1 .operty ii.ii the Arner Agency. We represent tbe leading Fire Insur ance CompauiHH of tbe world, and can iumire you against luaa at lowest rates. We are aicnuta In this county (or tbe TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO., ami can turn lull security for County oflicials, bank nlUnialx, eic. f you want to Buy or Nell Properly, consult our Roal Iktate department We make a specialty Otbis line of work and can satisfy you. C. M. AMI t IE, TIONESTA and KELLETTVILLK.PA. SS? Zt Isj Don't Forget the Painter Your job isn't done till the painter is paid. Add his day's work to a gallon of paint, and you've got it com plete. The paint that costs least is the least'gallons -4 paint-DEVOE. V 11 tlllll & Fulton- " Pharmacy POSITIONS We are having- more calls fur our stu dents to till i'INoh pnxilions tban we can supply. Kiisuiexs Men want students from a l)ninew Training Institution sin'li an e run. The president of Ibis collHuetrte i teach inn in pu hi to schools wlion eliihiwn vearx nt ane Tbis ezper iencH with ten years In Uuxiness (iolleve work and many more In the actual Bust nea World make" us leaders iu our line. Write for our special spring aud summer ratea. Warren Ku.liiess College, C. W. 8MITH, Presideut, Warren, Pa. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Joe Levi. Ad. I .airliners. Ad. Henna. Ky. Ad. Wm. R Jamea, Ad. Dunn & Kulton. Ad. K 'binaon A Son Ad. The McCuen Co. Ad. Allen N. Olmsted. Ad. A L Weller. Reader. Clarion N -rmal. Local. Franklin Trust Co. Ad. Kmart Sllherbern. Ad. Bovard's Pharmacy. Ad. Edinhoro Nnriual. Local. Jacob Hniearlmiigu Local. Monarch Clothing Co. Ad. drove Citv College. Reader. TionesiaTwp Auditors' Report. Kellettvllle Summer School. Reader. -Oil market closed at $1.78. Is your subscription paid? You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf Si. Patrick's day in the mornin', be gorry 1 Oil and gas leases, best form, for Kale at this nffloo. " Kok Sai.k. A good fresh cow. Call on Jacob Sinearbaug.i, at tbe west end of the Tlouesta Creek bi idge. It The Clarion State Normal School Tt..ilv located. Strong faculty. Offers excentioual advantages. Write for 11 lustrated cataloaue. Spring term opens March 2:id. Tlio young men at Edlnboro Normal nre tie 1 irhted with the new dormitory recently completed. Rooms may be en gaged now for tbe spring terra wbicb be gins March oil. G. II. Lowe A Co. have made a loca tiou for their No. 2 well on the Abbott tract, on the Pleasaiitvllle road. The first well has been tubed aud will be put to pumping today. A moving picture entertainment un der the aimnlccs of tbe borough blgb bcIioj! will he given at the court bouse. April I5t h, the proceeds to be devoted to tbe school's library fund. There Inn't any question but this is tlie month of March, and one needs not refer to the calendar to be convinced The weather Hurries would settle any dispute on that question. Snlden McCrea of Hunter Station tranned a tinesix foot oiter In Holeman Eddy, Thuraday uight making three or .,,. i,o hn cantnrnd within a year. The pelt of such an aniuml Is worth f 15 00, Tl.elarffo metuoral windows lor tbe new M. E. church haye arrived and are being placed tbis week. It Is expeoted tnhavothiaeleirantedillce complied in ample time for the Uedioitloo on Easter Sunday, April lltb. At the Presbyterian church next Sabhath morning. Rev. H. A. Bailey will preach on "Sabbath Observance," at the reouest of the local W. C. T. U. A gen eral and cordial Invitation to attend those ser v'fc'eH 1 Ssteli'd'ed. The Ohio Legislature bao passed a bill I making It unlawful to eavesdrop on telephone, and then tell what has been beard, which induces tbe New Castle News to remark that there is only one way to successfully stop eavesdropping on telephones, aud Ibai's by killing all caught at It. J. A. Adams, George Wilson and G. W. Robinson bave filled their ice houses this week with fine quality of loe from Cassadaga Lake. Tbe stuff comes blgb nd is out of teach of ordinary mortals, but it's a whole lot of satisfaction to know that our butcher can buck up tbe dough for a summer's run. Rev, Robert Cbarnock, former pastor of the Pleasantyille Presbyterian church, aud who baa preached In Tlonesta, was recently ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons by the Right Rev. Cortdandt Whitehead