The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 24, 1907, Image 2

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j. t. WINK. Editor 4 Proprietor.
1907 APRIL 1907
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
J4M5JB j7J8J9 2D
22 23 24 25 2627
28 2930
-v mat n :
JfQuarwr ZU p.m.
Full oo 105
OtMoon 40 atu.
Omcwd 12
Terms. Connty Treasurer, $10. State
Delegate, J5. Strictly Id advance.
We are authorized to announce Qkohob
W. Holkman, of Tionesta, a Republi
can candidate for County Treasurer, at
the ennuiuK primary election, Saturday,
June 1st.
We are authorized to announce Jometh
Oreen, of Hickory township, as a Re
publican candidate for County Treasurer,
at the ensuing primary election, Satur
day, Judb 1st.
We are authorized to announce Wade
H. Brazee, of Kinssley township, as a
Republican candidate fur County Treas
urer, at the ensuing primary election,
Saturday, June 1st.
We are authorized to announce John
S. Gilurrslkeve, of Howe township, as
Republican candidate for County Treas
urer, at the ensuing primary election,
Saturday, June 1st.
Senator Foraker's grievance ia that
the president has volunteered to bold
Secretary Taft'a coat while the fight is on
In Obio.
The wheat crop In the United States Is
promising beyond the average. Uncle
Sam haa the prospect of another year of
great harvest.
Professional pickpociteta sometimes
start row Id a crowd In order to do
business lu their line. That's just what
some nf the newspapers of the country
are trying to do at present. Tbey are
endeavoring to create discord In the Re
publican party by critclsing Roosevelt,
boplng thereby to land somebody In the
White House who will work in harmony
with the Hills, the HarrimanB and Mor
gans in robbing the people. Blizzard.
It is strongly suspected now by persona
who have been doing a good deal of figur
ing that the conspiracy to rob the State of
four or five millions of dollars through
the pretext of furnishing the Capitol will
Involve a number of people whose names
have not been mentioned In connection
with it aave in whisper. It is scarcely
conoelvable that Huston and Sanderson
would bave the nerve to undertake so
bold an enterprise without some powerful
influence behind them. If there are any
such let them be brought into the glare
of public scorn. Punxy Spirit.
The bill which passed the House at
Uarrisburg, yesterday, compelling vac
cination only in case of an epidemic,
should become a law. The present taw,
which requires the immediate vaccina
tion of every child of school age, when
ever somebody takes the whim to de
mand its enforcement, and bringing in
convenience and pain to a multitude
where there may not be a known case of
small-pox within a thousand miles, has
never been heartily approved by the
people, and ia largely responsible for the
growing opposition to an otherwise
wholesome provision of law. Blizzard.
Great, good sense, tersely put.
Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, superin
tendent or public schools In Philadelphia,
haa filed with the Appropriation Commit
tee a vigorous statement in support of a
recommendation that the legislature ap
propriate not less than $15,000,000 for the
schools ol the state for the next two years.
Even with this- amount awarded to
schools, according to Dr. Brumbaugh's
statement, the rate per pupil will, fall be
low that in the school appropriation of
1895. In bis statement to the committee
Dr. Brumbaugh furnishes a mass of in
teresting statistics showing bow appro
priations for schools bave failed to keep
pace with the constantly increasing outn
umber of pupils in attendance. This, it
might be said, is the chief argument of
the advocates of a $15,000,000 appropria
tion. In his letter to the Peace Congress in
New York, President Roosevelt earnest
ly plead that "earnest men, who believe
strongly in the cause, but who bave not
themselves to bear the responsibility of
upholding the nation's honor, should not
by insisting upon the impossible, pot off
the day when the possible can be accom
plished. Harm and not good would re
sult If the most advanced nations, those
in whtch most freedom for the individual
is combined with most efhcienoy in secur
ing orderly justice, as between individ
uals, should, by agreement, disarm aud
place themselves at the mercy of other
peoples less advanced, of other peoples,
still in tlio stage of military barbarism
and military despotism. Anything in the
nature of general disarmament would do
harm and not good if it left the civilized
aud peace loving peoples, tbose with the
highest standards, of municipal and In
international obligation and duty, unable
to check the other peoples who have no
such standards, who acknowledge no such
obligations. Finally, it behoves all of us
to remember, and especially those of us
who either make or listen to speeches,
that there are few more mischievous
things than the custom of uttering or
applauding sentiments which represent
mere oratory, and which are not, and
cannot be, and have not been translated
from words into deeds. An impassioued
oration about peace which includes an
impassioned demand lor something which
the man who makes the demand either
knows or ought to know can not, as a
matter of fact, be done, represents not
gain, but loss for the cause of peace; for
even the nobelest cause is marred by ad
vocacy which is either insincere or fool
ish.' '
, Porkry Items.
