The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 20, 1908, Image 4

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. ,
Extremely Low
Prices on
Dependable Carpets.
No juggling of prices, no misleading of facts,
no calling a spade a steam shovel or a potato an
orange. A carpet or a rug, or in fact anything
else you purchase here is just what it is repre
sented to be. We strive to make our "ads"
plain, not mystifying; convincing, not misleading.
If we advertise All-Wool Ingrains at 50c, for in
stance, you can depend on it our entire line of
these are on sale at that price. If for any reason
whatever we seek to close out certain patterns at
special prices we mention that fact and the reason
thereof. We will not mislead you by advertising
a line at 50c, merely for the purpose of getting
you in the department, then show you two or
three unthinkable patterns at this price, depend
ing on our saleman's eloquence to get you to pay
a good big profit on the regular line. Oui sales
men are paid to tell facts, not fairy tales.
All our 45c Union Ingrains at 25c
All our Cotton Chain Extra Supers at 35c
All our eight-wire Tapestry Brussels at50c
All our nine-wire Tapestry at .. (0c
All our ten-wire Tapestry Brussels at . 69c
All our four-frame Body Brussels at. .$1.00
All our five-frame Body Brussels at $1.20
All our two-shoot Velvets at 75c
All our three-shoot Velvets at 85c
All our Axminsters at 85c
Large Size Rugs.
9x11 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, choice of 25 or more at $10
9x12 Velvet Rugs, choice of ten or more at $15
9x12 Royal AVilton Rugs, choice of 12 or more at $25
All 50c grade at 40c All 65c grade at 50c All 75c grade 60c
The Smart & Silberberq Co.
Of the manner io which we protect the interests of our depositors ia fur
nished in our system of audits. We are constantly under the supervision of
the State Banking Department, and subject to examination by their Exam
iner at any and all times. Our Directors appoint a committee to make a
complete examination twice a year, at which timed all money and securities
are examined and passed upon. Ia addition to this, we employ an expert
accountant to make a complete semi annual audit, in which every account in
examined We endeavor to give the Bame careful attention to all branches,
and solicit your banking and trust business.
Oil City Trust Company,
Oil City, Pa.
Vice President,
la guaranteed to relieve at once that Itching, Burning Pain, and
permanently cures Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Burns, Bruises,
Scalds, Old Sores, Ulcers, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Catarrh, Corns,
Chapped Hands and Lips, Boils, Carbuncles, Felons, Sore Nipples,
Festers, Itching, Bleeding Piles, Insect Bites, and Old Chronic
Fever Sores.
The best Poultice, always clean and moist.
j 23e and 50c a Bottle. All Druggists.
J Postage paid on receipt of price if your druggist does not have it.
The 50c Bottle is three times ihe 25c kind.
T Mention Ibis paper.
For sale by Dunn & Fulton and Bovard's Pharmacy, Tionesta.
i til nil !
Time Deposits Solicited.
A. Watni Cook,
Will pay Four Per Cent. jer Annum
A. B. Eellt.
di recto as
Wm. Smkarbauqh,
Vice President
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
O. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugb,
T. F. Ritchev. J. T. Dale. A. B. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of payment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pid on time
deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
Cleveland Company Ran Some Can
on Schedule.
Cleveland, May 19. The first at
tempt by the members of the state
board of arbitration to bring about
peace between the Municipal Traction
company and ita striking employes re
suited In a failure.
President Dupont conferred with
Messrs. Bishop and Owens of the
board In regard to strike settlement
and, while he agreed to arbitrate some
points, he would not concede the one
thing for which the men stand deter
"In no case will I arbitrate the rein
statement of the men at the expense
of those now employed," he Bald.
shall stick for the seniority of runs;
those now working getting the pref.
" President Dupont added that he
would arbitrate no point until the law
lessness had ceased.
Many acta of lawlessness were com
Diltted in connection with the street
car strike between midnight and dawn
Monday. Trolley wires were cut
crews were driven from their cars
and In BOine instances non-union men
wore attacked by strike sympathizers.
Trolley wires in I,akewood, a west
ern suburb, were cut In several places
with the result that the Municipal
Traction company announced that no
further attempt would be made to op
erate cars in that section. Because
of alleged discrimination in fares
against Lake wood by the Munlcipnl
Traction company, it is claimed that
the authorities of tlio town are mak
ing no effort to suppress lawless acts
committee by strike sympathizers.
After a conference, continued al
most throughout the night, between
union officers headed by President Ma-
han of the streetcar men's union, and
members Bishop and Owen of the
state arbitration board. It was stated
unofficially that a formal proposition
of arbitration would probably be made
to President Dupont of the traction
company by the arbitration board on
behalf of the men.
There was a marked Increase In the
number of cars operated by the com
pany, the five-minute schedule being
maintained on some of the lines. Kach
car carried a policeman in the motor
man's vestibule.
Commonwealth Will Carry Up Dauph
in County Decision on Steel
Hoop Case.
