The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 23, 1908, Image 2

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4. t. WINK, tOITOR Proprietor.
ICeiiublicuii Ticket.
of Ohio.
Vice President,
of New York.
J mine of the Superior Court,
Allegheny County.
President Judge,
Hon. W. E. RICE.
County CommisHioner,
County Auditor,
Jury Commissioner,
Hi F 3 4 5
JO08 9 10 11 12
MH 2 23 24 25 26
Voters Take Xolicc.
To the Republican Voters of Forest
County :
On or about August 10th I mailed to
each and every Republican Committee
man in the County a small booklet, enti
tled, "Forest County Republican Cam
paign, in which I called attention
to the matter of non-payment ot taxes.
In case this matter has not been attended
to, I appeal to you a.-ain, and also to
every Republican voter to see your Tax
Collector? and if you have not paid a
County or State tax since tLe 3d day of
November, I!)0C, you must do so on or
before the 3d day of October, 1908. Do
Dot neglect this, but attend to the matter
at once. I am, Truly Yours,
H. S. Brockway,
Chairman County Committee.
Sept. 23, 1!K)8.
Mr. Bryan is not the heir of Roosevelt.
Id fact, Mr. Roosevelt is not dead, even
politically, very truthfully remarks the
Franklin News.
Mr. Bryan's new issue of guaranteed
bank deposits is going to pieces so fast
under examination that he will bide It
with the rest of his busted paramounta
before election day.
Mr. Bryan says bis wealth amounts to
fi."i(),(.KX). A lew months ago he stated
that his annual income was about 75,O0O.
A 50 per cent dividend speaks well for
Republican good times.
Chairman Brockway calls especial
attention of Republicans to the matter of
paying taxes in order to entitle one to
vote this fall. If you haven't already
done so, attend to it at once.
One ot the Hawaaian Islands is to be
elaborately fortified for a garrison of
15,000 men. The key of the Paciflo is a
great outpost and it is as cheap to keep a
part of the army there as elsewhere.
We know that Talt is etlicient. We do
not know what Bryan can or will do
The country is large; its welfare is our
welfare. Is it safe to take chances when
you vote this yearT Franklin News.
The Chicago Tribune wants Bryan to
answer Bouie very pointed questions. He
won't do so, and if he did that newspnper
would still be for Taft. William J. is
Bhowing signs of temper lately that are
not very pleasant.
In Maine the Republicans elected tbe
entire state ticket, all the congressmen
and tbe Legislature. The Democrats
"made gains" except in the offices. Many
Democrats feel that this sort of progress
leaves an aching void.
Mr. Taft wants to know whether
Bryan is an beir or simply a Moating
quantity. Taft is what he Las always
been, but no man knows whether Bryan
is or is not what he was yesterday, Tbe
kaleidoscopo in politics seems to be a
little out of perspective.
Ik bank depositors are to be guaranteed,
why not take in investors in stock and
bunds? Say, for instance, some Canadian
gas compauy securities or stock in some
of the Pittsburg banks that have been
promineut in the market as failures, ter
sely says the Tidioute News.
That free trade, or anything approach
ing it, would reduce this country to
state of poverty, there Is little room for
doubt, says the Punxy Spirit. We have
tried il and know how it works. Free
trade is all right for the man who has ac
cumulated a competence and can live
willtout work, but lor those who have to
earn a living by labor, it is the worst
thing that could happen. It dries up the
springs of industry, and by so doing tends
to destroy the market for everything that
the farmers produce.
It is a refreshing departure from old
time hypocracy to see the two leading
candidates for Presidont ripping each
other up the back. When you come to
think of it why shouldn't one candidate
have the right to express bis opinion of
another, so long as he keeps withiu the
bounds of truth and decency? It U inter
esting to know what Mr. Taft thinks of
Mr. Bryan and also what Mr. Bryan
thinks of Mr. Talt. So let them at it.
Punxy Spirit. And the voters will settle
the whole question after all.
