The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 01, 1907, Image 3

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Terms. County Treasurer, $10. State
Delegate, Jo. Strictly in advance.
We are authorized to announce G no rob
W. Holkman, of Tionesta, an a Republi
can candidate for County Treasurer, at
the ensuing primary election, Saturday,
June 1st.
We are authorized to announce Johkth
Grkkn, of Hickory township, as a Re
publican candidate tor County Treasurer,
at the ensuing primary election, Satur
day, June 1st.
We are authorized to announce Wadb
H.Brazkk, of Kiniraloy township, as a
Republican candidate for County Treas
urer, at the ensuing primary election,
Saturday, June 1st.
We are authorized to announce John
S. Gildkrslkktk, of Howe township, as
a Republican candidate for County Treas
urer, at the ensuing primary election,
Saturday, June 1st.
About tbe only thing that Mr. Hearst
can do with his new party will be to con
vert it into some kind of a peace society.
Mr. Bryan Is telling what will be In
the democratic national platform next
year. If this is not Caesarism what la it?
In democratic history Mr. Bryan is de
fined as a bonanza in 180(1, a fighting
chance in 1900, and a bard necessity for
Lawykr Delmas has retired from the
Thaw case. He was willing to represent
the defendant in court, but objected to
hiring out as his companion In jail.
Governor Stuart has signed tbe bill
giving trolley roada the right to carry
freight, and thus is another of the plat
form pledges of the Republican party re
deemed. Before the present legislature
adjourns tbey will all have been paid.
It is said that though New Yoik has
voted $.)0,000,000 for good roads, and is
spending some of tbe money, It has not
yet settled the questions of proper con
struction and maintenance. Road im
provement will make no headway with
tbe cart belore the horse.
Tberk is every prospect that the
State service pension bill will pass the
legislature at this session, it having been
favorably reported lroru committee last
week, and carries an appropriation of
5,000,000 wherewith to put the law io
operation and pay tbe "old boys."
In speaking of Arbor day the governor
of Connecticut save: '"The teachers of
our schools are urged to impress upon
their pupils tbe lesson suggested by tbis
proclamation, and to stimulate in them
love of our song birds. Tbe klndneva to
bird and animal is akin to loveof human
kind." This talk is better than some of
the political sort.
Mr. Gladstone predicted that by the
end of the present century tbe United
States would have a population of 600,
000,000 and be more prosperous on ac
count ot tbe increase. If that many peo
ple can govern themselves successfully
the rest will be likely to ask to hitch on,
or follow tbe example. At any rate tbe
matter of population, etc., will have very
little in it to Interest tbe present genera
tion an hundred years hence.
No better rule of conduct has been
laid down in the philosophy of the ages
than this from tbe pen of Abraham Lin
coln: "X am not hound to win; but I am
bound to be true. I am not bound to
succeed; but I am bound to live up to
what light I have. I must stand with
any man who stands right; stand with
him while he is right, and part with him
when he goes wrong," No man who
follows implicity tbis logio of the great
Lincoln will find it necessary to apologize
for bis actions.
Ex-Senator Cameron, who long since
has retired to his farm and private life,
ships great quantities of watercress to tbe
New York market from bis Lancaster
county home, and maintains that it pays
a large revenue. We doubt whether there
is a bushel basket full of tbis most de
licious berb raised in Forest County,
and yet our farmers might find It a source
of considerable revenue were tbey to give
its oultivatihn a little attention. Water
cress grows as readily as horseradish,
with scarcely any more trouble, and its
consumption Is increaslug rapidly as tbe
people learn how delicious it is.
Tuerk is abill before tbe Pennsylvania
Legislature providing for meat inspection
by tbe State. That is all right. But it
requires tbe man who butchers animals
and sells to the public to pay the inspect
ors. That is all wrong. Why? Because
tbe large packing houses all have inspec
tors paid by the Federal Government, and
a town that had but one or two small
slaughter-houses, having to maintain a
State inspeotor at a cost ofanywbere from
$ 1,200 to $2,000 a year, would be taxed out
of existence. That would give the big
concerns a monopoly of tbe business.
Fine scheme for tbe millionaire estab
lishments! A bill with a small snake in
it might slip through the Legislature un
noticed, but hardly one that contains a
python. Punxy Spirit,
Commkntino on the late occurrence in
Oil City, the Bradford Era very truly
says il is not good ioIicy for a man to pay
court to a womau and for years induce
br to believe she is to bcome his wife,
aud then desert ber. That tragedy at Oil
City Wednesday was a most shocking one.
