The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 23, 1908, Image 2

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Fiftekn dead and 338 injured la the
foot ball record for this Boasun, Lei tbe
good work go on.
It ia authoritatively staled tbat PresI-dent-eleet
Taft lias aelected George W.
Wipkeraham of tbe New York law firm
of Strong A Cadwallader, to be Attorney
General in his Cabinet.
We think Br'er Smith of Punx'utaw
ney waa the originator of the Knox idea
for Premier of the Tafl rabinent. And
we claim to have "found" Smith to fld
Knnx'a Senatorial shoes. And we'd like
to see it go tbat way.
Somk people are more unfortunate tbaD
others, rernarka the Bradford Fra. Ana
nias and his wife Saphira, are abining ex
am pies. Botb dropped dead because
they bad lied. Otber liars live to a ripe
old age and And many luillible people
who are wllllnii always to believe tbem.
If Congress rebukes tbe Pre-ldent fur
crilicsing it, there will be a Ionic cable
message of condolence from the Herman
limperor. Franklin Newa.
No there wont, there will be a rlppin'
of intestines, and a aoramhle for tall tim
ber by a whole lot of national legislators,
you bet.
We agree with neighbor Smith of tbe
Pumy Spirit that, If tbe present Legis
lature, wbicb meets on tbe first Tuesday
of January, does not make a conscientious
efl'ort to improve our primary election
law, and also to simplify tbe ballot for
general elections, It should be uncere
moniously k Icked out at the next election.
It is said tbat John D. Rockefeller will
spend fitly million dollars in educational
work In Oriental countries. This may
not lie true, but it Is quite certain that a
good many millions will yet be paid by
him fur educational purposes. It la a
fortunate tiling for the world that this
millionaire does not board bia money,
allow foreign rakes to spend it for bun,
or waste it himself after tbe Thaw fash
ion. Franklin News.
Rilllnnalre, you mean? And gee, wbat
a saint our old friend John's getting to
Somk of tbe Congressmen, wbo appear
anxious to spread some sort of rebuke or
censure of the President on tbe records of
the House and Seoate, will have a merry
time when it comes to explaning tbeir
action before tbeir constituents. Bliz
zard. Right you are. Tbe people are.
with tbe President In this controversy,
and If there are no guilty Congressman or
Senators tbe secret service men can do
tbem no harm. None but tbe guilty need
tear tbe sleuths.
Tuerb is no doubt that the matter of
declaring laws "unconstitutional" la
carried to an absurd extreme in this
country, A few energetic judges, attend
ing strictly to business, may nullify tbe
work of a whole session ol an industrious
legislative body in tbat way. In England
no court can set aside a law of parliament.
All tbe court wanta to know is that such
aud such la the law. But here, with our
writu'"' institutions, we do not know
whether a law la law or not until the
various courts have all bad a guesa at It.
Puuxy Spirit.
- In bia speech at New York, President
elect Taft said: "I believe tbe way to
x stamp out trusts and monopolies la not to
stamp out protection, but to avoid exces
sive rates which tempt monopolies. On
this plank in our platform we were sue
cessful, and unless we act In' accordance
with our promises, or if we only keep tbe
word of promise to tbe ear and break it
to the hope, we shall be made accountable
to the American people and suffer sucb
consequences as failure to keep faith baa
always been visited with. Better to bave
no revision at all unless we are going to
honestly and favorably revise tbe tariff
on the basis promised by our party,"
On Friday, at Harrisburg, Jobn II.
Sanderaon, contractor for tbe furnishing
of the new stale capilol; ex-Auditor Gen
eral W. P. Snyder, ex-State Treasurer W.
L. Mathues and ex -Superintendent of
Public Grounds and Buildings J tunes M.
Sbumaker, convicted of oonspiracato de
fraud tbe state in tbe first of the cases
growing out ol the capitol scandal, were
sentenced to two years in tbe peniten
tiary, foOO flue and costs, the maximum
punishment allowed by law and alter be
ing In? custody of the sheriff for seven
hours, were released on 1 100,000 bail.
