The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 14, 1907, Image 2

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    -J v.
Itepubliean Ticket.
Mate Treasurer,
of Philadelphia.
County Treasurer,
or Tionesta.
(Jet Registered.
Voters ohoiild bear in mind Uiat Sep
tember 4th is the last day for legal regis
tration iu order to entitle thera to vote at
tlio November election. Republicans are
admonished not to forget this important
duty. Better nee to It at once.
Tug tact that Caleb Powers has been in
jail in Kentucky seven years waiting for
a trial looks like cruel and unusual pun
ishment. Sknator Knox has managed to main
tain a boom of very respectable propor
tions without any incidental embellish
ments in the way of rescues or complica
tions in the beverages.
Mr. Bryan is to anuouoce bis candi
dacy for the nomination In the tall. We
suppose there is need of some formality
about such an announcement, but as
news item it is valueless.
Th b Pennsylvania Department of Agri
culture reports finding ground corn cobs
in a recent test of foodstuffs. The purity
of the cobs is not disputed, but the label,
as might be supposed, failed to give par
ticulars, and so got the makers into trou
ble; A Cari.Ihlk, Pennsylvania, citizen re
cently took a big chew of tobacco and
discovering a bard substance in it took it
out of bis mouth to investigate, when be
found it to be a woman's finger, which
bad evidently been cut off by accident
and fell into the tobacco. The man felt
so sorry for the poor woman that be
swore oft' chewing then and there.
It has been discovered tbat at an alti
tude of 10,(100 feet liquor can be drunk in
large quantities without causing intoxi
cation. As a consequence an exchange
thinks ballooning is bound to become
popular. But the man of the Oil City
Blizzard can't see why it should. What
sense would there be in going on a high
old lonesome when the liquid exercised
no more stimulating effect than so much
Amonk the things said by Gov. Vsrda
man during bis unsuccessful canvass lor
the Senate was: "I bad rather be living
under the stars and bars to-day with Jef
ferson Davis as president than in the
United States with President Roosevelt
at the bead of the nation." Gov. Varda
man supposed this would be a clincher
in Mississippi, but he was mistaken, and
bis good licking was no worse than it
should bave been.
Although the British publio bas lent
Japan 11,000,000,000 in former loans, it
has drawn off lately. The Manchester
Guardian says: "The odd thing is tbat
British investors, after lending eagerly
for the war, should now close their purses
and refuse to provide a handful of cspital
for a remunerative and fairly promising
railway." Perhaps the discomfiture of
Russia bad something to do with the
former accommodating spirit.
The retiring director of the mint
George E. Roberts, has been doing some
figuring, and bas come to the conclusion
tbat there is (135,000,000 less gold in this
country than we thought there was.
More has been taken abroad by turists
and more used in the arts, than bas been
estimated. But even deducting this we
have 11,464,845,280 left. Which is such a
tremendous store of the yellow metal as
no nation ever before dreamed of possess
ing. Punxy Spirit.
That men who commit crimes are not
always dangerous seems to be proved by
the fact that Bill Quantrell, the man who
led in raids which were practically un
provoked murders, committed for gain
and revenge, has been living for forty
years a peaceable life under another
name. Had be been taken after the mas
sacre of the unoffending citizens of Law
rence, Kas., years ago, no one would
have thought It ssfe to let him live, but
he seems a peaceable old man now.
Franklin News.
We all imagine ourselves to be courage'
oiiH, but nevertheless the world is dornl
nated by fear. The great majority of
people are even afraid to tbink! And the
people they fear are afraid of them. Per
haps this mutual and all-pervading cow
ardice is best. It may be that It Is needed
to keep our evil instincts in subjection.
Everywhere man is a cringing and cow
ardly creature, often afraid to do right
when he knows it is right, Just because
somebody else's interests, or his own are
presumed to be in conflict. But in the
long run, if you bave taken the trouble to
observe, you have, perhaps noticed that
peace and prosperity is the heritage of
the man who dares to do right as he sees
the right, Punxy Spirit.
IMsoasr Must be Reported.
