The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 07, 1909, Image 3

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We represent tbe leading Fire Insur
ance Companies of tbe world, and ean
insure you against loss at lowest rates,
We are agents In tbls county for tbe
and can .furnish security for County
olUcials, bank olUcials, eio.
If you want to
Buy or Sell Properly,
consult our Real Estate department. We
make a specialty ol tbls line of work and
can satisfy you,
C J. Mi sou,
I Dunn & Fulton f
Every housewife to call
at Dunn & Fulton's this
week and get a free
sample of
Makes old things new.
$30.00 Per Month
Guaranteed to every public suhool teacher
on completing our Business Course,
We Will Refund
Every cent paid to us for tuition on our
failure to comply with Ibis proposition.
This Is tbe kind of investment that
Enroll now for Spring and Summer
Warren Business College,
C. W. SMITH, President, Warren, Pa.
liammers. Ad.
Wm. 1!. James. Ad.
Dunn A Fulton. Ad.
Pbila. Life Ins. Co. Ad.
Franklin Trust Co. Ad.
Smart (CSIIberherg. Ad.
J. L. Hepler. Livery Ad.
('buries Anderson. Local.
A. L. Coyle, M. D. Local.
Monarch Clothing Co. Ad.
Notice of Primary Election.
Notice of Teachers' Exsmintions.
Prohibition Party Convention. Reader
Oil market dosed at $1.78.
Is your subscription paidT
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
Oil and gas leases, best form, for sale
atthts office. tf
Have you strolled out for tbe fragrant
trailiug arbutus yet?
Clarion has given up Its proposed
"old borne week" tbls year.
A. L. Coyle, M. D eye, ear, noseand
throat. Glasses lilted. Levi Building,
Oil City. tf
Tbe little peep-frogs have piped op
for tbe spring opening and are furnish
ing tbe customary swamp music
Two droves of cattle of about thirty
each were brought here during the past
week and shipped up Into New York
See J. J. Landers when In need of
doors, windows, lumber or shingles.
Also samples of seven grades of Paroid
rooting. tf
Great Enster sale of Men's and
Women's, also Boys' and Cbildren'sSults
and Coats, at the Monarch Clothing Store,
Oil City.
A pension of $12.00 per month has
been granted to Mrs. Mary A. Stakely,
widow of tbe late David E. Stanely, of
Tylersburg, Pa.
Tbe publio roads are in bad condition
but If given balfacbance tbey would dry
up rapidly. Three or four days of dry
weather would do the work.
Frank Jovoe received a carload of
flagstone paving last week, all of which
bad been ordered to be laid In the upper
pai t of town. Let the good work go on
Tbe large bell was removed Monday
from the old to tbe new M. E. church
tower, where it will hereafter call the
faithful, and "whosoever will." to
Keep in mind the annual Easter BUv
per to be given by the ladies of tbe M
K. church this evening, beginning at
5:30, in the W. R. C. ball. Go and get
good supper.
At license court in Warren last week
all applicants holding licenses tbe past
year were granted excepting one which
was held over for a week. All new ap
plications were refused.
TLe sumnior normal is an assured
success if numbers count for anything,
The committee is receiving applications
daily and from all appearances the attend
ance will be larger than ever Deiore.
At tbe first Presbyterian church yes
terdav morning the Rev. J. W. Smith In
viia tlin conciliation to note that the
inantiinra nf the choir wore no bats. In
this connection be asked that the mem
bers of the congregation also leave off
their bats during set vices. Warren
Times. We fear tbe popular dominie is
raising a delicate question right here at
Senator Penrose and Congressman
Wbeeler have sent quantity of garden
seeds to the Republican office for dis
tribution among their constituents. Tbey
will be given out to all wbo call as long
as tbey last.
The first and final account of Anna P.
Clupp and J. J. Darlington, executors of
tbe estate of the late John M . Clapp, late
of Washington, D. C, has been filed in
Franklin. Tbe amount for distribution
Is 3.ri6,78.70.
Leeper has a factory for the manufac
ture of canvas gloves, B. A. Sbotta &
Son are at the head of the new Industry
which is turning out about 50 dozen pairs
daily, and tbe capaolty will Bbortly be in
creased to 200 dozen pairs.