What this country stands in need of
Just now Is confidence nothing else. An
election which will settle tbe status of tbe
adm'nistration at Washington for four
years is about to be bf Id. Which of the
candidates is likely best to restore conli
donee? Certainly it is not Mr. Bryan,
Miss Olive Wolfe of Kellettville visited
her sister, Mrs. J as. Welsh, at Balltown,
last week. Mrs. Win. Slocum, Mrs,
Geo. Blum and guest, Mrs. Fred Rudolph,
were Sheffield visitors on Thursday.
Jas. Welsh, Sr., was a business visitor in
W arren on Saturday, Co. Supt. D. W,
Morrison of Tionesta visited our school
last Tuesday afternoon. George and
Charles Blum eutertained their father,
brother Edward and sisters Mrs. Fred
Dickrager, Mrs. Fred Rudolph and Miss
Martha, all of Green township, during
the past week. Elhel Cropp and broth
er Ruddy of Minister tooK dinner with
Miss Olive Blum on Sunday. Mrs
Lew Brennan of Minister visited her par
ents at Kellettville over Sunday. For
est fires are raging very badly in till
section and unless we get rain soon we
fear that nothing cau be done to save the
oil properties and towns in this vicinity.
About an hundred men were on tbe
scene of the fire on Sunday and worked
very hard but could not control If
Jas. McMicbael and wife of Sheffield
visited the lalter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Welsh, over Sunday. Rev. Mont
gomery, who has been returned to this
charge for tbe third year, preached us a
very fine sermon last Sabbath. Very
sorry there weren't more people out to
have beard it. Preaching again Sunday,
Oct. 4th, at 11 o'clock. Mrs. John
Stoverof Minister was a Warren visitor
on Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Slocum and
Miss Katharine Hepler called on the
former's sister-in-law, Mrs. John Lind-
sey, at Truemans, on Saturday afternoon.
R. W. Burdick, who is working at
Mayburg, was at home with his family
over Sunday. Jos. Klncb of McMl-
chaet's Camp baa purchased the Jack
Spencer property on Main street and has
moved his lamily into the same. We are
always glad to welcome new residents.
Elmer Mealy of Newmansville was
through our town during the past week
with a load of farm produce. A num
ber of our people are on the sick list with
bad colds and grippe. Mrs. Lett Spen
cer returned Friday from Tidioute where
she bad been called on account of the
illness of both her mother and sister.
Both are convalescing. A fe-v of the
little folks are paying very strict atten
tion to their left arms and warning their
friends to "be careful, that's my sore
arm." We suppose tbe cause or all tbe
trouble is "vaccination." T. D. Col
lins and bis crew of enterprising bridge
builders are to be congratulated upon the
fine iron bridge which they bave con
structed across Minister creek at Minis
ter and which was a saving of several
hundred dollars to Howe township. We
understand that they are building another
one at Barnes, Warren couuty, at the
present lime. There are rumors of
there being another pipe line put through
from Porkey to Marienville. Chest
nuts are ripening and are a bountiful
crop, Tbe little boys are patiently wait
ing for Jack Frost aud Teachers' Insti
tute week to come.
T. F. Gillooly of Millinor-ket, Maiue, is
visiting his family at this place.
Quite a number of our citizens attended
tbe ball game at Sheffield, Saturday, a
special train returning after tbe close of
tbe game.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Amsler aud little
daughter visited relatives at Fryburg last
Blanche Hendricks and Goldia Hill
spent Saturday in Warren.
A little daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. AI. Orcott, Tuesday.
J, F. Ray attended the races at Brook-
vllle last week.
James Wilbur Johnson and famlliy of
Harrison Valley, are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Johnson
Mrs. Mary Wilkins of Warsaw, is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Al. Orcutt.
Wm. Kribbs returned from Brookville
last week.
