The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 05, 1908, Image 4

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    .i lading Fire Insur
4 of the world, aud can
. buiunt loss at lowest rates.
u:e annul8 In 'his county for the
and can furnish security for County
olUcials, bank olllcials, elc.
If you want to
Iluy op .Sell Properly,
consult our Roal Kstate department. We
make a specialty ol this line of work and
can satisfy you.
C. M. AH St SON,
X ' .... -
Dunn & Fulton
Try our Ice t
Cream Sodas
and Sundaes
hot weather.
All the
popular flavors
Ice Cream
in any
NOW Is the time to arrant for your
course in shorthand, typewrltinK aud
general busiuess. All of our instructors
are experienced in business and in teach
ing. The most modern methods are
employed, and positions are secured for
our graduates. Special rates and a new
typewriter for each student until our
cnmmerciHl opening, Sept. 1st. Miss
Deibln in charge of shorthand all summer.
C. W. SMITH, President, Warren, fa.
Lammers. Ad.
Hopkins. Locals.
Wm. B. James. Ad.
Robinson A Son. Ad.
Kranklin Trust Co. Ad.
Smart it Silberberg. Ad.
(Marion Normal. Header.
Kd in boro Normal. Local.
I). L. lirennemyn. Local.
Monarch Clothing Co. Ad.
Holl' llusiness College. Local.
Lock Haven Normal. Locals.
Meadville Commercial College. Ad.
Proposed Contitutlonal Amendments.
Oil market closed at 11.78.
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
Oil and gas leases, best form, for sale
at this office. tf
Tim rani nlnnin season has iuslbeeun.
when all the vegetables, including roast
ing ears, are just right.
The second annual picnic cf the mar
ionville Buckwheat Club will be bold In
that place on Thursday, Aug. 20.
Shoes, hats, underwear, negligee
shirts and everything else for the hot
clays yet to come at big reductions. Hop
kins. 1'
Tha Ladies Missionary Society will
conduct the prayer meeting at the Pres
byterian church tomorrow, Thursday,
If you don.t take advantage of Hop
kins big reduction sale it will be your
own fault if you have the higher prices to
pay next season. It
For prospective teachers Edinboro
Normal is ono of the best training schools.
Fall term opens September 8th, 11HI8.
Catalogue free. John F. Blgler, Prin
cipal. It
The Franklin News thinks It Is right
that the auto should have a large place
In any future war; it kills and wounds
more men than any other machine now
in use.
Blackberries of a good quality are au
occasional sight In our markets these
days. The berries are said to be quite
abundant aud are selling readily at fair
Alderman Haudall had a Utile nip
taken oh" the end of the third finger of hia
right hand by getting too familiar with
the mowing machine at bis farm one day
last week.
Robert Osten, son of Nathan Osten,
of Stewart Run, had his right knee pain
fully injured one day last week by being
caught by a hayfork while unloading bay
in the barn.
The Monarch Clothing Co.'s annual
summer clearance sale begins this week
and offers exceptional big opportunities
to get high class summer wear for very
little mouey.
Those are the "dog days," when rat
tlesnakes are supposed to be 'blind, and
when the small boy gets covered witii
bolls If he goes swimming oftenor than
'steen times a day,
Whether you will need them this sea
son or not it will pay you to lay iu a sup
ply of warm weather wearables for next
year. The reductions iu prices are mar
velous at Hopkins' stoie. It
The twentieth century Is strenuous.
complex and democratic. One-third of
the young men of this age are not wanted
because of their habits; but trained,
loyal, cheerful, sober-mluded young men
are iu demand.
i il ft oil
suayforA. J A
iiauity ou Lin luiui at btewart Run. The
well was dry but will be drilled to the
fourth or green oil sand.
About eyery available rig In the
community was pressed Into service last
Sunday to transport people to the Pleas
antville campmeetlng. The attendance
is said to have been very large.
The boro dads are determined to en
force the ordinance against bicycle riding
on the sidewalks, the violation of which
has been much In evidence ot late. Have
a care, boys, or you'll get pinched.
Ho, for the hot weather stulf. Hop
kins is selling all summer goods at reduc
tions that mean a great saving to custom
ers. Don't miss the opportunity to pro
vide yourself with new goods while it is
yet quite in season. It
Guy, the young son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Baumgarduer, fell quite a distance
from an apple tree, at his home Saturday
forenoon, lie alighted on bis back, but
aside from being stiffened up some, was
not seriously Injured.