There will be no preaching services
at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath,
owing to tbe dedicatory servlcea at the
new M. E, church, and all attendants at
tbe former are Invited to participate In
tbe servlcea at the latter church,
Chas. A. Anderson Is still In business
at the old stand and bas 75,000 vegetable
and flowering plants of all kinda ready
for delivery at his greenhouses at the
river bridge. Give him a call when you
begin gardening. Prices reasonable, tf
Warren will bare a very important
Masonic meeting on or about April 23d,
which will be attended by officers and
members of the lodge of Warren, Forest
and Venango counties, including tbe
District Deputy Grand Master, W. H.
Cullls, of Oil City.
Thus far this year there have been
10,000 automobile liceuses issued by tbe
Pennsylvania Highway Department, tbls
being 4000 ahead of tbe record fur tbe
same date last year. Applications are be
ing handled at the rate of 100 a day. Look
out for the buzz wagon.
Tbe early gardner Is getting a trifle
"chesty," and is about ready to tell you
bow be bas onions and lettuce well on tbe
way and about ready for tbe table. It's
tbe substantial fellow that can furnish
you with a good mess most any time you
want it, that really counts.
Remember tbe moving picture enter
tainment at the oourt honse oo tbe 15th
Inst., under tbe auspices of the Tionesta
bigb school. Tbe show oouies with rec
ommendations as one of tbe best on the
road. Reserved seats can be bad at
Dunn A Fulton's drug store, beginning
next Monday,
If April showers bring forth May
flowers, tbey likewise bring forth a whole
lot of trouble and vexation to the fellow
who Is trying to get a few seeds Into Ibe
ground that a start may be made toward
little early gardening. You see tbe
pesky thing works both ways, and all is
not sunshine and felicity.
Protbonotary Deist, who recently
purchased the Dr. Dunn property north
of tbe doctor's residence, is remodeling
and improving the surroundings con
siderably. A cellar and new foundation
walls are being built, and the building
will be aet back so as to allow tbe erection
of a new addition to the front, making a
commodious and modern dwelling.
If you forgot to plant tree last Fri
day, one of tbe spring srbor days, you
will Lave another opportunity given you
on the 2:Sd Inst., which Is tbe second day
designated by tbe Governor for this
laudable work. However, It Is in order
and a very good idea at any time to plant
a tree or a dozen of tbem, regardless of
any special arbor day proclamation.
Tbe State Department of Health has
notified tbe Armstrong Water Company,
at Kittanninit. to take steps, within 90
days "to, at all times, furnish pure and
wholesome water to Its consumers, or tbe
State Department of Health will be forced
into tbe unDleasant duty of placing tbe
entire subject in the bands of the Attor
ney general." Complaints entered by a
citizen's water committee caused an in
The habit of treating those who are
nearest aud dearest to us with discourtesy
and disregard is one that olouds the sun
shine of too many homes, says an ex
change. When we learn to be polite, not
only as society people, but as husbands
and wives, sisters and brothers, parents
and children, we sball do well. No borne
can be bappy wherein sarcastic speech
and rude disregard for one auotber'a
right'! Is the rule.
G. W. Osgood makes the following re
port of weather conditions for tbe month
of March! Total rainfall 28 inches; snow
15K inches: coldest day, 18th, 10 degrees
above zero; warmest day 9ih, 55 degrees,
One thunder storm occurred, on tbe 27tb,
during which snow fell thick and fast.
In tbe corresponding month a year ago
51 inohes of rsln fell and 3K inches of
snow; the lowest temperature was on the
10th, 14 degrees above zero.
R. M. Herman baa forty-five acres of
land under lease at tbe upper end of town
nd is getting tbe tools on tbe ground
preparatory to drilling several welts,
Tbe first venture will be on tbe Kelly
lot. A well drilled near tbls location
over thirty years ago was pumped for
short time from tbe third sand, but the
sand was hard and tbe well was aban
doned. It is hoped to find a soft streak
in the sand. Here's hoping for a gusber,
William Bowers of Rouseville, shoot
er for tbe Harper Nitro glycerine Com
pany, wbo is well known In this vicinity,
bad a narrow escape Tuesday of IbbI
week, on tbe Hilton lease, near Oleopo-
11b, when bis team and wagon with 148
quarts of tbe deadly explosive upset and
went over a 15-foot embankment, iwo
of tbe cans were smashed against a rock,
their contents escaping, but strange to
relate did not explode. It required the
combined eil'orts of the well crew, tbe
driver and a block aud tackle to get tbe
wagon back on tbe highway again, after
which Bowers went on and shot the well
without any further incident.
