The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 03, 1907, Image 5

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    Take Great Pleasure In
Announcing Their
Week of Monday, July 8th.
This great trade event will commemorate the
15th year oi the Smart & Silberberg Stores and
it is the desire of The Smart & Silberberg Com
pany to make it an epoch in merchandising his
tory in the vicinity.
It will be the banner sale of our experience.
Every department on every floor will have its
most interesting list of bargains. Trices will be
cut, and decided reduction made on every line.
Actual values will not be considered. On many
lines, prices will be but half, while on others the
reductions will average 25 and 33 per cent.
It will repay you to make a trip to Oil City
during the anniversary week.
Please consider this your invitation.
The Smart & Silberberq Co.
Oil City Trust Company.
STATMENT, JUNE 29, 1907.
(Seiui-Annual Aolx
Ijoani and discounts 1 1,303, MS 60
Real estate, furniture and
fixtures 101.2M 40
Stocks and bonds.. f lfi.LTO 00
Demand loans 733,384 W
Overdrafts 12,326 30
Doe from banks 2M,S74 51
Cash on band 9!,741 44
1,155,607 15
Capital ty irt) 00
Surplus and profits..... 391,133 29
Reeerre for interest, etc 5,014 30
Deposits, 1, $04,200.50
$2,560,447 15
$2,560,447 15
Trust Fuuils not included
above f 172,158 48
I, H. R. Merrltt, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear
tbat tbe above statement is true to tbe best or my knowledge and turner.
U. R. MERRITT, Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me tbis 29th day of June. 1W7
Mv commission expires Feb. 2. 1U10. F. W. HAYS. Notary Public
We, the undersigned, appointed by the Board of Directors at tbeir meeting of
j une zs, I'Mi, report tnat we nave examined me accounts, time an u can loans, secur
ities, and counted the cash on hand and hnd the foregoing report correct.
(Signed.) . W. H. WISE.
A Pnn tv oti c-TiiT-k A m f Yt mat 1 1 "X?rrrc otii4 oil
A. IslllllUilOlULS. XI.lbillllVbAL' Jk-iLlZklJlL U11U
commercial branches taught as they should
be taught by experienced and capable instructors.
A practical school
for practical people, en
dorsed by practical
business men.
Illustrated catalog and full information on
request. Name this paper and receive some
nicely written cards.
"The School That Gets Results."
Mea&villo, Pa.
means these three things. . Which interests you l
a nvsti.u of iiomi; ici:aii;.
Dofioite results from tbe use of spare minutes. American Year begios
in ftoptember, lwi. Ask Jor L. h. is. V. quarterly.
Competent iuBtruction. Tliirtuou departments; liO.'J ( enrollments iu
l'JOli. 1 lie best euvirouraent for study. Notable lectures, hipeuse moderate
Ask jor summer School Catalog.
All couvouiuuues of living, the pure charm of Nature, and advantages
for culture tbat are famed throughout tbe world. Organized sport9, both
aquatio and ou land, rrolessiotial men s clubs. Women a conferences
Great lectures aud recitals. Ask for Preliminary (Quarterly.
Chautauqua Institution,
Chautauqua, 3T. Y.
Sen tttmp lor P.rllcnl.rl and TnlimoDi.liot ih.
remedy thu clears lb. Complexion. Remove. Skin
lmperlectiom, Mikti Mew blood end Improres the
Bulla. II you te
keaellcUl reiullt are J u.rinleed or money relunded.
Mudiooo Place, Philadelphia. Pa.
Klectrio Oil. Guaranteed for
Rheumatism, Sprains, Sore
Feet, Paina, Ao. At all dealers
Uiarrbucii Kvniedy.
Never fails. Uuy it now. It may save liie.
Lire, Not Drnth.
There la much ill (Tore uoe In the pay.
etiological effect of tlio two Ideas
"life" and "death." This was illus
trated, gays the writer of "Letters
From a Surgeon," lu the euse of Gen
eral Frank Hartlett. who was wounded
on the Fredericksburg pike lu 1884.
