rr: f T perty ilh the Arner Agency, epresent tbe leadinc Firs Tnmir. Companies of the world, and can re you attainst loaa at lowest rates. a are agents in tbia county for the IE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO., "Vi furnish security for County ials. bank nlilninln am. Y If you want to uy or Sell Properly. jsu.lt our Real Estate department We ' . a "Peclalty of tbia line of work and satisfy you. I I. II. Mil & SDN, . )NESTAandKELLETTVILLE,PA. imii & Milan i Pharmacy Today and sio-morrow Tie-Half t Price ' , - on the bakacot our stock of Dolls, Doll Beds, and Children's Dishes. 1 DUNN & FULTON PHARMACY sKMaJiai ','fr,fr,fr'HMl,,fr Enlarged Quarters. A Cash Investment. All money paWp Wairen Business Col lens tor tuition may he applied to stock in tbe business. We bave just ad ded a new. large and .best lighted Com mercial RiKfm lii the'eouutry. ,' We will add more rooms and new departments as mi ?Au" Our students are nu,r advertis ers. Write for deiaifc of this offer. It Is a real business proposition lor co-operation, education and Investment. . Open ing January 4. 1900. " ' . Wnnroii llutiiiems College, ' C.W. SMITH, President, Warren, Pa. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. t.amninrs. Ad. . . ' Wm. II. James. Ad. i Dunn A Kulton. Ad. The MciCuen Co. Ad. Oil City Trust Co. Ad. , Franklin Trust Co. Ad. Clarion Normal. Local. Kmart t Silherbflrg. Ad. Kilinnnro Nor"!- Local. Mnnari'hOIl,Hnel. Ad. J"jmle Snu" vVks. Local. W w .usinewCollr. Ad. f" 4 Son Ad. and Lcal. " Telephone. Slockbolt i ket closed at $1.78. ! V subscription paid? ' et it at Hopkins' store. ,f from this ofUee next wen. to write it , r - t nil please, an; wty youe. It 98, best form, for; sale U jes, fo.00 until Christ- ' merry Christmas and a erous New Year, d K d Glove for gifts. La i's, $1.00. Robinson's. H .ay nas tbe shortest day of the and now. tbe days are growing joser again, (banks. y When you are looking for useful CbrlHtmas presents, the kind that are ap preciated, call at Hopkins' Store. It i Several aurea of smooth, glary ice at t)ie riwfnth Of the creek has afford! splenrilA skating furtlfe past few days. V. HopkluS'THtm-Uup Jo Its old stand- ofjI In lha Phrtnl iiihh linn. AnvthlnirVOU '. can think ofand all you wantof It. Com in befort' lbs best selection" are gone. It - Wanted.' Second growth white oak spoke timber, at -$7.60 to $4.60 per cord, delivered, or will name prices from any station. Eagle Spoke Works, Oil. City, 1'a. v tf J -The young folks have Issued invita ,,. lions- lor a dancing party In ISovard's Hall, Tuesday evening, December 29th. Coleman's orchestra, of Titusville, will furnixh the music. Expenses low; advantages superior; line location; easily accessible. Clarion State Normal School. Write for cata logue anil Illustrated matter to J. George Ktcbt, Principal, Clarion, Pa. It Following is the list of letters lying uncalled for in the Tionesta, Pa., post- ofllee Tor week ending December 23, 1008: Mrs. Kred Anderson. D. S. Knox, P. M. Why not pet a nice bat for a Christ inas present? Now is your cbance. Am selling all trimmed bats at a very low price. Hive us a call. Mrs. Sanuhook'h Millinery Store, The State offers free tuition to proa pective teachers at the Edinbnro State Normal School. Mudenis may enteral any time. Winter term opens January 4 1!H)!). Catalogue f.-ee. John F. Bigler, Principal. -George IJ. Lowe of Jar Charles and Clarence K' N. Y., recently com! showing up for fourth sand, c ' near Nell1' It and is te i, No Paper Next Week. To Rki'Dblican will Dot be issued next week on acoounl of holidays. Tbe next Issue will be on January 6, 1909. In tbeneantime we extend best wishes to II Our patrons and friends tor s Merry Cbiistmas and a hippy and prosperous New Year. Drs. Delar and Siggina successfully opoUted upon W. J. Miller at Kellett vllls for kidney trouble on Thursday last, since which time tbe patient has been doing well, and bis pbysiolans expect his ultimate recovery, A a result of a widespread Inspec tion (if tbe vinegar sold In tbe State, sgeDts of the Slate Dairy and Food De partment have discovered wholesale use of chemicals, A number of prosecutions in interior countries will b filed, The fine dwelling bouse ef Calvin Aul, located on the Lamona road about a mile beyond Marienville, burned to the grouod last Wednesday night, together with all the