S. T. D., Bishop of Pittsburg, at veiy impressive service in urace Episcopal cburoh at Ridgway, Pa. We wish our correspondents would 11 quit writing apout people making fly ing trips. We are not in the flying dayi yet. Dr. McKuighlsays tbey are coming and -vill be aloug in a few years. But bile we have only Darius Qreen and bis dying machine to Tall back on, don't let us talk about flying trips. Brookville Democrat, With the report that the Pennsyl vania railroad is to run its freights over the W. N. Y. 4 P. R. R., Instead of to Kane, come another report that the W. N. Y. A P. Is to doubled tracked. This possibility is being much discussed by looal railroad men, who are greatly in terested in tbe rumor, and pronounced the Job a costly one, if undertaken. War reu Times. Homer DeWalt, of tbe Mansion bil liard rooms, yesterday Identified tbe blankets found in tbe possession of "Tur key" Beardsley Wednesday night. Tbe articles were in wagon shed on the premises of Mr. DeWalt at 195 West Spruce street, and were taken some time alter dark Wednesday. Titusville Her- id, 12th. Mr. Dew alt was a lormer resi dent of West Hickory this county. We are glad to advise our readers that tbe Monarch Clothing Co. of Oil City bave sg-ilo engaged space with our psper, their advertisement being found In their sual space. Tbe Monarch people are dolug a large business theae days aud their stock tbis season comprises one of the ver best assortments of ready-to-wear goods for women, men, boys and girls. A visit to this popular store is al ways appreciated. At tbe M. E. church in thl p. ace next Sunday evening, instead of tbe reg- lar preachlug service, a platform meet ing will be held, at which tbe following tonics will b discussed: "Is my Bible true, and where did e get it," C. F. Felt; The Bible in tbe public school," D. W. Morrison; "Systematio Bible study," T. Ritcbey. Tbe meeting will be inter persed with good musio, aud tbe publio is cordially invited. -The tblrd quarterly meeting of this conference year will be held in tbe Ne braska M. E. church beginning next Friday evening, with District Supt. Rev Dr. Piatt presiding at the quarterly con. ference. Services Saturday evening. Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Love Feast, fol owed by sermon and Holy Communion Dr, Piatt will also preaob Sunday even ngat7:3U oclock. Tbe Saboaih school will be held at 2:30 p. m. The Forest Gas Co. of Tidinute began work thla week on their No. 16 well on the Lacy landa, near Goiinza. A New B s pulling machine was taken up to the lease Monday, which will help (hem materially in operating tbe same. Con tractor Ci arles Gesln baa a bad fiabing b in No. 8 on tie Collins & Hague lease In tbe same field. Two weeks ago tbe tools were stuck and lost in tbe sand at ahnut 900 feet and tbe well may bave to be abandoned. A driving horse six years old and valued at fl50, was stolen from tbe barn of Homer Humphrey, Rynd rarra, on Oil Creek, early Sunday morning. A liuirsv was also stolen. The horBe was entirely black with tbe exception of small white star in the forehead, weighs about 1.000 pounds, and has noticeably heavy, short legs. Tbe buggy was con slderablv tbe worse for wear, tbe side curtains being ragged and one of the bind wheel is smaller tban the other. Hon. W. A. T. Andrews, a former member of tbe Stste legislature, died of heart failure at his borne at Atlantic, Crawford county, on the 13th Inst. Mr. Andrews was prominent in tbe political affairs of his county for many years, and always on tbe right side. In tbe legixla ture bis vote and Influence was always for the sond of tbe common people, and his straightforward, consistent couise won blm many friends among bis fellow members. He was 62 years of age. An exchange observes that a boy can sit on a sled six inches square tied to sled moving nine miles an hour, but can't sit on a sofa five minutes for a dollar, man can sit on an inch board and talk politics lor three hours, but put him into a comfortable church pew for forty min- ules and he gets nervous, twists and goes tn aleen. A man can pouch bis cheeks with tobacco and the Juice running down his chin feelB good; but hair in tbe butter simply knocks him outcotnpletely. Joseph W. Landers' Irish setter dog, answering to the name of "Jeff," has been missed for a week past. Mr. L. is very