Their attorneys appealed from tbe refusal
of the judge To grant a new trial and bis
sentence to tbe superior court and tbat
tribunal, sitting at Philadelphia, allowed
a supersedeas. Wheu tbe terms of tbe
order staying tbe execution of tbe sen
tence waa received bail waa entered In
the sum of (25,000 each for tbe defendants
this bail to bold good until the superior
court decides tbeir fate.
In the oflicial records of tbe greatest
country on earth, says tte Pittsburg
Gazette Times, In the written messages
of a President of tbe United States, as
lonmaa printed pages are preserved to
show tbe progress of tbe age, further gen
erations of tbe United Slates will learn
the expert judgment of the character,
methods, purposes and deeds of Joseph
Pulitzer. And what ia this judgment, so
expressed by the President tbat It can
never be expunged or forgot? That Pul
it''ir, through bis newspaper, published
rtain articles concerning a great Aruer-
in national enterprise, touching the
honor and integrity of distinguished citi
zens and public aervauts, which stories
"were scurrilous and libellous In cbar
ft' ler and false In every essential panic-
"ulsr.y-1 That the "known character of Mr.
l'lli.i';er and bia newspaper are such that
' H I statements In that paper" should be
lieved by nobody. That the wlcaed
ja of these slanders is only surpassed
'-ir fatuity, Tbat thetttories ipj?ar-
nally concocted with a view of possible
blackmail." Tbat "they consist simply
of a string of Infamous libels." Tbat tbe
"real offender Is Joseph Pulitzer, editor
and proprietor of tbe World." Tbat tbe
"great Injury done la in blackening tbe
good name of the American people."
Tbat this "vllifier or tbe American people
wantonly and wickedly seeks to blacken
the character of reputable private citizens
and to convict tbe Government of bis
own country In tbe eyes of tbe civilized
world of wrong doing of the basest and
foulest kind, wben be has not oneshadow
Thb acceptance of Senator P. C. Knox
of tbe tender ol the portfolio of Secretary
of State In Mr, Taft'a cabinet has perbapa
pleased more people In the United States
than any one thing tbat baa happened In
politics since tbe election of tbe Judge 'to
tbe Presidency, and tbe only disappoint
ing feature of the case Is tbe fact tbat
Pennsylvania and the country will lose
tbe ablest member of the U. 8. Senate
that has occupied a seat In that body for
many years. By this appointment anoth
er scramble will also be on In this State
for the vacancy thus created in the Sen-
ale, and already a large list of aspirants-
bas developed, among tbe ablest of wbicb
to our notion, is Congressman John Dal
zoll of Pittsburg, tbe h 'me of Senator
Knox. Otber Pittsburg aspirants are
Congressman J, F. Burke, George T,
Oliver of the Gazette-Times, and tbe ever
ready William Flinn. Tbe legislature
will thus bave two Senatora to fleet this
winter, a condition wbicb bas not ob
tained in Pennsylvania in many genera
tions If ever, but as Senator Knox will
not resign till late In January or Febru
ary tbe election of Senator Penrose to
succeed himself, wbicb is generally con
ceded, will bave been disposed of.
Neighborhood Notes.
W. S. Gleason has been re-appointed
for the third time postmaster at Johnson
burg, Elk county.
Titusvllle Is bonked for a new Federal
building tbe coming summer, Tbe site
will be negotiated for in a short time.
Franklin is to bave an armory for its
National Guard company, at tbe cost of
the State. Tbe school board donated tbe
Tbe huge granite shaft to be erected by
Warren County in memory of its dead
soldiers and sailors, baa arrived in War
ren. No date has been selected for Its
Rev. J. N. Fradenburgb, one of the
ablest and best known men in tbe Erie
Conference of the Methodist Church, baa
purchased a residence In Union City and
will make that place bis borne in tbe fu
ture. An action waa Instituted at Klttanning
Tuesday, by C. M. Kelly, ol Bruin, to
recover 25,000 damages from R. L. Con
my, proprietor of the Parker Hotel at
Parker, for the death of bis son, Harry
Kelly, aged 17 years. Tbe plaintiff
charges tbat the death of bia son was tbe
result of exposure and alcohol poisoning
prodnced by drinking liquor sold by tbe
defendant. Emlenton News.
