The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 14, 1909, Image 5

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' We represent tbe lending Fire Insur
' ance Companion of the world, and can
liiHiire you against loss at lowest rates.
We are agents In this county for tbe
anil can I'lirniHli security for County
olllclals, bank olllcials, e'o.
If you want to
Ituy or Nell Properly,
ooiiHult our Real F.state department We
make a specialty ol tbla line of work and
can satisfy you, .
l Buim & Fulton f
Wanted, i
Every housewife to call
at Dunn & Fulton's this
week -and get a free
sample of
Makes old things new.
Mi"M'i i iHMnmiinii
$50.00 Per Month
Guaranteed to every public school teaober
on completing our Business course.
He Will Ilefund
Kvery cent paid to us fur tuition on our
failure to comply wilb tbla proposition.
Tins la tbe kind of investment tbat
Euroll now for Spring and Summer
Warren RuMiuewft College,
C. W. SMITH, President, Warren, Pa,
lie Levi. Ad.
hammers. Ad.
Wm. 11. James. Ad.
Hobinson A Son. Ad.
TheMcCuen Co. Ad.
Franklin Trust Co. Ad.
Smart t Silberberg. Ad.
Monarch Ciothinir Co. Ad.
Forest Couuty. Notice to Contractors.
Oil market closed at $1.78.
Is your subscription paid?
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
Oil and gas leases, best form, for bale
at this office. "
Additional local news will be found
on second page.
A..L. Coyle, M. D eye, ear.noseand
tbroat. Glosses tilted. Levi Building,
Oil City. lf
s. J. J. Landers when In need of
doors, windows, lumber or shingles,
Also samples of seven grades of Parold
roofing. "
A note from our former townsman, J
C. Kepler, now of Marlonvllle, states tbHt
be drilled in a twenty barrel oil well on
Saturday. Brookville Republican.
A fire burned over Hunter Island
opposite town, Monday forenoon, and
i i,o uinmU nn the hill across the river
were also on fire at the same time.
Don't forget the Hartley moving plo
tore exhibition at the court house to
morrow night, under tbe auspices of the
liiub school. Reserved seals can be bad
Ht Dunn Fulton's drug store.
Following is the list of letters lying
uncalled for in the Tionesta, Pa., post
mo for week ending April 14, 1909:
Mrs. J. F. Whitehead.
D. 8. Knox, P. M.
Arnold Henry's pet woodchuck which
disappeared when tbe cold weather set in
last fall, returned to his old home about
two weeks ago. Mr. Chuck knew all bli
old friends, was just as tame as usual and
hasn't forgotten any of his tricks.
Cbas. A. Anderson is still in business
at the old Btand and baa 75,000 vegetable
and flowering plants of all kinds ready
for delivery at bis greenhouses at the
river bridge. Give him a call when you
beam Hardening. Prices reasonable, tf
Th Forest County Summer Normal
at Tionesta opeus May 1Kb, Every
teachor should avail themselves of this
splendid opportunity ol spending a sum
mer of pleasure aud profit. The manage
ment will be glad to answer any Inquiries
for information which the prospectus
may not give. -,
Tbe old apple tree In front of the Ar-
'nerollloe was finally removed Saturday.
In the heart of the tree, which was de
cayed and hollow, were found a brass eagle
bead of probably ancient date and a small
whisky flask, which at some time had
been placed in the forks or the tree and
fallen to tbe bottom.
-Mrs. Maud Stoneclpber, plaintiff In a
suit for divorce Irom ber husband, Dr.
Alva E. Stoneclpber, was given $i,500
alimony and granted a divorce by Judge
Funk lu circuit court yesterday. She
was ullowed the custody of their two
children and given $25 a month for their
support. Dr. Sionecipher's children by a
former marriage will remain in bis keep
lng. Romig A Miller were oounsel for
Mrs. SUinecipber and Anderson, Parker
" fc Brabtll for the rtelendant.-Indiana
Two handsome monuments have just
4een placed In the East Hickory ceme
tery, one on tbe lot of Mrs. Chas II.
French, to the memory of her husband,
and the other on the lot of Mr. E. L. Gor
man, to tho memory of bis wife. Tbe
work was furnished by Foley Brothers
Co.) the Olean N. Y., monument dealers.