rlnalrouaof obtaining Rome clue to bis whereabouts, and offers liberal reward for bis return. The dog is deep red with white streak on breast and neck. Two weeks ago Joe lost old "Red Head" by death from poison or old age, and tbis latest loss makes a sortofdouble bereave ment which he feels keenly, hence his anxiety to regain possession of the am mal. -Man still carries tbe original number of ribs, but be is short of a lung lobe. Where did he lose itT Eye got it. Man': right lung today conalets of three lobes; man's lea lung today consists of two lobos. Let us consider tbe missing lobe on tbe lelt. The lungs, mind you, are tbe lite. Eve was made out of Adam's third lung lobe on tbe left, the lobe nearest the heart: "She was constructed out of wind mostly. That is, she took part of Adam's breath away. Adam's posterity of the male persuasion In these later days can count on only five lobes to both lungs, wb lie Eve's daughters can count on sev en; which accouuts for woman having tbe last word in a controversy. -New Vifrk Press. More children die from measles In Pennsylvania each year tban from scarlet fever and smallpox combined, and whooping cough, which Is cmmonly re gsrdrd as a very Insignificant malady, takes two-thirds aa many children as diphtheria. These statements, which are based on official figures obtained through the bureau of vital statistics of the state department of health, should be a warn ing to those parents wbo not only regard measles aud whooping cough aa inevita ble, but some times purposely expose their children to them so as to bave them done with. In every country town there is a sign at the railroad crossing like this: "Look ut for the cars." Now everybody knew that it was a railroad crossing the day the line was laid and finished. When the ign was put up it took two days for ev ery inhabitant to become familiar with it. In a week every small child could read It backward. Did the railroad take it downT No, if tbey had the warning would bave been forgotten in a week and smashups would have resulied. One time adver tisements act the same way. You must keep everlastingly at it, like the railroad crossing sign. Report Indicates that good progress is making In the borough high school prize contest tor tbe best essay on tbe subjets assigned by the W. C. T. U., and it Is hoped that some of tbe prizes may be captured by our pupils. For tbe best blgb school e-say on "The Value of Total Abstinence to a Life," a County prize of 5.00, a State prize of flo.00, a National prize of 150.00 will be given. For tbe best grammar grade essay on "What is the barm of a glasa of beerT" a County prize in $5 00, a State priisn of $10.00, and a National prize of $30 00 will be given. Tbe contest closes on the 15th of April. Every newspaper wants to publish he news. Tbe better tbe paper the niore prosperous It will be. Local news Items are especially hard to run down. How many times bave you, dear reader, been approached by the newspaper man for an item of news and told blm that you knew nothing of interest. Probably at tbe time your family were away on a visit or some one from out of town was vialtlngatyour home. Of course you didn't mean to de ceive tbe scribe, yet when you received your paper you wondered why your fam ily or friends were not mentioned, A good way to avoid all of ibis is to kindly inform us of the facts or drop a note in the postofflce to tbe paper. Tbe one Item may not amount to much, but several cnlluranx of such news is tbe life of a local paper. See? On Thursday afternoon, March lltb, exercises Incident- to the laying of the cornerstone of tbe new dormitory at tbe Clarion State Normal School were held. Tbe exercises were in charge of tbe Prin cipal, J. George Becht, and began at two o'clock. Rolls of tbe diff rent clasaes, copies of the local papers, pictures of tbe proposed building, together with coins, photographs ol President Taft, Governor S'uari and State Superintendent Scbaeffer were placed in the receptacle. Hon. Ein erson Collins, of Williamaport, Pa., de livered tbe addresa of tbe day and it waa listened to by a large and attentive an dience. The new dormitory, which will be ready for occupancy at tbe beginning of tbe Fall Term, will be one of the fine t Normal School buildings in tbe State. It will be of gray brick with a red tile roof and will accommodate about two bun' dred and Ally people. On account of ibe increasing attendance at tbe school, this dormitory will be a much needed addl tion to tbe school plant. Tbe Indian in relation to the game laws of the state has been a question mucti mooted and one that op to the pres ent has not been solved to the satisfaction of all concerned. There la little legal precedent on the subject and a case very much in point is now awaiting final dis posal. 