RATES OF ADVERTISING; One Square, one Inch, one week... 1 00 One Square, one inch, one month- 3 00 One Square, one Inch, 3 months...- S 00 One Square, one inch, one year .... 10 01 Two Squares, one year 16 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year .. 60 00 One Column, one year 100 00 Legal advertisements ten oents per line eaeh insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but lt'a easb on delivery. Fore Republican. ...Lagh Wenk Building, .LM BTBKBT, TI0NB8TA, PA. Terns, 1.00 A Year, Htrlolly la A4tum. No aubsorlptlon received for a shorter period than three months. Correspondence solicited, but no notice will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Always give your name. VOL. XLI. NO. 1. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1908. $1.00. PER ANNUM. st BOROUGH OFFICERS.. Burgess. J. T. Carson. Justices of the Peace V. A. Randall, D, W. Clark. CbuneumeH. J. W. Landers, J. T. Dale, t. i . Anderson, win. Hmearuaugn, E, W. Bowman, J. W. Jamleson, W. J, Campbell. Constable W. II. Uood. Collector W. H. Hood. School Director! J. O. Soowden, Dr, J. C. Dunn, Q Jamlnson, J. J. Landers, J. K. Clark, Y. U. wyman. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress tt. P. Wheeler. Member of Senate 3. K. P, Hall, AsseviblyVf. D. Shields. President Judge W. M. Lindsey. Associate Judges F. X. Kreitler, P C. Ulll. Prothonotary, Register tt Recorder, die, -J. C. GelHt. 0'AetiT. A. W. Stroup. Treasurer Oeo. W. Uoleuian. Commissioner Leonard Agnew, An drew Woir, Philip Euiert. District Attorney A. O. Brown. Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, II. II. MeClellan. Coroner Dr C. Y. Detar. County Auditor George H. Warden, K. L. Haugb, 8. T. Carsnu. County fhirveyorD. W. Clark. County Superintendent D. W. Morri son. Ksulur Term mt Caurt. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Regular Meeting of County Commis sioners 1st and 3d Taesdays of montb. Church an Mabbnlh Mchl. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. ru. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. W. O. Calhoun. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the unual hour. Rev. H. D. Call, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the seoond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. '"PI' .N ESTA LODUE, No. 369, 1. 0. 0. F. X Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge buildiug. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST. No. 274 G. A, K. Meets 1st aud 8d Monday evening in each month. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Weduesday evening of each month. RITCHEY A CARRINGER. ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. CURTIS M. SHAWKEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Warren, Practice in Forest Co. Pa. AO BROWN, . ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Offlcein Arner Building, Cor. Elm aud Bridge Sts., Tionesta, Pa. FRANK 8. HUNTER, D. I). 8. Rooms over Citizens Nat. Hank. HON ESTA, PA. D R. F.J. BOVARD, Physician 4 Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. DR. J. O. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, and DRUGGIVT. OIBce over store. Tionesta, Pa. Professional calls prompt ly responded to at all hours of day or night. Residence Elm St., between Grove's grocery and Gerow'a restaurant. GEORGE 8IOGINS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, TIONESTA. PA. Office in rooms over Forest County National Bank. Professional calls promptly responded to at all hours of day or night. D R. J. B. SIGGINS. Physician and Surgeon, OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, E. A. WEAVER, Proprietor. This hotel, formerly the Lawrence House, has undergone a complete change, and is now famished with all the mod ern Improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot aud cold water, etc. The comforts of guests never neglected. C1ENTRAL HOUSE, J GEROW A GEROW Proprietor. Tionseta, Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modem Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public First tslass Livery In connection. pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on El in street. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN T.C.UREY, LIVERY Feed & Sale STABLE. Pine Turnouts at All Times at Reasonable Rates. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOTESTJL, PA. Telephone No. 30. TREASURER'S SALE -OF- SEATED AND UNSEATED LANDS, IN FOREST COUNTY, PA. BY VIRTUE of Sundry acts of the Gen eral Assembly of tun Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, relating to the sale of Sealed and Unseated lands iu the County of Forest, elo , for taxes due and unpaid, I will offer st public sale at the Court House, in the llorough of Tionesta, Pa., on the Second Monday in June, 1908, being the Eighth day of June 1908, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described pie oes of land or such parts thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of taxes aod coals due and unpaid against the same and continue the same from day to day as the same may be fouud necessary. TERMS OF SALE. The amount of taxes and coats must be paid when the property Is struck off or the sale may be avoided and the property put up aud Resold. All Tracts nol otherwise marked are ailverlisml Tor Taxes for 1U06 anal IH07 UNSEATED XjAWD. Barnett Township. Wiir. 3100 :vi02 3305 ( 8701 Acre. 3.".ri 142 474 WarranUee or Owner Owen P llrluker ft Becker Aiken, 8liuer & Barlett oil and gas '07 Aiken Btiner & Barlett oil and gas '07 Aiken, Btiner & Barlett oil and gas '07 Aiken, Stlner & Barlett oil and gas '07 II. J. Keid oil and gas B S Sinning oil and gas J F Rea& Heirs oil St gas '07 Daniel Btiner '07 Daniel 11 Tabor oil 70 Potter 0 P oil gas Ain't 65 32 6 67 22 28 3313 118 5 58 3 82 6 02 2 30 1 11 40 82 70 29 65 44 23 12 25 27 18 17 11 75 6 37 2 15 1 80 25 99 1 8'i 3.11 81 C'i U 100 119.- 3311 5701 -24 of Creen Township. 154 Peter Myers or Nulpli VAX O W & J F Proper, land only 13214 Proper aud Lacy 5500 5.VU 319 3-4 of 308 McCllntock Se Bren nau '07 3818 3818 8189 6189 3820 f)9 Landers & Wj man 31 An.ly Wolf fl Lacy f0 T J Bowman oil & gas '06 83 T J Bowman oil & gas '07 313 Maria E Bervoss & Hus band oil & gas 83 T J Bowman oil ft gas '07 8159 Harmony Township. 162 J S McCalmont '07 18 46 115 J S McCalmont 25 91 Hi2 Mrs 8 F McCalmont '06 31 97 10:1 John S McCalmont 23 19 111) Mrs S F McCalmont 20 12 41 JO Guild 9 25 200 Howarth Heirs '08 37 00 100 T J Bowman ti Connelly 22 50 100 Biggins & Helm I1T&B 22 50 23 Biggins John ti Carson 8 18 40 James M Bell fl W & V Oil Co 9 00 95 Jno&JBSigginsflP&B 21 40 264 Pittsburg Co., f) Harra 79 07 i of 2 Brennan & Biggins rl Jones '07 29 U of 135 Brennan Kelly fl Dow dell Pet Co '07 8 13 U of 12 Biggins & Brennan ft Stelle '07 46 Hickory Township. 5203 570 WilkiuB,Crocker& Long '07 J ! of 120 Longwell & Fee 5-16 of 10 Colbert Dr. fl Keed 5232 2 Henry Francis 61!il 75 Jacob Emerling Est. 53 Orion iSiggius ti Biggins 45 Orion BiuKiiiB fl Church 1 Orion Biggins d Middleton 5192 50 Paste &, Bteel 3tif9 350 C Percival & Jas Hay '07 49 51H2 15-H15 of 624 J P Churchill '07 12 5192 10-Hi5if624EminaDiefendorf'07 8 6192 10-168 of 624 F V Morgan 'U7 8 5192 10-ltiS of 624 J W V illiard '07 8 5192 10-165 of 624 V W Marks '07 8 5192 42-165 of 624 Geo Griffith ti Har bor Creek Oil Co. '07 31 36IH) 178 K K West fl Frazee 37 )6'.m 96 N P Wheeler fl W & B 16 5280 255 L E Harmison fl Wm. Merkle 69 36fK) 96 W A Grove oil gas 8 3689 300 H M Foreman fi Clapp "06 33 3689 200 H M Foreman ti Clapp '07 25 16 Watson Heirs '07 4 5233 80 D L Patterson '07 4 38 Orion Biggins ti Church 3 Kingsley Township. 5145 222 O W. Proper fl Watson 35 82 5186 390 Wolfe & Co. 67 32 5193 145 J M Clapp fl Gilflllan '06 11 70 5193 145 John 8 Vail '07 12 30 5214 100 Anchor Oil Co fl Schooley 24 00 5187 Uot79 Brennan & Richards '07 4 10 132 50 J N Patterson 15 14 6234 895 Penn Tanning Co fl II H May 'A land only '07 41 00 32.14 898 O A C ornen oil & gas '06 17 85 187 60 8 Q Wilson fl Wolfe & Co 13 03 5108 1098 Grandin & Corolla gas 44 00 il05 340 Grandin & Co " " 13 60 8109 1630 Grandiu &('o " " 65 22 5110 300 Grandin & Co " " 12 00 8128 1377 Grandin & Co " " 55 17 5129 1010 Grandin & Co " " 42 65 8268 VA S H Hanlett Island at Kel- lettvllle 1 82 138 Kof324 Whlttekin & Brennan 2 82 5187 JiOf 197 Brennan & Doutt ti Con ger 15 88 5133 CO John A Stewart fl Jack son '07 2 05 Tionesta Township. 