THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINK, Editor 4 Pdopriitoh. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1909 1303 ARCH 19091 SUNMOii tOEWEDTnUJ I z 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 II 18 12 13 14.1516 1920 212223 24Z52622 Announcements. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Wn are auiliirizd In announce John G. Walnon, nf Kinrly township, as a candidate lor AHopme Judita, Mibject to Hie (Iwinlon of the Kxpiiblican voters at tliH primaries June 5, 1009. Nknatok Knox'h renlitnatinn baa been recnived at HarriMburg, to take effect March lib. Dn. Schakkkkk, head of tbe Stale Dp partition! ot Education, nays be ees do reaHDii why tbe vaccination lawn ahnuld be enforced in ancb a way aa to leave tbe unvacclnaied child alao an ignorant child Dr. Scbaeirer Heeina to bave a couimon senae view of tbe matter. Aftkr tomorrow at high noon call hi in PrenMent Taft. Like bis Illustrious predeceHHor, he'll make good to tbe last degree. President Roosevelt recently wrote ol him like this; "No man of bet ter training, no man of more dauntless courage, or sounder common sense and cf higher and finer character baa ever come to the Presidency than William Howard Taft." Such a testimonial from such a source couuts with tbe American people. W. H. Andkuws, the well known former state political lender in Pennsyl vania, has won out again as tbe properly accredited territorial delegate to Congress from New Mexico, bis present linine. By unanimous con-ent, tbe bouse of repre sentatives at Washington on Thursday declared bim to bave been tbe legally elected delegate. Mr. Andrews' seat was contested by bis opnneut at tbe Novem ber election, bo carried his contest to tho house of representatives, where tbe former Penusylvanian's claim was sus tained without a dissenting voice on eith er side of tbe House. Ir has been conclusively demonstrated that no mau ever became president of the United .stales who had a more courageous and tearless appetite than tbtt of William Howard Taft. Buffalo Courier. There you go again! No possible use to try to satisfy tho grouchy, grumbling Democratic editors. We who love Mr. Taft for bis great size-brain, beart, good nature, appetite and all can readily un derstand bow a disgruntled and dys peptic critic like the Courier would snarl wneu he contemplated Bucb a set of digestive organs. But it would be all tbe same were the genial President-elect a Bcrutity, bouy, piucbed up dyspeptic. It is bard for aucb to understand that a strong healthy specimen of manhood re quires more than a cup of bot water and a toothpick for a meal. One of our valued exchanges contained the following item about the home news paper which meed! our views so fully that we give it space in our oolntuns. It says: Tbe local newspaper should be found in every borne. No child will ever grow up ignorant who can be taught to appreciate tbe home paper. It is tbe stepping Btoue to intelligence in all those matters not to be learned in books. Give your children a foreign paper wbicb contains not one word about any person, place or thing wbicb the; ever saw or perhaps ever heard ol and bow can you expect them to be Interested? But let them have tbe borne pnpnr and read ol persons they meet, and places witb which they are familiar and soon an interest is awakened which Increases with every arrival ol the local paper. Thus a habit of reading is fo'med and those children will read the papers all their lives and be come Intelligent men and women, a credit to their ancestors, strong in their knowledge of the world as it is today, A hill Introduced by Representative Milliton, of Venango county, in tbe House at Harrisburg, to change the form of the ollicial ballot is so sensible in its purpose and so necessary to overcome obvious defects in tbe present form that there should not be a vote against tbe measure. In presidential elections, aa has frequently beeu pointed out, thous ands of voters manage to vote for the electors only, when their real purpose is to support the entire list of their party's . candidates. Tbe arrangement of tbe party squares in a column on tbe left of the ballot is misleading, and many a good man has gone down to defeat in close districts through the lossof a few hundred votes, resulting from placing the cross in the square at the head of the electors in stead of in the square at