household goods and con tents, entailing a heavy loss on the owner. Congressman Wheeler has recom mended the appointment of John M. Reed, Jr., or Oil City to a cadetshlp in tbe U. S. Military Academy at West Point. Tue young man is a graduate of St. John's military academy at Manlius, N. Y. " . TheEpworth League will hold a mar ket at the Sandrock millinery store on Thursday, Deo. 24th, begiuning at 2:00 o'clock. Many good things uecessary to make Christmas festivities complete will be on sale, such as cakes,' pies, candy, popcorn, etc. A Merry Christmas Is possiblCT'bnly to tbe one who is possessed of tbe true Christmas spirit not the spirits which. too otten, are no lap at the Yuletide sea son, says the BradfordaEra, which "con clude with the admonition: Remember t-tbst, young man, . Your statnTHgry la your aent repre sentative. If you sell fine goods that are up-to-date in superior quality It ought to be reflectrd In' your printing. We pro duce the kind that you need and will Dot feel ashamed of. That la the only kind It pays to send out.. Send your orders to this office. ." -., , 4 A large number of the members of Ol'ive Lodge. No, 657, tbe Maaonio fra ternity of this place, will sit down to their annual banquet this evening, which will be prepared and served at the Central, and tbe reputation of that popular hos telry la tbls line Is a guarantee tbat the brethren will not lack for good things to at. Tbe building in which the postofilce at Vowlnckel was located was burned to th ground last Friday night and all of its contents, Including tbe mall, were des troyed by the fire. Tbe Zagat house standing next to the. pont&iUce wss also destroyed with most of Its contents. The exact loss is unknown. -Clarion DeuiiP urat. .! 4t '. Th Mothers Club of Endeavor met at Kindergarten .Hall on the 10th Inst., and after th subject, " How to Prepare for Christmas," was well discussed by the thirty-foar ladies present, "M fss Mc luty re gave solo..' Tueu" followed a so cial hour and refreshments, wbioJ the ladies always look forward to and enjoy very much. X , If you recAsa catalogue from an out-of-town firm ntfering you certain article at a certain pJce, go and ark your home doaler about it and see If he csonot duplicate It. You Oofc't know you are getting whaV'JOtt re paying forwhen you buy fro to oji4ef4owa but tbe'hotne dealer is al fay jpyfeo fciake good if thing sre not as be saysVUive bim a chance. Why not whistle? It lilJi the salety valve aud permits tbe escape of tbe blues. A whistling mad Is oue of whom none need bo afraid. Every boy whistles. Some girls Jry to whistle. It is a natural aul. It is as easy as swearing, serves as good puipdbe-sud leaves the conscience in better condition. Try whistling your way through fhPnew year, instead of swearing. Meacyallle Star. .-J. Q.-Krr prominent citizen of Bructon, N. Y., died at tbe General hoa petal, JJuflalo, on Wednesday last, sged 49 years. His wife, who was Crlssle Sinatbers, a cousin of. Our townsladies, Mrs. Joseph Morgan and Mrs. H. E. Moodv. survives, together with aix child ren. Tbe couple visited in Tionesta last summer. Mr. Jrb was a relative ol tne late Joseph Erb of West Hickory, .whose death occurred at Kane about a month ago. - - The rain of last Thursday Digbt and Friday, together with the melting snow did lots of good, but still morj is needed to fill tbe wells and springs throughout tie country. Tbe water In the river raised sufficiently to allow the Forest Barge company at Iliokory to get their twodjozeior more big boats so shaped aroutk'J as to make them comparatively safe in case of a break-up later on. The company will not attempt to run them before spring, ' Archibald Gilflllan, well known to many Forest county people aa a former lumbermau within its borders, died at a hospital at Elk'ns, W, Va, on Saturday morning last. About ten days agthe be came ill at May, W. Va., where he was loking after his lumbering business, and was taken to tbe hospital for treat ment, and his family, residing In Clarion, notified. His wife hastened to bis bed side and was with bim when tbe end oame, Brighl's disease Is the reported cause of his death. Mr. Gilflllan was Kited 63 years. Besides his wife, who is tbe oldest daughter of Porter Haskell of Clarion, one son and four daughters sur vive. The body was brought to Clarion for Interment. After you get angry and stop