Lai THf FOREST REPUBLICAN J. C. CNK. COITO 4 HOWICTOI WKDNKSHAY, MARCH 24. 1! iso: lU.e webt H.yxB t isat 3 4 5 12 6 13 I 8 9 10 II 1415 16117181920 .illlHMIIIfrllieiltg. ASSOCIATE lUlXJK. V r nu ll rfd to announce Joint a. Wh'mmm. i'f Kmiflnv inwimhip. cmidi'lMin l..r A"eiH'e loiue, nnjeel l the ilwinWn "f Mix H'-p lil h'hii voiera ai lli primxrlfx J imp 5. I'.HKJ. MsTKNT AT I'ORXKY. We a-e authorize lit announce M. A. Carntiiier K-ii . of Tionesia. a a candl lisle for )ilnet AMorm-v. ailJot to I he clcci lnn il the UepuMican voters of For e-i u 1 1 1 v Hi til" I'rimirlM Juno 6, 1!W9. Mr. hi l In Recovers Hoy . The l)n nation is rejoicing today with Attorney Whi'la, of Sharon, over tlie recmery, tale anil sound, of hit liitlp boy Ullie, a lull (count of which Im jjiven in our news pane today. The heart Ur kn parent are too lull of joy topiveany lli'iunht at Una moment of puni-dinienl for llie kidnappers, should tliey bedetecied, but no effort will be spared by the aulhnrlties lo apprehend them, and mete out to them the full pen ally for uch a crime, mbicb in thia atate ia lile liiiprisoniient. TIIK Kll I ITEMS CAUGHT. In the arrest of a man and woman Id Cleveland last nifht, with fll.TSHi In their pmnexoinn, the police believe lliey bave the kiilnaipers of Willie Whitla, the woman having admitted that she n one of the responsible peraona. No name are piven in the prei.s di patches, but the woman in th'ttiuht to be from Sharon and well acqiMint-d with the tVhitla family She Haiti to the olice: "1 am the one wh" planned the whole ibing. There will be trouble for me, and hell iu Sharon to morrow." T.tK Waiertown Time says: "Rtllb Bryan, dauuhier of ibe PreBidential can didate, lia secured a divorce from her hiikband for nonxiippnrt. Mr. liryan bs the same cause of auimn against the Deni ocrallc party." Tiik President ban appointed John H. Jord'in to lie U. S. District Attorney for V extern Pennsylvania with headquarters at Piithu rjr. He succeeds John W, Dunk le, who was appointed Irom War ren lotir yeara apo, and who was a candi date f..r re appointment. Sknatok Tillman says Le will not bother shout lhe tariff hill, except to vote apainst it. No doubt the aenator baa pmded around with hia pitchlork enough to find that there are a whole lot of South Carolina Democrats in favor of a protect ive tarill in these Utter daya of rapidly growing maun nurturing Interests in southern climes. Tub CooperM, Col. IiimcHn 11. and bin aon, Robin, were found guilty of murder in the aecond degree fur the killing ol ex Senior Car mark, by the jury In the trial which ended in Nashville, Tenn., last Saturday. The accused men were at once anniented to imprisonment for 20 yearn each. An appeal wax taken pend ing w hich the prisoners were each placed under fi'i.WH) hail. The verdict ia prelt generally commended y the public, which followed the course of the trial closely, That Stuart highway la encountering a rocky time '-if it in the legislature, and is now hack In committee alter passion second reading nut of courtesy to Its aponxer, who begged that it be allowed to pais this stage. It ia doubtful If it again sees daylight. Tbia expensive luxury carried an appropriation of $5,000,000, but Would doubtless coat five times tbt amount helore ita completion, and then would he available for automobiles only The Kpei'ttlcationa call for a fifty-font speedway built of Macadam. What a delightful scheme for the nabobs. Ah an argument in favor of acquittal of the Coopers during their trial for tbe murder of Senator Carmack at Niishville recently, Gen. Washington, one of the de fenxe'a council said; "You can drive i man insane with ridicule. You can send a ninn's son into a frenzy by ridicule Carmack refers lo Col. Cooper as 'major' w hen be wrote lo Col. Cooper as a friend he called him 'colonel'. VWirn he wants to insult and degrade him he calls blm 'uiHhir'. It was a gratuitous insult." It niu-t be admitted that to call a man "Ma jor" who wax accustomed to being ad dressed ax 'Colonel," ia a very serious offense, especially in