2 Orion Siggins fl Hepler 1072 Hannah Gilflllan 193 D)i Lanson & Doutt fl Bren nan '07 1 165 J F Proper fl F Proper 44 2336 3822 10fi4 Woods Heirs 286 45 Fourth Nat'l. Rank of Pittsburg & Others 43-V 8 8 Can Held fl D '06 20 4 70 20 K Curtis 195 8 F McCalmont 91 m Ledebur n Ledebur 2 F F Whittekin fl Carson 76 Agnew l'roper& Jamieson 15 100 Brennan & Kelly oil & gas 9 26 lirennan & Kelly '06 2 Jof242 F A Kellar tt Clapp 22 17 Agnew Proper&JamieBon 3 2828 50 Ada C Wniilekinfl Lackey oil gas 4 3S24 200 A Wolfe fl J T Dale 37 Howe Township. War. Snl). Acre. Warrant or Owner Ain't 14 87 4 95 44 22 99 56 37 3197 1 1 1 J Rosenblatt 31117 37 H Rosenblatt 3183 3:S0 J H Mensch tiiiiS 743 W H Frost fl W & D Vacant '1)4 W 8 Cole fl Nugent 2977 Jof35 61 W Willink& N Coul ter -U7 61 E N Lee receiver 50 K N Lee receiver 3 90 8 17 6 70 2977 4om 208 2X08 24 23 50 E N Lee receiver 6 70 2736 51 110 G W Robinson oil A gas 7 37 2-5 1 100 W H Frost fl Stewart 75 68 350 T D Collins 46 90 2878 3195 1031 Grandin & Co H oil ft gas 34 28 228 Graudin & Co K oil & gas 7 1)4 50 R J Moorebead fl Fer tig '06 3 50 50 V, W Atkins fl Moore head '07 48 00 3799 751 W II FroBt 126 81 3197 37 II Waldneimer 4 95 3184 326 D E Brower executor 43 68 2878 3-5ofll60 O W & J F Proper oil & gas 46 76 Jenks Township. 55 F It Lanson fl O W P 9 3179 3179 3(171 3665 5129 3174 42 3173 3169 ' 3170 3183 3171 10 3169 3169 3642 3322 3642 5141 3663 5141 5110 5129 60 30 F R Lanson fl Proper 15 1171 W H Frost 515 350 W H Frost 69 100 John Cooper 10 106 Wm RobinBondec'd'07 9 47 100 P P Blood 105 8 8 Towler '06 52,' P B Hunt '07 20 A N Montillions & Others 3 1 1 160 Ed Bevier fl RIood 50 22 80 Ed llevier fl Blood 16 7 168 Ed Bevier fl Blood 264 7 JoflOO town lots, Proper, Agnew & Kelly 4 150 G F Wackerman '07 li 60 Mrs Lizzie Berg '07 4 1ii4 Robinson & Bonner 27 ofJ40 W A Grove & Co. fl W&D 17 127 Knupp& Yates fl Ray 07 10 903 Grandin & Co oil A gas 37 u2 58 Grandin & Co fl L.ane yi oil gas z vi 3181 27 114 M C Carringer & Others fl Good 18 92 3H64 H0.FrankMcNealflZ&B21 10 Vacant 200 F A Keller fl W & 1 oil only 8 30 3561 5.17 W H Frost fl C & F 89 14 3561 537 John ( 'rabtree fl C &F 89 15 3642 50 Mrs Mary Popoff fl Berg '07 4 30 3190 21 John A Magee 10 47 37! 245 W H Frost 40 67 0141 90 G W Robinson oil & gas 7 38 3177 31 114 SSTowlerflBunBtein 18 92 3179 :t0 J F Proper oil St gas 1 86 Vacant 132 O W Proper oil gas 8 13 3179 55J O W Proper oil & gas 3 42 6142 11 140 P Boyntou 23 24 3159 303 Wagner and Wilson 50 31 3644 877 Joseph Hartle ti Rouse 07 75 43 3645 932 PennsylvaniaGas Co fl Hrough '07 80 15 HEATED LANDS, Barnett Township. Wm. 1 Wamole. or Owu.r Ami 5 34 2 75 29 52 39 31 203 79 48 76 672 09 80 92 47 1 13 2 00 14 02 10 00 400 171 Armstrong James 4 Armstrong Charles 150 Grove t Keller 165 Necor David 526 Wagner A Wilson 3159 247 3158 1047 " " 3151 411 " " 2 " " " 1907 12 " " 1907 2 Gadlev Mrs W B 1907 176 Hall Joseph and F K 1907 77 Reynolds F G 1967 15 Mecbling London A Bra den 1907 41 Williams Philo 1907 18 Williams C W 1907 Tionesta Borough. J Blum Chas 1906 4 Range M. L 1906 1 Whiteman C M 1906 Creen Township. 6 00 3 01 170 2 20 115 3818 55 Flynn Christ Heirs 1906 8 66 3817 64 Hall Wm B Estate 17 06 5505 410 llazekine Stone and Lacy oil and gas 33 57 5503 1240 Hs.elliue Stone and Lacy oil and gas 101 55 5504 1124 Hazeltine Stone and Lacy oil and gas 92 24 58 49 5505 714 Hazeltine Stone and Lacy oil and gas 5501 1213 Hazeltine Stone and Lacy oil and gas 5500 1028 Hazeltine Stone and Lacy 99 35 oil and gas 55C0 64 Hazeltine Stone and Lacy oil and gas 3825 100 Lacy F C oil and gas H8I9 45 Longstreth Frank 3820 23 Signins Orion 6133 79 Mohnev W J 1907 5184 241 Enterprise Transit Co oil and gas 1907 5185 6 Anthony Geo 1907 81 19 5 24 356 12 18 6 86 6 22 6 32 130 Harmony Township. 50 Brown Sam 1906 12 71 100 Dalrymple and others, oil and gas 10 10 100 Dawson Walter 17 83 1 Hutchison DC 2 93 30 Johnes H D fl Grlppen '07 7 31 100 Hunter Farm Oil Co 1900 13 65 20 Mclntyre Mrs N A 8 57 125 Siggins and Helm 29 77 106 " " 1906 16 71 20 " " 6 42 32 Siggins and Barnes 7 24 100 Stewarts Run Oil Co 46 44 40 Siggins John 12 15 4 " " 1 60 12 Siggins and Brennan 1906 1 47 39 Tidal Oil Co 1906 7 90 85 Wood W H 12 36 250 J K Green 1906 28 46 i of 2 Rrennan and Siggins J900 83 150 Webster Huuh A Co 1907 49 55 ! of 141 Hopkins A A and others 15 90 6 J K Green 2 21 73 Marsh Chas F 1907 15 84 Hickory Township. 