The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 15, 1908, Image 3

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    , , leading FiTe Insur
, of tbe world, and can
uu agalust loss at lowest rates,
6 are agenta In tbis county for the
and can furnish security for County
olHclals, bank ollloials, etc.
If you want to
Buy or Sell Properly,
consult our Roal Estate department We
make a specialty ol tbls line of work and
can satisfy you.
C. M. AMR k SON,
J Dunn & Fulton f
Pharmacy , f
Try our Ice
Cream Sodas
and Sundaes
hot weather.
All the
J popular flavors?
Ice Cream
m any
Joe Levi. Ad.
hammers. Ad.
W. 1'. Deuliaut. Ad.
Tbe MnCuen Co. Ad. ,
Hoblnson A Son. Ad.
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
Franklin Trust Co. Ad.
Smart it Silberberg. ,Ad.
Harvey Fritz. Two Ads.
liovard's Pharmacy. Ad.
Nickel Plate Ky. "Reader.
Monarch Clothing Co. Ad.
Hopkins. Ad. and Locals.
Wm. B. James. Two Ads.
Mrs. Anna Dewalt. Local.
Hnff llusiness Colleite. Local.
Warren business College. Ad.
Poppenberg Motor Car Co. Ad.
Oil market closed at f 1.78.
You can get It at Hopkins' store, tf
Oil and gas leasos, boat form, for sale
at this office. tf
Ladies' Oxfords much reduced In
price. Hopkins. It
Moyer Park Wagon for sale cheap at
J. C. Scowden's. lit
For Sale House aud Lot on Bridge
street, Tionesta. Inquire of or write,
Mrs. Anna Dewalt, Tionesta, Pa. 2t
Straw hats, light uuderwear, wash
good?, summer dress goods, and all such,
now going at greatly reduced prices.
Hopkins. It
Sheriff A. W. Stroup began excavat
ing tbe cellar Monday for a residence on
bis lot on Vine street, which be pur
chased from Martin Rhodes.
Midsummer reduction sale of every
thing pertaining to hot weather wearables
at the Uopkius Btore. Just when you
are most in need of these goods. It
Enroll now for tbe Fall Term at the
Hoff Business College, Warren. Special
discount offer this month. Call or write.
I. J. Hoff and L. J. Holmes, Proprietors.
An auto party In J. F. Proper's car
ran over and killed a large black rattle
snake in the road a few rods below the
creek bridge, In the borough limits, last
Saturday evening. Who will deny that
tbe automobile has its usesT
Everett, tbe young son of Axel Aron
son, fell into tbe river Friday afternoon
while piunicing with bis mother and oth
er children, along the railroad track be
low town. He was quickly rescued aud
aside from the scare was all right In a
few hours.
Excavating for the basement of the
new M. E. church was begun, last week,
aud the concrete work and laying of tbe
foundation stone will probably begin tbis
week. It is expected tbe coremony of the
corner stone laying will take place early
In August.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ewing of Fox
Creek, Green township, were poisoned
by eating canned tomutoos on tbe eve
ning of July 3d. For a lime they were
seriously ill but were all right by tbe
nextmorning. Dr. Dunn was summoned
to attend them.
For Sale, small farm within limits of
Tionesta boro, 15 minutes walk from bus
iness portion of town. Twelveacres under
good state of cultivation, splendid water,
good new bouse and barn, and small
orchard bearing. See or write C. M.
Aruer or G. B. Armstrong, Tionesta, Pa.
Your dining room floor can be
touched up and refinisbed with Camp
bell's Floor Finish and tbe result will be
very satisfactory. Bovaid's Pharmacy
carries a full line of all size cans and tbe
manufacturers guarantee perfect satis
faction if tbe simple directions are fol
lowed. It
The annual campmeetiug of the Oil
City District of tbe Free Methodist Church
will be bold July 30-August 9 on tbe
premises of the Pleasanlville Campmeet
ing Association. It is expected tbe at
tendance will be very large, as the former
meetings held under tbe direction of this
church proved very successful. There
has been a splendid programme arranged
and the committee in charge will have all
the conveniences supplied that will afford
comfort for those in attendance.
u:ti Tionesta
L .,, i. iua following olfl-
otrs wore elected for tbe ensuing year:
President, J. N. Bankbead; vice presi
dent, Misa Essie Scowden; secretary,
Miss June Herman; treasurer, Misa
Colyn Clark.
