THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, Editor 4 Propriitoii. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1908 DECEMBER ?lvptOV.Tt'E.1WEn.1TBTrjFTfiriSriv LIIII 6X8 9101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2T22 23 MllII '27 28!29l50l5in I The latest climate of this year's pro duels on the farmi is t.50.000,000. Does farming pay? If not whT no,T The Interstate Commerce Commission announce that during the year 8,764 per sons were killnd hy railroads and 68,989 Injured. This Is a decrease of over a thousand over last year, Mr. Taft will probably attend the in auguration of Cuba's new president Jan uary 2S The Cubans should be careful not to add to the cares of this great and good friend during the next four years. A Party I list was beaten by 600,000 In 1896. by 800.000 In 1900, by 2,500.000 In 1904 and by 1.200.000 In 1908 should not be o Imprudent as to join in the search for the rfrigln of the word "frazzle." Rronkville Republican. .- So far as America is concerned, Count Boni de C stellane has greatly prejudiced the case of the duke of Abruzzi. In mat rimoni d affairs the scion of Boine noble American alfalfa domain is preferable to any lord or duke. Champ Clark remarks that the result of the recent election was brought about by "a concatenation of unusually unfor tunate circumstances." In all of Bryan's battles Mr. Clark has always, up to election day, mistaken a concateuation tor a grand triumph. Thk Oil City Blizzard thinks the Altoo na Triimne is not far wrong when it says: Senator Penrose has outlived the bitter opposition of which he was the victim few years ago. To-day some men and some newspapers that were fierce ene mies to the Henator admit tbat they did him foul Injustice. The otlioial couut of the vote cast in Pennsylvania for president was com pleted last Wednesday in the stale de partment at rJarrishurg, the votes based on that cast for the leadingelectnroneacb ticket being: Taa, (Rep.) 745,779: Bryan, (Dem.j 448.785; Cuafiu, (Prohibition) 3(3.694; Debs, (SociiillstJ 33,913; Hisgen, (lad ) 1,057; Socialist-Labor, 1,222. Tail's plurality over Bryan is 2!H5,994; majority, 224,108. President Roosevelt has pro nounced what be says may be considered his valedictory. It follows: "When the people of the country are asking the question, 'What Bhall we do for our ex presidents?' tell them that they need do nothing for this ex-president. He is go ing out to work and do for himself, I have had a first-class time as president of the United States, and I have enjoyed every minute of tbe time I have been In the White House. When I have finished the last stroke, I am going out contented and to work." The temporary roll call ot the House of Representatives for the Sixty-first Congress has been completed and pub lished. It shows that the next House will consist of 219 Republicans and 172 Democrats, a total of 391, as against a total of 389 In tba House during the last session, of whom 223 were Republicans and 166 Democrats. The result is a net loss of four from the Republican Bide and a net gain of six on the Democratic side, the discrepancy being due to present vacancies. All told, the Democrats gained seventeen districts and the Re publicans twelve. One of the most interesting results of the receut election in Colorado, where the results came in very Blowly, was the re election of the lamous judge of the Juvenile Court, Lindsay, who ran inde pendently after both the Republican and Democratic organizations had refused him a nomination because of his expo sure of grading politicians of high degree lu both parties. Lindsay's election was made possible by the almost unanimous support of the women voters, who, though differing on the natioual ticket, almost without exception marked their ballot for tbechildreu's friend and belptr. According to the Pittsburg Dispatch the opposition to Frank B, McClain for re-election to the office of Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has not been removed. Well, any mem ber of the House has a right to be a can didate for Speaker, and if he can line up votes he is it, that's all. It must be ad mitted tbat McClain did show some per sonal resentment against the Senate on account of the defeat of a bill in which he was particularly interested, that did not add anything to the dignity of the office oi Speaker. However, be has many friends among the members of the House, and should he be defeated for the Speak ership he can kick up a lot of trouble for bis opponents. Punxy Spirit. Really, then, it would be best to elect him and keep bim quiet. Representative McJunkin, of But ler, has launched a senatorial boom for State Treasurer John O. Shtats. "We propose to cleanse Pennsylvania politics if we can possibly do so," says