The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 03, 1909, Image 3

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Col. Wattkhsoh trie1 lo elect Bryan
and in bold Tillman's cat, but bag nut
yet undertaken the job of coinfortiDg
Tkn years ago the wireless telegraph
seemed a visionary fancy, but Its preseot
practical uses Know bow laplilly a good
thing in tbia agn l puhnd along.
John Burroughs declares that "after
a man h attained t competency, money
la superllumiH, Juat like so much lat."
But there la no similarity in the desire to
apply antifat remedies.
It la stated that the I500 automobile la
better than the $3000 machine a few years
ago. American inventors, manufacturers
and workmen propone to lead the world
in this industry sod are making good.
Water-tight compartments kept the
steaiiiahip Republic from sinking as soon
as she was rammed, and the wirelesa
telegraph lirouicht relief without delay
The conquest ofthencesn gneaon steadily
If the government memorial to Lin
coin is to he a biuhway between Wash
ingtnn and Oettyaburg, the road should
be marked at each end by an architect'
urai monument worthy of the man to be
TilK politicians opposed to (iov
Hughes are warned that if they are not
good be will run for a third term. This
announcement baa cauaed a shiver to
course up and down the backb"ne of the
machine and it is sitting up and taking
Thk old Liberty Bi ll, which has hung
in the old state bouae at Philadelphia
since it rang the joyous proclamation of
liberty to the Union more than a hundred
and thirty-two years ago, and which has
been viewed by millions of people, will
make a pilgrimage across the continent
to the Alanka-Yukon-1'aclllc Exposition
at Seattle. Aside from the awe and rev
erent embuaiaain the old cracked Bell
will arouse during its escort from Phila
delphia to the exposition city by a guard
of honor, it will furnish tbo fair one of its
most attractive features, no doubt.
Widows of deceaaed soldiers and sail
ors of the civil war in instances where
marriages occurred since June 27, 1890.
may be pensioned under the provisions
of a hill favorably reported to the senate
Wednesday from the committee on peti
tions. Under existing law widows of
soldiers and sailors of the civil war are
not pensionable unless their marriages
took place prior to the date mentioned.
It is estimated by the pension bureau that
there are about 15 .000 or 20,000 women
who would be benetited by tbe passage of
this law. Lat year there were between
,000 and 10,000 deaths among widows of
soldiers of the civil war. The bill is a
just one and should pass promptly. The
lady who marries one of these battle
scared veterans and makes his last days
upon earth days of peace and happiness,
deserves to be remembered and provided
with the little comforts of life during her
short stay in this vale of If ars.
Tub report of the Iteinaon board re
garding the use of benzoate of soda as a
fond preservative will lead to new regula
tions for the enforcement of many ot the
sections of tbe pure food law. The board,
which consisted of four of the most emi
nent scientists in Ihls country, decided
that benzoate of soda is as harmless as a
breakfast lood and that If anybody wants
to eat It he may go as far as lie likes. Tbe
board completely explodes the theory of
Chief Wiley, of tbe Bureau ot Chemistry,
who has charge of the enforcements of the
pure food law, that benzoate of soda was
poisonous when used as a preservative,
Tbe board in eflect states that Mr. Wiley's
"poison squad," experiment of two years
ago, while sensational, was worthless. As
the board was appointed by the President
to settle the ooutrovers over benzoate of
soda its findings are final. The contny
versy had been before tbe Agricultural
Department ever since the enactment of
tbe pure food law. The general belief
is that Mr. Roosevelt will now ap'
point a new man head of the Bureau of
Chemistry, as the report of tbe Kemseo
board discredits Wiley as a chemist. Ills
many theories with reference to food pro
ducts have attracted widespread attention
Nearly all of these theories have been
coin batted bv other chemists.