Harrisburg, May 19. This week an
appeal will be made by the common
wealth of Pennsylvania to the supreme
court from the decision of President
Judge Kunkel of the Dauphin county
court in the suit for bonus on capital
stock of the American Steel Hoop com
pany, which was merged in the Car
negie Steel company, a constituent
company of the I'nited States Steel
The state sued to recover bonus on
capital Invested in this state since the
enactment of the bonus law on May 8,
1901. The company prior to that time
had $3,471,927.30 returned as invested
this state. In 1901 it invested
$(151,502.96 additional and in 1902
$944,575.62. The state sued for the
bonus of one-third of 1 per cent on
$2,820,424.34 of this sum, which It
claimed came under the bonus law be
cause of investment In this state.
While the amount actually involved
is small, less than $5,000, the effect of
the decision, if sustained by the su
preme court, will be far reaching, as
every company chartered In another
state and having investments In Penn
sylvania will escape payment of bonus
under conditions similar to that of the
steel company. Many thousands of
dollars worth of tax are Involved.
May Be Lynched If Caught.
Vniontown, Pa., May 19. Member
it the Pennsylvania state constabu
lary, county detectives and a large
number of citizens are searching this
v'-Mnlty for the unknown assailant of
Mary Kolesca, 11 years old, and Helen
Swlnk, 13 years old, who have been se
riously assaulted. Threats of lynch
ing are made. The two young girls
were found in a woods in a critical
For the benefit of delegates attending the Missions of
the bodies enumerated below and others desiring to visit
the cities of the West, the Pennsylvania llailroad Com
pany has arranged to place on sale to all persons excur
sion tickets to the various meeting places at a consider
able reduction from the usual fares:
Chicago, 111. American Medical Association, June
2 to 5. Tickets sold May 28 to 30, good returning June
12 inclusive.
Louisville, Ky. International Sunday School Asso
ciation, Juno 15 to 2.'5. Tickets sold June 13 to 17, good
returning until Juno 26, inclusive.
Chicago, 111. Republican National Convention, June
17. Tickets sold June 12 to 10, good returning until
June 27, inclusive.
Deliver, Col. Democratic National Convention, July
7. Tickets sold July 1 to 4, good to return until July
17, inclusive.
Cleveland, Ohio. International Convention, Baptists
Young People's Union of America, July 8 to 12. Tick
ets sold July 0 to 8, good to return until July 15, in
clusive. St. Paul, Millll. Imperial Council, Mystic Shrine,
July 13 to 18. Tickets sold July 9 to 11, good to return
until July 25, inclusive.
Columbus, Ohio. Prohibition National Convention,
July 14 to 1(. Tickets sold July 17 to 19, good to return
until July 24, inclusive.
Indianapolis. Ind. National Convention, A. O. II.,
July 20 to 25. Tickets sold July 17 to 19, good to return
until July 31, inclusive.
Toledo, Ohio. National Encampment, G. A. It.. Au
gust 31 to September 5. Tickets sold August 27 to 30,
good to return until September 15, inclusive.
Denver, Col. Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F.,
September 19 to 26. Tickets sold September 15 to 17,
good return until September 30, inclusive.
The Pennsylvania llailroad maintains a comprehensive
schedule of fast express trains to Chicago, St. Louis, In
dianapolis, Louisville, Columbus, Cleveland, and Toledo
irom the principal cities of the East.
Full details ot the reduced fare arrangements for these
conventions and the through western train service may be
obtained of any Pennsylvania llailroad Ticket Agent.
Korean English.
The following1 gem of Kngiivli as It
is writ by a Korean whs hnihled to
us by one of our reporters: 'Some
days Inst one of the families In Slnig
ryung Chun made a loud when ho
Bouudly clept In the dreaming, at tlio
whilst one of the Jitpnncsc military of
ficers arrived there and asked tliu
reason of making noise." Korea News.
In Novemlv.T lust death claimed one
of the venerable physicinns of Western
?ew ork. Dr. Alon.o iltso of Dele-
van, Cattaraugus County. Mr. Wiltse
had been a practising physician for sev
enty ycais. A peculiar circumstance in
connection with his life is the fact that
thirty ycirs ago lie was stricken with
Bright s disease and after a thorough
examination and consultation by emi
nent Iluffnln physicians, his caso was
pronounced incurable und he was ad
vised to prepare for the closing of his
earthly career.
Iicturning to his home with such sad
information lie was spurred to make a
desperate analysis and study of
liriglit s disease, with the result that
he formulated a remedy which com
pletely cured him and gave him an ad
ditional lease of thirty years of life, or
nntil the ago of ! years, as mentioned
Mr. Wiltse in his practice thereafter
used the remedy with great success. The
mixture can be obtained at. any local
drag store at a nominal cost, and the
complete formula will bo mailed, post
paid, on receipt of twenty-five cents
by addressing the Empire Tvpe Foun
dry, Ktl!) Morgan Itldg., Buffalo, N. Y.,
inclosing 2."i cents in stamps or coin.
The Empire Typo Foundry is one of
the largest anti-trust type 'makers and
is given a rating by Dun's Commer
cial Agency of $20,000, with high
Fred. Grettenberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, lias or Water Kit
ting and General Hlacksinithiiig prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and lust west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa,
Your patronage solicited.