Mr. Mc Junkin, "and so have decided to make a fight against Penrose." Speaking along this line tbe Puoxsutnwney Spirit crowds a whole lot of horse sense and truth into these few lines: "As we have heretofore observed, tbe place to begiu the fight for clean politics is at home in your county allairs. After you have educated the average voter to regard honesty aud effi ciency In the public service as the criter ion that should determine bis choice ol candidates, and to abhor tbe trickster and all unclean and corrupt methods, you will have a foundation for clean politics that will last, and tbat will be fit to build upon. Otherwise clean politics Is a delu sion. Any reform to be lasting or gen uine, must be in tbe hearts of the people. Any other kind Is mere political bypoc racy and Pharisaical claptrap." The Republican party of the nation will cordially approve the selection of Frank II. Hitchcock as post.naster gen eral by President-elect Taft, This lathe first cabineut position yet determined upon, and it is probable tbat the others will not be announced until all have been selected. Judge Taft's thorough knowl edge of men stands bim In good stead at this time, and tbat bla cabinent will be composed of able, and above all, honest men, goes without saying. Shall the women rule? Is the ques tion which arises now that preacher In Newark baa announced that one-third of the men can be reformed or influnned to do anything the wife wishes ifeacb man's spouee will sit beside bim and talk to bim while be sleeps, but so gently as not to wake bim up. This form of suggestion Is said to be efficient in ourlng anything, from drunkenness to the flirting bablt, and presumably, will eradicate stinginess political Idiocy and the habit of reading Hearst newspapers. Probably, tbete is some baBis for the theory, and most men would rather be asleep when their wives talk to them anyhow. Franklin News. The existence of the deadly feet and mouth disease among cattle is due entire ly to tbe carelessness of farmers who pay no attention to their pasture lands, also to improper methods of fntl!zlng the same, according to Dr. Wllliift. W. Chal font, or I43B North Sixiieib street, Phila delphia. "Tbe disease," said Dr. Cbal font, who baa made a life study of the same, "is nothing more than a cankerous condition of the mouth. Owing to tbe drought during our past tummer cattle were compelled to eat teth, a poisonous weed which thrives in bad soil. Teth decomposes the alkaline and albuminous parts of the blood. Later during tbe last summer there came rain, and witb it a profusion of pasture flowers, including buttercups, most polsonons of wild flow ers. The buttercups causes cankeroua blisters, snd likewise rots off the hoofs of the animals." Taff, (Jompers, and 1!ie Voter!. Mr. Taft bad favored certain modifica tions in the couit practices respecting in junctions, and had been committed to very liberal policies regarding employers liability and other measures demanded by workingmen. He had, on tbe other baud, expressed himself as strongly op posed to secondary boycotts and certain other practices sometimes used by trade unions. The country thinks Mr, Taft baa common sense, and it sustains bim overwhelmingly in bis positions. Tbe sttempt of Mr. Gompers and others to make it appear that the American public was abarply divided on labor questions, and tbat Bryan and the Democrats stood for workingmen's rights, while Taft aud tbe Republicans were against tbe work ingmen, completely failed to convince any large number of people, for tbe plain reason that no such cleavage in public opinion actually exists, If tbe wsge earners and employed classes bad been solidly llued up for Bryan, while the employers and controllers of capital bad all been supporters of Taft, we should have bad a political cleavage along social lines tbat would have been regrettable. Fortunately, nothing of that kind hap pened. American wage-earners, whether trade-unionists or not, do not feel them selves or their welfare bound up with the fortunes of any one political party. They are as free to be Republicans or Demo crats as tbey are to be members of one cbnrcb or another or of no church at all. American Review of Reviews for December. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the lasi 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry ontany obligations made by their firm. West fc Traux, wholesale druggists, To ledo. O., Waldino, Rinnan A Marvin, wholesale druggWta, Teiedo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upou the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75o per bottle, sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. For I Iml Dull Feeling After Eating. I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, and can testily that they have done me more good than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eating. Dsvid Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen tbe stomach and improve the digestion. Tbey also regulate tbe liver and bowels. Tbey are far superior to pills but cost no more. Get a free sample at Dunn A Ful ton's drug store and see what a splendid medicine it is. Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form regulates the liver relieves sick headache constipation stomach, kidney disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. For chills fever and malaria. Its tonlo effects on the system felt with tbe first dose. Tbe $1.00 bottle contains VA times as much as tbe 50o size. Sold by J. R. Morgan, Business Opportunity. An old and very large mercantile bouse would like to get in touch witb an ambi tious young roan who would .like Jo es tablish himself In business In Tionesta or lu Forest county. One with small capital preferred, but this is not neces sary. Apply by letter, stating present occupation, former experience and men tion at least two business references. Address E. P. II., Lock Box 395, Pitts burgh, Pa. 2t Pineules lor the Kidneys are little golden globules which act directly on the kidntiys. A trial will convince you of quick results for Backache, Rheumatism, Lumbago and tired woruout feeling, 30 days' trial $1.00. Tbey purify the blood. Sold by J, R. Morgan, Notice. Tbe Stockholders of tbe Forest County National Bank or Tionesta, Pa., will meet on Tuesday, January 12, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. in., at tbe office of tbe bank, for the purpose of the election of directors for the ensuing year, 12-2 41 A. B Kelly, Cashier. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quickly relieved with Bees Lai ative Cough Syrup. Its laxative OHalltv rids tbe system of tbe cold. Pleasant to lake, nest ror children for coughs, colds croup and whooping cough. Sold by J, R. Morgan, NEWSY PARAGRAPHS Summary of the Week's News of the World.' Happenings From All Parts of the Globe Put Into Shape For Easy Reading What All the World It Talking About Cream of the Newt Culled From Long Dispatches. The department of justice filed Its petition asking the supremo court tc take up the Standard Oil case Involv lng the $29,000,000 fine. Another land bill Is introduced in the house of commons by Secretary Birrell, who says $900,000,000 Is need ed to complete the work begun In Ire land. Mrs. Ccorglana Sampson of Palmy ra, widow of Harry Sampson, nephew of the late Admiral Sampson, 'was ar rested chnrged with the murder ol her husband. Lord Roberts In the house of lordi declared that Great, Britain was ii Imminent danger of losing her supren acy at soa because of her military weakness and the consequent peril ol Invasion. Thursday. The foot and mouth disease hai been discovered among cattle In Mich Igan. The Chagres river, flowing through the break in the Gatun dam, flooded the railroad in Panama. Members of the house ways and means committee admitted that a re duction In the tariff schedules on lroi and steel was not improbable. The New England conference of gov ernors adjourned after listening to pa pers pointing out the need for laws tt protect the sources of Bea food. The hospital ship Relief, five dayt overdue at Guam, reported to Reat Admiral Sperry, battered and partial ly disabled by heavy storms and fire. Friday. Rioters in Rome smashed the win dows of the Austrian embassy. The kaiser Is believed to be seri ouslv ill. according to advices from Berlin. Dorando Pietrl of Italy defeated John J. Hayes, who won the London Marathan race, in a 26-mile run al Madison Square Garden. According to a Washington advice President Roosevelt will not seek tc Influence President-elect Taft In th matter ol appointments. Frank H. Hitchcock Informed Presl dent-elect Taft that four times during the campaign the Republican national committee's coffers were empty. The art inn of Comte Bonl de Castel lai; against his former wife, now Princess Ilelie de Sagan, for the cus tody of his three children was opened In Paris. The situation in India and the dan ger of an uprising are causing alarm Calcutta advices declaring that at tempts on the lives of Englishmen are of daily occurrence. Saturday. One man was killed and five persons perhaps fatally Injured in i collision In a Boston terminal staihn. By a margin of fifty-six seconds Louis Wagner, driving a Fiat racing automobile, won the grand prize ai Savannah, Ga. George Raines, one of the best known criminal lawyers In the state died suddenly at his home In Roches ter yesterday afternoon. Manila dispatches announced the first landing of sailors from the Amer ican battleship fleet and the arrival of the hospital ship Relief. Men