The following is the report of Hunter
Station school for tbe term ending April
12, l'JOt): ToIbI enrollment, males 7, fe
males 5; average attendance for .erm,
males B. females 5: per cent, of atirTnce
males SO, females 100. Those pr
tire term are Mabel Armburger, Marie
Jaun, Edith Jaun, Annetta Swab, Mae
Swab, and Joseph Kennedy. UobsrtSwab
missed but one day. Auousta Korb,
The loliowing officers for the Nelras-
ka M. E. Sunday school have been elect
ed for the following year: Superintend
ent, F. X. Kreitler; assistant superin
tendent, I. H. Allison; treasurer, K. L,
Haugh: secretary, Miss Mabel Blauser;
assistant secretary, Miss Iva Preston; II
brarians, Misses Ruth Wiant and Olive
Blauser; assistant librarians, Misses
Grace Reed and Mabel Kams; orgauist,
Miss Anna Blauser; assistant orgauist.
Mrs. S. II . Secer.
Gilbert Hagerty, who was employed
as a tool dresser on Lowe & Co.'s well at
the old Anbury Chapel, bad bis right rm
severely injured last Thursday morning
by getting it caught between the crank
and the framework of the machine, while
straightening the sand line. He came
home and consulted Dr. Dunn, who in
formed blm tbat while tbe arm was badly
bruised there were no bones broken.
The Injury was very painful and will
keep him from work for several weeks,
W. L. Hardisou, vice president of the
Columbia Oil Producing Company, of
Los Angeles Cal., formerly principal
owner of tbe Los Angeles Heralu, ana
at one time one of the wealthiest citizens
of Los Angeles, was Instantly killed at
Rosnoe. Cal.. Saturday last, when tbe
motor car which he was driving collided
with a light engine. Mr. Hardison was
formerly a resident of Bradford, Pa., and
was a brother of James H. Hardison, for
merly of Tionesta, but now residing at
Geneva, Indiana.
The public will have the rare oppor
tunity of hearing Judge Ben B. Lindsey
of Denver, in tbe Oil City Theater on
Saturday uight, April 21. His work as
Imlirn of the Denver County Juvenile
Court and the active part he lias taiten
agalust graa in politics, have gained for
bim a national reputation. All who know
oftbeworkof Judge Lindsey are anz
lously walling the opportunity of hearing
him. Tickets may now be secured at
Ormston's Oil City. Tbe general admis
sion will be fifty cent; boys under eight-
Aim, twentv five cents, and no extra
charge will be made for reserved seats..
Tbe Edwiu J. Hadley exhibition olcgktscer gpecialist, his case having been
high-class moving pictures, wbicb o mes
to tne uou i n u t ,.. . .r
attraction Duiiaea upon iue latest .u
and most modern methods employed in
this style of entertainment. Mr. Hadley
has held as his motto "the best or noth-
incr and his strict adherence to this
Drinoiple has placed "The Hadley Exhl-
bltion" upon the highest pinnacle of pub-
Ho approbation. Every effort has been
extended to beautify the entertainment
nil there U a charm, a distinctive color
to the Hadley pictures which has marked
it as the show of originality and progress.
The good people o' Church Hill, in
Hlnknrv township, are determined to
have a church and with this end in view
secured tli.5 consent of the bvangelical
Association fjr the removal of the Town
Line church, iu Kingsley township, to
Church Hill. Tin building has already
been torn down and will be rebuilt at
onoeonalot adjoining tbe Church Hill
cemetery, tbe lot being donated by Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Church, of East Hickory.
The church had nut been used for some
time at Town Line and was rapidly de-
covin? and it was thought best that it
linnlrt be nut to sood use. Kev. A. r
j n -
Richards of Lickingville, Pa., was Instru.
mental In starting tbe work of removal
and will preach occasionally in the new
church. 8. K. Church of Church Hill is
treasurer of the building committee and
If any charitably Inclined persons desire
to assist a struggling congregation any
contributions will be eratefully received.
Fur t'ounliinttioii.
Mr. L. II. Farnham, a prominentdrug
cist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: "Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are
certainly the best thing on the market for
coustipatton. uive mese lauieis a mm.
You are certain to find them agreeable
aud pleastaut in etl'ect. Price, 2a cents.
Samples free. For sale by Dunn A Fulton.