A row between a Japanese student and
some American undergraduates at tbe
University of California tbeoth'rday, In
which the Jap came out second best, has
thrown certaiu nervous newspapers Into
a state of terror lest the Incident should
embroil the two countries in a serious
war. It is pointed out that unless your
Uncle Sam hastens to make an apology to
HisToklon Highness, and that p. d q.,
tbe little yellow fellows will come down
on and annihilate os at one fell swoop,
Such fawning and cringing as one sees in
some of the prints is euouau to give one a
pain and cause a feeling of disgust for the
editorial writers of some of the great (?)
newspapers of our land. If a Japstu lent
or any other student at one of our colleges
mixes up in a iow and gets the worst of
the argument let him take his medicine
like a man, just as other boys have to.
We're not educating Mollycoddles at our
universities, and if one of this sort bap-
pens to find bis way onto the campus let
him keep his place or take tbe conse
quences. This government is In all re
spects too big to meddle itself with mere
college-boy gcrappings, and the nation
that ia running around witb achip on its
shoulder must be made to understand
that Uncle Sam, while not hunting
trouble, is not tiie kind that takes to the
tall limbers when he meets It. Tbe Cali
fornia incident will right itself all right,
and if it shouldn't we're not In favor of
offering any governmental apologies; at
least not until il is known just how large
a head the Jap is wearing since bis tittle
"go" with the American youth.
His reluctance to being lionized only
serves to add to the popularity of Jack
Binns, the wireless operator on the
wrecked steamship Republic remarks the
Oil City Bl zzard. When the newspaper
reporters tried to interview him in New
York all he said was: "O, hell! I just
did my work. Of course, I was in dungor,
but think of Sea I by and Williama. Tt
seemed long time bo lore we picked up
lbs first answer to our ('. Q. D. and after
we did there was work to do. Tbe credit
belongs to Captain Healby and his crew
Wbat about my plans? I will roport to
tbe wireless company and likely be as
signed to some other ship. That's all I
know now." That's about all there was
to It, from Jack's point of view. Had be
been a nervous Frenchman or an exclta
ble Italian he might have imbroved tbe
opportunity to shoot himself, Jump over
board or com m it some other outlandisbly
rediculous act, but being an American
citizen, witb good red blood coursing in
bis veins, he simply did what an other
Anglo-Saxon would have done held bis
base and kept right on sawing wood. Our
people bave a pro ensity for doing
strange things. During tbe Spanish war
tbe Spaniards complained that Ibey could
not understand the American soldiers
"who when you shot at them, run at you
instead of running away." Of course
several millions of bis admiring lellow
citizens feel that they would like to shake
bands with Jack, not so much for his
heroism on hoard the sinking ship as for
his good common sense In Dot acquiring
a swollen bead.
New School Code for Peniisrlvanla.
A proposition to completely remodel
the school laws o' Pennsylvania will be
before the legislature at ibis session, and
in all probability will pass. It embodies
the recommendations of an expert oom
mission appointed by Governor Stuart
two years aito, and Involves nuny Impor
tant changes, which are pronounced ex
cellent ones by those who have given the
matter consideration.
The new law proposes to divide all the
school districts of tbe stati nto three
classes. Tbe first class includes I'bila
delpbiaand Pittsburg, where Ihe school
system is to be taken out of politics by
having tbe School Board appointed by the
Court, In tbe second class members of
the School Boards will be elected, their
names appearing in non-partisan columns
of the official ballot; and the same plan
will be followed in tbe third class, com
prising small boroughs and townships
having less than 5.000 population. The
new school code provides for a State
Board of Education, to be appointed by
the Governor, which shall assume con
trol of the construction ol school build
ings, and furnish plans tree of cost if
leaired, bave control in school sanitation,
standardize tbe educational system, and
supervise the examination of teachers
and the granting of permanent certifi
cates. All normal schools are to be made
a part of the public school system of tte
stale. County Superintendents are to be
elected by School Directors as before, hut
are to receive a minimum salary 01(1,500,
to be paid by the state. Enlarged powers
are given to local Boards of Education to
establish and maintain schools for teach-
ng sgriculture, manual training, domes
tic scionces, kindergartens, and so on as
demanded and needed. School furniture,
apparatus and text bonks are to be listed
by the State Board of Education at lowest
possible price, and text books cannot be
changed oftener than every five years.