Geueral Bartlett was brought to the
surgeon lilitHilng profusely from a
wound In his head. lie was uneou
clous and white as death. The. sur
geon called his name, but could not
rouse hi in. I'lisslng his fliiRer Into the
wouud, he found the ball had uot peue
trated the bone, but hud simply cut au
artery In the scalp. This the surgeon
bound with a ligature. lie laid the
general on the ground aud completed
dressing the wound.
"No harm done, old boy!" he shout-
ixl. "This Is only a flesh wound. You
will lie nil right when I take a stitch
or two."
The good uews seemed to bring Gen
eral Hartlett to consciousness. He
rallied completely.
"I thought I was done for." he said.
Well, If I'm all right, here goes."
Before the surgeon could stop" him
he was In the saddle and riding at the
best gult of his horse back to the front
The War of the? Moonahlnvr.
The ways of the moonshiner are pret
ty much the same everywhere. A suit
able location consists of n secluded
spot with water In abundance. It Is
Important, should he ever bo called
upon to defend n ense In court, for the
question of the ownership of the land
upon which the still Is located, to be
Involved In doubt; henco the moonshin
er gets as near the Hue of his own
land or the land he controls ns possible.
The stills are primitive affairs ami are
often made complete iu the neighbor
hood In which they are operated. With
two or three square yards of sheet cop
per the still maker requires but a few
hours to make the "b'ller." Home
made hogsheads are usually used ns
fermenters. aud the ouly thing that the
Illicit distiller has to send "off yander
arter" Is the worm. Being difficult to
secure, the moonshiner prizes ms
'worm" highly, and that part of the
distillery Is usually taken nway when
the operator leaves. Itavld A. Gates
in Metropolitan Magazine.
Origin of "Illiimtopklnita."
Burke, apropos of "Evelina," paid
Fanny Buruey this high compliment:
"We have had nu age for statesmen,
tin age for hen km, an ago for poets, nu
e for artists, but this" with a gal
lant bow to Fanny "Is the age for
women." The name "bluestockings,"
given to these distinguished women,
arose, according to Fanny Burney In
her "Memoirs of Her Father," from an
apology made by Mr. Stillingtleet in
declining an Invitation of Mrs. Vesey's
to a literary meeting at her house. "1
am not properly dressed for such a
partv." he pleaded. ' I'ho, pho," she
cried, taking him and his dress all In
at ..i glance, "dou't mind dress! Come
in your blue stockings." This he did,
and '"those words ever nfter were
fixed in playful st,igmn upon Mrs. Ve-
tey s associations. r. I . s .onaou
What We Stand On.
The density of the earth ns a whole
has been estimated, with close agree
ment among the scientists who have
made the determination by different
methods, to le about 5.5, or five and n
half times as heavy as an equivalent
sphere of water. On the other hand, the
average density of the materials form
ing the accessible parts of the earth's
crust Is between 2.5 and 3, so that the
menu density of the whole globe Is
about twice that of its outer part
This Indicates that the central part of
the earth is composed of heavier mate
rials and may even be metallic, which
condition, says the Engineering and
Mining Journal, would accord perfect
ly with the nebular hypothesis.
Nature and Broken Ronr.
In the splicing of broken bones na
ture can give the best surgeon pointers.
When a bone is broken the splintered
ends are surrounded with cartilage un
til they are firmly held in position.
Then gradually a layer of bone Is
placed between them and soldered to
gether. All the pbysiciau has to do
Is to bring the two ends of the bones
together so that the point will be
smooth nnd even. Nature's little
agents do the rest New York Tribune.
Known ljr Inntlnrt.
To uuderstiiud war, says the autl'or
of "J People at School," Is nn Instinct
To Illustrate the aphorism be tells a
story of an English general whose un
derstanding of sounds was phenome
nal. One night, he says, after dinner
they wfre all sitting talking at head
quarters. They were expecting nn at
tack, and KciitricH and pickets were
posted far out beyond the stockade.
