,,n Imulincr Fire Tntitir, , .lu.'.-t of tbe world, and can , aw!8t 1088 lowest rates, . u are amenta In thin county for tbe TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO.. and can furnlHh security for County oinmaiH, uhuk omeuim, eiu. If you want to liny or Nell Properly, consult our Roul Estate department. We make a specialty ot this Hue of work and can oaiiHiy you. C. M. AMR k SON, TIONESTA and KELLETTVILLK.PA. Dunn Sc Fulton I Pharmacy I Do Not Forget f that we Guarantee I Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint to you i For 5 Years. If it peels or chalks in that time you get new paint free of chare?. " There are no ifs or ands About this guarantee. We simply make it good in every ; ; particular. That's all. ! . Try Devoe on your next job of painting. I DUNN & FULTON PHARMACY J j. .i. .- -i. .- .t- . t. a -t- . . - tTttTTTTttTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. NEW AIVEKTISK.IKTrt. JneLevi. Ad. I,ammern. Ad. Penna. Ky. Ad. Hopkins. Locals. Wm. U. James. Ad. The McCuen t'o. Ad. Lacey Everilon. Ad. Franklin Tnint Co. Ad. Smart t Silborberg. Ad. t'lias. Anderson. .Header. F. W. Hevoe A Co. Lotter. Howe Towimlilp. Bids Wantod. Monarch Clothing Co. Local and Ad. Auditor General. Treasury Statement. Oil market closed at f 1.78. You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf Oil and fras leasos, best form, for sale at this offlee. tf Sale ol Men's Suits and Top Coats tbis week at tbe Monarch Clothing Store, Oil City. It Hopkins can dress you from head to foot, young man or old. and do it at a minimum cost, Try him. It The subject of Rev. W. O. Calhoun's sermon at the M. E. church next Sabbath evening at 7:45 o'clock, will be "Peter'a Shadow." Lewis Cook started a fleet of four bargos for Pittsburg this morning. The big boats are owned by Collins, Darrab it Co., ot Nebraska. Next Sunday will be observed as Mothers' Day by the wearing of a white carnation in honor of tbe best mother that ever lived your own, J, O. Jamieson has bis new domicile in the north ward well nigh enclosed, and work upon the same will bo rushed along toward completion as fast a possible. Tbe straw hat, negligee shirt and light clothing seasou is about here, and we're prepared for it with a good stock of these accessories. Call. Hopkins. It Eggs from Partridge Wyandottes that won special, first and second prizes at Warreu Poultry Show. 3.0U per setting. J. G. Richards, Mayburg, Forest Co., Pa. R. M. Herman is raising bis house several feet to conform to the new Btreet grade In front of his premises. The building will be otherwise Improved and beautified. Don't put off your summer sewing till the weather gets hot. Make your selection of dress goods now while the stock is large and varied. Hopkins bas tbe goods. It The Forest County Summer School opeued auspiciously yesterday with an attendance of sovont3'-six. which will be increased to more than a hundred before the end ol tbe week. Senator Penrose has sent to the Rk rciiMCAN olllee a quantity ol seeds which we shall be pleased to distribute among our readers as long as they last, provided they will call for them. The Shellield school board is now re ceiving applications for tbe principalship of the Shellield school. The position is made vacant by the eloctlon of Prof. C. S. Knapp as County Superintendent. The famous "Queen Quality" shoes for ladies are bandied in Tionesta solely by Hopkins. They speak lor themselves, being unequaled for style, beauty, com fort and wearing qualities. A trial will make you a"Queeu Quality" customer. Campbell's Stain and Floor Finish is the most durable finish for floors and surfaces that are walked upon. Made - transparent and in colors Imitating natural woods. Iiovard's Pharmacy upon request will show a sample of old Mooring coated with tills finish. It wears longer than regular floor varnlsb. It G. Fred Vowlnckel, Sr., last Thurs day entered suit against the Baltimore A Ohio railroad for $50,000. Mr. Vowlnckel was one of those injured In a wreck near Millwood, W. Va., in May 1!H)7. Since that time he has beeu confined to the house, part of the time In bed. It seems that bis spine was injured aud has been kept in a plaster cast. That his condi tion is very bad is well known to the people here. Ciariou Republican. , ...u L'uitud Lum ber and Loui Co., Oil City, who purchased the lumber at the Landers planing mill, was here Tuesday arranging to ship It away. There Is about 