According to the Derrick's oil report
for July the regions prod uoing high grade
or Pennsylvania oil completed 647 wells
during the month; the new production
amounted to 4,420 barrels, and there were
110 dry bolea aud 24 gas wells.
Following is the list of letters lying
uncalled for iu the Tlonesta, Pa., post
office for week ending Aug. 5, 1!K)8: Mr.
J. Albert Grimm, Mr. C. F. Fox, Mr.
Ted Biebl (card), Mrs. Sarah E. Sly
(card.) D. S. Knox, P. M.
The hay crop, which was fully up to
the average iu these parts, has all been
harvested. Oats will be next on the list
and the yield promises well. It's loo
early lor predictions on the buckwheat
crop but thus far It la showing up well.
Once In a while there is a talkative
criminal with no special education, who,
with the same attention to plot and cir
cumstance In bis Imaginative stories,
wo'ild have been made famous as a nov
elist, significantly observes the Franklin
Uncle Tom's Cabin will exhibit under
tent in Tlonesta, this Wednesday evening
Aug. 0th. The company carrios 34 peo
ple, 34 horses, mounted brassband of 12
pieces, aud all necessary paraphernalia
for the proper production of this wonder
ful play. Go and see it.
Mrs. J. N. Rathfou of Llckingville is
at the Warren hospital where today the
will undergo a serious operation. Mrs.
Rathfon has been in poor health for some
time, aud many friends in this commun
ity will hope for a successful outcome
aud beneficial results from this ordeal.
A stranger was discovered prowling
about the front door of Killmer Bros.'
store late last Friday night, by George
Ilenshaw. He disappeared back of the
store whon Mr. Ueusbaw approached
him. Au investigation showed that
nothing had been disturbed about the
A u exchange says: "Ladies are
warned to beware of the telephone neck."
It is due to long standing at the telephone
with the receiver at the left ear, causing
an Involuntary leauing of the head to one
side. It is more noticeable with those
living on party lines, and surgeons de
clare the result is liable to be a crooked
necked generation In the near future.
The Porkey Oil, Gas and Mineral
Co,, constituted mostly of Warren men,
expect to drill In their fourth gas well
Tuesday and several of the magnates will
be on the scene. It Is located only C5U
feet from Collins' 7,(K)0,0(H) gusher and on
a direct line with other wellB drilled by
the company. The well is expected to
make a great showing. Warren Mirror.
If you have not already enrolled for
the Fall Term and are Interested in get
ting a first class business education at a
first class school, then write The Hoff
Business College, Warren, Pa. This is
the old, the reliable, the established, the
well known school of Northwestern
Pennsylvania. We can help you. Call
or write. L. J. Holmes and I. J. Hoff,
Proprietors. It
The Lock Haven State Normal School
sent out a large class of youug men and
women at its last commencement. Their
excellent training thoroughly equipped
them for the position of teachers and It Is
gratifying to know that they were all .for
tunate In securing schools. Its patronage
during the year just closed exceeded any
previous year. Address the Priucipal
for Illustrated catalogue. It
Mrs. Matt Mclntyre, of Harmony
township, was bitten by a rattlesnake
about a week ago. We are without par
ticulars except that she was picking ber
ries and the snake bit her on the leg just
as she bad stepped over' a fence. Serious
results were averted by applying local
remedies, the first of which was the raw
flesh of a chicken, and Mrs. Mclntyre
was all right at last accounts.
-A first cla-:s training school is also an
excellent fitting. school for life. The
Lock Haven State Normal School meets
these requirements and its large patron
age Is the best proof of the fact. It has a
tine faculty made up of graduates of the
best training schools and colleges in the
United States and foreign countries. The
expenses are moderate and its home in
fluences are particularly attractive. Its
location is unsurpassed in this state and
its reputation equals the best anywhere.