The young woman who did tbe shooting
was crazed with ber disappointment. A
deadly blow had been aimed at her hap
piness; she was crushed by it. Life to
ber meant nothing after she bad received
the information that the man she loved
bad t een lost to ber. She concluded to
die aud to wreak vengeance upon the one
who bad caused her so much mental dis
tress. The unwritten law was not de
pended upon by the girl to save her from
the penalty of her inorderous deed. She
was ber own executioner. The incident
was closed in a manner roost impressive.
The letwon of it all should not be over
looked by tiuko who place a iigbt value
oo woman's lor.
Oil City's Double Tragedy.
Oil City was greatly shocked on
Wednesday last by a double tragedy
which was enae'ed shortly after the noon
hour in the heart ot the city. The vic
tims or the terrible aftair were Tbaddeus
Stevens Ross, night mailing clerk in the
Oil City poetolHce, who was shot three
times and instantly killed by Miss Maha
ls Belle Stroup, a resident of Bradford,
where she had conducted a dressmaking
establishment for some time, and who
sent a bullet through her own heart after
killing Ross, her ioruier sweetheart.
There were no witnesses to the shooting,
which occurred in tbe office of Dr. G. W.
Magee. Ross was dining at the home of
his parents a short distance from the doc
tor's office when the telephone rang. His
father answered the call and a woman's
voice made inquiry for "Tbad." The
young man went to the phone and after
answering picked up his bat aud informed
tbe family he had to go to the doctor's
office for a Tew minutes, but would re
turn shortly. That was the last his par
ents saw him alive. '
Miss Siroup arrived at noon from
Bradford, aud went to tbe office of Dr.
Magee, who baa been tbe family physi
cian and with whom she was well ac
quainted. Finding no one in the oillce,
she called Ross on the telephone and
asked him to come to the ottice aud see
Wbnt took place there no one will ever
know. It could not be ascertained
from persons who were in the building at
tbe time that any loud talking took place
between tbem or that they bad a quarrel.
When Dr. Magee returned from lunch
and opened the door he found the dead
bodies. That of Ross was in a chair in a
corner of the office. His bead was lying
back on the chair and blood was stream-
log from a bullet wound in his neck
His forehead was burned with powder
where a bullet entered bis brain. Another
ball had pierced his heart.
Miss Stroup'a body was lying a few
feet away, face downward, and it partly
blocked tbe office door. Blood was flow
ing from a wolind in her left side. Ross
bad seated himself in a large chair, and
apparently while talking to tbe girl had
thrust bis bauds Into bis trousers pockets,
Tbe girl wore long black kid gloves,
but before doing tbe shooting she bad
slipped both ber bands from tbem and
tbey bung loose from her bloody wrists.
It is thought she walked over to tbe chair
in which Ross was seated, and ooncealing
the revolver with her dress fired the first
shot at his heart. Apparently be never
moved, for tbe position of bis body was a
natural one when it was found.
Wishing to make sure of her work she
fired two more shots, one lodging in his
neck and tbe otuer in his brain. Standing
over her victim, she then shot herself
through tbe heart. The revolver dropped
from ber hand and was found near ber
Ross, who was of a very respectable
family, was to have been married that
evening to Miss Drusilla Edith Sampsell,
a worthy and respected young lady of
Oil City. His slayer was also a lady
highly respected by her acquaintances,
According to her story Ross was to bave
married her in July, and the first inti
mation she bad of bis intended marriage
with Miss Sampsell came to ber in a let
ter ou tbe day before tbe shooting. That
night she slept not a wink, and evidently
In her misery determined ou the course
she would pursue tbe next morning,
Leaving Bradford she told her friends
she "must see 'Tbad' today," and that
she would "be back that night."
She bad kept company with Ross pre
vlous to her removal from Oil City to
Bradford which occurred about four
years ago and after ber removal fre
quently visited Oil City friends. At such
times Ross was an apparently devoted
attendant upon her.