County Detective Hiram Brown and
M. V. and J. P. Albert, State Fish War
dens, bave caused the arrest ol six Ital
ians in Warren County, where they were
caught In tbe act of dynamiting trout
streams. Wben arraigned before an Al
derman in Cherry Grove, wbicb is 20
miles east of Warren, the defendants
pleaded guilty. They could bave been
fined 1 125 and costs each, but tbat would
have meant their going to jail, so they
were released npon paying f 100 and cos la
for tbe entire six.
AtSmetbport, MoKean county, on Fri
day morniug, Judge Bouton Instructed
tbe Jury in tbe Anna Peeler murder trial
to return a verdict of "not guilty." The
jury acted in accordance with the instruc
tions of the court, and Judge Bouton re
ceived the verdict and ordered Miss
Peeler discharged. Tbe court atated tbat
in bis opinion tbe commonwealth had
failed to produce evidence sufficient to
cause a conviction on the charge of niur
der. The woman waa charged with shoot
ing to deatb Roy Warner, a barber, of
Bradford, of whom she waa generally
known as bis "common law wife,"
NoticeStockholders' Meelinir.
Tbe annual meeting of tbe stockholders
of the Tionesta Water Supply Co. will be
bold at the company's office In tbe Bor
ough of Tionesta, Pa., on Monday, Jan
4, 1009, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose
of electing directors for tbe year and tbe
transaction oi sucb other business as may
propejly come before tbe meeting.
G. W. Rohinhon. President,
Attest: Samdkl D. Irwin, Secretary,
Mistakes of Drug Clerka.
"There Is out? loss sustained by drug
gists that very few people know
about," said the experienced clerk.
"That is lu the prescriptions that have
to be made over, the same us clerks,
stenographers, writers and artists, no
matter how painstaking, freiiiiently
have to do their work over. The most
careful drug clerk in existence Is
bound to make mistakes Nonictlmcs In
measuring and mixing.
"He may pour In too much of some
kind of liquid or sift In too much -of a
certain powder. In most eases the
overdose would not really affect the
value of the medicine, but the consci
entious clerk Isn't going to take any
chances of murdering anybody, so he
throws' away the Whole mixture and
mitres upaiiothcr proscription."
"Try One of My Batela."
Iu Siam they don't offer you a cigar
or a cigarette, but a betel nut. There
every one curries a supply of thein In
a neat little Ivory box, not unlike the
snuffboxes of our ancestors. The betel
nut is a narcotic, in its effects not un
like tobacco, but It Is much more harm
ful. Those who chew It suffer from
Inflamed gums, and they generally lose
their teeth. The betel Is a species of
climbing plant, witli a leaf not ttuliko
Ivy. It yields a crop of nuts, which
are ground to a powder. This Is mixed
with a similar powder derived from
the n rent ntit ami made Into a paste,
which is wrapped in pieces of betel
leat .
An Amendment.
Vrs. Meitntliui;-Henry, I have X
wlte a pa 'f forMr!lJS,n-,''
Voiiuiii Who DelllM-i-nt,. T T ,'JS.
ilave yon nuy sug siioiis to imii,
r. MeanthliiK-Well, 1; don't know.
ou uiurut make it itln-
Tbe past week bas been a very busy
one for tbe ladles of our town, aa most ol
them were In Warren doing their Christ
mas shopping.
Tbe dwellings being built up Porkey
run by tbe Pennsylvania Gas Company
are about completed. We understand tbe
buildings are very nicely finished to be
built so far In tbe woods, It being three
utiles from any other dwelling place. It
still remains a mystery wbo will be the
lucky cccupants.
Mrs. O. E. Rupert aud daughter Vlr
neta visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
filoss, at Sheffield, tbe past week. ,
G. U. Blum visited bis family here
over Sunday. " .