Address the Principal for illustrated cat
alogue. H
Congestive lymphangitis is the name
of a new disease peculiar to horses which
has recently been Imported into this
country from Europe The disease Is al
most universally fatal, and horses affected
by it have to be killed in order to prevent
spreading by Infection as it is very con
tageous. It was first discovered among
horses in Butler county, and physicians
and veterinarians claim this to be the
first appearance of the dreaded disease iu
the United States. Traces of it have been
found in Butler, Venango, Lawrence,
Mercer, Crawford and Jefferson counties.
We notice that the death was record
ed in one of our exchanges during the
past week of a subscriber who lifted the
Democrat out of a postofflce in this coun
ty for several years, and when the new
postal law went into effect last spring,
and we sent this subscriber a request to
settle for several years subscription due,
wo received the cheering intelligence
that this person had never subscribed for
the Democrat, and therefore did not owe
us anything. We hope that this sub
scriber w ill have clear sailiug at the other
end of the line, but we have our doubts
about It. Smethport Democrat.
Km lie Kluck, aged 22 years, of Oil
City, was drowned Monday afternoon in
the river at Eagle Rock, where be was
camping with a party of friends. The
young man could not awlm aud was wad
ing in shallow water and stepped into
deep water where the shallow beach
breaks off abruptly. Before companions
could reach him he went down for the
last time. His body was recovered.
The last quarterly meeting for this
conference year will be held. in the M. E.
church In Tlonesta, Friday and Sunday,
August 7th and Gth. The District Super
intendent, Rev. D. A. Piatt, will preach
Friday evening at 8 o'clock, and hold the
quarterly conference. Suuday at 10 a.
m, Love Feast, followed by the sermon
and Holy Communion. The District Su
perintendent will preach Sunday evening
at 7:45.
Last Wednesday morning, just after
he had finished cutting bis bay and was
putting his mowing machine in the barn,
F. M. Hoovler of Stewart Run got the
first finger of his left band caught and
crushed in the cogs of the machine. He
came to town where Dr. Dunn found it
necessary to amputate the finger between
the first and second joint. It makes a
very sore hand but Francis isn't losing
any time from his work.
The approach of the mushroom sea
son bringB its usual crop ol accounts of
people who have reached the threshold of
death through eating toad-stools in mis
take for the real thing. Persons not en
tirely familiar with the edible variety of
this toothsome fungi should religiously
desist from gathering them, but it's not
likely they will, and the newspaper man
will continue to get a juicy news item
in consequence, now aud then.
We were misinformed when we
stated last week that Lowe A Co. 'a well
on the Kirk tract, Hickory township, bad
been abandoned by the contractor, ( has
Carnahan, on account of a bit being lost in
the hole. It was thought the well would
have to bo abandoned but on making one
last try for it the bit was recovered. The
well was finished last Friday and was
dry. A location has been made for an
other well and work will begin at once.
Some big hailstones fell in the neigh
borhood of the Francis Oil company's
operations, near Marienville recently, ac
cording to the Express. Roofs were
broken In and destroyed on most of the
dwellings, barns aud outbuildings.
"Hail 2 Inches by X and nearly an luch
thick is said to have ome down in tor
rents for a few minutes. Fortunately
none of the employees were caught out as
life would have been in imminent dan
ger." At the meeting of the Jefferson
County Gas Company held Monday eve
uiuglast it was decided to go ahead with
the project of laying a six inch gas line
from the property of the company into
Warren. The company controls a large
gas production, and will pipe the gas to
the East Side factories. This insures gas
for fuel to the factories and will relieve
the older companies from the burden of
the factories, which at times In winters
past have severely taxed their mains.
Private consumers will be glad to bear of
auy means that will relieve a possible
low pressure of gas on cold days. War
ren Times.
Emory Witherell, who is with the
crew that is engaged in picking up the
Wheeler & Dusenbury timber along the
Allegheny, brings us a natural curiosity
which he found on bis trip at the mouth
of Hickory creek. It consists of a fair
sized river "hard-bead," In which iB a
round bole or crevice that has the appear
ance of having been dug out with some
sharp instrument, and which would
answer quite handily tor an ink well.
Emory thinks it might have been used
as such by the old Indian chief Corn
planter, the only missing evldeuce to
confirm such a theory being the question
as to whether that well remembered old
guy ever had use for such a commodity.
A crew of men with N, P. Wheeler
Jr. as their captain are engaged In an ef
fort to pick up the logs which escaped
from the Wheeler Dusenbury pond at
Endeavor in the washout of July 3d, and
they bad reached here last Saturday
where they found a quantity of the logs
lodged on the piers of the river bridge.