the South, But yet we hxrdly think it justifies murder, thinks lhe I'unxy Spirit, and so we all think. In the death of (lecirpe V. Angel at bia home in Boston on the 10 h Inst., tiveiy living creaiure has lost a friend and pro t'tor. He lived to the ripe old age of 86 years, and almost the whole ot hia life be devoti d to tbe education of mankind iu humane work for dumb auiinals. "We sneak fur those who cannot speak for tiieiiiselyes," was a motto which he car ried Bt tbe bead of the little periodical that be published and edited, called "Ou Dumb Animala," and well and faithfully did be carry nut this beautiful and mercl lul work to the end of Ilia I i to. He trav nlwl iiihiiv limes throughout the United SiMtes ami in scora of oilier countries, nml c used lo be eat ihlixhed morn than 7n noo i.ui.ilx ol mercv ill America and j;i, gland. He wax a man of consldHrabl means, praciicsllv all f which was de voted to ibis grand work, and "we cpak tor llio.e who cannot speak lor them wilvea" when we say, "Uod bless tbo of lurls of thin noble uiilli." A BEAUTIFUL EDIFICE. The New Methodist IiImo,uI Church In Tionesia 4 bout Kcady for I led lea i ion. The Methodist Episcopal church in Tio ncxta, creeled by Messrs. (3. V. WaUon, T. D. Collins and F. X. Krcitlcr, is practically completed and no preventing providence this beautiful edifice will be dedicated to the worship of Almighty (iod on Easter Sunday, April 11, l!i!, by Bishop Joseph F. Berry, of Buffalo, X. Y., and l!cv. Charles M. Boswell, 1). I)., of Philadelphia, Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, as sisted by Rev. I). A. Piatt, D. D., District Superintendent, the pastor, Rev. W. 0. Calhoun, former pastors and visiting cler gymen. The structure is located on the site purchased a few years ago from Charles Bonner, of Chicago, for this purpose, and is an ideal locution, being very near the center cf the town, and the lot having snlli cieut frontage to surround the building with a good sized lawn. On Eu-ter Sunday, 11)08, the pastor an nounced to bis congregation the plans of the ubovc named gentlemen to mnko this magnificent gift to the society. At once Winkler A MacDouald, architects, of Pitts burg, were engaged to draw plans and specifications, and on June 27th the con tract was awarded to the Building and Con struction Company of Franklin, Pa., for the sum of fci'(,!w0, which did not include the windows or furnishing. Ground was broken July Cth, ami from that date the work i pushed as rapidly as possible to completion. The edifice is a gothic struct ure, the extreme dimensions being seventy by seventy-five feet. Xativc stone was used for the basement and Iliimmellstown brown stone a''ove the water table. The basement iii eleven feet high, well lighted and con tains a large room for social meetings, cloak room, storage room, the steam heat ing plant, lavatories, etc. The auditorium has a bowled Moor with circular pews seating .'lit. Directly in the rear and sepa rated from it by rolling partitions is the Sunday school room with l.XI chairs. To the left of the auditorium and separated from it by rolling partitions isthcEpworth League room with 100 chairs and over it a gallery seated with pews which will ac commodate 12o people. The basement lias an outside entrance. There is also a rear entrance to the auditorium, which opens into a waiting room for the choir and pas tor. The inside wood-work in the base ment is yellow pine, finished natural. All the rooms above this are finished in golden oak. The memorial windows were fur nished by individuals and purchased from thellaskins Art Glass Co., of Rochester, X. Y, and cost about $1,400. The pews, pul pit and pulpit furniture were manufactured by the Kittanning Seating Company and are finished in golden oak to correspond with the inside finili. The lloors of all rooms above the basement are carpeted with a two-tone red brussels carpet, with the exception of the vestibule, which has a lile floor with a marble base. As soon as can be arranged for a pipe orguu will be installed, which will make