In connection with tho advnrlisnineut
of the Slate Health Department, which
appeared iu lliix paper laxt week, the fol
lowing list ofdiseasos which are required
by the Department to be reported by
physicians aud health authorities, ehould
have been given :
"Actinomycosis, Anthrax, Bubonic
Plague, Epidemic Cerebro Spinal Menin
gttis (Spotted Fever), Chicken-pox, Chol
era, Diphtheria (So-called membranous
croup, diphtheritic croup, putrid sore
throat, should be reported as diphtheria),
Epldeinio Dysentery, Erysipelas, Ger
man Measles, Glanders, Hydrophobia,
Leprosy, Malarial Fever, Measles,
Mumps, Pneumonia (true), Puerperal
Fever, Relapsing Fever, Small-pox, Scar
let Fever, (So-called scarlatina and scar
let rash should be reported as scarlet
fever,) Tetanus, Trachoma, Trlchlniasis,
Tuberculosis (specify what form), Ty
phoid Fever, Typhus Fever, Whooping
Cough aud Yellow Fever."
Neighborhood Notes.
The army worm baa io vailed Mercer
and is said to be doing much damage to
gardens in variosus sections or the town
Lawrence county farmers are so pressed
for harvest bands that they sre ollerlng
f j and t-.&O per day and board for help of
this KII1U.
The Erie Conference, M. E. Church,
will convene in annual session In the
First church, of Erie, on Wednesday,
septeumer 4.
The Union City fish hatchery has pro
duced thus lar this season over "2,000 Hue
black basa tbat have been deposited in
the streams and lakes or western l'enu
We point with pride to Br'er Walter
Irving Bates, . editor of the Meadville
Tribune-Kepublican, whose wife has just
presented him with a pair ot twin daugn-
ters. Blizzard.
Thomas Riley, who shot and killed
Benjamin Robinson, near Russell City,
Elk county, on June 21st. while Robin
son was crossing Riley's land, was tried
last week at Kkigway aud the jury ren
dered a verdict of lusanity. Riley will
undoubtedly be sent to one or the state
The friends and relatives of J. C. Dur
ham, of Kane, who was a passeuger on
the ill-fated steamer loiumtua, wnicn
went down on Uie Pacific coast, July 21,
have Riven up all hope, for no informa
tion has beeu received since tbat date,
and relatives are resigned to the fact that
Mr. Durham met a tragic death and
watery grave.
Following are the dates of the county
fairs in the iron, coal and oil circuit:
Kitlanning, August M, 14, 1.1 and 16;
Butler, August JO, 21, 22 and 2.1; DuBois,
August 27, 28, 2!) and 30; Brookville, Sep
tember 3, 4, 5, and Hj Clarion, September
10, 11, 12 and 13; Ri i.ershiirg, September
17, 18, IU and 20; Stoneboro, September
24, 2.' and 20.
From all appearances the corn crop of
this year will not mature beforeovertaken
by the frost. It's been an otf year in
many respects. Buckwheat cakes and
sassige gravy are sure to bave the call tor
the fruit blossoms bave been so scarce
tbat the little busy bee bas left this season
with an empty store bcuse, and sassige
gravy will prove a palatable substitute.
Uniontown Genius.
The last literary series on the Chautau
qua platform at Chautauqua, N. Y for
the summer will be on "American Life
and American Letters," by Mr. Percy H.
Boynton of the University of Chicago.
This particular subject is theonein which
Mr. Boynton's chief university work is
done, aud on which he baa beeu lecturing
during the last two or three years before
various extension audiences. The series
will come at II o'clock, Monday to Fri
day, August 19 23.
Terrenes Clune, aged about 30 years,
employed as a driller by the National Oil
Company, was seriously injured while
at work at Enterprise, about six miles
northern of TitUBViile, shortly after 10
o'clock Monday morning, Clune had
climbed to the top of a three-pole derrick
to adjust a line with which to pull the
tubing from a well, when the derrick col
lapsed under bis weight. He fell a dis
tance of about 30 feet and alighted upon a
wagon. Hia bead was badly jammed and
and cut, nose broken and cut, a small
bone in the left wrist fractured and num
erous bruises about the body sustained.