They have a tent and complete cooking
outfit so that they can put up anywhere
for a day or two very conveniently, and
live quite comfortably while they have
such an artistic chef as Emory Witherell
to provide the provender. While the logs
are badly scattered and lodged In almost
inconceivable places the men are getting
enough gathered Into the eddies to pay
the company for the time and labor ex
pended In picking them up. The Grand
in Lumber Co., at Eagle Rock, will saw
the logs found above their plant.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
has dismissed the petition recently made
to baye a new trial granted Michael
Holka, the Austrian under sentence to
bang In the Frankliu jail August 18 for
the murder of Police Captain James Mee
han. Sheriir Williams, of Venango
county, the Blizzard says, received a
scaffold from the Commissioners of Erie
County two days prior to the date fixed
for the execution of Holka aud James
Strail, July 14. As both the condemned
men were granted a reprieve the scallbld
was stored away in the altio of the Jail.
It will be used in the execution of Holka
and erected in the jail at the bottom of the
stairway leading to the upper row of
cells. This scaffold has seeu service at a
number of executions and is the one bor
rowed by Sheriff Scott for the execution
at Meadville several years ago of Frank
Major, the murderer of Chief of Police
MuUratb, of Titusvllle.
A very pleasant and instructive
Mothers' Meeting was held in the Pres
byteiian church on Tuesday evonlng. It
was couducted by the superintendent of
this department of work, who was most
ably assisted by the members of the
Woman's Christian Temperauce Union.
The aim of this department of work is to
get into sympathetic touch with the
mothors of young families, upon whom
rests the responsibility of training in
temperance lines, as woll as In every line
for the upbuild iug of noble character the
precious children whom God has placed
In their care. The articles read aud dis
cussed were "An Appeal to Mothers,"
"Why There Was a Need of a Y," "The
New Century for Motheis," "Training
Daughters Never to be Unwomanly,"
and "The Return of the Prodigal." All
of these were helpful aud Instructive.
At the close of the meeting light refresh
ments were served and all enjoyed a very
pleasant social time. Pkksh Supr.
Lloyd Miles of Warren la here for a
visit with Benjamin Wenk.
Hon. O. C. Alleu of Warren attended
argument court here last Thursday.
Mrs. M. A. Felt spent Sunday with
Mrs. Harry II. Watson, in Kellettville.
Mrs. Robert A. Fulton returned Sat
urday evening from Chautauqua Lake.
Miss Jennie Siggina of West Hickory
was a guest of Tlonesta friends Tuesday.
Contractors Beck and Ott were home
over Sunday with their families at War
ren, Mrs. G. W. Bovard and Dr. F. J.
Bovard spent Sunday at Chautauqua
Mrs. T. E. Henry of North Claren
don, Pa., Is visiting Mrs. Solomon Fitz
gerald. H. E, Gillespie of Porkey was tran
sacting business at the county seat last
Mrs. Howard MacDougall visited
with relatives at Franklin a few days the
past week.
Mrs. Lee Davis and daughtor Miss
Nellie are visiting relatives In James
town, N. Y.
C. F. Feit and family are spending a
few days with the family of Philip Wolfe,
near Newmanaville.
Mr. J. C. Dunn and daughter Fern
are spending a few days of this week
with Oil City friends. '
C. W. 8mitb, of the Warren Business
College, was here last Thursday looking
up students for bis school.
Miss Gertrude Agnew left Saturday
for a few weeks' visit with relatives at
Cooksburg and Clarington.
Miss Katharine Osgood Is home from
a weok's visit with friends at Harmons
burg and Conneaut Lake, Pa.
Miss Emma Salsgiver, of the nurse
corps at the State hospital, North Warren,
was a guest at the Rural House Sunday.
Mrs. O.O. Gaston returned last week
from a month's yisit with her sisterr at
Sharpsvllle, Pa., and Youngstowo, Ohio.
Mrs. Ralph Henry went to Erie, Pa.,
Tuesday, for a two weeks' visit with Mr.
aud Mrs. Lester Holeman and other
The Misses Mildred and Leola Thom
son of Jamieson Slatiou spent Saturday
and Sunday with Miss Grace Houser, in
J. F. Proper and A. C. Brown, with
their families, autoed over to Clarion and
back last Sunday, in Mr. Proper's hand
some car.