125,000 feet and It will be gradually shipped to the com pany's yards in Oil City, Jamieson & Butter, of this place, who have been drilling for the Francis Oil Co., near Marlonvllle, for some time, are moving their rig to Brookston, Howe township, where thoy will drill a deep well on lands owned by Mrs, A, P. An dorson of Brookston and Mrs, J. C. Geist of Tionesta. Q. F. Watson is greatly remodeling his dwelling, expecting to expend fTi.OOO or fii.iXIO in beautifying and Improving tbe home, according to plans and specifi cations lurnlshed by a well known archi tect. When completed Mr. Watson will have one of the handsomest modern homes to be found In tbls section of the state. Owing to the necessity of tearing up Elm street in the north ward in order to lower the gas main and for making other improvements, traflio upon It from tbe south cornor of tbe public square to tbe Wollord property Is closed for tbe time being, aud vehicles are using one of the side streets aud the old river road while this work is going on. Mrs. Elvira Sibley Ciane, mother of Hon. J. C.Sibley, died Tuesday, May 5th, in Franklin, at the age of about 80 years. Death was due to tbe Infirmities of old age after a year's Illness. Mr, Sibley is at present in tho Holy Land, and probably will not return at tbe pres ent time to attend tbe funeral, Mrs, Crane who was the widow of Rev. Ezra F. Crane, was also tbe mother of Mrs, Ann Adelaide Miller, who married Gen eral Miller, of the Nursery, and E. II. Sibley, also of Franklin. Clarion county elected N. K. Ileeter superintendent of schools of that county at the recent directors' convention, on tbe second ballot, which stood, Ileeter 105, L. L. 11 lines, the present incumbent, 08, E. K. Brown 1. Tbe first ballot stood Heeter 7. Himes 8(1, Dayis 7, Geo. B. Whitehill 11, Brown 6. Ileeter is a Ciar iou county man, is married and is aged 3- years. Tbe Clarion Republican says there is some talk of a contest over the election. A miscount and the use of money are to be the grounds. For some time past Venango coun ty autoists have had trouble in having their machine tires punctured while touring on the country roads, and finally discovered that some malicious person was planting wire nails in tbe roads. A Franklin detective was put on the track of tbe offenders and was successful in ar resting two boys who are charged with maliciously placing tbe destructive nails. The youngsters are In jail and as tbey are old offenders outon suspended sentence, they may be sent to a reformatory. The Deibel Oil Co., whose farm and oil pro; erty Is located about three miles out from Tidioute, and wbich Is composed principally of Tionesta citizens, namely, J. W. Landers. W. G. Wyman, G. G. Gaston and Daniel Walters, produces not only a good deal of premium oil, but raises considerable valuable stock. Last week they sold a team of colts, aged four and five years, which were raised on the farm, for$iiuO.(Klspotcasb. Tbe handsome pair went to the State hospital at North: Warren, and will bo a part of tbe fine livery of that magnificent institution. The following ruling has been handed down by Judge Crlswell, of Venango county, "Each supervisor in the several townships of this commonwealth shall be allowed, in the settlement of his accounts, the sum of f 1.50 for each day he shall be necessarily employed in tbe discharge of the duties of his office." Tbe impression bas prevailed that supervisors are not en titled to compensation for services under tbe new road law, aud this decision was handed down In a test case. The ruling Is good common sense and decency com bined. No man fit to be supervisor should be expected to give up his time for nothing. The experiment at propagating tbe quail in tbis vicinity has proved to be a success. Last year Charles L. Smith and others interested In these game birds brought seven dozen of the quail from the west and put them iu charge of own ers of farm lauds, who agreed to leed tbe birds and to post their lands against hunters. Reports have been received that indicate that all of the pairs of quail have bred and haye multiplied. Derrick. The propagation of quail In this section Is not an experiment. If we could always have such open, mild winters as the past one was, the woods would be full of them in a short time. But a hard winter with the ground covered heavily with snow for two or three months Is bound to ex terminate the gamy little birds. G. II. Lowe & Co's