Mrs. James R. Morgan has purchased
of Wm. Smearbaugb bli one-balf interest
In tbe store-building now occupied by
Lanson & Gordon, and tbe Republican
office. The Morgan grocery will move to
the new location as soon as it la conven
ient for tbe present occupants of tbe store
room to vaoate.
-Tbe Forest County National bank of
tbis place destributed a nice dividend to
its stockholders on tbe first ol the month,
being 4 percent., or at the rate of 8 per
ceut. annually, which is to be a regular
feature in the future. The bank also set
aside $5,000 to tbe surplus fund, which
now totals tbe handsome sum of $85,000.
Mrs. C. F. Weaver is first dn the ripe
tomato list in tbe borough this year.
Possibly there are others who will lay
claim to tbis distinction, but Mrs. Weaver
baa laid the evidooce on the editorial
table, and that makes it official and con
clusive. All other claims are treated as
spurious and looked upon with suspicion.
Last week was a great one for the
farmers and mueh hay was harvested.
Old meadows are not up to the average in
productiveness this season, but the newly
seeded meadows are turning off immeuse
crops and of the finestquality. Tbe pres
ent week will Bee the end of tbe hay harv
est If tbe weather will stay on its good
Dr. C. Y. Detar was down from Kel
lettvllle Monday night and reports that
lively town as more than holding her
own In growth of population. Twins, a
boy and girl, were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Pope on Sunday morning aud all
are doing well. A daughter was also
boro to Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Ainsler of
Kellotlville on Monday nlgbt.
The annual outing of the Venango
County Masonio Association at Monarch
park on tbe afternoon and evening of
July 24 will attract many members of the
fraternity from surrounding towns. Tbe
Derrick says bo many have signified their
intention of attending from Tionesta that
a special train bas beeu provided for to
carry them back home after the festivities.
Daniel F. Copeland, of Dunleyie, W.
Va., was a visitor among old Forest
count; friends the pant week. Mr. C, is
the owner of a nice piece of territory
near tbe Fogle Farm in Harmony town
ship, which Is looking up as prospective
oil property, and he is leasing it to tbe
Soutb Penn company which will begin
operations upon the premises in a short
Henry Smith disposed of bis property
at the mouth of Little Tionesta Creek, on
June 29th, to Daniel and Anna Criswell,
of Washington, Pa. Five pieces of land
were included iu the transfer. Mr. Cris
well has been having the dwelling bouse
on tbe property repaired aud it is pos
sible that a few cottages may be erected
there for summer residents. It is au
ideal spot for camping.
Melchoir Jaun of Hunter Station has
beeu confined to bis home for the past
two weeks by an injury to bis left leg.
He bad been in Oil City and missing tbe
regular train bad come borne on a freight.
He Jumped when it neared bis home and
his left leg, which bad been crippled and
stiffened many years ago, was badly
stoved up. No bones were broken but
tbe injury was very painful.
Our hat is off yes, and coat and vest,
too to Rev. B, F. Feit for a big mess of
peas fresh from bis fine garden. Brother
Feit seems to have a cinch on pea culture,
and when all others fail be eomes smil
ingly to the front with an abundant crop.
Nothing tickles tbe editor's family like a
mess of now peas, and we love tbe very
ground they're raised upon, aud as well
the mau who cultivates them.
Tbe editor bas received a copy of a
very useful little book entitled "Business
aud Financial Primer." It contains clear
definitions and explanations of more than
150 words and phrases used in tbe every
day language of business and finance.
Tbe Primer is issued by the Real Estate
Trust Company, of Pittsburgh, who offer
to send a copy free to any reader wbo
will write to them at Pittsburgh, Pa., and
mention this paper.
The annual State Luther League Con
ventiou will be held iu the beautiful Lake
City, Erie Pa., Monday aud Tuesday,
August 10 and 11, 1908. An excellent
program bas been arranged, and the
various committees are working diligent
ly to make this fifteenth annual conven
tion a great success. Ample accommoda
tion will be provided for all pastors, del
egates aud friends wbo will be in attend
ance at tbe convention.
W. R, Hasselback, of Falls Creek,
Jefferson county, was a business visitor
in Tionesta yesterday, and gaye tbe Re
publican a call while here. He Is a mem
ber of the DuBnis Brick Co., whose brick
are being used in tbe paving of our
streets. Mr. Hasselback states that this
firm's brick have been in use on one of
Brook vllle'a most prominent streets for
ten years, during which time not one of
tbe blocks bas ever bad to be replaced.