Every male resident ol the state must pay
one dollar annually as a school tax, In
addition to any tax he may pay on real
estate or other property, and tbe forest
reservations of Ihe slate, which now
amounts to nearly a million acres, are to
be used to build up a state school fund.
Mrs. James Shreve and sister of Hast
ings visited Mrs, George Blum between
trains Alonday. Lottie Bloss returned
Monday to tbe home of her sister, Mrs.
O. E. Rupert, after a week's visit with
her mother in Sheffield. T. D. Collins
was in town Tuesday. Miss Marie
Wilcox is slowly recovering Irom an at
tack of the quinsy. Daniel Downey
and sou Earl attended the funeral of
Charles French at East Hickory, Wednes
day. O. K. Rupert attended band prac
tice at Mnyburg Wednesday evening, re
turning home on the morning train.
Robert Burdick and Win. Kelly were
delegates to Bluejay to help nominate
township officers for the spring election.
-OeorgeS. Downing, district superin
tendent, of North Clarendon, was a bust
ness visitor in town Tuesday of the paat
week. Mrs. Stephen Lytle of Ball town
visited ber sister, Mrs. E. A. Babcock, In
Kellettyllle, over Sunday. Robert
Downey, wife and two children visited
friends at Bluejay over Sunday. Mrs,
James Welsh visited Mrs. Hattie Lore
Friday afternoon. The South Penn
Oil Co. are erecting a power on the hill
above Sheriff for the purpose of pumping
the wells between Fools Creek and Sber
iff. There are fourteen men employed to
do tbe work. Charles Blum visited bis
parents at German Hill a couple days the
past week. Henry Cooper of Norlu
Clarendon was In town Tuesday on bust
ness. Miss Allaire spent Sunday witb
ber parents at Cherry Grove. Jack
Spencer Is once more at home to bis
friends on Curve street. Jack lias be,
come a fine housekeeper and good 'cook,
Mrs. Wm. Slocuin visited ber sister-in-law,
Mrs. James Slocura, of Bluefay,
Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Sara Gllles
pie Is on the sick list. Won. Kerr of
Truemans visited at tbe home of Wm,
Slocuin, Saturday,
Statkof Ohio City, okToledo, I
Locos County, i
Frank J. Cm bnky makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J
Cheney it Co., doing business in the
City ol Toledo, county and State afore
sal ', and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca-
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day ot December,
a. u, isuu.
seal. A. W. GLEASON,
A'otarv Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally
anil acts directly on the Wood, and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send lor
testimonials, free.
Two years ago my daughter stepped
on a needle, breaking It oft in the ball of
the foot, which swelled tip very painfully
swelling to the knee. The doctor at Go
wanda lanced tbe foot, but was unable to
find the needle. The X ray was applied,
and we could see the noodle. We then
applied San-Cura Ointment, thick as a
poultice, and after four applications the
needle made its appearance, (just as Mr.
Thompson said it wauld) and was taken
out to the great relief of my daughter,
aim an me lmiily, as she bad an Herod
great deal, and every step pained her.
Mrh. James Hitchcock.
CVutrovllht, Pn,
Mary Leatba Bennett, widow of the
late Robert L Elder, died at ber borne In
Claysville, Washington county, Jan. 23,
1909, aged 01 years. Deceased was the
mother ol Mrs J. P. Uuling of Tlonesls,
who was present at the funeral, which
was held at East Brady on tbe 2oth tilt.
Mrs. Elder was born near Riuieraburg,
Clarion oounty, and In her younger days
was a school teacher In her borne com
munity. Shortly alter ber marriage, 41
years ago, she united with the M. E.
church and bad remained a devoted
member of that church to the day of ber
death. Besides Mrs. Uullnga, the do
ceased Is survived by four other daugh
ters and one son.