44 Dickens Cbas oil A gas '06 3 07 5190 106 Gunther Geo deceased 5190 106 Kepler J M oil and gas 34 97 9 83 oil 32 12 fl 104 40 340 Little Hickory Oil Co and gas 5218 800 Lusher and Hastings Confer 1907 5203 570 3690 96 Island 12 6233 320 6190 28J 98 28 25 48 McCutcheon Clarissa Scott Mrs G B fl Kinnesr 7 41 Lusher snd Hastings 1907 29 33 Kepler J M fl Barber oil and gas 1907 92 5190 19 Kepler J M fl Plainer oil and gas 1907 63 Howe Township. 2808 200 Sub. 25 and 26 Coulter and Uncapher 28 14 3802 16 Hub. 1 Geist John C 8 91 3801 i Haines Simon 3 96 5102 7-10 of 1218 UareC W 119 58 Jenks Township. 3170 i Blood Parker 3173 1 RIood Cyrus Estate 5106 60 Bowman Wm 3160 54? Rargerstock Rnbt 1900 3322 25 Rostaph Joseph 3160 22 Becker F U II Hulingsoil and gas 3160 22 Becker F II fl Chat Hill ings oil and gas 3160 60 Becker F U fl Walter oil and gas 3160 54 Recker F II fl Bargerstock oil and ga 3160 359 Becker F II 1907 3173 15 Dnnelson Anna 1906 697 6 97 12 58 3 82 3 46 154 164 3 46 3 79 25 88 55 66 28 2 63 1 39 6 10 6 71 1 39 1 98 3 49 1 63 Vacant 1956 Hall and Gardner 1906 3170 i Lundburg Fritz 1906 3173 I Moriarty D G 1906 3173 I McKibbens Mrs E S l'.K)6 3178 96 Morrison K M 1906 3171 1 Miller Mrs Mary 1906 317:1 1 Potter Ross fl Bell 38(11 1 Rockwood II T 1906 3801 i Shields J W 11 Cameron 5105 5108 Vacant Vacant i Strikenberger Mrs Fan ny 1906 4 35 i Shlck Mrs M F 1906 5 23 3174 47 Scott H H 1906 3 28 3173 i Sutton Mrs M 1906 1 39 3173 20 Smith Chas 1906 3 98 3801 4 Armsgost A P 1907 I 88 3561 i of 3-16 of 1104 Devonian Oil. and Gas Co 1907 7 60 3646 1146 Erikson James 19t7 ' 104 02 3170 i Huflmau Martin 1907 2 30 3173 i Kerr Miss Agnes 1907 149 3165 400 N IckodemuB W A 1907 37 63 3564 1131 Nickolson John 1907 94 20 3644 877 Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Co 1907 40 02 3170 80 Roberts W H fl A C 1907 7 30 3801 1 Stiner D fl Shlck 1907 93 3801 i Siggins Orion fl Kendall'07 196 3171 20 Xellers and Patterson fl McCartney 1907 2 73 3170 4i Forester Mrs Susie 1907 3 74 Kingsley Township. 5213 5186 5213 6268 5 Dean J I, J of land 5 42 75 Collins T D, timber only 13 65 316 Heard A B. j of land 42 43 120 Heard A B fl Koseozwig, tt or land 5214 290 Heard A B fl Rosenzwlg, it of land 5217 1247 Heard A B fl Rosenzwlg, 37 12 31 32 i ot land 5268 95 Hood Wm and others, oil and gas 5186 35 Lawrence A Smearbaugh 5217 1241 Lamb A, 1 oil and gas 51865187 1 90 Starrow Cbas 5186 60 Starrow Cbas 69 69 10 05 8 29 28 II 86 73 909 204 00 5135 1159 WBtson and Freeman 6130 170 " " 38 02 6268 i Welsh Mrs James ft Tobey 2 29 5186 3 Hughes Cal raon fl Proper '07 83 5155 32 Matba J H fl Bowman 1907 4 85 5212 366 Schooley J C, 1 of land '07 5 78 5187 60 Richards and others 1907 5 81 Tionesta Township. 106 Agnew Proper and Jam- ieson 26 25 3692 57 Arbuckle Chas Trustee oil and gas 22 Arbuckle Cbas Trustee oil and gas 70 Arbuckle Cbas Trustee oil and gas 70 Arbuckle Chas Trustee oil and gss 40 Arbuckle Chas Trustee oil and gas 46 Arbuckle Cbas Trustee oil and sas 40 Arbuckle Chas Trustee oil aod gas 100 Agnew L1907 115 Dale J T 633 209 663 6 63 3 79 4 33 3 79 9 03 22 83 64 Hoffman CG oil and gas '06 4 21 62 Foreman II M oil A gas '06 2 42 65 Kepler J M oil and gas '06 2 52 75 " " " " " 2 94 300 Proper J F 1900 34 56 19 Tionesta Water Supply Co 1906 6 00 155 Sidney J C oil and gas 13 08 145 Windsor Warren oil and gas 1906 8 20 60 Walters Henry fl Fahne- stock 1906 4 66 60 Dawson J A 1907 4 15 54 Fleming E E 1907 5 65 10 Lehburger Mrs Mary 1907 6 79 15 Lawrence A Smearbaugh oil and gas 1907 53 13 Robinson G W Trustee '07 1 18 44 " " " "3 96 75 Moore Mrs A E 1907 6 93 By virtue of an Act of Assembly enti tled "An Act to regulate the collection of taxes on unseated lands," approved tne 6th day of June, 1887, Interest will be ohargedon 1906 taxes from January 1, 1907. to date of payment, and on 1907 taxes from January 1, 1908, to date of payment, at the rate of six per cent, per annum. Five per cent will be added on all taxes on seated lands. CEO. W. HOLEMAN, Treasurer. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa., March 12, 1908. TO DEP0R1 UuUJfi rfABLES. Immigration Inspector to Investigati Conditions In PittsOurg. Pittsburg, March 24. Scores ol Pittsburg's "undesirable citizens'" will probably be deported by the fed eta! government within a short time John T. Harper. Inspector-at-large foi the bureau of immigration, has arrived in Pittsburg mid will begin an inves tigation today, securing statistics for the government officials concerning the condition of foreigners who have been in this country less than three years. The Municipal hospital, the City Home at Marshalsea, all hospitals handling charity cases, and the police stations will be visited to ascertain the number of foreigners who have become charges on the public since their arrival here. Those who have been convicted of crimes also come under the ban recently Issued, and will also be deported. Recent activity of anarchists, Black Handera and criminals of all classes among the foreigners has spurred the department Into active work to rid the country of all such characters. Inspector Harper expects to make a Thorough Investigation of the records at police stations and In charitable in stitutions, and all foreigners who have not yet been In this country three years who iave transgressed the crim inal laws or have become publlo charges will he returned to the old country. The Pittsburg district, It Is believed, will prove r fruitful field for the activities of the immigration de partment. It (s also said that the Immigration officials will be much more strict than .formerly In the admission of foreign ers to this country. It Is probable that In the future foreigners will be required to bring documentary evi dence to the effect that they have never been convicted of crime In their native land before being granted ad mission. The great majority of foreigners now coming to this country Is alleged to be from the lower classes. Many leave their home countries because of Icrlmes conmltted there, and It Is the purpose of the government officials to prevent this country from becom ing a haven for criminals. Vaudeville Father Dies. Buffalo, March 24. John Ware Whlston, aged 81, one of the old-time actor-managers, died here Sunday. He was one of the first variety perform ers in America and by some he was called the firther of vaudeville. He was wld(dy known as the original fa cial caricaturist, and was called the man of many firces. For many years he was a manager of several of the Jacobs theaters. FLEET TO VISIT JAPAN. Secretary Root Accepts the Mi kado's Cordial Invitation. New York Delegates Uninstructed. Boiler Explosion Kills Three Men. Girl's Slayer He,ld For Murder. Senate Passes Ship Subsidy Bill. Congressman Littlefield Resigns. The American battleship fleet Is to visit Japan. The desire of the em peror of the Island Kingdom to play host to the "big sixteen" was laid be fore Secretary Root Thursday by Caron Takahlra, the Japanese ambas sador. The invitation, which was couched in most cordial terms, was made the subject of extended consideration by President Roosevelt and his entire cabinet. Secretary Root was direct ed to accept the iuvitatlon and the acceptance was laid before the Japa nese ambassador. It Is regarded iu official circles here us more than likely that China will next bid for a look at the fleet, and that should this be the case the invitation would be accepted. Secretary Metcalf and Admiral Pillsbm-y, chief of navigation, are ar ranging the details of the new Itin erary. With the exception of China, It Is believed to have been determined that all other Invitations, should any be received, will be declined, for at best the fleet will now not be able to reach the Atlantic seaboard before the 1st of next March. New York Delegates Uninstructed. The Democratic state committee voted almost solidly in favor of an un instructed delegation to the national convention. But one voice was raised In opposi tion, that of Charles P. Williams of Lyons who subsequently explained that. h stood for William J. Bryan, and