A pretty good test.
The Tionesta township school board,
at a meeting last Saturday, elected the
following teachers for tbe ensuing year:
Hunter Station, Miss Augusta Korb;
Hunter Run, Miss Alta Ledebur; Pigeon
Hill, Miss Louise Clark; German Hill,
Miss Blanche Wiles; Oldtown, Miss
Olive Wolfe; Smoky Hill, Orion Allio;
Blocber, Miss Mary Wolfe; Shriver, Mil
ton Wolfe; Huddleson,MissClara Wolfe.
Tbe length of term was fixed at seven
months and will begin on September 7th.
Thirteen mills tax was levied for school
purposes aud five mills for building pur
poses, with an additional minimum tax
of 1.00 on every voter.
Allan, the 11-year-old son of George
Allio, of Tionesta township, was badly
injured at bis home on July 3d by a horse
jumping on him. The boy bad gone to
the pasture to bring borne tbe horse and
was letting down the bars when the ani
mal jumped over and onto him. He suf
fered a bad fracture of the left leg about
four inches from the hip, two ribs were
broken on the right side, several teeth
knocked out, and be was otherwise In
jured about the bead. Dr. J. C. Dunn
was summoned and gave tbe necessary
surgical attention and states that, despite
the serious nature of his injuries, the boy
Is getting along nicely. He will be laid
up a long time, however.
Tbe residence of George Coe, Jr. at
Pleasantville was struck by lightning
about- eight o'clock Friday night, July
3d. The bolt entered by a chimney,
which it demolished, split a joist and
passed out tbe side of the house without
doing any further damage. Mr. and
Mrs. Coe were in Oil City and the only
occupant of the bouse was a twelve-year-old
boy, wbo was not Injured. A freak
of tbe lightning was tbe extinguishing of
a lighted gas jet in tbe house.
Selden Whitman was in Franklin a
few days last week endeavoring to enlist
the services of capital to develop the rich
deposits of ochre on bis farm, which lies
In Green and Tionesta townships. About
eight years ago Mr. Whitman sold ten
acres containing tbis deposit to Fred,
Leberger, of Franklin, and there was
strong talk of establishing a factory here
for tbe manufacture of paint. Mr. Le
berger and several other parties are ex
pected here today to look over the propo
sition again,
Tbe following teachers bave been
elected in Green township for a term of
seven months: Nebraska, No. 2, Miss
Emily Relchter of Brookville; Nebras
ka, No. 1, Miss Clara Plait of Franklin;
Flynn, Miss Olive Wolfe of Tionesta
twp.; Hinderer, Miss Grace Reed of No
braska; Gollnza, Miss Bnlva Hoover of
Tylersburg; Blum, Miss Bebe Cole of
Nebraska; Tubbs Run, Miss Evelyn
Grove of Tionesta; Youngk, Miss Janet
Haugh of Nebraska; Guitonville, Miss
Etta Rodgera of Tylersburg.
The Grove Cily bible conference will
begin July 30tb and close August Otb.
Tbe program for this year in point of
character aud scholarship excels that of
any preceding year. Distinguished
scholars and educators from both sides of
the Atlantic bave been engaged to take
part in tbis work. Entertainment can be
bad at very reasonable rates. Grove City
is a delightful place to combine Bible
study with an enjoyable outing. For
terms and allotber Information address
President Isaac C. Keller, Grove City, Pa.
The school board of Kingsley town
ship bas elected tbe following teachers
for" a term of eight months, beginning
AuguBt 31st: Kellettville, No. 4, Prof.
Emerson F. Wade of Pottstown, Pa.; Kel
lettville, No. 3, Miss Mildred Catlin; Kel
lettville, No. 2, Miss Blanche Hendricks;
Kellettyille, No. 1, Miss Goldia U ill!
Newtown, Miss Pearl Clay; Whig Hill,
Miss Kate Guenther; Starr, Miss Edith
Gayley; Ross Run, Howard Xuendel;
Mnzette, Miss Nellie McElravy; May
burg, No, 2, Mrs. Maud Berlin; May
burg, No. 1, Miss Elinor Small; Buck
Mills, Irvin Kunselman. The tax levy
was made 13 mills for school and 5 mills
for building purposes.
As showing what trolley roads will
do for a community the Warren Times
notes that the D. A. V. 4 P. railroad,
which parallels tbe trolley road to Fal
coner, near Jamestown, is making a
Btrong bid for the business to Jamestown
and intermediate points from Warren.