Suddenly we heard one shot, of
course every one Jumped up. The bu
gles sounded: the men fell In; the olll
cers ran to their piwts. General Sy
luous alone bad not moved. After listen
ing Intently for a moment or two he
had wit down again. 1 myself was be
tween two minds whether to go out
with ouo of the parties hastily assem
bling outside or to stay with the gen
eral. So I stood Irresolutely by the
"You can sit dovn,"' said Synions.
"It Is nothing. A sentry has let oft his
rifle by incident. That Is all."
So It proved. While he was leaning
upon his rltlo it Uul gone off, and so
had his lingers.
Trying to t'linrm Anny Kpllrpar.
We need not go to Servla or Natal or
farther than Devonshire to lind super
stitions. Ouly the other day In n Dev
onshire village n woman was supposed
to huve had epilepsy exorcised in the
following way: She went to the vil
lage church, accompanied by twenty
nine married men. who left her sitting
slleut lu the porch while they entered
the building for service. After service
each of the twenty-nine as he passed
out dropped a penny in her lap, and
when the churchwarden had miide a
similar contribution tbe thirty pence In
copper were changed by hlm Into n sil
ver half crown, out of which he had a
ring forged to be worn by the epileptic
ns an infallible charm against her dis
order.. If, however, the woman uttered
a single word from the moment she left
her house till her return the charm
must fail. 1 lYs Weekly.
Uold HoroeNlioe In Olden Tlniea.
Rouiau writers Inform us that Com
modus caused the hoofs of his horses
to be covered with gold leaf and even
the fetlocks to be gilded. Nero's short
Journeys were Invariably performed
on white mules wearing gold shoes on
their fore feet and silver behind. The
beasts which drew tbe chariots of his
wife. Poppa ei were shod nil around
with gold. Several others among the
dignitaries nnd potentates of the riot
ous days of the Uoinan empire shod
their horses with gold nnd used the
same material for bridle bits, buckles,
spurs, etc.
tend? For n Teat.
"Do you think that absence really
makes the htart grow fonder?" In
quired the young man who was not a
particularly welcome caller.
"I have never given the matter much
consideration." w(s the young lady's
response. "Suppose you stay nway
for five or six years and we'll see."
rittslmrg Post
TnHte liovernn Spelling
Shakespeare spelled his owu name lu
sixteen different ways which have
Mirvived, and It Is evident that Eliza
bethan spelling "depends upon the
taste and fancy of the speller." It Is
the printing press which made spelling
by stereotyping it and It is, nfter all,
on the priuter's reader more than on
the professor that the spelling of the
future depends. London Stur.
ox inert good behaviou.
Nnpoleon'n nine.
The name Nupoloou written in Greek
characters will form seveu different
words by dropping the final letter of
each In succession. When read, these
words form a-complete sentence, mean
ing, "Napoleon, the destroyer of whole
cities, was the lion of his people."
"There Is a word of one syllable In
the English language that Is always
spelled wrong, evoa by the most edu
cated people."
"What Is thnt?"
"The word 'wrong.' "
"Let me see," mused the sporting
editor. "Whr.t Is nn Incubator?"
"An incubator," replied the agricul
tural editor, "Is nn egg plant"
Itlscouraroiiient Is but i'lenchnnted
egotism. M:'.zziui.
July 15 to 20, when the Elks hold their annual Re
union in Philadelphia, will be a glorious week in the
Quaker City. Not for years have such elaborate prepa
rations been made to honor the City's guests as those
which are now bein' made to welcome the members of
the order, and to entertain the thousands who are ex
pected to visit the city during the week.
A grand Court of Honor in Broad Street, the most
magnificent structure of the kind ever erected in Ameri
ca, and costing $50,000, will be a great feature of the occa
sion. Every night during the week this Court of Honor,
together with the City Hall, will be illuminated by my
riads of electric lights of various colors.