Tbe bodies of tbe two victims, after be
ing viewed by tbe coroner's Jury, were
taken in charge by relatives and pre'
pared for burial. Wbile the undertaker
and Mrs. Fred. Ehret, who is a sister of
Miss Stroup, were disrobing tbe body
tbey found a photograph of Ross in the
bosom of ber dress. A small envelope
was found in one of ber stockings. It
contained a will, dated April 23, and
letter, addressed to no one and unsigned,
Tbe will is as follows:
"I, Mabala B. Stroup, do this day make
my last win, ana give to my sisters, Mrs.
Fred. Kb ret. Coal Hill, and Mrs. John
Ehret, of Aikeu, and my one brother,
Henry H. Stroup, of Ten-Mile Bottom,
all my share in land and real estate and
personal property (most all in shop is
rum. j.n. fiiirei s.)
(Signed) "Mahala B. Stroup.
"Witness Mrs. Anna Hahiiuook.
"April 23, 1007."
Tbe letter, consisting as it does of sev
eral disconnected sentences, evidently
was written after tbe terrible deed was
premeditated. There are repeated eras
"Tbis is what Tbad always claimed to
be to me, a true lover. He wrote to me
until tbe last minute, saying I was bis
own sweetueart, ana now to marry an
other and bad planned, the next time I
saw Dim it would not be long until we
could marry and be happy but be had
some debts yet. And that in July be
would gel raise and then all would be
happiness for us. Saying be had quit
going with anyone but me and as Boon
as could was coming to see me. Had
planned twice in January but said it was
on account of P. M. ( postmaster i and
once anomer rierK.
"You can give my body to Johnny
Osenlder (the undertaker; be will take
care of me."
These papers were evidently written in
tbe night prior to her going to Oil City,
with a mind apparently filled with mis
givings and greatly troubled.
Tbaddeus Ross was the son of J. D.
Ross, and was aged about 36 years. He
was a Spanish war veteran, having been
a soldier iu Cuba and tbe Philippines.
L'pou his roturu be was appointed to a
position iu tho postofDce iu Oil City. All
preparations were completed for his
marriage to Miss Sampsell, even to the
furnishing of their new home, and tbe
bride-elect was arranging tbe bride's ta
ble when the shocking news of tbe trage
dy was told her.
Miss Stroup was aged about 35 years,
and was born near Coal Hill, in Cran
berry township, Venango county, where
ber parents, tbe late Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Hlroup, died, respectively 21 and 11 years
ago. The father was a brother of tbe
late John R. Stroup, of this place, and
tbe dead girl was a cousin of our present
Sheriff, A. W. Stroup, who was in at
tendance at the funeral which took place
on holiday noar Sallna. The attendance
is said U bave been immense, the funeral
cortege extending over a mile aud a half
in length, the deceased having been very
popular in the community in which ahe
had spent her girlhood days.
In speaking editorially of this terrible
occurrence tbe Oil City Blizzard says:
"While all concede that it is most deplor
able, and general sympathy is expressed
for the relatives of the leading actors In
tbe tragedy, particularly the father and
mother of Rosa, who were, of course, un
aware of tbe dual role be was playing,
mauy argue that the slayer was justified
in the course she pursued, aud commend
ber oourago in seeking revenge for the
For Felon., Holla, Burn, t'uls and BruUrn
Take absorbant cotton about the size of
a dollar bill and place San-Cura in the
center as large as a silver dollar and twice
as thick; then oover the finger or thumb,
especially if a felon, which ia often on
tbe thumb or finger, aud tie on with
thread for 21 hours, If necessary, to draw
out the felon or boil. Sau-Cura ia a cer
tain cure removing tbe pain in a few niln
utes and drawing out all puss and matter
without tbe necessity of lancing, San
Cura is better than any poultice; it keeps
the parts soft aud clean and cool, remov
ing all inflammation aud soreness at once.
25 and 50 cents.
We bave sent San-Cura fourteen thous
and miles through the mail to Sumatra,
Brazil, Cuba, California and tbe territoryof
all druggists. Thompson Medical Co., 8
and 10 Diamond street, Titusville, Pa.
Guaranteed under tbe drug act June 30th
1906, Duuu Fulton.
Relief from Hhrnmntlr I'nln.
"I suflered with rheumatism for over
two years," says Mr. Rolland Curry, a
patrolman, of Key West, Fla. "Some
times it settled In my knee and lamed me
so I could hardly walk, at other times it
would be in my feet and bands so I was
incapacitated for duty. One night when
I was in severe pain and lame from it my
wife went to the drugstore here and came
back with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. I was rubbed with il and found
tbe pain had nearly gone during tbe night,
1 kept oo using it for a little more than
two weeks and found that it drove the
rheumatism away. I have not bad any
trouble from that disease for over three
months." For sale by Dunn A Fulton.