"Our girls" are talking of organizing
several basket ball teams in the near
Id-alnraa Inn not He Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion ot toe ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
ami mac is- Dy constitutional remedies,
I lea fn oss is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eu
stachian Tube. Vt hen this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
Imperfect bearing, and when it is entire
ly closed deainess is the result, and un
less the intlamation can be taken out and
this lube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forover; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous surlaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case ot Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
cure, wend lor circulars, tree.
F. J. CHENEY k CO., Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists, 75.
- Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Why DriiBKists Itrrnniiiirnd t'linnibrrlitlll's
t'nllr, Cholera nnd Hinrrlioca Itemed)'
Mr. Frank C. Hanrahan, a prominent
druggist of Portsmouth, Va!, says. "For
the past six years I bave sold and recom
mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a great
remedy and one of the best patent medi
clnes on the market. I handle some
others for the same purpose that pay me
a larger profit, but this remedy 1b so sure
to effect a cure, and my customers so
certain to appreciate my recommending
it to him, that I gave it the preference."
ror sale Dy uoaa t uuon.
Wood's Liver Medicine in liquid
form for malaria, chills and fever, regu
lates tbe liver, kidneys and bladder,
brings quick relief to biliousness, sick
headache, constipation. Pleasant to take,
The fl bottle cqn tains 21 times quantity
ot tne 50c size.- first dose brings reliet.
sold by J. li. Morgan.
Low One Way Colonist Hates via
.Nickel Plate Koiul,
West, Northwest, Southwest and South
Tickets September 1st to October 31st,
Ask Agent or write C. A. Melin. D. P,
A., Erie, Pa. H-l'J-10t
(Jowl for Itlllousnvss.
"I took two of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets last night, and I feel
fifty per cent, better than I have for
weeks, savsj. J, Firestone of Alleuan.
Mich. "Tbey Bre certainly fine article
ior Dinousness." tor sale by Dunn V
r uuon. samples tree.
Congressman Burke Says Office of
President Is Infinitely More Powerful
Than Congress.
Congressman James Francis Burke
of Pittsburg iu mi mldress on "The
Powers of the President" Bays:
"The American people caH make no
greater mistake than to elect Mr. Hry
nn on the assumption that ho cau do
no harm in the face of an nil verso sen
nte. As between the executive ,ntul
legislative depart incuts of the govern
ment, the former has Infinitely greater
power to rule nnd ruin than the latter.
"Mr. Taft and Mr. Bryan ore wholly
different types of men. Each pos
sesses a strong individual character,
which would certainly nssert Itself In
the White House. What either of
these men would do during n four
years' term lu the White House is
musing ns much anxiety among
thoughtful Americans ns the mere
matter of the election alone.
"As a disturlM-'r of moneys the pres
ident Is without n rival In the world.
Through the agencies under his con
trol he will this year disburse a billion
dollars, showing the great things we
are doing in adding to the unparalleled
list of the world's achievements.
"In view of the fact that dining the
fifteen years of Bryan leadership the
states controlled liy his party have de
creased from 23 to 12, the number of
senators from -IS to ol, the number of
representatives In congress from -20
to ltSJ and In that time the Democratic
party was iu control of the ground,
whereas it Is now, as a consequence of
his teachings, n hopelessly hetero
geneous mass of Populist lc elements,
the American people can see little pros
pects of a constructive policy If Mr.
Bryun should succeed."
She's a Smooth One.
The Kane Republican gives this ac
count of a smooth swindle which was
worked in that town recently:
Some days ago a gentlemau came Into
tbe Republican office and put the editor
outo a slick swindler who had caught
many women in this locality. Her meth
ods ot collecting mouuy were simple.
She gave treatments to the hair and also
massages. She wished to organize a club
tnd each member was to pay t'l 00 and
receive 20 treatments. When the woman
entered a borne where two or three wo
men happened to be present she would
reduce the price, providing they had the
coin. It is said that there are as many as
two hundred women in Kane whojoiued
tbe club, but who bave failed to receive
any treatments nor have they seen the
aforesaid organizer. She is evideutly
working in green pastures and obtaining
"easy money" as she did in Kane. We
would have said nothing about tbe mat
ter, as it will be of no help to those who
have lost their $2.00, but it may be the
means of preventing her working in other
towns, as our exchanges will uudoubtly
warn the ladies of their community to be
on tbe look-out for her.
