FRANC EA ID ATOR POINTED PARAGRAPHS The New Avitumn Fashions Make a fascinating moving picture show at this store this week. To walk through the different sections, to inspect the different floors is like having a parade of fashions pass in review before you, and the problems that now interest nearly every woman in America what is the size of the hat The style of the sleeve? The fullness and length of the skirt? The newest thing in gloves, hosiery, neckwear, trimmings, etc., are solved. You will want first choice, and you who are going to get the best styles had best come now now when styles, varieties, assortments are so rich and full, and, withal, priced so pleasingly. Beautiful HaAs for Ajtvimn. A painter's brush and an artist's skill could not portray all the beauties of these first new creations for fall and winter wear. Cold type utterly fails to describe their shapes, their peculiarly lovely harmonies, worked out in velvets, satins, ribbons, leath ers, wings and flowers. Every little piece of trimming helps out the artistic color idea and the elegant style. We shall simply say that the splendid records of our past have been surpassed, and our collection of Suit and Dress Hats at 5 to $10 is difficult to duplicate elsewhere at $7 to $12. Women's Suits, Skirts, Waists. This store is a mecca for them. We have sold more so far this month than in any previous corresponding period of tirne. There are reasons for this. The correctness of the styles, the variety to choose from, the quality of suits have much to do with it, we are sure. Exclusiveness and the fact that every suit that requires al teration is finished as though molded to its owner, combined with prices that are moderate, are pushing our sales ahead of all previous seasons. The Smart & Silberberq Co. OIL CITY, PA. A popular song runs, "Every Little Bit Added to What You Got Makes a Little Bit More." Put what you have in a Savings Ac count and we will make it considerable more by adding Four Per Cent, linterest. Oil City Trust Company, Oil City, Pa. President, JOSEPH SEEP. Vice President, GEORGE LEWIS. TT SAN-CURA OINTMENT Is guarantee') to relieve at once that Itching, Burning Pain, and permanently cures Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Burns, Bruises, Scalds, Old Sores, Ulcers, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Catarrh, Corns, Chapped Hands and Lips, Boils, Carbuncles, Felons, Sore Nipples, Festers, Itcbiog, Bleeding Piles, Insect Bites, and Old Chronic Fever Sores. , The best Poultice, always clean and moist. 35c ami 50c a Hot tie. AU Druggists. Postage paid on receipt of price if your druggist does not have it. The 50c Bottle is three times the 25o kind. . Mention this paper. For sale by Dunn & Fulton and Rovard's Pharmacy, Tionesta. I larokatoky 8 am) 10 diamond btkeet, titisvilm:, ia. - i Ait JiAJi A A Jsitirti AiL Ji JiAA-x AAA AAA TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Pennsylvania Railroad POPULAR EXCURSION TO n:i rvi-. j t;a mi. i uu Liiy dim liiusvme I LAST JOP THE SEASON I Sunday, October 18a, 1908 T Til.batann.trl nnlnir .... L'. '! i Special Train October 18, or regular stations named at the rules ouoted: T , , 1 rain I Ul'le I Htrulliers I Warren I. T.tilnalnn 1 . IU.I1 1 fU t Tidioute 10.34 " 75 T Hickory 10.&0 " 75 j, TionnKta 11.02 " 75 Oil City Ar. 11.40 " Tltusville Ar. 1&20 p. m. 1 Returning, Special Train loaves Titusville 7.00 p. m., Oil City 7:40 p. m. Train S3 due to leave Oil City :i:;i0 p. rn. October 1!), will leave Titusville 2:30 p.m. Children between Ave and twelvo years of age, Half Fares. I J. It. WOOD GEO. W. BOYD I asseuger Trallio Manager General Passenger Agent Treasurer, II. R. MERRITT. TTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT AAAAA AA AAAAAA AAA ttttttt ttttttttt . 1 1 1 . . trains October 19, will be sold from the Hal to Oil City or Leaves. Titusville and return 0.47 a. in. Jl 00 f 9.51 " oo 9 50 j no 1 111 f . 