Sarah Carr Gorman, wife of Eugene L.
Gorman, was born In Albany, N. Y.,
January 8, 1863, and died at the Oil City
hospital, Tuesday evening, Januaay 20,
1009. Brief note of this sad death was
made in tbe Rkfoblican Wednesday,
On that day the Infant dsjgbter, born a
few hours prior to tbe mother's death,
also expired, and both were I liter ed in
one grave in the cemetery at East Hick
ory on Thursday, 28tb ult.
Mrs. Gorman came to Tloneata witbber
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, up
ward of thirty years ago, and grew lo
yonng w 'manhood In tbia place. She
was married to Etiuene L. Gorman and
their residence since then bad been at
Endeavor, Pa., a period of nearly 25
years. She was a woman of rare good
sense, possessing all Ihe belter trails of
character peculiar to true womanhood,
and through ber quiet, ladylike bearing
and pleasant disposition she won and re
tained a host of friends who honored nnd
respected her in a blgli deicree. She early
embraced tbe religion of Christ, and the
cburcb and its kindred societies found in
ber a most willing and elUciont worker,
In ber household she excelled as a wife
and mother, having the comfort, peace
andwellbeing of her husband and cliil
dren always uppermost In mind, and the
stesdy babtts and clean character of tbe
two sons sbe leaves behind fully attest the
success with which tbe loving mother
reared and nurtured. Tbe community in
which Mrs. Gorman spent so many years
of ber life will miss ber as few would be
missed, and to tbe church, the Endeavor,
the W. R. C, the W. C. T. U., in all of
which sbe was an active and loyal mem
ber, have sustained a loss that is well
nigh irreparable. Besides tbe aged par
ents, residing at West Hickory, the bus-
band and two sons, Clyde of Warren, and
Charles at home, the deceased is survived
by three brothers Andrew Carrof Frank
lin, and Frauk and Jay Carr of Bradford.
Appropriate and Impressive funeral
services, conducted by her pastor, Rev.
J. F Scherer of the Presbyterian cburcb
of Endeavor, were held at ber late borne,
the obsequies being attended by a very
large concourse of sincere friends, whose
heartfelt sympathy goes nut to the be
reaved ones in tbia sad hour.
Neighborhood Notes.
An item has been going tbe rounds of
the press of Western Pennsylvania warn
ing people lo be on the lookout for a
counterfeit silver dollar.
Four retail and one wholesale liquor
dealers, doing business in Titusville,
have been arrested, being charged witb
selling liquor to minors.
Seur Wood in, 80 years old, wbo during
the gold excitement of 18-10 made Ihe
overland trip to California, hanged him
self Monday in his bedroom, at Corry.
Frank Dunlap, a former well known
resident of New Castle, suicided by
drinking carbolic acid last week at his
home In Denver, Col. A Denver news
paper received by a friend savs that be
bad dissipated a fortune of $100,000.
Mrs. Ella Harry, of Sharon, Pa., who
was arrested recently charged with mur
dering her husband, James Hairy, on the
tiight of last Thanksgiving, was given a
bearing Fnday morning, and she con
fessed, stating that on the night of the
tragedy she followed her husband from
the bouse and shot him in tbe back.
A Coiiiinnii Cold.
We claim that if catch inir cold could be
avoided some of tbe most dangerous and
fatal diseases would never be heard of.
A cold olten forms a culture bed for
germs of In feci Ions diseases. Consump
tion, pneumonia, diptheria and scarlet
fever, for of tbe n ost daneerous and fatal
diseases, are ol this class. Tbe culture
bed formed by the cold favores the (level-
opmentof tbe germs of these diseases,
inai wouia not otherwise find lodgment.
There is little danger, however, of any of
these diseases beiuir contracted when a
good expectorant cough medicine like
unamuerlaln's Cough Remedy Is used.