Sara Gillespie gladdened tbe hearts of
tbe Sunday school children by giving
them a Christmas treat Sunday morning,
after school.
Mr, Kunselman of Mayburg called on
E. T. Downey, Sunday. "
Tbe new company up Porkey run ia
on top of tbe sand with a goott showing
of gas, this being 4he second well drilled,
Tbe first well proved to be a duster.
James Welsh, Sr. visited bta daughter,
Mrs, Jaroea McMJchael, at Sheffield, a
lew days tbe past week. .
Bertha Jordan of Hastings 'is assisting
Mrs," Jobn Littlefield In her household
duties, Mrs. Littlefield, who bas been
suffering for tbe past two weeks with
asthma, I no better at thia writing.
Mr. and Mra. John Thornton of Ousber
passed through town Sunday to visit tbe
latter'a brother, Wilbur Miller, of Kel
lettville, wbo la dangerously HI.
Lois Welsh of Sheffield visited ber
parents, Mr. and Mra. Jaa. Welsh, over
Sunday, returning Monday morning.
Mrs. Jobn Stover visited ber sister,
Mrs. Littlefield, Sunday afternoon.
R, W. Whitebill made two business
trips to Sheffield tbe past weok. We are
unable to say whether It waa mercantile
business or not.
Sara Gillespie entertained Mra. Jobn
Jordan, Mrs. Edward Pratt and Mra,
Muter Jordan of Hastings, Wednesday,
between trains.
Fred R. Klinestiver of Nebraska was
In town Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Wm. Slocum was shopping In
Sheffield last Friday,
How's Thin
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chenry A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable iu all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West Traux, wholesale druggists, To
ledo. O., Waldino, Rinnan A Marvin,
wholesale druizgits, Teiedo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75o
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Cone to Asia.
Since Russia's defeat by Japan tbe
otber aide of the globe bas become tbe
world's chief news center. All Asia is
now In a turmoil of unrest and the air Is
full of rumors of war.
To give its readera the truth about tbe
movements which are going on In tbat
country, Frank G. Carpenter, the corres
pondent of Tbe Pittsburg Dinpttt-h, wbo
is known the world over as one of tbe
most interesting newspaper writers of
this age, baa been sent to Asia, and com
mencing tbe first Sunday in tbe new year
bia illustrated articles will appear every
Sunday In The Dispatch.
Mr. Carpenter bas already left th
United States and is now traveliug in
Japan. From there he will make bia way
northward into Korea asd tbence over
land through Manchuriaito China. He
will spend some time in Seoul and Muk
den and going on by rail to Peking will
traverse a great part of tbe Chinese Em
pire. Later on be may make bis way
through Siam, Burmab, Hindustan, Pal
estine and Turkey.
No one wbo hopes to keep abreast with
the times can afford to miss these letters.
Leave your order with your newsdealer
and be sure that be delivers you Tbe Dis
patch every Sunday.
TJY VIRTUE ofaundry writs of Fieri
JJ Facias, issued out of tbe Court of
Common Pleas of Forest County, Penn
sylvania, and to me directed, there will
be exposed to sale by public vendue or
outcry, on tbe premises, in Harmony
Township, Forest County, Pa., on
TUESDAY, DEC. 29, A. D. 1908,
at 9:00 o'olock a. m., the following des
cribed real estate, to-wit:
COMPANY, Fi. Fa., No. 8, February
term, ll)00.-( Waivers.)-Trax fe Par
ker, Attorneys.
ELLIS HALL and O. J. HALL, co-
Fartners doing business as ELLIS
COMPANY, FI. Fa., No. 9, February
term, WOO. Jobn M. McGill, Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim
of tbe defendant of, in and to all tbat cer
tain piece or parcel of land situate, tying
and being in th Township of Harmony,
County of Forest, and State of Pennsyl
vania", bounded and described as follows,
to-wit: On the North by lands of G. W.
Robinson, on the East by tbe Allegheny
River, on the South by landa of L. E.