well on tbe Clapp tract, Hickory township, was finished last week and was shot Thursday in tbe second or Cropp hill sand. It will prob ably make a two-barrel well. The well was drilled to the fourth sand, but no pay-streak was found below tbe second. A location has been made for another well. Bowmau & Herman are drilling a well for tbe Killmer Oil Co, on the Osten farm, Harmony township. Lowe & Co, have a well due today on the McKee farm across the river. Their next location In that Held will be on the Robinson tract, adjoining the McKee farm. Carson & Morrow's No. 6 on the A. J. Siggius farm. West Hickory, was finished the last of the week. It was shot and while not showing up as good as the last two wells, will make a good producer. They are at work on another well. David Wiogard a highly respected resident lor almost a lifetime of Baruett twp., Forest county, died at the home of bis daughter, near Rauglits, Elk county, on the 8th inst., of Infirmities Incident to age, being upward of 80 years. He was born near Calleusburg, Clarion county, but came early to Forest county, locating and clearing up a farm on the Clarion river about two miles above Clnrington, where be continued to live until a few years ago, when be went to make his home with his daughter. He is survived by tour sons and two daughters, namely: James of Loleta, Victor of Tylersburg, Robert of Butler, and Dow of Allegany county, N. Y.; Mrs. M. J. Sowers of Raughts, and Mrs. Frank Henderson of Iirookville. The funeral was held on Sunday, with Interment in the cemetery at Claringtou, beside his wife who pre ceded her husband to tbe giayo many years ago. At Pittsburg, Friday, tbe grand Jury In tbe United States Court found true bills against Ernest YV. Bowman, Joseph W. Landers and William G, Wyman on tbe charge of misappropriating the funds of the Citizens National Bank of Tio nesta, Pa. The cases were to have come up for trial today but were postponed until next Monday, A large number of our citizens went to Pittsburg tbe first of tbe week to appear as witnosses in these cases, . " ' This morning at Police Court Mayor CarnBhan had a young man before him who claims to reside near Hunter's Run. It was charged the fellow acted in a very strange manner Saturday night on tbe streets, walking In tbe street car tracks and paying no attention to the gong, when tbe uiotormen found it necessary to stop their cars to avoid running hi 111 down. His actions wore such the patrol men decided be was demented and took bim into custody. Tbis afternoon be was put on beard the up-river train and ad vised to remain at home. Oil City Bliz zard, Monday. A statement in detail of the moneys In the General Fund of the Slate Treasury, and one also of moneys In the Sinking Fund, together with the names of bank lag institutions In which these funds are deposited, takes up tbe major portion of the first page of the Rkfublioan today, and displaces other reading matter. But as the law requires tbe publication of this matter monthly In not more than six newspapers, and as It makes pretty inter esting reading matter anyway we could not well refuse our old .friend Auditor General Young tbe use of our columns in which to puplish the Information, espec ially when he tells us to t-end in our bill for tbe work. It taxes tbe resources of the ordinary country office to put this report in type, as it's a bard one on sorts, but this shop is equal to the emergency. The thirteenth annual convention of the Forest County Sabbath School Asso ciation will be held in the M, E. church In Nebraska, Tuesday aud Wednesday, June 2d and 3d, 1908. Each school in the county is urged to send at least two dele gates, besides tbe pastor and school su perintendent. All delegates expecting to attend the convention snould send their names to Miss Mabol Blauser, Nebraska, as soon as possible. Let there be a good attendance. Come expecting a blessing. V. G. Landes of Philadelphia, General Secretary for the State Sabbath School Association, and Miss Ermina Lincoln of Philadelphia, State Superintendent or Primary and Junior Work, will be in attteudauce during tbe entire time of the convention. A good program bas been arranged, of which announcement will be made later. Arm Taken off by Cars. A serious mishap befell John Watson, of Kellettville, Wednesday, May 0th, while going to his work at Hastings, on the Sheffield & Tionesta Railway, which resulted in the loss of his right