The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 28, 1909, Image 4

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New Gowns rd Hets.
Tlie chief charm of the showins here lies in the fact that
you are able to get practically what you want without the both
er or annovance of havincr to be fitted, or have your clothes
made to order. So perfect are the models; so carefullly are the
linos followed, that fitting becomes a simple matter. And it
some slight alterations do happen to be required, experts are
here to do the work in a jitty.
You'll be particularly interested in the showing of
Suits acrvd Dresses at $25.00,
In which are represented practically all the features that go to
make 1909 styles so interesting and attractive. In fact, many
of the garments at f 25 would be good value at $30 and $35.
Hats Are a. Veritable Bower of
Most of them are loaded down with flowers and foliage and
fruit, together with the hundred-and-one other things that help
to make millinery beautiful and attractive. Some of the shapes
may not appeal to you, but they're the style nevertheless. Oth
ers will be exactly to your fancy. In fact, one is allowed much
latitude in selecting a headpiece this season. Prices begin as
low as $3 and go upward by easy stages to as much as you'll
care to pay.
Women's, Misses' and Chil
dren's Tub Dresses.
Brand New Spring Dresses for Girls of 6 to 12 years;
.Misses1 Dresses, 14, 16, 18 years; Women's Dresses, 34 to 42.
AVe are now prepared to show many mothers how to escape
the tyranny of cutting board and sewing machine, and save
money by doing so, without letting the children's dresses lose
anything in the way of style, fit and service. Materials are fine
quality percales, new checks, new plaids, new dots, new ring
spots, new stripes, white and colored grounds with fancy pat
terns, plain pinks, blues, tans and linen; colors made with
tucked yokes, lace yokes, Dutch necks and high necks; sleeves
are three-quarter full length and jumper style, at $1, $1.50, $2,
As Demonstrated During Tariff
.Framing Period the People
Have an Important Part
$3, !4 and So.
The Smart & Silberberq Co.
Do You Know Any of These?
Our Officers and Directors.
They will be pleased to talk with you about this Trust Company
Joseph Seep,
George Lewis,
II. R. Merritt,
Frederick Fair,
Joseph Seep.
Ileury Suhr.
A. M. Lowentritt.
W. W. Splane.
J. R. Campbell.
H. H. Fair.
S. II. Simpson.
Vice President
Asst. Treasurer
George Lewi?.
James P. Kern.
W. W. Barr.
D. T. Borland.
Oil City Trust Company,
Oil City, Pa.
Time Deposits Solicited.
Will pay Four Per Cent, per Annum
A, B. Kbllt.
Wm. Smbarbaugh,
Vice President
A. Wayne Cook, O. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugh,
N.P.Wheeler, T. F.Rltchey. J.T.Dale. A. B. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of payment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest paid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
J. L. Hcplcr
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipment. We can
fit you nut at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasouable rates. Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Come aud see us.
Two SlahlON,
Hear or Hotel Weaver
and Bridge Street,
Telephone No. 20.
PINEULES for the Kidneys
30 DAYS' TRIAL FOR 1.00.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cure Colds, Croup and Wbuopiug Congo.
30 Years
Experience in the manu
facture of Gasoline means
much to the motorist. In
the use of
you are guaranteed the
greatest possible efficiency
instantaneous, power
ful, clean eiploilon free
dom from carbon deposits
on ipark plugs or In cylin
dersready ignition. Your
dealer will supply you.
Waverly Oil Works Co.
latfpsaaait Maura
Pittsburg, Pa.
Instances Showing What Faithful
Sarvantt tha Country Has at Wash
ington Senator Penrose's Dally
Grind Requires Training of an Ath
lete to Stand the Pace.
