what the duties may
be. the termination of the twiff un
certainty will release a vast pent-up
volume of trade and complete the
commercial and Industrial revival.
This is a cheerful prospect and it
should afford corresponding encour
agement to waiting capital and anx
ious labor. It Is satisfying to feel con
vinced that, whatever the lawmakers
may do, the icturn of prosperity la
certain and cannot be long checked.
At the same time, however, It Is
somewhat Irritating that so much val
uable time should be lost as there
was, apparently, In the United States
Senate during the same week covered
by the commercial agency review re
ferred to. Those Senators known as
the "insurgents were very much in
vMence and they assailed Senator
Aldiich of Rhode Island, chairman of
the Senate finance committee, with in-
umerable questions and propositions,
nd talked, talked, talked! The princi
pal, or rather the longest speaker, was
Senator Dnlliver of Iowa, a well-in
tentioned citizen, but one who has been
considerable of a "ructlonist" of late.
He had no sooner finished a two days'
speech than his colleague, Senator
ummlns of Iowa, took the floor and
reiterated what Senator Dolllver had
declared was the demand of the peo
ple for a revision of the tariff down
ward. Without mincing of words, Mr.
Cummins denounced what he declared
were commercial developments tend
ing toward trusts and monopolies, and
Issued the warning that unless legis
lation of a corrective character 1s
granted by Congress and a bridle
placed upon the trusts "the common
people and the lamp posts will re
main after the alleged t.hralldom of In
dustrial slavery has disappeared.
It Is reported that Senator Cum
mins intends to make five or six
speeches during the consideration of
the tariff hill. If they are to be mod
eled after this particular one the ques
tion naturally presents ltpelf how far
will they go toward bringing about
the era of prosperity forecasted for
so many months past and now, accord
ing to the experienced business re
viewers, halting tiptoe on the threshold
of Today?
With a view to demonstrating his
Republicanism Senator Cummins
made this explanation: "I do not be
lieve In lowering the duties to a point
that will enable foreign producers to
take the home market from our pro
ducers." But as a radical tariff revi
sionist he Insisted that the question of
"reasonable profit" has confused and
complicated an already embarrassing
situation and Is being used as a cloak
to hide excessive and prohibitive rates.
As Senator Cummins followed Sena
tor Dolliver, so Senator Clapp of Min
nesota walked in the footsteps of the
senior senator from his state, Knute
Nelson. Senator Clapp Joined the oth
er "Insurgents"-In warnlrg Senator
Aldricr that unless there were fur
ther eductions of duties the tariff
w(,ild be revised by the enemies of
protection two years hence.
Instead r.f being worried by theso
Increasing centra! attacks upon the
tariff bill his committee has reported,
Senator Aldrlch and Senator Penrose
of Pennsylvania, also a member of
the finance committee and one of Sen
ator Aldrlch's strongest and most cap
able lieutenants In this tariff revision
campaign, and the other senators who
are taking leading parts are taking
great consolation from the attacks.
They say tVat tho more general and
violent the attacks of the western
members become, the more frightened
some of the "insurgents" will become.
There are few of tho so-called radical
"Insurgents" who are not anxious to
protect one or more Industries In
which their states are Interested. If
there should be a general lowering of
the duties the schedules in which they
are interested would have to fall with
the others. j
After a week given up almost en
tirely to talk a vote was had on Fri
day, May 7, on the lead amendment
calling for a protective tariff on that
metal of li cents per pound. It car
tied by a vote of 63 to 19. It was a
victory for Senator Aldrlch, although
upon an Insignificant matter, and gave
him and his supporters much satisfac
tion. It was a vote that showed Just
what the real situation Is, and follow
ing Its anm ncement Senator Aldrlch
stated that he would now ask to have
the schedules taken up In their al
phabetical order, and ho expressed the
hope that the bill would he out of the
way before the end of June. Before
.hat he had doubted whether Congres
would rise before some time in Au
gust. The senntors who have been classed
r-s "Insurgents" are: Dolllver and
(ummlns, Iowa; Nelson and Clapp,
Minnesota; Bristow and Curtis, Kan
sas; Brown and Burkett, Nebraska;
Crawford, South Dakota; Johnson
North Pnkotn, nnd La Kollette, Wis
J. L. Hoplor
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipmeut. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasouabla rates. Prompt service
anil courteous treatment.