'Illden Jimerson, a Shongo In dian, residing a few miles from Salaman ca, was caught with tour grouae, and tbis during the ol"sed season. The case went to trial 'before a jury which disagreed, and at another trial following in which the Indian was represented by John Sny. der. an Indian attorney, tbe defendant was acquitted by a jury. Snyder cited ancient treaty rights aud customs to good no moan and to the iurv it looked as i i i though tbe game laws and game laws' at torneva were wrong. The case this time is removed from the criminal courts and the state is suing Jimerson to recover the penally for the crime. In tbis case tbe penalty for the possession of a bird out of season is $25 tor each one and additional penalty of $00 for the commission of the crime. Burdette Whipple is handling the state's side of tbe case. Bradford Star. The U.S. Civil 8ervlee Commission announces that on Saturday, April 10th, next, an examination will be beld at West Hickory, Pa., for the position of postmaster at Fagundns. Application forms and full information concerning tbe requirements of the examination can be secured from Fagundns postofflce. Applicants must reside within tbe terri tory supplied by tbe postofflce named, Tbe compensation of postmaster at Fa gundus was $84 for the last fiscal year. On the same date an examination will be beld at Sheffield for the position of post master at Lym h, in tbis county. These will be tbe first local examinations under tbe new civil service rules governing the appolntmeutoMth class postmasters in this state, and tbe probabilities are tbat no one will be eager to take the examina Hon tn view of the meagre pay attached to tbe office. It looks like a farce to re quire so much red tape to be gone through with in order to get an lncumieut for an office that is usually accepted by some person solely for the purpose of keepirg a nnaloffioe in a community tbat tbe people liviug therein may be accommo dated with mailing facilities. Tbe poai tion is usually a thankless aud an entirely profitless one. Summer School. A Summer School for teachers, and all others preparing for teachers' examina tions, will be held at Kellettvllle during the months of May and June. A class for pupils doing preparatory work to enter high school will be organized. Tbe school will have for its instructors teach ers who bave bad previous experience in Summer school work. In this respect It will be the only school of its kind in the county. We are organizing the ab--ve school at the request of a number of For est county's best cilizens. A number of pupils bave enrolled. Further Informa tion can be obtained by addressing Prin cipal of High School, Kellettvllle. Term beglnu May lUU. PERSONAL. John Lawrence returned to Perry, N. Y., Tuesday morning. John Noble is moving into the Proper bouse opposite tbe court bouse. J. T. Brennan, Esq., was down from Warren yesterday on business. Paul Carson returued last week from a two months' slay in Latrobe, Pa. Henry E. Clarke of Tidloute was a business visitor in Tlonesta Friday. Mrs. Mary Glening has returned from a two week's visit with Warren friends. Mrs. J. G Carson of West Hickory was a guest of Tlonesta relative Friday. Gus B. Evaus of Endeavor was cir culating among Tlonesta friends Satur day. Mrs Merton Mealy and son of Oil City are visiting her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. W, Holeman. Geo. W. Brady of Starr was a visitor in town Friday and we are indebted to him for a renewal of bis subscription. -F. A. Shaw and William Hague ol Tidioute were In Tlonesta Monday on their way to their oil leases at OollDza. Chas. A. Olt of Warren was here the first of tbe week, engaged In shipping away some of his road machinery to be repaired. Mrs. J. W. Landers Is in Pittsburgh this week to study the new creations in millinery. Their Easter opening will be held