the left of tbe ballot. It is a detect which can be easily remedied, and the legislature has no ex ruse whatever for postponing the reform A single ballot with the party square at the top of each column, as in Ohio, would be all that s necessary. Our genial friend Smith of the Punxy Spirit, of whom it can truthfully be said be is no slouch of an orator himself, gives the whole snap away in these few lines: There bus been iu the past a great deal of fraud and deception and plain lying about Hpeechmakinir. Many a "gilted orator" bas speut weeks in preparing and com mining a speech, tho delivery of which was prefaced by the remark that the ora tor was "totally unprepared," and the audience must make allowance for bis purely extemporaneous remarks. Every sane man knows that there never was an orator who could make a speech that waa worth the delivery without some sort o preparation. And the really great speeches bave invariably been the fruit of great labor. William McKinley, who habitually delivered his addresses from manuscript, did much toward breakb-g up the practice ot trying to Impress an audience with the belief that tho speech to which it was listening was the result of spoil -lupous combustion ol tbe intellect. Theodore Roosevelt never hesitates to show his manuscript, and Judge Taft renders his remarks from the typewritten page. Senator Foraker, the Cicero of Congress, also relies upon his manu scripts. Ail ol which is ell, for tbe In Htantaneons inspirations of even the most brilliant intellects are apt to boescowJing tuuiniuuplii'-i.f, eiVept iu sp'ols. Pittsburg: Men Found Guilty. After being out for nearly 63 hours the jury returned verdict Monday against president of common council William Brand, and councllmen Jobn F. Klein and Josepb C. Wasson, charged wltb conspiracy. Tbe verdict carried with It a recommendation for tbe extreme meuy of tbe court. Tbe three convicted men were charged wltb having conspired to secure tbe passage of an ordinance tor tbe paving of certain streets wltb wood block on tbe payment of certain sums of money by a detective posing as a wood block contractor and bis assistants. Klein and W. W. Ramse, former president of tbe German Natioual bank, bad already been convicted of bribery In Individual cases. An appeal will be taken by tbe convicted men. Porkey. Tbe South Penn Oil Co. will build four derricks this week. Tbe Llttletleld brothers will do tbe work. Miss Wilcox returned to Sheffield after a month's visit witb her parents in this place, Nathan Burdick and Lottie Bloss vis ited at the bnme of tbe tatter's sister, Mrs. O. E. Rupert, over Sunday. H. E. Gillespie and O. H. Blum were at borne over Sunday, returniug to their work at Blutjay Monday morning. The quarterly .neeting waa well at tended Sunday evening, considering tbe bad condition of the roach. Mrs. Ku port took their son Donald to Sheffield Saturday for medical treatment. Mrs. J. C Welsh visited ber daughter, Mrs. Jas. McMichael, In Sbeflleld, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James LtttleQeUl were Warren visitors Saturday, Kellettville. Forest Lucartof Newmausville is vis iting bis brothers, Frank and William llarkless, of this place. Rev. R. J. Montgomery was called to Wllkinsburg last week on account of the serious illness of bis father. Alice Ledebur spent Sunday with ber parents near Tionesta. Forest Wolfe of Blaisdell, N. Y., Is vis iting relatives in this place. George Edmiston of Kewmansville, is visiting his daughter, Mrs.Wm. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Gilford of Cherry Grove visited their daughter, Mrs, W'm. Pope, Monday, Mra. Robert Watson is on tbe sick list. A. L. Weller aud Leon Watson spent Thursday in Warren. Dora Jensen Is visiting friends at Gar land. Mra. Fred Slocum and Mrs. II. H. Watson aud children are visiting the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Wat son, in Tionesta, Rev. D. E. Piatt, District Superintend ent, preached a very interesting sermon at tbe M. E. church Monday evening. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jenkins, who bas been very sick, is slowly improving. Believes Barnes' Story The police committee of councils again decided last nigbt that no stone will be left unturned to develop any clue that may lead to the apprehension of tbe murderer or murderers of John Blevins, and tho city will assist tbe efforts of those having the matter In charge In every way possible. Members of tbe police com mittee of city councils were closeted for nearly two hours witb C. H. Akens Wednesday evening for the purpose of discussing tbe various clues. At tbe re quest of Mr. Akens, tbe meeting was a secret one. No persons were admitted other than the police committee and the attorney. Tbe history of the Blevins murder, which was committed more than 10 years ago, was thoroughly gone over. Mr. Akens related the history of tbe mur der and of every possible clue to tbe prepetratora. Tbe histories and tbe rec ords of the various criminals whose names have been mentioned as knowing something of the murder were discussed. It was finally determined to send Coun cilman Jobn Rae, ot the Sixth ward, and Attorney Akens to Franklin and Venan go county some day this week in order to look up some clues that bave not yet been fully worked out. The sentiment of tbe police committee seemed to be that it is best to look up tbe clues as furnished by A. Ruth. It is not believed that Ruth told nearly all he knows about the Blev ins murder. Tbe committee feel that while bis story was liberally interspersed with many falsehoods, that there was some truth In his stories. It is believed that Attorney Whltmer may yet be able to get to tbe bottom of tbe matter, that be may force Ruth to disclose some valuable Information. It la tbe sentiment of tbe police committee tbat because so much money baa been spent so lar in the attempt to solve tbe Blevins murder mystery it is tbe best policy to attempt to solve each clue if possible. New Castle News. In addition to tbe foregoing the Frank lln News of Saturday gives the following: "If Frank Barnes does fail to solve tbe Blevins murder mystery, be should have the credit for sending one of the worst criminals ever in these parts to tbe peni tentiary," said a man to-day who bas followed the case of Barnes, "I refer to Dan Wilder, who Is serving a six-year term in the penitentiary for planning tbe robbery of Miss Copeland at Pitbole, bave been at Bradford and Olean, and tbe police there say that they are under last ing obligations to Barnes for sending this man 'down,' for he is unquestionably one of tbe worst criminals tbat tbe an tborlties there eyer bad to deal witb. The police in those two towns seem to think that Barnes bas performed a publio ser vice." In one of Barnes's statements last fall he told of the destruction by tbe Olean authorities of a bouse occupied by Wilder and other disreputable people. This was accomplished by throwing a rope around the house and pulling it off its founds tions witb a locomotive, the bouse being on the railroad's property. Tho other day R. D. Billlugton, road supervisor of the Citizens Traction Company in Oil City, was in Franklin and told a friend here that be superintended tbat job. He corroborates what Barnes said relative to the reputation of Wi der. The Olean Times last week contained a column and a half relative to the record of Wilder in thai section. The aiticle showed that he bad a bad criminal rec ord and corroborated jn many details what Barnes bad told ol bis fortuor associate:. VOTES "WET," JOB IN DANGER Friends After the Scalp of an Earl ham College Professor. Richmond, Ind., .March 2. Tho resignation of ". X. Truoblood, pro fosr.or of English at Karl ham college, is dciiianilod in resolutions passed by a meeting of tho Friends church nt Dublin, because lie voted "wet" in tho recent local option election, which re sulted in the defeat of tho anti-saloon faction. Wayne county is tho only ono lit In diana that has yet gone "wet" in an option election. Eailliani college is closely connected with the Friends church. Crouching Cougar For President. Washington, March 2 A magnifi cent bronze in the form of a crouch ing cougar was given to the president by his "tennis cabinet," the presenta tion address being made by Henry L. Stlmsoa. The btonze is by Alexander P. Proctor, the noted animal sculptor who muds the colossal lions of the McKinley monument at Buffalo. Neighborhood Notes. Oil City bas a mild whooping congh epidemic, too. Coal Is expected to advance from 25 to 50 per cent. April 1st. Punxsutawney Is trying to have a pan taloon factory started there. The school at Columbus, near Corrv, is closod on account of measles and scarlet fever. Fonr oases of tbe former were discovered in the high