John Lore and wife were Warren vlsl
tors last M nday.
Mrs. Oscar Fairweather ia entertaining
her mother, Mrs. Ellithrope, of Latnont,
Frank LittleQeld returned last Tburs
day from a five weeks' stay in the Cali
fornia oil fields. He reports a fine
country and business lively. Wild ducks
and geese are the sportsman's pleasure at
Jas. Harrington, of Kellettvllle, was in
town a few hours on Saturday.
Miss Kittle Hepler visited her friend,
Mrs. Emma King, at Whig II ill, over
The Ladles' Aid met at Mrs. Sara Gil
lespie's last Friday and sewed the entire
day for the benefit of the Bennett family,
who were burned out a couple weeks ago.
There were thirteen ladies present and a
jollier lot would he hard to find, and the
only thing that marred their pleasure
was the very sudden llluess of Mr. O. E.
Rupert, Immediately after dinner. Dr.
Gillespie was called into oonsultati in aud
pronounced the cause of the disease as
eating too much of the "Dutchman's Fa
vorite." The hot soapstoue was applied,
which gave immediate relief, aud the fun
was resumed. 1 he following ia the bill
of fare and the one who guessed the cor
rect names ot the articles named was
awarded a beautiful prize, which was a
marble statue, an em idem of the south,
Mr. Rupert was the lucky winner: 1.
The Staff of Life, Bread; 2. The Swede's
Beverage, Coffee; 3. The Yankee's
Grease, Butter; 4. The Dutchman's Fa
vorite, Sauer Kraut and Dumplings; 5.
The Italian's Delight, Tomatoes; 6. The
Chinese Desert, Rice; 7. The Irishman's
Standby, Potatoes.
Mrs. Archie Matba and children, of
Truemaus, vlsitod Mrs. Slocum on Sun
day. Jacob Swalzfager visited his family
over Sunday.
.Nebraska Vi. C. T. U.
We submit a brief report of the work
done by our Union since the convention
last fall:
Iu October we presented a flag, size 4x8
feet, to the school. Our efforts to teach
patriotism were very kindly aided by
the teachers, Mr. Shoup aud Miss Lura
Harding, each having purchased and
bung on the walls of their school rooms
large portraits of Wasblugton, Lincoln
aud Roosevelt.
In Fenruary a parlor meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. Mary Longstretb.
Also a well attended mothers' meeting at
the borne of Mrs. Allisou. At each of
these meetings a Inncbeon was served
and a very pleasant time enjoyed. A
collection was taken for the work.
In March a "Band of Little Light
Bearers" was started, with the names of
19 babies, or very small children, as
members. Formal organization was de
ferred until warm weather, when the
superintendent will hold a reception and
each member ia expected to be beard
Petition for Local Option Bill was
signed by voters and sent to Harrlsburg.
In April a social meeting and reading
of report of delegate to world's conven
tion beld in Boston.
Miss Jeannette Fuller, of Ohio, was
here on the 10th and met with the mem
bers at the borne of Mrs. Cook. Miss
Fuller is sent out by our State President
and is a a young lady of very pleasing
manners and a good organizer of new un
ions. Supt. op Press,
Cream of the Sews.
Soft people occasionally use hard
Thompson's Barosma not only cures
diseases of the Kidneys, Liver aud Blad
der, but restores the general health. 50o
and $1.00. Dunn & Fulton.
Minds of too many men are filled
with useless knowledge,
The salve that acts like a poultice is
Pine Salve Carbolized. No other salve
so good for cuts, burns, boils and chapped
skin. Ask about it. Price 25 cents. Sold
by J. R. Morgau.
An egotist is the center of admiring
crowd and he's the crowd.
A pretty new shoe that La? all the
comforts of style and fit is half your dress
lu the soft spring days. Hopkins has the
footwear that pleases the ladies, the men,
the boys, the girls. It
A toast -May the best you wish for
be the worst you get.