your paper, just poke your fiugor Into water, pull it out, and look at the hole. Then you know bow sadly you are missed. A man who thinks a paper cannot thrive without bis support ought to go off aud stay awhile. When be comes back half his friends .will not know he has goue and the other half will not care, while the world at large kept no account of his movements. You will find things you cannot endorse in every paper. Tbe "Book of Books" Is often very plain and bits some haid raps, but II you were to get mad and burn your Bible tbe hun dreds of presses would go on printing It. 8o whsn you stop your paper and call the editor pames tbe paper will still be pub lissed, mid what is tuoreyju will read it on tb'es!y 1! Artistio calendars for the new year have reached this office as follows: S. S. Sigworth, hardware; Jas. D. Davis, agent of the Economlo Life Insurance Co.; Cal vin M. Arner, Insurauce and real estate; W m. M. Myers special agent of tbe Mu tual Life Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J.; Nickel Plate By." ' All those who are interested In a rapid return ol the better days should not forget that each individual contributes his share either to the gloom or sunshine of life In proportion to the use be makes of bis opportunities. It baa been Baid tbat one cheery optimist can change tbe gloom of an audience, and every one wlo la disposed to help along the returnJof normal conditions should remember Pat the obligation rests open. fOr each too his or her part. Ex? i ' ' 4. L. L. Zuver hasvhis news stand next to tb postofilce In 'good Tawnlng or(j4. wber0 can be found all the daily- and aru.lrlTI dut a 1M Ka-m . 1 1 .... UMg buii. uviia WW! jyl good selection of monthly tnagazldirV "P18 " maae-oi picture, framing fc l Joseph yce, who spent ah Ipai WerfronsvUn line of buildings- 1nA6ver8l ln 80mer8et oountj.l mk.- .PrUs very Veasonablend.wor TliUn Tionesta friends. 1 , nnibT promptly . Aof goodmeleotion of framed pictures for glA puoies, well as souvfenlr postals. Kmejjaber 1! pisce ana give nim a can Tbe Yenango county bar association, consisting of all the lawyers in the coun ty,, has unanimously endorsed Judge GeorgeS. '.Crlswell for the seat on tbe Supreme bench soon to be made vacant by the expiration of Justice Mitchell's term, and will urge his candidacy before tbe next Republican State convention for nomifistlon by that party. Judge Cria well standftilgh to the estimation of tbe people of Western' Pennsylvania, who would rejoice to bear of his nomination. "J-Tbe iuiiJi oflhe postotlice depart- mentto Uie effoot that publishers must not extend ci e3U cn subscription beyond a year is still in farce, There are still a few on out list i(h'o come under this pro vision of the law, and these must not be surprise If their names are taken from the list aud th amount against them Is plaoed in tbe .bauds of a collector. We do this not from choice, but bave been ex ceptionally patient, we think, in the mat ter, ant! patience ceases to be a virtue in the course of time. . S. H, Bell to-day brought to this oflice a newspaper clipping showing tbe tabu lated vote of Venango county In 1834. What Is noWForest county was then a portion of Venango county and the total vote was approximately 1,250. Frank lin's total-ioto was only a little over 300. Tnate were netenteen voting precincts, as follows: Franklin, Canal, Plum, Cherry tree, Cbrnplanter, Allegheny, Tionesta, PijifSjave, Farmington, Paint, Elk, Bea- aiaRjbland, Hock land, Cranberry, Ir win, Sorubgrass. Franklin News. ' . The borough schools closed last night for tbe holiday vacation and will reopen on Mijuday morning, Jan. 4tb. Rooms Nop. laud 2, under the direction of the teachers, Misses Pease and Osgood, bad Christmas trees and a treat for tbe schol ars. Room No 3, Miss Herman, teacher, observed fbe occasion with a Christmas pi.e and a treat for tbe scholars. And it is perhaps needless to state that these fes tivities were thoroughly enjoyed by the children, as well as by a number of the patrons of tbe school in atteudance. George-M. -Nellis, of this place, whose wife died Sunday morning, Is doubly bereaved, having been notified of the death of bis brother, Robert C. Nellis, which occurred Monday morning at his borne At Sbippenville, Pa., after an Ill ness of two months of dropsy ol the heart. The deceased was aged about 60 yeara and bad