Come aud see us.
Two Ntnltlcs,
Hear of Hotel Weaver
and ItridKO Nlreet,
Telephone No. 20.
The Chinese Hoe.
The Chinese farmer stands second to
none In nil the world. This Is all the
more remarkable since he has really so
few Implements with which to work
the mnrvels he produces. Ills only Im
plements are the hoe, the plow ami the
harrow. Beyond these the Chinese
farmer never dreams of desiring any
other. The first of these tools seems
never to lie out of his hands, for It Is
tho one upon which he relies the most
and Is his most effective Implement. 11
really takes the place of the spade In
England, though the latter Is never put
to such extensive anil general uses as
the hoe. The Chliiuinun can do any
thing with It but make It speak. A
farmer well on In years can easily 1
recognized amidst a number of work-lnf-Miien
by tin- curve his hands have
taken from holding the hue In tho
many years of toll In his fields. With
It, If he Is n poor man and has no oxen
to plow the ground, he turns up the
soli where he Is going to plant his
crops, and with It he deftly nnd with
a turn of his wrist levels out the sur
face so that It Is made ready for the
seed. With a broad bluded hoe he dips
to the lottom of a stream or of a pond,
draws up the soft mud that has gath
ered there and, with a dexterous
swing, flings the dripping hoeful on to
his field nearby to increase Its richness
by this new deposit. London King.
Can You Beat I
A tailoring proposition thai
guarantees a saving iu price.
The finest assoriniout of
wooleus to choose from and a
fit that must be perfect before
the garment are yours.
There is Class to
My Clothes.
Look at my line of sam
ples. They are the very latest
styles to be made as you like
Pants $5 and up.
Suits $15 and up.
Cleaning and pressing done
also. Call and see me.
The Heiress I want to lx loved for
myself. Count de Broke (apprehen
sively! M.T dear lady. Is there any pos
sibility of this being a case of mistak
en Identity? Illustrated Bits.
Suspicion always haunts the guilty
mind. Shakespeare.
'hambrrlnln'a Liniment.
This is a new preparation and a good
one. It is especially valuable as a cure
for cbronlo aud muscular rheumatism,
and for the relief from pain which it
affords in acute inflammatory rheuma
tism. Those who have used it have In
variably spoken of it in the highest terms
of praise. Lame back, lame shoulder and
stiff neck are due to rheumatism of tbe
muscles, usually brought on by exposure
to cold or damp, and are quickly cured
by applying this liniment freely aud
massaging tbe affected parts. Soreness
of tbe muscles, whether induced by vio
lont exercise or Injury, is allayed by this
liniment. For sale by Dunn & Fulton.
Woods Liver Medicine is a liver reg
ulator which brings quick relief to sick
headache, constipation, biliousness and
other svmntoms of liver disorders. Par-
ticnlarly recommended for Jaundice,
Chills. Fever. Malaria. The f I 00 size
contains 2 times as much as the 50c
size. Sold tiy J. R. Morgan.
About six weeks ago a swelling came
in my groin 24 inches from my navel
about tbe sizeof ahalf lemon very painful
and said to be caused by blood poison. J
doctored about six weeks, and was get
ting worse, when Mr. Brown told me
about San-Cura Ointment. I applied it
as a dou I ce. cbamting morning anu
nlnlit. removing all pain at once. In two
davs it broke, discharging pus. I then
chanced it once a dav until it was per
fectly healed. I recommend San-Cura
Ointment as tbe best poultice I ever used
It removes pain and all pus, keeping
sore moist and soft.
Adbrkt Porter,
Route 2, Pleasantville, Pa.
Whereas. The Hon. Wm. K. Rioe,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Over and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on
the Third Monday of Mav, being
the 17th day of May, 1909. No
tice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to tnoir olllce appertain to be done
and to those whoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be lust. Given un
tier my hand and seal this 19th day of
April, j.t ii.
8. R. MAXWELL, l.s. Sheriff.
Leave Oil City, dally except Sun
day, 6:20 p. m., Eastern Time, arrive
Chicago 7:0 a. m., connecting for
all western points.