Furniture Dealers,
los. M. H&mn
Repairs Boilers, Stills,
Tanks, Agitators. Buys
and Sells Second - hand
Boilers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End ofSuspeosion Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CITY, PA.
A tag from a 10-cent piece will count PULL value
A tag from a 5-cent piece will count HALF valuo
with valuable tag;
Save your tags from
Tlnsley's 16-ox.
Old Peach
Sailor's Pride
Master Workman
Jolly Tar
Big Four
Coupons from
Black Bear
Horse Shoe
Bridle Bit
Old Statesman
W. N. Tlnsley's
Natanl Uaf
Granger Twist
Old Honesty
Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many other
useful presents as shown by catalog :
Gold Cuff Buttona 30 Tags
Fountain Pen 100 Tags
English Steel Razor 50 Tags
Gentleman's Watch 200 Tags
French Briar Pipe 50 Tags
Leather Pocketbook 80 Tags
Steel Carving Set 200 Tags
Best Steel Shears 75 Tags
Lady's Pocketbook 50 Tags
Pocket Knife 40 Tsgs
Playing Cards 30 Tags
60-yd. Fishing Reel 60 Tags
Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which
to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write
us for catalog.
Sale of $3,000 Worth Fine Un
dermuslins at a Discount
of 20 per cent.
Five center aisle tables will be giveu over to a special display
of fine underwear at a general discount of twenty per cent. Any
garment the regular price of which is upward of 5()o will be sub
ject to this discount. That means the biggest emptying of uuder
wear boxes in several years. Surplus stock here nf upward of 11,000
worth of uodermuslioe; that's why we resort to this remarkable dis
count sale. By Saturday night we'll have cleaned up this surplus
stock if there's any virtue in a general discount that goes right to the
cost of the garment. Choice perfect merchandise '11 above half
dol ar subject to 20 per cent, discount. All will be out on the tables
Corset Coven, Gowns, Chemise, Drawers and Skirts all with the
regular price plainly marked.
Take oir twenty per cent ; that's the price this week. This ap
plies uot alone to the regular stock, but all the mat y special gar
ments are included. By that we mean speoial skirts selling for
$1 1!; special gowns selling for 85c, etc. All subject to the 20 per
cent, discount.
' PflW (In rill tin )mw n-if iufnt aiw
JParoid Rooting
rciilly is; if you only knew how easily it can bo
put on ami how long it lusts; if you only knew
what a pood ull-roumi roof it U, you would buto
money by using it for every building on tho place.
Weather proof, wear proof, contains no tar, eluto color,
any one can lay it. Let us prove to you what the
genuine Puroid Hoofing will do.
Send for Free Sample
ami oook on "Jiuiuiing Economy. It will save you
money. Don t tuko a cheap imitation. Uct tlio genuine
tao root suae lusts, a complete rooUng
kit in every rou.
J.J.LA VI). its
TioiieHln, Pa.
Pennsylvania Railroad
The pummer vacation is the bright spot in the dull routine of
the year's work. It breaks the monotony of the daily round, and
cheers and invigorates for the strenuous life ahead.
America abounds with delightful summer resorts in valley, on
mountain, and beside the sea The Atlantic coat line from
Labrador to Cape Hatteras contains the greatest number of resorts
devoted entirely to the pursuit of pleasure and health io the world.
Oue may purchase from Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Agents,
excursion tickets to over eight hundred nf these resorts, covering
all the desirable places, from the rock-bound bays of Newfound
land to the gentle, sandy slopes of the Virginia beaches; from the
White Mountains of New Hampshire to the Cumberland Moun
tains of Tennessee; in the wilds of Canada, aloDg the shores of the
St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes.
The famous seacoast resorts of New Jerst-y Atlantic City,
Cape May, Wildwood, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Asbury Park,
Long Branch, Spring Lake, Seaside Park, Beach Haven and
others, so well known that description is superfluous are among
the most popular and the most easily accessible resorts in the
The Pennsylvania Railroad Summer Excursion Book, to be
obtained of Ticket Agents at ten cents a copy, or of the General
Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, by mail postpaid for 25 cents, de
scribes them all and gives the rates and stop over privileges al
lowed on tickets.
"Take Up a Loose
An old adage meaning to take away the slightest
liability to danger.
A Safe Deposit Box in our steel manganese vault
will safe-guard you against loss by fire, water, ver
min, burglars and all that tends to destruction.
We invite you to inspect our vault arrangements,
where we have provided for the exclusive use of
our patrons, desks and special stationery, also private
apartments where papers may be examined, coupons
clipped, etc.
f ranMitt Srusfr
Office ) 4 7K National Bank Building,
uiij til l, rA.
Eyes examined free.
Exclusively optical.
Thomas Cowan & Son
Practical Harness
and Shoemakers.
Agnew Building, near Hotel Weaver,
New work and all kinds of repairing
on abort notioe.
Electric Oil. Guaranteed for
Rheumatism, Spraina, Sore
Feet, Pains, &o. Atalldealam