Sk Smart0 S'dkdm Showing a big variety of The New Spring Dress Goods. An immense showing at the moment and no end of other tilings still due us. We believe you'll see here the cream of the Dress Goods market in such a variety of colorings as will fairly dazzle you when you come to make selection. Of especial interest just now are the Silk Poplins, Silk Lansdownes, Wool Poplins, Batistes, Soliels, Directoire Cloths, Silk Eolienes, Silk Voiles, Henriettas, Prunellas, Wool Satins, Proadcloth. Cloths with satin finish seem to predominate because of the dictates ol fashion for soft, clinging gowns. Comparison of prices here and elsewhere will, we are sure, leave the verdict iu our favor. Very special offering ol Plain Brocaded and Printed Di rectoire Silks at 29c and 39c. Thirty inches wide and in all imaginable shades and color in' such as Gray, Natural, Champagne, Mustard, Bronze, Mel on, Copenhagen, Danish Blue, Rose, Apricot, Sky, Pink, Nile, White, Cream and Black. A very desirable fabric, as you will say when you see them and the price is wonderfully low. The assortment is large, but we advise an early selection. Demonstration New Art Sunal Art Sunal is a patent preparation for transferring designs, together with their original colorings, from wall paper to any plain fabric, either in cotton, silk or linen. Any design in wall paper you would have copied on fabric you can accomplish at a very slight expense. This interesting demonstration is in our Art Department. The Smart & Silberberq Co. OIL CITY, PA. Money Spent is Energy Wasted Money Saved is Energy Stored Save your energy against the day of need by putting your money in a Four Per Cent Savings Account With the Big Bank, Oil City Trust Company, Oil City, Pa. Teachers Wanted I J3$?- M Model f tr- an) A Senior at Work To Attend the Spring Term Opening April 6 At the State Normal School Courses leading to State Certificate, and Life Diploma Review, Business and Music Courses Address tha Principal for Catalogue Jamet E. Anient, LL. D. Indiana, Pa. rauat rpn rpiuptupn jptupirpiuaupiuai j Pennsylvania Railroad t SIMtlXCi VACATION KXCURSIOX TO j Washington, D. C. TIJIISDIY, MAIU1I 2S, 1000 ! ROUND $11.00 TR.IP l'llOH TIOXENTA PKOPOUTIONATE RATIOS FROM OTHER POINTS Tickets will be good going on regular trainH on date named and to return within eleven days, including dale of excursion. RETUKNIN". tickets will be good to stop-oft' at BALTIMORE or PHIL ADELPHIA, affording an opportunity to visit ATLANTIC CITY. SIMILAR EXCURSION APRIL 7 Fr tickets and additional information apply to Tickot Agents. fiEO. w. no yd, General Passenger Agent. "He Isn't stingy," declared the young woman, rather Indignantly "I'm mire he's as generous as he can be In most things, but ' "Oh, I know," suld the elder wo man. My husband used to be great de;il the same way." Indeed: exclaimed the young woman. "Until he got educated," said the elder woman. " I had to educate Mm, of course, and you'll have to edu cate William. Arguing Isn't any s," "I know," said the young wonian Edly; "I've tried it." "And crying Isn't any use," said he elder, with sonje severity. The young woman blushed and fclauced hastily at a mirror that hung on the wall. "No, your eyes aren't red," sr.ld t'ie elderly woman reassuringly "but you've been crying, and I tell on It won't do and coaxing won't lork one time In a dozen." "Then how?" "I'te your common sense. There are lots of ways. Take blm to shop with you the next time you i;o. That's one pretty good way of malt ing him realize that a woman can't dress on nothing." The young woman shook her head. "You don't know William as well as I do," she said. I'd be worse of! than ever and besides he wouldn't go." "Oh, yes, he would," said the el derly woman, confidently. "Ho will if you manage him properly. You tell some womnn friend what ex quisite taste he has when he's around and notice how he'll begin to swell up. I never knew the man who didn't believe that he knew more about what was becoming to a wo man than she did herself. Then follow that up by asking him to help you Belect a hat. He'll do it fast i L MVi t - 'at-1 ? V T J. R. WOOD, X