An unusual transaction In which
Bradford man sold bis wile to another
man for 50 cents bas been reported and
the deal was binding In every particular,
After passing the remark to a friend that
be was tired of married life, the man said
he would be willing to sell ber for 50
cents if be could get it. Tbe purchaser
placed bis band in bis pocket snd pulled
out several silver pieces and banded over
a half to the owner of the wife. The wife
was theu iuformed of tbe transfer, and
she le narked it "was so sudden," but en
tered no complaint. A matter of fact is
that the woman appeared to be much
pleased over the transfer. She procured
ber bat and coat and bade ber busband
goob-bye aud weut to live with ber new
busband. She is still with him and ap
pears to be bappy.
When you pull down the town in
which Is your home and your business,
you are pulling down yourself, and when
you build up your own town, you build
up yourself and your neighbor. Try to
banlsb from your mind tbe mistaken idea
that good things are away off in some
other locality. Glv your town all tbe
praise It can legitimately bear. It will
certainly do you no barm and will cost
you nothing, and above all, patronize
home institutions. Be a booster.
One of tbe wonders of tbls sge are
tbe moving pictures, and with each year
great advancement is made "along this
particular line. During the coming en
gagement of the Edwin J. Hadley Co. the
usual large and representative audience
will baye tbe pleasure of seeing another
superb progrsm, which will be tbe finest
this organization bas ever presented.
Tbe colorod views will be a revelation to
those interested in color photography.
Always clean and high class, tbe Hadley
exhibition is conceded to be tbe most
popular attraction of its kind now before
tbe publio. At the court bouse, April 15,
under tbe auspices of tbe high school.
Forest County now has a representa
tive in Uncle Sam's navy, Benjamin
WItberall, of Endeavor, having left on
Friday for Newport, R. I , where he la to
report for duty. The new recruit is a fine
specimen of young manhood, is aged 17
years, and passed a splendid physical ex
amination at Oil City last week. The
term ol bis enlistment Is four years. His
father is a veteran of the civil war, knows
all about tbe hardships of war and mili
tary discipline, and reluctantly gave bis
consent to bis son's enlistment, but didn't
think be ought to deprive the boy of a
taste of Uncle Sam's rigid schooling since
be seemed so anxious to give it a try.
Every spring, as regularly as the
frogs tune up for their first concert, Br'er
Jake Wenk of tbe Forest Republican,
goes into ecstscles over the savory buffalo
sucker of tbe upper Allegheny, but up to
this time he bas never attempted to show
us by sending us a supply of tbe tooth
some fish. How do we know tbat the
buffalo sucker Is of superior flavor? Of
course we do not doubt Mr. Wenk's ve
racity or bis Judgment concerning what
is good to eat, but at tbe same time we
would like to make a personal test of tbe
edible qualities of tbe buffalo sucker.
Punxy Spirit. Hang it, man, the "buf
faloes" are not ripe yet, and we never get
excited till they're "on tbe riffles," wbicb
is 'long about tbe 20tb of May. At tbat
time if tbe water'a clear and conditions
are right we'll "show you" whether you
are from Missouri or Puoxsutawney.
Easter this year falls on Sunday,
April 1Kb. Easter is a movable feast, be
cause It falls on different dates in differ
ent years. It is kept on tbe Sunday next
after the fourteenth day of tbe Paschal
moon; tbe Paschal moon being tbat moon
of whloh the fourteenth day (approxi
mately tbe full moon) occurs on or next
after tbe 21st of March. Hence Easter
cannot occur earlier than March 22d
(when tbe fourteenth day of tbe Paschal
moon is Saturday, March 21,) nor later
than April 25, (when the fourteenth day
of the Paschal moon Is Sunday, April 18.)
Tbe only example of tbe two extremes in
the twentieth century will be in the year
1924 at which lime Easter will occur on
April 25, tbe later extreme. During the
twentieth century we find tbat March 24,
1940, comes next on the other extreme,
wbicb is mentioned before in tbls article
is March 22d March 27 will be Easter in
tbe year 1910. Exchange.
Program of 1 lie Dedicatory Exercises
of the New M. E. Church.