Four tickets are sold from Warren to
Jamestown for fl. These are good from
Falconer into any point in Jamestown,
including Celoron, and include transfers.
This makes the fare from Warren to Cel
oron just twenty-five ceuts. The road
also sells these lour trip tickets to Frews
burg and intermediate stations at propor
tionately low rates. The road is also pre
paring to make stops at tbe Court House
and points along the Conewango.
Since our last issue we bave a num
ber of snake stories to report: Mrs. J. B.
Eden killed a yellow rattler three feet,
eight Indies long and carrying eight rat
tles, near tbe borne of Edward Fox, in
Tionesta township. A f-w days later
Mr. Fox got a yellow one about the same
nlze in the road near Wm. Lawrence's
borne. It carried ten rattles. Dr. Dunn
killed a four foot black rattler sporting
sixteen rattles, In the road near Dono
van's, across tbe river, and a few miuutos
later a man wbo walked by the same
spot killod a large yellow one, Lester
Dotteier, the 12-year-old sou of H. A,
Dotterer, whose home Is at Guitonville,
shot and killed a rattlesnake which meas
ured 34 feot aud sported seven .tattles
and a button.
A house occupied by Lewis Dale, in
Marienville, was Btruck by lightning
about three o'clock Sunday afternoon,
during a severe storm which passed over
that place, and totally destroyed by the
fire which followed. Mr. Dale and family
were seated at tbe dinner table wben the
bolt struck the bouse tut none of them
were shocked. The whole roof seemed
to catch fire at once and nothing could
be done to check the flames, AU the
household goods on the lower floor were
saved but everything on the second floor
excepting a gun and trunk was burned.
Mr. Dale's loss on goods will be about
$500, with no inauranoe. Tbe house was
owned by Mrs. Margaret Snyder of But
ler, Pa., and her loss will be $500, with
no Insurance. Mr, Dale states that tbis
is the second time be bas been burned
out while seated at the dinner table, the
other time being at llowmauville.
A very pleasant social event was the
Tionesta High School Alumni reception
at Bovard's Hall last Wednesday eve
ning. Tbe hall was elaborately deco
rated with college pennants, flags and
laurel leaves and tbe work received tin
stinted admiration and praise. A recep
tion committee met the guests at tbe door
and made all feel at home. After an
hour of sociability dainty refreshments
were served, Coleman's Orchestra en
livened the occasion with fine music and
at eleven o'clock it was "on with the
dance," which was enjoyed until an
early hour. Tbe guests present from out
of town were: Miss Virginia Siggins,
Arch Perry, Will Scott, K. C. Dunkle,
of Oil City; Miss Bernice Scowden
of Meadvllle; Miss Ruth Balleutiue,
Harry Corbett, of Clarion; Miss Jen
nie Dutton, Miss Gertrude Gilford, of
Vlneland, New Jersey; Dr. Karl 15.
Wenk of Kane; Frank Wheeler, Jr. of
Mercer; Albert Zabnlelter of New Brit
ain, Conn.; Miss Mabel Walker of Erie;
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beck, George Ott, of
Warren. Mr, and Mrs. George Dawson
of Stewart Run; Walter Dunham, Fred.
Slooutu, of Kellettville; Miss Sarah Mor
row of Tidioute; Anion Carson of West
Aickory, aud Mrs. James Greon of Ah
tabuli, Ohio.
Liberal reductions In prices on all
summer goods until the end of July at
Hopkins' store. The opportunity is
yours, don't miss it. It
Operation for Piles will not be neces
sary if you use Manan Pile Remedy,
guaranteed. Price 60o. Sold by J. It,
Miss Ruth Ballentlne of Clarion la
visiting Miss Marie Duun.
Miss Edith Arner Is visiting ber
brother Lewis, at Kellettville.
Charles Imel is borne from Stale
College for tbe summer vacation.
Miss Virginia Sigglns of Oil City is
tbe guest of Miss Edith Hopkins.
Wm. J. Campbell and family spent
tbe fourth with friends in Franklin.
Mrs. A F. Berlin of Marienville is
visiting her mother, Mrs. J. N. Sandrock,
Miss Leona Scowden returned last
week from a visit with relatives In Meadvllle.