the building complete. The total cost of the church, including the lot ami furnishing but not the organ, will be about 33,000.00. The members of the congregation are busily engaged in raising money to furnish the church, which they are expected to do with the exception of the pews. It is not ex pcend that it will be necessary to raise a lar ,e amount on the day of dedication. THE MKMOK1AL WINDOWS. Representatives of The Jla-kins Glass Company, Rochester, X. Y., have just completed the work of setting the beauti ful memorial windows, (the work of their Rochester studio), and already they have been the object of many complimentary remarks and will surely make many friends for the house that niu.lo them. The glass used in the construction of these windows is what is known to the trade as first qual ity American opalescent and the prevailing colors throughout are umber and green. These colors, while giving a most beautiful effect under a strong light, are easy to the eyes and have none of the glare which is so objectionable in old style stained glass windows. While in most churches the size of the one in Tionesta there is one large window known as the "great" window, in this case there are three of eijuul size, one caclt on the West, Xorth and South. All three of these would have hud some figure of Christ or u Biblo churacter, but the one on the South being cut in two by the gullery has a bust of llofimuin's "Christ at Twelve," showing abovo the gallery. This window is the gift of G. F. Wutson und beurs the following inscriptions: At the base of the center section, "George F. and Anna Wat son and family"; on the two side sections, at the ba-c, "A. B. and Eva Elizabeth Root," and "Frank andCordellia Watson." The large window on the West side of the building, opening into the Sunday school room, is the gift of Truman Doud Collins and bean the names of the donor, his wife, Mary Stanton Collins, and bis son, Evcrell Stanton Collins. The center one of its three panels shows Plockhorst's figure of "Christ the Good Shepherd," with the lamb in bis arms and sheep at his side, and will preach its sermon as long as the cliurch stands. Tbe figure section, as well us the of the window, is worked out in the lmtiirul glass, with the exception of the flesh, which it has been found im possible to reproduce truo to life without the useofpuints. The painted portions o ull these, windows urc thoroughly und re- pculedly fired in a special kiln, which burns the paint into the glass, so that there is no danger of its sculing. The name plutes are similarly treated. The large window in the North side of the building is the gift of Hon. Frank X Kreitler and bears the numes of his par ents. Bcrnhard and Muria Kreitler, und Rev. C. C. Rumberger. In the center sec. tion is a figure of "Christ Blessing th Children," a reproduction of the fumous painting by Ilofmann. It shows the Christ seated, with a child in his arms and a sec ond one at his side, and is a most creditable piece of work. Facing the strict and at cither side of th Collins window are two given by 0. W Proper and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doutt, one with a cluster of Easter lilies worked inb the background und the other with a cor responding cluster of passion flowers. On the Proper window is the inscription "Su rub A. Proper," und on the Doutt window "Joseph und June B. Grove." The children of Mr. und Mrs. C. A. Hill bave given the window to the right of th North lurge window, the emblem being dove atiU the inscription Charles A. un Mury J. Hill. To the left of the Xorth large window is the Grove mid Hunter window, with cluster of Faster lilies as un emblem und the inscription "W. A. Grove, W. F. Hun ter, M. 1)., und family." This is the gift o Mrs. Minnie Hunter Grove, Lottie E. Hun tr and Dr. Trunk P. Hunter. To the left of the South large window Is the Arncr window, with a sheaf of wheat as an emblem and the inscription "Lewis and Klizuheth E. Arncr," which was given by their children. To the right of the South large window is one given