soon. Master Arthur Lansou, who has been confined to bis home for a week with healings in his ears, is improving and will soon be out again. Our veteran faiend Wm. Albaugb, of East Hickory, gave ua a friendly call Friday and took occasslon to renew his subscription to tbe reliable old Forest Republican. Mrs. J. N. Saodrock and children Floyd and Dorothea returned Saturday from a visit in TltUBville. Miss Delia Sandrock returned the same day from a trip to Cleveland for new millinery goods. Mrs. L. J. Hopkii s, wbo went to the hospllal at Oil City last week for treat ment, is progressing finely toward recov erv and well be able to return borne In i low days, her many friends will be g'ad to learn. MissGoldie Hepler of Franklin re turned home Tuesday after a two weeks' visit with her brother, J. L. Hepler, Miss Glenna Weaver entertained a jolly party of young folks Monday evening at the Heoler home in honor ol Miss Hepler. L. A. Amaler, with tbeU. 8. Spruce Lumber Co., at Marion, Va was a visitor in Tionesta a few days of last week. Mrs, Amaler who has been visiting ber moth er, Mrs M. V. UBi ringer, ior me past month, left with ber husband and tbey will vialt other friends for a week or more before returning to their home. Atiornev M. A. Carrlnger will be a candidate for the Republican nomination lor District Attorney in Ibis county at the June primaries, an I bis announcement to that effect will appear In due season It li learned that Mr. Brown, the present efficient incumbent, will not ask tor re election which means tbat Mr. Carringer will be unopposed in bis efforts, and that tbe county will still bave the services of a competent and popular official. Mrs. S. S Canfleld was seriously in Jured Tuesday afternoon at tbe home of her rlanirhter. Mis. G. T. Anderson. She was In ber room conversint with a neigh bor and on rising to her feet fell and struck ber head against a table. A three inch gaah was cut along ber head back of the left ear and tbe ear was also torn or out, several arteries being affected. Dr Bovard was summoned aud dressed ber injuries. Mrs. Cantield was much weak ened by tbe great loss of blood, but was resting ea-y at last accounts. A Disgust iny Affair. Last Wednesday night while asleep at the railroad station "Bill" Cole, a well known character in tbis community, was set upon and shameiully ill-mated by two or three parties whose fear of tbe law, if not a sense ol decency, should bave impelled them to desist from such de testable practices. With a pair of scls sors they cut bis hair and whiskers in I shocking manner and then poured red ink over bis bead, making bim appear like a fright. Tbe victim reported to the authorities aud Constable Eden of tbe Township made Information before Es quire Randall charging assault and bat ery against two parties who were Riven a hearing on Friday night. One of the young meu pleaded guilty aod the Jus tice fined bim til'nen dollars and one-balf tbe costs. Tne other denied his guilt and was bound over in the sum of $400 for bis appearance at the next quarter sessions court. We withhold names out of re spect for the parents and families, wbo are among our most worthy citizens. Cole, as everybody In tbis section Knows, is a harmless, inoffensive fellow, who usually minds bis own business and for whom tbe people generally have a kindly feeling, but wbo Is olten made to suffer gross indignities at tbe bands of thoughtless boys, and some older ones wbo display far less sense tnd decency tban their unfortunate victim. Such lawless practices should be ,nost effectu ally squelched. Saw Mill lor Sale. Saw mill of 25,000 feet capacity, In first class condition, good boilers and engines, complete In all respects, including 1,000 feet iron track, lumber cars, etc., for sale at a bargain. Inquire of A. L. Weller, Kellnttvllle, Pa. it ANOTIIEIl OK MANY CUB EH. A child of Harry Fiaber, Drake st Ti tusville, Pa., was completely cured of wetting the tied by Inking r Barosina," which made a strong and healthy child in a short time. Uaroama is pleasant to the taste and strengthens tbe Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. ManZan Pile Remedy is nut up In a tube with nozzle attached. May be ap plied directly lo the affected parta. Guaranteed. Price 50c. Sold by J. R. Morgan. A rivasaut Pbynlc. When you want a