It cleans out culture beds that favor
tbe development of tbe germs of these
diseases. That la why this remedy has
proved so universally successful in nre
venting pneumonia. It not only cures
your cold quickly, but minimizes tbe
risk or contracting these dangerous dls
eases. For sale by Dunn Fulton.
A child of Harry Fisber, Drake st Ti
tusvllle, Pa., was completely cured of
wetting the bed by taking "Barosma,
which made a strong and healthy child in
a short time. Barosma is pleasant to tbe
taste and strengthens the Stomach, Livei
Kidneys and Bladder,
Cheap Rates to the Northwest.
During March and April reduced one
way rates will be in effect via tbe Wis
oonsln Cenfal Ry tn points in Montana,
Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Co
lumbia, Alberta, etc.; also round trip
hnmeseekers' rates first and third Tues
day of each month. Special party leaves
Erie on March 2d. For rates and partic
ulars write W. H. Allen, D. P. A., Erie,
Pa. 2 3 il
Woods Liver Medicine in llnuld form
regulates tbe liver relieves sick headache
constipation stomach, kidney disorders
and acts as a gentle laxative. For chills
lever and malaria. Its tonic effects on
tbe system felt with the first dose. The
Jl 00 bottle contains 2)4 times as much as
tua wo size. Sold by J. H. Morgan,
l.nnif Hiouhtrr.
This is a common form of muscular
rheumatism. No internal treatment I
needed. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment
freely three limes a day and a quick cure
Is certaiu. This liniment has proven es
pecially valuable for muscular and
chronic rheumatism. Sold by Dunn k
Poor Air and Poor Living.
When .Tim Ilrlder, the one time fa
mous scout of the plnlns, grew old he
thought ho would like to retire from
the somewhat nrduoti life of a plains
man nnd settle down to the case of
"Ihe east," which to him meant Mis
souri. ro lie used his best endeavor
to find : 'oiniielent man to fill bis
place and went back to Missouri.
A year or two passed, and one (lay
Captain Russell, Hie commandant of
the post which ISiidger had left, was
surprised to see the old scout heave
In sight. When he came In the cap
tain asked:
"Well, Bridge r, what brings you back
"Captain," said liridger, "I want to
go back to scouting again."
"Indeed? Why. I thought you had
settled down in the east for the rest of
your life!"
"Well, cap'n, I'll tell you bow It Is.
I went back to old Missouri, and If
you'll believe It they've got n railroad
station within ten mile o' the old place
yes, sir, a railroad station! And,
what's more, they've got n ranch now
In every four mile. I tell you what,
enp'n, the nlr ain't pure down there
no more!"
"Is that possible? But I thought
you'd like the good things to eat they
have down there. You like good things
to eat. I remember."
"flood things to eat! Why, cap'n, I
didn't have a br'iled beaver tall the
whole time I was there!"
The First Cookbook.
To the Romans belong the honor of
having produced the first European
cookery book, and, though the author
ship Is uncertain. It In-generally attrib
uted to Caollus Apictis, who lived un
der Trajan, 114 A. P. Here are two
recipes from this ancient collection:
"First, for a sauce to be eaten with
boiled fowl, put the following Ingredi
ents Into a mortar: Aniseed, dried mint
and Inzer root. Cover them with Tine
gar, add dales and pour In llquamen
(a distilled liquor made from large fish
which were salted and allowed to turn
putrid In the stuil, oil and ft small
quantity of mustard seeds. Reduce all
to n proper thickness with sweet wlno
warmed, and then pour this same over
your chicken, which should previously
be boiled In aniseed water."
The second recipe shows the same
queer mixture of ingredients: "Take
n wheelbarrow of rose leaves and
pound In n mortar; add lo It brains of
two pigs nnd two thrushes boiled and
mixed with the chopped up yoke of
e?g, oil, vinegar, pepper nnd wine.