by Mrs. S. J. Setlcy, with the cross and crown emblem and the following inscription: "Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester and Zeta Setlcy." The small window in the Sunday school room fucing North Is placed by the con gregation as a testimonial of appreciation of the work of the pastor and his wife and beam the inscription "Rev. W. 0. and Anna L. Calhoun." The emblem Is an anchor and rope. To the left of tho pulpit as lhe congrega tion is seated is a window the same size as the other eight small ones, but with what is known ax a suppressed gothic top, while the others have a square top. This window is placed by a friend whose name for the present is withheld and has the bust of Hofmann's Rabboni, the mature Christ, as he appears in the artist's painting "Christ ami the Rich Young Ruler." A handsome gothic transom over the main front entrance is also glazed with art glas to correspond with the others, all uniting to make an effect rich and pleasing and at the same time in entire keeping with the architecture of the building and its in terior finish and decoration. KclleltTllle, Glenn Glllewple, who baa been Visiting relatives in this vicinity for several months, returned to bla home nt Wood bine, W. Va last week. Maud Green f Tionesta wax tne guest Lula Shaw over Monday. Mrs 8. K. Winger of Corry ax the gurtst of ber niece, Mrs. F, J Henderson, a lew days last week Mrs. L. Sbipn and daughter Mary, ol Mxrleiiville, are visiting ibe lormer's sister, Mrs, Lewis Ainer. Mrs. Jim lxs of Oil City, who baa been visiting ber aister, Mrs, Richard Cunningham, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Kal- chic of Six M ile was a guest at tbe borne of A. L W el ler, Tuesday. Floyd Frill or Liekingviile visited bis uncle, W. J. Delar, a lew day last weea. I be party given by the W. C. T. U. In Andrews' Hall, Wednesday atleruoon in honor of Mrs. T. P. Karnes and Mrs. Robert Co noon, was well attended. A very pleas ant afternoon was spent. An elaborate lunch wax served by tbe Union. These Indies intend Joining iheir husbands in the west in tbe near future. Ed. Mo- Millen baa moved bis family from New t wn Mills to thia place. Harry Wat nn and Fred Siocuin left Wednesday for Caliiornia. Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Slo cum accompanied them to Erie. Mar garet Cunningham, who has been viait ing relatives in Oil City lor several weeks, returned home Wednesday. Dariu Wbitten of Stewart Run visited relatives in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson were called to Emlenton Thursday n account of tbe death of Mr. Watson's brother. The local ins'itute held in Andrews' ball, Saturday after noon and evening, was well attended. The program was very interesting ax well as instructive. Mrs. Fred 8 locum and sons Edwin and Russell are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Watson, in Tionesta. Biancbe and R oberta Hendricks returned from War ren. Monday, wbeie they bad been visit ing tbeir mother, who is In tbe boxpital at that place. Roxie Kifer of Beaver Vallev spent Sunday at Ed. Bean'a Mr. and Mrs. J W DauheoapecK, son nd daughter. Paul and Kathleen, and Nelle Detar visited at Vernon Amsler's, near Tionesta, Sunday Victor Hen- drlckson visited his parents at Mayturg, Sunda . L. 8. Trimm of Jamestown pent several days in town last week. her: is relief for women. If you have pains i a the back, Urinary, Bladder or Kidney trouble and want a certain, pleasant herb relief from Women's ills, try Mother Gray's "AU9T KALIAN-LEAF." It is S safe, reliabls resnlsior, and relieves all Female Weaknesses, IncluclitiL' inflammation and ulcerations. Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf is sold by Drngcmtaor npnt hv msil for fit) cts. Hsmole sent Address, Tbe Mother Gray Co, Le Boy, N. V. Good Cough Medicine fur Children. The season for coughs and colds Is now at band and too much care cannot be used to protect the children. A child ia much more likely to contract diptberiaor scarlet lever when he bas a cold. Toe nicker you cure his cold tbe less tbe risk. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ih the sole reliance of many mothers, and lew ol those who bave tried it are wll lug i use any other. Mrs F. F. Htarcber, of Riplev. W. Va . says: "I bave never used anything other than Chamberlain's Cough Kemed for my children, and it has always given good Batlslacllon." Tbis remedy contains no opium or other nareotio and my be given as confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by Dunn & r ulton. ManZtn Pile Remedy is pat np in a ubn with nozzle attached. May be ap plied directly to tbe affected parts, guaranteed. Price 60c. Sold by J. K. Morgan. A I'lenannt Physlr. When you want a pleasant nhvsio give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets a trial They are mild and gentle in tbeir a"tion and always produce a pleas ant cathartic etlect. Call at Duun & Ful ton's drug store for a sample. Hxefutor't Notice. Letters Testamentary on tbe estate of Miam Miutiie, Into ol Green Township. Forest County, Pa., d. ceased, having neon granted to tbe undersigned, all per sons Indebted to said estate are hereby untitled to make payment without delay. and those having claims or demands will present tbem, duly authenticated, for set tlement. Tn.uK SimiLE. Executrix. Jamkh Howk, Executor. A. C. Brown, Attorney, Tionesta, Pa. Feb 17. 1!NKJ lit. One Week, Comnienrlng Tuesday Ev'g, March 301 h. M0D61 CONCERT CD. in High I'laMS Vvideville Special Programme New Acts. New Faces, New Features. ONE CONTINUOUS ROUND OF PLEASURE. Sterling Specialties, Dainty Dancers, Clever Comedians, bweet Sitters. An Unrivalled Array of Bright and Cttttby Amusement. Noihii'g Like ii Ever Presented in Your Ton B-f .re. Special Attention Given to Ladies ami Children Polite and Alien tive Ushers are Alway in Attendance. AWHWTOW - FREE Neighborhood Notes. EU county Is said lo be free from debt. George Walker fired the contents of a shotgun through a school bouse In Banks township, Jefferson county, recently, lie waa fined 40. Tbe Commissioners of Crawford Coun ty bave authorized tbe Cblef of the Fire Departmental Meadville to purchase a pair of bloodhound to be used for track ing criminals. Mlsa Jessica Reed ot Tltusville was fined last week In tbe sum of f 100 for writing contemptuous letters to Judge Pratber of Crawlord county. She ad milled writing letters In the came of "James II. Brown" juxt before tbe last license court In wbiob she made allega tions in regard to certain Tituxvllle liquor dealers and also made contemptuous re marks about tbe Judge. Tum whole amount of fine and coats ran upto $117 60. At Clearfl Id, after bearing in open oourt. five young girls ol that town, rang log In age from 12 in 19 years were sent to the bouse of re luge at Polladelpl.ia, even young men were each fined f 100 and costs, another waa fined f 100 slid given six months in jail, and four others were held In l,000 bail for trial at May court on serious ehaiges Tbe testimony showed that a deplorable moral condition prevails among a Dumber ot tbe youths of Clearfield. Party Days and Nights Of suffering from a broken needle in my thumb and hand, to which I applied flax seed poultices for over a week with no benefit. A friend told me that San-Cura Ointment would draw It out. I applied it aa thick as a poultice. My hand waa swollen to twice iu natural size. Sao Cute reduced tbe Inflammation and pain and drew out tbe broken needle, over an inch long. I never tell so thankful. I took Ibe needle to Mr. Thompson, who bas it with otber specimens of what San Cura baa done. I recommend San-Cura as au abaoritent to draw poison and pain from anv auflerlng being, (man or beast.) 25c, 60o. fl.OO and 2.0O Mra .1. E. Tarr. 48 North Kerr street, Tltusville, Pa., wife of passenger con ductor on the Pennsylvania railroad. February 8. 