Senators from the middle west seem
disposed to interfere somewhat with
the work of framing a tariff bill in
tht Vnlted States Senate. Senator
Nelson of Minnesota and Senator Dul
llver of Iowa have Joined in a battle
for a reduction In the duties on earth
enware, glass, cotton and wool. It ia
hardly probable, however, that the so
called Insurgents with whom some of
the western senators have allied them
selves will prevail In the construction
of the contemplated tariff legislation
now being framed in the Senate. The
senators classed as safe and sane seem
to be sufficiently strong to enact leg
Ir.lation which will be satisfactory to
the entire country and which will not
favor special Interests whether they
be in the east or the west, the north
or the south.
The enacting of a tariff bill satis
factory to all the people In a country
as great as Is the I'nlted States is a
most perplexing problem and calls
forth the very best efforts of the best
men In the nation. The making of the
propopd new law is described In on
entertaining way by a special Wash
ington correspondent In a late Issue of
the Philadelphia Ledger, who inci
dentally pays a generous tribute to
Senator Boles Penrose. The corre
spondent writes In part ns follows:
"In a country of great wealth ajid
high civilization, governed under per
ll.inientnry institutions, two houses,
each of so many members, do not
constitute the whole of the lawmaking
body. Add a president or a king, with
a swarm of administration bureaus,
and still you are far short of the
"In the T'nlted States the most po
tent of lawmaking Influences, leaving
out the elections which provide the
machinery and direct a few policies.
Is the cooperation of persons who are
employed or interested and that
means almost the whole body of intel
ligence In the country. An Ignorant
man might Judge the quality of legis
lation by his estimate of the limita
tions of the Individuals who sit In
the senate and house. Even so, he
would underestimate the capabilities
of the legislative institution. He might
see, if he would look, that the mem
bers who have a voice In legislation
are far above the average of their
communities, picked men, who may
have shortcomings as compared with
the Ideals set forth in rhetorical eulo
gies of past and present, but. rated
by the practical standards of life, pos
sess exceptional ability and alert In
dustry. For their guidance and as
sistance, at their call and generally
without being called, are lawyers of
specialized training, experts supplied
with facts, executive business men ac
customed to the problems of the sub
ject, college professors acquainted
with Its literature; in addition are
government bureaus supplied with rec
ords and statistics and skilled em
ployes to produce them at once when
During a tariff session at Washing
ton this actual cooperation of the en
tire Intelligence of the country Is the
really conspicuous feature of the law
making process. The controlling direc
tion of legislation may be right or
wrong, wise for the nation or unwise.
At least the mind of the nation Is
jealously at work.
"In one day a legislator may confer
with a distinguished lawyer, a college
Investigator, a foreman of a mill, a
committeeman from some great asso
ciation of business men and a procee
sion of persons who know little of the
subject, but have views to express,
The next day brings the same expert
ence. If the conclusion of the legist
tor's vote shows no more than the bias
with which he left home, at least he
does not act In Ignorance. He Is a
partner with the best capacity of his
"He la certainly not permitted to
remain In ignorance of the wishes of
his district. What personal visits leave
unsupplied the malls deliver to him
Not only wishes, but masses of facts
are laid before him. Even an Indolent
man must do a great deal of hard
work If his district is concerned about
a tariff schedule, as nearly every dis
trict In the Vnlted States is concerned
for a higher or a lower rate.
"With all the efforts of varied and
combined Intelligence to aid congress
with the highest expert Judgment and
Information, the sovereign people do
not know how well at least, how
faithfully they are served. On one
aide Congressman Payne gave ten
hours a day last week to constant and
high-strung attention. On the other-,
Champ Clark, the Democratic leader, a
tick man, was at his post; and each
was busy for hours when the house
was not in session; consulting, con
ferring and listening to the counsel
of his allies. And this after a month
of weary days and nights of labor on
the tariff bill. These long days were
conscientiously devoted to the service
of the country or of party, which te
an Americ' means the same thing.