Tbe new Methodist Episcopal church
In Tionesta la now completed and tbe
handsome edifice will be dedicated to tbe
worship of God next Sunday morning at
10:30 o'clock. Services In preparation for
Ibis Important and long-looked-for event
will begin in tbe new church to-morrow,
Thursday evening, this being the first
service to be beld In tbe building. Great
preparations have been made for all the
services by tbe pastor and congregation,
and Easter Sunday will mark an epoch
in the history of Methodism In Tionesta.
Many of tbe former pastors of tbe con
gregation have signified their intention
of being prosent to lend their assistance.
A specially trained choir of tbe younger
people will render appropriate music,
in addition to which there will be a num
ber of solos by prominent singers. Tbe
program so far as outlined is as follows;
Thursday evening, April Mb, 7:30.
Sermon by Rev. W. P. Murray of Erie,
Superintendent of the Erie District,
Friday evening, 7:30. Sermon by Rev.
J. R. Rankin of Jamestown, N. Y., Su
perintendent of the Jamestown District.
Saturday evening, 7:30. Sermon by
Rev. Dr. Charles Boswell of Phlladel
delphia, Pa., Corresponding Secretary of
the Home Missionary and Church Ex
tension Society.
Sunday, April 11th. At 7:00 a. m. tbe
Holy Communion will be administered;
10:30 a. m., sermon by Bishop Joseph F.
Berry of Buffalo, N. Y., followed by a
abort address by Dr. Boswell, after wbicb
will come tbededicatory service, in which
Ibe full ritual service of tbe church will
be used; 3:00 p. m., platform meetiug,
which will be addressed by the resident
pastors and visiting clergymen; 7:30 p.
m., sermon by Dr. Boswell.
Tbe pastor, Rev. W. O. Calhoun, bas
also arranged to bold services each eve
ning of tbe following week and It la ex
pected to have a different speaker for
each service. A general aud cordial in
vitation is given to all to attend all these
The last service in the old church on
Sunday evening was largely attended.
The speaker was Rev. F. M. Small,
former pastor, and bis interesting talk
was mainly a reminiscence of bis pas
torate here.
Teachers' Examinations.
Examinationa for teachors' certificates
for 1909 will be beld as follows:
Nebraska, Saturday, May 1.
West Hickory, Monday, May 3.
Marlenville, Wednesday, May 5,
Clarlngton, Thursday, May 6.
Kellettvllle, Thursday, June 17.
Tionesta, Friday, June 18.
Tionesta, Saturday, August 28.
4t D. W. Morhison, Co, Sunt
t or Constipation.
Mr. h. H. Farnbam. a promineutOrug
gist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: "Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are
certainly tbe best thing on tbe market for
constipation." Give these tablets a trial.
You are certain to find tlieui aereeable
and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents.
Samples free, I or sale by Dunn rut
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Dunn were visitors
in Warren, Monday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hepler,
of Tionesta, April 3d, son.
M iss Genevieve McCutcbeon of Pleas
antvllle, was s guest of Miss Lenore
Ritchey over Sunday.
W. E. Witherall of Endeavor, Is
spending a couple of weeks with bis son
George at William, W. Va.
John C. Ritchey, located In Pittsburg
came. borne Thursday for a short visit
with parents and friends, returning yes
terday. Misses Lenore Ritchey end Bertha
Lawrence were borne from Oberlio.Ohlo,
college for the Easter vacation, return
ing yesterday.
Mrs. Louise Charleston and daugh
ter, Miss Ellen, visited relatives in Corry,
Pa., and Mayville, N. Y., from Wednes
day to Saturday last.
Andrew Engdahl, of West Hickory
was business visitor in Tionesta Mon
day afternoon, and gave the Republican
a friendly call while here.
J. W. Russell, tbe enterprising man
ager of tbe Stranburg Musio House, Oil
City, was circulating among bis custom
ers in tbls section yesterday.
E. E. Norton of Brook street left yes
terday for Marlenville, where be will
begin a large contract of cutting out tim
ber. Titusville Herald, Tuesday.
Mrs. Edward H. Hollingsbead, ac
companied by ber little daughter,
Frances, of Bradford, Pa., is tbe guest of
her mother, Mrs. A. A. Pease, thia week.
W. G. Wyman went to Meadvllle
yesterday to attend tbe funeral of bis
cousin, Frank Rouecbe, which takes place
today, Tbe deceased was one ot Mead
ville's prominent and substantial busi
ness men.
R. W. Moon bas been confined to bis
home with a severe attack of pneumonia
for tbe past ten days. He Is getting bet
ter now, and expects In a short time to
resume bis work at tbe bench at tbe
Scowden wagon shop.