1901). Woods Liver Medicine N a liver reg ulator which bring" quick relief to sick beadache, constlfatlon, biliousness and other sytni-toms ol liver disorders. Par ticularly recommended for Jaundice Chills, Fever, Malaria. Tbe f 1 IK) size contains 2)4 times as much aa the 60c size. Sold ov J. R. Morgan. Low Honieseekers' Rates via Nickel riate Road, To points in tbe West, Northwest and Southwest, first and third Tuesdays in A pi II. Ask Agent or write J. C. Melen backer, D. P. A , Erio. Pa. 09-5-31 Pineulea are for Backache, and bring tiulck relief to lumbago, rheumatism, fatigue and all other syinptomsol Kldne disease. They area tonic to tbe entire system and build up strength and bealtb. frloe WW, and fl.uu. soidoyj.n. mor gan. Fr Diseases erthe Mtln. Nearly all diseases of the skin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' itch, are characterized by an intense Itcb ing and smarting, wbicu ofteu makes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may be bad by applving Chamberlain's Salve. It allays tbe itch ing and smarting almost iustantlv Many cases bave been cured by its use. For sale by Dunndc Fulton. Tltusville. Pa . March 31. 1900 For twenty veara I suffered with bleed ing and Itching piles, at times waa con fined to tbe bouse for more tban a month. Two years ago I began using E. K Thompson's Sao Cura Ointment, and one 60-cent bottle made a firm and permanent ure and have not been troubled since. J can Ireely recommend San-Cura to any Buffering humanity. 1 am glad to give this testimony and will guarantee a cure if nsed aa direoted. nave bad perfect bealib lor 8 years. Ri- V. W. F. UILBERT, Nov., 1908. Plea-antvill, Pa. Very Low Colonist Kates via Nickel Plate Road To points in the West, Northwest and Mexico, March 1st to April auto, r un Inlormation of Agent or wrile J. C. Me lenbacker, D P. A . Erie, Pa. 09-2 ap21 Aa a poultice leave A n-Cura on un til absorbed, as tbe inflammation and pain are reiluced by absorption, and tbe poison is drawn out. We bave Necrosis Bone. Ulass, Wood, Needles, and pus drawn from the flesh by 8an-Cura used as thick as a poultice. We bave never known it to fall In removing pain. 26c, 60o, f 1 00 and 2 00 Thompson Medical Co., 8 and 10 Diamond at., Tltusville, Pa. A Guaranteed Cough remedy is Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. For coughs. cold-, croup, whooping cough, hoarse ness and all bronchial aueonons. uesi for children because it is quick to relieve and tastes good. Uently laxative. Hold by J. R. Morgan. A UDITORS' 8rATEMENToftb Road XI. Funds of Tionesta Township for the year ending Marcb 8tb, 1909: Jacob Rniearbaugb, Treas. Dr. Bal. from laat year's settlement. ..$ 449 67 Rec'd from 'll City f uel supply i vt 1 South Penn Uli Co 114 1 County Treaaurer, road tax 831 51 ' cash lax 148 17 ' Wm. Nicol, Col., tax 1907... 91 1 i .i .. Ux u)08... 1423 62 T. W. Mong, old scrape- 4 00 ' Countv Treasurer, tax 125 00 1 J. B. Muse 6 00 $2721 81 r-r By orders paid $2005 63 By 2 per cent, to I'reas. on 82005 ti3 40 11 By 5 percent, to Col. on $10 13 48 By balance in treasury 675 69 $2721 81 Wm. Niool, Colloctor. Dr. To amount of duplicate (1573 94 Cr. By 5 per ct. abatement on 11162 05..$ 67 60 Bv i per cent. com. on sum in .m Paid to Treasurer $1423 62 By 5 per cent. com. on $336 84 16 M Land returns 31 45 Exonerations 21 61 6 per cent, commission ou $10.13... 48 $1573 U4 Assets. Balance in treasury $ 675 59 Liabilities. Outstanding orders $ Vi 50 Money borrowed 1721 80 $1734 80 Net Indebtedness 1058 71 L. W. Mong, Supervisor. Dr To orders drawn $ 24 50 Cr By 14 days' service $ W. S. Clark, Supervisor. To orders drawn $ 24 50 Dr. 21 00 Cr. 21 00 Dr. By 12 days' service $ Henry Sibhle, Supervisor. To orders drawn $ 10 25 Cr By 11 days service $ 19 25 We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we have examined ibe above report and find it correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief AttcBt-Onn Ailt, CltrrV. 