1 . . . ? Conferences With Representa tives of the Powers. Danger of War Believed to Lie In Pre cipitate Action at Constantinople. Should War Be Declared Efforts of the Powers Will Be Directed to Limiting Hostilities to Bulgaria and Turkey International Conferene to Revise Treaty of Berlin. Paris, Oct. G. France has essayed the role of mediator with the object cf preventing war between Turkey and Bulgaria, and as a result of For eign Minister -firhon's series of cou ferences with the representatives ol the powers, including M. Jswolsky, the Russian foreign minister, Naoum Pacha, the Turkish ambassador to France, the Austro-Hungarian, the British, the American and the Italian ambassadors and of active exchanges which have been going on between the various cabinets, it was announced last night that France, Great Britain, Russia and possibly Italy were pre pared to act In unison to preserve peace and to call a conference of the signatories of the Berlin treaty to deal diplomat Icily with the situation that nas arisen between Turkey and Bulgaria and to harmonize conflicting Interests so that fresh complications may be avoided. Recognition of Bulgaria Conceded. Already certain tentative proposi tions as a basis for a conference have been forwarded to Constantinople, and If the porte's assent can be secured it la argued as certain that peace will be maintained. The nature of these propositions has not been disclosed, but It Is understood that they Involve the recognition of Bulgaria's Inde pendence as a "fait accompli." The danger of war Is believed to He In pieclpltate action at Constan tinople. Forced by the "Young Turks" pnrty. which may fear a blow at Its prestige If It acquiesces In the loss of Bulgaria, and by the military pnrty, which wants to restore the old order of things, It Is feared that Tur key, although Ill-prepared, both from a financial and military standpoint, may proclaim war. Should this be the case, the efforts of the powers will then be dire, ted to limiting the war to Bulgaria and Turkey. According to information received here. Bulgaria would welcome war, as the Bulgarians are convinced that their army could march straight to Constantinople before the Turkish forces could be mobllzed. The French government's communique says: "It Is certain that France, Russia, Great Britain and Italy will do their utmost to maintain peace In the East, but It seems difllcult as the present moment to judge what means will beRt attain this end. All depends upon what will happen at Constantin ople, and events that will now rapidly ensue might very shortly place the powers In the presence of a 'fait ac compli' and completely modify the aspect of affairs. Revision of Treaty of Berlin. "The Idea of an International con ference charged with the duty of de ciding upon a revision of the treaty of Berlin would seem to be put forward with a certain persistence In political circles. However, the disposition of Turkey In that respect must be first ascertained. If Turkey Is favorably Inclined to this It Is believed that the powers can easily reach an agreement on the principle of a conference, the Initiative for which France, Great Britain and Russia will take. But these are onlv hypotheses, which for the present must he regarded with re serve." The view Is now hold here that there has been a double move on the part of Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary, these two countries acting together, and that Germany and Italy were ad vised of It In advance. Russia also received an Intimation of the plan, but Mr. Iswolsky asserts that he was not let fully Into the secret, and In some respects was misled. A KEROSENE LAMP EXPLODED, Mrs. Mary Cummings and Two Grandchildren Burned to Death, Yonkers, X. Y., Oct. 6. Mrs. Mary Cummings, 70 years old, and her two grandchildren, .lennette I lowland, aged 9, and Harry Howland, 11 years old, were burned to denth In a fire which destroyed the cottage or John Cum mings, superintendent of the estate of William' J. Cohran on the outskirts of Yonkers. All the members of the household were asleep when the fire was started by the explosion of a ker osene lamp. Cummings and his wife managed to get out safely as their bedroom Is on the first floor, but the ejilt of Mrs. Mary Cummings, her daughter, Mrs. Maria Howland, and her two children was cut off by flames In the hall. Mrs. Howland managed to get out on the roof of a veranda, but as she was reaching In the window for her chil dren she fell to the lawn, breaking