Congressman N. P. Wheeler waa
called from Washington, Sunday, by tbe
death of bis sister, Mrs. Augusta Wbeeler
Skinner, wbicb occurred in Buffalo on
Saturdav. Tbe funeral was beld at the
late borne or tbe deceased at Westfleld,
N. Y., yesterday.
Kane Republican, April 3: Mrs.
Harry Rockwell has gone to West Hick
ory, where she will spend tbe Easter
holidays with her parents. Born to
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr, of Leeper, at tbe
hospital yesterday, s daughter. Mrs.
Kerr Is a sister of Mrs. S. G. Beatty.
Ex-Judge C. A; Hill bas so far re
covered from bis recent severe attack of
illness as to be able to be out again. Capt,
Knox, another of the old veterans who
has suffered severe Illness this winter, is
able to be about, but wisely thinks he'll
not venture out till pleasant, settled
weather has come.
W. L. Osgood of Star was a caller at
tbe Republican office Monday morning,
"Billy" came near losing bis domicile by
fire on Sunday about the noon hour,
When be discovered tbe blaze, wbicb was
near the chimney. It had eaten a hole in
tbe roof about two feet square, and ouly
the promptest work Baved tbe building,
Quite an unusual gathering occurred
here last Sunday, April 4th, when the
children of Mr. W. W. Walford were all
assembled at bis home, it being the first
time they have been together in many
years. There are nve daughters ana one
son. Tbey mourn tbe loss of s beloved
mother, who was called away more than
a year ago.
J as. R. Morgan is in receipt of a note
from a relative dated tbe first inst., in
hicb tbe report of tbe death of his
brother, Gilbert, is confirmed. Tbe
death occurred at 11:55 a. m., February
19th, 1909, at Mountain Branch Soldiers'
Home, Johnson City, Tenn. Two sons
survive, W, W. Morgan, at Eau Claire,
Butler county, Pa., and Charles C,
whose present whereabouts is unknown
to friends here.
Rev. Arthur Zabnlser, stationed at
Blairsville, Pa., as presiding elder of tbe
Greensburg district of the F. M. churcb,
visited his father here a few hours Thurs
day, having spent last week at Youngs-
ville a'slsting bis brother, Rev. Archie
Zahniser, In his ministerial work for a
short time. The latter is rapidly recover
ing from bis rheumatic trouble, and ex
pects to be able to resume his regular
pastoral labors shortly.
Mrs. M. L. Rhodes, of this place, wbo
is a relative of the family, bas been in
formed of the death, on tbe 14th ult. of
Uborge Lawson eldest son of John Law
son of Corry, Pa., who will be remem
bered by many of our citizens as s for
mer section foreman on tbe railroad
stationed at this place, and wbo removed
from here 26 years ago. The deceased
was aged about 40 years, and resided in
Chicago where death ocourred of acute
gastritis at a hospital. He is survived by
his wile.
Elmer E. Patterson, for the past 18
years a resident of Forest county, bas re
moved to bis former borne near Volant,
Lawrence county, occupying a farm on
which be resided before coming to this
county. Mr, Patterson owns a farm on
tbe Tylersburg road In Tionesta twp.,
where be resided for several years before
returning to Lawrence county. In com
mon with many other friends, tbe Re
publican regrets the loss ol Mr. Patter
son anil family to our community, but
wishes them prosperity and happiness at
their new home.
Charles Anderson and sisters have
moved Into the old Wenk homestead,
next door to ye editor. Other movings
in town during tbe past week or two are:
Axel ArenBon from tbe Randall bouse
on Elm street to tbe Moor house on Vine
Btreet, Mrs. Moor having moved to Oil
City; Lewis Wbitton from the Doutt
house on Vine street to the Foreman
bouse on the same street; Frank Robin
son from Falconer, N. Y., to the Walford
house on Elm street, which be purchased
some time ago; Charles McCool from the
Canfleld house on Walnut street to tbe
Fogle Farm, Harmony township; Silas
J. Shrlver from tbe Wolcott house on
Elm street to tbe Farmer bouse on in
lands street.
Asa poultice leave Sm-Cura on un
til absorbed, as the inflammation and
pain are reduced by absorption, and the
poison is drawn out. We have Necrosis
Bone, Glass, Wood, Needles, and pus
drawn from tbe flesh by San-Cura used
as thick as a poultice. We have never
known it to fail in removing pain. itio,
6uo, $1.00 and 82.00. Thompson Medic al
Co., 8 and 10 Diamond St., Titusville,' la.