'fir. A lUf
TJ V X. ! it . I,
1 Liy.
cm unu u
Photograph by Zuver, Tionesta.
Miss Ida Fones was borne from
erly over Sunday,
Mrs. James Gilllllan of Warren, is
the guest of Mrs. Hannah Sigglns.
Emory N. Decker of Whig Hill spent
Sunday here with bis son, Delbert.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. David Walters
of Newmansville, April 1Kb, son.
Miss Kate Messner of Warren was a
guest of Mrs. J. C. Dunn over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hart of Oil
City are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilt of Franklin
were guests at tne nurai nouse over
Newkirk Carson was home from Wil-
kinsburg, Pa., to spend Easter witb his
C. F, Weaver and daughters Misses
Glennaand Lillia spent Easter Sunday
in Tidioute.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kramer of Oil
City were guests of Mrs. . II. Killmer
over Sunday.
Miss Frances Sigglns of West Hick
ory was a guest of Mrs. Suie M. Sbarpe
over Sunday.
A son was born Friday to Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Sbriver, of Church street.
Oil Citv Blizzard.
John Clark of Hunter Run has moved
bis family into oue of tbe Canfleld bouses
on Walnut street.
W. L. Klinestiver of Sheffield came
down to spend Sunday with Tionesta
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas of
Franklin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J,
B. M use over Sunday,
Mrs. Edward Klser of German Hill
was a caller at this office Thursday and
renewed her subscription.
Edward Joyce returned Saturday
from Buffalo, N. Y., and expects to re
main here for tbe summer.
Mrs. Chester Besoe of Rochester, N.
Y., is with her mother, Mrs. Mary Ij.
Thomson, for a month's visit.
Lester Holeman came down from
Erie Saturday evening to spend Easter
with bis sister, Mrs. Alice Vought.
Cb. is Imel came home Friday
evening from State College to spend
the Easter vacation with hla parents
Miss Christine Agnew came borne
Friday from Washington, D. C, to spend
tbe Easier vacation w)t her mother,
ii. W. Robinson cently lost a black
leather wallet containing papers, etc.
Will tbe finder please return it to him.
J. E. Wenk went to Washington, D
C, Friday evening, for a few days' visit
and to see bow Uncle Sam's Solons do
A note received from R. A. Stricken
1 r states that be has returned to Huef-
ner, Pa., from tbe SUte Saoitorium at
Mont Alto, Pa.
Mrs. H. W. Horner of Allegheny
Springs was a guest of her daughters,
Mrs. G. E. Gerow and Mrs. R ibert A.
Fulton, over Sunday.
David Sutton, who has been in failing
health for some time, went to Rome, N.
Y., Tuesday, to consult Dr. Kingsley, a
diagnosed as cancer of the stomach.
R Th a former re8ldent of
nn . ,,.,. Pn..
,,.,,' ', ,
U II TV li U BblOIIU IUD 1. , 1 ,1. b , w . w. ,uw " '
M. E. church and was kept busy greeting
old friends.
Miss Janett Haugh of Nebraska fin
ished her term at the Youngk school,
Green township, last Wednesday, and on
Monday went to Clarion to attend tbe
Normal school.
-Mrs. H. G. McKnight, Miss Kittle
MoKnigbtand Miss Ada McCollum, or
Oil City, were guests of Mrs. L. V. Big
ony over Sunday. Miss McKnight has
an uuuaually fine voice aud as the soloist
at tbe dedication services at the new M.
E. church received many compliments.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Watson had as
their guests over Sunday, Bishop Berry
of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Watson
and Mrs. M. Andrews of Kelleltville;
Rey. F. M. Small and Miss Frances
Small t-f Ferdinand, and Rev. A. O.
Stone of Harrisburg, tbe latter having
been pastor here 29 years ago.
A very quiet wedding occurred at the
home of Rev. Wm. Richards, at Maybnrg,
Pa., on Thursday, April 8th, when his
youngest daughter Kthul 0. and Roy
Duane Barriger were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was
performed by the father of tbe bride, as
sisted by the Rev. A. J. Horner. Im
mediately following tbe ceremony, wblcb
took place at high noon, a very sump
tuous dinner was served, after wbicb tbe
bride and groom departed for a shot t tour
east, followed by tbe good wishes of their
friends. The young couple are well
kuown in this viultiity, and their many
frieudsjoin in wishing theui a long and'
safe journey in their matrimonial launch
on tbe sea of life.