been a resident of Sbip penville for twenty years, bearing tbe respect and esteem ol tbe community. He is survived by bis wife, two sons and two daughters; also by four brothers and one sister, . The funeral services will be held Thursdsy afWnoon at two o'clock in tbe Sbippenville M. E. church, of which be was It member. Mrs. Nannie Foreman Nellis, wife of George M. Nellls, died at tbe family home iu this borough Sunday morning last, at 8 o'clock, after a protracted illness from diabetes. Besides the husband, three daughters, one of whom Is married to Earl Kelly and resides in this plsce, and one son, survive her. Mrs. Nellls wss aged 43 years, and her home at the time of her marriage with Mr. Nellis was at LHelen Furnace, Clarlnu county, In which county tbe family made their home for a number ol years. They also lived at Pleasantvllle several yeargi and just prior to. their removal to the borough, they lived on the Kelly farm on Tionesta creek, three miles from hern. Funeral services were conducted at her late home Monday eveuing by Rev. W. O. Calhoun, and yesterday the remains were taken to Scotch Hill, Pa., for Interment. In Blair county the teachers' Institute just concluded adopted a resolution ask ing the legislature to repeal or so ameud tbe vaccination law tbat it will entail th lea-t possible hardship upon children physically unable to undergo vacolnallon. There is quite a widespread opposition to the compulsory vaccination law, and It will be no surprise if tbe subject is brought before tbe legislature at the com ing session, says an exchange. And why shouldn't there UB opposition? Tbe helo ousness of subjecting tbe little children to the tortures of vacolnation or depriving them of an education, and allowing every other human being to roam about and spread contagion broadcast If be will, should easily be epp rent to any one. School children d not spread smallpox. This fuct ought to be beaten luto the pates of the vacoinatioi) orHnas once and for kll, and the law as It relates to tbe innooent little ones should be repealed without further nonsense. For that Dull Feeling Alter Fating. I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, and can testily tbat they bave done me more good than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull fueling alter eating. Dsvld Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and improve tbe digestion. They also regulate tbe liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills but cost no more. Get a free sample at Dunn & Ful ton's drug Btore and sue what a splendid medicine it is. Stockholders' Meeting. Tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of the Red Bauk Telephone Company will be held In the Opera House, at Brookvllle, Pa., January 10th, 1909, at 9 o'clock a. ru. Jambs Owenh, General Manager, S'trtrttanvllfe,1 p'a'.i Dec. S1-, l'do'S. PERSONAL. . James Shrlver Is convalesceing from a severe attack of pneumonia. Lewis Berhens of Starr was transact ing business in town Monday. Will 8cott of Oil City was a guest of Russell Hopk Ins over Sunday. Congressman and Mrs. N. P. Wheeler are home to spend the holidays. Miss Mary Bates is a guest at tbe borne of ber aunt, Mrs.' A. B. Kelly. ' Sammy Saylor is ' down from Ridg way to spend tbe holidays with Tionesta friends.. r. -H. P. Ralston, of Whig Hilt was a business caller at tbe Republic of fice yesterday. rt Mr. Harvey G-. Klser, of Tarentuni. is paying visit Whei; parents, Mr. aodl Frank iMorgasf returns toda'y'lg'bls home In ArtCeesport, Pa., after a-visit with bis parents here 7 ' past Is visiting Tionesta friends. ' a ik r . . , , PV' I;"w"' w" wss in tq-vn enrolling students for tbe Hoff Busjatos liege of that place, a day or two of fast eek. A son was born yesterday to Mr. an Mrs. Daniel Lytleof Slverly. The moth er is a sister of Mrs. F. S. Hunter of this piece. Harry Carson, who has been em ployed in Oil City by tbe Snyder Eleo-. tricsl Co. of Pittsburg, is home for tbe holidays. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Watson returned Tuesday afternoon from their visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Buzard, in Lamison, Alabama. A. T. Brookbouaer has goue to Ulica, Venango county for a stay of seveial weeks to recuperate bis health which has been quite poor of late. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Horner, who have been visiting friends In Kane for the past week, returned to their home In Tionesta today. Kane Republican, 22d. Miss Bertha Lawrence gave a de lightful aix o'clock dinner Friday eve ning in honor of ber friend Miss Leona Soowden, whose marriage took plsce yesterday. Tionesta friends of Hon. and Mrs. John II. Robertson bsve been Informed tbat tbey bave moved from Portland, Oregon, to Seattle, Wash., where tbey have taken up their residence perma nently. E. E. Norton, the well known lum berman, has gone east where be will, in the interests of Forest county capitalists, look oyer and perhaps estimate a large tract of standing timber In New England. -Titusville Herald. Jack Pryor Buzard ia tbe name of the son born to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Buzard, of Lamison, Ala., recently, cards an nouncing tbe important event having been received by the many northern friends of tbe happy parents. Adam Sibble, of German Hill, who has suffered much during tbe past year with heart trouble, returned Monday evening from a week's stay at Buflalo under treat nent of a specialist, feeling considerable relief from bis ailment. Miss Mary Wolfe, teacher of tbe Blocher school Iu Tionesta township, re signed ber position last week. We are also informed tbat tbe Jeffries school in Barnett township bas been closed by the school board on account of a lack ol scholars to attend. Home from school for tbe holiday vacation: Curtis Proper, Slippery Rock Normal; Charles Imel, State Colleg ; Glenn Henry, University of Pennsyl vania; Dallas Reck, Meadville Commer cial College; Miss Muriel Dunn, Warren high school; Miss Sarah Carson, Clarion Normal. Ralph Henry, who has been em ployed by tbe Standard Casket Hardware Co. at Youngstown, Ohio, came home Tuesday afternoon. Ted Clark, em ployed at the same place, arrived home last week and Leo Thomson will be home Thursday. Ail of these for the holiday shutdown aud vacation. Tbe sick: G. W. Robinson, who has had a pretty sever" attack ot grip, Is much better. Capt. Knox is slowly Im proving from a severe attack of cold and grip. 8. S. Canfield is holding his own pretty well and is making a plucky light to regain bis health, but may be confined to tbe bouse during tbe greater portion of the winter. H. M. Zahniser is able to go out again and bopes soon to take up bis work at ihe forge once more. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Black, of Dunle vie, W. Va., are spending the holiday season with tbe latter' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mealy, in Tionesta town ship, and will also visit Mr. Black's par ents at Knox, Pa., before returning home about the first of the year. Mr. Black is employed in the yards of Flint, Ervlng t Stoner, who bave a large lumber plant at Dunlevie. We are indebted to him for a ploasant, call and a renewal of his subscription. The young ladles of Nebraska gave a leap-year party to their gentlemen friends Friday evening In the K. O. T. M. Hall, which proved a decidedly pleasant affair. The party consisted of fourteen in all seven ladles and seven) gentlemen and the out-bT-town guests were rr. Allen and Earl Small of Sheffield, kiss Tresaa Obenrider of Fry burg, and Miss Flutta Piatt of Franklin. The ' young ladies served nice freshmen ts and did tbe honor. elegantly, but hearts failed" fliein when ICcame to escorting the gentlemen home, so tbe latterperToruied that pleas ant duty. ft , tVlstiiias Presents. A new suit, aa overcoat, a new bat, shirt or necktie. Any ot them would make a dandy Christmas present. Hop kins bss lots of them. it Pineules lor tbe Kidney are little golden globules which act directly on the kidnuys. A trial will convince you of quick results for Backache, Rheumatism, Lumbago and tired wnrnout feeling. 