If Mr. Williams could have had his way the birthday gifts to the Ne hraskuii would have Included the promise (if united support by the Democracy of New York state. The prevailing sentiment was ex pressed in a resolution which, after setting forth that the Intorests of the country and party demand the selec tion t. pivs'ilentlsi candidate of the nm'.i who at the time and plnre of the national gathering Rhall appeal most strongly to the Intelllcenev and Judg ment of the wbo'e body, rails upon the Democratic electors of the state to choose as delegates the strongest and ablest men in their ranks and send them to the national convention "unfettered by conditions nnd un pledged and uninstructed as to candi dates." Boiler Explosion Killed Three Men. The boiler of a Delaware and Hudson freight locomotive was blown out while the engine was taking water nt Schenevus, about midnight Saturday, instantly killing two men and fatally Injuring a third. The boiler was cleanly blown from the engine and thrown about 400 feet. Engineer Louis Hendrlckson and Bralieman A. Kor lage, both of Albany, were instantly killed by the explosion nnd Fireman S. O. Smith, also of Albany, was so badly Injured that he died at. noon Sunday. The cause of the explosion Is not known, but the railroad offi cials are Investigating. Burning coals from the locomotive set fire to the station and the storage building of Stoddard & Jenkins ad joining, nnd the latter was destroyed. The boiler landed square across both main tracks. The night passenger train south bound came along ten minutes after the explosion and it narrowly escaped running Into the wrecked boiler. Girl's Slayer Held For Murder. Chloe Hancock, 18 years of nge, who was shot at her home In Olean, fi. Y., on last Wednesday, died on Saturday night. Feeling against Dacy Hill, her alleged slayer, was so Intense that the authorities decided to remove him to the county Jail at Little Valley. A special session of court was held Saturday night. Hill was arraigned on a charge of murder n the first degree. He pleaded not guilty, waived examination and was held for the grand Jury. Hill is a cousin of the dead girl. He had been a visitor at the Hancock home for several weeks, and was very atten tive to pretty Chloe Hancock. On the day of the shooting the two had a quarrel over a trivial affair. Hill, It Is alleged, flew into a jealous rage, drew a revolver and began firing at the defenseless girl. Two bullets took effect, a wound In the left breaBt being the cause of denth. Buffalo, Rochester and Eastern. After giving testimony as to Its financial resources the Buffalo, Rochester and Eastern Railroad com pany has concluded Its case before the public service commission In the Second district, on its applica tion for authority to construct a double-trai ked strum nnd from Buf falo to Troy. The hearing was ad journed until Apnl 27. when the op position of exis'ing steam railroads' will be presented. Former Governor Fiank S. Black, ap pearing for the new company, asked that the testimony regarding the financial condition of the company lie tskn In nerut,ivi session, but the comnilsr inn ruled that the fundamen tal keynote of the commission was publicity. Chairman Stevens called attention lo the fact that the road had an au thorized capital stock of $3,50C;0OC and contemplated to build a line est! matea to cost $85,000,000. it was stated that the company intended tc increase the capital stock. Death of Senator Bryan. United States Senator William James Bryan of Florida died at the Providence hospital In Washington early on Sunday from typhoid fev er. It was only seventy-three days since he took his seat as the successor of the late Senator Stephen R. Mai lory, who died on Dec. 23, and thirty three days of that time was spent in his fight against disease. In Mr. Bryan the senate loses the seventh member by death since the adjournment of the 89th congress on March 4 a year ago. They were the two late senators from Alabama, Mr. Morgan and Mr. Pettus, Mr. Mallory of Florida, Mr. Latimer of South Car olina, Mr. Proctor of Vermont, Mr, Whyte of Maryland and Mr. Bryan. Curiously, the last two were the old est and the youngest