On Wednesday, July 17, a massed band parade of
over 2000 musicians "will take place.
On Thursday, July 18, the Grand Parade of all vis
iting Elks will occur. Over 15,000 men from all sections
of the country will participate, fcach uniform will typ
ify the state or city represented by the lodge. Many of
the uniforms will be historical and picturesque.
On Saturday, July 20, there will be a grand excur
sion to the seashore. Atlantic City, Cape May, Wild
wood, Ocean City, Asbury Park, and other popular re
sorts are within reach of Philadelphia by the fast
express trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Excursion tickets to Philadelphia wili be sold July
13 to 17, inclusive, at reduced rates from stations over
100 miles from Philadelphia.
For exact fares and conditions of tickets, consult
nearest Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Agent.
noeelvcd PrcssliiR Invitation Yet
Iteinalned Firm.
A little Portland miss, whoso first
name Is Grace, had never attended
church, being too little and too live
ly to be trusted there, according to
the Kennebec Journal. But at last
her mother permitted her to accom
pany nn elder sister, giving her grave
warnings beforehand. The rector of
the church was a frequent caller at
Grace's home, and her mother fear
ed that on this nccount Bhe might
take liberties.
"You must sit still," she said,
"and you must not Bny one word, hut
let Mr. Hammond do the talking.
Now, remember."
Grace behaved very well In meet
ing. As soon as she reached home she
"Oh, mnniina, I did keep still
real still, and when Mr. Hnmmond
called me right out In meeting I
never stirred to go to him."
"Called you? Why, child, he
never called you In meeting."
"Yes, but he did, mamma. Ho said
three or four times. 'Send down
Grace,' but I sat ns still as a mouse."
Telling the Truth.
Norninn Hapgood, the journalist
find essayist, was discussing Ameri
can newspapers. "It was not enough
our papers shall tell the truth," he
said. "Truthtelllng In itself Is not
particularly wise nor praiseworthy.
Indeed, It is sometimes the reverse.
"Thus a young man called on a
young lady one spring morning very
early. He wanted to give tho young
indy a morning spin through the
"A little girl, the young Indy'a
niece, answered the bell.
" 'Is your auntie In?' snld the,
young man.
" 'Yes, sir," sad the little girl.
" 'That's good. Where Is she?' he
wont on.
" 'She's up stairs,' said tho little
girl. 'In her nlghtey looking over the
balustrade.' "
Forewarned Was Korea rnicd.
When Archbishop Trench wa
dean of Westminster he delegated
Canon Curettm to preach at the ab
bey on a certain saint's day. On such
days the boys of Westminster Bchool
attended service and afterwards had
the rest of tho day as a holiday, says
tho Weekly Telegraph. While Mr.
Cureton, on the morning of the day
he was to officiate, was looking over
his sermon at the breakfast table,
his son asked, in a tone vibrating
with anxiety:
"Father, is your sermon a long
sermon to-day?"
"No, Jimmy, not very."
"Hut how long? Pleuso tell me."
"Well, about twenty minutes, I
should say. But why are you so
anxious to know?"
"Because, father, tho boys say
they will thraBh me awfully If you
are more than half an hour."
Had t'sed Him Too Much.
Rlx-vear-old Tommy was sent hy
his eldest sister to the corner gro
cery to buy a pound of lump sugnr.
He played marbles on the way to the
iitore, and by the time he arrived
there he had forgotten what kind of
sugar he was sent for. So he took
home a pound of the granulated art
Irle. His eldest sister sent him back
to the store to exchange the sugar.
"Tommy," said the groceryman, as
he made the exchange. "I understand
there Is a new member of your fam
ily." "Yes, sir." replied the kid. "I've
tot a little brother."
"Well, how do you like that,
Ley?" inquired the groceryman.