80 days' trial $1 00. Tbey purify the blood. Sold by J. K. Morgan. Notice. The Stockholders of the Forest County National Bank of Tionesta, Pa., will meet on Tuesday, January 12, 1000, st - o'clock p. iu., at the otilce of tbe bank, for the purpose of tbe election of directors for tbe ensuing year, 12-2-41 A. B. Kelly, Cash lor. Colds contracted at this season of tbe year are quickly relieved with Bees Lax ative Cough Syrup. Its laxi' ality rids the system of the r l to take. Best for cbildre' ds, croon and whoooins R. Morgan, Happily Wedded. The marriage of Mr. Albert W. Zaho leiter and Miss Flora Leona Scowdeo, wss solemnized at the home of tbe bride' parent, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph C. Scow den, at 9:30 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, De cember 22, 1908, and though quiet and unostentatious, was a very pretty affair. Rev. W. O. Calhoun, of tbe Methodist Episcopal church, was tbe officiating clergymau, and the bride and groom were unattended, and but two of the bride's most Intimate young lady frieuds, aside from ber immediate Jamily, witnessed the happy consummation of tbe marriage vows. The bride was tbe recipient of a number of very; beautiful and costly presents,, from out-of-town and home friends. At 11 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Zabn lelter took their departure for Pittsburg, where they will reside in the future and where, at 2451 Lyons Ave, North Side, tbey will be afc borne to tholr,. many friends afti r January first. Tbe Bride is one of Tionesta' falresf-and most popular young ladies, wbo has always numbered ber friends by the circle of her acquain tanceship, and ber departure, even under such pleasant auspices, is regretted by all. Tbe fortunite young brldegrodm, is a Dative of New Britain, Conn.", where his psrents reside. By steady, persistent ef fort be bas acquired a thorough education as a draftsnian, and as such holds a re sponsible position with a prominent Pittsburc Irm. Blesslnars and best p wishes for p long and bappiy voyage from all our people go with the young couple as tbey epibark upou the matrimonial 80S. 2 ClirlstnuH J n the Kiiiidayticuools. The Presbyterian Sabbath bebool will give Its annual Christmas entertainment on Thursday evening, beginniug at 7:30 o'clock, sharp. The program followc 1. Anthem, "Fear Not," from the can tata, "Tbe Shepherd King," by Gabriel. 2. Prayer by tbe pastor, Rev. II. A. Bailey. 3. Annual report ol tbe Superintend ent, Mr. A. B. Kelly. 4. Cantita, "Sauta Claus' Vision." Musio and libretto by Chas. H. Gabriel. 5. Distribution of Treat. The little ones bave studied bard on this pretty cantata and ate prepared to give a very pleasing entertainment, and it is hoped tbe older ones will encourage them by tbelr presenoeon this occasion. All are cordially Invited. PROGRAM AT M. . CHURCH. ' The Methodist Episcopal Sabbath school bas arranged a fine program to be given on Friday evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Following tbls is to be a tree and a real Santa Claus, with a treat for the scholars. Tbe program is as follows: Singing, by tbe school; Prayer, by Rev. W. O. Calhoun; Responsive Reading; Anthem, by Chorus; Recitation, Rudolph Cropp; Christmas Song, by Mrs. Proper's class; Recitation, James Bowman and Grace Fell; Recitation, Bowman Proper; Solo, Beulab Arusler; Recitation, Agnes Morrison; Recitation, Doretba Sandrock; Song, Mrs. Hagerty's class; Recitation, Everett Arenson; Reoitation, May Lan souj Recitation, Grace Feit; Song, by Boys; Recitation, Clyde Potter; Recita tion, Floyd Sandrock; Classs Exercise, by four lambs, Earnestine Bowman, Dor etba Sandrock, Mary Burrows, Florence Potter, Laura Nellis; Recitation, Mary Burrows; Solo, Aubrey Felt; Recitation, Arthur Lanson; Recitation, Josephine Sauner; Ladies' Quartette; Recitation, Anna Mary Iluiing; Solo, Helen Hood; Recitation, Mary Fitzgerald; Recitation, Fern Dunn; Ladies' Quartette; Recita lion, Irene Morrison; Recitation, Esther Jamleson; Antbem, by Chorus. AT ti Knit ASK A. Tbe Nebraska Methodist Episcopal Sabbatb school bas arranged a program of exercises to be given at the usual bout on Thursday evening. There will also be a tree and treat for tbe scholars. All areoordlally invited to these exercises, G. A. It. Post Meeting. At the meeting of Capt. Geo, Stow Post, No. 274, held at the ball on Monday eve ning, Deo. 21st, the following named olll cers, who had been nominated at the first meetiug in December, were elected for tbe year 1909: Commander, Daniel VV. Clark; 8. V., Robert B. Crawford; J. V., Poter S. Liu del; O. D., George W. Robinson; Q. M., Stephen C. Johnston; Chap., C. A. Hill. These with the appointed officers to tie snnounced at the installation, will con stitute the roster for the year 1909. Commander Agnew announced that Geo. Stow Woman's Relief Corps had elected their olll cers for next year and that a joint installation was desirable at such time In January next as would suit tbe convenience of the Post. Chaplain Hill moved accordingly that tbe time for inxtallation be fixed for Monday, the 11th day of January, at 7:30 p. m., at the ball, in conjunction with the Corps. Carried. Tbe old committee was continued and to confer with the Corps, if necessary. Lkonako Aonkw, Commander. Samukl D Irwin, Adjt, . 