Mix and pour these together nnd stew
them steadily and slowly till the per
fume Is developed." Chambers' Jour
nal. All who have gardens know what a
post the green fly. or aphis, becomes. It
seems to cover rose trees ond other
plantsjlke magic.
Itrnson Enthroned.
Because meats are so tssty tbey are
consumed in great excess. This leads to
stomach trouble, biliousness and consti
pation. Revise your diet, let reason and
not a pampered appetite control, then
take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablots and you will soon
be well again. Try il. For sale at Dunn
& Fulton's drug store: Samples free.
A pill in time that will gave nine is
Rinus Lntle Livor Pill. For biliousness.
sick headache, constipation. They do not
gripe. Price 25c. Sold by J. R. Morgan.
Low Ilomeseekers' Rates tla Nickel
Pluto Road,
To points in the We-t, Northwest, South
west and Southeast, February 2d and
10th. Ask Agent or write J. C. Melen-
hacker, I). P. A.. Erie. Pa. 1-20 4t-l
Confirmation A'otlee.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have been filed in my office
and will bo presented at tbe next term of
Court, beginning on the Fourth Monday
of February, 1900, for confirmation :
First and tinal account of G. W. war
den. Executor of the last will and testa
ment of John Brechl, late of Hickory
township. Forest county, Pa .deceased.
r irst and final account ot w. r. fer-
ringer. Administrator of the estate of
Mary Ann Gloss, late of Tloneata bor-
oiibIi. Forest county, Pa., deceased.
final account of James T Hose, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Sarah Groce,
late of Jenks townahip, Forest county,
ra., deceased.
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Tioneata, Pa., January 25. 1909.
Wiikrkah, Tbo Hon. Wm. E. Kie.e,
President Judge of thcrCourt of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and Genoral
Jail Delivery, at Tionnsta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on
the Fourth Monday of February, being
the 22d day of February. liJO'J. No
tice is therefore givon to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that thoy be then
and -there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ot said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to tlieir office appertain to be done,
and U those w ho are bou nd i n recogn izance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in thojail of Forest County, that
nicy may uo tiion aim mere to prosecute
against thorn as shall be just. Given un
der my hand and seal this 25th day of
January, A. D. 1909.
8. K. MAXWELL, L.8. Sheriff.
List of causes set down for trial In the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Fourth Monday of February, 1909:
1. Citizens National Bank vs Q Jam
ieson. No. 23, May term, 1907. Sum
mons in assumpsit.
2. Citizens Nationalllaok vs. W, G,
Wyman. No. 2i. May term, 1907. Sum
mons in assumpsit
3. Citizens National Bank vs. Joseph
W. Landers et al. No. 25, May term,
1907. Numinous in assumpsit,
4 Citizens National Bank vs. John R.
Osgood et al. No. 20, May term, 1907.
Summons in assumpsit.
5. Citizens National Bank vs. William
G. Wyman et al. No. 27, May term, 1907.
Summons in assumpsit.
0. Lilly Hillard vs. W. J. Mohney.
No. 2(1, September term, 1908. Appeal
from J. P.
7. Frank B. Bobbins, Libellant vs.
Harriet Rol-hins, Respondent. No. 19,
May term. I90S Divorce.
8. G II. Fulmer vs. (. N. White. O.
W. Fulmer No. 9. November term,
1!KW Hhenlfs interpleader.
9. William E. Paulson et al. vs. Nan
cy shields el al. No. 1, September term,
1908. (Summons in assumpsit
Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Thflievu, Pa., Jauuary 2 1P09.
Special I
I Values
1 for Men.
I Trousers,
1 Regular price $150 to (3,
? reduced one-fourth.
Working Coats,
Mackinawg, regular price
I $1 50 to $3.50. reduced one-
50 cent values 42 ceits.
$1 value 84 ceuts.
$ Xeckwear,
50 cent values 42 ceuts.
All tbe better grades reduced
one fourth. One lot at half
Boy a Suits,
About a dozen Boys' Winter
Weight Suits, Knee Trousers,
reduced one-third.