Cream of the Sews.
A girl seldom falls in love with a
man unless there is some reason why she
shouldn't. 1
Spring's delightful weather has come
at last and thai new garment will please
you better now than late iu the summer.
Hopkins has the pretty spring goods.
Don't put off your selection longer. It
And a wise man never tells a woman
with a baby, how pretty some other
woman's baby is.
Why put up with that old faded and
threadbare carpet another summer? Why
not place your order for a new one now
and enjoy it wbile you're young. Hop
kius can fit you out in the prettiest at the
lowest price. It
No, tbe cloak of friendship and the
mantle of charity are not made from the
same piece of cloth.
Tbe safe, certain, reliable little pills
that do not gripe or sicken are Dade's
Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head
aches, biliousness and lazy livers. Sold
by J. R. Morgan.
An armless couplo were recently
married in Ohio. Tbey have no iutention
of going through life band in hand.
Piles are dangerous but do not sub
mit to an operation until you bave first
tried Man Zan, the Great Pile Remedy.
It is pot up in collaplble tubes with a
nozzle that allows it to be applied exactly
where it ia needed. If vou bave itching,
bleeding or protruding piles and Man Zan
does not relieve, money refunded. Soothes
and cools. Relieves at once. Sold by J.
R. Morgan.
A woman is apt to make some very
striking remarks when she has occasion
to hit her husband for a little pin money.
Halsey Arrested In Manila.
Honolulu, April 30. Theodore V.
Halsey, former general agent of the
Pacific States Telephone and Tele
graph company, who has been indict
ed for bribery by the San Francisco
grand Jury, arrived here from Manila
on the steamship China in charge of
Captain Trowbridge of the Philippine
secret service, by whom he was ar
rested. How's This!
We ofl'nr Ono TTnn.lrn,! n.,ii.,. i
- ....... ."I1HII n
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
x.j. vheney cc CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We. the llnrlAmirrnorl Iiava v T
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and finnnmallo ahl.
....... UI9UUIUJ
out any obligations made by their firm.
" mi a. i haux, wnoiesaie druggists, To
ledo, O., Waldino, Kinnan fe Marvin,
wnoiesaie aruggmts, Toledo, O.
Hall'S Catarrh film ia latun irtn...,al1
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75o
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
When a woman forgets an lnnuirv
she keeps forgetting that she has forgot
ten it.
(iinnibrrlniii's folic, Cholera nml Diar
rhoea Itemed).
There is probably no medicine made
that is relied upon with more imnllclt
confidence than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During
tbe third of a century in which it has been
in use, people have learned that it Is the
one remedy that never fails. When re
duced with water and Bweetened it is
pleasant to take. For sale by Duun &
Executors' Notice.
Letters Ten!
- . . . , mi oomro '
C. W. Clark, late of Tionesta Borough,
r uresnjouuiy, ra., deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said AMfnfn ara liuiahu rw,iri,il
to make payment without delay, and
those having claims or demands will pre
sent them, duly authenticated, for settle-
Mrs. Ada Clark,)
Joseph Clark, V Executors.
F. R, Lankon, )
Tionesta, Pa.
S. D. Irwin, Attorney. 4-17-flt
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
F.leotrlo Oil. Guaranteed for
Rheumatism, Sprains, Sora
Feet, Pains, Ac. At all dealers
Charter Notice.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Forest
County, Pennsylvania, No. 1, May
Term, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that an applica
tion will be made to the said Court on
Monday, May 20th, 1107, at 2 o'clock p.
in., under the Act of Assembly of tbe
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, enti
tled "An Act to provide for tbe Incor
poration and Regulation of certain Cor
porations," approved April 20, 1874, and
the supplements thereto, for the charter
of an intended Corporation to be called
Tbe First Methodist Episcopal Church of
nonesia, ra., ins character ana oojeot
whereof is for the purpose of tbe support
of publio worship according to the laitb,
tlootrlno, disciple and usages of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church, and for this pur
pose to have, possess and enjoy all tbe
rights, benefits and privileges of the said
Act of Assembly and Ita supplements.
The proposed charter is now on file in
the Prnthonotary'a office.