Just why women will pay money to an
entire strangor who happens along with a
new scheme and smooth story is beyond
our comprehension. It does not pay to
put confidence in every agent who hap
pens along. They are out for the money
there Is in a deal. In this instance it is
staled that the woman got away with be
tween 300 and f 100 and she had a large
club organized.
Neighborhood Notes.
Warren is threatened with an epidemic
of typhoid fever.
Robbers dynamited the safe in the
Albion Erie county postoflice, Monday
night and escaped with over $1,000 in cash
and stamps.
John G. Eckert constable of Bensinger
twp., Elk county, hanged nlmselt on a
tree on his farm near home last week.
He was aged 57 years. No cause Is as
signed for the rash act.
Judge Bon ton of McKean county has
rendered a decision to the effect that the
two-cent rate law does not apply to the
Buffalo, Rochester A Pittsburg railroad.
Tbe case will likely be carried to the
Supreme court.
The proposed new trolley line between
Titusvillo and Cambridge Springs is as
sured, all of the rights of way having
been secured. For tbe most part tbe road
will follow the grade ofrbeold Petroleum
railroad, built many years ago, but on
which rails ere never laid.
A Niirninrd Ankle.
As usually treated a sprained ankle
will disable the injured person for a
month or more, but by applying Cham
berlain's Liniment and observing the
directions with each bottle faithfully, a
cure may, in most cases, be effected In
less than one week's time. This lini
ment is a most remarkable preparation;
try it lor a sprain or a bruise, or when
laid up with chronic or muscular rheuma
tism, and you are certain to be delighted
with the prompt relief which it affords.
For sale by Dunn & Fulton.
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup always
brings quick relief to coughs, colds,
hoarseness, hooping cough and all bron
chial and throat trouble. Mothers es
pecially recommend it for children.
Pleasant to take, gently laxative. Sold
by J. R. Morgau.
Low Round Trip Kates Denver, Colo
rado Springs, Pueblo via
Nickel Plate Komi.
Tickets on Bale September 24th, 25th,
2(ith and 27 111. Uood returning October
10th. Ask Agent or write, C.lA. Melin,
D. P. A., Erie, Pa. ' r 2t
Ring's Little Liver Pills for bilious
ness, sick-headache. They keep you well.
25o. , Try them. Sold by J. K. Morgan
EKIS STAHLMAN. On Wednesday,
Sept. 2, 1008, at Raugbts, Elk county,
Pa., by G. C. T. HolT. Sr., Justice of tbe
Peace, Mr. Bern Ekisof Redclyff'e, For
est county, and Miss Inna Stablnian of
Uallton, Elk county, Pa.
DAUM MEALY. At the M. E. par
sonage Tiouesta, September 16, 1008,
by Rev. W. O. Calhoun, Samuel Daum
of Johnlowen, Pa., and Miss Alice
Mealy of Tionesta township,
SMITH ROLLEY. In Tionesta, Sep
tember 17, 1008, by D. W. Clark, J. P.,
Roy Smith of Endeavor, Pa and Mrs.
Blanche Rolley, of Reitz, Pa.
ral House, Tionesta, September 21,
10(18, by C. A. Randall. J. P., Alvin
Mealy and Miss May Oiny Bell Brady
baugb, both of Tluuesla township.
Whereas, The Hon. AV. M. Lindsoy,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions In and for
tho county of Forest, bus Issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Poaco, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and Oenoral
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on
the Fourth Monday of September, being
the 2Sth day of September, 1!K)S. No
tice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they bo then
and there iu their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ot said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their office appertain to be done,
and to those w ho are bou ml i n reeogn izance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
orshall belli thojailof Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my hand and seal this 31st day of
August, A. D. 1!HW.