Returning leave Chicago 10:30 p.
in.. Central Time, daily except Sat
urday, arrive Oil City 2:35 p, in.,
Eastern Time.
Lake Shore's station in Chicago
best located of any line, in the heart
of business district.
IPnr Infnrmalinn DiMroua WJ Si
T McCuen, Agent, Oil City, Pa.
:Lake Shore!
& Michigan Southern Ry.
PINEULES for the Kidneys
Wm. 1. Dccliaiit,
The Tailor,
Tionesta, Penna.
Demonstration of the De
laney Dip.
A small appliance demonstrated by the inventor Mrs. Delaney
for holding the skirts and belt firmly in place without pinning.
Remained for a woman to supply this need and sho will till those
women ol Oil City and vicinity who ato interested all about It.
Colored Silk Gloves.
The world's best silk glove "The Kayeer" patent double tips
guaranteed to outwear the glove.
Con supply any color wanled in this famous glve, 60o and 75o
Swiss Flouncings 50c Yd.
Many pieces in the lot which you will readily grant good value
at 1 yard.
Fiue sheer closely woven Swiss and the embroidery is perfect
and of most elaborate design.
Jos. E. SarEn
atid Surreys.
Road Wagons, Spring Wagons. All styles. Wheels
"guaranteed" second growth hickory. I can sell you a better
buggy for the money than others, because I buy in car lots.
28 vehicles now in stock.. Take your choice.
Ilepalrn) Hollers,
Tanks, Agitator.
and Nells Neeonil
Boilers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension Bridge,
Third ward, OIL 1IT1, PA.
No Danger
if vou us. th. rinht ffatollne.
More auto troubles can be traced
to Inferior gasoline than from .11
other causes. Why not enjoy your
machine, confident that the power la
there Just when you neca H most.
Waverly Gasolines
re manufactured expressly for automo
bile use. Try the W.vorly brands.
76 Motor Stove
Yon may be sutured of instantaneous, pow
erful clean expioston. iitcaom iriinuaiwn
deposits on apark ultiiri or in cyimncrs.
(JuicK wnltioo. iK your acutr,
Waverly Oil WorK Co.
Independent KeBnerf
Jacks & Mules Miilmand net rich.
210 fine, large Jacks, Jen
nie and Mules, ii to it
hand high, weih from
I 7i H) to 150U lbs.-pnod oncft
chenp now. I will pay a
part of buyer's R. R. fare
and ithium'ne. Stock ffiiar
jtt anleetl. Write for price!
J. 71
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Cold, Croup and Whooping Cough.
1111 ILLS
Combined Potato Digger and rBbowel Plow. It ii
guaranteed to be O. K.
Oak tan. See them. They will surprise you,
Driviug harness, til 60.
Kraiucr. See the new tubular axle. Light run
ning aud stroug.
The New Curi'b, Cambridge, Oliver. The Eurch
is my leader. Try oue.
Wood and steel frame Spring Tooth, Lever Spike
Tooth, Price way down.
The kind that do not get looso in the joints and
Success. No bettor made.
Empire, Ontario and Buckeye.
The "celebrated" Johnston line of Mowers, Bind
ers, Reapers, Tedders, Kskes, Disk Harrows, Ac.
Eight per cent. Potash goods, with 12 per cent.
Phosphoric Acid, 122.50 per ton.
I make good all defects in all goods sold by me.
Come in on Saturdays. Am in on that day.
'phone me. County and Farmer's 'Phones.
J. G. Bromley, Tionesta, Pa.
To Him Who Hath
most of the good things will be offered.
And the man who has saved in his youth will usually find
many opportunities for safe and profitable investment of his
accumulated funds.
Are you in line for opportunity?
If not, better start a savings account to-day.
One dollar and lots of determination will
work wonders with the help of
Annual interest paid by this bank.
Capital & Surplus, $680,000.00
Total Assets, $3,000,000.00
Franklin Srusfr
Fits Your Machine and Lasts Forever
Never BreaKs, Never Wears Out
Purer, Clearer, More Brilliant Tone
Buy Columbia Indestructible Records because they are really
indestructible and you will keep on buying them because of their
incomparably full, clear tone.
They fit your machine! Cost 35 cents! Get a catalog.
A splendid repertoire to choose from and we are adding to
it right along.