Mrs. Fred S'.ocum and two sons and
Mrs. Harry H. Watson and two sons, of
Kellettville, are visiting Mrs. G. F.
Rev. J. F, Scherer of Endeavor left
last Thursday for Northfield, Mass.,
where he will attend the Moody bible
Mrs. C. H. Kenniston and children,
of Oil City, are spending the week with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Mays.
Mrs. A. W. Richards and children
have returned from Seigle, Jefferson
county, where they have spent sometime
In camp. Warren Times.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weaver and
children, Glenna, Lilha, Lester, Cletus
and Gregory, spent Saturday and Suuday
with relatives at Lucinda.
Dayid Edwards came up from Sharon
Sunday to be with his wife and young
daughter Dorothy, who are visiting
grandpa and grandma Clark.
Capt. J. J. Haight of Cooper Tract
was a Tlonesta visitor Wednesday and
Thursday of last week, being a guest at
the home of L. Agnew while bere.
Miss Justina Sigglns returned to ber
homo at West Hickory Saturday after an
extended visit with her sister, Mrs.
Frank A. Wheeler. Mercer Dispatch.
Mr. Scott Agnew returned to his
home at Cooksburg today, after a few
days' visit with bis wife, who was oper
ated on for appendicitis a few days ago.
Kane Republican, Saturday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Mon
day of the Township, Aug. 3, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. L. L. .uver of the Boro,
Aug. 1st, a son. To Mr, and Mrs. Clyde
Culmer of Nebraska, July 30th, a son.
Rev. II. A. Bailey left Monday for
Grove City to be present at the remain
ing sessions of the Bible School which
will close on next Sabbath. Owing to
his absence there will be no preaching
service at the Presbyterian church next
Miss Christine Agnew returned Mon
day evening from a mouth's sojourn in
Colorado, where she visited her sister,
who has spent the past eight montba in
the Centennial State, She reports Miss
Edna in the enjoyment of almost perfect
health, and grown so stout and robust
that her friends In the east would scarcely
recognize her, all of which is pleasing
nows to them.
Joseph Weaver, who Is playing third
base for the Fredonia (N. Y.) base ball
team and making good on the Job, came
home Monday for a few days visit with
bis parents. He will return today. The
Fredonia team will play at Chautauqua
next Wednesday, the date of the excur
sion from here, and our people will have
a chauce to see Weaver and Haslet, the
local boys, in tbe game.
Word cornea to eastern friends from
the Pacific coast that J. E. Wheeler, of
Portland, Oregon, formerly of Endeavor,
is the father of a bouncing big boy who
arrived at bis domicile a day or two ago.
"Jack" left a host of friends iu these parts
when be migrated to the west, and all of
them will wish nothing better for the
youngster than that he shall grow to be
as good a man as his pap.
Mrs. Ralph E. Haines gave a Ken
sington Friday afternoon at her borne on
West Sixth street, as a compliment to her
guest, Miss Blanche Mae Pease, of Tlo
nesta, Pa. The guests were special
friends of the hostess and the afternoon
was pleasantly spent chatting and sewing.
The afternoon ended with a luncheon,
with dainlioa cooked by the hostess.
Mrs. Haines bad provided a delightful
little musical program for the entertain
ment of her guests and proved a charm
ing hostess. The guests were: Mesdames
J. O. Fryer. Chas.O. Bechtol, D. E. Beach,
J. Hyson Miller, E. L. Weesner, (). M.
Flinn, C. K. Harvey, Walter W. Ford,
II. L. Erlewlne, ('has. Thompson, Harry
Goldthwaite, Taylor, S. F. Jones, Harry
Anderson, Weesner and the Misses Ada
and Nellie Wright, Ethel Case, Donna
and Eva Flinn, Bessie lleichert, Birdia
Phillips and Lena Wall, and the follow
ing out of town guests, M iss Anderson of
Chicago, Miss Bern ice Piersou of Leslie,
Mich., and Mrs. Frank Masquelotte of
New Orleans. Marion (luiittua) Daily
Double Accident on Log Train.