Passenger Trallic Manager. I ALMOST BELIEVE I'LL TRY IT. enough if you can make him really believe you depend on his judgment." "But my dear!" "I suppose you think he'll pick out some $5 honor or somethiug that doesn't suit you at all." "I'm afraid he would." "Well, he woul(ln't. Go any place where there's a fairly good assortment, but not where they take $30 hats as a matter of course. All you've got to do is to pick out an Intelligent saleswo man and insist on something Inex pensive. If she brings you anything over $8, say: Oh, dear, no. I can't afford to pay that price.' " "I don't see " "Well, you will. You'll see that he'll Insist on seeing something bet ter and you'll see that he'll be about as helpless as a babe between you and the saleswoman, and he'll see that the only way be can assert him self is to urge you not to consider expense. Don't tell me he won't I know 'em. You can have any hat jou want and he'll go out of the store under the impression that he selected it. And you don't want to disabuse his mind, either. Tell hira that you think the hat is perfectly charming and you are afraid he has been extravagant and the one at $11 would have done just as well. See If he doesn't tell you that it's econ omy in the long run to get a good thing and that you will get more than t'i worth of satisfaction out of the difference in the price. But don't ever let him convince you." "Why not?" "Because it wouldn't do. ' Hut don't fall to tell him how your friends raved about the hat and how surprised they seemed when you told them it was his choice and how they said they would hate to have their husbands pick out a hat for them and how you thought so, too, but didn't say it. And mention casually as the thing goes on to any company you have that you always let Will iam select your hats on account of his exquisite taste, the only draw back being his criminal disregard of price. Same thing applies to gowns or anything else." "But It would be awful to have to be everlastingly taking him around." "You wont have to," said Hie el derly woman. "Don't you worry about that. He'll get tired after the first few times and let you get what you want yourself. But you won't bear any more talk about extrava gance. He'll have got his horizon extended. Hut don't on any ac count let him lose his own good opinion of his taste." "It seems a little deceptive," said the young woman, "but I almost be lieve I'll try it." Maria King. A KK.tlll.K. About six weeks ago a swelling rame in ray groin 24 Inches from my navel about the siw of a half lemon very painful and said to be caused by blond poison, I doctored about six week), and was get ting worse, when Mr. Brown told me about San-Cura Ointment. I applied it as a poultice, changing morning ami night, removing sli pain at once. In two days It broke. diwharging pus. I then changed it once a dty until it was pr femly healed. I recommend San-Cura Ointment as the In ht poultice I ever ued. It romovMH pain and all pus, keeping a sore moist and soft. A rilRKY PoR'l'KR, Route:!, PleasantviJlo, I'a. He Wouid Return. Mnrlow Wiis three years old. One day !ih mother said to him, "Now, Mnrlow, you m;:y go ouuloors to play for awhile, but If 1 sec you crossing the suck tj pl.i.v with that naughty little loy Willie Burr again I'll give you a Ii : iI. hard spanking." Half nu hour later the mother looked out after hei" Imy and saw him playing with Willie Run-. Hie raised the win dow nail called with fom-d gentleness: "ilarlow, coiue here lo me;" Mallow i i me. hut as he did so he turned to hi' companion and said: "You :;,iy wh.'lu here, Willie. I'm doln' in to del spunked. I'll lie wight 1U( k."-I loliiicator. Caching Rats. The he-;! 