He was unconscious for nearly live hours
after the accident. Physicians have hopes
of his recovery.
Cream of lite Sews.
Self-made men need a lot of expert
iinaering auerward.
-The Wile Co. clothing stands for lit,
style and wearing quality. Biid the onlv
place in town where they can be had is
at me tiopmus store. it
It's awful bad manners lo have a wife
tbat you quarrel with.
-Dades Little Liver Pills keep ths
system clean, the stomach sweet. Prompt
reuei ior neauacne anu oiuousness. uood
for all the family. Sold by J. R. Morgan
Unless a man is willing to do some,
thing lie will amount to nothing.
Farm for Sale 4(S acres, one-third
cleared, Urge bauk barn; house, spring,
orchard, timbered wlib pine, hemlock
and chestnut; three miles from Tionesta.
Will be sold for less than half its actual
value. Mrs. M. A. Rhodes, Tionesta, Pa.
The minute you are nice to some peo
ple uiey want 10 oorrow money irom you.
Man Zan Hie Remedy comes put up
in a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy
to apply right where the soreness and in
flammation exists. It relieves at once
blind bleeding, itching or protruding
piles. Guaranteed. Sold by J. R. Mor
It isn't always safe to Judge a man's
wisaom oy me silliness ol his love letters,
Pineules are for tbe Kidneys and
Bladder. They bring quick relief to
Dacaacne, rneumatism, lumbago, tired
worn out feeling. Tbev produce natural
action of the kidneys. 30 days treatment
11.00. Money refunded if Pineules are
not satisfactory. Sold by J. R. Morgan
The more people talk about the
proper thing to do the less apt they are
tu UU II.
Summer coughs and colds yield at
once to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup,
contains honey and tar but no opiates.
Children like it. Its laxative qualities
reuuuiuieuu u 10 momers; Hoarseness,
coughs, croup yield quickly. Keep it on
uauu. ouiu ny j. l. aiorgan.
Great Clearance Sale.
The Semi-Annual Clearance Sale at the
Big Department Store of David Mlntz at
Marienville is uow going on and will
Continue during all thn mnnrh nf A ,imiB
It will pay you to come up and buy what
guuun you are needing at present, and
what you will neod this winter.
Yours very truly,
David Mintz.
Resolution Adopted by tlie Advisory
Board of the Department of Health
of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania. July 25, 1907.
Rksolvkd: That In the opinion ol the
Advisory Board and the Commissioner
of Health a person who bas had tbe op
eration for vaccination faithfully per
formed three times, at intervals of two
successive weeks, without success is for
the time being immune from smallpox,
and, further, that uuder the present law
persons who bave a written certificate
from a reputable physician that two such
attempts to vaccinate were faithfully per
formed aud a second certificate from a
physician of the State Department of
Health, or of a Board or Bureau of Health
or Sanitary Committee of a City or Bor
ough may be admitted to school lor one
year without violating the spirit of the
law, the object of which is simply to pre
vent the spread of smallpox. It
But t'liniiilirrlain's Colic, Chnlrra ami Dlur
rhoea ltemeily Cured lllm.
It is with pleasure that I give you this
unsolicited lesiinonial. About a year ago
when I had a severe case of measles I got
caught out in a hard rain and the measles
settled in my stomach and bowels. 1 had
an awful time and bad it not been for the
use of Chamberlain'B Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy 1 could not have pos
sibly lived but a few hours longer, but
thanks to this remedy 1 am now strong
and well. I have written the above
through simple gratitude and I shall
always speak a good word for this reined v.
Sam. A. Gwin, Concord, Ga. For sale
by Dunn A Fulton.
Very Low One Way Rates 1o Pacllic
Coast Points via Nickel Plate
Also to many other points in the West
and Northwest. Tickets on sale daily
September 5tb to October 31st. Get lull
information of airont or write C. A. Aster
lin, D. P. A., Erie, Pa. 21-ot-9-ll
For an Impnlrrd Appetite.