"Pennsyhunlans bave been told th:
Boies PenroBe la a p.'.liticlan. Grant
for the sake of argument that he is a
party manager aud nothing more, Just
the same, he Is a powerful factor in
the affairs of the nation; to whom du
ties of supreme moment are confldod
by the most important legislative body
in the world. Not only that, every
day he 1b in consultation on torms of
intellectual equality with great ex
perts on trade subjects, eminent busi
ness men of Philadelphia, represent
atives of labor unions and successful
manufacturers. At 9 o'clock every
morning he is meeting these visitors
at the W'lllard. Ho may have to hurry
to a mectiug of the finance commit
tee. At 1 o'clock he la at his quarters
in the rooms of the pottofflce commit
tee, where he Is required to meet oth
er representative men and delega
tions. The same duties recur at 6
'clock. All day correspondence Is pil
ing up to be classified by clerks for
hla inspection. From breakfast until
midnight this routine of steam engine
work In tho country't or party's serv
ice goes on. Though he Is a phyBlcnl
giant, he must pursue the training of
an athlete to stand the pace. This
picture may not conform to the popu
lar Image of Senator Penrose, but It
Is the bare truth about him during a
tariff session.
"These are examples of the duties
of a legislator. The country does not
begin to know how well it is served.
The world does not know how won
derfully the Intelligence and knowl
edge of the I'nlted States are blended
and welded In the process of legisla
tion. Agree or not about the net re
sult or the underlying purpose, the
process Itself Is a marvel of coopera.
lion, hard work, energy and ability."
Saved by a Photograph.
A very remarkable Incident occurred
at Itlo do Janeiro.
A passenger on board one of the
large liners took a photograph of the
harbor. It Included a small yacht
which lnul sailed in the morning with
two men In her, but returned In the
evening with one only. The survivor
said his companion Imd fallen over
board, but bis statement was not be
lieved. He was tried and Hentenccd to
death. The matter had by this time
come to the ears of the photographer,
who remembered that the picture had
been taken on the day of the "crime"
(or nccldenti and that the scene em
braced a yacht. On examining the
print more carefully he noticed a small
siMvk on the anil aud In order to de
termine what It wns had an enlarge
ment made. It proved to be the figure
of n man fulling. It was shown to tho
authorities at once, and the condemned
man was released.
Dropsical Oysters.
With a sneer the oyster opener point
ed to a IiriwiiIhIi smear upon a Saddle
Koi'W shell.
"Some fool," said he, "hus beeu try
ing to fatten up a butch of Saddle
Kocks with comment. You might as
well try to Invigorate flowers with
corned beef hash. Hut it Is a common
error to believe that corntueal or oat;
meal will fatten oysters. I continually
find oysters with their shells stained
with those grains. It makes me laugh.
As a mutter of fact, there la no such
thing ns fattening oysters. All you can
do Is swell them up with water, pre
clsvly tle same ns water swells a
sponge. You put them lu fresh water,
which. Wing less dense than the soft
they are accustomed to, by the princi
ple of osmosis penetrates and distends
their tissues gives them, as you might
say, dropsy. For tuy part, I don't like
fattened oysters." New Orleans Times-Democrat.
For a Bride's Dowry.
There Is n very pretty custom in
some of the northern parts of Europe.
There the white poplar In good soil
Increases a shilling In value every
year. The trees are generally cut down
at the use of twenty years, as they
are then supposed to hnve attained
their full growth. When a daughter la
born In the family of n well to do
farmer the futher ns soon as the sea
son permits plants a thousand young
trees, and these are to constitute the
dowry of the maiden, "which grow as
site grown and Increases In height and
value ns her virtues and beauty In
Out to Work.
"What society needs Is a clearing
"What do you mean?"
"I wish I didn't hnve to go to the
Van Squawks' ball next week. The
Van Squawks wish they didn't have
to nsk me. Why cnu't we excitative
certificates and call tho thing even?"
Kansas City Journal.
V.iy He Barked.
A witness In nn Irish court talked so
loud that Charles Philips, who was
counsel on the other side, said, "Fel
low, why do you bark so furiously?"
"Because." said the man, looking
hard at Philips, "I think I see a thief!"