h; light leg nnd left arm. Phonograph, Too, Is Silent. None of the Bryan phonograph roc erds has the speeches advocating frei silver and Immediate government own ership of the railways, nor have they the "great commoner's" attacks on Roger Sullivan, Colonels Watterson and Guffey. These omissions tell an Important story. Brookville Republi ran. Why Does He Kick? As Mr. Bryan made all his money under Republican administration, what Is he really kicking about, anyway? Fulton Republican. Summary of the Week's News of the World, Cream of the Newt Culled From Long Dispatches and Put In Proper Shape For the Hurried Reader Who It Too Busy to Read the Longer Reports and Desire to Keep Posted. Wednesday. The savings bank section of the American Bankers' asociation express ed opposition to the postal savings bank. The Flrminlst party, according to advices from St. Thomas, believe that a new revolution In Haytl will be suc cessful. Russians of the lowest class strick en with cholera, according to advices from St. Petersburg, crowd the tram cars, spreading the Infection. National Guard regiments received from 'the United States government new- Springfield rifles to take the place of the Krag-Jorgensens. Governor General Smith of the Phil ippines cabled the war department that the reception of the fleet should be delayed a month on account of cholera. Thursday. A Rome dispatch says that Cardinal Merry del Val Is reported to be about to retire as pupal secretary of state. Campaign managers of both pieties have come to the conclusion that New York state Is the real battle ground of the presidential fight. Colonel Brewer, ousted from tho Salvation Army In New York for stock speculation and readmitted on pro fessing conversion, returned to the "street" again. John D. Archbold of the Standard Oil company said his private letter books and files had been looted three years ago by an employe who offered them for sale to a newspaper. Dr. B. Bang, noted authority, of Copenhagen, decried useless slaughter of cattle which react to tuberculin test in Impromptu address before the Inter national congress on tuberculosis at Washington. Friday. Ten thousand persons are believed to have been drowned In floods caused by unprecedented rainfalls In the Hy derabad section of India. Yale university received $1,263,444 In gifts last year, and the total of as sets and funds Is $9,640,246, according to the treasurer's annual report. President Castro hns refused to ac cept Holland's second note In the Ven- ezeulan matter from Barln Secken dorff, says a dispatch from Willem stad. W. J.Wilgus submitted to the public service hoard plans for a freight sub way Jn New York, which should trans port freight and waste throughout the city over a belt line with spurs to the basements of buildings and to railway terminals. Saturday. Lieutenant Governor Chauler was notified of his nomination for kov firnor in a speech by Alton U. Parker. The British cruiser Gladiator, which was sunk last April by an American liner in the Solent, was refloated. Senator .1. B. Foraker asked that his accusers take him to court It he has done anything wrong In accepting a Standard Oil retainer. After a chase which Listed for sev eral hours Edward Radcl of Bound Brook, N. J., shot and killed a Hon which had escaped from the winter quarters of a circus. In pressing a plea for $10,000 a month alimony and $13,000 counsel fees for Mrs. Howard Gould, her at torney declared that his client, who is now on an ullowance of $25,000 a year, is in "serious want." Monday. A dispatch from Berlin says the re port that Germany Is planning a big increase to her navy is "absolute non sense." Rear Admiral Sperry, at Manila, an nounced that only officers of the bat tleship fleet would be allowed to visit the plague Infected city. Business men In lower Manhattan are much Interested In plans of the Amsterdam corporation for a $100, 800,000 system of freight Bubways. Holland not only admits the offens ive character of the letter of M. De Reus, expelled minister to Venezuela, but the government says he would have been recalled when the contents of the letter became known. Tuesday. The American fleet rode safely through a furious typhoon which struck