Thompson's Barosma is a positive
cure for all diseases of the Kidneys, Liv
er, and Bladder. 50c and $1.00. Ask for
a free sample bottle. Dunn & Fulton.
Trying to live up to his good reputa
tion haa kept many a man poor.
Sau-Cura Ointment will positively
cure Piles, Eczema and any skin disease:
25o and 50o. Ask for a free sample.
Duun it Fulton.
Efforts of a homely girl who tries to
look pretty are very often vain.
Thirty days treatment for kidney
bladder troubles and rheumatism for
$1.00. Your money refunded if not sat
isfied. Pineules contain oo alcohol. Do
not derange the stomach. Easy to take.
Sold by J. R. Morgan.
The more a man wants to borrow
the harder he shakes your hand,
The safe, certain, reliable little pills
that do not gripe or sicken are Dade'a
Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head
aches, biliousness and lazy livers. Sold
by J. R. Morgan.
When any one bas done you a favor
bow small it looks the day alter.
Get immediate relief from Backache,
Pain lo the Side, Groin or Hips, by taking
Tbompsou's Barosma, the best Kidney
aud Livor Curo. It makes permanent
cures. A purely vegetable remedy,
adapted to all agus. 50o and $1.00. Free
sample. Dunn & Fulton.
We do a lot of talking about the
weather, but it doesn't do any good.
Cured ol" Itlieiiiiinlisiu.
Mr. Wm. Henry, of Chattanooga,
Tenn., had rheumatism in his left arm.
"The strength seemed to bave gone out
of the muscles so that it was useless lor
work." be says. "I applied Chamber
lain's Pain Bairn and wrapped the arm In
flannel at night, aud to my relief I found
that the pain gradually lelt me and the
strength returned. In three weeks the
rheumatism had disappeared and has not
since returned." II troubled with rheu
matism try a few applications of Pain
Halm. You are certain to be pleased
with the relief which it affotds. For sale
by Duun & Fulton.
Even tbose who haven't an eye for
beauty appreciate a handsome income.
Apartment House Dweller Mistaken
For a Burglar and Killed.
Chicago, April 23. Mistaking the
apartment of Louis Myers for his own
In the building 4C20 Ashland avenue,
John Maklaska was shot and killed as
a burglar early Sunday morning.
He had succeeded In opening the
door, hut was prevented from entering
by the chain with which it was ad
ditionally secured, when Myers fired
through the aperture. The bullet pen
etrated Maklaska'g heart. He lived in
the apartment above that occupied by
The noise of the man fumbling at
the knob of the door awakened Myers'
family at 3 o'clock. Myers called re
peatedly to ascertain who was seek
ing entry. The noise continuing, he
procured his revolver and crouched in
the entrance,, firing as the door
swayed partly open. Then he dressed
and went to the nearest police station
to report that he had killed a burglar.
The Investigation by the police re
sulted in disclosing Maklaska's identi
ty, not as a hurjrtnr. but as an occu
pant of the same building. He was a
stockyard laborer, and, the police h
lleve, was intoxicated and had incor
rectlycounted the flights of stairs he
had mounted when he sought to enter
Myers' home. He was Jfi years old.
Myers, who is a hide inspector for
the Schwarzschlld &. Sulzberger com
pany, was overcome by his fatal mis
take, and was in a state of collapse at
the police station, where he was de
tained to await the result of a coron
er's inquest.
Fired Five Shots at His Wife.
Rome, X. V.. April 2. Edward
Gowring. an attendant at the Rome
State Custodial asylum, attempted last
night, it is charged, to shoot his wife,
who Is also an attendant, at the Insti
tution. Five shots were fired at her
with a revolver, three of which took
effect, but it is not believed the
wounds will prove fatal. Jealousy is
supposed to have prompted the deed.
Gowring says his home is in Bridge
port, Conn., and that he was married
to the woman in Mlddtetown, Conn.,
about nine months ago. They have
been here only a few weeks. Gowring
la under arrest.
Letter to J. C. Myers,
Tionesta, Va.
Dear Sir: If you should bake bread
that people like better tban any other,
and at lees cost by the day, you'd have
pretty-good business, wouldn't you?