'mh- to ("itch rats Is lo put any nil "Ounce, well perfumed with oil of r !n, II ii in. into a trap. This induces I hem to enter readily and even draw-! ihem fiom a considerable dis tance, as they are extremely partial to this oil. An i ir.iee of oil of rhodium v ill cost yo.i ." I cents. Catnip to a cat l 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 u like rhodium to a rnt. Oil ol rhodium 1 1 made from a species of bindweed and l- used in perfumery. New York l ie;-. The Wrong Shoulder. In ii timber yard two workmen were curryltu: a laree piece of wood when t!v? niannirer. who happened to come up at the time, accosted one of them. "Joe," said he, "you've got that batten upon the wrong shoulder." "I know that." was the ready reply. "It should he craps. Extending Zone. "Teacher says." exclaimed the preco cious (l:l!d. "that we live In the tem perate zone." "Yes." answered Colonel Stllwell, at-d if tlies.' I'rohlhltlonlsts keep go ing Si ll he worse than that." Wash ington Star. Worrying. Worryliu N one of the greatest drawli.i. ks to happiness. Most of It can be avoided if we only determine not to lei iiiites annoy us. for the largest amount of worrying is caused by the xmnlhrl Iriiles. Let 1 1 ! 1 1 who has bestowed n benefit be silent. Let him who received it tell ef It.- SeiM-ca. -Two years ago my daughter stepped on a needle, bri sking it ol) in the ball of the foot, which swelled up very painfull p swelling to the knee. The doctor at Go wanda lanced the foot, but was unable to find the needle The X rav was applied. and we could sen ihe needle. We then applied San-Curu Ointment, thick as a oultice, and alter tour applications the needle made i!n appearance. Must as Mr Thompson xaid it who Id ) and was taken out lo I he great relief ot my daughter, and all the 1' mily, as she hud suffered a great deal, and every step pained her. MRS. JAMES HITCHCOCK, Centrevillu, Pa. ICHICAGCH M,i:3,nj rut (t'ltO.H OIL CITY) 4 Leave Oil Ciiy, daily except Sun- day, i:-i) p m., Eastern Time, arrive Chicago ,:.;) n. m.t connecting for 7 all western points. J RHtnrning leave Chicago 10:30 p. 4 in., Central Time, daily except Sat- w iiroHV urrivn 1 11 imiv n in v T Eastern Time. J Lake Shore's station in Chicago best lecatnd of any line, iu the heart ;of business district. . For information address W. S. T McCuen, Agent, Oil City, Pa. j Lake Shore! & Michigan Southern Ry. 33-5t I Sigworth & Ilcplcr LIVERY Stable. Having recently purchased the A C Urey livery stanle, we are making many improvements t keep the ser vice first class and up to-dtile. New horses ami carriages will be added and we guarantee to our patrons the beet turn outs to be had, courteous attention, and reasonable rates. Come and eoe us. Iti'tir of Hotel Weaver TIOITBSTA, 3P.A-. Telephone IV o. SO. PIM.hULES 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEU 1ATISM AND LUMBAGO A dose at bed time usu ally relieves the most Bevere case before mornin?. BACK-ACHE PINEULE MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO. U. 5. A. einmi'Ov mji:iiii. ,r err RETURNED. tO VR' tKPtRHNCt. LmrCMARCIlARl THE LOWEtT. Si'll'l nimK-l, holu or hkl-U-ll fur ev-rt n :ir tl arid fr4 rtixrt on KUt'ntAlilllty. INFRINGEMENT iuIih fuiifluctud Ix'tore nil eoiir.. J'ni. nt. oM;iinMl I'ir-'iirh na, ADVEN TISEO ajiil SOLD, O'-o. TRfcOt-MARKB, PEN. IONS aiul COPYRICHT quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Potent Offloe, WASHINGTON, D. C. Our Cutter Has Just ICelurned From Xew York, Where be hag been iospectiDg thia season's showing of custom-made clothing. He has a buocb of clever new ideas as to aiyle, finish aod workmanship. They will interest the man who likes good, smart clothes. We received three big coosigutneuts of Woolens last week. This Should In terest You For I'veral reasons. The range of patterns is greater. The weaves and coloriDgs are more beautiful. The qualities are up lo the McCueu Com pany's high standard for richness of appearance and for service. Aod lastly, the anticipated tariff reduc tions ou woolens have already low ered prices. W'e will make, this sea sod, iu our own tailor shop, suits piiced from 827 50 to $45. With Easter only a few days away, doesn't that appeal to you ? ttt I H 4 THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST.. OIL CITY. PA. Women's Suede Boots. The Suede Boot is very popular in the large cities at present. It combines both beauty and utility be ing adaptable to all occasions. Our style is the same as that now be- shown in the mg large cities. Price $4.00 JOE LEVI, Cor. Ceoter, Seneca and Syca more Streets, OIL