school in one day. The body of Albert Le Fene, a well known resident of Girard, was found ly ing in a corn field there. He was about 50 years old, had wandered from home and perished from exposure. B. F. Matter of Clarion, charged with murder in the shooting or Wm. Claypool at tbe Perryvllle cocking main, Jan. 23d, was tried at Clarion and tbe Jury ren dered a verdict of "not guilty ."yesterday. Motorman Christ Hansen of Warren had one of bis legs so badly crushed In a trolley car collision Monday tbat It bad to be amputated between the knee and anKle. Other Injuries supposed to be of an Interual nature may cost bim bis life. The city of Erie will be compelled to find something like $100,000 to take the sewage out of tbe bay, If tbe ideas of the -tato board ot health are persisted in and will be compelled to maintain beside an expensive pumping plant to convey tbe sewage to the locality where tbe state board of health is of tbe opinion tbe dis posal plant should be situated. Caleb Powers, tbe brilliant self-made Kentuckian, who suffered all but mar tyrdom at tbe baud? of a desperate gang of plotters who attempted to connect bim with tbe killing of Goebel ten years ago, and who was Anally pardoned after sev eral trials on the charge of murder, is lecturing in the north on tho subject, "Right upon the Scaffold, Wrong npon, the Throne." An Ideal Cough Medicine. "As an ideal cough medicine I regard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy iu a class by itsell," says Dr. R. A. Wiltshire, of Gwynneville, Ind. "I take great pleas ure in testifying to the results of Cham berlain's Cough Medicine. In fact, I know of no other preparation that meets so fully the expectations of tbe most ex acting in cases of croup and coughs of children. As it contains no opium, chloroform or morphine it certainly makes a most safe pleasant and effica cious remedy for tho ills it is intended." For sale bv Dunn k Fulton. Forty Days mill Nitidis Of Buffering from a broken needle in my thumb and hand, to which I applied flax seed poultices for over a week with no benefit. A friend told me tbat San-Cura Ointment would draw It out. I applied it as thick as a poultice. My band was swollen to twice Its natural size. San- Cura reduced tbe Inflammation and pain and drew out the broken needle, over an inch long. I never lelt so thankful. I took the needle to Mr, Thompson, who bas it with other specimens of what San Cura bas done. I recommend San-Cura as an absorbent to draw poison and pain from any Buttering being, (man or beast.) 25c, 5Uo, fl.OO and $2.00. Mrs. J. E. Tarr, 48 North Kerr Btreet, Titusville, Pa., wife of passenger con ductor on tbe Pennsylvania railroad. February 8, 1909. A Guaranteed Cough remedy is Beps Laxative Cough Syrup. For coughs, cold, croup, whooping cough, hoarse' nessaud all bronchial alTectiona, Best for children because it is quick to relieve and tastes good. Gently laxative. Sold by J. R. Morgan. For IHsriiscH oftlie Skin. Nearly all diseases of the skin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' llcb, are characterized by an intense itch ing and smarting, which often makes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest, Quick relief may be bad by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It allays tbe itch ing and smarting almost instantly. Many cases have been cured by its use, For sale by Dunndc Fulton. Titusville, Pa , March 31. 1900. For twenty years I suffered with bleed Ing and itching piles, at times was con fined to the bouse for more than a month. Two years ago I began using E. K Thompson's San-Cura Ointment, and one 60-cent bottle made a firm and permanent cure and have not been troubled since. I can Ireely recommend San-Cura to any suffering humanity. I am glad to give this testimony and will guarantee a cure if used as directed. I bave bad perfect health tor 8 years. Kkv. W. F. GlLnERT, Nov., 1908. Pleasantville, Pa. A I'lriinuiit I'hysir. When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets a trial. They are mild and gontle in their a"tion and always produce a pleas ant cathartic oll'ect. Call at Dunn & Ful ton's drug store for a sample. Pinenlesare for Backache, and bring quick relief to lumbago, rheumatism, latigue and all otlior sy inptotiisof Kiilney disease. They are a tonic to the entire system aud build up strength and health. Price SOc. and Jl.OO. Sold by