hand and part of the forearm. He got off tbe train, which was hauling ties, to turn a switch, aud while trying to board the car be slipped and fell iu such a way that his arm was caught and run over by one of tbe wheels before he could remove It. He was brought to his borne at Kel lettville as speedily as possible, where Drs. Deter and Serrill dressed the wounds. On Thursday Dr. Siggins of Oil City was called In consultation and an effort was made to save the member by remov ing part of tbe crushed bone and bring ing tbe two ends together with silver stitches, It appeared at first that the ef forts might be successful, but on Satur day Dr. Siggins was again summoned, the wound having assumed a gangrenous condition aud tbe arm bad to be ampu tated about two inches below tbe elbow. At last accounts tbe patient was getting along as well as could be ex pected, Mr. Watson is a brother of our townsman Geo. F. Watson. About Memorial Day and the Arrange- incuts for Its Observance. Stow Post having received the National and State Department orders for the year, the active and efficieut committee, con sisting of Comrades Irwin, Robinson and Clark, are doing all they can, and their able and patriotic auxiliary, tbe Woman's Relief Corps, are supplementing their efforts in every way looking to tbe proper observance of the day, according to the program as laid out by Bald Encamp ments. While the program is not yet formu lated In detail, this much Is certain: The Memorial Day sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Harry A. Bailey, at tbe Pres byterian church, on tbe Sunday preced ing, at 11:00 o'clock a. m.,and it is desired that every member of tbe Post, as well as all ex-Boldiers and veterans will attend at this preliminary service, as well as the people generally. Tbe committee are also fortunate In securing the services of Rev, W, O. Cal houn to deliver the Memorial address tbis year at tbe court house, on the day so cherished by the ex-soldier and the patriotic citizen. A dinner from 12:00 to 1:00 o'clock, will be given at the Killmer Hall on Me morial Day, for all ex-soldiers and (heir wives aud tbe band. We understand tbat the Oliver Myers Martial Band of Marienville has been en gaged for the day, they furnishing the music so familiar to the soldier iu days gone by, Bud play dirges to the memory of the patriotic dead. After Many Years. A dispatch from Uarrisburg, Pa,, under date of May 0th, says: A corporation that did business for 41 years without re ceiving letters patent was discovered at the Auditor General's department yester day. Tbe company is the Tidioute-Warren Oil Company, chartered by the act of the Legislature in 18G7. For some un known reason it did not take out letters. Tbe company made money in Warren county. Recently some experiments allowed that there was oil at greater depths and new drilling was started. Tbe company, which was dormant, was revived, one of the original members and owners of stock, being found iu Boston. It is now In operation and the state au thorities upon Investigation found that it had been in existence for years, put had never paid any state tax. It has now re ceived letters patent and the question whether It is liable for back taxes will be referred by Auditor General Young's de partment to the Attorney General. PERSONAL. A sou was born to Mr. aud Mrs, Frank Joyce on Sunday last. J. G. Terrill, of Tylersburg, was a business visitor In Tionesta Monday. Mrs. U. E. Kelly is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Montgomery, In Pittsburg. Miss Goldie Mays Is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Coe, in Pleasantville. Mrs. McGeo visited friends at Pleas antyille and Enterprise during the past week. J. F. Overlander returned Monday from Enon Valley, Lawrence county, where he spent the past winter, Misses Lola aud Grace Monroe and Ruth Foreman visited Pleasantville l'rieuds a few days of last week. Mrs. W. P. Dechant and sons Eugene and Vincont went to Clarion, Sunday, lor a two weeks' visit with relatives. Mrs, Harvey Riser, of Tarentum, is a welcome guest at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Randall. Mrs, Edward Duukle and daughter Dorothy, of Oil City, were guests of Mrs. G, H. Killmer, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs. H. S. Brockway of Marienville weie visitors In Tionesta, their old home, a few days of last week. Mrs. Lymn Cook and daughter, Au gusta, of