"Don't like it at nil," said Tom
my; "rather had a little Bister."
"Then, why don't you exchange
hlm. Tommy?"
"Well, we would If we could; but
I don't suppose we can. You seo, we
have used him four days now."
J.H.4.f 4,.M4.f H"rTV . , i -r -i i '
Machut Well, Grobols. if your
cow Is still for sale I will give you
300 francs for her.
Grobols Impossible.
Machut Impossible? Why, two
days ago you offered her to me at
that price.
Grobols Yes, I know, but my wife
Is so attached to tho cow that she
says sho would die If Bhe were sepa
rated from It.
Machut Well, I suppose I must
ay 330 france. Pele Mole.
Both Were Might.
As a ship was nearlng a harbor of
Athens a woman passenger approach
ed the captain, and, pointing to dis
tant hills covered with snow, asked:
"What Is that white stuff on the
hills, captain?"
"That is snow, madam," answered
tho captain.
"Is It really?" remarked the wom
an. "I thought so; but a gentleman
has just told me it was Greece!"
Merchant So you want the job
as office boy ?
Hoy Yes, sir.
Merchant Any previous experi
ence? Boy No, sir; nothln' previoug
ibout me and I don't whistle.
Merchant Hang up your hat.
Philadelphia. Press.
Knows His Business.
Patient Doctor, do you think
that people are occasionally buried
Pontor (reassuringly) It never
iinpp'iis to my patients. Berliner
Ul:iptil?rte Zeltune.
eff. tlUGVSF
Office ) 7X National Bank Building,
Eyes examined free.
Exclusively optical.
$10,000 Worth of Seasonable
Merchandise That Must Be
Sold Before Sept. 1st.
So we Hart right out in the most energotio and aggresBivo mau- T
ner to empty eneives, ciork room rscKs ana uiuiinery cases.
So tlist mosDS a series of very important merchandising events
ia the oext sixty days.
It will be well worth your while to watch this store's advertis
ing spaco each week.
Tailored Suits, Jackets, Skirts f
and Shirt Waist Suits.
Never before at this season of the year has our stock been so
clean. Still we're not satNfled; io fact before the first day of August
every garment's to be sold. How we're going to do it is best itidi- ', ',
cated by a window of " wear with prices.
T t hah rr1 r 1m aw ViV trA
Paroid Roofing
roully is; if you only knew how easily it can bo
put on and how lone it lasts; if you only knew
what a good all-round roof it is, you would savo
money by using it for every building on tho pluco.
Weather proof, wear proof, contains no tar, slato color,
any one can lay it. Lot us provo to you what tho
gonuiuo l'aroid Eoofing will do.
Send for Free Sample
and book on "Building Economy." It will save you
money. Don t take a cheap imitation, uot the genuine
tho roof that lasts. A complete rooting
kit in every roll.
TioncNtn, ln
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup aud Whoopiug Coujju.
We believe in sharing profits with our customers. It has
been a habit with us for yean and we think it is appreciated by
our patrons. Our running expenses are far less than our com
petitors', so it stands to reason we can sell goods at a less figure,
a fact which we will demonstrate to you if in need of anything
in the line of
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Farm
Implements, Garden Tools, Jtii
gies, Wagons, and Carriages,
Paints, Oils, & Varnishes.
Dou't miss your opportunity. We have the' goods at the
ri;ht prices. See if we haven't.
J. C. Scowden,
Tionesta, Pa.
me mmh msm lEas
The Roofing Problem
Is one that is being studied more than any
other. If in need of one obtain our prices
on different material.
We Have Installed
A number of pumps in houses to pump the
water from a spring or well to the kitchen
and would like to show you how to install
Now Is the Time
To look up your repairs for your machin
ery. Binder twine, cultivators, shovel
plows, sections, scythes and snaths, screen
doors and windows, horse collars and
sweat pads. A complete line of hardware.
Remember you can always have your
specialties ordered by the
Tionesta Hardware.
v .