CITY, PA. Can You Beat This? A tailoring proposition thai guarantees a saving in price. The finest assortment of woolens to choose from aod a fit that must be perfect before the garmeot are yours. There is Class to My Clothes'. Look at my line of sam ples. They are the very latest styles to be made as you like them. Pants $5 and up. Suits $15 and up. Cleaning and pressing done also. Call and see mo. Win. P. Mediant, Tho Tailor, Tionesta, l'enna. SILKS. Silk assortment; Silk values; Silk quality. This store expecti to merit your silk preference on the slrei gth of silk values, assort ments and quality. Your silk preference as to kind of silk or color is to be mnst liberally indulged. No questioD about that plainly evidenced by the silks themselves. The silk values are unusual and at no slight sacrifice of quality. Hough Silks.-Pongees. "Shah," "Shantune." "Majarah" and others of greater or le.-s degree ot rughue?. When the first Japanese ports were thrown open to the commerce of the w 'rid American and Europeao s lk agents would not hu' the rough "hand loom" silks at any price. Then along comes Fashion and sets her stamp nf approval on silks of this peculiar weave and at once silk looms all over the world are set to work to reproduce a silk alike in construction to that made by the poor Jap on his sma 1 hand looms We have every fashlnnahle color The manufacturers of "Money hak Silk" make a beautiful rough silk and rail it ' Shah." The price is 81 and it. hears the same guarantee s all other Mnneybak fabrics "Majarah," 27 inches wide, absolutely all silk, at 85o Foulard. None but "all Bilk" Foulards sold here satin finish aod Messaline finish, We're particularly proud of the showing at 75c and 85c a yard. WILLIAM B. JAMES. OIL CITY, PA. $ ! Every time you spend a dollar remember it has gone beyond recall. For this very reason see that every dollar buys one dollar's value and not one cent's worth less. If you see to this, you will very soon find it easy to save some of your income. This bank affords an ideal place for savings, offering safety and security, and paying V ANNUAL INTEREST An account can be opened with as small a sum as one dollar. Capital and Surplus, $ 680,000.00 . Total Assets, over . $3,000,000.00 f ranlditi Srusfr (fompautj FRAN KLIN, P A.i Pennsylvania Railroad EASTER EXOT7E.STOIT $11.00 FROM TIONESTA I t X t X TO Atlantic City CAPE MAY WILDWOOD, SEA ISLE CITY OR OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY Thursday, April 8, 1909 Tickets Rood going on trains leaving at 7.53 a. in. and 4.1A p. in. on dute of excurxiou to Philutlphia and connection trains to neanuore points STOP - OVER AT PHILADELPHIA allowed ou return trip if ticket is depositee) with Station Ticket Agent Ticketo good to return within fifteen days EASTER SUNDAY ON THE BOARDWALK Full Information of Ticket Agents. J. R. WOO D, Passenger Traffic Manager. GEO. W. HOYD. General Pasgnnger Agent, Philadelphia. Jacks & Mules Kntse Mints ana Ret ncli. 210 fine, large Jacks, Jen nies and Mules, 14 to 17 hands high, weili from 7U0 to iaou Ibs.-iioou ones chenp now. I will pav a part of buyer's R. K. faro anteeil. Write for price lo-ciav. KREKLER'S JACK FARM, W((T Elkton.O Electric Oil. Guaranteed for Rheumatism, Sprains, Sore Kent. PahiH.cVc. At all dealers H I Executor's Notice. Letters Testamentary on tbe estate of Adaiu Sibble, late of Green Township, Forest County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to tbe tiuderslgned, all per sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and those having claims or demands will present them, duly autbt-nticHieil, for set tlement. T I I.I.IK Si hulk. Kx"uutrix. James Howk, Executor. A. V. Buown, Attorney, Tlouesta, Pa, Feb. 17, WOO -tit. Fits Your Machine and Lasts Forever Never Breaks, Never Wears Out Purer, Clearer, More Brilliant Tone Buy Columbia Indestructible Records because they are really indestructible and you will keep on buying them because of their incomparably full, clear tone. They fit your machine! Cost 35 cents! Get a catalog. A splendid repertoire to choose from and we are adding to it right along. BOVARD'S PHARMACY TIONESTA, PA.