2206 Spring : JACKETS. Ladies, Misses, Children." New snappy styles. Prices, $1.50 to $8.00 1 G. W. ROBINSON & SON Mercantile Appraiser's List for Forest County, for Year A. D. 1909. The Wholesale and Retail Venders ol Foreign and Domeslio Merchandise, Eating Houses, Billiard Itooms, Brok ers. and Opera Houses in Forest coun ty, Pennsylvania, are as follows, towit; NAMK BUSINESS I'OSTOKFIL'K Andrews, Mrs. M., merchant. Kellettville. Ahbolt A Co., merchants. East Hickory. Adams, J. A., butcher, Tionesta, Arner, C. M. A Son, brokers, Tionesta. Atlantic Retiring Co., oils, Tionesta. Kaugbman, G. A., butcher, Marienvllle. Kubl, O. W cigars, Marienvllle. Bros., merchants, Marienvllle. Haxter, J. W nierchan', Uiifovle. Berlin, Eli, merchant, Whig Hill. Kehrens, Louis, merchant, Starr. Kemler, Mrs. C. E., cigars. West Hickory. Bovard, F. J., druggist, Tionesta. Bromley. J. O., machinery, Tionesta. Berg, F G , merchant, Dull ring. Bowman, T. J., feed, etc.. East Hickory. Cook, A. Sons iSc Co., mercbauta, Cooks burg. Croasmun, W. A., t erchant, Redclyffe. t'ropp, Wm., merchant, TionesiB. Carson, F. C, mer.-hant. Weal Hickory. Cooper, W. 0 , cigars, West liick Ty. Crouch, W. P., merchant, East Hickory, ('arson, A .jeweler, Tionesta. ('ollinsit Kreitler. merchants, Nebraska, Cowan, Thomas, harness maker, Ttone-'a. Ciaiper, W, C , billiards, West Hicknrv. 'Mark, Mrs J , mil line y. Fast Hickory. Dunn & Fulton, druggists, Tionesta. Detar, W. J , cigars, Kellettville. Eniinger, H. F., merchant, I'ruemans. Fools creek Store Co., merchants, True mans. Fehlman, L. A,, druggist, West Hickory, Uildersleete, I. H , merchant, Brookston, Uerow $ Gerow, cigars, Tionesta. Harp, H. H., cigars, Marienvllle. H lines, A. E , butcher, Marienvllle. Ilovt, Onias, merchant, Cooper Tract. Hen iricks, W. S , butcher, Kellettville. Haslet, James, furniture, Tionesta. Hopkins, L. J., merchant, Tionesta. Haslet, h. L. merchant, Tlones'a. r I ark less, Frank E druggist, Kellett ville. Herman, R M., merchant, Tionesta. Hunter, A, M., cigars. Pigeon, H II, P. C , restauraut, Tionesta. Ingersnll, J. E , merchant. Lynch., W. F., merchant, Newtown Mills, Killtner Bros., merchants, Tionesta. Krihbs W W merchant, Kellettville. Klfer, D. C . merchant, Ma'ienville. K el ley, J W billiards, Marienville. Lansnu A Gordon, nierchan ts, Tionesta. Lans n Bros., feed, etc., Tionesta. Vlensch, S. C., hardware, Marienville Mayburg Supply Co., merchants, May burg. Marienville Variety Store, merchauts, Marienville. Mini. David, merchant, Marienville. Mechling, London & Braden, merchants, Clanngton. Mvers, E. L., cluars. Endeavor. McKown. G B.. oiuara. Nebraska. Miller, W. J , cigars. Kellettville. Morgan. J K., merchant, Tionesta, vi y ers, E. L., billiards, Endeavor, Miller, W. J billiards, Kellettville. Nye, C W., merchant, Marienville, Noi II. A. D. A Co., merchant, Marienville, Putnam, B. R., cigars, West Hickory, Keyner, T J., merchant, Marienville, Roebrig, John, harness maser, Marien vllle. Reyner, Mrs, Ellen, cigars, Marienville. Rosen, L. A., merchant, Endeavor, Robinson, U. W.&Sou, merchants, Tio nesta. Rosen, li , cigars, Marienville. Randall. C. A , cigars, Tionesta. Reyner, Mrs. Ellen, restaurant, Marien vllle. Rose, James T., broker, Marienvllle. Scow den, J. C, hardware, Tionesta. Slgwnrtb & Keating, merchauts, Marien ville. Salmon Creek Mercantile Co., merchants, Kellettville. shoup, Wm , merchant, Muzette. ttilzle, Wm., jeweler, Kellettville. Stiles A Evans, merchants, Endeavor, -chweitzer, Harry, cigars, Endeavor, .Stewart, J. A., cigars, Tionesta. Slgwnrtb, S. S , hardware, Tionesta. Stewart, J. A., restaurant, Tionesta. Sand rock, Mrs. J. N , millinery, Tionesta. snoilgrass, i uoa., merchant, Tionesta. Hbaw & Rudv, cigars, Kellettville. Shaw fe Rudy, billiards, Kellettville. Shipe, H A., broker, Marienville. Stewart, J. A , billiards, Tionesta. Turner, J. A., merchant, West Hickory, Van Hoi n, A. M., merchant. Pigeon, Venture!, James, merchant, Tionesta. Vail, J. 8., butcher, West Hicunry. Wstson . Co , merchants, Kellettville. Wood, Mra. L. V., mercLaut, West Hick ory. Weaver, Chas. F., cigars, Tionesta. Wilson, Geo., butcher, Tionesta. Walters, Ella A Co., millinery, Tionesta. Wilson, Mrs. Ella, millinery, Kellettville, Wolfe, Andrew, merchant, Johnlowen. Young. J.J, cig'rs, Marienville. Younder, Mike, merchant, BronKston. Zuver, L L., cigars, Tionesta. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned mat an appeal from the fore going sppraisetnent will be held at theof flee ol the County Treasurer, In Tionesta. Pa .Saturdav. April 31. KHW, when and t here thev may Htt"d If ihv p proper " JOHN CUNNINGHAM. Mercantile Appraiser Electric Oil. Guaranteed for Rheumatism, Sprains, Sore r 001, rains, ivo. At all acaior STUVJiiS. What about it for thia winter? If not fully fitted out in thia respect let us figure with you on a new HEATER or COOK STOVE. Our stock is complete and our line i the HpbI ever han died iu this town. We can gave you inouey on either Gas, Wood or Coal Stoves. All Horse Blankets and Furnishings For the II irspman or Teamsier Do You Want a Fine Sleigh ? Ctime sod we us he'orp you huv. We nave yu money. Buggies and Wagons, and - - - r - J. C. Scowdcn, Monarch Clothing Co. Women's and Misses' Suits at $9.98. Handan , pastel shutes of Worn- eu's or Misses' Suits Come in piuk. old roue, brown, grey, navy, green, black anrl other shades. (Jut lull lengib. New style skirts and v-rv beautiful Other stores charge $15 and $13 50 lor tbis beautiful suit Our price $9 98 Women's and Misses' Suits at $10.98. Uauds'ime Suits lor Woineo or Misses. Come iu all the very late shades, including wisteria and olive. Mde of fine quality Chiffon, Panama or S-'rae; saliu lined; plaiu tailored or tiiiuuied with Hercules or Sou tache braid Very graceful skirt and a beautiful $16 50 suit Our price $10 98 Women's or Misses' Beautiful Suits at $12.98. Here we offer choice of over two MONARCH CLOTHING CO, NEAR DERRICK OFFICE, Our Cutter Haw Just Iteturneri From New York, Where he has been inspecting this season's showing of custom-made clothing. He has a bunch o' clever new ideas as to s.yle, finish and wotkmauship They will interest the man wh i likes good, smart clothes We received three big consignments of Woolens last week. This Should In terest You For veral reasons. The range of patterns is greater The weaves and colorings are more beautiful. The qualities are up to the McCueu Com pany's high standard for richness of appearance and for service. And lastly, the anticipated tariff reduc tions on woolens have already low ered prices We will make, this sea son, in our own tailor shop, suits piiced from $27 50 to $45 W"h Easier onlv a few days away, doesn't ib t appeal In you ? THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA SI., OIL CITY, PA. sons of TCvprvtliinn in Hnrdwnrfi. R Tionesta, Pa. Easter Selling V Women's Jackets, Suits, Waists acrid Skirts. Over 600 new and beautiful Suits for Women. All the very latest styles and designs. Not a single suit in the store before March and t very one spick and span, fresh from the pressing irons of New York and Philadelphia's great coat and suit manufacturers. Sale of Women's and Misses' Suits now at its height. $9.98, $10.98, $11.98, $12.98, $14.50, $16.50, $22.00. "l huudred prettv suits Perhaps all the stores in Oil City cannot sh'-w such a vast variety, and they are worth $15, $16 50 and $18 and per haps wight cost $20 elst-Hhere Made of beautilu. Chitf hi, Panama r Broad cloth, Herringbone biriped Cintf n or pretty fancy Worsteds in stripes. Come in all the late pasiel colors and all siz-Mt up to 46 an no charge fur alierations. Our Spenial price 112 98. Girls' Coats. Girls' Spring Jickets 'or ages 5 to 11. Come iu Blue, Brown, Red, Navy, Green ami fancy Cheek, worth $3 50, $198 Girls' Coats that would cost $5 in any -'ther store C one in All W ml Covert and fancy or plaiu col ors at $2 98 Waists. Pretty Lace Waists in Whit and Ecru or colors, worth $3 50, $1.98 White Lawn ami fancy Prreale Waiita with long sleeves and worth 81, at 49o Kale of Girls' Dresses. New Skins, Boys' aud Children's Clothing, etc. OIL CITY, PA. Women's Suede Boots. The Suede Boot is very popular in the large cities at present. It combines both beauty and utility be ing adaptable to all occasions. Our style is the same as that now be ing shown in the large cities. Price $4.00 JOE LEVI, Cor Center, Senpca aud Syca more Streets, mh wry, IM.