To Improve the appetite and strengthen
the digestion try a few doses or Cham Her
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J
11. Seita, of Detroit, Mich., says: "They
restored my appetite when impaired re.
lieved me of a bloated feeling and caused
a pleasant and sstlsfactory movement of
me Doweis. t'rice, & cents, samples
tree, uunn A Fulton.
For the good of those suffering with ec
zema or other such trouble, I wish to say,
my wile had something of that kind and
alter using the doctors' remedies for some
time concluded to try Chamberlain's
Salve, and it proved to be better than
anything she had tried. For sale by
Dunn it Fulton.
Houses and Lots in Demand on Account
of the New Factory.
That there is great a demand for dwell-
In us is evidenced bv the tact that today
there isn't a honse for rent in Tiotiesta.
I desire to state, however, that I have a
number for sale, ranging in price all the
way from S00 to f,",000, which can be
had on reasonable terms. Call on or
communicate with me if Interested. I
can get you located satisfactorily in a
short time. Calvin M. Abnkr,
Real Estate and In.-urance,
Tionesta, Pa.
Send for the New x
Catalogue of the
itis the most
elaborate ever
issued by a normal school
and completely describes
the splendid equipment and
facilities ot this instuihton.
State Normal
J. R. Flickioger, Principal.
Fall terra begins Sept. !), 1907.
If you are interested it) securing tbe
best possible training for teaching or
for business or desire to fit for college,
nr are seeking an excellent course in
Music, Elocution or Art, it would be
to your advantage to patronize this
reputable and thoroughly established
institution. Its policy is to train not
only tbe intellectual faculties but to
develop character and to fit fur life's
duties. Address for illustrated cata
1 g, The Principal.
If you suffer from Stomach,
Kidney or Liver Trouhle, Rheu
matism or other blood dis
orders, correct them now.
GuaM&lecd under Food and Dnjgl Act oi
June 30, 1906.
Certificate No. 251S
For Sale by
Gen. Agt, Tionesta, Pa.
Administratrix's Notice.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of John R. Osgood, late of Tionaata, For
est County, Fa., deceased, having been
granted to tbe undersigned, all persona
indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to make payment without delay, and
those having claims or demands will
present them, duly authenticated, for
Anna Osooon, Adm'rx,
Tionesta, Fa.
Ritchkv it Cariunokr, Attorneys.
Flooring, Siding,
and material for
Window Casings
and Inside Work.
A good supply to select
from always in stock.
Call on or address.
I Cash Bakery f
J New and up to-date in all its ,
f Bread, Pie, Cakes, and any-
I thing in the line of pastry
jjj baking fresh every day.
by tbe disb, or in quantity.
J Special orders by phone or in
person are given prompt at-
X tention and satisfaction guar-
jjj anUed. Ynur patronage is
X kindly solicited. Bell and
J County Phones. jjj
You Must Ho Up-lo Date
You must keep abreast of tbe tiroes.
You must know something better than
anyone else. Make tbe effort and
train yourself for success by a course
at tbe
Tho Oil City Business
Without training you cannot hope
for success in these days of specializa
tion. You can specialize yourself
rapidly aud thoroughly at tbe Oil
City Business College in any branch
vou may select. Terms reasonable.
Enroll now.
DUNN A MOORHEAD, Attorneys-at-Law,
No. 123 Bakewpll Building, fitts
bnrg, Pa,
Notice la hereby given that an applica
tion will bo made to the (iovornor of
Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the 17 tb day
of August, 1JH7, by Austin P. Gillnn,
Wm. W. Oillen, A. H. Kelley, Homer N.
Young and Frederick A. Ortseil'er, under
the art of Assembly entitled "An act to
provide for tbe incorporation and regula
tion of certain corporations," approved
April -lull, 1874, and tbe supplements
thereto, fur the charter nf an intended
corporation to be called "American Cas
ket Company," tbe character and object
of which is tbe manufacture and sale of
caxketa, coffins, rough boxes, trimmings,
or of auy article of commerce or supplies
pertaining thereto, and ail and every
kind of undertakers' supplies, and for
these purposes to have, possess and enjoy
all the rights, benefits aud privileges of
said act of Assembly, and supplements
DUNN MOORHEAD, Solicitors.