1 W. R. O. OFFICERS. .The officers elected by Stow Relief Corps are as follows: President, Mis. Mary L. Thomson; 8apkr- Vice, Mrs. Elizabeth Scowden; Junior Vice, Mrs. Gurry HoHeinan; Treasurer, Mrs. Jennie E. Agnew; Chaplain, . Mrs. Suie May Sbarpe; Conductor, Mrs. Emma Hunter; Guard, Mrs, Marie Hopkins; Delegate to State convention to be bVld at Gettysburg in June, 1909, Mrs. Eogiha Hunter; Al ternate, Mrs, Garry Hoteman. it How One Ooctor Miocennlully Tri-ula ' I'lieu mollis. "In treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., "the only remedy I use for the lungs is Chamber laiu's Cough Remedy. While, of course, I would treat other symptoms with dif ferent medicines, I bave used this rem edy many times in my medical practice and have yet failed to lind a case where it bas not controlled tbe trouble. I have used it uivself, as has also my wile for coughs snd oulds repeatedly, and 1 most willingly aud cheerfully recommend 11 as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowledge.''' For alo by Imnn A Fulton. SI'itUL HOLIDAY RATES, ' Via Mrkel I'lato Koad. TlcketjsWn sale Deo. 24 and Zb. Ooot1 returni JfDeo. 28. Also on sale lo. and Js 1 good returning Jen. 4. on ,' li-2t- V Just Arrived a large lot new GhinawoLre, Comb and Brush Sets. At Right Prices. i Don't forget that we have the largest line of Christmas goods in town. ' Bovard's Pharmacy. Hopkins' S Christmas Christmas is cotuiog in less than three weeks Most pecple like to he remembered at Christ ir of a Christmas present. What will it be this yea Useful Ary We have a fine layout of Christmas Go this year they are all useful articles. Christmas China is oue linn of our la triaii, Bohemian or Havilaod China. Nothirb Books of all descriptions, for young and old. Our Notion Department is loaded w ith all kinds of useful articles. No trouble to find ju-t what yuu want for Christmas buying at Hopkins' store. L. J. HOPKINS. Useful Holiday Gifts, That every member of the family will ap preciate, that will bo useful in years to come when you and your friend may bo separated by many miles. Come and ex amine our fine Cutlery, Scissors, Shears, Carvers, Bathroom Fixtures, Jewelry Boxes, Revolvers. Skates from 50c to $2.50. Plush Robes from $3 to $9. Clark's Carriage Heaters and one dozen carbons for $1.50. Just the thing you need for a drive. Soapstono foot warmers. Sleighs, Sleds, bells and blankets. Wo have the goods. Come and see them. Tionesta What Would He Like ? . This is a question that is occupying the miud of many a wife, mother, daughter and sister and it is one that iu the majority ol cases is uot easily .1 1 .1 . 11,1 . 1 f ........... settled, ljet us neip you out. w nsmver you tin get mr "mm, let u Da something totally unconnected tvith his everyday affairs nt business some- thing that he can enjoy in bis moments or hours ot leisure. 1 This suggests t '? House Coats and Bth Robes and if the suggestion pleases you, we shall only too happy to show you our choice anil complete line of these lu uo garments, embodying the newest ideas in pattern and colorific fresb from iha mako namely, so' Larger Better Tbao ever before. Nothing like it ia Western PenniyWania. Holiday Stock of Diamooila, Watches, Ritigs, Solid Gold Jewelry, Plated Jewelry, Ster ling Silver, Silver Plated Ware, Sil ver Novelties, Cut Glass, Clock, &0. We have hundreds of artiolee suit able for Cliristtuas presents which we can not mention in this small apace. Come ii , buk over our stock and let us help yuu make a selection. We niuke no charge for engraving, but if you want a Ilitig, Cane, Um brella, Silver or anything you wish marked, Dow is the time to placs your order. Do not put it off unlii it is too late aud then be disappoint ed. Engraving is tedious work K it tskes time to do it. ' We are sole agent for th Brothers Oetachuble "Hand brella. Rune on the marke pare with it. Can he ta' aud packed in a truuk. s II AH VI v r The Leading S2SENKCASt Hardware. 'i at from 84 to $10. All i we mark all oor gouds new ones. .1 . ori i . '0 , . - a 1