pleaxant physio give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver 'tab lets a trial. They are mild and gentle In their a"tion and always produce a pleas ant cathartic effect, tall at Dunn it Ful tou's drug store for a nainple. Sick headache, constipation and bil iousness are relieved by Rings Little Liver Pills. They cleanse ibe system. Do not gripe. Price lion. Sold by J. H. MOYtfau. KelletUillc. Supt. D. W. Morrison of Tiouesta vis ited our schools last week. Mrs. M. F. Cat I In spent a couple days at Jamestown, N. Y., last week. W, W. Krlbbs, wbo has spent the win ter In tbe west, visited our town a few days last week. Mrs. Geo. Klinestiver and son Gordon are visiting the former's father at Grand Valley. J. C. McKeuxie of Newinansville is visiting his daughters, Mrs. W. K. Car- baugh aod Mis. J. P. Smith. Mrs. T. L. Hill of Tlonesta visited her children at this place over Sunday. John Blum, who Is employed at Clar ion, visited his family a few days last week. Mildred Catlin and Glenn Gillespie spent Saturday In Warren. Clemens Mong of Tlonesta was the guestof Goldia Hill over Sunday. Rev. R. J. Montgomery was called to Wilkinsburg, Monday, on account of the serious illness of bis father. FROM ANOTHKR COHUF.SI'ONIIKS T. Several of our business people w ho re quire a quantity of Ice for their summer trade bave secured a rather poor quality of the congealed material at a bayou in the vicinity of Mayburg. The product is of tbe four-inch variety and was cut dur ing the day and stored away at night. Several car loads were housed by this metLod last week. Tbe meetings at the M. E. church are being well attended aud a large majority of the populace has sought relief at the bar of forgiveness. M. H. Wilson's position as clerk in the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.'s store, which was lately vacated, has been tilled by a gentlema'i from Kinzua. Thomas KarnB, wbo has been the filer on the Salmon creek milt, departed Tuesday for Washington state, where he expects lo obtaiu a similar position with one of the large western firms. Robert Cohoon, who has acted in tbe capacity of sawyer on the same mill, will accompany blm on the trip. Their families expect to follow as Boon as locationscau be secured. Word was received a few days sgo that Eli Berlin of Whig Hill had fractured a couple of ribs, lie was standing in bis wagon when the team started up sud denly, throwing him tn the ground. The farm team of greys belonging to A. L. Weller was sold on Saturday toa party on German Hill. Al. Smith, wbo resides at Newtown Mills and Is employed on tbe Watson Lauds log loader, waa severely injured a couple of weeks sgo, which has caused bim to be under tbe care of a physician. He is somewhat improved but will not be able lo resume bis vocation for some time yet. Mrs. George Klinestiver and son Gor don are sojourning with friends and rela tives at Grand Valley and vicinity. They expect to be absent for some little time. Mrs. John Lawaon, who has been a sufferer from nervousness for some time, was taken to the Warren asylum one day last weeK for treatment. It is hoped Ix-r soourn at that Institution will lie of great benefit to ber. Tbe Modcry Remedy Co., which has just finished a teu-nlght performance here, has gone to East Hickory, where it la booked for a week. While here the management gave away several fine pieces of silverware for amateur stunts ol various kinds. One present In particular was given for a Indies' sawing contest. Tbis was exciting and drew out a large crowd. It was "say nothing, but saw wood" from start tn finish, and I a Kee Bey had them all beaten to a frazzle. Miss Edna Johnson has been a sufferer from neuralgia for several days. Mrs. M. Andrews departed on Monday for a week's stay in Cleveland. A. L, Weller was in Oil City Sa'urday on business. There will be a local teachers' Insti tute in Andrews' Hall on Saturday, March 'iOth, afternoon and evening ses sions. It Is expected that all the tow n ship teachers, as well as the majority of the high school pupils, will take an active part. G. F. Watson has purchased a dwelling house from A. L. Weller and the same will be occupied by John Watson aud family in tbe near lulure. Mrs. T. L Hill, the efficient matron of the County Home, visited bor children here over Sunday. Julian Robliins has