Nebraska, Pa., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Small, of Church street. Oil City Derrick. M. F. Catlin of Kellettville was a business visitor in (own Saturday and favored the Rkpublican office with a friendly call while here. J. C. Knight, of Cooksburg, was a Tionesta visitor a few hours Mouday, and found time to make the Republican a pleasant call while here. Many friends of Mrs. W. C. Imel will be pleased to learn tbat she is improving nicely from her recent severe illness, aud expects to be out again soon. James M. Brown, ofMayburg, Forest county, is spending a lew days in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James L, Brown. Brookville Democrat. J. H, Bowman, a former well known citizen of NeilKown, tbis county, but now a resident of Amos, Marion county, W. Va,, Is paying a visit to friends in the vicinity of his old home. Mrs, Charles G. Scott, of Bradford, Pa., accompanied by her daughter, Miss Ethel, arrived Saturday at the home of ber mother, Mrs, A, A. Pease, where she will make an extended visit. A marriage license was Issued in Franklin, Monday, to Samuel Mook, of New Lebanon, Mercer connty, Pa., and Mrs. Mary Manross, of Fagundus, Pa. The former is 75 years of age and tbe lat ter is 05. Andrew Carlson of the West Side bas been a sufferer during the past week with a bad carbuncle on the bajk of his head. At present be is Improving, but his ad vanced age, seventy-four years, makes his recovery rather slow. Ex-County Commissioner W, M, Coon and A. R. Mecbling, of Clarington, who attended the meeting of the Repub lican county committee Friday atteruoon, remained over till Saturday with friends. Tbe Republican is indebted to tbem for a social call during their stay in towu. Rev. W. O, Calhoun conducted quar terly meeting services for tbe presiding elder of tbis district, over last Sunday, at Maple Shade, Salina and Victory, in Ve nango county. Rev. W, W. Downing of Tidioute filled Mr. Calhoun's appoint ments In the Tionesta and Nebraska churches. Mr. and Mrs. A, D, Williams and daughter Miss Mary E. Williams, of Grove City, have beeu guests during tbe week ol Mrs, G. W, Bovard, who is a sister of Mrs. Williams. Miss Williams bas spent some time in India in mission ary work , and expects to return to that country in August when her furlough expires, Dr. Bovard left Monday for Philadel phia to be present at a meeting of tbe County Medical Inspectors, of which be is one. While in the city the M. D.'s will be entertained by Dr. Dixon, head of the State Health Department, who bas ar ranged an elaborate program for tbe oc casion, which will include a thorough in sight into the workings of this very Im portant branch of the State government. Tidioute News of last week: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fehlnian of West Hickory were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Martin. Misses Mae Fuellhart and Anna Martin were guests of Miss Alice Siggins at West Hickory over Sun day. Mrs. George Warden of Endeav or and Mrs. Orion Siggins of West Hick ory were up for the Shakespeare meeting Mouday. In the Manila Times, Philippine Islands, of April 3d, we find the follow ing Item: "Tbe graduating class of tbe Sampaloo Intermediate School for tbe year 1IW7-8 have made a record for schol arship, attendance and punctuality ol which they, their teachtirs and principal and the city superintendent may well feel proud. The parcentageof attendance and punctuality for the year was 09 3." This item will be of interest to the many friends of W. W. Coon, a former Forest county teacher, who is now principal in the Manila schools and who by his un tiring efforts has brought the schools un der bis supervision to their present high standard. lietter to Landers & wyman, Tionesta, Pa. Dear Sirs: The wear of paint goes by gallons; tbe less-gallons paint wears longest. Tbe reason, of course, is its strength. It takes less gallons, pecause it is strong; it wears a long time, because it is strong. It is all-paint and the strongest paint. There is a best paint among allpaint paints. No two are alike, of course; no two cover alike or wear alike. One is (bin, another js thick; one has too much lead, anothor to much zinc, another is right. The right is Devoe, so far as is yet known. Perhaps somebody-else will find-out a better paint than Devoe; then Devoe will become a more-gallons paint, a costlier paint, a weaker paint, a less durable paint, a less-economical