Norton, on the West by lands of M. X.
Tucker. Containing fifty-live (55) acres,
more or less.
Improvements: Jfifteen oil wells, as
follows: New welrS, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6,
7, connected up and In pumping order.
Old wells, Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, connected
up and iu pumping order. Nos. 10 and
13 wells with casingand tubing in. Also,
one gas engine and pumping power com
plete and connected up, a number of re
ceiving tanka and one stock tank. Also,
a lot of gas and oil lines on the premises.
Lot of tools sucb rs lines, blocks, pipe
and tubing wrenches; together with all
goods and chattels belonging to tbe de
fendant on tbe premises.
Taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of the Kearset Oil Company,
at the suit of H. R. Klahr, and at tbe suit
of Ellis Hall and O J. Hall, co-partners
doing business as Ellis Hall & Son.
TERMS OF SALE. The following
must be strictly complied with when the
property is stricken down :
1. Wheu tbe plaintiff orothor lien cred-
ll t cj Itfuinma (lia v i i eli u uuv t)a nnulu nn
the writs must be paid, and a list of liens
including mortgage searches on the prop
f rty sold, togother wi' b such lien credi
tor's recoipt for the amount of the pro
ceeds of the sale or such portion thereof
as no. may claim, inu ,t ue lurnisnea tue
2. 'All bids must be paid in full.
II. All sales no Bottled immediately
will be continued until 2 o'clock p. m.,
of the next day, at which time all proper
ty not settled for will again he put up
and sold at tho expojise and risk of the
rierson to whom II raft sold
S( iNinin iMiiiion,
The question that confronts many just before Christmas
is what to buy for gifts. The following lists ?
Hit J DUggCOb
Set of 'Furs.
Kid Gloves.
Handkerchiefs. .
Sweater Coat. ,
Set of Table Linen.
Towels. t
Hand Bag. :
Suit Case.
Carpet Sweeper.
Skates, Watches, Sweaters, Gloves, Handkerchiefs,
and other useful articles.
For Eczema, Teller and Mult Hhcnin.
The Intense Itchinir characteristic of
these ailments Is almost Instantly allayed
uy unamuerlaln'a Salve, Many severe
cases bave been cured by it. For sale by
Dunn A Fulton.
Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form
regulates the liver relieves sick headache
constipation stomach, kidney disorders
and acta aa a gentle laxative. For chills
fever and malaria. Its tonlo effects on
the system felt with the first dose. Tbe
f 1.00 bottle contains 1 times as much as
tbe 50o size. Sold by J, R. Morgan.
(No. 23.)
Providing for tbe issue and sale of bonds
to the amotint of 17,500.00, as authorized
by an election held on November 8,
Wukrkas, by an ordinance of tbe Bur
gess and Town Council of tbe Borough ol
Tionesta, approved the -2d day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1908, tbe question of in
creasing the Indebtedness of the said bor
ough to a sum exceeding two per centum
of the last assessed valuation of tbe taxa
ble property of the aaid borouub but not
greater than $10,500 00 for tbe purpose of
paving tne lottowing described portions
of Bridge and Elm Streets In tbe said
Borough of Tionesta. to-wit: Said Bridge
Street from the bridge across tbe Alle
gheny River to Elm Street, and said Elm
Street from a point opposite the Mose
Hopler lot to tbe culvert North of tbe Wal
ford lot, and of macadamizing tbe remain
ing portions of said Elm Street, was sub
mitted to a vole of the electors of tbe said
Borough of Tionesta, and
Wbeiikas, at said election held on tbe
3d day of November, A. D. 19S8. a ma
jority of the qualified electors of said bor-
ongti vote J lu favor of aaid proposed In
crease of indebtedness, aa la shown by
the returns of said election duly filed in
the ofhee of the Clerk of tbe Court of
Quarter Sessl -ns of Forest County, Penn
sylvania, at No. 1, November Sessions,
1008, and by a certificate of tbe said Court
filed with tbe Secretary of the Town
Now thkrekorb, Re it enacted and or
dained bv the Town Council of tbe Bor
ough ot Tionesta and it ia hereby enacted
and ordained by tbe autborlty or tbe
Suction 1. Tbat in pursuance of Uie
authorilyfltrranted by the said eleot'on
and of the Acts of Asse.nbly In sucb case
made and provided, the indebtedness of
the said Borough of Tionesta be and here
by is Increased by the sum of $7. 500.00.