interested In the leather busi ness in the United States argued fot free trade before the ways and means committee now discussing tariff re vision. Monday. Rear Admiral Marnier ordered three United States gunboats to Chinese waters. The navy was defeated by the artry 6 to 4 in the annual football be tween the two nation:'! academies. Rlchafd Croker and Charles F. Mur phy greeted each other with cordiality at a Democratic club reception. Postmaster General Meyer reports a deficit of nearly $17,000,000, the larg est In the history of that department. Italy, aroused against Austria, Is a new and dl-turblng factor in the Bal kan crisis, according to a Berlin dis patch. Two Japanese steamships collided off the port of Chee Foo, China, and it is reported that 700 persons have been drowned. The Erie canal closed to navigation at midnigh' last night. The Cham plain and Oswego canals were closed on Nov. 15. Tuesday. Postmaster General Meyer In his an nual report again urges the establish ment of postal savings banks and a rural parcel post. New York city is assured of getting art collection of the late C. T. Yerkes, as the mortgage covers only the prop erty in which It is housed. Campaign for equal municipal suf frage is launched at a big mass meet ing In Chicago, one suffragist startling her hearers by defending the saloons. Many recommendations for impos ing a tariff or increasing present du ties on miscellaneous articles are laid before the house committee on ways and means, which is planning revision How One Doctor Miircesaiully Treats Pneumonia. "Id treating pneumonia," says Dr. W, J, Smith, of Sanders, Ala., "the only remedy I use for the lungs Is Chamber- Iain's Cough Remedy. While, of course, I would treat other symptoms with dif ferent medicines, I have used this rem edy many times in my medical practice and have yet tailed to find a case where it has not controlled tbe trouble, I have used it myself, as has also my wife for coughs and colds repeatedly, and I most willingly and cheerfully recommend it as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowledge." For sale by Dunn t i utiou. Hia Threat to a Conductor. Some t'.mc iik' ii mun at Ypsllnntl. Mich., lu'caine i-rncd on the subject of hypnotism nud was scut ou a Mich igan Central Iniln to mi asylum. Wheu the conductor linked for tickets the crazy mini Ik'kim telling of Ills hyp notic powers. "I'll hypnotize you," he said. "Fire away," replied the conductor. The mini linide several pusses before tile conductor's face "Now you are hypnotized." he said. Tho conductor looked the part as best lie could. "You're n conductor." the hypnotist Mild. "That's right." replied his victim. "You're a good conductor." went on llio hypnotist. "Right iignln," sit lil the conductor. "You don't smoke, drink or swear at passengers. You are honest. You turn In ull tickets mid money you collect from passeiigers. In fact, you do not steal n cent." "That's right," assented the con ductor. The hypnotist eyed li tin n moment, then said: ' "What nu awful fix you'd be In If I left you lu this condition!" Kansas City Star. FOR SALE. 2 Chickering Grands, 2 Chickering uprights, 1 Knabe Grand, 3 Knabe up rights, 1 Steinway upright, 3 Hardman uprights, 2 Kurtz mann uprights, 2 Estey up rights, 1 Fischer upright, 1 Kranich & Bach upright, 2 McPhail uprights and 3 Haines Bros, upright pianos. Slightly used. Just like new. Big bargains. Write at once for prices and full description. Write also for list of second hand pianos. W. F. Frederick Piano Co., 663 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Subpoena In Divorce. COl'NTY OF FOREST, . The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of laid County, Greeting: Whereas, C. Horner Smith, did on tbe 24tb day of December, 1907, prefer bis pe tition to our said Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas for said County, pray ing for the causes therein set fortb, tbat he might be divorced from tbe bonds of matrimony entered into with you, Min nie N. Smith. We, therefore, command you, the said Minnie N. Smith, that, setting aside all other business and ex cuses wbatsover, you be and appear in your proper person before our Judges at Tionesta, at a Court of Common Pleas there to be held for the County of Forest, on the Fourth Monday of February, 1909, to answer the petitiou or libel of the said C, Horner smith, and to show cause, it any you have, why the said C. Horner Smith, your busband, should not be di vorced from tue Donils of matrimony, agreeably to tbe Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided. Herein tail not. Witness the Honorable W, M. Lindsey. Presideut of our said Court, at Tionesta, the 19lb day of November, 1908. J, V. tJuivr, rrotuonotary. To Minnie N. Smith .