Manila bay. Washington dispatches state that President Roosevelt has taken charge of the Taft campaign fund. James P. English and Catharine Murphy, whom he was soon to marry, were Instantly killed by a train at Win field, Ij. I.. Mrs. Alice Damp, mother of twenty three children',, all of whom are living, arrived in New York from the Isle of Wight with eleven of them. Charles Weishecker, a wealthy pro vision dealer, was killed and his wife and two friends Injured In an automo bile accident near Edgewater, N. Y. Two persons were Instantly killed and three others hurt when, an auto mobile plunged down a twenty-five foot, embankment near Philadelphia. Urica Dairy Market. , Utlca. N. Y.. Oi t. '..Transactions on the rtica dairy buard o' trade to day were as follows Color. Lots. Boxes. Pr. Large white .... 1 ion 12', Large colored .. !! .114 3 i' Vi Large colored ..2 ISO 1 2 "4 Small white .... 2 217 12'4 Small white .... 1 75 12' Smull white 2 160 12 Small colored .. 14 1.15!) 12' Small colored ..4 310 12 SnialJ colored . 2. 208 12' Totals 37 2,923 BUTTNIt No creamery Imtter port, price ruling at 28c. re- Cloak and Suit Department. Women's Tailored Suits, Misses' Tailored Suits, Waists. Coats and Skirts, Costumes . , r. v, aurid Opera. Cloaks. In the merchandise assembled for this fall season of 1908, the Cloak and Suit Department far surpasses any previous effort. Exceedingly handsome Tailored Suits at $16.50, $18.50 and $20. Suits that will bear the most rigid inspection as to the little details of perfect suit con struction. Suits that leave nothing to be desired in style or general make-up. This suit busi ness is being done on an exceedingly close margin of profit basis. The kind of suits we are sending out at $16.50, $18.50 and $20 best evidence of this fact. Junior Suits range of styles and fabrics is a large one. All strictly mun-tailored and designed as carefully and with as faithful regard for correct style as the women's suits. We have the right idea about these Misses' Suits. They have distinction, style and character. Made by a house that makes a specialty of "Junior Suits." Designers who design only Misses' Junior Suits. Tailors who make only Junior Suits. Radr Coasts. Peau de Soie and Moire Antique. Such excellent materials and so handsomely designed that the Rain Coat has come to be worn as much lor an Evening Wrap as for a Ilain Coat. Pri marily, of course, they're a Rain Coat. Styles are loose-fitting, semi-fitted and the very popular Nippon style. Browns, navy, black, tan, grey and green, in stripes and mixed moire effects. Wm. B. Absolutely Free to You A full quart of "Family Favorite" LAMP SL Not a cent. No obligation whatever. Simply fill out, clip and present the Coupon below to your dealer and he will dive you absolutely free one full quart of "Family Favorite" Lamp Oil." 1NUV Simply to prove beyond i Vi il seven things about 1. Perfectly afe 160 dctrreea Are test 2. Makes purs white light with perfect combustion. 8. Bums steadily, evenly and full candle power, to the limt drop. 4. Burns without smoke or odor will not char the wick, smoke the chimney or "smell." 6. Burns lamp out dry with round, fiat, Iarpre or small burner, with perfect, free feed without moving the wick. - Give It a Fair Trial. Empty lamp clean burner use new wick. If your dealer does not happen to have "Family Favorite" Oil, send this Coupon below (all Bpacea properly filled out) direct to us and wo will get after your dealers. PLEASE DO THIS. We are absolutely sincere In this free Offer. We really want you to try "family Favorite," JUST ONCE ANYWAY, at our expense. Then it's up to the oil Itself to prove the truth.' Don't feel that we will think you are trying to get "something for noth ing." THE OBLIGATION IS OURS. We want you to try "family favorite.". PLEASE DO IT. Waverly Oil Works Co. Independent Refiners Pittsburg, Pa. $100,000 FROM STANDARD. Judge Parker Speaks of Contribution In 1904 to Republican Committee. Baltimore, Oct. 6. "When Presi dent Roosevelt so sweeplngly con demned Haskell for his alleged con nection with the Standard Oil com pany, he perhaps forgot that In 1904 bis, Roosevelt's, committee received $100,000 from tlie Standard Oil com pany for the