Section 2. That coupon bonds be is
sued as security for said Increased in
del.tednesa aa follows; Fifteen bonds of
tbe par value f goOO.OO each, aggregating
the sum of 17.500.00, said bonds to bear
interest at four per centum per annum
payable semi-annually on tbe first days
of June and December, free from state
tax, and tbe principal thereof redeema
ble in lawful tiioqey of tbe United States
at tbe pleasure of tbe suid borough, and
absolutely payable December 1st, 1933.
That the said bonds be sold by tbe Bor
ough of Tionesta at not less than par
value and tbat the proceeds thereof be
used for tbe purpose of paving and mac
adamizing tbe above described portiosB
of Elm and Bridge Streets in the said
Suction 3. Tbat an annual tax ol four
(4) nulls on the dollar on all tbe taxable
property in said borough, commencing
lu 1909, be and hereby is levied and as
sessed to provide ror the payment of tbe
interest and tbe liquidation of the prin
cipal of said bonds, said tax to continue
until all of said principal and interest
shall be fully paid; and that tbe monies
arising from said tax be applied annually
and aa fast as the same accumulates to
tbe redemption at par of said bon 's; and
that tbe President and Secretary of tbe
Town Council be and hereby are author
i.eJ to sign and file the statement show
ing tbe facta relating to the Issue of tbe
said bonds In tba office of tbe Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Forest
County, as required by the Actof Assem
bly in sucb cases made and provided, and
also to algn, seal and deliver tbe said
bonds and coupons to tbe purchasers
thereof. .
Ordained and enacted into a law this
5tb day of December, A. D. 1908.
Wm. Smbarbaugh, President.
Attest: M. A. Caprinoer, Secretary,
, December 7th, 1908 Approved.
John-T. Carson, Burgess.
Subpoena in Divorce.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
the Sheriff of said Count), Greeting :
Whereas, C. Horner Smith, did on the
24th day of Decern her, 1907, prefer bis pe
tition to our said Judges of the said Court
of Common Pleas for said County, pray
ing for tbe causes therein set forth, that
he might be divorced from tbe bonds of
matrimony entered into with you, Min
nie N. Smith. We, therefore, command
you, the aaid Minnie N. Smith, tbat,
setting aside all other business and ex
cuses wbatsover, you be and appear in
your proper person before our Judges at
Tionesta, at a Court of Common Pleas
there to be held for the County of Forest,
on the Fourth Monday of February, 1909,
to answer the petition or libel of tbe said
U. Horner smith, and to show cause, II
any you have, why the said C, Horner
Smith, your husband, should not be di
vorced from the bonds of matrimony,
agreeably to the Acta of Aasembly in
sucb case made and provided. Herein
fail not.
Witness Hie Honorable W. M. Lindaey,
President of our aaid Court, at Tionesta,
tbe 19tb day of November, 1908.
J. C, jniT, Prothonotary,
To Minnie N. Smith :
You are hereby notified to appear be
fore the Honnrablo Juduea of the Court
of Pninmnn Pleas, at Tin""--
tuc auoirci
Suit Case,
Sweater Coat
Necktie. '
Muffler. - , :
Kid or Wool Gloves.l?
Driving Gloves.
Fur Cap. i. V
Half Hose in Box.
Pocket Knife.
uift Ciivers,
But Death to
Half price Tor, every House
Coat, Bath Robe, Study
Gwvq and Smofciog jacket
iunhe house. We have de
cided to close out our. entire
line in the few days remain
ing before ChrtHmas. ", This
means a serious lofts', but tbe
stock must go' We still
bave every size and the
original plainly marked
prices are on every garment.