Tioncslu's New and lleaullful Edifice
Consecrated to (lie Service of God
With Impressive Ceremonies.
No event in the history of Tioiicyta has
bei'ii looked forward to with more pleas.
nrahlc anticipation by her citizens and
those of Forest county in general, than that
which reached its culmination on Easter
Sumluy morning, April 11th, when the
beautiful new Methodist Episcopal church,
the gill of three of Forest county's repre
sentative and philanthropic citizens, Tru
un D. Collins, of Nebraska, George F.
Watson, of Tionesta, and Hon. Frank X.
Kreitler, of Nebraska, was forinully and
officially dedicated to the worship of Al
mighty God, by Bishop Joseph F. Berry, of
Buffalo, N. Y.
Services preliminary to the formal dcrti
cation were held in the new church on
Thursday evening, when a very able ser
mon was delivered by Rev. W. P. Murray,
district superintendent of the Erie district,
ami a former pastor, who took fur his text
St. John 17:11 and 18: "And now I am no
more in the world, but these arc in the
world;" "As thou hast sent me into the
world, even so have I also sent them into
the world." This was followed on Friday
evening by an excellent sermon by Rev. J
R. Rankin, district superintendent of the
Jamestown district, and also a former pas
tor, whose text was selected from 2 Kings
2:15: "The spirit of Elijah doth rest on
Elisha." Both of these sermons were lis
tencd to with appreciation by large au
diences of former members and friends,
On Saturday evening, Rev. Charles N. Bos
well, D. D., of Philadelphia, Pa., corre
spouding secretary of the Board of Home
Missions and Church Extension, and known
nationally as the "Cyclone of Methodism,
delivered a characteristic sermon, which
was enthusiastically received liy a large,
congregation. His text was chosen front
Ezra 3:7: "They gave monoy also, unto th
masons, and to the carpenters."
Sundav dawned bright and clear and it
was un Easter of the ideal sort, reawak
ing in the minds and hearts of all persons
thoughts of the new risen Lord, to whose
glory and service the beautiful new temple
w as about to be dedicated. The services of
the day were begun with the administra
tion of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
at 7:00 o'clock a. in., Rev D. A. Piatt, dis
trict superintendent, having the meeting
in charge and being assisted by Revs. W. 0.
Calhoun, F. M. Small, A. O. Stone, M. B.
Riley and R. A. Buzza.
The dedicatory services proper were
held at 10:30 a. in., and Were interesting, ed
ifying anil unusually Impressive. Long
before the hour set a large audience made
up of all denominations of the town and
coining from many surrounding towns had
gathered at the church. The services were
opened by the rendering of a fine anthem,
"The King of Glory," by tho choir, hjniii
No. 1 by the congregation, followed by
prayer oy itev. li. A. jiuzza, a loriner pas
tor. Miss Kittle McKnight, of Oil City,
then sang a beautiful solo, "Open thvOutus
of the Temple," whioh was fnlloweil by the
reading of tho Rlth Paalm by Rev. H. A.
iliiiloy, und tho singing of hymn No. IKW by
tho congregation. Bishop Berry then de-
Ii vered tne sermon oi me day, which was
an able effort and an intellectual treat. For
an hour he held tho vast audience spell
bound by his elouucnce, basing his re
marks on the text as found in Job 23:3;
"Oh that I knew where I might find him!"
Rev. W. 0. Calhoun, the pastor, gave a
statement of the finances, showing that
the sum of $1,500.00 was needed to pay for
the furnishings of the church, and under
the inspiring leadership of Dr. Bosvvcll this
amount was raised in a short time by vol
untary subscriptions, the trustees were
then called to the altar rail ami tho build
ing was formally dedicated by Bishop Iter,
ry, according to the ritual of the church,
the building being presented for dedication
by Hon. F. X. Kreitler, on behalf of the
donors and trustees. The benediction by
Rev. I). A. Piatt closed the exercises.
A plutforni meeting was held at 3:30 p.
in., at which short addresses were made by
Revs. W. 0. Calhoun, II. A. Bnilcy, D. A.
1'lutt, A. O. Stone, R. A. Buzza, P. M.
Sinull, L. H. Sliindledccker und Charles N.