- You are hereby notified to appear be fore tbe Honorable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, at Tionesta, Pa., on tbe fourth Monday of February next, to answer asset fortb In above subptvna. A. W. Stroup, Sheriff. December 1, 1908. WE PAY CASH FOE No matter where you live or bow few you have, it will pay you to ship your bides and furs to us. We are the largerst Buyers of Utiles in tbe East -perhaps in tbe whole country. We pay all freight and express charges. We are tanners and can pay more for cattle and borsebides, sheep and calfskins than any dealer in tbe world as we use up what we buy and do not have to sell again at a profit, same as the dealers. We are also immense dealers in raw furs and pay trappers and dealers higher prices than any firm in any city or town. Send today lor our big catalogue, pricelist and buyers guide and get posted on tbe market. It will pay every general store keeper, butcher, tarmers, junk dealer and trapper to send for our circulars. We want buyers all over we advance cash. Wiite at once before territory is taken. CORRY HIDE & FUR CO., 17 W. Main St., Corry, Penna. AN ORDINANCE (No. 22.) Supplemental to an ordinance (No. 8) entitled "An ordinance for tbe erecting, building, repairing and maintaining sidewalks on botu sides ol all the streets, alleys, laues and thoroughfares now opened or hereafter to be opened for public travel tn the Borough of Tio nesta, Pa.," approved March 27th, 1907, providing tbat all sidewalks hereafter to be erected, built or rebuilt on tbe following described portions of Elm and Bridge Streets in tbe Borough ol Tionesta, to-wit: Said Bridge Street from tne bridge across the Allegheny River to Kim Street and said Elm Street from the North side of the Ceme tery Lot to tbe West side of tbe J. J ' Landers residence lot, shall be of flag stone or concrete and Bhall be five feet in widtb and shall be built on tbe grade turniHtied by the Borough Engineer. Be it enanted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough ol Tionesta, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by tbe authority of tbe same: Section 1. That all sidewalks here after to be erected, built or rebuilt In pur- suanceofan ordinance of tbe Borough of Tionesta entitled "An ordinance for tbe erecting, building, repairing and main taining sidewalks on both sides of all tbe streets, alleys, lanes and thoroughfares now opened or hereafter to be opened for public travel in the Borough of Tioaesla, Pa.," on the followed described portions of Elm and Bridge Streets, lu tbe said Borough of Tionesta, to wit: Said Bridge street irotn tne Dridge across tne Alle gheny River to Kim Street and said Elm Street from tbe North side of the Ceme tery Lot to tbe West side of tbe J. J Landers residence lot, shall be erected, built or rebuilt of flagstone or concrete. Section 2. Tbat all sidewalks erected, built or rebuilt as aforesaid shall be of the uniform width of five (5) feet and upon tbe grade furnished by tbe Borough Engineer. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contlioting herewith, so far as the same may affect this ordinance, are hereby repealed, Ordalufdand enacted into a law this 20ih day of November, A. D. 1908. Wm. Smkakhaugh, President. Attest: M. A. Cakrinokr, Secretary, Approved: November 21, A. D. 1908. John T. C'aksok, Burgesa. Don't ' 1 1 w . . X , !i tO !! W v X J Gj What about it for this winter? If not fully fitted out i.. X. - - &a this respect let us figure with you oo a new X. Cold ill HEATER I (- And uncomfortable. Make your winter purchases now, and get tbe full benefit of them. Underwear, Sweaters, Hosiery, Gloves, Fascinators, Caps, Wool Shirts, Mufflers, Cotton and Wool LMankets, Coats and Furs For Ladies', Misses and Chil dren. G. W. ROBINSON i SON Fifty Men Take Note. Here are fifty rich, imported Suit ingsevery ooe different, every one exclusive, and only enough of each to make one suit. You may select any one of these choice Suitings and have it built to your measure by our famously skilled tailormen for $32.00. Most of these cloths cost us $4 to 14.75 to import and our regular price is 140 to 945, but we are out for the patronage of fifty more substantial business men. They are nil superb fabrics, but of course there s a choice, so get here early if you want to be one of the fortunate fifty. THE McCUEN CO, 2b AND 29 SENECA ST . . OIL CITY. PA. f You Are Handicapped t if Your Clothes Are Not Right. An ill fitting or unbeconi- ing Suit is a serious handicap jj and a great mistake. I make tbe kind of clothes X T that discriminating men x i... u . -.. ..: i T and made to individual taste. Prices on more than the I commonplace kind will cost. T Better let me show you Suits from $18 up f jj Win. P. Ileclnuit, The Tailor, Tionesta, Penna. X I