Confirmation Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing aeoounls have been tiled in my oilioe
and will be presented at the next term of
Court, beginning on the Third Monday
of May, 11HM, for continuation :
First and final account ot Adam Emert
and William Cropp, Nr., Executors of the
last will and testament of Adam Kinert,
late of Tloneata towmbip, Forest county,
Pa., deceased.
J. CO E 1ST,
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Tloneata, Pa., April 1U, l'M.
Tommy-Pop, what Is retribution?
Tommy's Pc.iHetrlliutlon, my son, Is
something (hat we nre sure will even
tually overtake other people. t'hila
dflphla Record.
Beat Treatment for Colds.
"Most ordinary colds will yield to the
simplest treatment," says the Chicago
Tribune, "moderatlve laxatives, hot foot
baths, a free prespiration and an avoid
ance of exposure to cold and wet after
treatment." While this treatment is
simple, It requires considerable trouble,
and the one adopting It must remain in
doors for a day or two, or a fresh cold is
almost sure to be contracted, and In many
instances pneumonia follows. Is It not
better to pin your faith to an old reliable
preparation like Unamber Iain's couku
Remedy, that is famous for its cures of
colds and can always be depended uponr
For sale by Dunn a r uiton.
About six weeks ago a swelling came
in my groin 2J Inches from my navel
about the size of ahalf lemon very painful
and said to be caused by blood poison. I
doctored about six weeks, and was get
ting worse, whon Mr. Brown told me
about San-Cura Ointment, I applied it
as a poultice, cnanging morning ana
night, removing all pain at once. In two
days it broke, discharging pus. I then
changed it once a day until it was per
fectly healed. I recommend San-Cura
Ointment as the best poultice I ever used
It removes pain and all pus, keeping a
sore moist ami soil.
Aubrey Porter,
Route 2, Pleasantvllle, Pa,
A Guaranteed Cough remedy is Bees
Laxative Cough Syrup, for coughs,
colds, croup, whooping-cough, hoarse'
ness and all bronchial alleciions. Best
for children because it is quick to relieve
and tastes good, uently laxative. Mold
by J. R. Morgan.
As a noultice leave .San-Cura on un
til absorbed, as the inllammation and
pain are reduced by absorption, and the
poison is drawn out. We have Necrosis
Bone, Glass, Wood, Needles, and pus
drawn from the flesh by Nan-Cura used
as thick as a poultice. We bave never
known it to fail In removing pain. 25c.,
fioo, tl 00 and 82.00. Thompson Medical
Co., aud 10 Diamond St., Titusville, Pa.
Can You Beat
A tailoring proposition thai
guarantees a saving in price.
The fiucst assortment of
woolens to choose from and a
fit that must be perfect before
ibe garment are yours.
There is Class to i
My Clothes.
Look at my line of sam
ples. They are the very latest
styles to be made as you like
Pants $5 and up.
Suits $15 and up.
t Cleaning aud pressing done
also, can and see mo.
Win. 1 Dccliiiiit,
Tbe Tailor,
Tioneeta, Peona.
Every Fashionable Shade in
a 27-Inch All Silk Maha
rajah 85c Yeu-d.
Catawba, Marjoline, Reeoda Green, Wisteria, Amethyst, Brown,
While, Champagoe, Black and Cherry. Theio rough "hand loom '
silks are in greatest favor. This cloth depised and refused, but a
few years ago, by the American importer lakes highest rank aa tbe
roost fashionable of silks, No silk has more distinctive character;
none gives a greater degree of tjaiisfacliou from a standpoint of
wearing quality. The actual value of this silk is $1 yard-we have
known of a quality not any better gelling lor $1 25 yard. There are
many part silk fabrics of this character on tho market these are
abpolutely all silk.
R.5xe Stripe Suiting. 44-Inch,
$1.00 Ya,rd.
Green, black, champagne, rose, brown aod mode. 01 a hun
drod handsome things, in Dollar Dress Goods, we consider this tbe
best. Fancy woven shadow stripe self toned. Imported cloth
German manufacture the fine teiture and finish indicates that.