Mentor Feit returned Thursday from
the Pacifio coast, where be spent tbe past
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs
Francis Hoovler, of Stewart Run, yes
terday, Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Brown of Marien
ville, were visitors at the county capital
A.J.Fleming was down from War
ren before the fourth and gave us a pleas
ant call,
Miss Catherine Corl of Tidioute was
a guest of MisB Blanche Pease a part of
last week. 1 '
Dr. Karl E. Wenk of Kane, is spend
ing a two weeks' vacation at bis old Tio
nesta home.
Miss Reba Putnam of Harmonsburg,
Pa., 1b visitiug Miss Katharine Osgood
for a week.
Miss Sarah Morrow, of Tidioute, was
a guest of Misa Helen Smearbaugb the
past week.
Mrs. R. L. Wbitton visited at the
home of ber nephew, Dr. Gable, at Oil
City last week.
Joseph Joyce returned to Tionesta
last week after an absence of several
months In Ohio.
Mrs. A. W. King of Newark, N. J.,
Is visiting her father, Frank Wbitmore,
at East Hickory.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haslet spent
Sunday with tbe family of J. G, Carson,
in West Hickory.
Mrs. Howard Thomson of Oil City
was a guest of Mrs. Mary Thomson a
part of last week.
Misa Glenna Weaver and Charles
Weaver spent the fourth with friends in
Jamestown, N. Y.
Albert Zabnlelter of New Britain,
Conn., Is spending a two weeks' vacation
with Tionesta friends.
Thomas Fulton, who bas been attend
ing State College, is spending the sum
mer vacation in Tionesta,
Miss Florence Yackly of Lancaster,
Pa., is here for a mouth's visit with ber
aunt, Mrs. W. L. Wertz.
Mr. and Mrs. John Young of Eralen
ton spent a part of tbe past week at the
home ol U. M. Zaboiser.
Mrs. J. H. Derickson left Tuesday
to visit her sister, Mrs. R. S. Wallace, for
a few days, at East Brady,
Mrs. Howard McDougall, of New
York City, Is paying a visit to her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Carson.
Miss Maude WaUon of Kellettville is
a guest at the home of ber uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, F. Watson.
Miss Flora Carringer of Rimersburg,
Pa., is here for a month's visit -v 1th ber
mother, Mrs. M. C. Carringer.
Miss Mabel Walker of Erie was a
guest at the home of her cousin W. G
Wyuian a portion of last week.
Mrs. G. H. Killiner and son Waldo
are spending a few weeks with friends at
Victoria, on Chautauqua Lake.
Miss Josephine Smearbaugb returned
Thursday evening from a six weeks, visit
with friends at Washington, Pa.
Miss Blanche Pease left the first o
tbe week for a months' visit with Mrs,
Ralph E. Haines, at Marlon, Indiana.
Mrs. G. W. Arner and daughter,
Ruth, of Rimersburg, Pa., are visiting tbe
former's mother, Mrs. H. M. Zabniser.
Mrs. James Green and boos, Leo and
James, of Ashtabula, Ohio, are guests of
tbe former's mother, Mrs. Tbos. Haseey.
Lawreuce aud Ralph Klinestiver of
Sbeflleld were here Tuesday, on their
way to Nebraska for a visit wltb rela
tives, Miss Bessie Morgan is home from
Buffalo, where she spent tbe past whiter
as cashier in the large restaurant of S. M.
W ingot.
Albert H. Bates of New York was
guest at Lee Davis' a few days last week,
returning home with Mrs. Bates on
Mrs. E. W. Fitzgerald and two
daughter?, of Kane, are guests of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Mrs. L, E. Swanson and sister, Miss
Kate Arner, are sojourning for a couple
of weeks on tbe beautiful Bhores of Lake
Misses Jennie Dutton aud Gertrude
Gifford of Vioeland, N. J., were guests
at the home of Mrs. Alice Vought a few
days last week.
Mrs. G. W. Dlthridge and daughters,
M isses Rachel and Ethel, of New York
Cily, are spending the week with old
Tionesta friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Lester A, Holeman, of
Erie, were guests of Tionesta friends over
the 4th, remaining until tbe following
Monday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Watson and
children of Kellettville drove down In
their auto and ate their Sunday dinner at
the home of his parents,
The families of John A. Dawson and
George R. E. Dawson have rented a cot
tage at Bemus Point, on Chautauqua
Lake, and are now there for tbe summer.