Nettletork Shoes. The feet ate the most abused members of the hu man anatumy. Crippled Feet, Corns, bunions and a multi tude of foot trnubles follow in tbe wake of poorly made and ill-fitting shoes. Ooe model we have is a broad tne, heavy wax calf shoe tbat will comfort all achiog feet. We will be pleased to show you this shoe, as many other styles. JOE LEVI, Cor. Center, Seneca and Syca more Streets, OIL CITY, 1A. Rlectrio Oil. Guaranteed for Rheumatism, Sprains, Sore Keet, Pains. o. At all dealers HEATER or COOK STOVE. Our stock is complete and our lioe is the best ever han dled in this town. We can save you money on either Gas, Wood or Coal Stoves. All sorts of Horso Blankets and Furnishings For the Horseman or Teamster. Best Ammunition While the huuling seasoo is on. Come and see. Buggies and Wagons, and Everything in Hardware. J. C. Scowdcn, - Tionesta, Pa. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, Time Deposits Solicited. A.Watns Cook, President. A. B. directors A. Wayne Cook, G. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugn, N. P. Wheeler, T. P. Rltchev. J. T. Dale. A. B. Kellv. Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low raten. We promise our custom era all tbe benefits consistent witb conservative banking. Interest pld on time dnpnaitn. Tour riatrnam rnopoctfiillv nllnltrl. Monarch Clothing Co. Great Purchase Of the Entire Surplus Stock of Men's and Boys' Suits a.nd Overcoats, From the well-known firm of L. llershfieli & Bros., G22-G24-()26 Broadway, New York. These high grade goods are now on sale and will save the purchaser from $1 to $10 on a Suit, Overcoat or Raincoat. Make your purchase early as they will sell very rapidly at these prices. Men's Suits. Men's nobby stylish Suits in fancy browns, gteys, London smokes, blacks, blues, etc, u ade of fine quality worsted or cheviot, equal to tailor made and guaranteed as represented. $20 Men's Suits now $11 !)8. $25 Men's Suits now 16 50. $18 Men's Suits now 10 98. $16.50 Men's Suits now $'.) 98. Suspenders free with all Suits and also pressed free of charge. Guaran teed perfect fitting and every garment as represented or no sale. Elegant Men's Suits in nobby brown cheviots, greys, blacka and fancy smokes. Pretty Suits with ele gant quality lining, equal to auy $15 or $16 50 Suit sold in the county. $8 93 Men's Suits of first clnss worsted or cheviot in greys, browns, blacks and blues, perfectly tailored ami selling all over al $10 and $12 Value guaranteed or no sale. $7 98 Men's Overcoats and Raincoats. You may have seen some very pretty and stylich Overcoats at 820, $30 or $25, but none of them are MONARCH CLOTHING CO. NEAR DERRICK OFFICE, Administratrix's Notice. Letters of Adininistiation on tbe estate of Eliza A. Merven, late of Hickory Towoxbip, Forest County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to slad estate are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and those hiving claims or de mands will present them, duly authenti cated, for settlement. Cakrik Osgood, Adm'x, Endeavor, Pa, S. D. InwiN, Attorney. 611011 Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the estate of Miss Eliza (ireenslade, late of Tionesta Borough, Forest County, l'a., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment with out delay, and those having claims or demands will present them, duly authen ticated, for settlement. C. A. Kandali., Adm'r, 6U0-7 Tionesta, Pa. NATIONAL BANK, 150.000. $85,000. WUlgay Four I'er Cent, per Annum Kbllt. Cashier. Wm.Smrarbauoh, Vice President prettier than the Overcoats we are selling at these prices. Our Over coats are the best in the market. Nobby and fancy browns, greys, Lontlun s ranked ami blacks ot fine quality All Wool Kersey or Cheviot. $25 Overcoats now $14 50. $20 Swell Overcoats now 14 50. $18 Swell Overcoats now $12 98. $16.50 Swell Overcoats now $11 98 $14.50 Swell Overcoats now $10 98 Over 300 Men's stylish Black or Grey aud Fancy Brown Overcoats aud Kainonats, wrlb $15. al $9 98. $12 Overcoats now $8 98 $10 Overcoats now $( 98. $8 Overcoats now $1 98. Boys' Overcoats and Reefers. Best $7 50 Coats or Reefers $4 98. best $5 Coals or Ueefera $3 98 Best $4 Cats or Reefer $2 98 Btst $3 Coats or Reefers $1 98. Boys' Suits at same prices as our splendid assortment of Reefers or Overcoats. Suits come straight or bloomer pants. Sweater Coats. ' 49c, 98c, $1.98. OIL CITY, PA. Sigworth k Ilepler LIVERY Stable. Having recently purchased the A. C. TJrey livery stable, we are making many improvements to keep the ser vice first-class and up-to-date. New horses and carriages will be added and we guarantee to our patrons the best turn outs to be had, courteous attention, and reasonable rates. Come and see us. Rear or Hotel Weaver TIOITESTJL. IE?A. Telephone No. 20, 1 " I