member of the body. Mr. Whyte was 84 years old and Mr. Bryan less than 32. Congressman Littlefield Resigns. A sensation was caused In political circles In Rockland, Me., on Mon day by the receipt by Governor Cobb of a letter from Congressman Charles E. Littlefield, tendering his resignation as a member of congress, to take effect on Sept. 30 next. In the same mall was a communication to the chairman of the Second district Republican congressional committee from Mr. Littlefield, in which the lat ter gave as the reason for his resig nation his desire to resume his law practice, which in a large degree he has been compelled to abandon be cause of his congressional duties. The resignation came as a great surprise to Governor Cobb nnd to the congress man's friends in the district and was received with much regret. Pension Bill Carrie $150,869,000. Following several speeches for the proposition to abolish seventeen pen sion agencies throughout the country and have Instead one general agency, to be located In Washington, the house of representatives consideied the pension appropriation hill for amendments. An aiii-n.iii:tnr. by Mr. Taylor-(Ohio) to rns-jio ihe reunion agencies which the bl'l drops aroused considerable discussion. After sev eral speeches for and against the amendment, amid great confusion and loud cries of "vote," "vote," fusther debate was cut off and the ballot re sulted In the loss of Mr. Taylor's amendment, 86 to 139. The bill then passed. It carries an appropriation of $isn,869,000, the largest sum ever au thorized by that measure. Derelict Destroyer Launched. The United States steel derelict destroyer Seneca was launched at the yards of the Newport News Ship Building and Drydock company. Miss Edith Hepburn, granddaughter of Congressman W. P. Hepburn of Iowa, christened the vessel. The Seneca Is the first craft of her type ever con structed and was especially designed by the engineers of the revenue cutter service. She will he completed In July and her mission will he to patrol the North Atlantic coast and destroy d'"il!cts nnd other wreckage. To tb'it end fhe will he pqulpped with maeainesfor carrying high explosive to be used In blowing up wrecks Order For 136 Locomotives. The New York Central and liudson River Railroad company has placed orders for 136 new locomotives and also for 21.000 tons of steel rails. The order for locomotives Is onp of the largest which has been received by the hulldeis slpep unseltled business con ditions began. The new locomotives and lis are for thp ivmrany's lines east ot Buffalo. They are to be of various types aud the money for the purchase, accoiding lo an official of the company, Is piovlded for in the rt-cent Issue of $o0,000,000 equipment trust notes. Mount Marcy Purchased by State. Mount Marcy, the highest moun tain in the state of New York, whose forests have for some time been threatened with destruction by the operations of a lumber company, has been purchased by the state for est preserve hoard, at $8 an acre The mountain Is part of a tract, of 2,300 acres, which the board has just ac qiiol nnd wh'eh Includes Mounts Skylight, 2.920 feet Inch; Alien, 4.345 fi-et, and Hedlleid 4.666 feet. II. Is the Intention of the board eventually to secure the wooded slopes of the en. tire range to which these peaks be long. Died at Result of Prize Fight. "U-ek" Allen, a local prizefight er, died in St. Joseph, Mo., from Injuries received Tuesday night in a boxing match with Kiltz Kutzen berger, professionally known as "Young Rhodes," also of St. Joseph. Alien collapsed In the firth ioiitid and was taken out unconscious. Rhodes was arrested and the coioii' r will hold an Ir.quei't. Officers ,f the Eagles' lodge, before whom the light took place, may he arrested. Senate Passes Ship Subsidy Bill. The ship subsidy bill was passed without division by the senate. It pays to 16-knot vessels plying be tween this country and South Amer ica, the Philippines, Japan, China and Australia $i per mile, the amount awarded by the act of 1891 to vessels of 20 knots only. mm PARAGRAPHS Summary of tne Week's News of the World. Cream of the New Culled From Long Dispatches and Put In Propsr Shape