The Sunday evening service was the be
ginning id' the revival meetings which are
being continued throughout this week.
Two anthems by tho choir, "Seals aro
Shattered," and "I'raise the Lord," and a
solo, "Face to Face," by Miss McKnight,
introduced tljo service. A powerful and
touching sermon was delivered by ltev. Dr.
Boswell from the text as found in 2 Kings
":!: "If we tarry till the morning light,
some mischief will come upon us." A
number came to the altar. Rev. Mr. Stone
occupied the pulpit on Monday evening
und ltev. Mr. Small on Tuesday evening.
Tliis article would be incomplete without
a full meed of praise being given to the
two choirs which furnished such excellent
music, und also to those who trained them.
The ministers present from out of town
were: Bishop Joseph 1". Berry of IJmll'alo,
N. Y.; Kev. C. N. Boswell, of l'hilu'lphia,
Pa.; Rev. AV. P. Murray, of Erie, l'a; Rev.
J. R. Rankin, of Jamestown, X. Y.; Rev.
I. A. Plutt, of Franklin, I'u.; Rev. A. O.
Stone, of Harrisburg, I'd.; Rev. R. A. Buz
za, of Meudville, l'u.; Rev. F. M. Hinull, of
Ferdinand, Pu.: Rev. W. E. Davis, of West
. : i
Hickory, Pa.; Rev. M. B. Riley, of Tylers
burg, Pa.; Rev. L. II. Sliindledccker, of
Seneca, Pa., and Rev. K. E. Sliindkdecker,
of Watson Ftlnn, Pa.
We have on previous occasions published
complete descriptions of the church and
furnishings, and this week print a g 1
picture of the building. The people of all
denominations take a very pardonablo
pride in tbe magnificent new teinplu o
worship, which will stand for ugos as
monument to the generosity of our three
distinguished citizens. It is a matter of
regret that Mr. Collins was ill und not able
to attend the services.
Mike Knliifnctin Tries to Kill a Young
, Lady aud Then Kills Himself.
On Monday afternoon at about two
o'clock, Mike Kalafactiu, a Slav, aged
about 19 yeara and unmarried, committed
suicide by shooting himself through the
heart, at Kellettville. The unfortunate
young man lives with a married sister in
one of the Elk Tanniog Co.'s bouses and
was an Industrious young man in tbe
employ of the tannery. As Is the custom
witb about all tbe foreigners, the day
following Easter is a day when but very
few do any labor and the majority of
them celebrate to their heart's content,
Monday waa no exception to the. rule and
considerable drinking was indulged in
Tbe young man bad been drinking beav
Ily and it seems be was determined to
make a good job of it, Mike was infat
uated with a young girl from bis native
country, Miss Anna Mitchaw, who re
sides witb ber uncle, George Mitchaw,
and is employed iu tbe kindling wood
factory, but who did not seem to take
kindly to his advances. This seemed to
prey on bis mind so heavily be decided to
die by his own band. Sometime after
tbe noon hour the young lady was takiug
a wain with two married ladies when
Mike saw them go up the railroad. He
secured his gun, which is a single barrel
Bhot gun, aud went out bauk of tbe bouse
and on a line nearly parallel with tbe
railroad tracks. By tbe amount of shells
found on the ground where he lay he
must bave discharged a lull dozen of
shots. After firing several shots he espied
the ladies coming back aud hiding be
hind a slump be opened tire on the trio,
one shot struck the young lady back of
tbe right ear, but did not even draw
blood. A few shots came very cl se to
all tbe parties but as the distance was
about twenty rods nothing serious
happened to the ladies, except they were
badly Irightened.
When but one hull remained he went
about to end his own life. First he
loaded tbe gun and taking bis handker
chief be tied one end of it firmly to the
trigger aud the other end was tied to a
Btick about feet long. Placing tbe
muzzle of the gun firmly against bis left
side directly over his heart, be pushed
the stick and discharged the weapon. He
was attired in bis Sunday raiment and
did not wear a coat or vest. His clothing
was badly powder-burnt and asmall bole
into his side told the tale. Tbe charge
was likely lodged In his thoulder, as
there was no evidence of its coming out.
Tbe plaoe where tbe deed was commit
ted lies on a little elevation aud was visi
ble Irom toe school bouse and other
places on the opposite side of the creek.