Monday forenoon Charles and Leslie
Deshner, brothers residing at Mayburg,
and both married, were severely hurt
while earring logs to the lumber mill at
Mayburg. Charles is tbe engineer of the
train and Leslie is the conductor. The
train had gone down to Bear creek and at
least one car had been loaded, and the two
men were out attending to the switching
while the fireman was attending the en
gine. The method of loading tbe cars is
to put on a partial load, building it wider
at the top and in a sort of trough-like
shape; over these then tbe binder chains
are secured and more logs are rolled upon
tbe top of the load and act as a "binder"
to the chains. The top logs are not fas
tened or bound. In coming down a short
grade one of these loose logs rolled off
and struck Charles Desbner knocking
blm down. His brother jumped to his
relief Instantly, and at that moment a
second log rolled off and caught Leslie's
left leg between the rail aud the end of
the log, crushing the foot and ankle into
a pulp, making hia injuries much worse
than those of IiIb brother Charles, whose
hurts consist of a badly bruised shoulder
and limbs, but who Bustaiued no bone
Both men were taken to Kellettville on
the engine and given temporary relief
aud afterward were taken to their homes
at Mayburg. Charles was getting along
well at last accounts under the care of
Drs. Detar and Serrill, who fear, how
ever, that Leslie's Injuries are of such a
nature that amputation of the leg above
tbe ankle Is the only alternative.
Argument Court.
In the absence of President Judge W.
M. Liudsey, Associate Judges F. X.
Kreitler and P. C. Hill presided over an
hour's session of argument court last
Thursday forenoon, after which tho court
took a recess until Thursday, August 20,
at eleven o'clock a. m. The most impor
tant business transacted at this session
was the appointment of viewers to locate
roads and bridges in Hickory and Har
mony townships, which were destroyed
by the great flood of July 3d.
On petition signed by tbe supervisors
and citizens of Hickoiy township, F. F,
Whittekln, Orion Siggins and C. A. Ran
dall were appointed artist and viewers to
vacate and supply a road up Little Hick
ory creek, starting at the Little Hickory
bridge, below the narrows, and running
to road on Albaugb bill, 500 feet westerly
from the Albaugb school house.
On petition signed by the supervisors
and citizens of Harmony township, J, F.
Proper, W. P. Crouch and Wm. Cropp
were appointed artist and viewers to va
cato and supply a road up Sigglns run,
beginning at a point opposite tbe Sigglns
cemetery and ending on said road on the
Hue between E. B. Head and M. W.
Tucker, a distance of about one mile.
On petition D. W. Clark, G. W. Sawyer
and W. II. Stiles were appointed artist
and viewers to view and locate a bridge
crossing West Hickory creek, on the
road leading to Dawson station. A span
of (10 feet aud new abutments will be re
quired. The petition Beta forth that on
account of the destruction of this ard
other bridges and roads the expense is
moro than Harmony township can bear.
It is the intention to ask help from the
county in tbe construction of this bridge,
On a petition signed by citizens of Tlo
nesta township, T. D. Collins, W. H.
Harrison and Herman Blum were ap
pointed artist and viewers to vacate and
supply a road from the foot of Xohle bill
to tbe Green towushlp line, on the road
leading to Nebraska. The present road
is Impassable In many places during high
water and It Is proposed to move It to
higher ground,
A subpu-na in divorce was granted in
the case of Pearl M. Mohney vs. David
A motion was gran tod to file a supple
mental Hfhdavit of defense in the case of
Michael Tooiney vs. A. R. Mecbling, Leo
Braden and S. R. Croasmun.
In tbe divorce case of F. B. Bobbins vs.
Harriet Robbina, a rule to show cause
was granted on a motion for counsel fees
and alimony,
Samuel Beasom is borne from Califor
nia visiting his father and mother, hay
ing spent six years in tbe oil field of
California. He will go back some time
this month.
Jas. Barlett of Kane is in the com
munity leasing land and will drill a well
between this place and Redclytfe.
Samuel Henry of Tlonesta was iu our
town over night last woek.
Philo Dunkle, foreman for the Morri
bell Lumber Co. of West Virginia, is at
Rev. Adams of Brookville is visiting at
A. R. Mechling'a for a few days.
John Olson and O. B. Uottel have pur
chased a livery barn at Brookville and
are thore doing business.