For the Hurried Reader Who I Too Busy to Read the Longer Report and Desire to Keep Potted. One of the new automatic stamp vending machines went astray In Its works In the New York postoffioe and office boys profited. Judge O. W. Buchanan, of Wlnns boro, S. C, was shot and seriously wounded while on a railroad train en route to Augusta, Ga. Washington dispatches quoted Pres ident Roosevelt as declaring Secre tary Taft would have 5031 votes on the first ballot In the Republican conten tion. Members of the special grand jury In New York voted to dismiss the complaints against the American Ice company and Its president, Wesley M. Oler. Thursday. "Tommy" Burns, an American fight er, knocked out "Jem" Roche, of Ire land. In the first round at Dublin. The will of James Oliver, wealthy plow manufacturer, offered for pro bate, disposed of an estate of $60,fWO,. 000. The senate committee on finance an nounced that the railroad bond securi ty feature has been dropped from the Aldrlch currency bill. Mayor McClellan la to be the first man to cross the $20,000,000 Black well's Island bridge, whose super structure was completed yesterday. In a dispatch from Port au Prince It Is announced that the Hnytian gov ernment has surrendered before the Joint action of the powers and that all the religees will be permitted to leave the country. Friday. Orover Cleveland, on his 71st birth day, urged the promotion of Rear Ad miral Robley D. Evans to the rank of admiral. Leaders of the house expressed the bdlef that the elimination of the railroad bond clause meant the pas sage of the Aldrlch emergency cur rency hill. Senator Saxe offered In the senate at Albany a resolution asking for the appointment of a Joint committee to Investigate the office of Attorney Gen eral Jackson. Harry Orchard was sentenced to death for the murder of Governor Stctinet'berg, but the court recom mended that the sentence be com muted to life imprisonment. Abraham 8. Hummel, the lawyer, who was sentenced to serve a year in the penitentiary for conspiracy In the Dodge-Morse divorce case, was released from prison yesterday. Saturday. A report wiie presented to parlia ment showing that the recent finan cial depression here tinned the tide of British emigration in Canada. Members of the Democratic state committee decided by a practically unanimous vote to have the New York delegation to the national convention go instructed. Amendments were offered In the New York state senate and assembly to Include telegraph, telephone, stage and ferry lines within the scope of the public utilities law. A Berlin dispatch, repeating a St. Petersburg report, announces that Admliiil Nebogatoff has challenged General Stcessel to a duel In the yards of the prison fortress of S3. Peter and Paul. Monday, According to n dispatch from IiOn don, there Is a possibility of establish ing penny postage between Greut Brit ain and the United States. Taft opponents In Washington de clared n.'iO the highest number of dele gates the -secretary can have in the Republican national convention. The Duke of the Abruzzi left New York on the Lusltunlu, travelling In cognito, and refused to verify the slory of his engagement to Mis El kins. Abraham H. Hummel departed on the Lusltanla for Europe, with the In tention of living in lyomlon until the coining fall and then returning to New York. General Klrniln and fifty-seven oth er refugees In the consulates at Con nives left Hnytl for St. Thomas on a French cruiser, says a dispatch from Port uu Prince. Tuesday. Representative Charles E. Little- field of Maine resigned from congress to take effect on Sept. !!0. Terrorized by the raids of night ciders, Kentucky farmers destroyed their tobacco plants, nnd an exodus from the state Is feared. "Pay as you enter'' street cars car ried more than 100.0UO passengers in a successful test 011 the Madison aud Fourth avenue line. New York. Charles Ilullani Keep has been (shosen president of the Knickerbock er Trust company and the hoard of directors is reduced from 31 to 15. Benjamin B. Odell's activity In or ganizing the ucgro voters Is regarded as part of a plnn to prevent, If po ilMe, the nomination of an adminis tration candidate.