campaign fund and spent It" This statement by Judge Alton B. Parker of New York brought to their feet in a burst ot wild applause some six thousand Democrats who assem bled last night in Richmond Market hall to hear him. Senator John Daniel of Virginia, W. C. Bacon of New York -nd others discuss the Issues of the cajnpalgn: Continuing .Tudse Parker said: "And when Treasurer George B. Cortelyou, of the national committee In that year, went to the Standard Oil company by appointment to ask for money for the cunipalgn fund he was not satisfied with $100,000 but wanted more. It may be true that Rooseveit wrote to Cortelyou telling him to send that $100,000 hack to the Standard Oil company but it Is equally true that Cortelyou did not Bend It back but used it. And It Is also true that he was never punished by Roosevelt for not sending the money back. On the contrary, he was rewarded by be ing made postmaster general of the T'nlted Slates nnd afterward secre tary Of the treasury." 1 j 1 1 $12.50, $14.50, $16.50, Suits has received special These range $6.75, $7.50, $10, $12.50 to $25, and the ma terials are English Cravenette, Cravanetted Taffeta, Satin, James, Oil all doubt, at our own expense, about "Family Favorite" Oil: 6. That it gives more light with no trouble at the same price ns charged for common bulk oils from tank wagons. 7. That after you have tried and proved "Family Favorite" it is worth while to in sist and seo that you get it; that you will trke no other no matter what argument is offered ; that you have tit last found the best laiup oil made "Family Favorite." ions, jrrmr flnltr n 111 exchauirn for this rntipnn, nl ltitelv free, one full quurt ot "ifauitly xu rorite" Lamp Oil." Wavfbt.t On, V.'onmi To., Independuut llelluers, I'ltuburg. Pa. (ITWf jjfaiWy-) Name P. O. Address. Name and Address of your dealer., Allowed to Proceed In Male Attire. New York. Oct. 6. The Ellis Island Immigration authorities, who had de tained Miss Mary Johnson, a Canadian woman, when she arrived here on the American liner New York under the assumed name of "Frank Woodhull" and wearing men's clothPs, tndav de cided to allow her to proceed to her destination. New Orleans, still garbed In masculine attire. Miss Johnson, 50 years old and of masculine appear ance, had declared to the authorities that having been born unprepossess ing as a woman, she had found her self practically shut off from earning a living, and that only as a man had she been able during the past fifteen years to earn a regular income as a hook agent and maintain her respect ability. Inventor's Mind Became Unbalanced Jeannette, Pa., Oct. 6. Carmen Sac co, an apprentice barber, aged 21 years, committed suicide by shooting himself in the left ear. He had been experimenting for some time In the hope of Inventing an Improved meth od of making artificial ice and his mind Is believed to have become un balanced. Thrown From Buggy and Killed. Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 6. Miss Eliza beth Ogden, aged 85, osteopathic prac titioner, wan thiown front her buggy while driving along Nichols street, receiving Injuries from which she died while being taken to the hospital. She was the daughter of O. V. Ogden of Lawrence township, near Clearfield. $18.50. The matter of Misses' consideration this season, and the City, Pa. Stop the Little Leaks The next time you are going to spend a dollar stop and ask yourself if it really need be spent. You will be surprised to find that very often you need not spend it be cause you can easily get along without the in tended purchase. Take one of these dol lars and open a savings account in this bank where it will draw interest compounded semi-annually. Then stop all the leaks and resolve to lay the sav ings away. The re sult will surprise and please you. franklin Srust (fompantf FRAN K I I N. PA. PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Repairs Holler, Stills Tanks Agitato. Buy ami Hells Neeond - hand lSoliera, Etc. Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End of Suspension Bridge, Third ward. Olli CITY, PA. Electrio Oil. Guaranteed for Rheumatism, Sprains, Sore Feet, Tuins.. to. Atalldenlers PINEULES for the Kidneys 30 DAYS' TRIAL FOR $1.00.