We have Just such a business as that in
paint; a gallon goes further than any
other gallon of paint in the country
that's bread at less cost by the day; but
the difference isn't so small as it is in
bread. And a Job wears longer that's
bread at less cost by the year. People
hate to paint; it costs money to paint; and
they hate the fuss. They like our bread
by the year.
If your bread is better tban anybody
else's, and costs less too, you've got a
good trade; for people do like good bread;
and people like money. It doesn't take
long to find-out; give 'em time.
But you can't bake better-tban-any-body-else's
bread for half the usual price
for a breakfast, can you?
Devoe is just such paint as that. Tbe
price by tbe gallon or loaf is no matter.
Count bv the day week mouth year life
time. Devoe is the bread. We hope
yours is as good.
Yours truly,
21 F. W. Devoe A Co.,
New York.
P. S. Dunn t Fulton sell our paint.
State of Ohio City, of Toledo, )
Lucus County, )
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be
Is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J.
Cheney fe Co., doing business in tbe
City oi Toledo, County and State afore
Bai.', and that sal 'I firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
ray presence, this 6th day ot December,
A. D. 1896.
seal. A. W. GLEASON.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly ou the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tbe system. Send for
testimonials, free.
A Woman Tells How to Relieve Itheumatio
I have been a very great sufferer from
tbe dreadful disease, rheumatism, for a
number of years. I bave tried many
medicines but never got much relief from
any of them until two years ago, when I
bought a bottle ot Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. I fonnd relief before I bad used
all of one bottle, but kept on applying it
and soon felt like a different woman.
Through my advice many of my friends
have tried it and can tell you bow won
derfully It has worked, Mrs. Sarah A,
Cole, 140 H. New St., Dover, Del. Cham
berlain's Pain Balm is a liniment. Tbe
relief from pain wbicb it affords Is alone
worth many times Its cost. It makes
rest and sleep possible. For Bale by
Dunn 6 Fulton.
via .Nickel Plato Road.
Account Mystic Shrine Meeting, and
German Baptist Conference. Tickets
April 24th to May 17th. Full information
of Agent or address C. A. Asterlin, I). P.
A., 807 State St., Erie, Pa. 3
Whooping CoukIi.
I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in my family in cases of whooping
cough, and want to tell you that it is the
best medicine 1 have ever used. W. F.
Gaston, Posco, Ga, This remedy is sa'e
and sure. For sale by Dunn fc Fulton.
Notice to Public.
At a meeting of the Hoard of Directors
of tbe Citizens National Bank of Tiones
ta, held at the Banking House, February
2i5, 11)07, the following persons, T. D. Col
lins, L. J. Hopkins, J. C, Bowman, F.
X. Kreitler, F. R. Lanson, O. W. Proper,
A. M. Doutt, R. M. Herman, E. L. De
woody, executed a bond to protect all
Depositors and Crouitors of the Citizens
National Bank, of Tlonesta, from loss,
and guaranteeing tbe payment of same,
(. F. Watson was unanimously elected a
Director for the ensuing year.
T. D. Collins, President.
J. C. Bowman, Secretary. tf
First Soixlay Excursion.
100 Miles and Return lor $1.00.
via Nickel Plate Road.
Commencing Sunday, April 28th, and
each Sunday following, individual tick
ets will be sold to points within 1H miles
at $1.00 round trip. Full information of
Agent, or address C. A. Asterlin, D. P.
A., 807 State St., Erie, I'a. 2
Yea, I Have Poind It at I.aat.
Found whalf Why that Chamberlain's
Salve cures ecze ui and all manner of
itching of the skin. I have been afflicted
for many yeara with skin disease. I had
to get up three or four times every night
and WMh wiib cold water to allay tbe
terrible itching, but since using this
salve in December, 1!K)5, the itchinv has
stopped and baa not troubled me. Elder
John T. Ongley, Rootville, Pa. For sale
by Dunn A Fulton.
So sure are we that Thompsons Baros
ma will cure any disease of the Kidneys,
Liver and Bladder, also Backache, Side
ache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Dropsy,
Non-retention, Palpitation of the Heart
and Nervousness, that we will guarantee
to do so. Thompson's Barosma, 60o and $t.
Sample bottle free. Dunn A Fulton.