Death of Former Forest County Citizen.
Joseph Reed, atone time prominently
engaged In lumbering in this county, and
wbo will be remembered as such by
many of our older citizonB, died at bis
home at Kinsman, Ohio, on Saturday last
and was burled on Monday of this week.
Mr. Reed at one time operated a mill on
tbe headwaters of Beaver creek, Hickory
township, where be owned an extensive
tract of pine timber. Afterwards be man
ufactured lumber for Hall May at Buck
M ills, on Tionesta creek, for a number of
years. About 37 years ago he retired from
the lumber business and engaged in
farmiug, buying a large farm on the out
skirts of tbe town of Kinsman where be
spent the remainder ol his long life, be
ing upward of 80 years of age when he
died. His widow, who in maidenhood
was Miss Rebecca Everhart, survives,
also 6 daughters and one son.. Of a kind
ly, generous and sympathetic nature, Mr.
Reed leaves a good memory amongst tbe
old residents wbo bore bis acquaintance
In tbisseotlou.
School Children Badly Burned.
While 200 school children were watch
ing the shooting of an oil well near tbe
high school building In the city of Brad
ford Friday afternoon a terrible explosion
of natural gas seriously injured 25 oi the
pupils, some of whom, it 1b feared, fatal
ly. After the shot was over a large num
ber of the children rushed up to tbe well
to gather up tbe stones thrown up from
far below tbe surface. Tbe shot broke
into a pocket of gas and tbe inflammable
fluid poured out of tbe casing in a great
volume. The engine with which the well
was drilled waa standing some distance
away and tbe gas reached the smoulder
ing coals in the Are box. Instantly tbe
air seemed filled with Are and then the
cries of tbe seared and burned children
told those who stood near tbat an awful
accident bad happened. Among the
most seriously burned was Clare Sager, a
son of Rev. A. T. Sagor, a former Free
Methodist minister of Tionesta. The lad
was taken to tbe hospital along with three
other badly Injured children all of wbom
at last account were In acrilical condition,
Mr and Mrs. Lett Spencer spent Fri
day at Sheffield.
Mrs. O. E. Rupert and two children,
Nell and Donald, visited Mrs. Rupert's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blnss, In Sbeffleld,
Mrs. John Littlefield's friends gathered
at ber borne last Wednesday evening to
remind ber ol her fiftieth birthday. A
verv eolovable time was hsd by all
present. Mrs. Littlefield received
number of nice presents. After lunch
was served all departed for their homes,
wishing Mrs. Littlefield many more
bappy birthdays.
Mrs. Albert Llgbtner of Youngsville
visited at tbe borne of ber brother, Ed
ward Gillespie, over Sunday.
Re) la Wolf and Mrs. James Welsh were
calling on friends in town Wednesday
Lulu Slocum visited her aunt, Mrs.
Wm. Slocum, over Sunday.
Thomaa Miller was a business visitor
in Warren Saturday,
Mrs. J. E. Klnch visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Vandergrift, Thursday of
tbe past week.
Mrs. Earl Downey was shopping at
Kellettvllle, Thursday.
Mrs. Jessie Barney visited friends at
Clarendon a few days tbe past week.
Edith Durnell returned to her home
last week, after several weeks' stay with
Mrs. Grace Miller.
Miss Ella Wilcox returned to Sheffield
after several weeks' visit with her sister,
Mrs. James Littlefield.
Mrs. Mary Tobey, wbo has been visit
ing ber sons in Sheffield, returned borne
Mrs. Harry Watson spent several days
in Buffalo, N. Y last week.
Mrs. W. A. Krlbbs and Mrs. J. F. Rsy
visited Mrs. Cbas. Bauer in Warren last
Olive Blauser of Nebraska was tbe
guest of Kathleen Daubenspeck tbe past
Mrs. Sarah Brady of Chester, Mass , is
the guest of ber mother, Mrs. O. H. Wise.
George Zuendel visited relatives at
Ross Run, Sunday.
Mr. aud Mrs. M. D, Spencer visited
Mrs, Spencer's mother at Beaver Valley,
who bas been quite ill.
T. P. Kama, wbo has spent several
weeks in Washington returned home
W. S. Hendricks is visiting bis wile at
the Emergency hospital at Warren.