A. W. STROUP, L.8. Sheriff.
List of causes set down for trial In the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Fourth Monday of Septembei, 1!K)8:
1. U. tJ. Snowden et al. vs. Edmund
Pequignot et al. No. 2, May term, 1IHKI
Summons in assumpsit.
2. CUw.ens National Bank vs. Q. Jam
leson.;1 No. 23, . May term, 11KJ7. Sum
mons Iify8su in psit,
3. Citizens National Bank vs. W. G.
WyniHU. No. 21, May term, 1007. Sum
mons in assumpsit.
4. Citizens National Bank vs. Joseph
W. Landers et al. No. 25, May term,
1007. Summons in assumpsit,
5. Citizens National Bank vs. William
G. Wyman etal. No. 27, May term, 1007.
Summons in assumpsit.
0. Q. Jamieson et al. vs. E. H. Norton
et al. No. 2, November term, 1007.
Summons In assumpsit.
7. J. T. Rainy vs. II. F. Blum. No. (1,
February term, 19US. Action of replevin.
8. L. S. Clough vs. James C, Welsh.
No. 7, February term, l'.KW. Summons
In ejectment.
0. J. (. C. Sigworth vs. M. Walter,
W. T. Hart. No. 3, May Term, 1008.
Summons in assumpsit.
Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Tionesta, Pa., August 31, 1D08.
BV VIRTUE of a writ or Fieri Facias,
issued out of the Couit of Com
mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva
nia, and to me directed, there will lioex
posed to salo by public vendue or outcry,
at the Court House, in the Borough bf
Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., on
MONDAY, SEPT. 28, A. D. 1008,
at 1:00 o'clock p. m. tho following de
scribed real estate, to-wit :
BARD, Fieri Facias, No. 3, September
Term, 1008. (Waivers.) A. C. Brown,
All or the defendants' right, tiHe, in
terest and claim of, in and to all tbe un
divided one-half of all that certain tract
or piece of land situate in Howe town
ship, Forest county and state of Pennsyl
vania, bounded as follows, viz: Being
Warrant No. 3186, warranted in the name
of LeRoy A Company, and containing
405 acres, more or less. The division of
said tract was run by Cyrus Black, com
mencing on the north line of said tract
at a spruce and running a direct line
through to the south line of said tract to a
, and being the east half or said
tract and tbe undivided one-half of tbe
pieinises conveyed by Thomas P. McCrea
and wile to A. J. Hubbard, by deed dated
April 7, 1003, and recordod at Tionesta,
Forest county. Pa., In the Recorder's of
fice, in Deed Hook 35, page 222-3.
Taken in execution ami to be sold as
the property of A. J. Hubbard, at tbe
suit of J. W. Hamilton.
TERMS OF SALE. Tho following
must bo strictly complied with when the
property is stricken down :
1. Wlien the plaintiff orothcr loin cred
itors become the purchaser, tho costs on
the writs must bo paid, aud a list of liens
including mortgage searches on the prop
oity sold, together with such lien credit
or's receipt for tho amount of the pro
ceeds of tho sale or such portion thereof as
ho may claim, must bo furnished the
2. All Viids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
bo continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of the
next day. at which time all property not
settled lot will again be put up and sold
at tho expenso and risk of tlio person to
whom tirst sold.
'See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition,
pago 44(1 and Smith's Forms, page 384.
A. W. STROUP, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Pa., August
25, 1008.
An Ordinance
Submitting to a vote of the electors of
Tionesta Borough Hie question of Increas
ing the indebtedness of the said borough
to $10,500, tor the purpose of. macadam
izing and paving Elm Street and of pav
ing Bridge Street from the bridge across
the Allegheny River to Elm Street.