Whereas, The Hon. W. M. Llndsey,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holdinga Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on
the Third Monday of Mav, being
the 20th day of May, . 1907. No
tice is therefore civen to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there iu their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ot said dav with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their office appertain to be done,
and tothosewhoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be In tiiejail of Forest County, that
they mav be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Giveu un
der my hand and seal this 22d day of
April, A. D. I!J.
a. w. STKUUi', il.8.j siiertn.
Till. 4 1. LIST.
List of causes set down for trial in the
Court of Common Pleasof Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Third Monday of May. 11)07 :
1. i, u. Collins, f . X. Kreitler, r . K.
Brown and W. W. Dickey vs. L. 8.
Clougb and T. E. Bradley. No. 5, Sep
tember term, 11)05. Summous in Eject
2. Catherine Bailey et al. vs. Ida
Hammond et al. No. 1, September term,
3. T. D. Collins vs. South Penn Oil
Co. No. 12, November term, 1905. Sum
mons In Ejectmeut.
4. Daniel Steiuer vs. B. C, Hadden.
No. 33, November term, 1900.
5. Forest A. Huff vs. Ben. Franklin
Insurance Co. No. hi, November term,
Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Tionesta, Pa., April 22, 1907.
Executors' Notice.
Letter Testamentary on tbe estate of
C. W. Clark, late or Tionesta Borough,
Forest County, Pa., deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to make payment without delay, and
those having claims or demands will pre
sent them, duly authenticated, for settle
ment. Mrs. Ada Clark,)
. Jonkth Clark, Executors.
F. R. Lanson, )
Tionesta, Pa.
S. D. Irwin, Attorney. 4 17-61
County Bridge Painting.
As per Act of Assembly, approved
April 21, 190;, tbe Commissioners of For
est County will receive sealed proposals
for the painting of the following bridge :
Upper bridge across Tionesta Creek at
NebrMska, Green township. Two spans,
147 feet each in length, width of roadway,
18 feet in clear.
All guard rails and all iron and steel to
be first thoroughly cleaned by removing
all scales and blisters and then to be thor
oughly painted one coat with a paint of
established reputation for five years' du
rability on metal surfaces, and to be
guaranteed to remain in good and effect
ive condition for five yeais from date of
painting: all loose nuts to be tightened.
Contractor to furnish all materials, also
furnixb and remove all scaffolding. All
work to be completed on or before tbe
first day ot September, 1907. All bids
must be on file in tbe Commissioners '
office in Tionesta, oo or before the sev
enth day of May, 1907. Tbe Commis
sioners reserve the right to reject any or
all bids.
Leonard Aonew,
Andrew Wolf,
Philip Emert,
County Commissioners.
Attest :-J. T. Dale, Clerk.
Tionesta, Pa., Marob 27, 1907.
Notice to Electors.
In compliance with tbe requirements
of the Act of Assembly of tbe Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, "providing a
uniform method of electing certain party
officers," eto . approved the 17tb day of
February, 1906, we, the Couniy Commis
sioners of Forest County, hereby give
notice that the lollowing Delegates to
State Conventions sre to be elected iu
said County; also party Committeemen
together with a list of tbe County Offices
for which nominations are to be made, at
tbe primary election to be held on Sat
urday, June 1st, 1907.
One delegate to the State Convention.
One member of the County Committee
from each election dietriot.
One County Treasurer.
One delegate to the State Convention.
Two members of the County Commit
tee from each Township.
One County Treasurer.
Four delegates to the State Convention.
One County Treasurer.
The above constitutes tbe list of offi
cers to be nominated or elected at tbe
spring primary election, as per certifica
tion of the Chairmen of the several polit
ical parties of Forest County filed in tbe
otlice of tbe County Commissioners,
Leonard Aonew,
Andrew Wolf,
Philip Emert,
County Commissioners.
J. T. Dale, Clerk.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Aud all kinds of
Administratrix's Notice.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of James K. Green, late of Harmony
township, Forest county. Pa., deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons indebted to said estate are
hereby notified to make payment with
out delay, and tbose having claims or de
mands will present them, duly authenti
cated, for settlement.
Cynthia K. Green, Administratrix,
3-20 lit. West Hickory, Pa.
F.lectric Oil. Guaranteed for
Rheumatism, Sprains, Sors
Kent, Pains, Ac. At nil dealers
al I
preparTd PAINTs
Why Experiment?