Ritchry Caruinoer, Solicitors,
Whkrkas, The Hon. W. M. LIndsey,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has Wsued bis pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer aud Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on
the Third Monday of Mav, being
the 20lh day of May, 1007. No
tice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there iu their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., of said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their office appertain to be done,
and to those whoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and Uiere to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my baud and seal this 22d day of
April, A. D. 1007.
A. W. STROUP, L.8. Sheriff.
List of causes set down for trial in the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Third Mondav of May, 1007:
1. T. D. Co".:ins, F. X. Kreltler, F. K.
Brown aud W. W. Dickey va. L. 8.
Clough and T. E. Bradley. No. 5, Sep
tember term, 1005. Summons in Eject
ment. 2. Catherine Bailey et al. vs. Ida
Hammond et al. No. 1, September term,
3. T. D. Collins vs. South Peon Oil
Co. No. 12, November term, 1005. Sum
mons in Ejectment.
4. Daniel Steiuer vs. B. C. Hadden.
No. 33, November term, 1006.
5. Forest A. Huff vs. Ben. Franklin
Insurance Co, No. 16, November term,
Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Tionesta, Pa., April 22, 1907.
Cash Bakery;
New and up to-date in all its
Bread, Pie1, Caked, and any
thing ia the line of pastry
baking fresh every day.
by the dish, or in quantity.
Special orders by phone or ia
person are given prompt at
tention and satisfaction guar
antied. Yiur patroDage is
kindly solicited. Bell and
County PboDfs.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Fred. Grettenberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksmithing prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
llepalrs Boilers, Stills,
Tanks, Agitators. Buys
and Sells Second - hand
Boilers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End ofSuspeniino Bridge,
Third ward, OIL. CIT1, PA.
Warren. Olean. ad Bradford
STJIsriD.A-'Y", J&JIT 12, 1907 t
Rate to Warren Rate to Oleun
Train Leaves
' Titusville 7.30 A. M. $1 00 $1 50
, KoiiHeville 7.55 " 1 00 1 50
. Oil City 8.15 " 1 00 1 50
Tiouesta 8.52 " 1 00 1 50
Hickory 9.03 " 1 00 1 50
; Tidioute 9.1!) " 75 1 25
. Olean Arrive 12 00 Noon
Bradford Arrive 12.00 "
Roturning Special Train will leave Olean 7.00 p. in., Bradford 7.00 p. in.,
Warren 9 00 p. m. Tickets will be good GOING only on Special Train.
, RETURNING on Special Train Sunday, May 12, and on regular trains
. Monday, May 13. The run of Train No. 34, leaving Bradford at 5.00 p. m.,
Olenn 5.00 p. m and Warren 7.0S p. m., May 13, will be extended to Titus
' ville to accommodate excursionists returning by that train.
' Children between Five and Twelve years of age, Half Fare.
General Manager. Passenger Trallic Manager. General Passenger Agent
Why Experiment?
IWa hive been buying tnd Mil In i paint
for year, and know all about It. Wehav
done more to beautify the homeaof aom
We have been buy In t and selling paint
for year, and know all about It. Wehav
done more to beautify the homeaof aom
of our beat men than the greateat arll.te
whoee maaterpiece adorn (be walls to
day. You ask, "How to?" and It ea.tly
explalned 1 we hive been atlllnf paint
forth inside and outalde of building
and w tried every kind of paint and
we guarantee there I nothing equal to
HAi Pioneer Prepared Paint.
Wear backed up la this by a great
big Concern and HiitA lay. every gallon
that la not right ho will replace, and h
has been making paint for sixty-four
year and Is making an honeat practical
paint. We can tell you what It will coal
to paint your house and will be glad to
give you fre color card showing many
aample color If you write or call to
day. G. W. ROBINSON k SON,
Tionesta, fa.
A Talk on
Clothing manufacturers bave
learned how to put quality into their
products so that the clothes will re
tain shape and character aod give
service. Some of them do this while
others avoid the issue on accouDt of
the increased expense and ooutioue to
make clothes as they express it, "To
Sell Commercial!? Ail Wool, aud
Tailored With a Hot Iron."
From your standpoint there is but
one way, unless you are a clothes ex
pert. Trade only at a store where
you can place your entire confidence
without fear of its being abused.
JfcCueii Co. Clothing.
Fitted by au expert cutter. High
class designing. Iborougb work
manship throughout.