Nick Arnold, wLo has a shop directly
opposite the location and near tbe school
building, saw tbe shooting. Mrs. M. F.
Catlin, who resides a few rods from the
school building, and several of the schol
ars also saw the shooting. Those that
witnessed the affray were too far distant
to realize at tbe time just what was oc
curlng until too late. Where the shoot
ing occurred was only about ton rods
from tbe bouse and in the lot, He was
removed to tbe bouse in a few minutes
after the shoot iug. It was not doomed
necessary to hold Bn inquest. Tbe re
mains were turned over to undertaker
Bobbins. The preparations have not yet
been completed for tbe luneral, but It is
likely the interment will be made at
Titusvillo, V, Murch 31, l!MK).
For twenty ye.m I siillered with bleed
ing and Itching piles, at times was con
11 ned to the house for more than a month.
Two years ago I began using E. K.
Thompson's San-Cura Ointment, and one
SO-cent bottle made a firm and permanent
cure and have not been troubled since. I
can Ireely recommend San-Cura to any
suflnring humanity.
I am glad to give this testimony ami
will guarantee a cure if used as directed.
I bave bad perfect bus lib for 8 years.
RfcV. W. F. (iii.m:nT,
Nov., 1008. PleaNantvillo, Pa.
ManZ.iii 1'ile Kemeily is put up lu a
tube with nozzle attached. May be ap
plied directly to the all'ecteil pans,
Guaranteed. Price !i0c. Sold by J. R,
k ; rz )
I Morgan.
each year becoming more and
more a lime when there i a general
exchange of remembrances.
We have on hand many at tides
which would make appropriate ?ifts.
Among them would be a package of
Duteh Killer Nweetft,
A new confection
which you see so
Doo't forget that
widely advertised,
we have
Whitman') Chocolate).
We have also a large lioe of
I'iHHter Post Cards,
Also EaHer Ege Dyes, 8 colors for
5c, China Rabbits, Chocolate Kib
bits, &c.
Ljok for witidiw di play.
Just received, a larce number of
latest Iudestructible (Jvliuder, also
Double Disc records.
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Clothing Department
The question of a spring suit will soon have to be decided.
Our Aim
Every season is to improve on last season. Our line of spring
suits plainly shows the result of our effort this time.
We sell a very good suit for 8.00
A cracker jack suit tor 10.00
A dandy suit for 12.50
And a Jim slicker suit for 15.00
We have the goods and we want to sell them.
A little time spent in looking our clothing will be time
well spent.
Come aud see.
Did You Ever Heor
Of Bill Nye when the stork brought twins? He wouldn't take 812,000,000
a piece for those kids or give a nickel for another. That is the conclusion
every farmer has of the
Oliver or Wiard Plows
After he has used one of them. They wouldn't part with them. They bave
crown popular for lightness of draft, simplicity of construction, neatness of
finish and quality and satisfaction unsurpassed. Try one.
that we have
The Most Complete
of HaLrdwaLre in
the County.
Try Our Chirvacmel aoid WaJl
Pamper Cleaner.
Tionesta Hardware.
The Spring Suit
Should be Selected Here.
If you are skeptical about it we shall be glad to have you come in and
let us demonstrate tho truth of the above statement.
Most men even if not from Missouri like to he shown, and the aver
age inun is willing to he convinced when he kuows the goods cau bo deliv
ered. That is exactly our position,, We can, wu do deliver the goods.
We have been doing so ever since this clollii n tr store bogau its career
aud we shall continue, to carry out this p ilicy of full value for every dollar
Our patrons bave confidence in
want to number you amone them.
a fiords an excellent opportunity to make our acnuaiutauce. Wo shall be
glad to present them to you at these prices:
iSuits are glz, io, flu on, ti szu, e.-w auu .
Top Coats from 812 to S'25.
Men's Spring Hats.
No question but the soft hat is the
i the suber gray to tho greenest ivy
Do you want a
Positively tbe best line in
the city. Sole agett tor
Hull Detachable
Umbrella can be
apart and packed
trunk. We eograve
free of charge.
in a
ii vim:v i khz,
The Leading Jeweler,
32 SENECA St.,
us, in our promises, in our goods. We
Tho needed Spring Suit or Tup Coat
popular hat for spring a
greet 82 to 8r).
II colors