DUNN A MOORHEAD, Attornevs-at-Law,
No. lit Bakewell Building, Pitta
burg, Pa.
Notice la hereby given that an applica
tion will be made to the Governor of
Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, tbe LTth day
of August, 1SKI7, bv Wm. W. Oillen, Aus
tin P. Uillen, A. H. Kelley, Homer N.
Young and Frederick A. Ortseifer, under
the act of Assembly entitled "An actio
provide for tbe incorporation aud regu
lation nf certain corporations," approved
April iHHh, 1S74, anil the supplements
thereto, for the charter of an Intended
corporation to be called "Standard Casket
Hardware Company," the character aud
object of which is the manufacture aud
sale of casket hardware, builders' finish
ing hardware, plated hardware, and other
specialties of a similar or cognate charac
ter from metal or wood, or both, or other
material, and for these purpoxea to have,
possess and enjoy all the rights, benelita
and privileges of said act of Assembly
aud supplements therein.
DUNN & MOORHEAD, Solicitors.
At Tionesta, Monday, August 19, 1907.
The Show this year is Bigger and Better
and in a more commanding position than
ever before to maintain its unrivaled .
standing and rank and to amaze
and delight its thousands of
patrons with
Many Entirely ilew ami Exclusive Features.
Marion Sheridan and Her Troupe of Performing Lions.
A Herd of Performing Elephants, including 15abo, tbe Largest Elephant in
the World.
Ilosedalo, tho Beautiful Ten Thousand Dollar torso.
Jake, the Largest Gorilla Ever Exhibited in America. He is Five Feet
Ten Inches in Height and Weigbi 150 Pounds, has Tremendous
Strength, Marvelous Agility and His Powerful Arms
are a Wonder to Behold.
A Truly Wonderful Display of Trained Animals.
100 People. 250 IIorneN and Ponies. 20 Funny CIowhh
Tbe Flower and Pick of Feature Performers From All Nations in a
Program of Startling Struggles and Ludicrous Revelries, Carry
ing the Spectators by Storm aud Wildly Applauded by All.
i i
I Straw
To close out remainder X
of our stock, we have di-
vided them into three lots.
Lot 1, J off. I
Lot 2, oil
Lot 3, choice l()c.
One More
In deference to the wishes of our
patrons we have decided to continue
21st Anniversary Sale
for one week longer, ending posi
tively Saturday, August 17. The
eight selling days of this salo have
been tbe largest id our history, the
low prices having caused tbe goods to
literally walk out of the store.
Men's Clothing, one third oil.
Children's Clothing, one-fourth off.
Hats and Furnishings, one-fourth
to one half off.
Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases, oue-
fourth to one-half off.
Only one condition Cash.
Tbo Itbove prices are for our beat
and newest goods.
All Right.
Tbe right kind of clothing made by iho right kind
of tailors with the right kind of exporionce, and sold at
the right kind of prices is
"Glasgow Made Clothing."
Suits and $15, $18, Made to
Top Coats $20 00 Measure
Tressed and repaired
nitde. Woolens sold by the
We Guarantee
Absoluts satisfaction in
Time Deposits Solicited
A. Watnk Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, U. W. Koblnson, Wm. Mmoiff IirukIi,
N.P.Wheeler, T. V. Rltchev. J.T.Dale. A. B. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyraent at low raton. We promise our custom
era all the benefits oonxUtent with oonnervatlve banking. Intercut pid on time
deposits. Tour patronage reHpectfully aollolted.
Bring the Little
An Endless Program
See the Free
Spectacular Street Parade
Starting from the Show Grounds at 10 a. m.
2 Performances Daily 2
Afternoon at 2 o'clock.
free. All gartnouts uuiou
fit, style aud quality or no pay.
v ii
Will pay Four 1'er ttoif. per Annum
Wm. Nmkarbauoh,
Vic Preiiident
Ones to See the
of Startling Events 8 o'clock.