Mrs. Fred MNaugbton, Herbert Dot
terer end son Harry of Muzette were the
guests of Mrs. W. U. H. Dotterer, Satur
day. Lawrence Dunkle, who Lis been visit
ing Iriends at Tylersburg, returned home
Alva Watson spent Saturday In Warren.
Mrs. J. W. Daubenspeck Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Jack Livermore, at
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. 8.
Fitzgerald, Monday afternoon, April 5th.
Mrs. Lewis Bebrens of Starr is visiting
friends In town.
Rev. R. J. Montgomery is visiting rel
atives at Brookvllle, Pa.
Dollie Bean la suffering from pneu
monia. llrst Trrntnirnt for CnliN.
"Most ordinary colds will yield to the
simplest treatment," says tbe Chicago
Tribune, "moderalive laxatives, hot foot
baths, a free prespiration aud an avoid
ance of exposure to cold and wot after
treatment." While this treatment is
simple, It requires considerable trouble,
and the one adopting it must remain in
doors for day or two, or a fresh cold la
almost sure to be contracted, and in many
Instances pneumonia follows. Is it not
better to pin your faitb to an old reliable
preparation like Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, that is famous for its cures of
colds and can always he depended upon?
For sale by Dunn fc Fulton.
A child of Harry Fisher, Drake at Ti
tusville, Pa., was completely cured of
wetting tbe bed by Inking "Rarosma,"
which made a strong and healthy child iu
a abort time. Barosuia is pleasant to the
taste and strengthens tbe Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys aud Bladder.
Woods Liver Medicine is a liver reg
ulator which brings quick relief to sick
headache, constipation, biliousness and
other symptoms of liver disorders, far
tlcularlv recommended for Jaundicn,
Chills, Fever, Malaria. The tl 00 size
contains 2 times as uiuch as the Soo
size. Sold by J. R. Morgau.
Is each year becoming more and
more a time wbeo there is a general
exchange of remembrances.
We have on hand many articles
which would make appropriate gifts.
Among them would be a package of
Dutch III Iter Bweefs,
A new confection which you see so
widely advertised. Don t forget that
we have
Whitman's Chocolate).
We have also a large line of
Easter Post Cards,
Also Easter Egg Dyes, 8 colors fur
5c, Chiua Rabbits, Chocolate Rab
bits, Ac.
Look for window di play.
Just received, a large number of
latest Indestructible Cylinder, also
Double Disc records.
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Clothing Department
The question of a spring suit will soon have to be decided.
Our Aim
Every season is to improve on last season. Our line of spring
suits plainly shows the result of our effort this time.
We sell a very good suit for ..l $ 8.00
A cracker jack suit tor 10.00
A dandy suit for 12.50
And a Jim slicker suit for 15.00
"We have the goods and we want to sell them.
A little time spent in looking our clothing will be time
well spent.
Come and see.
Did You Ever Hear
Of Bill Nye when the stork brought twins? He wouldn't take $12,000,000
a piece for those kids or give a nickel for another. Tbat is the conclusion
every farmer has of the
Oliver or Wiard Plows
After he has used one of them. They wouldn't part with them. They have
grown popular for lightness of draft, simplicity of construction, neatness of
finish and quality and satisfaction unsurpassed. Try one.
that we have
The Most Complete
of Hardware in
the County.
Try Our China. mel and WaJl
Pa-per Cleaner.
Tionesta Hardware.
When you stop and think ot it, there must be a reason why many
hard hea Jed men prefer our clothing to aoy other.
Tbey know the reality of such important facts as t'leae:
Our garments are full of character aud Btyle to start with.
They give splendid service for every cent you put iuto them.
Not only that, but tboy keep their shape, aud have the stability
that makes them look well as long as you want to wear tbem, and
the prices are never so high as to he prohibitive uur so low as to be
Men's Suits, Young Men's Suits, Meu's Top Coats, Men's lUin
Coats, $10, $12, $15, $10 50 to $25.
Spring Furnishings.
New colors in Fancy Hosiery, Manhattan Shirts, Stetson Stiff
and Soft Hats
41 &43 SENECA SI
Do you want a
Positively tbe best line in
tbe city. Sole a ire tit ibr
Hull Detachable
Umbrella can be t'.kcn
apart and packed in a
trunk. We engrave them
free of charge.
The Leading Jeweler,
the very beginning of tbe Eastertide,