W ii ehkas, It appearing by a petition
and affidavit on tile with the Secretary of
the Town Couucil of the Borough of Tio
nesta that the owoers representing four
fifths, in number of feel, of the property
fronting or abutting on the following de
scribed portions of Bridge and Elm
Streets, to-wit: Said Bridge Street from
the bridge across the Allegheny Rivor to
Elm Street, and said Elm Street from a
point opposite the Mose Hepler lot to tbe
culvert North of the Walford lot, have
petitioned the Town Council ot the Bor
ough of Tionesta to enact an ordinance
for the paving and curbing of the said
portions of the said streets, and
Whereas, In pursuance of said peti
tion and affidavit, an ordinance has been
enacted authorizing said Improvements,
Whereas, A petition for the paving
and macadamizing of tbe said portions of
the said streets, together with the remain
ing portions ot said Elm Street, has been
presented to the State Highway Depart
ment and has been duly approved by the
saw department, ami
Whereas, To enable the said Borouiih
of Tionesta to bear its proportion of tbe
cost and expenses ol said improvements.
it will be necessary to increase I he indebt
edness of the said Borough of Tionesta to
tue amount ot $ to.ouo 00.
Now therefore, be it enacted and or
dained by the Town Council of the Bor
ough ol Tionesta, and it is hereby enacted
and ordained by tbe authority of tbe
Section 1. That the Town Council of
the Borough of Tionesta is desirous of in
creasing the debt of tbe said Borough of
Jionesta to a sum exceeding two iter
cent ma of the last assessed valuation or
the taxable property of the said borough
out not greater than 10,500 00.
Section 2. That the question or In
creasing the Indebtedness or the Itorougb
of Tionesta to the amount of $10,500.00.
for the purpose of paving the following
oescrtned portions ot lsrldge and Klin
Streets in the said Borough or Tionesta.
to-wit: Said Bridge Street from tbe
bridge across the Allegheny KivertoKlm
Street, and said Elm Street from a point
opposite the Mose Hepler lot to the cul
vert North ol the Walfird lot, and of
macadamizing the remaining portions of
said Kim Street, be submitted to a vote or
the electors or the said Borough of Tio
nesta at the general election to be held at
the Court House in the said Boiough of
Tionesta on the 3d day of November, A.
D. 10O8, notice of said election to be given
as required by law.
Ordained and enacted into a law tbis
21st day of September, A. D. 1008.
Wm. Smeakhaiioii, President.
Attest: M. A. Carrinoeu. Secretary.
September 22, 1908. Approved.
John T. Carson, Burgess.
PINEULES for the Kidneys
30 DAYS' TRIAL FOR $1.00.
1 When you want a good i
hat, instead of paying five I
dollars, keep two dollars i
in your pocket and buy a
X Hawes $3 Hat
Worn by the best dressed I
men everywhere. "We are i
showing the lall styles.
New FaJl
In Da Luxe Ready-to-Wear Clothing
are now on display.
We are showing the latest things
iu Overcoats and snappy unto dale
Suits. Hundreds of them are here.
Come iu and try them no.
New Hats Youman's.
New Neckwear.
New Underwear and Hosiery.
New Coat Sweaters for Men,
Womeu, Boys aod Girls.
You will find these goods are all
right, and so are the prices.
It's a Sad
To tell your friends when
some ignorant, unscrupulous
tailor attaches a can to you
in the shape of a bum, ill fit
ting suit.
Order your clothes of us.
i There is no element of chance.
Our garments are "right" in
style, quality, fit and price.
Suits from $13 to $10
rants from $3 to $10
Fall Samples
are now iu aud am ready to
fehow them.
Let rue show you my oew
J line.
1 Wm. P. Decliant, f
The Tailor,
Tionesta, Penoa.
llepair Iloilcr, .Stills,
Tanks, Agitators. Ituys
and Sells Second - hand
Hollers, lite.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CITY, 1A.