J. K. Mor gan. ANOTIIKK OK .MANY Ct.HKS. A child of Harry FNIinr, Drake st Ti tusville, Pa., was completely cured of wetting the bed by biking 'liarosiria," which made a strong and healthy child in a short time. Barosma is pleasant to the taste and strengthens the Htomacb, Liver, Kidu'eys and Bladder. I. SUMMARY OF THE WEEK'S SEWS. Wednesday. According to a dispatch from Rome the Vatican is seeking aid in the re vision of 1 he Vulgate. A gang of yeggnien robbed the Erie station el Ilornell, N. Y. They rifled the cash drawer and the Bell telephone booth. The verdict or the circuit court fin ing the New Y ork Central JtON.UOO for rebating was alliinied by the U. S. su preme court. By order of the secretary of war the name of Jefferson Davis will be re stored to tho Cabin John btidfie near Washington. The battleship Keiirsiirge came home under command of Lieutenant Com mander Twining, Captain Hutchlns having been detached from command at Gibraltar by Admiral Sperry. Thursday. Rear Admiral Sperry and a party of officers from the fleet were entertain ed by the Richmond Chamber of Com merce. A Texas romp'iny is making exten sive preparations to compete with tho Standard Oil company in tho Eastern and export fields. A New York art dealer will make an organized search for art treasures buried in the Messina earthquake ruins, says a London dispatch. Japanese, posing as exporters and students, have been found to be spies in behalf of their own government, says a dispatch from Sydney, X. S. W. Miss Sylvia Green, daughter of Mrs. Hetty Green, one of the wealthiest women in America, was married at Morristown. X. J., to Matthew Astor Wilks ot Gait, Out. Friday. Lumbermen are active in developing a strong opposition to the removal ot tho duty on Canadian lumber. The house voted the president a sal ary of $75,000 a year but refused to sanction-any other salary Increases. That the Marathon craze is resulting In evil to ill trained youths U the ver dict of physicians and athletic author ities. Mis. W. K. Vanderbilt. Sr., will. in vest $1,000,000 In model tenements on tho upper east side, New York, de signed for consumption sufferers. Svernl hundred women packed the assembly chamber at Albany to ar gue for and against the question of woman suffrage. Ernest llatleben. a Rlackwell's Is land convict, swam around in the East river for nn hour in an effort to es cape, but got lost In the fog and was picked up by a tup; Saturday. It was announced that Xathan Straus had declined Tammany's offer of New York mayoralty nomination. Mrs. Margaret Teal was convicted of attempted subornation of perjury in divorce case of Helen Kelly Gould, Bid was sentenced for one year. Corean exiles in Hawaii threaten to kill, Song, Corean home minister, who proposed the annexation of the coun try to Japan, says a dispatch from Honolulu. A dispatch from Washington' an nounced that leaders in both the sen ate aud the house seconded Mr. Taft's desire for quick work in the considera tion of the new tariff bill. WiKlain F. Curtis, writing from Washington, describes how the stand ard of many educational Institutions is being advanced through the opera tion of the Carnegie Foundation. Monday. Reductions In many transcontinental frelrht rates ate announced following a conference of officials In Chicago. Professor Tertival Lowell in a lec ture at Harvard foretold the destruc tion of the world by the collision of a "dark star" with the sun. Advices from Vienna say that ag gression by Servia, which Is thought probable, would be followed by Aus trian occupation of her territory. Brains nnd genius of Luther Bur bank are capitalized at several million dollars in Pan Francisco to care for tbe commercial end of his discoveries. Tuesday. Speaker Cannon replied sharply to attacks 011 his administration of house rules by i New York magazine. Miss L. Hein le P.ixey, a sister of Sur geon General P. M. Rixey of the navy, died suddenly at the latter's residence In Washington. A Const uitltmplo dispatch says that news whs received there indicates that the war fever is increasing in Servia and that 'he sit nation is extremely grave. That lie has solved the problem of storing tin 1 lie sun's rays and convert ing t he 111 into electrical energy is tho claim made by George S. Cove, a Bos ton inventor. Surgeons at llubbardston, Mass., grafted sections of skin from the back of a ten-dav-old pig to