Vfe have ttccn buying ind selling paint
tor years and know all about ii. t'a hava
done more to beautify the homciof aome
of our beat men than the greateat artlata
whose masterpieces adorn the walla to
day. You ask, "How to?" and Its caally
explained I we have been selling petal
for the W.Mt and outalde of bulldtnia
and we have tried every kind of paint and
we guarantee there la nothing equal to
Wn Pioneer Prepared Paint.
Wear backed up In thla by a great
big Concern and Afni aaya every gallon
that la not rl-ht he will replace, and he
haa been making paint for ality-four
years and la making an honcat practical
Pilot. We can tell you what It will coat
to paint your houae and will be glad to
give you free a color card ehowing many
aimpla colors if you write or call to
Tionesta, Fn.
A Talk on
Clothing manufacturers bave
learned how to ut quality ioto their
products so that the clothes will re
tain shape and character tod give
service Some of them do this while
others avoid the issue on account of
the increased expense and continue to
make clothes as they express it, "To
Sell Commercially All Wool, and
Tailored With a Hot Iron."
From your standpoint there is but
one way, unless you are a clothes ex
pert. Trade only at a store where
you can place your entire confidence
without fear of its being abused.
McCiieu Co. Clothing.
Fitted by au expert cutter. High
class designing. Thorough work
manship throughout.
Blue and grey worsted serge suits,
double and single-breasted, of tbe
newest spring and summer models,
$15 to $25.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. ,
Our Boys' Oxtords will keep
the boy's leet cool and comfort
able during tbe spring and
summer months.
The boy's tireless feet should
be kept comfortable as well as
his father's.
Box Calf and Kid; Oxlords,
Lace and Blucher cut. Dura
ble, comtortable and stylish.
$1.50 to $3.50.
All sizes.
A pair of our Boys' Oxfords
will make the boy look like a
young gentleman and feel like
Cor. Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Fred. Grettenberger
AH work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Klacksmitbiug prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and Just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
las. M.
llepair Boilers), Mills,
Tanks, Agitators. Itiijs
and Nells Second - hand
Boilers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension Bridpe,
Third ward, OILi CITY, PA.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
mm 1 m ir A & VI ni hi. Basaw
Style &
This hits tbe nail of clothing satisfaction on tbe bead
and without it your spring clothing offers you absolutely
no distinction front the "ready-made" crowd.
The Advantage in Buying
from the Glasgow
Lies in tbe fact that the clothing we make is tailored to
p6rso al measure by skilled union tailors who "know
how." Thus tbe absolute assurance of getting clothing
that is faultless in workmanship and material, combined
with excellency of fit, makes this a place worthy of your
The Famous "Glasgow" Prices.
$15, $18,
Suits and
Top Coats
Pressed and
Fine Wooleus direct from
Time Deposits Solicited. Will
A. Watni Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, Q. W. Robinson, Wm. Htnearbaugb,
N.P.Wheeler, T. F.RItohev. J. T. Dale. A. B.Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all tbe benefits consistent with oonserrstlve banking. Interest pld on time
deposit. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
Monarch Clothing Co.
Elegant and stylish grey and Fancy Worsted Suits, made io the very
latest style, cut long, double or single breasted. The most " ( QQ
beautiful patterns Equal to custom tailored, at pXV.(70
Stylish grey Plaid or Fancy Worsted Suits, Blue Serge of the finest
quality, also Black Thibet, Black Worsted or stylish all wool Cheviot Suits
111 faucy and late patterns. Made double or single breasted flQ QQ
for raeu or young meu, at P(7.t70
Suits that would easily coat you f 10 and $12 in auy other store, made
of durable all wool Mixed Cheviots, Plain Cheviots or Fancy QCi QQ
Mixed Worsteds. Perfect fitting and strictly up to date, at PO.C70
Boys' or Children's Suits, at $1.98, $3.9S, $3.9S.
Sale of Women's Suits, Coats, Jackets, Skirts and Waists now on.
Made to
Repaired Free.
our own mills sold by tbe yard
pay Fottr Per Cent, per Annum
Vice President
A remarkable purchase from
the Snellenburg High Grade
Clothiers will enable us to offer
lor the next lew days the most
remarkable values in new and
stylish Men's and Boys' Suits, .
&c. "
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