paiut, a timid paint. Bigger changes than that have come over the world. Devoe has the lead; why shouldn't we lose It to somebodyelse? Yours truly, 51 m F. W. Dkvok A Co. P. H. Duun it Fulton sell our paiut. Honor Your Mother. Next Sunday, May 17th, the services in the Presbyterian church, both at 11:00 a, m. snd 7:30 p. ra., will be held in honor of mothers. Tbe object of the service Is to brighten tbe lives of our mothers and to make them more honored, loved and protected by their children. To remind sons and daughters of the unselfish devo tion of their mothers, and possibly of their own selfish neglect of their parents. To ask men, women and children to make their mothers feel tbis May day tbat in ber children's hearts she is "Queeu of the May." Every person Is asked to at least ob serve tbe day by wearing a white carna tion in honor of his mother, and as a badge of love and loyalty. Show your mother some special kindness tbis day In words of affection and appreciation, by a gift or visit to her, or by a love letter if absent from ber. If she is not living bless tbe life of some other mother in memory of ber. Al these services every mother, young or old, will be made to feel tbey are in deed guests of honor. Special music will be rendered both morning and evening. The duet, "If You Love Your Mother Meet Her in the Skies," will be sung at tbe morning sorvice, and the male choir will assist in the music in the evening. The white carnations will be on sale at the market held by the Ladies' Aid So ciety in tbe lecture room of the church, next Saturday at 3:00 p. m. Kellettville. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Catlin ol Oil City visited tbe former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F, Catlin, last week. Mrs. Harvey Watson visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Geo. Slocum, in Endeavor, last Tuesday. "Banjo Ben" spent several days in our town last week. Geo. Zuendel spent a few days In Clar ion last week, visiting bis son, Lawrence, who is attending tbe Normal. The members of the Epworth League met at the M. E. church Thursday eve ning and elected the following officers for tbe coming year: President, Clarence Cloak; first vice president, W. A. Kinch; second vice president, Leon Watson; third vice president, Mrs, Leon Watson; fourth vice president, Mary Porter; sec retary, Mary Silzle; treasurer, Dr. C. Y, Deiar; organiBt, Mary Porter; assistant organist, Goldia Hill. Mr. and Mrs Clair Catlin of Six Mile spent Sunday with Mr. Catlin's parents. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ray, Thursday, May 7th. Tbe little lad is the image of bis father. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas, Berliu, who have been visiting relatives !n tbis vicinity, returned to their home at Kane, Monday, accompanied by tbe former's mother, Mrs. C. L. Berlin. Mrs. John Watson spent Tuesday at Endeavor. Goldia Hiil left for Tlonosta, Tuesday, where she will attend school. Porkey. Mrs. Pearl Higbgates, her two children and Miss Seeley of Hastings visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slocum, oyer the Sabbath. Nathan Burdick visited his parents Saturday forenoon, returning to Porkey in the afternoon. Mrs. George Blum's hand is some better. Miss Mary Noble of Tionesta is visiting at the home of W. S. Kelly for a few days, Mrs. George Blum and Mrs. Wm. Slo cum were Kellettville visitors between trains, Friday. Claude and Lafayette Littlefield visited their brother James at Russell City, Friday afternoon and evening, returning home on the noon train tbe next day. Bertha Jordan of Strattonville is visit iug friends in town for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lindsey and children visited at tbe borne of Wm. Slocum, Sun day. Tbe ball game was well attended Sun day afternoon. Quite a number from Hastings and Sheriff were in attendance, Mrs. Ed, Gillespie visited Mrs, Albert Ligbtner of Youngsville, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Charles Blum was a Shellield yiS' itor last Wednesday, Church and Sunday school were well attended Sabbath morning. O. E. Rupert attended band practice at Mayburg Thursday evening. James Welsh of Balltown visited his daughter, Mrs. Jas. McMichael, at Shef field, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Howard and family of Garfield visited at tbe home of J. Lit' tlefield, Sunday, returning home iu the evening. Neighborhood Notes. Crawford