Sigworth & Hcpler
Having recently purchased the A
G. Urey livery stable, we are making
many improvements to keep the ser
vice first-class and up-to-date. New
horses and carriages will be added
and we guarantee to our patrons tbe
best turn outs to be had, courteous
attention, and reasonable rates.
Come and see us.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
A ,L ifc ili il J. iti J. Infc t J ti 1 t t t 1 1 i
You Are
Handicapped J
if Yoir
Clothes Are !
Not Right.
An ill fitting or unbecom
ing Suit is a serious handicap
and a great mistake.
I make the kind of clothes
that discriminating men
should wear. Cut, trimmed
and made to individual taste.
Prices no more than the
commonplace kind will cost.
Better let me show ynu
Suits from $18 up
Win. 1. Dechaiit,
, The Tailor,
Tionesta, i'enna.
Repairs Hollers Mills,
Tanks, Agitators. Iluy
and Nells Hecond - hand
Rollers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CITY, PA.
Fits Your Machine and Lasts Forever
Never Breaks, Never Wears Out
Purer, Clearer, More Brilliant Tone
Buy Columbia Indestructible Records because they are really
indestructible and you will keep on buying them because of their
incomparably full, clear tone.
They fit your machine! Cost 35 cents! Get a catalog.
A splendid repertoire to choose from and we are adding to
it right along.
What about it for this winter? If not fully fitted out In
this respect let us figure witb you on a new
Our stock is complete and our line is tbe best ever ban
died in this town. We can save you money on either Gas,
Wood or Coal Stoves.
M All sons of
jgj Horse Blankets and Furnishings
Kx For the Horseman or Teamster.
j -
Do You Want
rjrj Come and see us before you
Buggies and Wagons, and
Everything in Hardware.
J. C. Scowden, - Tionesta, Pa.
Time Deposits Solicited.
A. Watnk Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, O. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugb,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Ritohev. J. T. Dale, A. B. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all tbe benedts consistent with conservative banking. Interest pld on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solloited.
Last Week
Of the Winter Campaign, but whether
the Ground ILg sees bis shadow or
not there will be six weeks of winter
to come that's where you come iu.
Our sale closed Saturday uight
after ten days of Cracker Jsck busi
ness. Still too many Suits and Over
coats to carry over, though. Conse
queotly we are forced to make
One Last Des
perate Cut on
and Overcoats.
During this week only, we have
divided All Our Men's Overcoats and
Suits into tbrre different lots as fol
lows: Lot N'. 1 Spot cash, sale price
$8 50, includes Suits and Overco ts
sold at S15
Lot No 2 Spot cash, sale price
812, includes Suits and Overcoats
sold at 81 H
Lot No 3 Spot Cash, Bile price
815, includes Suits and Overcoats
sold at $25.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST . ,
Jacks & Mules
KAie Mints mid get rich.
Ulii fine, Urge lck, Jennie-
mid Mules, 14 to IT
rinnils liih, weigh from
11V to I.Miu Ibl.-guwl on
chenp now. I will pay a
pit of buyer's K. K. fare
ami shipping. Stockgtiar
nntrel. Write for pricea
a Fine Sleigh? .
buy. We save you money.
Will pay Four Per Cent, per Annum
Wm. Smkarbauoh,
Vice President
Now's the
To Buy Shoes.
Our Mid Wiuter Cleiranee Sale
will commeuce Saturday, January
28th, and continue for
Two Weeks Only
This is an annual event, that every
patron of this Shoe Store knows all
It's simply our way of averting the
oecessitj ol carrying Shoes from sea
sou to season. A good, sound busi
ness proposiiiou.
Attend our Great Shoe Sale. It
will pay you well to do so.
Cor. Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Eleotrio Oil. Guaranteed for'
Kbeumatism, Sprains, Sore
Kent, PalnH. Ao. At all dnalnm
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cougb.