Our base ball team went up to Red
clyfle Saturday and got trimmed. The
score was 13 to 12.
W. A. Royer and daughter, Mrs. Ureen
hlll, are visiting in Franklin.
Our town can boast of three hotels at
this writing.- A short time ago we bad
one, so we are looking for a boom of soino
Mrs. Aber of Sberidanville, Pa., Is vis
iting at the home of ber mother, Mrs, E.
C. Mazo.
Dr. Brewer and G. E. T hrush are con
templating a trip to Washington and
Oregou. They expect 'to be gone for
some time.
John Coon has been remodeling his
house and when finished it will be an
improvement to that part of town.
J, M. Uepler was borne from Panama,
having spent tbe past year there. He has
goue back.
Rev. Hann is takipg IiIh vacation now
and has been away for two weeks.
A new girl has appeared at J. T. Cook's
and a new boy at J. M. Reed's.
For Sale Cheap..
One l." horse power saw mill In com
plete running older. Stationary. Two
circular saws, gang edger, etc. Noe I). L,
Brenueuian, Kennerdell, Pa. lit
The Cost.
The cost of a year's attendance at the
Clarion State Normal School is fl45.n0 to
students over seventeen years of age.
This includes board, room rent, light and
laundry. Write lor information to the
principal, J, George Becht, Clarion, Pa.
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for
young and old is prompt relief for coughs,
croup, hoarseness, whooping cough.
Gently laxative. Guaranteed. Sold by
J. R. Morgan.
Bargains in
We have a great variety of Fancy
and Plain Cups and Saucers, Plates,
Deep Dishes, Sauce Dishes, Choco
late Sets, Celery Trays, Sugar and
Creams, &c.
We have more than wo want for
this timo of year and they are bar
gains at
1-3 off on every
thing. We have left also a great variety
of 5 and KM goods which we are
ollenug at 2 for 5c aud 2 for 10c.
A great variety of other bargains
in several other lines.
Examine displays.
liovard's Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
Now for themid-summer round-up.
Hot Weather
at a Reduced Price, Just When
Yovi Want Them.
July is our mouth for cleaning up on summer goods.
Straw Hats, Ladies' Oxfords, Wash Goods, Summer Dress
Goods, Underwear, &c, will all go at a
Liberal Reduction
Until the end of July, Come early and often and see what a
bargain you get.
With Judd axle will carry fully 25 per cent, more than a wagon with a
common axle; is lighter, better, stronger, neater and the beat wagon on the
market. Write, telephone, or come and see us if in need of a wagon. We
can save you money.
Just Received, a Car Load of Slate
and Plaster.
Wo bavo everything you need to build or farm with.
Genuiue Charcoal Galvanized Iron Spouting is hard to got, but we
havo it and every piece is stamped. No guess work.
Call aud see us.
Cash Clearance Sale
Opens Satur
day Morning,
August 1st.
'IVrms ol" Sale 'usli. Positively no goods sent on approval or
charged except at regular prices.
rT'C WlTK a BeuU'" Clearance i?al of all season
V1.L v" MLjmLjI. ajje gi,(Uis Yon know our storo, our
reputation and tho kind of goods wo sell. Wo are not continuous perform
era on Bpecial or other kind of sales. Djn't believe in them. But we have
a sale twice each year, when prices are reduced to tho lowest possible poiut,
and reductions stated iu our "ads" are actual facts and fur thoroughly re
liable inurcliandiao that wo chu and do stand bnck of at all times with our
guarantee of "Mouey Pack."
rr r. t
m' l SSI
jWSMf with
I mW??W real
immfiw merit
KtN fw0y' $1 Ah,olutely unlike
SUP" P v ''J a11 ",hcr" Mu,t be
VSsr ' i 'i it rCn PP'd
fJCpSyg i lrtl Once med al-
V"l vy ud. Clean-io
1 ? tii handle, clean -to-cirry
a iT clcan-to-61l. (Guaranteed
J J to write freely at first
I f itroke and not to leak
turn in the packet. Shipped In
attractive pAikagei for Xmil
Gifts. A large variety ot a t y 1 e and
Leading Jeweler,
Oil City, Penua.
Closes Satur
day Evening,
August 8th.