Electric Oil. Guaranteed for
Kbeumatism, Sprains, Sore
Feet, PrIiih. to. At all dealers
is tbe preparation of young men aod womeu for positions of trust and responsibility. Our success
has been phenomenal scores of our graduates receive from $(i0 to 8125 per mouth and are being
promoted each year. Honest, conscientious work has earued for us the title
aud we solicit the patronage of students who know what they want to do and who have a good
preparatory education. Our faculty consists of 8 teachers we have 10 rooms 45 typewriters
enroll from 200 to 250 each year 87 graduates in class of 11108. O.impare us with OT1IEII
commercial schools iu this section. A postal will bring catalogue ai d full information. Mention
this paper aud we will send you 10 cicely written cards FREE.
Meacdville CommerciaJ College,
JIIMliYIM.i:, 1A.
Seasonable Cooiu
We have constantly ou hand aod at living prices, a large
stock of the finest grades of
Oils, Paints, Tarnishes, While Lead and
If you iutend to paint let us quote you prices on quantities.
01 It HI (.WIN AM) WA(0S
Have a reputation that cannot be beaten.
Id Farming Implements we have
A Full Line of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators
and arIeii Tools.
Our prices are always right.
n ; '
Pj Poultry letting
v J. C. Scowdcn,
Time Deposits Solicited.
A.. Waynb Coos,
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
A. B.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all tbe benefits, consistent with conservative bunking. Interest ptid on time
deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Monarch Clothing Co.
Fall Display of Women's New
Beautiful Suits, Skirts and Jackets
Fall Skirts.
Au'umo assortment of
popular models of Women's
Dress .Skirts; made of elegaut
quality Chiffon Panama,
Black, Blue and Brown;
handsomely mads and effect
ively trimmed; elegaut value.
$3 m
Sheath models and Direo
to ire styles of handsome Voile
and Chiffon Panama Dress
Skirts; beautifully designed
aud effectively trimmed. Our
advertising space will not
permit of a good description
of these very beautiful Paris
copied models; elegant value.
Improved Sheath aud Di
rentoire models; copied from
the genuine Sheath (import
ed) styles, but improved by
one of New York's greatest
tailors so that hundreds of
dollars have beeu ottered this
manufacturer not to copy
this model. They are beau
ties and come in elecaDt
Chiffon Panama in Blue, Black,
Browo; also Fancy Herringbone
Cheviot in London Smoke, Dark Grey
and Plaiu colors. Elegant value.
84 1)8
Grand Display of
Women's New Fall
Women's beautiful Fall Suits io
Broadcloth of. All-Wool material.
Tbe coat is effectively trimmed with
satin and also full satin lined; cut
3li inches long aud colors of Blue,
Brown, Green, Black and Loudon
Smoke. Tbe skirt is made the Dew
circular goto with fold at bottom;
per (out models and elegaut value
812 !I8
neaoVfd,!!?,ck OIL CITY, PA.
and Wire Screens.
- Tionesta, Pa.
Will pay Four 1'er Cent, per Annum
Wm. Hmkarbauoh,
Vloe President
O. W. HobtnBon, Wm. 8mearbauRh,
T. F. Rltchev. J. T. Dale, A. B. Kellv.
Mioses' and Junior Suits for ages
13, 15, 16 aud 17 respectively. These
elegaut Suits come in plaio colors of
Blue, Brown aod Greu; also Fancy
Mixed Browu Cheviot Suits; effect
ively trimmed and perfectly fitting.
Skirts have folds at bottom aud are
rare beauties. Big value. $!) 1W
Drectoire 'nd Sheath models (im
proved) of high class Suits for Wo
men. Coats cut 34, 36 and 42 inches
long; effectively designed a .d triin
med; silk or satin lined. The fab
rics are Imported Broadcloth, Her
ringbone Worsteds iu Blue, Browu,
Green, London Smoke; also stripes
aud handsome plaids. These suits
are beauties aod could easily com
mand 8'0. Other stores will no doubt
charge 825 to $30 for such high class
beauties as theie Our price, 818