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Rogers and young
son, and MrB. Spencer, of Rocky Grove,
were fourth of July gueeta at tbe home of
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Sibble, on German
Mrs. C. G. Scott and daughter, Miss
Ethel, who bad been guests of Mrs. A.
A. Pease for tbe past seven weeks, re
turned to their home in Bradford, Pa,,
last week.
Miss Janet Heivley, of Oil City, was
a guest over the 4th of Miss Genevieve
Doutt, Misa Heivley, sang a pretty solo
at the morning services of tbe Presbyter
ian church on Sunday tbe 5th.
Mrs. John Kothlmer and children
Frederick, Karl aud Frances, of Youngs-
town, Ohio, are visiting tbe former's
Bister, Mrs. Thomas Hassey, and will
also ylslt relatives at Fryburg.
John Lawrence came home Sunday
from Perry, N, Y., for a few days' visit.
Wm. Lawrence was up to spend a part of
iast week with tbe boys and reports them
doing a fine business In their uew store.
Ou July 2nd, 1!08, Clarence H.
Brewster, of Leeper, Pa., and Miss Sallie
Wbiteblll, of Truemans, Pa , were united
in marriage by Rev. B. F. Delo at bis
residence on corner of 8th avenue and
Wood street, Clarion.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mc
Williams, of Tionesta township, July 4tb,
aeon; to Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of
President township, July 6th, a daughter;
to Mr. and Mrs, Byrou Walters, of Ne
braska, July Otb, a son.
Mrs. M. D. Allen and two children,
of New Castle, Pa., were guests last week
at the home of ber brother, J . A. Adams.
Harold Allen, wbo has been with bis
uncle Jerry for several weeks, is having
too good a time, and was not ready to re
turn borne wltb his mother,
Fred Scowden and daughter, Miss
Bernice, spent last week as guests at the
borne of his brother, J. C. Scowden.
Fred spent most of his vacation inter
viewing the "speckled beauties," and as
evidence of bis expertness with rod be
took home witb him about as nice a batch
of tbe beauts as one could wish to see.
A farewell gathering was held at the
borne of Moses Hepler, Tuesday evening,
in honor of Mrs, Margaret Barnbart, who
bas been borne for some time and wbo
leaves for her western borne next Tues
day. MrB. Barnbart bas many friends
here, who were hoping she would make
this her future home and who are sorry
to hear of ber departure.
Miss Maude Wymau, sister of our
towns nan, W. G. Wyman, was married
on tbe 30th ult., at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Geo. N. Burt of Oswego, N. Y., to
Mr. J, W. Adams, a prominent citUen of
Chattanooga, Tenn., In which city Miss
Wyman bas been making ber bouie for a
number of years. Tbe bride Is well
known to mauy of our peop'.e who will
wish her much Joy in ber new relation.
Dr. George Sigglns, who has been
located iu Tionesta for tbe past year,
where be bas built up a lucrative prac
tice, bas purchased the practice of Dr.
Frank Beck at L'ueville, Clarion county,
and will soon move to that place. Dr.
and Mrs. Sigglns have many warm
friends here, who will be sorry to see
them depart but will wish thorn abundant
success in tbelr new location. Dr. Beck
has always enjoyed a fine practice at
Liueville. He is removing to Edenburg.
J. T. Brennan bas returned from New
York, having accompanied Dr. aud Mrs.
J. Norman Da vies to the city for the pur
pose of consulting prominent specialists
regarding Dr. Da vies' health. His case
was diagnosed as neuritis, or inflamma
tion of tbe nerves. Dr. Davles is In a
hospital, where be will be confined to his
bed for some time, after which a more or
less prolonged rest from practice may be
required. Mrs. Davles will remain with
the doctor in the hospital, aud Dr. Geo.
A. Davles, U0 Pennsylvania avenue,
west, will take charge of his work here.
Warren Times, 9th.
Among the home comers and visitors
for the fourth and during tbe week, we
note these: Dr. and Mrs. Ross Jor
dan of Franklin at Dr. George Sigglns';
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thorpe of Frank
lin at Angus Carson's; Mr. aud Mrs. Da
vid Landers of Bradford at J. J. and J.
W. Landers'; Sam Farmer and family of
Tidioute at Edward Graham's; MIhs
Ethel Clark of Meadvllle at J. R. Clark's;
Misses Alice aud Frances Kearney of Oil
City at Jeff Groye's; Merlon Mealy aud
family of Oil City at Geo. W. Holeman's;
Ernest Boyd and family at Wm. Mealy's;
Roger Haas of Meadvllle at J. R. Clark's.