Official Notice
Primary Election
end Surreys.
Road Wagons, Spring Wagons. All styles. Wheels
"guaranteed" second growth hickory. 'I can sell you a better
buggy for the money than others, because I buy in car lots.
28 vehicles now in stock. Take your choice.
List of offices Tor which candidates are to
be nominated, and tha number of party
nlticera to be elected, on Saturday, June
Sib. IBM:
Notice is hereby given to tbe qualified
electors of Forest County, in tbe State of
Pennsylvania, that an election will be
held under tbe provisions of the Act of
February mo, l!.m, the "Uniform Pri
mary Act," in every election district of
said County, on
Saturday, June 51 h, ID 00,
between the hours of 2:01) p. m. and 8:00
m., for the nomination of candidates
for the loll iwlnir, State ami Couulv offices.
to be voted for at tbe General Election,
November lid, liHiD:
One person for Associate Judue of For
est County.
One person for District Attorney or
Forest County.
One person for Coroner of lorest
Also, for the purpose of electing the
hereinafter named paity officers, as well
as tbe respective number of Delegates to
tbe State Conventions of tbe following
political parties:
One person for Delegate to tbe Repub
lican Slate Convention.
One person from each election district
for member of tbe County Committee.
One person for Delegate to tbe Demo
cratic Stale Coo yen lion.
One person for Chairman of the County
Eighteen persons for County Commit
teemen of Forest County,
Three persons for Delegates to the Pro
hibition State Convention.
Three persons for Alteruate Delegates
to the Prohibition Slate Convention.
One person from each election district
for member of tbe County Committee,
One person for Delegate to tbe Socialist
State Convention.
Petitions suggesting the names of per
sons to be placed on the olllclnl ballots
lor tbe above election must be tiled on or
before May 15th, mm. Blank petitions
are now ready for distribution and will
be lurnlsbed any elector upon application.
H. II. McClkllan,
County Commissioners,
Attest-8. M. Hknky, Clerk.
Aprils, 1909.
m:i: my
ii Hilton s
Combined Potato Dicker and rihowel Plow. It is
guaranteed to be 0. K.
Oak tan. See them. They will surprise you.
Driving harness, til 50.
Kramer. See the new tubular axle. Light run-'
niog and strong.
The New Burch, Cambridge, Oliver. The Burch
is my leader. Try one.
Wood aod steel frame Spring Tooth, Lever Spike
Tooth. Price way down.
The kind that do not get loose in the joints and
Success. No better made.
Empire, Ontario aud Buckeye.
The "celebrated" Johnston line of Mowers, Hind
er, Ileapers, Tedders, Hakes, Disk Harrows, Ac.
Eight per cent. Potash goods, with 12 per cent.
Phosphoric Acid, $22 50 per ton.
I make good all defects in all goods told by roe.
Come in on Saturdays. Am in on that day. Or
'phone me. County and Farmer's 'Phones.
Electrlo Oil. Guaranteed for
Rheumatism, Sprains, Sore
Feet, Pains, .Vo. At all dealers
ManZan Pile Remedy
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colda, Croup and Whooping Cough.
J. G. Bromley, Tionesta, Pa.
A Canceled Check
is a receipt which bars all disputes
A cashed check is an acceptable receipt and has saved
many legal snarls.
You can pay all bills by check and thus have not only
a receipt, but a positive record of all expenditures.
Call and have us explain this simple, but business-like
method of handling expenditures.
Large and small accounts
Capital & Surplus, $ 680,000.00
Total Assets, $3,000,000.00
franklin Srusfr
Fits Your Machine and Lasts Forever
Never Breaks. Never Wears Out
Purer, Clearer, More Brilliant Tone
Buy Columbia Indestructible Records because they are really
indestructible and you will keep on buying them because of their
incomparably full, clear tone.
They fit your machine 1 Cost 35 cents! Get a catalog.
A splendid repertoire to choose from and we are adding to
it right along.