the body of a little gill. They said the operation would undoubtedly have a successful outcome. HIM' Neck. Stiff neck is caused bv rheumatism o tbe muscles of tbe neck. It is usually confined to one side, or to tbe back of the neck and one side. While it Is olten unite nainfnl. Quick relief may be bad by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires internal treatment. When there is no fever and no swelling as in muscular and chronic rheumatism. Chamberlain's Liniment will accomplish more than any internal treatment. For sale by Dunn A tut ton. You cannot atfoid to have things given to you. Two years aifo my daughter stepped on a needle, breaking it oft in the ball of tbe foot, wbicb swelled up very painfull swelling to tho knee. 1 lie doctor at no wands lanced tbe foot, hut was unable to find the needle. Tbe X ray was applied, and we could sne the needle. We then applied .San-Cura Ointment, thick ss a poultice, and after four applications the needle made its appearance, (just as Mr Thompson said it wauld) and was taken out to the great relief of my daughter, and all the family, as she bad suffered a great deal, and every step pained her, Mrs. Jamks Hitchcock, Centrevllle, Pa. Manan Pile Remedy is put up In a tube with nozzle attached. May be ap plied directly lo the affected parts, Guaranteed. Price Wo. blild by J. It. Morgan. Notice The Rubber Floor advertised iu this space last week at $1.25 do not come up to our standard of quality, and we are closing them out at 75 Cents. Size 18 by 30 inches. You cannot lose on this proposition. G. W. ROBINSON & SON Bank Statement No. 5038. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FOREST COUNTY NATION AL BANK AT TIONESTA. In the State of Pennsylvania, at the olose of business February o, J'.kis. KESUUUUES: Loans and discounts $304,222 40 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 43 52 U. S. lionds to secure circula tion 60.000 00 Promiums on U. S. Honda '2.187 31 Bonds, securities, etc., 7-.101 89 Banking-bouso, furniture, and tix lures 60 Other real estate owned 401 00 Due from National Banks tnot reserve agents) 'JS.ilKL VJ Due from approved reserve agents 80,189 84 Checks aud other cash Items 513 13 Notes of other National Banks ... 080 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and conta 075 58 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie t-0.307 10 1-tfgal tender notes. 10,000 00 30,307 to Redemption fuud witb U. 8. Trcas r(5 per ct. ol circulation) 2,500 ou $078,803 28 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in SoO.OOO 00 Surplus fund 00,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses aim taxes paid b,3) 1. National bank notes outstand ing 50,000 00 Dividends unpaid 88 00 Individual deposits subject to checK KiMW fiS Time certificates ot deposit... 301.097 61 $078,803 28 State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest, ss: I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and beiiot. A. is. KELLY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22d day of February, 1909. u. ai. ak.nkr, notary 1'UUllC. Correct Attest : O. W. Rouinsok, J. T. Dalk. W.M. SM KARNAUGH, Directors. CHICAGO SLEEPING CAK (PROM Oil. CITY) Leave Oil City, daily except Sun day, 6:20 p. m., Eastern Time, arrive 1 Chicago 7:30 a. in., connecting for 1 all western points. Returning leave Chicago 10:30 p. m., Central Time, dally except Sat urday, arrive Oil City 2:35 p. in., Eastern Time. Lake Shore's station In Chicago best located of any line, in the heart of business district. For lnthrniAtion address W. S. t McCuen, Agent, Oil City, Pa. & Michigan Southern Ry. 3 3-St STEVENS ARMS are for sale by all progressive Hardware and Sporting Goods Merchants and DAN BEARD'S splendid effort "GUNS AND CUNNING " will be mailod postpaid to any applicant by J. Stevens Arms & Tool Company, Chicopce Falls, Mass., upon receipt of price. For paper cover edi tion forward 20ccnts ; for cloth bound book send SO cents. Written forand pub- usueu uy J. STEVENS ARMS k TOOL CO. 0. Boi 4099 Ckkepct Fillt, Mau. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between Edward T, Bock and Charles A. Ott, under tbe firm name of Beck A Ott. was dissolved by mutual consent on the 20th day of reuruary, a, v. I'.w.h All debts owing to said partnership are receivable by the said Charles A. Ott to whom also all claims and demands against tbe same are to be presented for payment. Edward T. Beck, Charles A. Ott, Very Low Colonist Rates via Nickel Plate Road To points in the West, Northwest and Mexico, March 1st to April 30th. Full iiilorma.tion of Agent or write J. C Me leiib'acVe'r, D. P. A., "Erie-, Pa. 09 2 a'plll ixi r5w mm 1 1 'UfA VI II I Ai. t , i f ft. STOVES. What about it for this winter? If not fully fitted out In this reepeot let us figure witb you on a new HEATER or COOK STOVE. Our stock is complete and our line Is tbe best ever ban died in this tnwn. We can save you money on either Gas, Wood or Coal Stoves. All Horso Blankets and Furnishings For the Horseman or Teamster. Do You Want a Fine Sleigh ? Come and see us before you buy. We rave you money. JSJ Buggies and Wagons, and Everything in Hardware. J. C. Scowdon, - Tionesta, Pa. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, Time Deposits Solicited. Will A. Watni Cook, President. A. B. Kbllt. Cashier. DIRECTORS A. Wayne Cook, O. W. Robinson, Wm, Smesrbaugb, N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Rltchey. J. T. Dale. A. B. Kelly. Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom era all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest paid on time deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited. The Spring Knox Hats are Here. Everyone knows that "Knox" in a bat means best quality. A New York paper contained tbe following squib tbe other day: "They talk of re naming Fifth Avenue Knox Lane." This little exaggeration goes to show that the well-dressed man rec ognizes the Knox Hat as The Hat. Tbe new spring shapes are here now in three qualities Knox, ltoxford, lieaeon, $3.00' $3.00 Youman's Soft and Stiff Hats here too. You can select a bat here now that suits your face, your family and your pocketbook. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST.. OIL CITY. PA. las. M. S&rMFt, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Repairs Boilers, Stills, Tank, Agitators. Buy and Sells Second - hand Boilers, Etc. Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End of Suspension Bridge, Third ward. OIL CIT1, IA. Sigworth & Hcpler LIVERY Stable. Haviog recently purchased the A.' C. Urejr livery stable, we are making many improvements to keep tbe ser vice first-class and up-to-date. New horses and carriages will be added and we guarantee to our patrons tbe best turn outs to be had, courteous attention, and reasonable rates. Come and see us. Rear of Hotel Weaver TIOlsTEST-A-. IF.A. Telephone No. 20. Jacks & Mules Kfnse Mules aiul get rich. 210 fine, large Jacks, Jen nies and Mules, U lo 17 hands high, weigh from 7io to 1500 lbs.-Rool ones clienp now. I will pay a part of buyer's K. K. fare nml shipping, stock gtisr lanteeU. Write for prices to-dav KREKLER'9 JACK FARM, Wist Elkton.O Electrio Oil. Guaranteed for Rheumatism, Sprains, Sors Feet, Pains, &o. At all dealers sorts of NATIONAL BANK, 150.000. t90,000. pay Four Ver Cent, per Annum Wm. Smkarbadoh, Vice President Our $4.00 Shoes. We believe that we can outshe for the money, any man that wars $4 shoes and does not buy them here. Our shoes were made so cordiug to our specifications by a shoe manufacturer that turns out sumo of The Best Men's Shoes Made. The leathers are splendid. The shoemaking perfct. The styles are correct. Button, lace and blucber. JOE LEVI, Cor. Center, Seneca and Syca more Streets, OIL CITY, PA. f"M"t"M"H-f z i Can You Beat This? A tailoring proposition that guarantees a savi g in price. The finest assort moot of Woolens to chonse from and a fit that mi, st be perfect before (be garment are yours. There is Class to My Clothes. Look at my line of sam ples. They are the very latest styles to be made as you like them. Pants $5 and up. Suits $15 and up. Cleaning and pressing done also. Call and see mo. f Wm. I. Decliaiit, The Tailor, Tionesta, l'enne J. 1 1 1 I I I ... ... ..... .... ttttttttTtTTTTttTtTTtTTttT Executor's Notice. Letters Teatamontary on the estate of Adam Sibblo, late of Green Townabip, Forest County, Pa., uVreaHAd, having been granted to tbe undnrHined, all pr sons indebted to said tiHtate are lierrby notitlfld to make payment without delay, and tunas baying claims or demand) will present them, duly anthe ntirated, for set tlement. Tillik 8111111.K, Executrix. James Howk, Executor. A. ('. Brown, Attorney, TioneHta, Pa. Feb. 17, 1009 tit. PINEUtfcS for the Kidneys