The Local Oil Field.
Charles Swab's well on the Whitney
tract, Green township, was finished and
shot last Thursday and will make a light
The Proper Oil Co.'s well on tbe C.
Burbenn farm, Kingsley township, was
finished last Thursday and was dry.
The same company Is rigging up to
drill a deep test well on tbe Clapp
tract, in Tionesta township, for them
selves and Oil City parlies.
8. T. Carson bas a contract to drill two
wells for the Tionesta Gas Co. aud will
begin at once. The first well is to be on
toe Dale lot, just over tbe Clarion county
line, and the second on the farm of An
drew Mealy, in Tionesta township.
James Canfield bas moved bis drilling
machine from Oil City to Eagle Rock,
where be will drill three wells for Leon
ard A MoBrlde.
In the West Hickory field E. Pequig
not finished bis No. 4 on the W. P. Sig
glns farm, July 2d, and It Is a fair woll.
He bas another due this week. Mor
row A Carson's No. 0 ou tbe A. J. Sig
glns farm was finished and shot Monday
and will make a small producer. Orion
Siggins bas No. 3 due on his farm this
week. The Soutb Penn Oil Co. appears
to have Btruck a good well in their No. 6
on tbe Carter farm, which was finished
last Friday. A two-foot pay streak was
struck In astray sand at 200 feet, about
fifty feet above the third sand. When
this was tapped the well made a flow and
is said to have flowed at Intervals since.
This sand bas never been fonnd in that
field before. It is black and resembles
the Chipmunk saint, Tbe drill was
stopped and tbe well was put to pump
ing natural. At last accounts it was do
ing about 25 barrels a day.
Sol Ice.
To the Citizens of Jlirkory and Endeavor:
Ynu are urgently requested to meet at
theK.O. T. M. hall, Saturday eveuiug,
July 18th, at 7:30 p. m., for tbe purpose of
devising Bome plan for the protection of
our cemetery at East Hickory and also to
elect trustees for the same.
J, A MIA lid it.
Boos Laxative Cough Syrup for
young and old is prompt relief for coughs,
croup, hoarseness, whooping cough.
Gently laxative. Guaranteed. Suld by
J. H. Morgan.
We're bouse-cloaning ou all our hot
weather goods, and ycu'll find some nice
bargains here, just when you need the
goods. Hopkins. It
One application of Manan Pile Rem
edy, for all forms of Piles, soothes, re
duces Inflammation, soreness and Itching.
Price 50c. Guaranteed. Sold by J. It.
Bargains in
We have a great variety of Fancy
and Plain Cups and Saucer?, l'lates,
Deep Dishes, Sauce Dishes, Choco
late Sets, Celery Trays, Sugar and
Creams, Ac.
We have more than wo want for
this timo of year and they are bar
gains at
1-3 off on every
thing. We bave left also a great variety
of 5 and 10c goods which we are
offering at 2 for 5c and 2 for 10c.
A great variety of other bargains
in several other lines.
Examine displays.
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
Now for the mid-summer round-up.
Hot Weather
at a Reduced Price, Just When
Yovi Want Them.
July is our month for cleaning up on summer goods.
Straw Hats, Ladies' Oxfords, Wash Goods, Summer Dress
Goods, Underwear, &c, will all go at a
Liberal Reduction
Until the end of July. Come early and often and see what a
bargain you get.
With Judd axle will carry fully 25 per cent, more than a wagon with a
common axle; is lighter, better, stronger, neater and the best wagon on the
market. Write, telephoue, or come aud see us it in ueed of a wagon. We
can save you money.
Just Received, a Car Load of Slate
and Plaster.
Wo bavo everything you need to build or farm with.
Genuine Charcoal Galvanized Iron Spouting is hard to get, but we
have it and every piece is stamped. No guess work.
Call and see us.
Men's Straw Hats
"O" A T TP
This oflcr means exactly as stated.
Take your choice of any Straw Hat in our
stock and pay exactly halt' the plainly
marked price.
' Boys' and Children's Wash Suits at a
saving of not less
early season prices.
41 &43 SENECA ST,
Great Doings
at Oil City, this week. Horse
Races and the
SpeciaJ SaJe
by Harvey Fritz.
Take in the sale first, and
you can save enough on any
kind ol a purchase to pay your
expense going to the races.
Entire Stock from
15 to 50 percent
The Leading Jeweler,
than one-third from