Blue aod grey worsted serge suits,
double aod single-breasted, of tbe
newest spring and summer models,
115 to $25.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. ,
Our Boys' Oxlords will keep
the boy's leet cool and comfort
able during the sprinjr and
summer months.
The boy's tireless feet should
be kept comfortable as well as
his father's.
Box Calf and Kid; Oxlords,
Lace and Blucher cut. Dura
ble, comtortable and stylish.
$1.50 to $3.50.
All sizes.
A pair of our Boys' Oxfords
will make the boy look like a
young gentleman and feel like
Cor. Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Administratrix's Notice.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of James K. Green, late of Harmony
township, Forest county, Pa., deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons imlebted to said estate are
nereuy notiuea to inane payment wun
out delay, and those having claims or de
mands will present them, duly authenti
cated, for settlement.
Cynthia E. Grekn, Administratrix,
3-20-Gt. ' West Hickory, Pa.
and return Bradford and return
oi our dci men man in. (reateat irti.ts a
With a thorough knowledge of what is ab
solutely correct in fashion for the coming sea
sons, and.with every known tailoring advantage
at our command, we stand ready to make to
your personal measure spring suits and top coats
the quality of which cannot be equaled for less
than twice the money when purchased else
where. The "Famous Glasgow" Prices.
Suits and $15, $18, Made to
Top Coats $20 00 Measure
Pressed aud Repaired Free.
Woolens sold by the yard.
All garments union made.
Tim Depoaita Solicited. Will pay Four 1'er Cent, per Annum
A. Watnb Cook,
A. B.
dibjcotom -
A. Wayne Cook, O.' W. Robinson, Win. Smearbaugh,
N. P. Wheeler, . T. F. Rltchey. J. T. Dale. A. B. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest paid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Monarch Clothing Co.
of Women's Suits, Skirts
- and Jackets.
Tbe backward season kas played bavoo with tbe manufacturers in
larger cities aod through their eagerness to secure tho cash we have through
oar Philadelphia aod New York oonoectioo managed to secure 100 beautiful
tailored spring suits at nearly half of what their regular price should be.
The elegant epriog beauties that are still oo hand will be placed on sale at
tbe regular new uoderpriced purchase sale price.
Woiueu't Suits.
Nobby and beautiful Tailored Etoo
or Pooy Suits. The Etoo bas silk
braid trimming down the front aod
collar. Also a row of silk braid on
shoulder aod yoke. Handsome gir
dle aod skirt is full gore plaited
model, lbese suits are of all-wool
Panama and come in grey, blue,
black, brown aod red. Also several
handsome models io fancy plaid and
checkered mixture?; regular 81U 50
values; former price, $12118.
Male price, 910.98
Nobby and stylish MisPes' or small
Women's Suits. Come in fancy
plaids aod striped all-wool mixtures.
The coat is loose box fitting wltb
pockets. Collar of silk velvet or of
same material. Skirt is full gore
plaited model. Regular $12 va ue;
former price, 88 98.
Nule price. ftU.US
High-class ChitJ'oo Panama Tail
ored Suit. Come in nobby epriog
colorings such as champagne, goldeo
browo, tan, steel grey and high class
stripes end plaids. Tbe styles are
Eton or tight fitting. The tight-fit
ting coats or these suits bave clusters
of straps io back and front and are
beautifully trimmed. Skirts bave a
row of material at bottom and are
plaited full gore models. $22 values;
former price, $18.
Mule price, 915.00
Vice President
Women's Coals.
Nobby Covert Coats for Women or
Misses iu stylish tight or box fitting.
Also uox-fittiog Jackets for Misses.
Come in stylish plaids aod checks.
Elegant $6 values; former price, $4.98
Male price, $3.08
Women's high-class Covert or
Blak Broadcloth Jackets; tailored
beautifully with rows of stitched
straps all around on the corset fitting
styles. The models are beautiful and
tbe values are phenomenal. Former
price, $G 1)8.
Sale price, $1.98
Women's Skirts.
Beautiful tailored Panama, Mohair
or Sicilian Dress Skirts in black,
grey, blue aod black and br.wu.
Tailored with stitched straps aod
labs. Also several styles made full
gored plaited. Regular $5 value.
Male price, $3.98
Corset Covers.
20 dozen beautiful Corset Covers
with several rows of lace and inser
tion. Regular 35o value.
Sale price, 19c