been 111 for hhv eral days but is better now. George K. Barnes, who bas been a constant sufferer from a peculiar ailment that has baffled Ibe local physicians. Is not improving as rapidly as his legion of friends would wish for. On Thursday a bunch of his f, lends numbering 10 In all went up tn his abode and proceeded tn re fill his depleted woodshed with stove wood. After arriving at their destination tbey were soon reinforced by the male portion of the high school. Mrs. Killer of Beaver Valley Is visiting at Ed Bean's Mrs. KateSlncuin, of Conneaul, Ohio, visited her parents last week. Prof. F. B. Bobbins, who bas been our band instructor for the past three years, was elected last week for another year. Squire Zuendel visited friends at Ross Run over Sunday, August Johnson of Corry came over on the evening tutin Saturday to visit his wife and her parents. Mrs. Johnson has been here lor some time and expects to return home soon. Several elegant afternoon luncheons were given to numerous friends last week but through lack of space we are compelled lo omit details. "Saint Patrick waa a gentleman Who, through strategy or stealth, Drove all tbe snakes liom Ireland Here's a bumper to bis health; But not ton many bumpers Lest we loie ourselves, and theu Forget the good Saint Patrick, Aud see the snakes again. Grove City College. Tbe Spring term of Grove City Collego will begin March the 30th anil continue twelve weeks. The Summer torm of ten weeks will begin June the 22d, Many teachers come for both sessions. Send for the new bulletin relating tutlieSpriug aud Summer, Address Isaac C. Keller, President, Grove City, Pa. t For Dltrnsr ol iUe Mkin. Nearly all diseases of tbe skin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' itch, are characterized by an intense itch ing and smarting, which often makes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest, (.nick relief may tie bad by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It allays the Itch ing and smarting almost iiistantlv. Many cases bave been cured by its use. For tfatu Itf Duuu & rNjIU'n. GivenAway $6.00. We will give away on April 10th, a fine Prussian China Chocolate Set of the value ot 6.00, in return for the most complete Mailing List of Tionesta and vicinity. Chocolate Set on display in window. Bovard's Pharmacy. Happy 3iew l'cwr 10 Hopkins' Store The Yers End Clen Up SaJe. This week wo start a vigorous price cutting to close out a lot of Underwear, Shoes, Hats and Caps, And many "thr ur'.ictcs thai we don't want. V 6 ml bix after box of Winter Underwear nut opened, tiraud, splinter new guuds. We Hro going to dispose o! iheiu if price will du it. Meu's Fleece Lined Underwear. 5(h! qil litv for 35c. Men's Wriglil'H W ol Fleeced Underwear, 81 ()ulny for 70c. iMcii'b All Wo d Uu 1-rwcnr 81 2. -.n l 81 q jaluy for 75c M.-n's lir.ikeii mZ" 83 Shocri ! - 81 Ii5 Men' lirckt'ii mze 8.1 .10 Sli..e I' r 81 75 Mhu'ii broken hi zed 8.'! 50 and 84 .Snoci for 81 75 Mines' Tarn Cap, rdiglitiy a .lit d from liaii.lling, regu'ar 50c, 75o and 81 grade, fur 38c Boys' Caps, regular 2.1.5 giadim, for IOj. Remnants in All Lines Get the Same Slash in Price.--A Good Time to Get Busy. L. J. HOPKINS. The Pittsburg Perfect Wire Fence, Welded by electricity, made in all sizes, for all purposes and for all people who need Regular Poultry or Garden Fence. THE 77iniELD' Field Fence Razor Back Hoe Fence finest Lawn 'once. SCriS It will be to your advantage to look up vwr needs at once, get our price and order your fuiica eaily. Plain aud Barb Wiie. Write, telephone or come and sen us. Tionesta Hardware. We' Macke Our Spring Bow, And announce our readiness to show you the new spring wearables for mankind in Men's Suits, Men's Light Weight Overcoats, New Spring Top Coats, Manhattan Shirts, Stetson Hats, And other good makers products. Also new things such as Suits and Top Coats for the younger generations. All priced at attractively low prices considering the qualities we always maintain. T7 7-1 "OA! 2. PR Do vou want a good Umbrella? Positively tbe beat line iu t lie city. Sole a ire it tor tbo Hull Detachable Handle. Umbrella cau be apart and packed frunk. We engrave free of cbargc. t'.kiu in a them i! vim:v i khz, The Loadiug Jeweler, 32 SENECA St. OIL CITY, PA. Xew Year 1009 WELD IE: ICe -CLOTHIERS OIL CITY. PA W 1 1 .