You pay just half.?;.. .
4 I I I 1 1 H
You Are
t Handicapped J
if Ybvir ;
Clothes -Are
Not Right.
An ill fitting or unbecom
ing Suit is a serious handicap
and"a great mistake. ,
I make the kind of clothes,
tbat discriminating men
should wear. Cut, trimmed
and made to individual taste.
Trices no more than the
commonplace kiud will cost.
Better let me show you
:: Suits from $18 up
j Win. P. llechiuit, I
The Tailor,
I Tioneata, Penna.
lM"H"H I I I
Christmas Gifts
For buyers ot good judgment who
will devote a share o( their Christmas
appropriation to the practical side of
gift buying, we are showing a splen
did tine of Christmas footwear. -
A Few (Suggestions.
For Men We've Shoes for street
or dress wear, Dancing Pumps, Storm
Shoes, 'Storm Rubbeis or Arctics,
handsome House Slippers, Bedroom
Slippers, &o. .
For Women. Shoes for street or
drees wear, Storm Shoes, Oi fords,
Ribbon Ties, Dainty Dress Slipper
lor the bouse or for dress funotions,
For Children. School Shoes, Drtfs
Shoes, Storm Shoes, Storm Rubbers,
Rubber Boots, Storm Leggine, House
Slippers, Baby Shoes, &n.
Cor. Center, Seneca and Syua-
j more btreets,
Wbat about itor this winter? Ifnotful
this respect let us figure with you on a new
or I
Our stock is complete and our line is (he bl
o ea in mis town. , can g8e yQU m
IVnAil n, I .ia Ktntroa
res. k
IA1I sons
anlhsts ai
Horse Blanfoks and Furnisl
Do You yant a Fine Slei
Come and see us before you buy. We save you '
Buggies aiul Wagons, and V
Everything in Haroy '
J. C. Scowdeji,
Time Deposits Solicited.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheoler,
Collections remitted for on dav of bnvment at low rata. We promts o
ers all the benefits consistent vith conservative tjnklns;. Interest p" i
deposit. Your patrorrairs riotnilly sollnltwl.j
Monarch ClotMng
A Great Sal
Women's Coats and
Stjlish'TVoman's Directoire Coat,
satin lined, of all-wool black broad
cloth and worth $18 -
. . Sle price $'J
Women's Laog Black Broadcloth
Coats, satin lined, loose or semi-Gtted
models," handsomely trimmed with
embroider? or silk or satin stripe,
worth $13,50;- Sale price $(i 1)8
V Women's stylish Brown, Green
Black or Blue Worsted or refine-
high class Suits t.
$16 50, $18, (22, and $2
' SaK .
Women's stylish Silk Va
in blue, brown and green tl,'
$37 50 find $40. Sale, -
i "
Junior Suits for Girls, ayes,
15 and 17 respectively male
wool brotdclotb, serge oi t
Come in green, blue, grty
brown. Regalar $10, $12 tit
.' Site ft
Women's WaJ
Elegant Tailored Silk or
Waists, elaborate etvles tr
$3 98 aud $4 98 and w
$7.50. Sale
" i
Men's Sui
' Stylish All Wool fiu.
Men's Suits. Come in fai
smokes or stylish brown si
Sigworth &
Having recently pure
C. Urey livery stable, w
many improvements to '
vice first-claBs and up t
horses and carriages
and we guarantee to ou
best turn outs to be I
ftt.tpntinn itnA pcaantial
k fin--
i All sorts of
For the Horseman or Teamster.
Will pay Fow Per Cent, pi
A. B. Kbllt.
1 -
W. Robinson,
T. F. titohev. J. T. ble,
A. k KeilT ;
ded shoulders and perfect
suits, worth $16 50. Sale ptil
Men's stylish fancy BrowosJ
and Loudon btuoke striped o
ered Ovenooats, Iine,"""
satin, and the b"
coat ever sjr
or "lost.- -Fhiladelnh
ait Iuiuiirer.
ber 7,