county's taxable dogs num ber 6,000, and nobody knows how many more there are that are not taxed. The directors and stockholders of the Farmers' National bank of Emleuton, which recently closed its doors, have voted to make good the bank's shortage and It will shortly resume business. Dominio Ramuno, an Italian, convicted of tbe murder of Julius Slegewlcz, a Lithuanian, at Sykesville, ou January LVtb, HKK, was executed in the county jail of Jefferson county on Tuesday morning of last week. Kane's school hoard has awarded the contract for erecting the new high school building in tbat place to Nixon A La Mont, of Titusville, for $ii8,8iil. The building will be one of the finest In north western Pennsylvania. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Briukman, of Warren, on returning to their home, after a week's absence iu Pittsburg, found their residence bad uot ooiy beeu made tbe sleeping place of a gang of bobos or yegaineu, but had also been looted, the thieves carrying away clothing of all kinds and what other valuables they could secure. Plants for Sale. Tomato Plants 15c, 25c and tioo dozen. Pepper Plants 10c and 12c per dozen. Early Cabbage Plants 10c per dozen, OOo per 100. Cauliflower Plants 10c per do.on. Celery Plants 7."c per loo. Aster Plants 25c per dozen. Pansy Plants 60c per dozen. Carnation Plants GUc per dozen. Phlox Plants 25c per dozen. Scarlet Sage 45o per dozen. For sale by Chas. A. Anderson, corner Bridge and Uiver Streets, Tionehta, I'a. Come aud see tlieiu. All orders prompt ly filled. County 'phone It Campbell's Varnish Stain Is the original and elill the best Varnish Stain for Renewing Furni ture, Floors, Woodwork and Doors. It dries hard with a durable Gloss which may be rubbed and polished. Will stand hot aud cold water. White Enamel for Bedsteads, bu reaus, Chairs, &c. Use Gloss Black for all Iron sur faces. Natural Oaks for Floors and Liu oleums. Cherry and Green for Lawn and Porch Furniture. 1 Flat BUck for Picture Frames, Fire Screens, &c. See Wiudow Display- Iiovard's Pharmacy. Hopkins' Store. A Store for the People. Sole Agents for Queen Quality Shoes. None Better Made. IT DOX'T MATTER What kind of a Shoe you want, we have it. Heavy high cut, medium high or low, dress shoes, vici, velour or patent leather. You can't miss getting what you want in our Shoe Department. CLOTHING W. Wile & Co. "Clothes of Quality." A full and complete line for Spring, and they are not only made to wear but tbey fit. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Flour and Feed. Every department chock full. Come and see us. L. J. HOPKINS. Hello, There! Stop patching that roof. Take oil' the shingles and put on Slate without any extra changing, and nearly as cheap as a shingle roof, We Have a Number of Composition Roofing Materials, That can be laid over a shiugle roof and will give good satis faction. Come aud see our stock. We have the oldest line 00 the market. If You Need Cement, Wood Pulp Plaster, Sewer Pipe, Harrows, Plows, Cultivators, two J nrse Com Planter aud Worker, Team aud Buggy Harness, Collars aud Straps, call on us. Oil Well Supplies and Gus Fittings. Nice assortment of Chandeliers and Mantles. Agent for Conklin Wagons. Call ou us for anything iu hardware. Tionesta Show Us a Who does not care what the stylo is appearance and wo'll show you a man business. Look into this dress question. solved. We invito your attention to Bain Coats. Suits, Top Coats ami Rain Coats account of their matchless goodness. Spring Hats. The styles conform to the very latest dictates of fashion. There are snappy models for tho fastidious dresser, as well as the more conservative blocks for men of quiet taste. HAMMERS i . f foFVEL PR ICE CLOTHIER 41 &43S ENKA .ST, OIL CITY PA Harvey Fritz Jeweler, Has the most complete and up-to-date line of Jewelry, Combs, Kings lliacelets, (locks, Wat dies, Xccklaces, lut Mass, &c See our new line of Rosaries. Our goods are tho best. Prices reasonable. IIAKYIIY FK1TZ, Tho Leading Jeweler, 32 SENECA St., OIL CITY, PA. CAKPETS, Rugs and Linoleums. 9x12 Tapestry Rugs, $16. 11x12 Axminster Rugs, 824 Art Sijuares, Japanese Matting. If you are looking for a Carpet or Rul', come aud see our line. Hardware. Man or never worries about his personal who is a failure socially as well as in It's an important one and so easily our spring displays. tbat create favorable comment nn $13, $15, $16.50 to 25. V oung s S3, Stetson s S 1 to b